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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1907)
v DAILY OATI TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1007. CONDEMN THE HIGH LEVIES Xlstockton MiitmmnmmtnmniiMmnuinmiij YOUR CHILDREN WONT HAVE COLD FEET fftF OLD Wni I L lurcnibK, PRAISES EASTERN OREGON Is Showing a, Great DeyelQpment - mii I ' I .' 'I'. 'L.-T-LmtT Great Special Sal? of Embroideries Beginning Monday Morning ! VALUES UP TO ON SALE AT . . . .i-Li-l-J-i-l-t I I I 1 1 1 III I I I 60c. yd. 25c. yd. ttHHHHHH . .,.,..,.,,.,,1 vnrils of embroidery Jn the tuilei Including nno Swiss 18 Inches wide, edgings and insertions In the very latest imported '"sSTof (liwn hilly 0lth 00c tll& yanh n mil Wh,1 th0y lnst commencing nt :". i"iji EC a VafH January 28th, nt 3C a YarU. SEE COURT STREET WINDOW Editor Hurley of the Oregon Oriano Compliments This Part of Oregon Salem Business Men's League Want Amount Reduced m-HHr-M-H-I I I I II I 1 1 I l'l I 11 I HiMi-H- Grand Opera House jnq. r. cordray, MBr. MONDAY, JANUARY 28 I ED. ANDERSON'S Massive Scenic Production Th e Midnight Flye Clever Specialties by Clever People. SEE NEW YORK AT NIGHT The Mammoth Ship Scene The Storm at Sea The Realistic Ship Wreck The Adirondack Mountains The Thrilling Railroad Scene Prices -75c, 50c, 25c. Seat Sale at Box Office, Monday at 9 a. m. HHIIMH-f4"HIM II I IN I III I I III II I I HIIHIIM IHH' ER GRAND THEATRE. Special stock engagement. 01lvor tckhardt presents ECKHAK1)TS IDEALS. Commencing Momlnv. .Tnnnnrv !o p treat border drama success 'THE GREAT NORTHWEST" fymmendne Thnniinv t ..,. . dramatization or Bortha M. :"" "Juous novel, "nnm ThnPn specialties, including llhistrnKvi and moung pictures, between tCt. tO bo chnni.o.1 -.i. m pnrM "" :r . vaa "ow bu . v"'"k. 10 ana 20c; iinriiy, loc OpUcal Department l num. U, normal condl- 2SJ! tfy th0B0 wh0 necd tHtinr t. "l ,DenU for tks eyeS aad our rlces lh0 ffi0t reasonable. "3s. H. Hinges. LaioeUd! FRUITS, NUTS, MINCE MEAT Groceries ! In fact everything In tuo lino of seasonable holiday goods and deli cacies may bo found In stock at our storo. Don't overlook. ' BARRINGTON HALL COFfEE Qlvo us a call and bo convinced of tho superiority of our service. H. M. Branson 326 State st The impers of tho, stato toll tho story of tho growth of every commun ity and our observation during tho last year leads Uis to bollevo that Eastern Orogon Is growing 'faBtor thnn the rest of tho stnte. Tho towns of Eastorn Oregon aro being ullt up with rapidity. Dalcor City, Pendle ton, Klamath Falls, Lnkovlow, La Grande, Union and ninny other onst ern Oregon towns aro moving to tho front as towns of iniyortanco In this state. Portland has built up until sho Is a )ower of tho Pacific. As a shipping point It Is taking a lending position on this const and will con tinue, so. Tho Wlllnmctto valley haB boon settled for many years ami Its towns aro as lnrso as they will bo until other methods aro Introduced to Increase, tho nomilntlon of tho Tanning section. Manufacturing, Ir rigation and dividing of tho farms In to Biunll ncrengo will probably do this. Eastorn Oregon Is Immense, in pos sibilities. She Is bolng developed, llnllronds aro reaching Into her un developed sections; big irrigation projects aro opening to thousands homos on her hlthorto undeveloped lnnds; and dry land farming is prov ing a success and bringing forth her otherwise unproductive soil. Capital Is turning to this section as produc ing greatest returns for tho monoy invested. Money Is worth ton por .cent, and not any too plentiful nt that. Tho Wlllamotto valley has been 1 known at tho garden spot of Oregon, and so It Is. With its beautiful Uowors, Its carpot of groon, Its ex collont forost, abundant rainfall, and long settlement, It has a right to bo called a wonderful vnlloy. But when J nnturo endowed It with all of thoso ntural advantages, It was llko tho "poor Indian" In ono or Pope's es says, willing to lay .down on Its laurolB ami "brag of tho wondo'rous works of God In thnt vnlloy. For fifty years tho stato has boon ontlowlng It with Its monoy, helping It along ns host it could. Without onorgy or nm- T Million It has ncqulrod a stato unlvor 5'filty, 3 normal schools, nn ngrlcul I tural collogo, nn asylum, ponlten T tlnry, roform school, muto school, j medical school, law school nnd tho "11 capita of tho state. Eastorn Ore- ' ITrttl llft3 fllltllllll. llAAnilllA It .Mmn .! i.1 wi. ....a .auwwtit? IIUVUUOU II UUlllllllUVU nothing. Tho appropriation for the portngo road and the normal school at Weston, represont tho total graft of eastorn Oregon on tho stato. Eastorn Orogon Is tho future om plro of this stato. Harney, Crook. Klamath, Baker, Lake, Grant, Uma tilla, Union nnd Mainour couutios will have ton people, whoro thoro Is ono now. Tho gront Ilnmoy vnlloy Is groator In mngnltudo than Is the mighty Willamette nnd Its lands are as lovol ns pavomont, and Its sol' doeji and rich. Malheur Is blosso with tho Immense valloya of the Mai nour and Willow orcfok, nnd thou sands of acres lying south and yot undeveloped. Railroads will bring thousands where thore nro less than n hundred, and tho growth of this country Is not far distant. Portland Is tho koy to both the Inland omplro and tho Willamette valley, and Its greatest Increase. In trade- is coming from .tho hlthorto unknown oastorn Orogon eoctlon. Coos Bay harbor, and tho other coast cities may bocomo places of Import nnce In time. Nnturo can not do It all. Other forces must assist and their future is still locked from our knowledge. Tho klnss of finance holds- tho keys, nnd time only can tell whethor they shall uso them or let thorn rust away. Be that as It may, eastern Oregon Is coming from under tho shado of a has been and will bo tho futuro Ore gon empire, and tho stato at largo will havo to wako up and recognlzo us. Vale Is but an entity, nnd repre sents but ono of the many towns that Is forging ahead 'under tho now or der of things. I1 There was a largo attendance of tho members of tho Salem Business Men's League and genornl discussion of paving and tax levies. D. J. Fry offered a resolution thnt a commit too of flvo bo appointed to wait upon tho county court nnd request that all but levlos for current expenses bo cut out. It seemed to bo tho sonde of yart of Ihoso present that no Im provements bo undertaken nt tho court htiuso this yoar. Some demurred at tho cutting out of thnt Dart of tho levy Intended to moot tho county's shnro of Btrcot pnv Ingj others making tho point that It was not necessary for tho county to moot this obligation until It w.ns duo. J. A. Carson wns called for to mnko n statement ns to tho legal status of tho matter nnd said that, without nn enabling net to glvo somo court juris diction to set nsldo tho lovy, thoro could bo nothing done. Thoro wns also somo discussion of tho proposition to hnvo nt soma time In Fobrunry n "bnrgaln wook," when nil the Snlom merchants would unlto to offer reductions on all kinds of wares and glvo tho pcoplo from tho adjoining country special Induce ments to coino In nnd trndo. A com mittee was apoplntcd on this subject. Thoro woro nearly 100 business mon present, nnd great Interest was manifested. o BILL FOB FItEE LOCKS. IF THEY WEAR Dr. Denton's I Sleeping Garments jj t Mill Tones of Locks Polk Working for Froo nt Oregon City Two Tax LuvIch. To obtnlu free waterway In tho Wlllnmotto river, nt Willamette falls, Representative Jones, of Polk and Lincoln, hits Introduced n bill creating a board of commissioners or tho Wlllnmotto locks. This board,, which Is to consist of tho governor, Bocrotnry of stato and Btato treaBur-or,- Is empowered to build, construct, operato nnd maintain locks on tho cast bank or tho rlvor at Orogon City. To rnlao tho necessary funds, esti mated at $100,000, two tax levies nro provided. In tho discretion of tho board, if tho present locks on the woaty Bido of tho rlvor cnti bo ob tained for n less sum than necossnry to build looks on tho east bank, tho bonrd Tins tho prlvlke or acquiring the locks now In operation. Powof Ih given tho board to con domn prlvato proporty for tho pur poso or acquiring right or way. A lovy or ono-hair of, 1 mill Is provided for 1007, on nil taxablo proporty within tho Btnto, and a similar tax iti 1908. Theso two lovlos, It is esti mated, will ralso tho $400,000 to build or buy lockB. Wlion tho lockH aro contarncted or acquired they urn froo to pnssago or all rlvor craft. In order to oxpodlato matlors, tho bill carries an omorgonoy clause, and la uxompt from tho operation or tho roforonduiH. Tho moasuro BtntoH that froo looks nro of Immedlato Im portauco to tho pooplo or Orogon. Hoprosontntlvo Joiior has hnd his monsuroH cnrofully drafted and this, with his railroad reciprocal domur rago bill, will occupy his ontlro at tention during tho session. Mr. Jonjjfe bollovos thnt tho frco locks will recolvo tho support of nil the westorn Orogon mombers becauso thoy roallzo tho necessity of such accommodation nnd that oastorn Oro gon legislators should help western Oregon Just as that section nldod tbp Eastern Oregon pcoplo In obtain- ' 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 f m 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ii They're nimlo llko n combination suit with hoso attached, so there's no diniiro to get tho feet uncovered. The fabric Is soft, elastic, knit ma terial In natural gray color. Wo linvo them In nges 1 to 0, rang- ' lug in orlco from -15c to Hftc, accord ing to size. Wo show tho greatest variety of ihv famous h m n 1 1 n n 1 1 1 u i n m n i n i n n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - VELVET GRIP HOSE SUPPORTERS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiHiiiimiiiiiiimiiiii- i I y CAt" uxt te ScirtMu Upana.nsc. I &IL1 "" ! '& "' B"1 Bt-4jl fUikw I ?.C-.8"to!,',- """ "l SUk39tmhy0t.$.cSM CASTOR I A Tc l&ft&ts and GMldren. Tm m Ym Haw Atwtifs toW Ban tk iigMWwaf (ZM&Si APPLES The finest Baldwins on tho market. Solected and packed by the grower. Worth more than what wo ask for them. FOIt IT 18 NOT WHAT WE MIGHT GET, AS WE I'BE- FEU 'JO SELL THEM AS CHEAP AS WE CAN. Moir Grocery Company 4M State ft. pimm im X In tho city. A hoso supporter seems llko n small Item, but our purchases of 'Velvet Grin" hoso supporters, lining tho year 11)0(1 amounted to $072.78, all direct from lo factory. Wo mention this single Item Just. to glvo you an idea of the magnitude of our business. fl hMt I i i a 1 ITT AJar'Sie& " fr s-.: 6.M.McMed. Wci. ' Wo undersell "rogulurH." That' why wo k"ow. &4Z6A'MGW s lug approprlatlonB for tho dolumbla river. ' ' Tho Oregon City locks nro receiv ing extra uttontlon UiIh yonr. Bo sldoa tho action or Itoproflontntlvo Jones desires tho Btnto leglslaturo to muko, Congressman Hnwloy proposes taking up tho uuittor nt WiiBhlngton. Thnt thlB will bo a lobby ngnlnBt the bill Is gonornlly anticipated. NEXT WEEK WILL TELL THE STORY Developments Will Indicate Attitude of Legislature Toward Prospective Legislation. inondntton nnd warning noto sound ed In his mossngo, and, bonolUtlng by last Bcsslon'fl oxporlonco with run ning up against tho chler exocutlvo'a mighty voto pen, tho lacking on of tho omorgoncy .clauso will bo used with tho groatost enro and Judlcloua discrimination. It Is bollovcd that, nsldo from tho gonornl appropriation hill, nccordlng to his previously an nounced policy, tho govornor will not tolorato Its uso this session, ns was tho enso tho previous session. o TRY TO LOCATE BULLET Legislators who remalnod in Salem ovor Suudny, inciuuing Hponaer I)ava', look forward to tho work of noxt wook aa bolnc fruitful or Im portant dovolopmonts In tho lino of legislation upon subjects or tho grav est moment to tho commonwealth, and ospoclally ho ns regards proposed railroad regulation bills. Bpoakor Davoy bollevos that development will nrlso which will Indlcato, to n con- sldorablo dogrco, tho attitude of tho legislators toward tho character of prospoctlvo enactment. Tho commltteo on railroads of tho lioiiBo and souato will hold a Joint mooting Mondny ovonlng, whou tho most important moasurea looking to railroad regulation will bo takon up for consideration, nnd ovory Interest Involved will ho given a hearing, and it is believed that somo knowledge will bo obtained rognrdlng tho atti tudo of tho respective muihbera to ward the several bills proposed. Tho ways and mennH committee of tho two branches will also hold a Joint mooting, and, In couformlty with tho suggestion of tho govornor will endeavor to present tho general appropriation bill to both houses on or beforo next Wednesday. This bill will embody only tho suma necessary for tho support and gonoral mainte nance of tho stato nonal, reforma tory, olemosynary, unlvorslty, blind nnd deaf muto Institutions, but nl tho other Institutions of an educa tional character will havo their ap propriation bills drafted and submit ted soparately. This lattor system will also bo In accord wJtfe tho governor' rccom- Fred Bustrin Taken to Port land and Placed Before X-ray Machine This Morning Fred Bustrin, who was wounded In tho shoulddr and chest by a pis tol shot Inlllctod by Constablo Kroch ter, at St. Louis, during tho saloon riot last September, and who In serv ing a ton-yonrs' sontonco upon con--vlctlou of tho ohnrgo of murder In tho second degree, was. taken to Portland by Prison PhyBlolan Shaw this morning, whoro ho will bo placed under tho X-ruys In an en deavor to locato tho bullet, which has novor boon extracted. Bustrin con tlnupe In poor health, suffering from tuberculosis, and grave doubts aro expressed' of his recovory. George Sooloy, convlctod or tho chargo of In citing riot, and glvon nn Indotorml nato sontonco, was rolonsod on 2000 bonds, pending tho decision ot his appeal to tho euprerno court. . 0. i. Pleasant Entertainment. A pleasant onlortainmont was glv on at tho homo of J. W. McDowell, In the Popcorn school district, Friday ovonlng In honor of Jesso Cowltt. who will loavo soon for a district near tho coast, whoro oho has ac cepted a position ns teacher. About GO young pooplo wero pres ent, and woro ontortalucd with mualo nnd games after which rofreshmontH woro served. At an early hour this morning tho guesta dopnrtcd for tholr homes, wishing Miss Cowltt succoua In Iior now work. f ,0vomxAB XMYoaHMAftHg "j 6X- '-rKAcfX. JlxACAAliL -