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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1907)
""Tyr:vrwWH BPf DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALEM, RBQON TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1007. t - f ' 'o more Icohol As now made, Aycr'a Sarsaparilla docs not con mitt the least particle of alcohol in any form what- ever. You get all the tonic and alterative effects, without stimulation. When a stimulant is needed, your doctor will Know it, ana win ten you or it. Consult him freely about our remedies. Wo hvo no ooreti t We pnbllih J. CArerCo., Mwnvtat wnaa tho formulM of Ml our preparations. 7m flw scaiicb. I " Tm... M.... Tli. ITll elrprni.l'ors' wiw ' - All " fere will b p.actlMdly com- GENERAL summers pleased. Praise Oregon Soldier Hoys nwl Their Work. General Owen Summers, who has returned from Seasldo after revlew- ..i, ipernnh system j.i ni lit- -o--." - ,n rnif.d States before ,ing tho guardsmen at Camp Everett shout tno ini i .,, ,.,...,.. it 4 f the wfck, uccoruing io advices being received by lo- c timnna not lelegrapncrB. ring up tnccrd-iuu. ..". ,e0 the Pb3 news, ami J.. operator who wears Ke with the exception of those .Hearst papers, win win . cagoand .New iu.h. u ,. ffalk out in a suoit u.n, e a question of a few hours, g wm so cripple mo luuiw ui . -... t,oni nut nf business. 9 10 I'"'' " ""- mtfntB and purposes. The te legraphers have been expecting blng of this character since st strike talk, anu tno mnnng- the local offices nave uecn r their preniirations. A walk- Chicago and New York would ffcctlvo as though tho Btriku ed In Portland, as most of the as transacted In the local or- omes from those two Western Associated Press operators are r of tho union, and, whllo ay not walk out, it Is believed .. 1 n l 1.11. nt nay. ai icbhi, uiju " Talking out. Such an action , of course, cripple tho jjows- or eliminate all news dis- durlng tho strike, , except i could bo put through by long Ice phoning across tho country. All tho World. thit Ballard's Snow Linlmont ho inporlor for Rheumatism, JotoU, Cuts, Sprains, Lura- and all pains. Buy It, try It you will always uso It. Any who baa used Ballard 'a Snow lent It a living proof of what It All wo aak of you lsto get u bottle. Prlco 25c, 60o and Bold by D. J. Fry. O ' bcock I'm alarmed about Han- He seems to hnvo something is mimi. Hitchcock Uiau to tit. He's lucky theso days, to fa mind to hold It on. . o l'onr Lire? or order, You go to bod In a umor and cot up with a bud In your mouth. You want thing to stlmulato your ltror. try Horblno, tho Hvor rogular- A poUlTo euro for ConMJpa Djqpopala and all HYor com J. Mrs. F , Ft. Worth, Tox- rltw: "Havo uood Horblno In unlly for yoars. Words can't what I think about it. ody In my houeohold aro hap- mi well, and wo owo It to Hor- Sold by D. J. Fry. mu3t have been the export of Idnlcht Poutry Association that 1 the ducks from tho Central hit Xot a slnglo swan-boat nlfJlng tho next morning. '1 Players and Foot Racers! pi J. Krugo-, ox-champion long w foot racor of Germany and d, writes, Oct. 27, 1001: uring my training of eight '' foot races at Salt Lake City, !r last, I used Ballard's Snow lnt to ray groateat satlafac- frefore, I highly rooommond Liniment to all who aro trou- 'Ith sprains, brulsea, or rhwU.- ." 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold J. Fry. the Indianapolis cocktails aro oarer the gcntulne, "pure-food" than the store-made butter i Of thege decennrntn tlmpo In w -w ., htch inks. critics ought to let up on T"e Cliannlnff Wnmnn nee3aarlly ono of perfect form 'l.Ur08" Many a plain woman j Id noor servo as an artist's I3es thoso rare quallUes "' be world admires; neatness, yes. clean, smooth skin and PShUiiiofia of atop and action company kooJ health. A pttys- oak woman U never attrae wt ovon to herself. Electric restore eak women, give aZr06' br,sht ' smooth, kln, beautiful complexion. -1 at J. c. Perry, drugigst! commends highly the showing in maneuvers of tho companies. Ho said th'ls merning: "The regiment formed in the grovo at 3:30 after church services, for dress parado and review, Tho mem bers mado a splendid' appearance and deserve much commendation on the way they executed tho moves. They havo made remarkable progress In tho short period of training. Col onel McDonell and tho other ofllcors desorvo praise for the way they nro carrying out. discipline. "I also made a personal inspection of tho camps, finding the sanitary ar rangements excellent, owing to tho proximity df tho Ncanlcum. Tho camp Is very orderly, and, so far as I could sco, everything was In good shape." o A Wonderful Happening. Port Byron, N. Y., has wltnessod ono of tho moat romarkablo cases of hoallng oyer rocorded. Amos F. King, of that placo cays: "Buck lon'a Arnica Salvo cured a soro on my log with which I sad suffjrod ovor 80 yoars. I am now olghty flvo." Quarantoed to euro all soreB, by J. O. Perry, druggist. 2Cc. J o The Now York marine underwrit ers havo advanced rales Bharply slnco Oscar Hammcrsteln announced that ho Is about 'to Import eight now grand operas, and all tho voices go with them. o There Aro Few Pooplo who know how to tako care of themselves the majority do not. Tho llvor 1b a most important orgaa In tho body. Horblno will keep it in condition. V. O. Slmpklns, Alba, Toxaa, writea: "I have used Horblno for Shllla and Fovor and find It tho best medicine I over used. I would not bo without It. It is as goood for children as M is for grown-up people and I rooommond it. It is fine for La Grippo." Sold by D. J. Fry. o If Mr. Rockofollor Is ordered to como Into court -to testify ho may consent to tako tho matter under ad vlsomont. Chicago Nows. o nd Barn Quickly nealed. "I am bo delighted with what Chamborlaln's Salvo has dono for mo that I fool bound to writo and toll you so," says Mrs. Hobort Mytton, 457 John St., Hamilton, Ontario. "My lfttlo daughter had a bad burn on hor knoo. I appllod Chambor laln's Salvo and it healed beautiful ly." This b&Ivo allays tho pain of a burn almost instantly. It is for sale by Dr. Stono'a Drug Store. o Gonoral Kurokl could hardly go through tho United States more speedily If ho had como over hero to writo a book about It. Boston Globe. X-RAYS The newspaper cuts of Philander C. Knox,- Pennsylvania's presidential offering, bdar a wonderful resemb lance to one Harry Orchard, .Idaho's example In tho "hall of fame.' Now then, which ono do you supposo will get mad flrBt? Orchard swears he does not know tho manner of his maternal grand mother's death. Tho old lady prob ably expired beforo Orechard beenmo familiar with dynamite. Sho la ono oi thoso he know vho got away. o GOVEHNOlt HOKE SMITH. Of Georgia Talks About Politics lu Inaugural Address. 'banks has money to burn, but it tn?,1 10 ,ornI ay ' A Memorable Day. Ono of tho days wo remember with pleasuro, as well as with profit to our health on which wo becamo ac qauinted with Dr. King's Now Ufo Fills, tho painless purifiers that cure headache and bllllousnoss, and keep tho bowels right. 25c at J.C. Perry's drug store. n If Mr. Roosevelt could break tho solid south ho would bo willing to break Jtho Washington precedent. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. n Constipation. For constipation thero Is nothing qulto so nioo as Chamborlaln's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. They always produco a pleasant movement of the bowles without any disagreeable ef fect. Price, 25 conta. Samples free at Dr. Stone's Drug Store. O" A Marinette (Wis.) girl has been given ?14,000 for the loss of her hair. Many a man has gone bald headed trying to make les9. Detroit Free Press. a Abralmm Lincoln kwaa a man who, against all olds, attained the highest honor a man can get in the United States. Bal lard's Horehound Syrup has attained) a place, never equalled by any other like remedy. It Is a euro cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Iuiluea sa aad all Pulmonary disease. Bvery nother ehoala" keep supplied wkk this -woaderful eouga medlclae. Sel sy D. J. Fry. Popular government can only ex ist as a 'substantial reality when tho voters aro given a full opportunity to express their convictions nt tho ballot box. In our Btato It Is especially impor tant that this opportunity bo glvon In our primaries. By common con sont, an overwhelming majority of tho peoplo accept tho verdict of tho primary as conclusive. If machlno politicians aro allowed to mnnlpulato either tlmo or mannor of holding primaries the will of tho peoplo can bo defeated, and tho schemes of tho machlno may bo sub stituted for popular government. A common dodgo Is to call a primary long beforo an election when tho Is sues nro not boforo tho people. No primary should bo permitted moro than sixty dayB boforo the election. I havo no deslro to dlscuBS tho past, but I would protect tho future. Lot us by legislative action fix tho tlmo for party primaries and sur rund them with safeguards which will guarnntoo In future an opportu nity for tho votors to solect their ofllceholdors, untrnmmolcd by cun ning devices. 1 r-o Fruit Syrups.. RnBpborry, strawberry, plncnpple, blnckborry and chorry Byrup 1b easily mado, and comes In vory handy for many usos. When soft berrlea nro used, It is bettor to put thorn through tho fruit pressor and strain boforo cooking tho Juices. For cherries, slono tho chorrles and lot tho Julco drain from thorn, Thon, in tho julco dissolve two cupfulB of granulated sugar, put tho chorrles and tho sweet ened syrup ovor tho fire and cook for ten minutes; tako from tho flro and put through tho press, and return to tho flro nnd boll utll a thick syrup is formed. Two cupfuls of granulated sugar 1b allowed to two cupfuls of chorry Julco. Tho samo proportions to bo obsorved with other pulces. This syrup must bo scaled up whllo boiling hot, and Is flno to serve a fow tonsponnfuls of tho syrup with Iced wator, thinning to taoto. In canning chorrles, or other Juicy fruits, ono often has a romnant of Julco loft aft or filling tho Jars, and this can bo mado Into fruit syrups and bottled for futuro uses. o Not "a Quiet Wedding." St. Joseph. Mo., July 1G. In a fight at tho colebratlon of his daugh ter's marriage last night, James Slay- ton was killed by a blow on tho jaw, breaking his nock, Fred Kendall, a guost, has been nrroseted and charged with tho murder. He Fired the Stick. "I hare fired the walking-stick I've carried over 40 years, on account of a Bore that resisted every kind of treatment, untfl I triod Bucklon's Arnica Salve; that has healed the sore and ,mado me a happy man," writes John Garrott, of North Mills, N. O. Guaranteed fer Piles, BurnB etc., by J. O. Perry druggist. 25c. o Pio Plant Jelly. July is tho month In which to make plo-plant Jelly, and if ono can get red currants, using one-third currants to two-thirds rhubarb, a much finer Jolly will bo tho result than If rhubarb alono Is used, and a much cheaper ono than If only cur rants aro used. Canned rhubarb may bo used to good advantage as an acid addition to mincemeats. Rhubarb can be dried, and kept for winter uso, and will bo liked by some as an addition to apples for sauco or pies. o The Magic No. 3. Number three is a wondorful mas- cot for Geo. H. Parris of Cedar Grove, Me., according to a letter which reads: "After suKorlng much with llvor and kidney trouble, and becoming greatly discouraged by the fcvllure to find relM, I tried Hlectrie Bitters, and as a result l "well man today. The tret bottle relieved and three bottle completed the er." Guraateed beet e earth for stoasaeh, Mver as kMaey treaties, by J. O. Perry dreggW. Stc I That the Full Strength flavor and quality may be fully protected Tolger's Golden Gate Teas are packed flavor-tight in dust proof cartons. They give tea satisfac tion. J. A. Fol(cr (EX Co. Sian FranoUoo Importers of Pure Tata TEA GEYLOH a Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll nover bothor with haviai it dono at home again. Time was when every family could not affoH to send the washing to a laundry, but times have changed so, too, have tho methods and prices. Today you can bettor afford to send the family washing here than not to. Ask about our prices on family wash ing, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry Phoae 90. 189-108 B. Liberty 8. i ' ' -.s-sa'" tlfW-(MH--tttllllllrllltH--frgtr CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 44HHllllllTHl4HHM4irtHifrllM FOS SALE. For Sale Ten head of good milk cows. Fred A. Mclntlro. Salem, Iloutc No. 3. Phono Farmers' 36. 7-13-3t For Sale. Good 4-vear-old drlvlnir. mnro, also a good worker. Weight about 1050 pounds. Route No. C. Phono 233 Farmers. W. A. Bnr kus. 7-13-3t I'lUMioincnnl Berries Bettor than Logan borrics, fresh from tho vino. Phono your order in for prompt dolivery. Goo. W. Weeks, phono Farm 41. 7-2-2w Voget Lumber nnd Fuel Co. Lum bar .ahinglos, building material, wood and coal. Low prices and prompt deliveries. Ono block cast of S. P. paseeogic dopot. Phono 198. 7-2-tf For Sale Now and socond-hnnd fur niture kitchen utonslls, bicycles, tonta and camping outfits. We nro money-savors for ourcustom ors. Conrad Dlllmnn. C-2G-lm For SaIc KcKlstered Berkshire hogs, sire by Western Star 3d, 88,046, bred up close to grand ehamplon of St. Louis exposition, good piano bindor. H. A. Clark, corned B and Sixth streets, Pleas ant Home addition to Salem, Ore gon. 6-20-lm For Bale Old papers,, 10 cents per hundred. Inquire Journal office. Why Pay Itontn-When you can buy a nice home at 580 N. Liberty St., on terms to suit tho purchaser. Address O. H. Burggraf, Albany, Ore. 6-17-tf. FOR RKNT .My: LITTLE BO-PJSKP LOST 1IBR SHMBP But no one need worry about matton this time of the year, if they can get dainty and delicious Spring lamb en an appetising and nourishing Sum mer meal. We have everyehlng la choice meats, and all the dellcaclea of the season in both freih and smoked meats that will please the moit critical epicure. E. O. CROSS, States Street Market Phoae 301 Salem Fence Wire Headquarters for Wovea wire Fencing. Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles, P & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doors and Adjuetlble Window Screens All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore O C. T. Co. STEAMERS POMONA AND OREGONA LEAVE FOR PORTLAND DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY AT O A. M. P. M BALDWIN, Agt. 'or Rent Furnished or utffurnfshe houso, or would sell; and also smaller place. Enqulro of Mrs. A. Strong, 483 South Commercial Btreot, or phonp 1447. 7-13-lwl: For Rent Furnished and unfur nished rooms. Inquire at 790 N Commercial street. M. A. Dice. 0-15-lwUf For Rent Seven-room house, hot and cold water, electric light, bath room. Inqulro of Aug. Sohrelb er, COO North High street. 3-25-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Piano Tuner L. L. Woods, piano el port tuning, repairing and polish lng. Leave orders at Goo. O Wills' music store, Salem. 2- 9-lyr Concrete Work. Get my prloes os sidewalks, ourbs, septlo tanks and oement work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. II Ward, Highland add. Phone 609 6-11-tf Hatto A WcHderoth Fine wines, liquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Cattls whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drough. Boutb Commercial street 9-S-lyr Salem Iron Works. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drylag stoves, etc. Manufacturers of thi Salem Iron Works Hop Press. Salem Box & Lumber Co. Removed from South Salem to 14th street, near the S. P. depot. Boxes, Berry Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfectloe Fruit Evaporators. Phone 201. LODGES. Foresters of America Court Bhvr wood Foresters, No. 19. Mooto Tuosday In, Hurst hall, Stato Btroot Loo Abblo. C. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. ft Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall In Holmnn block, cor nor Stato and Llborty Btroota, Tuesday of each week at 7:30 p. m. OBcar Johnson, C. C; Q. H. Andorson, K. of R. nnd S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Moots overy Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock in Holmnn hall. W. W Hill, V. C,: F. A. Turner, Clork. Woodmen of World Meet overy Fri day night at 7:30, in Holman hall. J. A. Dickey, C. S.; P. L. Frailer, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, accl dent and ponalon Insurance; 2, 000,000 pledged; overy claim pali Good agents wanted. J. H. G. Montgomery, supremo organiser. Box 4S2 Salem, Oregon. R. R. Ryan, sccrectary, 646 State street. LOST. Lost Strcot enr conductor's punch somowhero on Stato street line Finder loavo at olectrio ofilco, cor nor of Stato and Commercial streets. 7-12-3t Lost Mnlo Colllo, with characteris tic marks, ono mllo west of Cho mawa, July 0, Woro leather col Jar with short ropo attached. Find er will rocolvo reward by notify, lug M. W. Cooper, Chomawn. 7-12-3tf i MUSICAL. . Arthur Von Jceson Tcackor of pi ano; touch, technlch, interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory course Advanced students proparod for public appearance Residence CG8 Center St. Tol. Main 626. 2-28-tf. WANTKD. Wanted To borrow 11000 oa the I best of real estate security. Ay ply to "J. P.," care Journal ofloe. 4-20-tf Highest Cash Price Paid for chick ens at Willamette Hotel. 4-19-tf . Wanted Dining room girl at Cot- tago Hotel. . 7-13-lt Wanted. Pnlntor, good brush hand. Enqulro of T. J. Krosu, 30C North; 20th Btroot, 7-13-3t i- Putting In Modern Plumbing PiuJftJ'H! ' -- wmm :JNhWliXL i yar ij- ll- --1 3UP ;8a(if'.M i JKmVMf t.i iwBPraffraO1' KfflV aeasisKS, as BUILDING A HOUSK We can supply you with the lum ber you seed at the prise that will materially eeoBosalxe fa the sort. Just eoe sad see us asd leek evr ear yards. OOODAIJi LOMJHsst CO., Yalg Xear Det. Enlarged Our moat market on East State street has been doubled In size and we are hotter prepared than over to serve customers. Prompt service and the best of moats our motto. Call or phono 199. B. E. Edwards, Prop Wo Are Cash Purchasers Of poul try, eggs, and all klndB of farm produco. Berry cratos made up in unllmltod quantities. Capital Commission Co., 267 South Com mercial Btreot, Salem. Phono Main 179. FLTJMBBK0. ico. h. uarr numning, not waw and steam beating and tlanlaa 164 Commercial street. Phoai Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J, Petsel PlnaablBg, steasa &J gas fitting. acce0or to Kbox I Murphy, 226 CoBwerei&l street 'Pkeae Mala 17. UAMK AJO DOOX FAOTOXDM. ft.'yi. rraak M. ewK Maawfeetarer sash, aW. fetewMfo&s. All kiads erf sad kti wee4 week In now houses and buildings, as woll sb refitting old houses, keeps us pretty busy in the spring, when building Is at flood tide. Our facili ties aro always equal to tho occa sion, and wo would Invito builders and contractors to got estimates from us on plumbing, gas fitting, steam fitting and roofing boforo going olo whore, as we do export work at roa sonnblo prices. A. L. FRASER 208 Stato Street. Phono 185. lS?tHCi$ -fftw sti 1311 irarar J. M. LAWRENCE Formerly Baker, Lawreace A Baker. RelkWe Grocer, At 1 OW Stmmd