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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1007. KSTOCKTON THFOLP WnnC lUKNCK, Embroidery Sale fommencing Today S yard of fine-Swiss, Naln. S! and Cambric embroidery wok sou tb ra '"T "leucine to- iuaV) moving at :3D Sock and lastlnc until the lot is olf Never before In the dry ju hlitorv of Salem hnvo sucti fifTiro.dcries as these L offered at tho price. Worthup,o 600 yard tin phone orders received Stamped Cushion Tops . i 4fl nVntna of tiriui linpK anu -i diwi floss for embroidering. 48c cacn Ladles' Collars Reduced a uneclal lot on salo ranging In pricofrom 25c to 50 each. Sale 18c jrand Opera House JX0. T. COltlHUY, Manager. MONDAY, JAN. 28. ED. ANDERSON'S 111(3 SCENIC PRODUCTION 'he midnight Flyer IN' FOUR ACTS AN'D SIX SCENES. Big Specialty Acts. Prices 75c. 00c, 25c. Cor office open Monday at 9 a. m. (tlNGER GRAND THEATRE. Social slock engagement. Ollvor Eekbardt presents KCKIIARDT'S IDEALS. Commencing Monday, January 2S, is'criat border drama succoss - "THE GREAT NORTHWEST" ffinmenclng Thursday January JV a dramatization of Bertha M. pja faraouj r.jvl, "Dora Thorno " panics, including illustratod ongs an J moving plcturos, botweon ich act, to bo chnncbd for each now 'III. Prices evening, 15 and 25c; atlnee, 10c, Dargain matlnco ovory piturday, 10c Our Optical Department Will resume Itn nnmil mikiII. ua aealn, and tho boat ot atten tion will bo given thoBo who need oarimlcea. Wo are equipped Vith the latitat InstrnmAnls - I .. UU " .uaK mo oyes, and our prices the moat reasonable. Chas. H. Hinees. LSswteian. APPLES ike finiMt ,i,i,i ... aarket "-'"" UQ 'UB Elected and packed by the Power Worth more than what we " 'or thenv. R T IS NOT WHAT WE GHT CRT. AS WE PRE. 1131 SELL THEM AS rt'EAPASWEOAX. Moir Grocery Compai inv te St. PbABj, iaa Torchon Laces Wo aro JtiBt in receipt of 100 pieces of pretty torchon edgings and Insertions for which most stores ask 5c a yard m CJparnnco Price, . . HrC jQ LONG GLOVES Wo havo them In silk and kid In tho 12 and lG-lnitton lengths. The larjgo fluffy kind. BOY'S CLOTHING More emphatic reductions in clothing for boys could not be found. Now Is tho timo to clotho tho youngsters at a great saving. Wo can savo you from One-third to one-half dur ing clearance sale. Sale of. Men's Neckwear A grnnd special assortment of mon's ties. All now, up-to-date patterns. Regular COc values, whllo thoy last, 35c each. 50c Ties 35c j S0L0NS DISPLAY CAUTION Hold,Up Jackson Measure For Further Considsration--Prospective Work It is Interesting to noto that not withstanding .tho house passodj tho 'lirsf bill that was adopted by thor son ata tho first two and only house, bills to havo been enacted In tho lpwer branch ran up against their Waterloo In tho upper and woro turned down. Tho sunnto bill which pnssed both houses BuccoHsfully was that estab lishing -tho .boundary, lino bptwoen Iiinn i and' Lnno counties, it was BrownVcumpnlgn moasurb and la n foa,ther In his cap. One fonturo also dcvolopod during the afternoon session of Thursday in tho house which is a fair Illustration of how onsllynlt Is to "railroad" bills through whlcji contain prqvisiqhs or nyvlcfoiis ordocoptlvo, nutiiro and thy nocosslty for gront caution and de liberation on tho part of tho lawmak ers or breakers. Roproaontntlvo Jackson, of Douglas, (hiring tho rush nt tho brief session, whon tho com mlttco on military affairs reported his nicasuro, II. D. No. 35, back fa vorably, sought to secure Its passago and would probably havo succeeded had It not been for Roprosontntlvo Campbell; of' Clackamas; who , thought ho dected a Joker lu Its pro visions and had it re-reforred to the ' commltteo on revision of laws, whore it will 'bo hung up pending renova tion. j This measure, whllo It ostensibly nnd Innocently sought to glvo tele- phono, telegraph and electric power companies tho risht to string wires across railroad rights of way, "mere ly to avoid posslblo futuro conten tions," In reality gave theBO interests unlimited power to cross through any private, public or corporate property, Tho houso. was just ntymt to y,ote unon Its flnaUnhssaco when Repre sentative Northrup", "of Multnomah; suggostod that,,slnco, Mr. Earrelr, of Multnomah, also bad a blllprovldlng for tho manner of stringing wires across railroads for tho bettor pro tection ot trainmen, that action upon tho Jackson -bill bo deferred and, tho two consldojd together. Mr. Camp bell then said thero was a question' In hla wind as to th, scope and effect ot the bUHmdr.belleY.ed It should be gone over raoro thoroughly boforo action bo taken upon It. With? tho consent of the ajuthor tho bill "was placed In tho bunds ot tho revision of laws committee where Mr. Far roll's bill 'will go In Us natural course. Two other bills' of general Impor tance to the public were also in line for final action tyit Ir. Newell's bill; prohlbting gambling and pool-selling at or near the state fair grounds, had no penalizing caluso. and was re-referred to have lUldofict cured, and, la the absence ot Representative Jones, ot Polk-Lincoln, his bill pro viding for tho construction of locks on , tho east bank of the Wlllnmotto was mndo n special order ror lQxj'clocfcfruesuny. i ,; ,u s It-is'believedr'judglne-from-tho tenure qf-tho comment bytbo legisla tors, that Mr'.' Jones"' ldckS1 bllrwltl meet with opposition by tho delega tions from tho, districts not imme diately contiguous to th6 'Willamette river and who do not belioVo a tax should bo levied upon their constitu ency to rnlso tho $400,000, the esti mated amount required. Principal among tho opposors of tho bill Is Representative Barrett, of Washing ton county, who has voiced his ob jections, but Mr. Jones feols that thero Is diro need of tho relief sought for nnd believes it will be passodt O 1 ugllistlc Sports. "Darkey" Haley, tho English featherweight, has been matched to meet Al Belmont, ono ot tho best youngsters In New England. Tho lighters will go twelve rounds on January 28th before tho Vnlloy Falls- Athletic club at 122 pounds. Another featherweight champion from England is anxious for a match with Abo Attoli, for tho champion ship of tho world. Tho pugilist is Spiko Robson, who wants to tako on Attoli for halt a dozen or moro rounds or in a tlnlsh fight. Although Rob son is only a featherweight ho an nounces that ho will moot Murphy, Corbett, Herman, Nelson or Brltt In a six round contest nnd will allow them to 20 Into tho right nt catoh wclghts, or ho will tako any of thorn in a longer fight provided tho finan cial inducements aro sufllciont. Rob son mndo good In Philadelphia last summer by beating Murphy In ono six round bout, though ho was bent en tho second timo thoy met. Milo (Twin) Sullivan has boon commissioned by n Denver club to so curo a sood 130 or 125 pounder in tho least to meet Freddlo Weeks In Donvor. Noom PcndorgnBt, tho Saginaw lightweight, who Is now In Philadel phia has wrltton to Johnny Moonoy, asking the latter to uso his Influence to got him n bout In Rhodo Island. Prondorgast may bo matched to box Tom Quill at Thornton, R. I. Another chnnco will bo given Jack (Twin) Sullivan, of Now England, to regain tho laurels which ho loBt rc contly when beaten by Jim Flynn, ot Puoblo, Colo., nftor twonty rounds, boforo tho Pacific Athletic club of Los Angeles. Sulllvnn will meet Flynn again in tho snmo placo for 20 rounds nt catch wolshts on the night of February 22. & Mntty Baldwin, who Is hot on Tom my Murphy's trail, has boon signed with "Kid" Goodman, a Boston llght wolght for flftcon rounds, nt a box ing snow to tako plnco tho latter ond of tho month nt Throuton, R. I. This mnkos the third match for Goodman nnd Baldwin. It would be a good Idon for the Tonopnh folks to stngo the Ryan Kelly tight and then If Gnus hunkers ror tho title still ho could fight tho wlnnor. - Jlm'Jorrrlffis and Bill Sohlres, thu Australian honvywplght champion, nro as far' from' belug matched aa thoy woro a woak ago. Jeff at first demanded i .Stfd.OOO -purso.'and whenAio wns informed by tho Rhyo llto promoters that $30,000 was tho limit, said he would tight If his end of tho purse was fixed at $25,000. This would leavo $5000 for tho Australian and tho promoters would not stand for It. Tho match botweon Bob Fltzslm mons nnd Tommy Burns, which hnB been hanging In tho balanco for somo time has been consumated as tho men havo signed to box six rounds in tho Phlla Sporting club on Murch 1G. Rev. Carlisle, P. U.Mnrtln, L. L. D. Of Wavorly, Tox., writes: "Of a morning, when first arising, I often find a troublosomo collection of phlegm which produces a Cough and is very hard to dislodgo; but a small quantity ot Ballard's Horehound Syrup will at once dislodgo It, and the trouble Is over. I know of no medicine that Is equal to It, and It Is bo pleasant to take. I can most cor dially recommend it to all persons needing a medicine for throat or lung trouble" Sold by D. J. Fry. T rrrr r .Tho Umatilla Indians will Investi gate fyhe burning of five of their tribesmen In. tho r.oservatlQU Jail. A new town, to bo callod Plymouth, opposite Umatilla, has been surveyed. Tho Red Men of Marshfleld havo purchased a lot, and will erect a largo building. Purity Is our watchword. Select ing only tho choicest herbs and roots known to pharmacists. No spirits; or barmlull drugs. Hollls- ter'u .Rocky 'Mountain Tea Is purity Itself. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Dr. Stone's Drug Store. xc3ia.xui ttfifstto IhiKisJYNftMAhi GZ&m&e HOTEL ARRIVALS. ' '.' Salem, t ii. -,r ? W. ErRlchY Portland; -- E. V. Thomysqn, Portland . D. A. Nasby, Cottngo Qrovo. C. Armstrong. Fred R. Cnntwny. A. W. Treadwoy, Independence. ChnB. Walker. Chaa. J. Dodd, San Francisco. H. C. Schusslor, Kldderj S . D. Jacob Schusslor, do. A. C. Kubela, do. Louis Black, Now York. Willamette. 1 1 a jf Wm. P. Mull", do. John W. .K6irydA ' Harry Huttoni do.V f Frank Ford, do,- A. N. Smith, 'dp.! tS Lucllo Lawronco) do. Olga Vnndersol, do. Hnzel McClellan, do. Doris McGlnln, do. TT-I''J " j J. V. Scarff, do.- ..;,,,,. M. D. Rhodes, Seattle.'" " A. T. rintnbridgo, Chicago.' W. H. Biggs, WnBco. H. Rothschild, North Powdor. H. V. Gates, Hlllsboro. J. H, Clomont, Toledo. Thos. K. Campbell, Cottngo Grove. C. C. Teal, Now York. Mr. and Mrs. Hcngon, Now York. A. B. Wood, Cottngo Grove. Frank Reese, Los Angolos. B. D. Slclor, Portland. G. M. Cromwell, Ontario. A. B. Ferrora, Ontnrlo. G. H. Talbot, Portland. J. H. McGulro, Portland. " II. T. Davidson, Hood River. Lester Butler, do. E. P. Sheldon, Portland, a Wise Counsel from tho South. "I want to glvo somo valuablo nd vico to thoso who Buffer with lamo back and kidney troublo," says J. R. Blankcnshlp, ot Beck, Tonn. "I havo proved to an nbsoluto cortaln that Electric Bitters will positively euro this distressing condition, Tho first bottlo gavo mo groat rollof and after taking a tow moro bottles, I was com pletely curod; so completely that It becomes a plcasuro to rocommond this groat romody." Sold undor guaranteo at J. 0. Porry'o drug store. Prlco 50c. Condition Ri'poi'tod ScrlouH. Mrs. Lydla Adams, who was struck by a live wlro at Third and Morrison Htreots, Portland, ' recontly, Is still couflnod to hor bod In tho Good Sa maritan hospital, and gravo foars aro expressed as to hor rocovory. Sho was formorly Miss Lydla Muollhtiupt, of this city. SALEM TULLY AWAKE (Contlmicul from page ono). ors potltlou for bltullthlc pavumeut thoy must savo thorn from ruining thoniBolvos. Of tho fourteen nldormon who nre voting on paving Stnto stpot, but ono will pay a dollar of th'o' paving as sessment on that stroct. " OUIriVATK THE SPIRIT OK RECIPROCITV, CHEERKULNICSS AND PROGRESH, GENTLEMEN. Get oft tho mourners' bench and get off tho knockers' bond). Whon a whole city council nnd tho mayor aro commlttod to paving, will thoy then deliberately QUARREL OVER TECHNICAL DETAILS AND DEFEAT THE IMPROVEMENTS THAT THE BUSINESS INTERESTS, WELFARE AND FUTURE PROS PERITY OF THE CITY REALLY DE MAND? Thero cau bo but one an swor to tho question. Whon tho tiro department horsos aro ALMOST EX HAUSTED IN PULLING THE AP PARATUS TO THE FIRE on any stroot in thu city, and somo ot tho principal streets aro actually impas sible what kind of a man will still blckor and quibble and "play horso?" That is not tho spirit that builds cities. That Is tho spirit that kills cities, THAT DEPRIVES LABOR OF K.l(PJ,OYlKXT, nnd not only keeps pooplo from coming horo to llvo, HUT SENDS THOSE ALREADY HERE AWAY TO SEEK HOMES IN MORE PROGRESSIVE TOWNS. Our aldonpen should go and see what other cities are doing. Thoy should awaken to the realization that SALEM CANNOT IGNORE THE GENERAL PROGRESS OF THE NORTHWEST and romaln on tho map as a city ot tho second clues, or any pther class whatovor. THE SPIRIT THAT HUILDS CITIES was exemplified a few days ago and tho Spokane Spokesman Rovlew says of It: "Encouragement of a spirit of a neighborly friendship between cities was notably manifested in tho gath ering at Walla Walla Tuesday night. As guests of the Commercial Club of that city thero were present delegatos representing tho business men of tato t g8ettti i ' YOUR CHILDREN WON'T HAVE COLD EEET IF THEY WEAR Dr. Denton's I Sleeping 1 1 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 They're mndo llfeo n 'combination suit with hose attached, so there's no chnnco to get tho loct uncovered, ' Tho fabric Is sdfVclostlcl knit ma torlnl lit imturnl gray color. Wo havo them In ages 1 to O, rang ing In prlco from -15c to 83c, accord ing to hIzc. Wo show tho greatest variety of tlto famous 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 m i n 1 1 1 1 1 VELVET GRIP HOSE SUPPORTERS 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ii n 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i In tho city. A hoso supporter bcoiih like a small item, but our purchases of 'Velvet Grip" hoso supporters, during (ho year 100(1 amounted to ,$072.78, all direct from tho factory. Wo mention this slnglo Item Just to glvo you an idea of tho magnitude of our business. -H-M in 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-frH ! ! j&zrMe foodM o5fos& AVo undersoil "regulars." That's why vo grow. 1 &AAAAA Dayton, Wnltsburg, Pendleton, Pres cott, Athena. Milton and Froowator, and tho hospltablo ontortalnmcnt given them by their hosts WAS CHARACTERISTIC OF WALLA WALLA. That city has dono Itsolf a good turn and has performed an Important sorvlco to tho commercial Interests of tho Biirrotlndlug district by Its initiative In this matter. ' "It is becoming ono of tho notable foaturos of buslnoss life In' tho In land Emplro to havo soolul, gather ings of this kind, whoro, around thu bnuquut table. Important mattoi-H nro discussed from A COMMON STAND POINT AND A COMMUNAL INTER EST IN THE WELFARE OF ONE ANOTHER IS ESTABLISHED. In Spokono this new nnd distinctly wostorn method of promoting com mercial davolopmont tins boon notice able for tho pnBt year or two. Tho Idoa is sprondlng, and whorovor adopted good rosultu aro sure to fol low. ' 'WALLA WALLA IS RAPIDLY FORGING TO THE FRONT AS A CENTER OF BUSINESS INDUSTRY AND ENERGY. With tho recent inauguration of a stroot railway sys tem nnd othor Improvomontu, It Is taking on metropolitan airs and es tablishing for Itself an onvlablo rop' utntlon. It doubt gained for lUolf, to a groator extent than ever, the cood will of tho neighboring towns by tho gonorous wclcomo to Its visitors this week. It Is safe to say thero has been created In tho breast of till Of thorn A LIVELIER INTER EST AND A MUTUAL DETERMINA TION' TO MUTUALLY HELP ONE ANOTHER IN THE MARCH OF PltOGRESS. "Tho cultivation ot this spirit is going to bo ono o tho most Impor tant factors in thb development of tho Inland Emplro. IT HAS NO PLACE FQlt SECTIONAL OR lO OAL JEALOUSIES. While the friendship of cities and towns (or one another aro being comonted, thero Is a closer coming together of the business men of individual local ities, an offacomont of Injurious riv alry without banishing friondly com petition, which is tho foundation ot commercial vigor and a keonor in terest Itf tho upbiilldlng of soperato communities." CASTOR I A For Uinta and CkiWrwt. Tin KM Yw Hiyi Always BflteM 9M tU 0ijpUHWOf 6&g&& HIUMOMMIUMIII Garments in i i i im iiiiiiiiiiii'iin Uo .i it i n 1 1 n i n 1 1 lit 1 1 1 1 i M m i 1 1 n i ii 1 1 1 1 n n i ii i p 1 1 1 1 1 1 o m 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 n 1 1 i 4H- AAMMAAMAMmMtmm AttAAAttSMWwwH CENTRAL LIGHTING PLANT Governor Chamberlain Sends in a Special Message Tho legislature mot at 2 o'clock this afternoon, nnd Governor Cham berlain sent in a special mosHngo, Haying that tho lighting contract for all tho stato institutions would ux plre March 1, 1008,und that ho would recommend that provisions bo mad for lighting tho stato Institutions by this legislature Ho suggests a suf ficient appropriation for a plant con trally located so ns to furnish lights for all tho stato buildings.' o JUDGE GALLOWAY'S COURT. January Docket In No, i! nit Uilusu ally Largo One. Judge Burnett hold a short session of department No. 1 of tho circuit court this forenoon, and dlsposod of tho llttlo remaining business-on tho dockot.. Judge Galloway opened tho Janu ary torm of dopartmont No. 2 at 1:30 o'clock this aftornoon. No cases will bo tried today. Tho dockot Ib being rend and u numbor ot cuaos aro bo lug sot for trial. Tho dpckqt, which was printed In Tho JournurSaturday, IS unusually largo, and contains somo Interesting cased. Twonty-two dl v6rco mses'Wlll bo lufird. (When Freedom-fr'oni iho mountain high', '"' ' "f ' Unturled hpr Standard .for all to SCO, ; These words appparod lu black and white, "Drink Rocky Mountain Tea." Dr. Stone's Drug Store'. -On- cfCHjgisms lil-al.. G fmmm Wk.r. Xnrtr,.,, v prautei. AikUl)H.iiHKH.TeK1l WASKHH HMAM fiLLH, U Hi Cu ru.U4 ., twt, (.it. Ala.rt K. HOLUBTCn'J Rcky Wouritafn Tea Huyg!i A Baij UdlQlat (at iiatj FeooU. &Hoji Qolla Health od lUnw4 Vljof. X n l(to fnrO)illMili jii. In IlL'oitlon. lie and Kltiuor Troublo, Vli'pif. YWtut. Iinpur IWxJ Bivf linwtli. HIukitUIi lUJi. I(M(ict4 auii Boku:lu) KalvWky Honolulu Ttfft la Ut let form. M mdu 11 Im Outline nuulo hf Kolutb Duua Cumiunit, )(aili40ii, Wl. (MN.KK WWII m 9ML6W PEW-' -lr- dumihI Btmm4f u, fM. llh lily klUwa. V . pi T"TP