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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1907)
K 0 If you think constipation it or trifling consequence, Juit sk your doctor. He will dlnbuse you of tbst notion in yi snortoracr. "-orTeciii, Bium-Ki v. M m r iii .... Tl.-r. ..V him ahnnt Aver' DAILY CAPITA JOCKSAL. SALEM, OREGON, 3IO.VDAY. JAXUAnY S8, 07. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH They Cure m rjt" .j.Z. . . wiiisiv. KOnSUlJUUUIi Pl. A mild liver pill, all vegetable. WnobllihthroMiilM . 0.4 WOO., of ll oor prpfHoo. Jm 11. iii. SOLONS CAN TAKE CHOICE tnken nnd wo will submit It to tin? I)ooj)lo on the Initiative. In which case wo fool suro. from tho ontlmont Minting throughout tho state, that tho Ml! will hocomo a law, word to; word, In Its present shapo ns It 1ms bran turned out by tho nblo commit teo which drow It up." The bill which has boon prosentod to tho somite, by Sonntor Hlnghnm, ohalrmnn of tho Bonnto Irrigation commlttoo, nnd In opposition to tho board of trndo commlttoo code, had tunny of Its principal font tiros except that It loaves tho ndjudlcntlon of wntor rlahts to the courts throuKh Onco moro tho loBlilnturo hnB hndjjitiBation, curtails tho nuthorlty of tho Htnto onRlnoor nnd docs not pro vldo for wntor wnrdoiiH, and cuts tho rituount of tho appropriation down to tho minimum. If Proposed Irrigation Code is Not fcnacted Intact it Will Be Submitted to the People Mrs. Claud rJntch, L. T. Reynolds, H. 8. Olio nnd G. W. WcckB. A committee wns appointed to Bather all avnllablo date for the pur pose of considering tho advisability of organizing a fruit growers union. Tho porBonnel of tho committee Is W. "W. Hall, Alox LaFollette, 8. IL Hatch, G. W. Wooks, h. T. ReynoldB, A. M. Asplnwnll nnd E. C. Armstrong o A PLEASANT, SIMPLE, HUT SAFE AXD KFFKCTl'Ali CURE FOR IT. . . tho Inltlatlvo buRAUoo hold up warn Ingly leforo Us eyes; this tlmo In connection with propoaod Irrigation legislation and by tho Portland bonrd of trade. In anticipation of an nt lotnpt to block romcdlal loglslntlon on tho part of prlvnto and corpornto Interests which nro strongly opposod to tho proposed Irrigation codo, ns drafted by tho board of trndo com mlttco nnd prosentod to tho houso by Hcprcsontntlvo Porklns, of Jnckson, nnd to tho sonnto by Honntnr Whoal dun, of Wasco. Tho board hns nont out n circular lottor to' nil of tho Members of tho loglslnturo, calling nttonllou to this opposition nnd stat ing that If tho lolslnturo fallod to onnct tho bill liltnot ntid without nmtindcmont or mutllntloii, It will bo submitted to tho pcoplo on tho Inltla tlvo nt tho timet uonornl oloctlou. Friends of the proposed Irrigation codo recognize nnd concede Hint tho general llno-up of tho two-loKlnlnllve commltt(KN on Irrigation In tho houso nnd sennlo Is ngnlust tho pass- ugo of tho board of trndo bill nnd fool thnl thoy will hnvo to light It out on tho Door nnd It Is nspuctod that thoro will bo some pretty lively debates be fore tho commlttoo which tins not set A dnto for tho first nicotinic. The principal Interests which nro opposed (o thu enactment of tho wnter codo aro tho prlvntu Irrigation companies which nro engaged In reclamation work In eastern Oregon nnd thoy nro expected to send strong lobbies to light tho bills during tho session. After explaining tho most Import ant features or tho codo nnd tho of feet of (ho laws of other states after which It was drafted, alluding to Its provisions as n "law for tho people nnd actually user of Water; n law which denies tho right of any oorpor ntlou or any parson to tie up the waters of this state for tho purpose of simulation nnd Individual gnln," tho circular letter sent out by tho bonrd of trade says: "We would uppwtl lo you repre floating thu Intermits which original tho bill, which Interests nro wholly unsold. h uvewt fur tho good of the ntnto as a whuIh, to accept this bill In Its entirety. If this bill Is to be chopped Ut nnd mutllnted. und lu WHAT OF NORMAL SCHOOLS? Cos,ts Nothing to T,'J'- Legislature Again Called Upon to Adjust Burning Issue Cnrrfo'Nntlon . . Certainly smashed a holo In tho barrooms of Kansas, hut Ilnllnrd's Horehound Syrup hns smnshod nil records ns a euro for coughs, bron chitis, Influenza nnd nil pulmonary diseases. T. C. II , Horton, Kan., writes: "I hnvo novor found a tncdl clno that would euro n cough so quickly ns Mallard's Horehound Syr up. I hnvo used It for years." Sold bV D. J. Fry. o A (Jrcat Drama. 'Tho Midnight Flyer," which comes to the Grand opern house, Sn lem, this Monday evening Is n grnnd drniuntle story sensoned with bright comedy. It Is wild to be ono of tho most powerful melodramas of thu day. A number of the most b'onutl fill and startling sceulo effect are oarrled for this big production. Benti on sale now nt box ollloo. - -o Tim Joy. Or living Is to hnvo good honlth Use Horblno nnd you will hnvo bush els of Joy. You. noed not bo blue, fretful nnd hnvo that bnd tasto In your mouth. Try n bottlo of Hor blno, u pnsltlvo euro for nil llvor complaints. H. Hnrroll, Austin, Tox . writes: "I hnvo usod Horblno lor over n yenr, nnd (hid it n flno regula tor. I gladly recommend It as n flno modlclno for Dyspepsia." Sold by I). J. Fry. oFFiuKits i:i.i:rn:i. win .Marlon County HortlriillurNtN Hold tho Cherry lVMlvnl. At .the meeting of the Marlon County Horticultural eoolety Hatur day afternoon the following oltloert were elected for the ensuing year: PreMldeut, I.. M. Gilbert; vloe presi dent, A. M. taPollettw; wuoiul vice preelileut. Andrew Verelor; third Vice president. Lloyd T. Reynolds; srretry.trenurwr. K. ('. Arinstning. What will ho tho result of the final adjudication of tho normal bcIiooI question Is tho burning Issuo which has been passed up to tho prosont suasion of tho loglslnturo to boIvo. N'umorotis bills of dlvors ohnractor have nlroudy been proHontod for tho consideration of the hoIoiih, each hav Ing n distinct and soparnto proposed solution, nnd It would scorn to bo up to tho commlttoo on education to da tormlno what Is tho hotter course to pursue In tho promlsoa. Two bills Introduced provide for cutting down the number of schools to two, one In onBtern Oregon nnd the other In westorn Oregon; unothor would reduce the number to one; unother to nbollsh the system alto gether, while unother Is In course of drafting which contomplntos reduc ing thu number of schools to two nnd having one bonrd of regents for tho two Institutions to bo composed of tho governor, superintendent nnd nt tornoy gonornl nnd two appointive olllcos. Ono or those bills will be presonted to both branches or thu leg islature today. If tho number of schools' Is roducod to two und two ot tho sohools nbol Ishod It Is pretty curtain Hint tho Weston normal, being tho only lo catod In eastern Oregon will bo ro tnlned nnd thou It will romnln for tho friends of thu Monmouth, Ash land nnd Drain schools to fight It out hoforo the loglslnturo for supremacy H Senator Coke, or Coos and Curry, had his wny. however, thoro would bo but one normal school In the "Into und thnt would bo locntod at Portland. Ills argument In fnvor or this chnn-e is chlelly thnt tho em bryo tPHchsr would have the ad- vantage or both the practical and theoretical training sad would be much better nttwl to achieve sueees In their cIiomh profession. ' o . The committee to nrrnnce thu .!. many good features destroyed for tails of the cherry fair Is ns fellnwa: political, personal r other reasons, M McDonald, V V. Uiuing. (I. V wu would prof or that no nctlon bo lingers. It ll Thlvlson. I. M Gilbert. iiBB 4iBiBiBVjr Ssflalk fl E H ftH ISSSSSF JWl T SOCIAL EVENTS Catarrh or the stomach has long been considered tho next thing to Incurable. The usual symptoms aro a full or hlontlng sonsatlon after eating, accompnnled sometimes with sour or watory risings, n formation of gasos, causing pressure on i heart nnd lungs and difficult breath ing, headacnes, iickio ajijiouiu, uuj- vousness nnd a gonornl played out, languid feeling. There Is often n foul tasto In tho mouth, coated tongue and It tho In terior or the stomach could bo seon It would show a slimy, lnllamed con dition. The euro for this common and ob stante trouble Is found In u treat ment which causes tho food to be readily, thoroughly dlgostod bofore It has tlmo to fermont nnd Irrltato the redlcato mucuous surfaces ot the stomaoh. To Bocnro n prompt and healthy dlgostlon Is tho ono nec essary thing to do nnd when normnl digestion Is assured tho catarrhal condition will hnvo dlsapponrod. According to Dr. Harlnnson, the safest and best trontment Is to use nftor each monl n tablot, composed or Dlnstnso, Asoptlc Pepsin, a little Xux, Golden Senl nnd fruit nclds. Those tablets can now bo found nt nil drug storos undor tho nnmo of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and not being n patent modlclno can he used with porfect safety and nssurance thnt healthy nppotlte nnd thorough digestion will follow their rogular use after meals. Mr. It. S. Workmnn, Chlcngo, Ills., writes: "Cntnrrh Is n local condition rosulting from n noglectot cold In tho head, whereby the lining meuibrauo or tho nose bocomos In llnmod nnd the poisonous dlschnrgo tlierofrom pnsslng bnckwnrd Into the throat ronchos tho Btomnch. Medical authorities proscribed for mo for throo yenrs for catarrh of stomach without euro, but toduy I nm tho hnpplost of mon nftor using only ono box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I cannot And appropriate words to oxpross my good fooling. I hnvo round llosh, nppotlto nnd sound rost from tholr use." Stunrt'B Dyspopsln Tnblots Is the sntost proparntlon ns woll as tho slmplost nnd most convonlont romody ror any rorm or Indigestion, enrtnrrh or stomnch, biliousness, sour Btom nch, heartburn nnd hlontlng nrtor men Is. Send your name and nddrees todnv ror n rree trial package nnd see ror yourueir. Address v. A. Stuart Co, 6S Stuart Illdg, Marshall, Mich. t 2RWqr P" 'ill ""ti T- rMifc, i',tO!T- - rtvrnnrtiiy iTr- mi3Hi''i 'n"rgn . OUR MEATS ARE ALWAYS THE REST. For wo tako "especial caro to buy none but tho best, nnd our customers can always dopond upon getting tho best In the market at right prices when thoy buy nt our market. E. 0. CROSS, Stnto Street Mnrkct Phono 201 FOR JOIST AND FLOORING Tho host placo to buy is whoro the best stock of lumber la carried. Tho ontlro building trndo know that thero Is not a finer stock of lumber thnn thnt carried by ua. Wo are ready to fill tho largost contract promptly. Wo don't kcop tho build er wnltlng. That's n very Important point. Near S. P. paBsengor depot GOODALE LUMRER CO. Phono 52 Main. Wc have just receive I large car of choice ea corn. C I cHt:urti iow prices ir,t fnf-C Finn f. , . '"" r cnickenfe, hog feed, etc. D. A. WHITE &SON Feedmen nnd Secdmea. Poultry and DCQ Supp1Ie, Phono ICO. 2CG Commerclnl Street 'I On the Stool of Repentance ? S"ASS? o1,t, ua hnn horn i un imp ovur :io vonr. i. ua i,.. i... .i i - s2r sr2 r-- ",,a luw hiHsn ,mul "mior hU icr- Cur7&& ' 0luxl lwrvUlon hlnce Km luftmcy. TuaZ 7 iTV ' .. 'V l,,w " " to ,,m,,vo l '. All UoHHtorMtj;, Imitation iuul"Jut-a.KWMlr' bub jWrlm?HU tliut trltlo with Mini oiuliuiKr tho ho .i of MH HH(t ChUdrcu-Kxpcrlonco uinUust llxport uU What is CASTOR I A CftalwU I, h hnrmleiw HibHtlttitii fbr Owtor Oil. Inre ifrlc, lrpa Hmithluir K rutin, it u ii..... untMlHN Molilivr Ophmt, Mon'hhio nor other KiirvoUa flHhstHcv It- ko la lu KtuiraiiliHS It ,loatro)n AVonu ill ty vw'. U wmw Dlnrrliwn nml WUxA .llJl t?11 'iVothhtjf IVuiiblM, iuir CoiiatliNitloR rmiuiMiry. it luMnilbiitfa tlm roHtt rruuhitt tho Uutaoh h Mmveis, g,jtltf iHmuhyum natural !ocm u vhU4rau'lauuctt-YboAlutlicrl'rloiid S JtHK CASTOR I A ALWAYS IcavvRi0Mr iV-J j' . I If yj leium tlie SIgnaturo of . tJf 9ffifc&u Tfi0 k'liu You HaYfl Alwavs mM " - mmm, mmt w s w" W Mul m New I'lny ToiilKlit. Hckhanlfs ItIuI Stock crnumii) preeeut "The Grout Niirthwwt ,t the KIlMger-Onuid toiiluht. Thla attrac tion ! a HHMltHtiy Of CXCfOtlOH mrlt and nwn highly rmimweitde from all the hie del or u,e uorthwwt. " immhmh or Portlaad. u i'okae, Thwihw. iitah ,,, Co,orw. il are a erltwIoH. the eMMtemeHt ' ue a mk anseiMa. The cowjmHy Is wposl of iw.jv- lmtom with spw-Ul aeeaery and plsy. Hwvr be- yromie! In Salem. Spclat will he Introduced, moving picturea ot the San Frnele UtMuMer, aad all the latest Illustrate.! ihhiiw. to sy HothlHK or the itrladnal faH wk. Oliver J. Kekhardt (waaKW) ably nWe,l by Cleocin Nkhol.. who hw R rewarkahlv BWU v.-. an4 In addition U H aMUilUhoa aetre To quote Mr. luimour. wons, who nt one tlm w . berefthe"ldoU..utUebMir,0. talr show on the road today." School lWvtrtl M(. The school board held u tMeetlae Satnlay ovmb d ttMettH taw aWeent f r,tiu ..aiWwa that JUS??" -i kadUa. by S,tte,dnt ower were citlU-H. MUa ,)raa. to ll the y)aM -.i-.i v ,... S'lil"? !!? Mlek- wl rf lME dr': l ke pneo. It's Going Fast And gives perfect satisfaction. Evcrj' sack is guaranteed, nnd that account for tho rapid Increase in snles.. Also it Is .still made of OLD WHEAT nnd Is the best Hour nt nny price. USE ONLY Wild Rose Hour At nil (lrht class grocers. HIT IT AGAIf Whon you nro hammerlni J a good cause you cannot hit lit hard nor too often. That'n wo persist In tolling pcoplo clt good qualities of our Eppfey's Perfection Baking Powder It Is tho boat nnd It Is mid. Salem, nnd It's put up In a wti pnekngo, nnd Its Just as cheui tho pooror brands. Ask yonrpJ cor for It. C M. E P PtLEI Manufacturer Salem, Oregw i rtiono aa. in Um For Ovtr 30 Year. M"1 ' " j?.y y wm ; . m tkPlueot MW Steves a, ho .Vwth ahoo. a j. L.J!? " . U., . .... . mf " . l the i)0 0f a. A nv. .LenlV The o.ect.0. of a Tmt -- 4-wtrvKPu Haiti th Is where n man flnda hlmsoU that takes his lHn to an. laundry but the Salem steam Laundry. ir your consclenoe don't prlok. your oollars and ourf. way and make you Ppre. elate the smooth -dees, soft button holes and esqulatto color and finish thnt you can always rely on gottlng -v v .to! aienra uiundry, at low HALiai 8TKAAI XAUNDRV. ou.iuu , i4lHrty St. H. S. Gile & Co. Wholesale Grocers and Com mission Merchants 'you.. t.l, ,, for ' produce or all Special ur sale a few ..,,,1 n. Ing hu siloing maahlnei: equipment a low OAS.tHA. FFaGSBSr Salem Fence Wire iirauqiurtm for Wewn Wire rVnclng. Hop Wire, narb Wire Pniw P. & II. Heady Rooflns. All at lowest prlws. Walter Morfey 250 CoMrtSt Sale Ore, X s 1 BIG I FIR WOOD SAWED AND UNSAWED AT VOGET LUMBER AND FUEL COMPANY B B B Ordor a package o( I famous health and I building flour and eomo good old fail New England Dread. A chance lit right hot loaf will i you think you arti Boston. With SclX-rlsIng II. I). D. you can make brel llko tho Puritans wdl mnko. 3-B Pnncaue Fl Is also a pure food; i Trndo rising and all ruifi Mark mix with water anal on a hot griddle. ALLEN'S riBBPUXJR1 Pacific Const Factory, 6a Cnl. Ristcrn Fnctory, U I Wolf Mills, JInnnwa, Vs. IM i; CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. ' (.o.Tjr.crds! St. Phone 179 Cash Purchasers of Poultry, EgRS. and Suant wisely la the source M satlBfacUon. Why not spe ' of It -wisely now buying Baker, Lawrence & I Baeeeeeeni a Imtt J TlieFiisliionSta ronaerly Stopwn'i Up-to-date livery Punaral inraonts IP', Vi v- .I.Im mn, eltVI-' 4. CIIAS. W YANS! 247 and 249 Hif 9ti HOTEL ORE Ooraar ot Sereatk ani & The mw aad modem hot CttAM fvriinuljir to i"". lfcm nJ Afl.Ai rrwrOB eitS i -KV-. . T.11.1 a4 vpward. Hasdeoa1 f AH Farm Produce.