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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1907)
jWmptrr'm' "- '-,.- icmxmy-T8Fm ww '? e faff "i?"j" r jjrtr" V'"V" v- " ,. f' - isnw .ff ' pi Vl sxa sJfJTW -, DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALMM, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1007. Htft OTl the I iHMHIHHB STOCKTON OLD WHITE CORNER. I ,aBd 50c GINGHAMS, 15c Yd ... ...nini sale of fancy .rfnrf French ginghams, 27-in S. Sold regularly at 35c and .. ihn -nWl S011"-' . nrlPO 15C Yd r SeS' JCBCKWEAll REDUCED Social lot of ladles turnover collars, sold regularly at from 25c to1WCrSCh" 15c each WOMEN'S SUITS HALF PRICE Great special line of women's high grade tailored suits; tweedB, eYevlots, fancy mixtures, etc The former prices range front JIB to i? BO They're yours while they tl'rt HALP pn,0K SILK HARGAINS. 200 yards of fancy suiting silk, iMn wide; colors, blue, brown. green, tan, etc. A special value at 50c yard- Clearance price 25c Id BEDDING NEEDS. Our entire stock of bedding. Including comforts, spreads, blankets, pillows, etc., at special prices COTTON BLANKETS 45 cents to $1.80 pair. INDIAN DLANKETS- $4.50 and $7-00 pair. COMFORTS $1.00. to $12.00 each. RIIJDON BARGAINS. Ci'cnn-up of Uio Ribbon Stock. 150 pieces of ribbon orl sale (center aisle) Inculdlng Satins, Taffetas, LIbtery Satins, Fancies, otc. In all widths and colors. Note the following prices: No. 2....2o Yd No. 1G...9C Yd No. 3 3c YdNo. 22.. 10c Yd No. 5 4c YdNo. 40.. 13c Yd No. 7 5c YdNo. CO.. 15c Yd No. 9 Cc YdNo. 80.. 20c Yd No. 12... 7c YdNo. 100.25c Yd MEN'S SHIRTS. Three for $1.00. An extraordinary Bale of men'H fancy shirts In aU color's. The assortment comprises both soft and stiff bosom styles ranging ln prlco from 75p to $1.50 regular. Pick 'em at the low prlco of 3 for $1.00. GREAT: CLEARANCE BARGAINS Roys' Suits. "Wo have placed on sale, two lots of boys short pants suits to bo closed out during our clearance sale. The sizes run from 4 yearB to 15 years In square-cut, Russian blouse and Buntor Brown styles. This Is an opportunity to clotho tho boy warmly for school at such a great saving of one-half and one-third off. r-. - "THE ONE CENT DAILY." HHinmngm n m n Hon n u mi s minus- Special rate on Daily Cap ital Journal by mail to any address over Legisla tive session until March 1 1907, for 25c. No pa pers sent after time paid for. milium mm h-m-m-h-w i hi i-m-m-h-h-h- HOFER BROS, PUBLISHERS. V Auditorium Rink fc ,h Sulphur and Lime Liquid Spray SPRAY NOW! 01LER SKATING. Sm Military Bind. 10c Skating 25c Ready for New Year Now r always prepared for any " 4 our iin. 0f atock Is M rood and almost il us com- M Jt m for Christmas. At the se Old Stand. L Harvey's Our Phoenix Spray Is reliable and has been tested by tho Ex periment station at Corvnllis, and did tho work thoroughly. Ready to use; all that is neces sary is to mix with water and go to work. Wo. soil It cheaper than you can make it, and give yon a better article. If you want to mako It, we carry tho differont Ingredients, and you will find our pricos are- right. D. A. WHITE &SON Feodmen and Seedmon, Poultry and Dee Supplies Phono 160. 255 Commercial Street. Our Optical Department Will resume Us normal condi tion again, and the beat of atten tion will bo given those who need our services. We are equipped with tho latest instruments for testing the eyes, and our (prices are the most reasonable. Chas. H. Hinges: firwitiatit Option. HOUSE STANDING COMMITTEES Speaker Davey Places the Members Where They Will Do the Most Good Speaker Dnvey announced his ap pointment of standing committees of tho house yesterday aftornoon as fol fel fol eows: Agriculture Donnelly of Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler, SliiBhor of Morrow and Umatilla, Settlomolr of Marion. Assessment und Taxation Newell of Washington, Deals of Tillamook and Yamhill, Moore of Dnkor, Jones of Polk and Lincoln, Huntloy of Clackamas. Alcoholic Traffic Drown of Linn. Deals of Tillamook, Gray of Douglas. Banks and Danking McCallon of Polk, Dyo of Clackamas, Drlscoll of Multnomnh, Jewell of Josephine, Vawter of Jackson and Douglas. Claims Northup of Multnomah, Plko of Gilliam, Sherman and Wheel er, Rodgors of Marlon. Corporations Chapln of Multno muh, Upmoyor of Linn, Drlx of Clat sop. CitlOB and Towns Plko of Gil liam, Sherman and Whcelor, Kubll or Juckson, Doutgon of Multnomah. Commorco Drlx of Clntsop, Hcn drlck of Wnsco, Vawter of Douglas and Jackson, Farroll of Muutnomah, Racklcff of Cops and Curry. Counties Wnshburno of Lnno, Drown of Linn, Reynolds of Marlon, Hondrlck of Wasco, Rothchlld of Union. Capitol Dultdlngs nnd Grounds Sottlomlor of Marlon. Dayor of Multnomah, McCallon of Polk. Elections King of Malheur, Far rcll of Multnomah, Burns of Mult nomah. Education Edwards of Lane, Dnr rott of Umutllln, Dovorldgo of Mult nomah, Gray of Douglas, McCuo of Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler. Enrolled Dills Adams of Multno mah, Dobbin of Wallowa. Simmons of Marlon. Federal Relations Farroll of Multnomah, Crawford of Yamhill, Campbell of Clackamas and Multno mah. Fisheries McCue of Clatsop, Huntley of Clackamas, Hendrlck of Wasco, Chase qf Coos, Connell of Columbia. Food 'and Dairy Products Burns of Multnomah, Deals of Tillamook, Chase of Goose. Gnmo Cartor of Denton, Gray of Douglas, Bonos of Yamhill, Wilson of Multnomnh, Perkins of Jackson Health and. Public Morals Roth chlld Of Union, "Upmeyor of Linn, Wilson of Multnomah. Horticulture Roynolds of Ma rlon, Perkins of Jackson, Newell of Washington. Internal Improvements Holt of Linn, Campbell of Clackamas and Multnomnh, Knowles of WnBco. Irrigation Dobbin of Union and Wallowa, Steen of Umatilla, Dolknnp of Crook, Grant, Klamath and Lake, Kubll of Jackson, Wilson of Mult nomah. Indian Affairs Rackloff of Coos and Curry, Duetgon of Multnomah, Steon of Umatilla. Judiciary Barrett of Washington, Freeman of Multnomah, Campbell of Clackamas and Multnomah, Chnso of Coos, Jackson of Douglas. Insurance Vawter pf Douglas and Jackson, Slushor of Morrow and Umatilla, Washburno of Lane. Labor Industries Purdy of Wash Ington, Vawter of Douglas and Jack son, Dovorldgo of Multnomnh. Manufactures Dayor of Multno mah, Doncs of Yamhill, Upmoyor of Linn. Mining Mooro of Dakor, Jowol of Josephine, Rackloff of Cobs and Curry, Dobbin of Umatilla and Wal lowa, Washburn of Lane. Military Affairs Jackson of Doug 'las, Freomnn of Multnomnh, King of Malheur. Modlclno nnd Pharmacy Dolknnp of Crook, Grant, Klamath and Lake, Morrymnn of Crook, Grnnt, Klamath and Lake, Bones of Yamhill. Ponnl, Reformatory and Charltnblo Institutions Bnrrott of Umatilla, Coffoy of Multnomnh, Simmons Of ClntRon. ... . Engrossod Bills Huntloy of Clack J Marlon. amnB, Chapln of Multnomah, Plko of Printing Jonos of Polk and Lin coin, Brown of Linn, Mooro of Baker Public Lands Connell of Colum bia, Belknap of Crook, Grant, Klam ath and Luke, Rodgers of Marlon Kubll of Jackson, Donnelly of Gil liam, Sherman and Wheeler. Public Library Campbell of Clackamas nnd Multnomnh, Jones of Clackamas. Railways and Trnnsportnton Coffoy of Multnomnh, Jonos of Polk and Lincoln. King of Malheur, Ed wards of Lane, Holt of Linn. Revision of Laws Dyo of Clack amas, Vawtor of Douglas and Jack son, McCuo of Clatsop, Nortup of of Clackamas, Duotgcn of Multno mah, Darrott of Washington. Roads and Highways Crawford of Yamhill, Steon of Umatilla, Sim mons of Marlon, Purdy of Washing ton, Porklna of Jackson. Rules and Joint Rules Slushor of Morrow and Umatilla, Frooman of Multnomah, Knowlos of Wnsco. Salaries and Mllentfo Morryman of Crook, Grnnt, Klamath and Laku, Jones of Clackamas, Adams of Mult nomnh. Snlarlcs of State and County Offl cors Knowlos of Wasco, Freomon of Multnomah, Roynolds of Marlon. Statistics and Immigration Jones gon of Multnomnh, Jones of Clacka mas, Darrott of Washington. Ways nnd Means Drlscoll of Multnomah, Rodgora of Marlon, Ea ton of Lane, Darrott of Umatilla, Cartor of Denton. House Friday Morning. With consideration and adoption of Bovoral reports of tho committees on resolutions, Introduction and first reading of , GG houso bills, second reading and roforring of 30 bills and dtvors other routino business tho houso clenned up its desks shortly after 11 o'clock this morning, and stood nt easo until 12 o'clock, tho hour nppolnted Tor soparato ballot on United States sonntors. Speaker Davoy appointed Mossrs. Cartor, Far roll and JackBon to canvass tho voto of tho houso upon senator. Spenkor Davey also appointed tho Bpoclnl commlttoo of seven to consid er tho bill to nuthorlzo tho construc tion of locks on tho onBt batik of tho Willnmotto at Oregon City, com posed of Jones of Polk nnd Lincoln, Enton, Simmons, Huntloy, Kubll, Dnrrott of Umatilla and Coffoy. On commlttoo of rocoptlon to W. J. Drynn, Messrs Rothchlld, Newell and Drown. CURRENT . TOPICS TODAY - ' - - -- , - - . Prepared for tho Public gchoafe and tho Family Circle. January 22d will go down In his tory as a red-lottor day In tho extea slon of popular llborty. On that day two United States sonntors were chosen In accordanco with tho ox pressed will of tho people A rovolutlon Is said to bo spread ing In Southorn Brazil. Dolllvor, considered tho greatest orator in tho Unitod States sonato, hus boon rc-oloctod In Iowa. A bill making appropriations" tho Oregon rlvorn and hnrbora will ho reported In Washington Thurs day. Tho froozing woathor In Orogon lis bollovcd to hnvo damaged tho win ter grain. At Wonatchoo, WaBh, 200 glrl havo been brought from Scotland to porform domestic sorvicos in families thoro. At Corvlna, Cal two mon rode up to tho poBtofflco, robbed It of sovoral hundred dollars, and rode awny again In their automobile. Stato of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucss County, as: Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho Is Bonlor partner of the firm of F. J. Ohonoy & Co., doing business la tho City of Toledo, county and state nforosald, and flint Bald firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for oach and ovofy cbbo of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the uso of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to boforo mo and subscribed In my prosonco this Cth day of Dq combor, A. D.. 188G. . A. W. GLHASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Inter nally, and acts directly on the blood nnd mucous surfacos of the- system. Sond for testimonials froo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 76c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. ' 1IIIW MJrtlWiHWfcWlWIit Readers who enjoyfsumng adventure; Readers who are touched by quaint pa- i 1 thos inspired by sentimentality; Readers who (ike to see a real man bet- ! J tcrcd by a good woman'sjjnfluence; Readers who like, in a word, a fresh splendidly told story; f (v , " f)ia 7.W3CJP -sw,j. ,. rw vvv x - ' r- r. All these will delight in IiiwiumMmtiiiifcWiumfcttewiinnii r I bbbbbVbvbH i iBBnyMflMBH vfB ' f-awPrTVTfT mMwiir .ftXwhiflBi : jy, y)mmMfiMj HlmIm A&Ttr v?smBLffnaamBBBK vi l..ibbbbmbibi i bbbbhBbbBbbbi ijy9ifli ; rwjrajfc ; FWfcitoWfcWMtniWiWM THE STORY OP i MARTIN COE KlfclMWfcthWIrtfcWtlWittttfcW fHMimmmnnnininninminiinmn' f i n IbbbbSkSRIbbbK 'lLH Bjy T jHH!b3wIbbbm W BTBM-BTBBBilf JJBBBBBBBB fWimnumtifcummmniinummrtiiii BY RALPH D. PAINE Author of "The Praying Skipper." You wMC agree- wRh us when you have read it Ask your bookseXer or write to JbbbbbbbbbbhBIbbbbV vJr4l.W" JUfviBWllavrjflBaBBBBV Ka? flvHJplBMMfflfl j mBBBm " Ct &4 n,.. -. The Outing Publishing Co. I NCW YORK. MMtJMtttMlt