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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1907)
".-Itl - y i W. PAILT CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OIIEGON. Tl'KSllAV. JAXt'AKV 22, 1007. A Good Hafr-FoodE AVef,HalrVifor,ewlmffevcdformui3, k Mfo jwlr-fffod. It feeds nour- Mm, N!W f , strengthens, Inilgor Mm. ThchatrgrewimofeMpIily, kecpi Mft ft4 smoelh, ad all diiMfra rflsap- Give your mm- iom Biuwooa. 44lnrhn J.O.ifKW,. Mifsnktitr. Law!), Mhi HAINES APPOINTS WORKERS frtsldtit of Senate Named Stiadinr Cimmittees Monday Afternoon Afior th ruin of tho senate wore ctinHKod creating Ibo now commit tees on Inauronce, banking, state and eetsuty offlees and Industrie and wllalilntf tho old committee on bunking and Insurniico, 1'rcsldgnt lltiaes of the Oregon sonata an nounced tho standing committees for tk aoMlon yostcrdoy afternoon at 4 o'clock. Marion county farad well lit tho awatatHiGUUi, Hinlth getting tho dIrwariDlilp of tho canimlttoo on way and moans, Kny on resolution 4 OBrpllcd hill nnd Joint Bonntor JM tiler of Marlon mid Linn Iiuk places eft Important commltees. Tim six 1)tnocrn( In tho scuato got nmplo recognition, and till wcro provided for. Tho committee follew: Agrlcultiiro and Forestry John roo, McDonald, Lnyrook. Assessment nnd Taxation -Ding-liam, Nottingham, Kny, llalarkey Hedges. Clnlins IIoiIkb. Itoolli, CtHtliow, .1, N. Hmlth. Cotmnurco nnd Nttvlgntloii Not tJnghatu. llnlly, ,8olial)olil. Counll&ivtMl'r J. .Miller, IlooUi, McDonald. Kduwtlon C J. Htnllli, Colo. Whenldun, Mlllrr. WrlKiit. Kleotlon and PrlvllegusWhoal don, ,M. A. Miller. Dixioli. Kn wowed IHIU Wrlslil,' Ctol. Hchoflold. Uurollml Mil Kay, (Joko, HlohuJ. Kodornl Hulntlons nonoh, Hlcliol, JofcHson. K Tonal Institutes Mullt, Smith, Lnyeo'-k. Printing -Balloy, Wright, Hedge. Public Buildings nnd Institution - Ifodson, Kny, Unlloy. Public Lands Blohel, Schoneld. Ornali, Coskow, M. A, Mlllor. Btalo and County Offlcos Dowor man, Nottingham, CJ. J. Hmlth. Blng ham, McDonald. Hollronds WrlBht, V. .1. Mlllor, Mngham, Uowormnn. Nottingham. Honofutlons Kny, llownrmiin. nitiKhnm. C. J. Smith, Wright. KqvIhIoii of Laws lJowormnn, Hcdgos, Hart, Coyliow, Mnlurkey. Hoods and Highways -MolJonald, Loughary, Johuson, Bench, Cul.l- woll. Ways nnd Moans J. N. Bnilth. C J. Hmlth, Dlnghnm, Nottingham, MuDouald. Industrlos Booth, Kny, Hodsoit, P. J. Miller. Loughory. MlnltiK Hart, Colo, Mnllt. Tho sonato wns called to order at 2 o'clock ymtardny uftoruoou, and for tho drat time during tho semluu was ci'tiil with prnyor. Bar. I). 1'rrcilt v I ho cltrK)iiniii selected Hmltli of 1'-intlllu uffarud n Joint resolution to ''Htlon tho iintlonal uonitroH sto romovo the tariff on Julu This was referred. The sumo senator introduced n fionourront resolution to Imvo a com mittee nioliitod to visit tho triale n- MtltntloiiB, and that Hit meinuera get no iiiIImc qr nxtra oay. Itrnl. A raiHiliitlon whs lutrodiiriMl liv SiflUlt of Umatilla to hv h lonunli Uni iiiijiiiluttHl to niMt with -ommtt-latM froHi WHshlimton and Idaho to oufwr on lKlalHllau on tli ('nliimltln rlw. Ilnffrrwd. Tb nNtolutlon of .M. A. II Miff to huv n Joint iKiitimlttMo nuiioliill to mst W'llllMiit JsiintMtai llrymi hiuI IiivIIb him U Hildrwa th Iwtclalitinrt noxt Thursday was uiiHHlmoiisly ailoplsit. BlncliHiit of Ulna Intradural -i Joint rwtolwUon to luivt th MiniMtlu tlun Kinaiulwl to uroWilw for tlv uiHinlHirs of (hu miuramw iort, and Hint In Jtitt. I00K. thrmt iiMmhvrs riLrtoritS Ur- f-ASHiun. gmnrt Mer(l for Afternoon Gerrnn Reand Waist KKrct. Marqulsotto, nn rtJicrlnlizcd grena dine, Is a new material toot Is making smnrt gowns for afternoon receptions nnd tean. IJko volle-clilffon, marqul otto must bo made orer linings of silk. Net of n coarso variety nnd dyed In all tho fasblonnblo shades Is a modish fabric for elegant dresses, combined with cloth of the mime color. Hliort waists arc a feature of many beautiful gowns, though tho perfectly round wnlst line, pointing neither back nor front, U newer and, to mot peo pie's way of thinking, much lovelier. The dominating colors of the season arc green, brown, lemon yellow, old It JUST A REMINDER That we still have the best slock of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes in Salem. Have you tried Oar Own Make of Shoes ? 'e m FJi' Wilt' u JmR fa ? Mmv it wKk zim m i kttj rw nr.iTriu E. L. IRVIN & CO. 326 State Street Repairing a Specialty On (he Stool' of Repentance iiA MUM Rl U KJaltlnif IhdtlRtilas BoholUld, lit. olwtwl. ohm fur six. on for lnkl Whosldon, (y'oko, Ileilgtw, llodsou. (latiio- Caldwell, LntiRhury. Not fighntit. Coko and Booth, Itortleiilturtv Louhtiry, Whotit don, Mull!. Inurnci Slcltul, Booth, John. on, Cnldwtdl, Bchollolt). llankliig Coku. a J. HnilUi. ilnw-f-nnau. Urork, V. J. Millar. IrrlKflllou LtiyMMk. IIIirIiiu. Hurt, Mnlnrkuy. Judlolnry Hulnrkoy, Uowormnn, CeYn, I tart, Cb1iw. Medluliiw, IMmrnwoy find l)i-hilm Coin, a J. BwlUi, J N Hoi Mil Caldwell. M. A. UlUw Military affair HtcdK. K "! Hodcou Miinldwl (MrHirHtl0H HihImmi M. A. MHIi. P J Millar. hhiI uiii fur un ywurt, and tbitrriPi well innnbw to tw ltot for umi ymihi. This wns rfirrd to thv com mltlHO on Jiulloiury. Tltt rtnrt or it stiaflAl eoHitHltlH Making tknt enmcrsiM b iak to pnsl fnM hm of t lit mads through tb Ummllln InilUn rrttUu had ndmtUNl Tkrii mihk minor iImiibi land rulM or thv (. Tha HiiMt luiiMirtftnt of imm WMi tk rr- Rtloil of thv UfW fMHlltt(H VVIlVII tin h iohi I'rtHiMfiK llHln'o Mi.k.-d i ht Hdlituriinit-nt l ItaJ for '. Illluilli... I,, ulvi' III III f I tt III KAl I Hll(H liln 11111111111 Icch Aftr tho tuwiHltlM wi-r rl. ili mniii' until th hum a I ii k fh'i k ! hi li i ii olt.K. riHMf sikI null lir I. In HhMi M the njfl, fsdml liltii. Hint tli i iiIoiiInIh camblutMl with yidlow In tliflr uniforms. Tin'. jf"n lllti'.iriiiiHl d In strip! gniy Mllf riif Mklri It plaltud iiIhiui tho hln mill in. kttl at tho bottom, tmrh tin-k Im'Iiik lii'iolml with h tlri'ok key digu In vil.. ribbon, The 'Jumpor" iMxiiif l oiiiiiiM'd with Urn saiuu trim llllug, ami tlu li um) In of hieo. .ii'nit' ciioi.i.irr. I Wlt JOIST AND riOORlXO TIip lim iHiicf to Duy is whore the Is whera a man finds hlmsolf thtbMt ,c,ck ,,r ,,"fl,,or l9 cnrHcd' Tho lakM his lltisn to any laundrv butiMiru liuBdln trado know that thi Salem Steam Laundry. If yourjthor Is not a finer stock of lumber conscience don't prlok. your collars j than that rnrrled by us. Wo are and cuffs may and mnko you appro-- ready to All tho Inrgoat coutract date the suiooih dKM. soft button-' promptly. Wo don't kwp the build liolit nnd .x.iHlslte wlor mid Ilnloli ' er watting ThsCt a verv Important thai mhi can always rely on getting o(nt. vr s ,, n,8enA.or dopot at tlio PuW;n Stcnm I.nundry, at low phnnn R" fnit. prices HALK.U STi:3I LAUXDKV, Phono U.". t;i(.l(IO S. Liberty St ROOIMLK 1,1 MIIKU CO. VANMTY'S VI3iqvS. To Sl Inn if llrem I'rtnll-Xnrn-Ihiii Vor I.IUf ll.lrli-li I'luiura. Tho woiiMU wIhi Iii anitolpatliig the rvtravaimiK'o of the coiiiluir winter IHHilc mMVMNry by tb iiiiitliiniinco of1 the elbow aloe nmy tnko heart of trrHce lii Klie riHuumberN Hint then1 urn to Its two ilitHnet slyli-s of dienn wpjally raahloimlilo. Kor ortllnar tlrvrt Hr. UHdlmaw. shopiilug ami all iiiiiimh-Iiii unms islbicwl coMts wild Ihmv, (.lulu ! re worn. It U oal far illk n fMHltiim iiixt mhImI ffll Ihm Hint lb HImiw Ut' will ronihiue tbroiiih tin lin.r Ttir I r ii- iiiuiiiw t bit ntretu fwru mh Imu hMilrii nM.v in ttM ftk r illUIrr III.- UirV. fPiiltifr -BMfffHt up Mild li in . nlll liQllattnii uistmIkmi nmi i m,i in elualers of rvry i-uoiiraM i.ilir m u much AVl?t bl4c PrcnAratlon For Ah , lin!l3tln IkrcvxlniullJculi IK tk Suia&ckj mil UowU of )rVww(aT)ifcalloi.CJci fltl- t5SWkiHt ConUInsncIUVr UjmiuI-IeqIm iariJiiKlal. MovNahcotic. v!unrSMXutruiet MM- 'jUmt AjHtfcft RrtttrUy forCoMilfwv rtp, Sow5louth.l)lna. ws m4lo saorSu-rj". Tt iivM JinMw of NlV OUK. CASTORIA For Infante nnd OhHdron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Beai-s tho Signature of bH f III1 tXAr tvrf or vtum:, In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA t4 MM M vm uru 1 t I .h. ijH nH jB fflJH IH aaBlBLlHaaHn .aHlini la aininfHaT aaWN (JfnhWKMlKl Ls -iiT" n i iii in i i -in n"r Tim aliovt ii miowa our hn.k llnwl Torrid ..hih rurnacp (Jumi antiMMl Kan ntnl dual proof Ki.nioin IcmI and dumiiii, for the uaitiiMiMr luqulr at A. L. FRASER '-AH State Street. . Ol'K MEATS ARE , ALWAYS THK HKST. I lor w mkf -sii. . nil cure to buy nitiH- bin rhe bHt, and our customers an hIun ili'i'eii.l upon tteitlnj; the i beat ... .Hm twnrk.-; nt right prices .. , -..' n ., miiv hi our market. K- C. fHOSS, Sim.- s.,.,.r Jiri,,. Plione 201 L. w A m I Jl KbbbbbbbVbbbLLP T bV prvtttor t4U ia vwMy jwmwak. r VUltunt phMNM tbai Une twe M ramotktu. MaMboH I wm m U It wstv trMt rhlfftm U fanu Um .ti m....i A lerty Mtifc. ttarkiM at .u, ki... Ml k WihI T M UrdMKl brum BNtuMl tlM At IB tuek U ml Mow tait Un.l PWiw MIU fill of cKw pkUM ss iw. 4wt . a wtos f 14hc aud Krt ,muiiMtiu U rtcttt M. sortac It flXMH r WkKI r b 84 c,j A4Uie( lU thl HeW lMI ILa tluiu. .k. .wi n4 ti v annuity B rnnga Bcvvnltoc to iBdWIdaal taJTte, like IksInv iHmtrxted u lu xfejb raranl. triiuts) with lUr Yjrp tut bmtoas of KMJ$kt iliw Salem Fence Works llcMtliliiNMci. for Woen Wire I'Viielnc. Hop Wire. Iluih wir.. !........, t "uni ' Nln. I'Ukeia. SUInle nn-' r. ii. nemiy Kootlnc All at low eat prices. Walter Morlev 250 Court St. Salem, Ore H. S. Gile&fn Wholesale Grocers and Com. ' mission Merchants " ou"IuotloH on your needs. tmtjv: susr Voet Lumber s iand Fucl ComPa"y. W Utt for ! a f,w anna jwr. far a lar&t dryr: will saako a low '" i fi,' , f, ,,,,. " ' ' nam. . ,.f qualfv Kur pine ar ., vr t,... i... ... l- it to yuu, uj never too high for i ' CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 2K7 CC!RR1CTC!S! St. Phone 179 Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Cees. and All Farm Produce. as. i ,,w,.a ;.,. n.U .- ."TV rl. - n. w M Kiim, n - Hri W"A'. V....I, MM'n Afb E i n. - -wi -"v k J , . vpf Nr'arrc i TVi iSAiuiwrcop.. It's Going Fast And ulves perLn-t MitUf.utio,,. wry sack N s,mrnmee,l. and tint account for the ,, lmri.MM. Jm ,,wi- A,fe t h still niH.U. ,r OLD WHEAT .! N the i, Hr at y lrlw. 1 K ONLY Wild Rose Flour M U flr fs grocers. THE HEN That science has persuade to lay seven times her n -weight In egga a year. orngo hen Inya only CO ee T a year. But now comes ,1 sclentlflo mixed feed that m keep her In porfect health J! make her produco sevea thn her weight In eggs every ,, Coulson's Improved Mash pJ, will do It. Coulson'. v.00? Condition Powders for pomtr! also keeps them In good hcaia For circular and full expian nun uuii on TILLSON & CO. 151 nigh a SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk BIaawi HIT IT AGAIN When you nro hammering fw a good cattso you cannot hit It tM hnrd nor too often. Thnfj tu wo jierslst In tolling pooplo of tkj good qualities of our Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder It Is tho best and It Is made ti Snleni, and It s put up In a users! package, nnd Its Just as cheap u tho poorer brands. Ask your grg. cer for It. C M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Salem, Oregon j zmivi) B B B Trado JIark Order a pnekago of tW famous health and b: building flour and tm so mo good old fashio:d cv Kngland Urw IJrcml. A chnnco tt I right hot lonf will oik you think you are It Boston. WJth .Ukri Self-rlalnjj . II. L Flw y6u enn mako bread Jat llko tho Puritans used tt mako. :iB PuncnKe Hoar Is also a puro food; elf rising and all read; tt mix with water and biii on a hot grlddlo. ALLEN'S B B B FLOUR CO. I'acitic Coast Factory, Sao . Cul. Kastcru Factory, Uttle Wolf Mills, Mnnnwn, WIi. Swt9 Qltrtn. ml.Al.. I. .V... nAiipAA AtS" ......--..- .L a , id suuomcuon. way noi bj.uuu - - of It wisely now buying growl ' utir Baker, Lawrence & Bafc ouccMsors to uunn w ThcFasliionStal Formerly Stopara'a StMi r. ... .. . 3 Ti I ud-tcwtaim iirerr bimi v Funeral turnouts "a speeUltJ. ko for picnics and exeorfios. 44. CUA& W TASWKR 847 and 249 Hign wv HOTFI ORFGON . t CirtM Corner of Seventh and Star " Portland, Oregon. The new and modern hotel of ti' Pat? ,.W..,l..l- . rMldestJ " , " :: rzrrr r ..;... & tvox nnu outer uregon -, nlan TV.. V... T.m 41 00 P j , ... ai' Wt. nl nrietM U Jo ' 1m attwetlT. DaUy 0p''t ' v Mia.