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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1907)
If fr OREGON'S RAPIDEVELOPNt Orttrnt RnttT i PrfS , ad mim s-s .t aiaM ae Fra fpU Trw- urivi ', ;tfa j Orr aad ia"tTa eut i, .: tat vesttra Oresjm r--. . . . . i ,11. Mi of J WBWI t- . M- -,. JfaMll jj Wcm Osa. taat m. an sobbw .- facta 4 lews. atf ft BM fTMttr ).!. .- TJMr MU to TtiMr of mMIr. o oa, tUf IB MMM( BrBCt rW , ' Oar Resources Portrayed by Prominent Met! in Ottr Commonwealth. && . - r tX ea-itencf lata arr:- ,. A oast t-ta torn eaOWJ- aa hQmr Jar tref eC W aw act ta state, law tfMl " awMrtol aa pniweu at taw test staae of oreXae tlas, nasi sec tsraed a semoatir. s4 a444 to the warti KM of wrtlta. u that we take s c&sat of tmmaUttmri. ataTCBiiarlBV fcft saar iraO espf ess, w1' or ar at the a uk t4 nme Hk. These ftKlwatw do nt tacladc trih for seed. ( costly 'ran rVtt 6MBMfcV ----- IN j RrV; Attltt ktA tMftrll ebip, 1M9M 9M9M Catlle, 2M JMW flfflCf J,aT$v99c eVWaW Jforses, 9 tJH9JH Whtaty U.7W.IH bustlls. ....... t4Mt Oatc sad other era la i. , Owl. 3M Mai , 5LBWMMT St BBSS IB. MWJ9 'ThlUti, hN, Jon ,Hlf. ljMaMioar .IWftty JM( MJB jlff WilMii j yPvrfllVAPR rrmmt tftu Mi imm. tjmjm m vm n4c Nt rKw, Melutr. W8l, !Ie, 1SM VIm, avc wrt t . toria. Onc X mkJ. imuttomg t U tkM OrflM ktlM Mt lOTi aimHM. I nt snrif. to r rMiraMitf.Mi'yanwr lw;t y Ik aaMto II HW Km What WM Otmm rt-tmtt Vu. Mkt aaal t otaatmt Brr OriOt " ' iraMPorUtto Km M It 0gBa'0ji HOfatf (rtotor rMiML Mrtov Mhc ! ortMHt oT fat toTMML odMrkl. aaijJtai Mwrr wMtti m mi, h m mtoirt to tout 4u u tui .;.: . . ... . i.jfc nrf kr.An Tne cpnipr di inr t... n--u'. M unnoii oi - - -- -- seia ,-r-u, tji bn m-clj Ifflter an indefinite period. If it dot,,. :fcn :r of too otoor ototoa. It ! bappn to b Jh tue center of Ur a ok-c aisitr toTOrtd rgkm ' ,to ior ar w g-r tht:( it fti4?lst of dtaMU and pro- That J by paying for advtrtbi-j WMB V- - " --o-. UilU h la la It. Thoae atatw asd d;rfe ikM i vhick xrm Droatlaestlr Kef,- .1 OTtorod ta Laad of Pron- eoaatry are obtaining the Imigra amtrtd toad? aad ProdMtio. Lmm voloo are twine created by & i i-i (t-soatttj there are rapidly being dere pj. lovrr i bo qanuva inai na r.,, -i-'4f7 :: tti.iid l - " tlj Cftt3TT tt tivfc tkat railroad ara hir a'.tentio to. aad .- lt JaaaM Casooell. of bar aot Two for ou r Or. laohm oonoP eooTtrtoa . (BOM raiorored tote Ateraae aaarlMt ralMOL TVahdM akat IBM tfMM MttypM MbVOM 71.1 J' 1J lea orooM ay imrm ?" -- Ml.!. of aavoofttia; 12$.4 .! HoatfBa 1 rt oath, aad aj ' lartifH f aoa. Thl lt40iMof of fanatac daw aot await the tMjtlammmsx of ofotty IrrtcaUoa ro- 1 ? jta. Va tae aanaor tioawa hU ro ia - ' Mi mm a tk watt taat 7St40faJai hi a aad aaat srodvoo tae Se Hoc-Jar trratad koala eat a far uaa-iuwiortBa eaaaaaaaw ta Ore- da a lortr-04f ataa. IW l-vr m am oaaat oa o Hr. oat an eaa.faefaau: aarifal aaaaataotlaa ta- okkgo.v. 7 ii i j Tacro are at loan i . .. . ........ u- b a cab X eaKtrato KstrMt rroia .irp i-i.n.- n- i w. .w-. ,.- -... OT tqjj flj, roTM aMta-' inwtrtu valley Ieelujmcnt reiopment 10 aa unprc-ceoen'ed ej. Iwrae. Fort urov. urvzon, teai ia vteob. ine greai arSnij. PrMay, aaa? la a aHalaat faaaa taoea taal rar lalraaaiiaa If oak? !t iaa axraat Bataa. aad eery ataaa- ta aar awe, aad at .aaalf aaotid. tao Eati aaVa oa that croa fl attae ac aaaat af Oreoaa waaM each i . eaa-'Uam Vtotaaata la aar. aalaa TO ia-fra as aaaTOf ; aad dairy aro wm ataiaaaatt oatr 14 aar taa aarU 4400.oo a the atat acriralta. Ital eaUeae aaa esaaUaai th aaat rt part of Orecsa carefaity thai past fMjMft I On raiiilimr. rar bath dUrd that tato was SjMOOO I taa arid tarUaaa of Oreavn. aa the Ideal dalryla realoa of the jjaag 'faey are called, are tarsal? aavi-artd. or'd. Thto state has had ao radi- aad adapted ta dry-eof! famiaa. ; railroad la. baa aoae vhatorer IIjIM i eaaaaaaaaaaHaka iv mbbwmhmimk . ajOJt.fftft ' tnjm j Wfefff J U9JH aawpSao cEFitr 7. IDOfl. r C. Ins campalzB planned by Tom RU C. ClMaaaaB. f the Owpmnn .d-ardtos will be one of the tntia fw'. vert.: Company, I'ortloftd. Orf.(tor. To proclaim Its own &-;, -oh. J la IU owa way Orezon win u- ii 'play advtrttelng this coating nr,i Oao larh of adrarttslac space coati la aaaoaaced. In orer one thjuat magazines and fans The bock past 'journals. The publications win t, ti !,( jm m.m,oo tr ht li taaiaaMd la fcW Ha. hat prfriaau laraed e5 far Mle aad bait forabh bsiibrM far tnaiaartoaaw tamptuUi tern: Bhp iM r4Mr far If each YtarHaci are Ut baacat ap far fSI aHee. Ceal S44 af Coax bay aad aaata era Ortgtm. tjMMl. Orza ha aa taMatan: auawi ahlfaed ta etaar (tale. Daky pradaat toaraMai fram IT. H)jm la if 01 ia 11.000.000. ae totitBt to tpmt t la mm. prodaat laar4d ftar Isaall Ha llM iMp loo ia 1M Mft. Caaaar. In BNdtlafyiac Ul Ail weatara vr(aa aad terra aarts at Out a4aaa4 ta fratt sravlac WHO!- eat MMMMtoc raatdhjr. sad atrtae ta Moietofe aad mfai stt aule faratta gravi Ur thaa tfav t a be aat. la astaiaa aad SBlbartHM. aljr Urrmt Ilmw. TaLrn. Tbe Maatottas aaly toetade the '" m aranaatrr wealth far ahfch ee. rttMe aataarttr caaM be eatalaai The ul mu th lM0AMmA t. . . ta sad tmt wadaat ara ' niawi j4, a urn ataar pradaau. Maale CatiatfM ht laathtra aarf . Orrsaa atedaae a wWaaa or two 1 mMMeaa kM aaaaaUy. aa tow re. qaMec reporti frasa totaaa or traaa- porlallsa aaaapaatoe 81ac4 eaaaUea ara nil sou 08 ttoiu Kae.aas ta tIMft.Oad .onh 0 ibmU fraati. aaaaM. peata aad Ptaaec Mae af thfc urn h the to tal nawkeia, fiM aoaad aad taa Fra8K. while the stealer part is packed for ktant u Mew Vork. other tors aHto aad the RaUtofe market. V aaaaarr ettaaltobx) at Btltm the prt )aar haa pat aa a r forto iiop.set at cwnaat Mar hat fUar-M. A nwmWar af aarh ran nrriea wi'l c t ihk eamtae year. Itallroadi vt the haul an Irak ta the cannery, on hot Malarial aa aafjar. and than haul the pack to Market Thwe r-anaarlM pat up fratt taa' cannot be hlpt far Mrkeiftt: frch. Tbo fn-liht valH of the bap araa cannot be rperly atHwatad. nWt . wo ronldr the builaMa pratlaaed for rallroada on haullnK In the twlna, ulphur, hop elotb. wire, and (he trannxirtatlon of plekera to aid from (ho hop flelJ. It la eailtnatcd that tbero are bot tled and void annually in Oregon ral aad Irak xsawtas taaafa aftl tara OS. Xat sa a Iwaadsth af the auu rBarhat Ucta prate tau the aoU hi vary psaaartlt aad that the prod- aeu are tary preamble u traaaaart ay raahratd. aad aa thai haat tr- riaartaB. forty acrat vhaat win pradata 0 haiaeto. At aearanr aradaeUaa tats ettlawta to aat lae hlrh far wetters Oraaaa. where aa hash aa fty baaaeto ta the acre taa be saawn wMh ratatlaa af eroaa. raa- saafar twa yaara, wheat two raae. Tahas la erawar. KM: tela to railroad, ia Port toad market. III aaaah af thto pradatt woro than a million dollars' worth After aaata beaam fraah r'artr asrat alatar 1a wasters Ore. aa. at hhraa toas par acre, atarsne frawar baled at ms IT aer taa. asd at l per bashei fraaa srat eras. ear set Baarhat It.. OM. Talae la ralbaad assaniar for haaltac hay ta Portlaad aad aaed to CMseaa. UK. Tartr arras heat. 140 poaa4 eared has ta acre. .oe aueaaa at H seata. 11.100. Oast of ataxia raps. I eaata aar paaad. laatlwc aet ta arawei. ItJM in w . to railroad to xw Yir HIS rVty atraa af aaatoa awrkaa-i i. Mew Tarh, Uhywhas II aat per hw sa Erawar at railroad traajc. a tatf-raai-atd orchard pradasM aa aa I MM, ia the Braver, aad IMOo aa the Iraasporutloa aoaa. aaay This stop aat the pradaesr Itaat U U IIS Bar aare. wita. arrajatlua, Tea acres Lamhert eaerri itu iraar psadaatd llt.M at 4 seats a Paaad. The Irearat u ta ..... -- - asasaja t waa tl&. Thla mt mii.v. Ctorbaaiat roaaty. To ras lotaaberrias aear Sa. lam aatual the crwwar U ass .h WUW far pleklaff. paekasjas aad iraaa w waktas crap, the crater ia aathlac hat calUvMh.a aad haaltas ihs eras sa ihd ttaiin. ti.. fratoht to lHwtUtol aa .0. Ora eaa toU win urodw- uj ,k. or Praatahle far ta- mmm. MMpasJai. Out of hsadred af ach ttat. oait of fact wade. ttiBm be eR hal foar aad eae-half amt of KniHW at UL Anr..i tn.1,,.1-. ca.. saltoai wiaa per aare. lrrlBilon lVuJtwts In Orvson. I SALEM'S ELEQRIC LINES TUB OMBOO.V KI.KCTttrT IXTKItntKAX .SYriTBM, THK SlAfX WXB HBlXfi TUB COXXBCTIXfi IJXK IIKT1VKKX TUB C.U'I T.1I. Cm' AX1 I-OKTI-1XU. TUB OKK.IT 3IKTIIOIf)LI.S OP OltflfiOX AXU TUB XOIfTlilOHT, I.S TUB IIVXAMIC FOItCB IX TUB POIOI OF MOIIBBX TIL1X.SIYJIITATIOX THAT WII.I. TItAX.M'OIOl AM. OltKGO.V. FOB FIFTY MII.BS .WIT.I OF FOKTMXIl THIS I.IXF FOl.IJWS THK IIB.tTIFl-f.HUT. UII.HMKTTB. lil.MOBTAl ix ioi.ti:y by .saji mmijx, limvixo it oxi.y at IXTHIJVAIA TO (BOSS .STUM'S OF BICTI OILIIX AXI) OB CIIABIf MXIH, A BBOIOX BICH IX SCILVIC W'FIICTS, BICnKB STII.I. IX YABIKI) I'ltOIH-f TIOXs, AXI) BICIIRST OF AM. A A TBAFFIC I'lUlFOSITIOX. W. H. I1AILSTOU- A. CO, OP VBW YOBK. THK COXTBACT. IXC, AMI tOXSTBlCTlOX PXRIXKBIM, IIAVB CKBTAIXI.Y niOSKX A 111(11 PI KM) FOB IIBVKmi'ilKVr IS mTTiivr. IXO THIS MXB. KVKBY DKTAII. OF WHICH HAS BKBX GOVK OVIIII AXI) MASTKHKl) FBOJI CII.VKBTS TO STATIOXS. AXI) AM. IS IIKIXO IK)XK OX THK MXBS OF f.TBST XCIKXTIFIC aVOIXKKBIXO FBIXCII'MW. A FIXB MXB. TUB WHOM.' OF Tills FIFTY-MIM.' MXB HAS CCBVFS AXI) OfUliBS BKIHCKI) TO A JIIXI.MIM TWO DFGBKK (TBVBS AM) OXK I'KIt (BXT GIUIIKK IIKIXO THK LIMIT TIIK1IK IS .NOT A BAII.BOAI) FBOJK(TKI) IX THK (OrXTBY TODAY THAT (AX IIKOIX TO KQIAI. THIS. AM) IT MKA.YS IIIIIHKI.VIAIII.K SKCBSS IN OI'KBATIOX AXI) MOVIXO AX IM. MKXSK TBAFFK . TUB TOTAL IflPl MTIOX ACCKSSIBLK t V.V., ... J "1' "K a80-000 ,,KO,,,'K OB FILLY 3.0(H) TO TUB MII.B. TUB FBI.HillT TOXXAfiB THAT WILL Mi 1 1V:,s "" wii.1. in: rwilv fbomo iw .-,.., ,.;, ,.K AXVl AVI, TIK CONSTVNT Tv BX(T IS TO CHAXfiB I'BOIH (TIOX PltOM rilRW lin.KV S?M J?. I",M""- WailMUIILB FBODl-CTS. I KB WIALL FBI ITS. DAIBY I'BODltTS. AND IOlI.TBY A srillBBAX BBOIOX. OX THIS IXTKBIBBAX MM: KltOM lOITL.Ml TO Slim. IS BOOM FOB A fcCOKK OF SJIAM. (ITIBS W,TH Fl MMT TILirrs AX.) .SUIIB.IAX HOMBS FOB THK VOBKFItS VV.T HU.FBS.SIOXAL CUlSSBS OF THK MO K (ITIfV ,'!vv WBI.L-TO.lH .H0.,.K OP PO.tTI.lXI, All Ju s "" BAX BOMBS. U-IIKIIK Til BY (AX iSi M S' Z I.BIVBS FOB TIIKIK IIOILSKS. Hfa-.u -r "J ?."' .. 't(M ?' noon coxstbi (tiox wobk (OXSTBUTIOXWOBKOI 1MK HirjHHST r-ut.r r,: --."o, .. ..... .:'."" ,n -rnniir THlf, ....... ..r nu ! .NOW BBIXO I'lDliu, WINTKH. THR l-Oim-M). AXI) STKWKsllOVIl iw u- "Uill TO M. TUB HFAY.I B P JiJls "'. IT, an J,P,V' lK-VK V "ir.ST OP BICIHTKRV M Vs ir ' L". '"BST TAX. I.HVBL AS TUB IkIu lS "HAI.B. TUB MXB B.NTK s THK C V n "J U',05T OX HKflHKK (TUYP, TIIKXf kKv". "I" ' OS A OXB. !... ...... -- .Hiiim i-if IK for ast oaa iassrtloB U one of ! newspapers tw aar laaatiaas The hack oaaa kmrnsls. ai tc aaa Tar nm Mrertlaiaint those which are read In th mii a rarmtoh eoatpaay paid llt.OftO to a 'states aad the east, where the mo fashloa paaraaL Thase are lacalar . latlon Is that can be Influenced to rates reaatorty paid by steady adrer- soad lu best young people out ht, rm. Tkarv ra aatd lufiia of the I In erow BD with th rnnnt-v ti. . - . - w -w 1 ,ar power of the priatsd pas to lanaenee publicationt nssd will be tboit wwA hlIa 'r honchl for reillnT 1nr . ... Xearly an the sreat Immlsratloa boy your home paper or your tint aeaaaaSa af the taat eantanr ware mscazlnc. aad the ratintrv n a ij. . .. . , ,, a.A J mAmtmlmm TTnaaltilr .Imm m. u J.. . mw aw w 1..HIW .w.w. ,uiiiivi w.y kcih vi uuurrftTast- tae aaa ezcaptloa th only escep-;lnf and to obtain the full bcflto! ia im aoravy Midi io kuu tail BiiTrrTiiiDr ramMifn v iVa JlMMMtT tl4 AaS ! BltftAT I I HttHIIIKlt l tk. .I.t. m.. .. ... - - -- ---"- ,"""" -- " " .. uiini 'ssaj was airaiaea taroaaaoai aa worm acme interest in securing Juv a W la aeaipapeia aad magatlaes. aad tie more free adrertlsinr. V?h u. iCallforato haa aot recorered yet the state and for Itself. !: miw. - from the adrertlslBK It rscetred. 'letters hack east. Write to -.o..- ttvi Tafctt arA ira &AMlllliv Sv .'.t k... .. ..l. .. .u.. .. i-- - - - -- .. --. wani auu imr w inrir no;r.e ft. rertisiac roauy u tao most Taiaswe pr. it will turprlse you to . M adteitatlag. rspraseaxlB; as It dots many of thsis letters are priatei the poiai of slew of the publication Write to ronr farm r-nr tt: - .mil.kt mi.. i. 4 .W..&. i. .... .. ... .. -m.m k.... ... su. iiw.r Bn joor saccas" sun tne season s rroau Msae ot any puoiication mat io not Wheneter yon hear of a nelghW hi- contain a rrei amount or tree ad- In; particularly successful with Tertlitns for man .alitls Se- certain crop, see that word r.f it U;j "I . : ? ave":1- Bt to some agricultural publication. Such communications are hlch!y nl- I tied by publications and are a ire to be printed. Erery one conttltatm flne ad for the locality. Co-opit i with your home paper. Give It wb-; 'tcrlptlons for eastern friends. Thai home paper It always a good si far tte locality where It It printed. HiIb provide It with news Items which re- ae to the procreet of the comma- .city Encourage your local corrci- tPondents for the cltr Daiwrs. Reinem- that every time the name of your town appears anywhere as a date (line of a news hem or an lnterestlif ftter it it an advertliement of tb ton. By the execution of a clcantlc iadertUIng campaign planned for tht I state and by co-operation of the en- iwrpnting communities In the state to secure a great amount of free ad vertising. Orecon can become the best kBOWn Of the nnnnrtnnltv sm and the Inevitable consequences will oe a vast tide of Iml-ratlon, an era of mighty development and a condi tion of unexampled and unnaralleltd prosperity. II. B. Fulton of X. AV. Guarantee & Trnt Co. at 1'orot Grove Dc- iclonunt Convention. In ray home city in the east, there Is a lady whose hair as yet shows no threads of silver: in fact ihn is Mill In the prime of matured womanhood. mis lady was the first girl child born In the city of Chicago, so that Jn a pace of one life, which haa not yet rut its course, a little obscuro village as grown Into a mighty city of near ly two minions of people. aaaaaaaV 9bbb! C C. CIIAPLX. There is harJiy a printed page in a newspaper but mentions xw York snd Chicago several times. When e'er a city, a iowb. a coaatr or tote Is named la a nsw.rr , nasasin article. It Is aa ad for that toty. Sea how this f d. Wbj of cities has tared young peo ple to our centers of nopulaUoB like moths to a lamp. Goldneld. Net., has last had a lot " 'ree Mfenlsiag. Brerr ). sou a share. Brerr loealit M ...i- :ree adrenlslBg throat h eBtsrprise wrewcaess. During the last throe 'oars Oretoa has obtained aa im Va qoaitlty of highly Talaable -.- -...rueing. Th Uals aad Owlc fair, the ad-arUslag Mhetaot Phlriro brlnge the raw material from points 1.400 and in aaa niiis. .n... ...t orksd by the variant aa.i... 'turns it lnt ii. ai,i.... j....' ... Ieet .-j .u. .T .""- .w. "".- - l-rouucw . --- - "muBueu procreas of the state-all have attracted aa- iiK-ucr Ur THK t'lTV tiivi- i...... " j TUB MOST HBWT,mTun IS."' mSSTP' VK W THR tiihiii: u.u ..":"Alh STBKirrs ix thk .o i.,..r.'.".."'",r- UT CIKVKS -.....- .lllllll tlf THK IX THR U-ncT FIRST THIItTV Will. ' " "...l. of mineral waters, Bven the atmos- the aati...i . B,UHo do"a ,a Pheto bwomes an act of iraaanmL i!-!?."!"3 AB We for t.tlou. when the business of (ha hot h l tZ7 '.' Ul M We,,dr .Prlugs. mineral springs, th. moJu- u S SST "V" It ami ocean health resort. Is con-Kf. Ini Z, ,eitCDMre -4m-. in the same manner. nJiiZlSSuSl w a I ia ... fiUSI'KXalON IIIHIHIP alm-;".:."""'"-'' WHKL MMiriTB ItlVKII. TUB FIBS i ,'l F B r,u v KR T"K AV" KB IX TUB STlTl- u-,T.Jl:Ultrm1W CWSTBrr-r. TIUXS1T. A lailflE i.7A, . .?... LVV TO ""'KOK lumn TIUXS1T. A WUGK FOBnj IS BIS livr , . lnKnK ""' AXI) KAIILY IM THP Sl'ltivr , L'. ' T,IIS n""E WOHK l'KX TO TBAFFIC CLK.AH T, WILIj SKK T" LIX 1UBSTOW & CO Tliu rvl. " mT-Hl'SIARTIO A1WW THS,T"l'tT,V0 K-VKEnS, BP TO TI.K HWOT J? iST 0P T1S 13. WHU.TII Ti,i,i- ... ' ?t.R.N OBEGOX'S ivnr... " Mlfa 1L111 inn . '. "'-THl.IJ M..IIT TO IIKAUZK THK Iinii T W,K,iClllXfl OHE. MOUI.I)BECOMKTHFKPVlUUTni:3 0V A L1XK TIIlT TIWKU AMTU THK KLFOnuJ"" U0I W-XD OP STPeT . at wtoy myr nvx ," "orxihs AXI, niSw tioaai attentloa. W late the ui i.i ... tratas have been lnltlatad by paid ad vortlatag. that i. bnw. . i oeua. of e u Uoas, space that Is paW for at rega lar advertislMt rasas. d -v..v .." total tha admussattat of the local-" IV exploited. ! M1 ... --" aa :r advertlslasr e ,r ooux d Its read- 2t. f 4wtl'"' repre oaU the polat or n. .. .w. . . na. .... . . " " iBe var. ... i iii BII aave It told Tk ..... tw a.i. r",T the shape of paid zAvtu '. rse there w.. .-T.T?H UI af aik .v ,B ln0 se Bsi ihfDad,a sotemment - ..u me cost. It Is as nrecsrinuj ....... . Z - i-'xuiun to start the world- markets. In 1854. Just flfty-two years ajo, the first house was ervtPi in the rity of Minneapolis, which now ttaads In the comer of the Minne haha park, a slcht tr. fnr the five hundred odd thousand peo ple ot Minneapolis, and Its twin city. St. Paul. J forty years ago St. Helens. On the Columbia river. vn mnnlnr a neck and neok mm rn. .nn.omirr vkn the city of Portland. Slmlltr ooanitions usually produce the same results, and wastarn nAn inlar h u.ut !. messase as ho i ""' lue 8an condlUons fore- The iBltlatlv. T iJ" B?Wt.h and development that "" ! Illinois and Indiana the mighty states that they are. Unlike Chicago. Portland has the raw products at her verv Amr. For every resource that Indiana and H- inols possessed, western Oregon has ten, and few of ... .u .t.t ll ;&ro or thirty years w br,Dg ,n thi country of marrelous richness and resources. With the rosAnM. j . nH j w auu men ca- b e of developing them, markets . . . .i ucicion nc ! -.& BraUon ,..':" "!. a oreat iml- willing ,, .".." .lU,:u, - calei.r Bl M u vrou, bo to'canitni , oui,ous " receive them, calculate upon the birds sowing tho1 ? ala0 U need. and this Jo'StLo enoughlS "- of better banking ...neati, to the front w. o need in Oregon today i