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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1907)
, f Ww. i! fc IUIL1 OAWTAIi JOURNAL, BAL13M, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1007. 13 MARION COUNTY. Land Ready for the Plow, Which Produces Good Crops from the Sod Great Attractions for the Homeseeker and Investor. j. The call of tho twentieth century .. .- .... Mi'linr. nnil man) U a can iu " i' h are the ladders to bo ifopnd Irt Marlon count)' by which tlfonmbltlous and industrious luny Mu'cond. Amazing la tho development nnd founding tho enterprtao herenbouf, una initn, tacked by works. Is tho koj'noto of advancement. Marlon county holds tho key to a grand agricultural empire a section with tho founding of a young, strong, jobust vitality, and whoso farms yield small fortunes In a slnglo year. Indeed tho county has a mossago to the world, and In tho story of pros perity of this pleasant land Inhabited by pleasant peoplo wo aro ploused to Incorporato tho following budgot of facts: Twcnty-Avo ratios south from Port land Is tho north lino of Marlon county, which has a frontngo of over forty miles on tho Wlllnmotto rlvor, and sits In tho heart of tho most for tllo portion of tho groat Wlllamotto Taller. Tho county Is not only tho poor of any county In tho groat stato of Oro gon, a section boundless In IU varied resources, but easily stnnds nt tho head In tho products of hor sail, salubrious cllmntlo condition, su perior transportation facilities, nnd In comparison with most sections of the northwest, tho cheapness of hor lands. It li possessed of a rich productive soil, cnpablo of high cultivation, of an excellent climate, of nn abundant water supply, nnd of tho stendy cash market afforded by Salem's growing pojJatlon. Add to thoso nn Intelli gent, Industrious nnd ontorprlslng population, and tho sccrot of tho prosuerlty of Marlon county Is at onco apparont. It Is a region of. cosy, attructlvo nnd ovon olegnnt homes, where nil tho graces of llfo uourlih nnd whoro Industry and .cul ture comblno to produco tholr most charming effects. Our Wotltli In Hop. Marlon county has tho undisputed dlittnctlon of being the greatest hop producing iwtlou In the world. Tho soli of the county Is especlnlly ndapt ed to thl Industry, which Is fully demonstrated by the fact that u fail ure la unknown In this county. One of the crowning foaturos of this line of Industry Is that quick re turns are received. A yard planted In the fall will produco n small crop the next season, and the second soa son will be in full bearing. Many of the fields average over 1,200 pounds to the nere your after yonr, whlc'i at 25 cents iter pound means $300 per acre. Deducting 8 cents per pound, or $0G per acre tho outsldo cost of nrodurtlon -Imvob a not per aero of 1204 Land sultnblo for hop growing can be bought from $25 to $100, the average price bolng about $50. This Is a very consorvntlvo os tlmate, as a net profit of $500 an acre Is not uncommon. Hop-growers find no difficulty in finding a market; on tho contrary, tho buyers are continually soliciting their crop, nnd tho growor need not lavo his home to find a purchaser so lwge Is the demand. Of all the various Industries of Marlon county, nono can approach tho hop Industry. Tho work Is light, Pleasant and very healthful, and "y Person of Industrious habits, coupled with honesty, cannot raaka a failure by engaging in tho business raising hops in Marlon county, Oregon. Unifying. Vfhlle the wholo Wlllamotto vol-' UJ U a good dairy country, there Is m county in Oregon superior to "Mlou In this respect. By reason ot jhe numerous rivers and creeks flow Ing ont of the Cascado mountains, and abundant springs scattered throughout the farming districts, cold ter. the great necosslty to we doing of the dairy. Is always Plentiful. Wth OUr mllit wlntorfl nnil rich 'uansmost favorable to w Srowth ofjFSnsaii.l ernasns. aaa awc to the markcr-th. -orm, dau.jng la rapidly devoltfp 05 Into oui' most remunerative (a dustry. j ifof.. ... . -wub quicxiy makes any cbm unlty financially strong and Insures jaa Perpetmty 0t successful ugrlcul- " Tto cw la the cornorstono ci icuitural prosperity. If she Is wise v selected and given proper caro she 111 T off moro mortgages nnd build moro nnd bettor homes than any other farm animal. Delicious Fruit. In writing of tho fruits of this county, pages might bo filled and then tho half would not bo told, Con sidering tho chenpnoss of production, tho natural fertility of tho soil, tho cllmntlo conditions, tho local' mar ket nnd tho constantly Increasing de- mand-fflGaBninll-fruIffbr canning,. It would scorn that this Is tho ideal county for tho fruit growor. All tho small fruits strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, gooseberries, cherries, etc., grow to perfection In size, flavor nnd quan tity. Tho various largo fruits nil do woll In this county. Our applos aro noted for tholr size, cleanliness and beauty far nnd near. It 1b cortaln that you can mako tilg monoy rais ing fruit on tho lands ot Marlon county. Intolllgont culturo, caroful prun ing and faithful spraying ot nn or chard to destroy all Insects means Hiiro nnd cortaln success, for this soil nnd cllmnto will produco tho best of trees and fruit. Cllmntc. Tho cllmnto of Marlon county Is of almost porfoct health conditions. Tho county Is frco from cyclones nnd blizzards, and tho land whoro tho farmor can work out doors ovory day In tho year. In summor tho nights aro dollghtful, nnd tho air Is fresh, puro and Invigorating, whllo tho winters nro very mild. Tho air Is n tonic chnrsed with health-giving proportlos, nnd thoso who contin uously lnhalo It. nnd lend prudont lives, reap a harvest ot good health. A Word to tho Wise. Agrlculturo In all its branches has passed beyond tho oxporlmontnl stago In this county. Pioneering with its slow and labored progress, Its crudo but prophetic contrivances, Its strug gles nnd Its pnlns. Is ondod. Capital, Bdonco and statesmanship aro hastonlng to complotlon tho great work which tho plonoor dreamed of ns a romoto though lmprobablo possibility. Tho natural -advantages of Marlon county will call for the prosonco of hundreds nnd thousands ot men In tho various linos of Industry, and tho tlmo Is not so far distant that oven old peoplo now living horo will soo tho advancing hosts nnd hear tho tread nnd tramp of tho nrmy ot homesookors who will find horo in this vnlloy n spot whoro nnturo has Hid hor cholcoat treasures of woalth and cllmuto awaiting tho coming of tho favored onos who aro to enjoy God's gifts to man. Volumes might bo written nlong tho lino wo havo drawn, but wo will bo content It tho renders of this lssuo will carefully pursue its columns and then act on tho information glvon. Now Is tho nccopted tlmo to cross tho "Jordan" and occupy tho favored land. Tho reader who acts now and grasps tho opportunity whllo It pauses at his aido will In tho futuro reap a golden harvest, and bloss tho Capital Journal for first pointing out tho way. o OREGON NURSKRY COMPANY. favorites of our own planters. Thor aro 35,000 Spltzenborg, 31,000 Jona than, 27,000 Nowtown Pippin, 30,000 Mcintosh Red, 14,000 Rome Beauty. 15,000 Winosap, 14,000 Arkansas Black, 11,000 Grimes' Golden. In fact every concelvablo variety, early, medium nnd late, aro grown In nbun- danco. Thon thero nro blocks nnd blocks ot pears, poaches, apricots, cherries, almonds, plums and grapes. Tho eolobrated Maynard plum and tho Mlruclo Btonoless plum, two of Luther Burbank's productions, of which tho Oregon Nursory company has tho exclusive right, aro also large ly grown. This company bus Hccurcd tho excluslvo right of sovornl of Mr. Burbank's latest productions, which tend to provo tho progressive spirit and tho up-to-dntenoss of its mnn ngors. Tho packing nnd shipping depart ment, which Is located In closo prox imity to tho offlccs, on a spur of tho S. P. railroad, Is among tho most Important features of tho concern. This ImmonBo building has a floor spaco of 40,000 square feet, and lo lighted throughout with electric llghtB, which aro manufactured from their own dynamo. A comploto box plant, operated, by olectrlclty, has beon Installed nnd practically all stock Is Bhlppcd In boxes, In fact tho ontlro plant Is equipped with tho inost convonlcnt devices for tho rapid packing and shipping ot orders. Employment Is glvon to 225 peoplo In tho nursory and packing hou, bcsldos nn offlco forco of twonty-flvo woll oxperlcnced omployeos. Tho cltlzons of Snlom and this vi cinity should llborally oncourago such concerns nB tho Oregon Nursory com pany, as thoy aro wealth producers from whoso efforts flow a continual fltrcam of gold Into tho channels of commorco nnd trado. Tho business of this establishment has crown to such magnltudo that It now oxtonds nil over tho United States, Canada, Standard Liquor Co win mmitHi i nn n in i nil i ii i ii ii iiimtf in ii iihi mill' 148-156 S. COMMERCIAL ST. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Domestic and Imported Wines and Liquors. Our Stock Embraces the Best Brands on the Market ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED OUR SAMPLE ROOMS THE ANNEX 356 Court st. THE SENATE 196 State st. 1 THE BANK 147 S. Com. st. THE SAMPLE ROOMS. .184 S. Com. st. OUR MOTTO: GOOD GOODS GOOD SERVICE A. G. MAGERS Manager Old Moxlco and ovon to China and Japan. Spaco will not pormlt us to go In to details about this mammoth Insti tution and tako up tho charactor of tholr product, but It goes without saying that all goods bought from tho Oregon Nursory company can bo ro lled upon iiB being A No. 1, nnd first class In ovory respect. And now bo foro closing this article lot us go back of all this wonderful dovolop mont to tho mon who nro tho powor bohlnd tho throno. Tho carrying on of this work Is divided Into two de partments tho growing and ship ping dopartmont, In clfargo ot Mr. McGlll, and tho sales department, with Mr. McDonald as Us oxccutlvo head. Each dopartmont is again d vided Into amnllor departments with sub-heads In chargo, each ot whom Is rcsponslblo to his manager, and In all Instances tho greatest caro Is taken to avoid orror, ovon ot a trivial naturo. Mossrs. McDonald nnd McGlll do servo much credit for tho upbuilding ot this groat industry. Thoy aro publlc-splrltod mon, always willing to gtvo financial aid to any ontorpriso that tonds to benefit tho community In which thoy reside o Had Enough. "Well, doctor, what do you rccom mond?" "I think you nood mud bathe." "Mud baths? Groat heavons, man, I'vo just como through a blttor polit ical campaign!" Chicago Rocord-Horald. Largest Institution ot Its Kind on the Pacific Coast. An Institution with which tho old and young Inhabitants ot this commu nity can point to with pride, ono that stands as a bold corner stono for tho business activity ot Salem, is that of tho Oregon Nursory company. This Institution dates Its Incoptlon from 1867. at which tlmo It was es tablished by Mr. O. Dickenson, Fif teen years ago tho present company, composed of Mr. McDonald, presi dent, and A. McGlll, secretary and treasurer, took Chargo, and by their ablo management, along with their honest and upright dealings, they havo climbed the ladder ot success and moulded this ontorpriso Into one ot tho largest institutions ot Its kind In tho United States. Few peoplo among us realize tho enormous bene fits derived from this single institu tion, but tho following figures will partially sorvo to enlighten our road ersjln this regard. The large or main nursery, which Is located about three miles from Salem, In tho ferttlo Willamette val ley, and which comprises .400 acres, U given up almost entirely to tho growing ot commercial varieties. Think ot a million apple trees, com prising every standard variety, and among which Is a pumber ot tho I Hcii Ziii Investigated The Walnut Question ? Just notice the size and uniformity of the nuts shown on this border. These arc PURE STRAIN PRANQUETTE WALNUTS and are not to be compared or confused with the ORDINARY ENGLISH WALNUTS sold by the majority of nurseries. There is as much difference in walnuts as there is in apples, therefore you should investigate thequcstion carefully before buying any walnut trees. Our Free Booklet on Walnut Culture WHI explain the difference between the PURE STRAIN fRANQUETTE and the ORDINARY ENGLISH WALNUT. Write for R today if you are interested. It'will save you money. DON'T FORGET That we carry the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE stock of al leading COMMERCIAL VARIETIES of APPLES, CHER RIES, PRUNES, PEARS, etc., etc., as well; as', having the largest assortment of ORNAMENTAL SHRUBBERY, SHADE TREES, ROSES, etc., and if you need anything in this line that we are able to furnish you with the best. Everything as represented. OREGNN NURSERY COMPANY Limited SALEM, OREGON Salesmen Wanted Everywhere. ifti JttIoffi CclEiHK iiffffZgWtBffg3pi Lv - I flfeiw- mmmm i