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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1907)
- t- .iwjji'l , -asr''"1''' y 'e-, DAILY OAPITATj JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1007. -Atrnt zrZi IK. FAIH AND COLDER 2 SATURDAY. ifltii" noHAAL" FIRSi1 "ItHITIU!fy"j M.)-S2COXI KOITION, 4 I'. M. nATLY CAPITAL JOURNAL. ,xvh. SALHM, OJMiaON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1007. NO. 2.1. iEATFUEL FAMINE GROWING izzards Holding Railroads in Their Grasp For iwenty-rour nours su Paul. J" 25.-Dlockndo of Uwest is growing rnpiaiy wu . , trains from const tor - "" , vorthcn Pnclllc nono slnco Wed- Lv Croat Northern announce U lino between Lnrimoro aim .,ir Lake, nu nui .i' 9(ked, and 20 (lend engines be en towns. Tiwuvliie Out Merger. n.i.i. Jnn. 25. The attorney-! f ' , , tfinnnantn linB filed mnn- nerai u ."'" ,raU8 proceedings touny scmiing io impel tho South Minneapolis & Man nba railroad to show causo why Its latter ihould not bo revoked. It Is !rt of the Great Northern system. ! aiioced merger of which formed it Great Northern system, which attacked Wants fiross Huntings Tuv. The attorney-genernl says ho bo- kres the Great Northorn was formed xn tho foundation of tho Manitoba bad for tho solo purpose- of Inflation lu canltallzntlon. Ho asks, that lock Issued by Great Northern on kseu of tno iunnuoun oo uccinrcu bid and payments of dividends on It tnlolned. Tho Groat Northorn alms exemption from tho four per :nt cross earnings tax, under tho rlglnaj Manitoba franchise, and lcrefore tho state seeks to wine out franchise Tho suit also Involves be tljht of tho Great Northorn to peate subsidiary companies of its own stockholders to build extensions nnd manipulato tho stock of such companies. o l'rolii Fanning Methods. Denver, Jan. 25. Sixteen stntea west of tho Missouri rlvor nro repre sented, at tho Dry Vanning Congress. Tho agricultural department sent u number of experts. A thousand del egates, men and women, havo turned tho placo Into a school of instruction, nsking and ariBworlng questions. It is likely to soloct advertising 'repre sentatives to boom tho western coun try, and numo dry farming gover nors nnd "secretaries of state. Many commercial bodies aro active, -o . Ohio River Floods. Shnwncotown, Ills., ,Jnn. 25 Tho rlvor is nt 52 feet nnd rising. Small broaks in tho levee havo boon re paired,' but moro aro appearing T!ho guardB havo been ordorod to shoot nnd kill any ono attempting to cut tho lovco. Snow Is falling, and thero Is lntonso suffering, for tho food supply Is diminishing. o i Jamaica Governor Resigns. London. Jan. 25. Tho reason Is believed Swottenhnm's resignation has boon handed to tho colonlnl office Ib that ofllcialB refuse to affirm or deny. GnlCAG 0 STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE POWERFUL BARGAINS NOW ON SALE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT EVEUYHODY KNOWS TIIK WONDERFUL SUCCESS TUB CHIOA- CO STORE HAS MADE IN A FEW YEARS. WE ARE OUT FOR 1807 TO IlEAT ALL PREVIOUS RECORDS WITH MOUNTAINS OF NEW GOODS BOUGHT FROM THE BEST MANUFACTURERS IV AMKIUCA. OUR MOTTO IS NOW, AND ALWAYS WILL HE, "VUCK SALES AND LITTLE PROFITS." WE OFFER DURING THIS SALE RELIABLE GOODS AT PRICES THAT CANNOT HE BEATEN HV ANY HOUSE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. . 15000 worth of now Spring j Drtea Goods Just rocelved in evory wncelrable stylo and make. They certainly beautiful dainty Plaldi, atrlpes and plain shades. No other house in 8alom can show Too one yard of those beautiful loodi aa the lino Is confined ex tnuruly to tho Chicago Store. Cob anl look through and bcp srand assortment tho largest rt6k ct Drees Goods over shown &7 any one house In Salem. They ot expensive when you con "tt their beauty and high claw ?, an donblo wlat; Prlc0 JN-49c, 6Ec, 69c, 75c, 8Gc and Domestics and Wash Goods Wo show a magnificent atock and at prices that defy competition 1000 yards standard Calicos, yard 1000 yards Outing Flannels, yd 5c 500 yards fine India Linen, yard 7c 1000 yards of new Dress Linens just rocelved. In colors and the natural shade, at sale prices. UNDER AWFUL STRAIN Women 'Concerned in the Thaw Trial Takes a Whole Day to Secure, Two or Three Juryme- Now York. .Inn. 25. Evelyn Thaw and May McKonzIo appeared In court early this morning, Evelyn carrying a sntchol -containing her noon lunch. She nnd May eat in tho clerk's room, adjoining tho court 'room during ro coss. Evelyn's pathetic flguro today Is broken, crushed under tho weight of ' npprohension. Tho prisoner's mother ntteuded court today; Ill ness provonted yesterday her sous, Edwnrd and Jo9lah, from coming. Mrs. Cnrnezlo wns not accompanied, nnd had no greetings for tho tnothor nor for Evelyn, who searched the womnn's fnco with a muto nppoal for sympathy. Shaw shook hla mptherS hand when ho npyearcd, but - ap parently did not soo her eyes, which followed him ns he tookm H,cat, Thaw Very Active. Defendant shows rrent activity In tho selection of JurorB. A mnn np uLAjIi DIAMONDS PAWNED Coal Famine in Salt Lake Causes a Struggle For, Supply Snlt Lake. Jan. 25. Thero Is a "coal famine hero of serious propor tions. Citizens nro paying wntchers at tho" conl yards to report tho ar rival of coal cars, and hiring team sters by tho day to wait their turn A prominent pawn broker displays a sign: "Money lonned on coal. This is no JobIi; bring in your black dia monds and get cnBh." Passengers on incoming trains re port -sidings full of loaded coal cars, but unnblo to movo on account of lack of motive power. o Slnycr of London Merchant. London, Jan. 25. Tho pollco Bay Whltoloy'B slayer Ib Iloraco Raynor, a school mastor, and that a motlvo haB been disclosed. Following nn operation by surgeons this morning It Is snld ho probnbly will recover., PUBLIC SENTIMENT DIVIDED As to Railroad Commision Opposition .to AH Grafts is Growing Wife- Murderer Hanged. Wilmington, Del., Jan. 25. Lowls Johns, n negro, was hanged this morning for tho murder of his wife July 17th. Ho confessed. HH-lM-8ill. ! Iniet4t-i4ai 1 BASKET BALL CHASHIPi AT Y. M. C. A. HALL TONIGHT GERMAN NATIONAL POLITICS Muslins Fine Bfeck Silks "? 'B'ack Silks, yard. 49c. "cnd 75c a nti M Black Silks, yard 'ea&4tl.S5. All klnda and makes, also White Cambrics, long cloth Per sian LawfiB, SwkwM, etc., at little prices. Fine Mtull&s, yard, 6c, VAc, 8 l-3o, 19s. Ladies Suits Now is your time to buy. This Boason'B fine garments going at half price. t $15.00 Swell Suits now $9.50. 1000 yatds 3-inch wide Embroid eries, yard 3$. Hundreds of such bargains all over our establishment. Ladles' $2.25 Dress Shoes, per pair, $1.49. , McEYOY JALEM'S FA8T18T GROWING STORK. BROS. Corier of Contttr citl twi Court Stmts iiO. S. N. S. vs. Y. M, C. A.ii a ( ) (i ' j; Preliminary Game at 5 0'Clock0. S. D. M. vs.!! South Salem Admission 25c. Beiiiaiiiii4iiiaiiiisjisjtsi-s4H-a4f4ni ponrB acceptnblo to the attornoys for both sides. Then Thaw (urns to his wife or mothor, trusting their feminine- Instincts rather than to himself or to his lawyers. Frequently ho awaits a nod of ncceptnnco from thorn beforo agreeing. Howard It. Fnlro, a printer, wns sworn as tho sixth Juror nt 12:53. : Wlwlo World Watehen Trial. That lnterost in tho trlnl Ib wldo spread was indlcnted by tho collec tion of reporters nnd nowBpnpor nr tistB, which was such aa novor came togothor boforo in tho court room. Othor trials and investigations have excited tho utmost local Intorost. The Thaw caso is being reported to the ends of tho civilized globe. The oin ineuco of tho victim, tho wealth of tho prisoner, tho dramatic circum stances of tho crlmo nnd tho light It sheds not only on Drondwny llfo, but on the doings of tho fast sot In ovory capknl, havo caused spe cial arrangomonts to bo mado for the press. Evelyn'H Mother Won't Come. Pittsburg, Jan. 25. In a Blgned stntomont from Mrs. Holinnn, moth er of Evelyn Thaw, nt her homo at Pittsburg, Bho says under no cir cumstances can she appear at tho .trial, either as a witness or specta tor. Details of Trial. Now York, Jan, 25. James M. Kctcham, replying to a question, said ho was pleased to state he didn't know Stanford White. Said ho had formed 'on opinion from tho news papers. First tlmo anything rofloct- llng upon reputation of principal has appeared at tho trial. There was a tilt between Jeromo and Patrldgo. Kctcham waB excused. The namo of Charles If, Nesbit was called and at tracted scrutiny of defendant's wlfo, wishing to see a man of samo name. State peromptorlly challenged Falre, who was aged 30 and married. Chauffeur May Live. Daytona, Fla., Jan. 24. Marriott, the chauffer, bolloved killed here, re vived this afternoon. Apparently bis optle nerve is paralyzed, and ho is unable to see. Internal Injuries may prove fatal, r. j. r. cook Mtm fO S40 LIBERTY 8TRKWC, wimniM m wtxii ususs all aw m mm vatikhtm. for amx wmamm auj j . ccwk. OOJWiUTATK)X YfOm. Dorlln, Jnn. 25'. Tho oloction of mambors of the now relohstng is tak ing placo today, and it Is expected that tho result of tho polling will bo nnnouncud tomorrow ulgiit, or on Monday morning nt tho latost. Qront oxcltomont prevails and it Ih cortnln that owlnz to tho Btrnined relntloiH oxlntlng between tho Emporor and cortaln sections of tho jieoplo tho polling will bo tho heaviest In tho history of the country. Thero Is no doubt that tho prospects for Germany thlB yonr nro by no means vory bright, as It has boon publicly as serted during the commencement of tho prosont campaign thnt tho om plro wn3 now nt tho zonlth of her prosont cyclo of prosperity. How this year will materialize depends largely upon tho elections, and tho mutual nttitudo of the government and the rolchstag to ono another. If tho gov ernment does not make considerable concessions to the popular desire for gonulno constitutional rule, then tho wldoly provalont pouslmlsm duo to tho meat famine, the all round rise in prices, notably of raw materials, and tho necessaries of life, and wear iness of the nlmost frantic "WoltpoJ ltlk" of the kaiser, with Its momen tary demands and sacrifices for tho fleet and colonies, will placo it bo yond the powor of tho people to en duro the chancellor's policy of fair words and light phrases. All these things may easily bring about nn In ternal situation of extreme gravity and even danger to tho throne. Nothing, however, of oven tho quasi proph'etlc kind can bo Buid of tho general prospects of the omplro for 1907 until the results of tho elec tions, aro announced. Amongst statesmen of all shades of opinion tho political fortunes of the Imporlal Chancelolr Prlnco Von Buolow, nro regarded to bo In Jeopaf"dyowlng to his advlco to the emperor to dissolve tho rolchstag on December 13th. It Is said by tho chancellor by hla ac tion took his political llfo In his bands. In doing ho, however, ho was under tho Inspiration that comes of taking great risks, for, when mak ing hla now famous announcement, ho BDoko, aa ono transformed, his manner being wholly different from Tho Capital Journal Ib recolving scores of letera dally on tho subject of n railroad commission, a demur rage law and tho freo locks bill. The latter meets with universal approval in Western Oregon, whllo tho BontJ mont Is almost aa Btrongly In favor of a Btlft demurrngo law, with pen alties and powor to bo placed In thw hnnds of the law ofllcorB of tho state to bring actions to enforce ponaltlos for failure to furnish cars. Thu son tlmcnt on tho question of a rnllroatl commission Is vory much divided, and some of tho statements will sur prise loglslntors, coming ns thoy do from the most Intelligent farmers, shippers and buslnoss mon of thu Wostorn Orogon counties. Antl-Unitt Fight Sustained. Tho Capital Journal's anti-graft light Is warmly BUHtnlncd, and scores of new subscribers nro com ing in dally, all volunteering porson al and financial support of this paper In Its course The pcoplo nro pre parod to carry tholr campnlgii against useless oxponso to thu court of last rosort, tho ballot box, and the will not bo satisfied with hold ing up any extravagant appropria tion, but thoy will tnko tho roferon duin on such hills, nnd wngo a ro lontlcss campaign. Tho clerkship graft is growing day by day, nnd tho prosont plan is to not havo clerks Bworn In until later in tho session, bo that nowBpapors may not got hold of the nnmofl to publish. l'nlrn and Normal Schoolx. Full-pago ndvertlRqmonts of tho Seattle-Yukon exposition, appearing lu mnny of tho stnto import), may cause an InvcHtlgntlon tjf tho meth ods employed to swoirtlint appropri ation. It Is admitted that thoro should be an appropriation of a sum Bufllclcnt to havo a creditable- expo sition at Scnttlo. but It should bo no larger than wns appropriated by Washington for tho exhibit nt Port land. Thoro Is a gonornl sontlmont ngnlust a largo appropriation for tho Jamestown exposition. Out of courtesy to tho governor something may bo glvon, but to throw awny any thing llko $05,000 to $75,000, for that is what It would nmouut to, la not being Boriously considered, Sen ator Smith, of Umatilla, scoured ref erence of a normal school appropria tion bill from tho commlttoo of ways and means to tho commlttco on cdu cation, which Is snid to bo favorable Tho senate ways and means commit teo Is said to bo unfavorable to tho unrostrnlnod normal school graft. Watch the Printing. Stato Prlntor Dunlwny promised tho pooplo thoro should bo no con structive monsuroments tb run up big bills against tho stnto in his de partment. Attention Is cnllod tb short bills that aro startod on one pngo and a fow lines run ovor onto tho noxt pngo. This Ib not only vory Inconvonlont to tho InwmnkorB, but doubles tho oxponso of tho pros work, nnd runs an unuecoBBary bill on the Btnto. House bill No. 08 U an Illustration of this method or swelling hills. If thoro Is a rule of tho printing ofllco to requlro this it could bo easily corrected by tho log Islaturo. Houso bill No. 00 hau 10 linos on tho first parte, 28 on the noxt, 27 lines on the third pngo and' five linos on the fourth pngo. It could na well nil bo printed on throe. pages. In tho 'snmo wny Nos. 72 and 77 could bo prlntod on ono pngo onoh, but n fow linos nro run ovor to mako double proas vyork. v anything thnt tho rolchstag hnd ovor soon slnco lie ontorod polltianl llfo Indeed ovoryono noticod with what oxtrnordlnnry animus ho roponlod tho vlow that he was n moro Instrti mont for carrying out tho omporor't will. At proHont Von Huolow nu ll on r to feel thnt ho will remain In ofllco a few years longor, nnd, though ho has mado dotormlnod efforts slnco tho dissolution of tho rolchstng to do something, to secure tho reputation of bolng a bold, Indopondont states man, ho has Blgually failed, for ovon now it call bo soon that tho socialists, as tho only conslBtont party In oppo sition aro making remnrkablo hend way during tho romnrkablo dlHputo" botween tho othor pnrtlos. There Is almost universal expectation that tho Boclullsta will win heavily, and that tho CntholloB, whom tho government dlsllkoB, will ulinply mnko way for tho socialists, whom tho government dosplsos. It Is now rumored thnt tho chancellor will constdor a gov ernment dofeat at tho polls tanta mount to his own political death warrant, and would summarily ab dicate tho chancellorship. 8I7LTAX LOHKH RIIIIV IlebeN In .Morocco Win u Great Victory. TAKE NO STEPS BACKWARD Washington, Jan. 25. Inter viewed hero today, Congressman Longworth, Who is related to Roooe volt, says ho will not run for pVesI deney. Bays President favors and will continuo to favor Toft, but Tatt objects. It lu certain tho nomlneo will not bo a reactionary. If tho Pres ident has his way. "I mean by that," said Longworth, "Tho pooplo oxpect tho Republican party to select a nom inee responslvo to tho now political thought, who will comploto tho task begun." o Thaw Jurors. New York, Jan. 25.- In tho Thaw trial 12 jurors wero examined the first hour .and all excused. handler. Jan. 25. Hamuli's forces dofoutcd tho Sultan this morning- 'with hoavy Iobb, nnd forced tho lat tor, although ho Is occupying his po sition yot. The 8iiltnn's wnrshln Turfcev. which wob bombarding Dnsull'a camp this morning, hit a rock and Bunk With nil on board. A French mor chnni Hlil sttvod ninny. The Huitle Tliiimhiy. Hnlsull wns surrounded by KnliT Mohnlln's forNs In Zollnl'H Htrpng liold. El aiinlnlt, brother of Zollal, was drlvon out of one of tho villages. Rovornl of his mon wore killed and ho was wounded. Rnlsull has personally commanded Zollnl's fortress, nnd It was an nounced ho would ngnlu bo nttockod. Thoro Is much skepticism among tho foreigners here, who gonorally ro gard tho pursuit of Rnlsull as an opora boufTo performance, bollovlng thnt the bandit chief will be allowed' to oscnpo. o JapaiH'KO Unreliable. Vienna, Jun 25. .Ippau's com morolul methods wero hnrshly crlll cjzod today at a conforonco of Aus-t g$ trlan oxportors, KnrmlnskI, n hlg official of tho ministry of commerce, asHorted thnt JapnneHO niorchnnt aro untrustworthy and inclined to lie tricky. Ho said Intimate connections of Amorlcnn producors with Japan did not prosper. Ho added: "Things aro different in China, whoro tho na tlvo morchants aro reliable, prompt payors, and creditors nro nfforded ov ory protection byUaw." ' o Shocks Felt l Alaskn. Fairbanks, Alasku, Jan. 25. Sov eral oarthquako shocks aro reported from Littlo Dolta. Complaint has just boon filed of chargos of fraud and conspiracy on tho part of tho Ilnrnott Interest in securing the Dotno creek properties, vnluod at a million. It Is alleged tho deed was altered. "I - Z. -.. m jfctic m