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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1907)
Vfy&8f3!w a l:. V 0 DAILY CAMTAL JOtTRNAL, 8ALKM, win. SATURDAY. JANUARY M. 1007. Destroys Hair Germs Falling hair is caused by germs at the roots of the hair. Dan druff is caused by germs on the scalp. Avers Hair Viqor J NEW IMPROVED FORMULA J quickly destroys all these germs, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, stops falling hair. The New Kind wnaiBBP Dogs not change the color of the hair made the Introductory speech. Ho speaks well and he likes It. Ho had tho opportunity to moke soven other speeches In introductions and award ing tho prize and ho embraced them all with alacrity. In only threo of theso speeches did he refer to "Achilles' Shining Blade." His ora tory Is of tho same vlntaso as ilmt of William Jennings Bryan. Tho chapel of tho unlvorslty was filled with enthusiastic students and their friends and two mighty pretty girls acted ns ushers and seated the largo au5!ncc without tho slightest confusion. Tho whole crowd was Imbued with tho college spirit and class and society yolls woro Indulged In galore, o THE VALUE OP CHARCOAL. Few People Know How Useful It Is In Preserving Health nnil Beauty. I J. C AVER CO., Manufacturing Chemhli, Lowell, Mm. CONTROL NORMAL SCHOOLS Bill Will Be Introduced Mon day to Abolish the Present System OUR MEATS ARE ALWAYS THE BEST. For we tako especial care to buy aono but tho best, and our customors can always depend upon getting the best In tho market at right prices when they buy at our market. E. O. CROSS, Stato Strrvt Jfarkof Phono 2D1 SILVER TONGUED WALLACE Trill Wins First Prize Oratorical Contest and Gets 20 Simoleans in ho will couio homo with Inurols on his brow and will cover "Old Wlllam otto" with glory n foot deep. Oocrgo I). BlinpBon, who spoko on tho subject, "Wobster nnd tho Union" had his tlionio well In hand and took second placo In tho markHtoes on odiiontlon In tho roepoc- liigs of tho Judgofl. Ills speech was tlvo housos ' Sevornl bills hnvo nlroady boon In troduced In oncli of tho houses of t(ie loglslaturo concerning tho stato nor mal sohools and making appropria tions for tholr mantninnnco. All of those havo boon roforred to tho coin- Costs Xotliing to Try. Nearly everybody knows that char coal Is tho safest and most officiant disinfectant and purifier in nature, but few realho Its valuo when taken into tho human system for the same cleaning purpose. Charcoal la a romedy that tho more you tako of It the better; It Is not a drug at all. but simply absorbs the gasos and impurities nnd carries thorn out of tho system. Charcoal sweotons tho breath af ter smoking, drinking or nftor oatlng onions and other odorous vegetables Charcoal effectually clears and Im proves the comploxlon. It whitens the teeth and further acts as a nat ural and eminently safo cathartic. It absorbs the Injurious gases which collect In tho stomach nnd bowels; It disinfects the mouth and throat from the poison of catorh. All druggists soil charcoal In ono form or nnothor, but probably tho hast charcoal nnd the most for tho inonoy Is In Stuart's Charcoal Loz onsen; thoy are composed of tho fln- ost powdorod Willow charcoal, and othor harmless nntisoptlcs In tnblet form or rather In tho form of large, ploasant tasting lozongos, tho char coal bains mlxod with honoy. Tho dally uso of thoso lozouges will soon toll In a much Improved condi tion of tho gonernl hoalth, better M"OR JOIST ANl lLOOHING Sfit COR 9HH Wc have just receive j large car of choice corn. Speciallowpricesint fitc Finn f. f .w. ""vrcnickenfft hog feed, etc. D. A. WHITE &SON Feodmon and Secdmen, Pohltry nnd Dee Supply Phono 160. 255 Commercial Street. Even If Wallnco a. Trill did not display tho voto getting attributes of hi opponent in tho recent municipal election ho ponswssoa tho llrat and fct of all political qualifications tfcat of oratory. Ho wan first place taut night In Um annual oratorical rorttost at WIN taHUo University, was awarded tho fecial prlioof $20 and will represent the university In tho lntor.colleglato mmtorlcsl -peechfost that will tnke u good ono and well pruparod. He was enthusiastic and It soums n pity that Mr. Webster died without hear ing this eulogy on his llfo ahd oaroer Mr. Simpson deals In tho Charles Towno brnnd of eloquence Charles 1 1. MclCnlght spoko vigor ously on tho "Advent of Peace." In such u itronuoiiH mnnnor that tho oration might easily havo been mis taken for a call to arms. Tho speech showed thnt McKnluht Is uolntr to mako a soholnr nnd tho oration not only displayed study but it wub com. posed In olegant English. Ills Is tho Joo lllackburn stylo of orntory. I.lttlo Jonns Jorstad Is thn John I). Oounh of Wlllnmotto. Ho mado a bully llttlo speech considering what n .1." 1.1..-. I... I.-.I ml .!wi.H!!.'-i:,i-Sii-i7i,S: to Action." It was n spirited argu ment to show that tho government right to nnd J college will tnku part. Wallace won hands down Insf ntht or would hare donu so bnd ho has thu nowor. Dm ot been Using his mils In maklnK .should at onco suppress tho whiskey ",H, w ii mum noi now.trnmo. Jonas Is n handsome nnd them down. It was no en.y victory bright llttlo fellow and If tho dccl because ' otior hoys woro there 'slon had boon vested In thu hands of with the goods. Trill selected for. tho very young girls he would have ids theme. Tho March of True Do- taken thu medal. As It was ha has wocraoy" and ho really handled lt'm came to biok tnr i, .h.i n An other hill more radical than any of IIiom will lis Introduaod Mon day, probably In both branches of the legislature simultaneously, to do nwny with tho ontlro normal school system and placo tho normal schools of Orogon under tho control of n stato hoard of rogentu which will bo composed of tho stnto board of edu cation and two additional members, ono to rosldo In each of the two towns where tho schools .aro located. Tho board will bo glvon tho power to abolish alt tho schools but two nnd will nlso hnvo tho powor to seloct thoso two schools. Tho bill carrlos an appropriation of IGO.000. It Is understood that Smith, of Marlon, will lutroduco tho bill In tin' senate nnd It has not been decided who will bo its HpoiiBor in tho lowor house. comploxlon, sweotor breath and purer blood, and tho bonuty of It Is, that no posslblo harm can result from thoir continued uso but, on tho con trary, great bonoilt. A Duffnlo physician, In Bponklng of the bonofUs of charcoal, says: "I advlso Stuart's Charcoal Lozongos to all patlonts suffering from gas In Btomnch and bowols, and to cloar the comploxlon nnd purify tho breath, mouth nnd throat; I also bollovo tho llvor Is groatly banofltod by tho dally uso of them; thoy cost but twenty- Ave cents n box nt drug Btores, and although In somo sonso a patent prep aration, yet I bollovo I get more nnd better charcoal In Stuart's Chnrcoal Lozenges than In any of tho ordinary charconl tablets." Bend your name and nddrcss to day for a free trial paokago and seo for yoursolf. P. A. Stuart Co.. 5C Stuart nidg., Marshall, Mich. o Tho best placo to Duy is whoro the best stock of lumber Is carried. Tho ontlro building trndo know that thcro Is not a finer stock of lumbor than that carried by us. Wo are ready to fill tho largest contract promptly. Wo don't kcop tho build er waiting. That's a vory Important point. Near S. P. passongor depot GOODALK LUMI1KR CO. Phono 62 Main. in nn nuie and scholarly way. ills delivery was easy, graceful and na tural. being devoid of Unit amateur wist that usually goon with a school fcoy speech. Ho displayed n thought ful alndy of his subject nnd tho trend of thu oration was In lino with thu ftilvwncu political thought of the tlmt. If Mr Trill docs as well at Miss lailtabcth Will and Holier! Knkln favored tho audleneo with n piano duot and a quartet composed of Mini Alma Hales, Miss Ruth Ketchum, Hoywl Illsboo and Archie Strang sang "Po" i.lttlo ham, ' muoh , niu utMimii oi inu crown una very gracefully responded to an oncoro. hdltor Marker, of tho college pa- tJyLb' """ Ha he did last night I per, was tho presiding omcor nnd JCViftkltaw&aottferAa. tttk5kMMdkiiMillkmvU cf ItasTJMkmJUiMtAjl- IkyHakootio. JWUXJ w. iJmf 3u CASTORIA For InfRnta nnd Ohlldren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of It li not believed that tho bill In Kh prosont form will pass tho sonnto although It may bo hipped through tho house. It Is said that this will bo regardod In tho sonnto as n viola tion of thu nllouod "ogreomont be tween gentlemen" that Is said to ex ist botwsen tho senate and tho gov ernor that thu uppor house Is to en act no legislation that will curtail tho nppolntlvo powor of the oxocu- tlvo. It la nlso considered doubtful If tho senators will naroe to do uway wiiii several normal sohools In the stato without naming the schools that aro to be klllud. Mrs. Ouzzlor Oh, Henry, sec what Mrs. Noxtdoor Bent you a Jar of hrnndlod ponchos. Mr. Ouzzlor Woll, I don't enre much for nrMrvos, but you enn toll her I npproolato tho spirit In which they waro sent. Philadelphia Record. Who (lot iho Hwr. It has boon rumored thnt thb med leal association of this county Is short several bottltw of good Salem beer which was appropriated from tlivlr The Joy. Of living Is to havo good hoalth Uso Horblno nnd you will havo bush els of Joy. Von neod not bo bluo, fretful and have that bad tasto In your mouth. Try a bottle of irr. blno, a posltlvo euro for all llvor complaints. B. Hnrroll, Austin, Tex . wrltes: "I hnvo used Horblno for over a year, nnd find It a flno rocula- tor I gladly recommond It as a fine motiicino for Dyspepsia." Sold D. J. Pry. It's Going Fast And gives perfect satisfaction. Kvcry sack is guaranteed, and that account for the rapid Increase in sale.. Also it Is still made of OLD WHEAT and Is Uio best Hour nt any price. USE ONLY Wild Rose Hour At all llrst class grocers. HIT IT AGAII When you aro hamroerinr J a good causoyou cannot bit ft t hard nor too often. That'll wo persist In tolling people pit good qualities of our Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder It la tho host and It is Didiv aniom, nnd it'B put up in a weft packago, and its Just as cheap tno pooror brands. Ask jourp cor ror it. r M FDDIt: Manufacturer Salem, Oregeo by On the Strmf riwin In thu mliml bHlldlng by som r r person or puraoui who know a good Ot ipntaflCC ming whim tUtt' saw H.SwStoll.Dlar3fi, rras wi A.W(VUIN9(W.t iTTn Mt NXW "VOHK. M ( tU1 AF XWn-WPfVWAJN!. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA twin fM, Mm , tmv lllll'fc' ..-jBSr v It. It would seem that thore was a ohm of beer left ovur from (he experiments w'hlcl. wre rwcently made by tho modlool asosciatlun meeting which was hold recently ami that now the ease op eases are missing. Tho only man who disappeared suddenly nnd in a mys terious manner was "Hnttlo Homw." tho looto Joint, but the wise manipu lators of tho knife wag their heads and declare that it would bo Impos .ur mm io navo escaped with suah & load. It would nppoar that the) have somo circumstantial vi. dance hlch ualght fasten tho blamo on me medical students and it is also set forth that if tho prlee of tho boor i oi lorincommg that there will bo something doing on the campus. Some of the eiubro saw tvuaee that no such ease can be oharge.1 to them as here was only nlue hmti ' n Houglas County T. Heteburs 8iekemaa: u u not i all surprising that the present county court had to make a levy to catl for more money than was askini for iB,i year. With an Increased demand by ... ,v ,u me leno of about tlS, 80 and with ou uprided for deft cleacy left over from u.t v.,. abowt IS0.Q80 u waa absolutely nee ry to do m. Soao of th&so who bavo found th road fHad a means of m(, k... larel to their sorrow that the Is an ?d to Ue way of the traassm w, Ttor aw ot Mway mh 0 peAce, w A m I M B B B Ordor a package of I famous hoalth and M building flour and somo good old faiblcs New England Dread. A chance ill right hot loaf will i you think you trt i Boston. With Soil-rising I). II. D. you can ranko brail llko tho Puritans uJ mako. S-B rnucakc Fl la also a puro food; iJ Trado rising nnd all reif; Mark mix with water tal on a hot griddle. Is where a mim flnda hmwlf that (k hU linen to any laundry but v... OKKam sundry, it your ,-ua.oicnce uou't priok. your collars and cuffs may and make you pnrl! elate the smooth .decs, soft button holes and exquisite color and finish that you ui aiwa), rely oa at the Salem Steam LaUnrt. .f ". f prices. ""v iOW SALK.M STK.M XAUNDRY. Phone S3. iaMo0 S. IJbertr St. H. S. GH & Co. Wkolonk Gc oecrs and Co o Herchanta "raei i .n tim,M You to pay a fair prlco for your lumber when that price carries with it n guarantee of quality. Our prices nro nover inn in give it to you, and novor too high for ALLEN'S BBBPLOUR CI Pacific Coast Factory, B" Cil. Eastern ractory, lit Wolf Mills, Manawa, Wis- : it Got our quotation on your needs. Vogct Lumber and Fuel Company. CAPITAL COMMIKinN rn. 2R7 Comfr.c-css! S ' Baker, Lawrence & Pi, 4,n' " BBeewaen fee rritt V! fvnic i yy Spent wisely la the souret rf' ifl.raatlK. TTT. nnl IDCHI' -v.B.viun. huj -r-- of it wisely now buying ua? In the for dried fruit i r.. . Sptdal WhaTforMle..fewapp, Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and All Farm Produce. TBcFasliicmSf Salem Fence Wire "quarter, for WoTen Fencing. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley FM-ma-iv aiiiniirnn'i TTn.tA.aa llwavw .&J PaaeTal iurOHte a spetW, In fm bI)im and exenrS"' 4. CHAS. W VANNtt1 27 aad S4 HijI . HOTEL ORE Oersw ol BeTs4 sad ' Tk jww awl M4era a CaU4Ti4lariy to rMJj Urn .a Vu. rw&tma itk skm. VW. t Sates L"fi si pwaL BaadsecMM r Vu .j ju u lew "J Urn aMMMUro. DaBy Of4