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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1907)
PpPT v ' "er-," DAILY OAriTAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, ORHOON WEDNESDAY, MAY !2( 1007. IS1 HERE ARE TWO FREAK NOTIONS . L. STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER .New Parasols K . J?h w Tho largest and most varied ns- ?. Rortmont. nf nun nhnrlna in nit cn. Yet People Will Go On Marrying In tho Same Old Way Inm. hna llinf nrrlrn.l n llxrT?i nL-. Jest Because They Arc 1 J EXTRA GOODS f Wo nsuecially urge you to como In earlv and Mivf vnr. ti. h Impriscs Pure Whito Embroidered and tucked, Whito with colored Bis, vunw "." ''",'u" unu uu, neaueuo, etc., tor ladies id children. 25c tip to $5.00 ONE HUNpRED NEW UMBRELLAS & Rt siao l 3L 0NE 1IU2fInBD NEW umbrella's ASpf nt , , SlofJ 3 $2 0JfE HUNDRED NEW UMBRELLAS " Lif' nt 9tiia I FIFTY NEW UMBRELLAS nt 91.08 elveJgo-odgo rain sticks, tho bes t over for tho price , ran-1' io T r4 wlKXZs&L new iong Cloves seng ! . .. ........ .-. ... . i'A' fA new aius'iisT Kiv iakvg wiute silk StO'v GLOVES JUST RECEIVED. ' .-'w M 11 x3 1 All old maids nnd old bachelors of Omaha, Neb., must get married within sixty days or pay n heavy fine, If the city council has tho pow er to make them do It. "Cowboy" Mayor Jim Dahlman says ho heartily approves tho plan and will Blgn (ho ordlnanco Just as soon as It is passed by tho council, Tho bill, which will be Introduced at tho noxt mooting of tho council, requires all slng'o per sons between tho ages of 25 nnd 45, of normal physical nnd mental con dition, to get married within sixty dnyB. No excuses nro to bo accepted. Widows nnd widowers nro exempt. Fccblc-Mlnded Institute Sites Continued from pngo ono). I do not think tho purchnso placed upon them by tho own- s cxtrnvngant. o Hcrron tract Is offered nt flvo dollars per aero and tho inagh trnct nt flfty-flvo dollars icro and tho Baker tract at forty rs per ncro. . West favored tho Coleman and his reasons therofor aro as follews: Oswald Went'8 Report. a member of tho commlttco np- Red to select a slto for tho pro- home for tho fceblo minded, I ) report as follews: iforo looking over tho lnrgo num- M tracts offored to tho Btnto, Mr. lo and mysolf discussed tho of tho proposed Institution, tore of tho opinion that n tract Id bo selected that offored trans ition, good soil. fuoL water nnd eai building site, was ronsonnblo rice and not too far from tho Ith tlioso things In vlow. wo ully examined all tracts offorod, a fw which wcro out of tho ion, on account of locntlon and nee se preceding board advised tho Base of tho Coleman or tho rs tract, nnd, after careful o- atlon of tho sovoral tracts, I nm opinion that these two places bo most desirable. Tho only Be- objection to tho Water h tho question of trans- tl'B This objection, Mr. rs ('alms will bo removed by tho plus cf nn electric railway, and IU a pear before your honorabb and explain tho matter fully. se Cjlemnn tract, In my opln- offers an Ideal slto for tholnBtltu- I' U near tho city, is on the rail ; affords a varloty of boII, a quan f timber, running water and a to, nnd Is reached by a good wagon rodd. It Is also within ono nnd .hroc-fourths miles of tho termlniiB of tho street railway lino. Tho Southern Pnclflc railroad traverses tho tract, and Its main line pnsses within one-fourth mllo of tho build ing site. A spur could bo constructed to tho buildings for tho purpose of handling building material and oth er supplies. "This trnct Includos about ten farms, nnd contains nbout 1000 ncrcs of land, but, If desired, can bo reduced to GOO acres without Injury to tho trnct. Tho avorngo prlco paid for tho land Is less thnn 75 per acre." Tho board has plncod tho roports on fllo and will at n futuro dnto pasr definitely on tho selection of ono or tho other of tlieso tracts. It Is likely that tho board will tako tho Colo mnn trnct, but tho solcctlon will not bo dollnltcly doclded upon later. Tho Texas Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mall for $1. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Ollvo street, 8L Louis. Mo. Send for testimonials. Bold by Btono'i drug store. dw-iyr r Some Famous "Dunces." Nathnnlol Hnwthorno wns thd dunco of his class. Walter Scott was told by hid professor that ho was n dunce. Doth Napoleon and Wellington woro dull boya at school, and when Cllvo won Passy his father Bald he did not think tho booby had so much Boiiso. Chalmers, tho loader of tho Disruption, was expolled from his school as an Incorrigible dunce. Qhnttorson was sent homo as a fool, and Leigh Hunt was considered be yond all hope. Isaac Newton, the great oriental scholar, Sir William Jnnea and Robert Morrison, who compiled the Immortal Chinese bible slto for tho buildings nnd dictionary, were all regarded as extremely auu uoys. . o For tho furtherance of trial mar rlago principles, tho effect of which, It is declared, will bo beneficial to tho human race, Oakland, Snn Rnfael and Snn Francisco, (Cnl.) residents hnvo organized a society nnd filed articles of Incorporation. It is known as tho "Eugenic 'Association of California," and reserves tho right to charter like bodies in other'stntes. Tho purposo of tho organization n set forth nro to oncourngo nn Inti mate ncqunlntanco with tho lnws gov erning tho propagation of tho human species, to study nnd oncourngo tho application of the laws of heredity to tho Improvement of tho human family nnd so propngato It through tho Intermnrrlngo of persons found best ndaptod .to onch other for tho upbuilding kind." and betterment of man- WILLAMETTE VS. 111011 SCHOOL. ie land Is well adapted to diver faming, and will produce any needed for the use of this, and ate Institutions. There arc -wei.s on tho places and nu anre of wator can bo had by njr H'u A gravity water system ly going outside of the I believed an abundant water can bo obtained by and one-half miles from E F Hni A Mil nlimit fXlft f ' nhnrA thn htillrilnea would " rds a good site for a res- h would give ample pres- 10- f'r nrntorllnn Thnro ll JUf- 'tod the tract to supply ' 'inn with fiul tnr a. nUSl " The building site Is con 'a U is on an elevation ;- f " higher than the ground BE n JmlMlnea wnuld face east f)u.rii thn railroad, and k-- td Tlew of the moun- s-'nlundlng country can be m tbM rwInU Dfe U .1 Urge groTO of fine fcribbery near the build- re h" lb would afford ample rcf retreitlon grouodi. On Ml ae Wound nearly all the alcd ahrubs of Oreson, lh Iflttle labor, could be; Ja Ikto a beautiful park- Woadwfid Koeaut Cure. 'Our little boy had eccema for five years," write N. A. Adams, Henri etta, Fa. "Two of our home doctors Mid the oase u bopeleM, hU lung being affwted. We then employed other doctors but ao benefit resulted. Dy cbanco we read about Electric Bittern; bought a bottle and soon noticed Improvement. We continued this medicine until several bottles were used, when our boy was com pletely cured." Best of all blood medicines aud body building health tonic. Guranateed at J. 0. Perry' drug store. 50c, o Court at Albany. Judge Galloway convened depart ment No. 2 of the circuit court at Albany Tuesday morning. There are quite a number of cas requiring judicial and Judicious examination and they will get It, o Doa't ry'AUweajr To be divorced from your appendix. Thera will be bo occasion for It If you keep your bow! regular wltb Dr. King New LW PHU. Tbfclr action is o gentle (bat the appendix never baa caase to stake the least kalldlie site wouM be about coiaplaUt. Cuarat4 by J. 0 Former Issue Challeii(; Which I Promptly Accepted. Tho Snlum high school will enter n team In a tennis match for tho first tlmo next Snturday. WlllnmoUo Unlvorslty has sent n chnllongo to tho high school for a match, which wob accepted by tho tennis associa tion nt tho schuol yostorday nUur nnon, Tho chnllouKu, us nccepled, was for threo ovonts, men's Hlngloa and doubles and Indies' Bluglos. , ' Tho high school team has not yot boon chosen, nnd tho first olUn I tui tion tryotits will commence tonight. Tho ono winning tho ilrst plnco will play tho slnglot), nnd will nlso play In tho doubles, together with thn holder of tho socond plnco. Thuro Is Home good material In the high school In tho tennis lino, and there will bo a scramble for plncos on thn team. Although they nro all com paratively new men thoy will no doubt glvo Wlllamotto a oloso run Snturday. a MlftKlotinrlcH Flwlug. Swatow. China, May 29. Mission aries nro fleeing horo from tho In terlor to Bnvo their lives. HuIioIh nro destroying their property. oi Kteiunhhlp Aground. Now York. May 29. Tho Btoamor Kaiser Wllholm dor Grosso was aground all night, but floated this morning, and was dooked safely. Don't Let Talk Take the Place of Test Don't let anyone's prejudice or selfish opposition convince you that any of the "Triangle A" brands are not better than any other cigars sold at the same price. That's no way to judge. You can test it for yourself, and you are the only one who knows when the cigar suits you. Smoke any "Triangle A" brand and compare it fairly with any other cigar sold at the same price. We are willing to stake the success of our whole business on public opinion founded on this test. The experience which has been combined in producing the American Cigar Company's cigars was acquired from the operation of nearly 100 of the most famous and successful factories in Cuba and the United States. And processes of proper refining and scientific blending mean much to every smoker. You can bank on the "Triangle A" sign every time. No more raw, green, bitter tobacco in your cigars ! Is that worth the trouble ? The "Triangle A", is the marli that protects you? zei CREMO 5 cents i Every box is now extra-wrapped in glassine paper, sealed at each end with tho "Triangle A" in red. The cigars are kept clean, reh and in perfect smoking condition until the box is opened. AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY, Manufacturer llVi: HUXDHKI) HAIHKO. Great Phhimi'Ik for Dm Coming Live Stock Show. Kurokl nt Milwaukee. Chicago, May 29. Tho Kurokl party. In charge of General 0. K. Wood, of tho United States army, vls ited Milwaukee today. o A Narrow Kcape. G. W. Cloyd, a merchant, of Plunk, Mo., had a narrow escape four years ago, when be ran a Jttnson bur Into bis thumb. He says: "The doc tor wanfsl to amputate It but I would not consent. I bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and that cured the dangerous wound." 25c at J. C. Perry's, druggist. O ' I'lnger on tin? Movter. i Aurora. Or. May 29.- One day J this week, wbllo playing In tho yard at her home, little Volma IlenU.j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L Bents, of this olty, hadMbe end of the third finger of her left hand rat nJmoit off by a lawn mower She (.ad her 4-year-old brother. Henry, were playing with the mower, and Volma was behind the machine with br left hand on the r'und, wbu Henry started the mower, with the result that her finger was nearly am putated, only hanging by the Bkln. Five ititcbea were taken In the finger, and she will not lose It. Tho goncVil commlttco Is busy In tho propnmtlohH of tho big llvostook show that, la to bo hold In Corvnllls Juno 7th and 8th. Flvo hundred dollars has boon raised to bo given In prizes, nlul It Is expoctod to bring to town on tho days montlonud nil tho fnuoy stook In tho county. It 'Is nlso axpocted that oxhlblts from oth er countloH will participate In somu of tho various olnssos In which com petition Is opou. It wns originally planned to make tho exhibits Include poultry, but fanciers doclnred the season Inapproprlato for a display of birds and that feature was eliminat ed. Tho entries will accordingly bo for cattle, horses, sheep nnd hogs. Tho exhibit of sheep and hogs will bo In pens, and tar this purposo per mission of tliH city council has been secured for tuo In one of tho side streuts, perhaps along that sootlon of thoroughfare, extending from tho Postofilce to the city hall. Pull two days will be required In the program and tho list is becoming so extend ed that the committee oven fears that tho period will not bo sumrlent for their purposes. Assurances a!-J In linker City on Mify 30, whon the ready received Indlcnto that owners' Hells-Kioto clrnus will Join with tho of horsos, onttlo, sheep nnd swlno In! people nt linker City In honoring thu nil parts of tho county nro becoming departed heroes, says a linker Olty Interested In tho show, nnd thuro is correspondent. On that day n tlmo not n bit of doubt that tho success- will ho not npnrt when tho business fill horno show of last year will of thu greut show will be dlspunsud dwindle Into IntilkMilllcniico coinimr-l with, thu Uvo large bunds will bo od to tho event for which thu com- iiillliiit lu nnw nriilinrlnir A full Hat '"""" "" ,..,.... ,..n. - ..--. oi mu prices ouurcu win uiuum within n fow days. Corvnllls Times. ClreiiM Honor (lie )ny. An unusual scene will bu presented morcd Into ono, and to tho soft strains of tho funeral dlrxe, with HaKs nt half-mnsti tho iiinnnKtrs, ac tors and employ of ono the great est shows will march to Mount Hope ctmotory and thoro decorate the gruvo of Alexander Prcskorn, one of thnlr number, who died here In 1904. mwmwwwt9 The scont of rotea pervades the breath of the slrl that takes Hollls ter" Kocky Mountain Tea. Bright yes, red Hp, good health follow IU us. 35 eaU, T or Tablet. For sale at to's 4m w. THE i ELEVENTH I HOUR It Is not. quite that late In tho sale of the crockery, glasi ware and dishes at our store. Rut they will soon be all gone, M they aro being sold below cost, to make room for more groceries. I H. M. BRANSON 1 Wmmw 131. 432 State St iMmiiinamnntiinH WHEN IN NEED ,Of- Fire Arms Ammunition Cutlery Dog Collars Base Ball Goods Athletic Goods Croquet Sets Lawn Tennis Supplies ,T 1 ifctt HUM I lllllll II ll, PINE EISHING TACKLE OUR HOBBY Remember that we carry a complete ami up to date stock of the above articles. We would be pfeasad to taik k over with you. taf Mtl4 froi Ut eF ! .-w-. - . -