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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1907)
WfflPWPF . V W9 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORBGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1007. o PPWPW"!! 'SHOkT? TALKS BY L. T. COOPER. LACK OF ENERGY. HI 4I1111S MX. A. O. LATUDYS. No man or woman can be successful or happy If they lack energy. If they get up in the mormngareaa Ing the days work ahead they will ac complish very little. A great many people are thla way. The cause is lack of vitality. Vitality or en ergy la the power to go and keep on going without becoming more than healthily tired. It comes from a perfectly working system just as power comes from a perfectly working en gine. If you lack this power something is out of order. Ten to one it's your stomach. ' Take two bottles of Cooper's New Discovery. It will get the ctomach la shape. Bee if energy and ambition don't come back before the two bottles are gone. This letter is from a man who tried it: "After suffering for some time from stomach trouble, loss of appetite, headaches and a kind of 'all tuckered out' feeling I decided to try Cooper' New Discovery." "I used to get up in the morning with my tongue coated and sick at my stomach. I would feel an though it was almost impossible to drag myself to work. Lots of times I had dizzy spells and backaches. After I used several bottles all these symptoms be- fan to disappear and soon I began to eel like my old self strain. Now I feel JJko 2i new man. It is a pleasure td work, for I always feel like It. I eat well, and sleep well and am sure I will have no further trouble with my stomach." A. G. Latubys, 167 Porter St., Detroit, Mich. It is estimated that nearly half a million bottles of the famous Cooper medicines were sold during Mr. Coop er's recent demonstration in Chicago We are agents. MOKE ABOUT SCABBY SHEEP. Commissioner Stcnsloff Says 70 Per Cent of Lane County Sheep llnvo Scab. State Commissioner StenBloff, in an interview, gives some Interesting facts, concerning the sheep Industry in Oregon. He said: "There are, In round numberd, over 1,300,000 head of sheep In Ore gon east of the Cnscado mountains, and over 270,000 in the counties comprising tho first district In west ern Oregon. "Tho prevalence of scabbies among sheep Is so sorlous in this Btate," Bald Commissioner Stcnsloff, "that Oregon has been quarantined against by overy state in tho union. Since Oregon, however, has adopted suit able codo of laws for tho cotnplote eradication of tho dlseaBO. The sheepmen domand protection against otuor states. Governor Chamberlain Iiub Issued it proclamation declaring a quarantine against Washington, Nevada and California, which have enacted laws for wiping out tho con tagion. "Llttlo is understood of tho dam ago that hriB been Inflicted upon tho Bheop industry of tho Btate through scab. Inspections by tho government men show that about 15 per cent of tho nheep in eaBtorn Oregon are in foctod, although tho flocks in many of tho counties nro clean. In Marlon county 7 per cent Is affected; Wash ington, 5 por cent; Polk, 4 per cont; Benton, 4 por cent; Yamhill 25 por cont; Linn, 30 por cont; Lane, 70 per cont; Douglas 00 por cont; Jackson, one-tenth of ono por cont; Josephine, Coos and Curry, clean. J. C. PERRY SUSTAIN A SQUARE CAMPAIGN Journal Gaining Large Lists of Read ers By Rghllng Grafts Tho Capital Journal novor had as flno a support from tho goncral pub lie as It Is receiving at prosont for Its gonoral anti-graft campaign. It Iiiih the satisfaction of knowing that tho people nro with It on tho main llnou of reducing tho bunions of tax at Ion and holding down solflshnosB and corruption to a minimum. Tho editor of tho Capital Journal has boon Invited to address four largo educational audioncou tho past wook and not an educator In this (itato but npprovos of Its course But tho sup port of the pooplo Is tho first proof of tho corroctnoss of the positions taken by a nowspnpor and horo nro a few supperters: W. V. Hosowoll, 871 E. 12 St. N. W. 1). Pottlnglll, It. 3, Siilom. John Mumm, U. 5, Salum. Geo. Wooka, H. 8, Salem. B. V, Jones, Independence, P. L. Dnvldson, Sr.-, Sheridan, Or Ferguson, Z. K., Compton, Calif. M. (loodel, Stuyton. G. B. TraHk, Stayton. J. A. Slildall, It. No. 0. Hoofer & Zorn, Aurora. W. E. Amlorsun, Salem. W. M. Mclntyro, Portland. M. Pantr, Portland. Mrs. Wm. Stool, Tumor. W. II. Berry, Tumor. Jno. Wndklns, Tumor. I. L. Hobortson, Turner, I. H. Small. Turner. E. O. Baker, Turner. Frank Losllo, Stayton. B. B. BiiQk, Stnyton. L. n. Gibson, It. No. 1. G. A. Nye, Salem. J, T. AdaniB, Snloin. W, T, Blahos, Tumor. H. B. Arnold East Aurora, 111, John Bnuinauii, Nellgh, Nob. H. G. Mller, Stayton. Goo. Huof, Independence. Goo. W. Eyro, Salem. C. M. Sullivan, Mt. Tabor, Ore. W. II. Rogers, It. D., SUvorton. P. M. Petersou, Salem. .1. s Moyor, Salem. Mtigglo Whltlock, Salem, E. G. White, Salem. Alfred Hayball, Salem. P. G. Meyers, Salem. , S. P. Crackon, Skeona Wyor, B, C John I Initios, Watovn, Okla. C. I. Wackcrt, It, &o. 9. J. Colvln, Turner. L, II. Turner, Turner. J. A. lloustoii, Salem. C. T, Doty, Salem. J. D, McOlaln, R, No. 5 Salem. A. R. Itedrhlr, Sl. D, H. Ferrll, Wu. Tho Juno Mngazlnes. McCluro'e contains moro Import ant and entertaining roadlng than ono could expect to find In thrco numbora of any mngazlno. Ellon Terry contributes hor charming and fascinating "Memoirs of My Child hood" thnt glvo Btorloa of hor won derful girlhood, and hor dobut, and pictures of tho nctors nnd tho English Btngo of fifty years ago. Tho illustrations vlo with tho tost In oxcollonco. Ellon Terry's Me moirs has Bovcral raro and beautiful photogrnphH. P. Waltor Taylor did tho best Blnglo Illustration of tho month for "Tho Profile" J. Mont gomery Plngg drow Bovoral clover pictures for "Tho Wlldornoss of Mr. Harcourt Potors." Thoro nro somo flno portraits of tho Schurz Remini scences. "By Airship to tho North Polo," and "Tho Fight of the Copper Kings," nro each embellished with Bovoral photographs thoso of tho lattor woro takon by tho nrtlst Frank 13, Schoonovor. Tho Bohemian. Bynner, Walter A. Frost, Frances' Bert Dillingham, Cnlo Young Rice,' and Walter Prlchard Eaton. "Tho Interpreter" talks about so cialism. . -o SUvcrton Items. Tho grand ball given at .the W. O W. hall last Saturday evening was well attended. A nice time was had by all. Miss Flodene Wollborn visited at her homo npar Salem last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. E. L. -Smith made a trip to I'ortianu last wook. a Mrs. Fnnnlo Drake made n trip to Portland last Thursday. Mr. A. Mount of Washington pass ed through tho city on his way to Chicago, last Friday. Thoro twill bo a reception given at tho homp of Mrs. Alice Burkhart next Tuesday evening, in honor of Miss Jennie's nlnoteenth birthday. Mr. Dolph Kerr who has been ab sent from horo for somo tlrao return ed to the city last week. Miss Alta Schlador visited her sis ter, Mrs. Edgar Stahl, in Salem last! week. Mr. Guy Hirsh of Portland trans ncted buBlncBs In tho city last Thurs day. Mr. LouIb JohnBon transacted business in Portland lOBt Thursday. Thursday. Thoro will bo nn "old tlmo ball" given nt tho W. O. W. hall next Sat urday. All aro cordially invited. MIbb Bertha Allen, of Salem, visit ed Miss Lonoro Doun in this city laBt week. Miss LouIbo Oswald of Mt. Angol mado n business visit to this city last Monday. Mr. Robert Forbes vlBltcd in tho city last Wednesday evening. Mr. Frank Wray mado a trip to Woodburn laBt Thursday. Mr. Albort J. Wyatt of Portland was in tho city last Wednesday nnd Thursday. MIbs Erma Hall of Portland visit ed SUvorton friends over Sunday. Prof. Parker of Portland mado n trip to this city laBt-wook. Mrs. Mabel Blxloy of Portland vis ited nt her homo nenr tho city lnat Sundny. Mr. Roacoo Anils mndo n trip to Woodburn Inst Sundny. MIsbos Jonnlo Bnrkhuxst nnd Jon nlo Cooloy nttonded tho bnll gamo nt Woodburn Sunday. o Good Words for Chamberlain's The Importance of Regular Habits" The welfare of the body depends upon how regularly the stomach liver, kidneys nud bowels perform their respective duties. Care lessness or delay in attending to Nature's demands, brings on disorders which, sooner or later, have a bad effect on the general health. Sluggish bowels, inactive liver, retarded digestion ore important matters calling for immediate attention. BEECHAM'S PILLS arc a proven remedy. They possess corrective properties which net favorably upon the several organs and induce free and regular movements, so very essential to the bodily health. Do not fail to give instant attention to the calls of Nature.' Neglect iuvites disease. Beecham's Pills arc the old and re liable safeguard of health nud can always be depended upon to Keep Stomach, Liver and Bowels in Good order Boxes 10c and 25o, with lull direction!. V ttWMMMi l ft 1 8 Cough Remedy. Pooplo ovorywhoro tako plcasuro in testifying to tho good qualities of Chnmborlnln's Cough Romody. Mrs. Edward Phillips of Bnrclny, Md., writes: "I wish to toll you that I can reoommond Ohnmborlaln's Cough Romedv. My little girl, Cnthorlne, Tho Dohemlnn lias a list of short who lB two ywir0 0nt has boon taking stories seventeen of thorn of tho tnj8 romciy whenovor Bho hnB had n unusual and clovor kind that wo havo cojj 8jnco 8i,0 waa two months oU, como to expect from this magazine. About a month ngo I contracted n Two that will attract: special attcn-J droadf ul cold myself, but I took tlon nro "Miss Dosanr Receives," a cimmborlaln's Cough Romody nnd Htory of a woman Rallies, nnd "The wnB B00n nB won aB 0vor." This rom- Strongth of Weaklings," a pnthotlo , ody lB tor Ba6 Dy Dr. Btono'B drug nnrrntlve full of struggle hopo nnd atoro, J list Mod confldonco on tho part of J n two loynl women. Yuqiilim tho Port. Renders looking for humorous mn-1 jf tn0 t)U8ness Intorosts of Albany, torlal that Is unfailingly bright will Eugene Salem, Independence, nnd And nn hour's dollght In Bohomlnnn, corvnllta would unlto nnd sond tholr "it dopnrtmont of nothing Borlous." Snn prftnciBC0 freight through this Tim Outing hnrbor nnd havo their merchandise In a number which Is flllod with como v,a tno I)ort of Ynqulna they human Interest articles. Outing Is wo"w duM transportation to tho illHtliimilnlintl hv tliron fontnros wlllotl minimum charge. I nro worth moro than pnsslng no- T,"'k8 t0 " Interstate commerce .. a ia f nv, Mintinn hv lws and Btato railroad commissions h N. C. Wyeth nro ontltled "Tho I if- con curlers can ho mado to ro illau In his Solitude," nnd nro power- co,vo n,ul cnrr' fro,S,lt m tholr fill In thIr nlQturlnir of tho lonollnosB rKus " uo resiwueu of iirlmltlvo man. Tho first Install- Kosobnrg nnd contiguous territory ..... . will cnnnit n mllllnn rinllnra tn Imltit uiotit of n sorlul tnat promises to -.. .. - w ... .... make a naino for Itself Is ontltled nM !ctr,c lln0 t0 Coos ba' nnd M "Tho Way of n Man." by Emerson w, bo ft Sod Investment. ; llnuch. Thn author nf "Tho Missis- Tho c,tlos flr8t 'd nnd tills bay 11 slppl Bubble" has grown In breadth couutr nlroaily lmvo tho unities of vision nud in power of narration n,,ul aro llu"f'18 f thoy don't use since ho wrote that work and ho ap thorn. -Toledo Reporter. pears in his matured strength in this story. A mnstorploce of humor Is wrltton by Ralph D. Pnlno nnd Is en titled "Tho Tnlos of n Colloctor of Whiskers," wherein tho humnn whls kor Is dlscovored to possoss musical qualities that make possible nn or chestra of wolrd composition. Tho American Magazine. Any ono of tho four things in the American would havo made tho num ber n good one: Edwin l.eforv's ahnrnotor skotoh of Harrlman, EMI Parker Butlor's story of "Wetter Now York In 1913," Ray Stanard Bukor'a account of "Tho Negro la Southern City Life." or Idn M Tar boll'a story of Grovor Cleveland's great light of 1S87. In tho samo uuinbor the author of "Emmy Lou" tells another Letltln story. ElUaboth Irwin tells of tho most famous artists' modol in the world. F. Martin Crnwford goes on with his serial, and David Grayson wrltw of "Tho Tramp" In hla "Ad YUr la Contentment" aerl. Qtaar eoatributors of atoriea aai : X. J. KyaoW, WttUr $24,000 $44,000 Whcih Do Yo Pefet Tho nverngo mnn enrns about ?1,100 a year. Ho works 40 years and earns n total of $44,000 In a life timo. Tho nverngo dny Inboror gots $2.00 a dny or ?C00 for a yenr of 300 days. He earns $24,000 In a llfo tlmo. Tho dlffcrcnco botwoon $44,000 and $24,000 is $20,000. This is tho minimum vnluo of a prac tical oducntlon in dollnrs nnd contB. Tho Increased solf-rcspoct ennnot bo measured in monoy. Why not stop plugging nwny nt a small salary whon tho International Correspondent Schools, of i Scrnnton, Pa., can glvo you nan education thnt will mnko a high salaried mnn of you? No mnttor what lino of work you enro to follow, this grcnt cducntiona institution can proparo you in your sparo timo nnd nt a small cost to socuro a good paying position. Our locnl roprescntntivo will Bhow you how you enn triple your earning cnpnclty. Look him up today. Ho is R. G. HUNTER I; C. S. Representative Room 1 8 Main 451 Ladd & Bush Bldg., Salem, Ore. BUlLntVrt , ... We can ....,: ""SI matorlallv L..6 pri i our yardg. ,l"ilU GOODALB U)j rrfUhvi !f of the fsinoni tnm PlaBter, tho gm tmi iana restorer. Cij Dottor than wr lhdi, nuro. Try It oa m i gardons and hvu. t great investment ea nt.ii Special prices la Uiftktjl TILLS0N & 151 Ksh as- j Chattiet Shorthand u finv' H It Heals Without A m Tb grt majneUxed, soothtotf tad bekllog I'd-ment-KINQ CACTUS OILnTrrlevc4ticr. Prof, Dun's King Cactus Oil 8(4Jly curei cau, tpttlu, ImUu, old ore, iwelltogt, lrul bttet.ctupped hnj, bacbad wlr out on animal, huuu od 4JU oil, mn, tich, tad all hurts of man or baaat. At drugn(U In lie, ttto tad it boulu, M tad M dcoretd cm, or itot rrpId by lb mtauftcurtr. OLNEY 4 MoDAID, Clinton, Iowa, It jour dracsUl caoaot PPlJ. .. . . i ""' m m 1 H 1 1 Soar. I i 111 m i m ' K i m a? ' m B MM This is n now system of shortluiml vtrlUng tluit is being ndopt ed by ninny of tho lending business colleges of tho country. It is claimed tlint it la tho most wonderful educntionnl dls covery of modem times.. In fner, tho claims for it seem nlmost iucrcilltable. Hpwover, tho Capital Business College believes In giving Its pupils tbo best of everything to bo had In its lino of work, nnd in order thnt nil in tills vicinity who nro lu any way interested In shortluuid may lmvo nn opportunity to investigate the merits of this new system, free classes will be conducted thl9 week( beginning nt 1:30 p. m, Tuesday, These classes will bo In charge of Prof. L. O. Spencer of Xcw Orleans, La., ono of the authors of tho system. They nro for tho purposo of demonstrating tho possibilities of the system. If it has tho merits claimed for it, Its adoption will follow by the Capital Ihislncss College. These lessons aro absolutely free, and everybody 19 welcome stenographers as well as beginners. Xo ono will bo under any ob ligation to remain niter tho trial week. Tell your friends of this opportunity, mid dont forget tho time Tuesday, May 28, 1:30 p. Place, Capital Business College. The writer saw this system demonstrated In Portland last week, where it lias been adopted by two of tho thrco leading busi ness colleges, and ho is frank to say that tho results that seem (o NOTICE The dlflereaeebtfe(t nnd those of other W cause of the luptrlorlty !i the use of pure ei ond crade floor or wi mado fllllnci" -IWC i fresh nnd iweet-l mixing and baklnj. 0rJ CAPITAL B.U-W. ecu' Putting In Mt 4--j fi jW.4. ... .- .. hnMM J I well as refltttaS ' t " ! nrpiiT "' ...-! . huiwwu. ties are aj;p m slon, and 5 ug on Plumbs I- - .... .. rOODSt k' .i where, as gonable P" A T. - - ft" bo obtained from it appear to bo astonishing. W. I. STALEr, Princiiwd fai USB SELF RISING B. B. B. Floor Far BtitM Brown Brmd, OtiiMm 01q, Mm jum Uum rmiMng. ALUUm B M. B, FLOOK OO IHQ, MAX f & amok isndthcfi m " w 4 a m and loull ! .. vmet "7. -.i i ;--rsM w t. iimh -'- . ia .:ttirj.ii w:: Lm oru SteLai3 lmi 1m .aaaan