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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1907)
i.y l e. i i y DAUj CAPXTAJJ JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, 4 b OUR ANNUAL! .H-M-4--MM-H-H-I M 1 II I 1 1 1'HtWHWfrH i 1 1 1 1 1 M-H I JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE i WMWH-H IH I Mil I H-H I 1 1 1 1 H-W-H-H-H-H-H-fr WILL OXI.V LAST A VKW WORK MAVH. WK AHK 01TKRIN0 CIKNTINti IIAWMlNfl IN AM. WN'!. ITRNITI'RK FHOjr TIIK MJAWNO FritNITOHK OKNTKIW 01' TUB COUNTRV. FAHII IONKI) AMINO Tim MTKHTA.NI .MOST AI'I'ltOVKU links hv TUB HlflT MAKKHB. Wltrfffc-Ti t '' MiBijBS'Mra ALWAYS ASK FOR HOSTETTER'S and you choose the liest nntl safest medicino over compounded for ail ments of tho Stomach, Liver, Kid neys and Bowels. nnJ one that has been fully endorsed by thousands of sic' ly people. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS is well deserving of a fair trial In cases of Poor AypotlU', llrnrtliiirn, Hour RInIiikm, DyKlcwl, IiitleglNtJuii, lICiidnclMt Colds, or Malarial J'oiur. I Verdict Hvt Aside. Judge Durnott, of department No. I, of the Marlon county circuit court, has sot aside tho $1000 vordlct of the Jury In the danwgo suit of Adams vs. Wontworth, and granted defendant u new trial. Ills counsel, CarBon. ;nndo a strong showing of the injus- tlvo done tho client by that verdict, and tho case will go to nnotlior Jury. Night. jThi-Cooper-BBl'inour. Slbct-Com-. pany jdjtyed helr j"JsWft the Kffnger Grand hist nfcbi. e play during thfe past week has been well attended, and no doubt tho pleasure-loving peoplo will greet the Eckhnrdt Company in tholr first ap pearance hero this evening with a largo and appreciative audience. Miss Minnie Gorshal and Charles Marion, of tho local company left this morn ing for Everett, Washington, whore Marlon will organize a stock com pany. Miss Gorshal will visit a short i.,, in Aberdeen beforo taking up her work. Carl Hlnkley will leave tomorrow to Join Mr. Mnrion In hlB new location. They nro among 'the bwrt talent of the local company, nnd will be missed upon tho atngo, as woll as In tho social clrclos of their many frlonds. ANSWER KVISRV CALL That Big Lot of Delayed f Morris Chairs Are Here HIIOt'LO HAVB IlKKN ON HANI) IIRPOKH I'HRIKT.UAH, HIT WHRK OVKIt TWO .MONTIIB IV TRANSIT, ANI NHKJtKNTIiV 11AVB TO JIB HOI.I) AT Oltl.'ATLV KKIHTKD PKIOIM. IF VOU NBVKII OWNBI) A MORItlH CHAIR NOW IH VOIR OPPOIITl'M TV HI OUBDl'CTIONH ON Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Wall Paper, Etc. Itl'OK'H IIANOKH ON IH RAW PRBB TIHAI.. HKMKMHMt WK (UVB W BAHV TBItMH OV ALL IIOl'HH I'l IIMSIIINOOOODH. Tho Tcxns Wonder. Cures all kldnoy, bladder and rhoutnatia trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by,A n,C(lclno that ttn8W0r8 ovary call, Is Bonn's Kldnoy Pills, a tt uo specific Salem People Have Found That This is True. A cold, a straln.n suddou wrench, A llttlo cniiBo may hurt tho kidneys. Spoils of backache often follow, Or some Irrogularity of tho urine. A cortain remedy for such attacks, d&uJitm k 11 gfliHaMallf-flflplij j . g CONTEST THE TAX - kEYlES UglslatlVi Delegation Will "Mect at the Court Hous) to Consider 4 On n poltUuti urmwuftpt lty iyjftu$ aontAllv Hlmiutnia. from the altlxaua f 'Hllvrrton, BeolU Mill nud Muni (or, t Intro will liu n. liwtrlHg thU ev ading nl T'30 nt the esturt Uiihm to contld&r tli tax Itfvlurt Hltrtmdy iimil mid about uiitMtitlf ttxuwlud and nl tJOMt rmdy fwr collection. lUprv "ttiHlWPllHWOmJ IH nffprt wiu bo made-Jo murrain f Uifete U u&t wmro'uay in whtoh Utu county urt can riSMiniddttr lu uvtluu, nnd witkt lowr Uvy ami iwi out tlt mijif prtHtlon fur th aturt hou fmp iHwit and uttuu- mattMrn, nud m olillly to iw l( lh nmd Ux i( m nud onMmlf mllll.cahmbtt.tiut oui o m to iiuku tbo bvy fur UMiintv ptirtHHM tknw wlll luHd pt fnr nud a half. ' i , A tnetliic U nUo Ihk elll by The Peopled Bank W my as "ruwt Ptfjorl to ajoowmajlsA rMl rfH, our nltu U to wake thl lu every r ifim Itiw IVoiiltf'ajIUfckHsr bank vhttr u may fal ow; n i)tt w)r tuo40 of tH4r lon tuy tmt iU ani trat inptti i)m tir vorlily tit. ua(d Salem SUte Bank L, K. PAGE, PtUimk K W. HAZARD," hJ&Ttuinir'iwKUt'. of whuh Mi J9. uiiKvr w riininuHU, huh wiuiu I b lipid JatfiMn Uik. Tlu ! hioiM trrpniifiMt thf" rKiilntlt uf ttie liny In tin courts, If any sit mu b fiuiiid to Himmnltah that itul tali If Oklo, Oily or lado, DUMa CuiihU-w sjf &h&k J Chaiifir Hym iwth that lidis MiilDr IHtrtaar uf Ul Urm of P. 3. Pliuuay ft Co., dnlnlf InialutNta In tha City of Toladn. eoutity nnd ntnto aforesaid, and that anld linn wilt pay yi sum of QNIfl 1IU.N1)HUU DOI. ImVUS tor w(jh and ovary oaae of OntafrU Hint canupt ha ourttd by tho uiu of llttll'ii Catarrh Curt. KUANK J. CIIHNKY. Sworn to bafora m and subscribed In my urMnM this Gth day of D .wmjiftr. A. .. US 0, A. W. Ol.HAHON, (Sttl) Notary Public. Hall's Qatarrh Curtj U takan Inter nnlly, and naJLa directly on thu blood and ujutoua surfaaea of tho system Hand for taitlnmnluU free. P. J. CIIHNKY & CO , Toledo, O. ROM by alt DrUggUtf, 78cw Tako Haifa Family Pills for con tl(iation. -o i t , Xr Ptrtir Arriu. N. O Hoyar anil kmlty arrived fmm WadKHa, MImh . U wake tkalr JuUir Iwmm ttolhk rt Mjr. Uoyer Ws rtL-tiHr nr da.U In ki MyW jfor many yeara. and wilt take an uc- JUvu part aa pruetlwl altractir In tktf uttlM of thu Salit4 Abt.ct & Ud Cvh,nhj-, loeatwd In the Plrat I National Rank blook. He (a a eu ,tlHHai IH my way quallilt to do ;vk tu tkn Hlb, manl adiayt- h ikU vmpn), and, at n 0f im partner h tb gm, n ea, ittwIlnR m many '! people of thla eomwMaiiy aa Mwtbt. J Vn it. i - wro nhould iiJTr, a )iwwnt kardt'a lUm-UnlU will ouro A xuAtM tor 11.000 0 goi with ry paekraifo of tho Hom-TUN. i .v matter HUat kind you have. imibu, uwmiic iMtrnal, BtrRl. llehlHg p HttWMraUag, lr. Uon hardi lliww-lUtid wilt euro jou. TfeU U a alroBt autoweat. but It i MrHHirtl Wy a houan4 tuaUuion tl from thaw who hate bn pr- wnnvBuy curtq uy HfmUolJ. If you ar net ourvd. jo tt your Bwaoy baok. 11.90 at drussUU or I. Jnhaplt Co-, Ntayara Km, k, V .. PruRrletora. Kl.l i.v ir n r mnll for fl. Dr. B. W. Hall, 292G Ollro street, St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials . Sold by Stone's drug store dvr-lyr o Hearing on Railroad Hill. Tho sonata nnd house committees on railways will have n special Joint session this evening at tho ritatc house to havo public hearings for nnd against proposed railroad com- mtslon bills nnd domurrngo laws In troduced nt this sosslon of tho legis lature. It Is oxpocted that tlioso Hearings will bo public. W. W. Cot ton, W. I). Ponton nnd J. N. Tonl. of Portland, nrrlvod today, and will participate In tho discussion, Right Name. Mr. August Shorpo, the popular ovorseer of tho poor at Fort Madison, Io seys: "Dr. Kings's New' Life Pills aro rightly named; thoy act moro ngrceably, do moro good aim mako ono fool hotter than any othor lnxatlvo." aunrantoed to euro bilious uoss and constipation; 2Gc nt J. C Porry'a drug storo. Many Snlom Peoplo roly on it. Hero Is Snlom proof. L. W. Hill, of 328 Front St., Sa lom, Oregon, says: "Doan's Kldnoy Pills nro not a now romody to mo, ns I havo used thorn on dlfforont occa sions when cvor necessity hns arlson I have onjoyod tho boat of health all my llfo oxcoyt for a touch of kldnoy trouble nt times. Dackacho bothered me then nnd whon this has boon tho case I hnvo gotton Donn'u Kldnoy Pills nt Stono's drug Htoro and a fow dosos have oradlcntod tho trouble. ,( am a firm believer In this remedy and know of several othor people who huvo used It with good rosults. I am only too pleased to rocomond Doan's Kidney Pills whunovor tho opportunity occurs." For salo by all donlors. Prlco 50 oonts. Fostur-Mllburu Co., Duffalo, New York, sofa auonts for the United States. Ilomumber tho unmo Donu's and take uo othor. ASKiFOR PORTAGE BOARD State Officials Believe Citi zens' Board to Give More Satisfactory Management To tako the direct management of tho portage road out of the harida of the state board, composed of tho gov ernor, secretary of state nnd state treasurer, and providing for tho ap pointment of a civil commission, probably composed of tho leading Bplrlts of the Opon River Association, is tho purpose of a bill now being proparcd by Attornoj'-Goneral Craw ford for J. N. Teal, of Portland, at tho suggestion of tho state board. It has long beon tho contention of tho portago board thnt tho additional duties and responsibilities imposed upon thorn wcro such us could not bo nttondod to properly nnd, owing to tho dlstanco of tho road from tho cntiltnl. It was impossible for tlie board to keep In touch with the nf falrs and details of operation, as tho needs demanded, nnd all recommend a chango as suggested In tho pro posed hill. Without visiting tho road occasionally tho only means tho bonrd has of keeping In touch with conditions Is through tho report of tho superintendent, and it is argued thnt a board of responsible citizens could give moro satisfactory sorvlco to tho bonoflclnrlos gonornlly. Senator Whoaldon, of Wasco, has Introduced a bill In tho sonnto asking for an appropriation of ..CO, 000 for tho extension of tho portago road from Its prosont tormlnus to The Dnllos, a dlstanco of a llttlo ovor four mllos In ordar that tho transfer of freight nmy bo moro easily nnd eco nomically handled, nnd thnt tho ef ficiency of tho sorvlco ho Improved. Slnco tho road hns beon opornted nt a constant and increasing loss to tho stnto over slnco it was thrown opon to traffic it Is oxpectod thnt somo op position will dcvolop to tho onnct- mont of tho bill calling for nn addi tional appropriation. SCEPTICAL PI Who .Question tlfi . ."Wlriol Testimonial,, tsLS tho Following . OB,H liMt- season wo publiJS frnm -tho Tin,. r. TU Koene,N. H ln which ha.. ho cllfl no! l,t .. 0KH ..v upuuve there.! other - medicine which t1) j tho health restoring anlJ creating properties of the 1 nil nrnnnnitlnn ir. ll for him moro than It. , Tho authontlty 0f this , J U3 orimuu) uouuted by i ' of Now Haven. Conn., as ! ing correspondence would J Dear Sir: Will you Uaj mo if the enclosed vim . nlal from you is genuine, J! ly oblidgo '" Yours respecttonrl ma 250 Ordhard St., New Harei'j (Rev. Geo. W. Iluland- 21 Dear Sir: Replying to1 courteous inquiry, I take plensure, nnd I would add 1 photic words to cxprcis my donco in Vlnol ns a blood v&. tonic and a safe reatorathe. Vory respectfully. Qeo. W. A member of the u. v Co. says: "Vlnol Is almoin dlcinnl elements of cod llrcn concontrated form, tho n eliminated and tonic iron nnd If it falls to create gtreu health for run-down, debility pie, old peoplo. weak nemi. i women-and children, nuniBj'J era and nftor n sovcro tick If It falls to euro a hacklan chronic cold, throat or in troublo wo will return ereijl paid for it.' Q, W. Putnam CeJ gists. NOTE Whllo wo aro wli i for Salem, It Is now forulo loading drug storo In nearly town nnd city in tho counuj , for tho Vinol agency in rowt FASTIDIOUS WOKEN consider Paxtino Toilet Actia necessity in the hygienic cant person ana lor local ima feminine ills. As a wash iud germicidal, deodorizing id I qualities arc extraordinary, hi at Druggists. i ample tret I lie K. i'axton Lo., iwston,! i WE CAN SAV iUU HIIWtMMfaHHIflMUMieiHHtMMMlMMiHUUHaiiHaHflNH m' Jk (i'f'Mm " Br If If lllV. ' i with I m Bvmm tt im tin We have selected 60 Salt from out stock tanging it $t5 to $20 and will pi them on sale iot 4 7 UU c -- Copyright im Tt Houm ol KuxnSltnr i-ome ealy so Pypa cafl stste of a fit. fllffl SEE WINDOWS FORSTYLES. ' ' WM. ,.., Salem Woolen Mills Stoe. 0 v-ommcfcial t. Safom r Htoae, QiUui. .vui, vtcua