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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1907)
'. i f I 5 r' t 1- f; th oi dt til la TI vt J ni In nt ci st l V. tt tc lb I a to in ni oi I th to st lit In A i v.l i . fit tc - .,.; 1..-J il i J ' Ci lu ; el V V u tl ' a e; hi II & B r 12 DAIL1' OAl'irAIi JOUKXATj, BAIjBM, , oitEGOX. Ti-itailAr. JAXUAHV 1, l"07- Capital Cltr MIIN. Salem la not behind other cities of the west In the rapidity with which II utilizes all modern conven iences and the concerns upon which It depends Tor these facilities are preparod to fill the needs of the growing city and this community by Vnnnlliv linPA With ttlB U8SI 1UWW of which are the latest In make and design. Tho plant Is equipped with a large dry kiln, and In fact there Is nothing lacking to mako this one of the most complete- enterprises of Its kind In this seotion of the country. Employment Is given to ten peo ple, all of whom aro skilled and 0. mrienced workman In tho various 3Z5s,v ...w--- si-sr-s statoment Is demonstrated and prov en by a visit to the Capital City Mills owned and operated by Messrs Bryant and Keeder. This Industry was established some flvo years ago. by Ilryant and Reeves, who conducted the same for about ono year, at which time Mr. Heeves -sold out his Interest to Mr. I C. Pen nail. The firm stood ns Ilryant and Pennell until last October, when Mr Rooder purchased Mr. Pennell' In terest. The liufltlliiK I n modern three-story structure, and Is equipped throughout with latest machinery known to modern milling. There was I3.G00 worth of now machinery in stalled this last year and many Im provements made In different linos. Tho dally capacity of tho mill Is 100 barrels, tho output of which finds a ready market throughout this vi cinity. Some Idea of tho volumo of business this mill Is doing may bo'ob talniM when wo say that thoy took In over (10,000 bushels of wheat from tho farmers of this section In 1000 Their popularity nnd reputation is well earned by producing tho vory best quality of family flour, tho ox collonce of which Is attested by tho fnct that It Is found In every grocory store In Salem, nnd thnt It always commnnds a rendy market. Their lending brand of flour, which Is known as Perfection, cannot be excelled on earth and Is par excel lence. Thoy also manufneturo buckwheat, ryo nnd wholewheat flour nnd grind corn meal. This enterprise Is of tho greatest Importance to tho farmers throughout this community, as It af fords thorn the best facilities for the grinding of their grain, nnd poys the highest market prices for tholr pro duct. May tho Cupltal City Mills long contnlnuo to turn out tho staff of life, and bo compelled ore long to double their capacity U the wish of tho Capital Journal, o . Fuller mill Douglii. Located at 400 State street we find thu establishment of fuller nnd Dougla. nil enterprise which de serve the highest word of prnlM. In giving a brief description of this In dustry, we will first take up the bak ery department, which Is operated by two experienced bakers sad Is ono of the most modern and up-to-date bake shop In the state, The plant tuts a daily capacity uf 100 loaves and If equipped throughout with the latest appliance known and used In a mod em bakery. The oven Is H by 1 feet In dimensions and la of the very latest pattern. The product taken from this urea, which comprises tine nreati, pie, cane, etc., is or a su perior quality, ami cannot be sur pawed for excellence, purity and flavor. These goods are sought by tin leading- families throughout this community, which is a testifying dem onstration ot their superiority and excellent quality. la the manufacture of Hue caudles this nrm staads second to none in the eouutry. The candy factory, like that of their bakery, contains ever) convenience for the operation of the biMlaeas, Kmploytuewt Is given to two experienced candy makers, and only the oholeeet of goods are manu factured by Puller and Douglas. A soeetalty Pt wade nf flu oreants and choeolaUM, which are noted tor their superior quality. In (aei ail of the onndle manufactured by this Arm hu a splendid reputation and a rendy market. Ice cream is also one a their spec ialties, and te tkU branch of the business we now want to call your attention. They trees their eream by electric power, and bare a capac ity of lie walluas per day. The de mand for their crenw during the ftummer month force them to run full capacity, as they have shipped m high m eighty anil out of town In one day. The In cream parlor U like a pal ace. and U ene tn he admired. The tabiM. show bm nd other rami tur are baudiemn and attractive. aad nothing Is wanting; tn wake this a model nine In nvtr comprises a building 60 by 120 feet In dimensions, two stories nign, or In other words It utilizes 12,000 feet of space. Mr. Hansen Is n manufactur er of sash, doors, mouldings and nil kinds of house finish, nnd nil work executed by him Is of tho highest standard nnd guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction. This enterprise Is nn Important factor ami aid In tho building trade In this section nnd Is appreciated alike by builders, contractors nnd dealers. Mr. Hanson has had twenty years of experience In this lino of business. Ho Is a reliable and pub-llo-splrlted business man, always willing to help with nny public en terprise that will bonoflt tho city of Salem. o The lloimu FiirnMiliiK Company. A deop nnd fnvorable Impression Is made upon all visitors to this city after vlowlng tho many largo nnd modern establishments located here and particularly so whon they havo paid a visit to tho Institution known as tho Houso Furnishing company, lo cated nt 177 Liberty street. Tho quartors occupied by this es tablishment comprlso about 14,000 feot of spneo, whoroln Is to bo found one of tho most comprohonslvo linos of furnlturo carried In tho state Among tho dlfforent llwv carried by the Houso Furnishing company may bo mentioned a Inrgo and complete lino of furniture of all stylos and quality. enrpots, picture frames, I mouldings nnd tho largest stock of wall paper to bo found In tho city of Salem, all of which nro displayed In a most admirable and attrnctlvo way. Since tho business was estab lished, some flvo yenrs ngo, It has steadily proceeded on tho upward path to success and has established a patronngo Mint nny institution might well be proud of. The sec rots of their success are because they anticipate and carry everything that the trade of tills section domands In this line nnd sell nt prices thnt are In the reaoh of nil. Tho proprietors of this stablUh- ment consist of II. It. Hyde nnd D. II. James, both of whom are enter prising and reliable business men. The reputation of this house from IU Inception lias been one of honorable dealings with the public. Honest equivalents is the motto of this es tablishment, and this condition pre vails through the adoption nnd en forcement of methods characterised by the strictest Integrity. o . UnLannnnMnnSgnmnnnnnnnP .9jrflHjHR iHP 7 S in MgP&wjf ip" 'IHft fnggggBsf " 'VTBHte' i cSMmHl wYannnwJf M 5gPir''Jv2i xtimMKsk fggnanflF Ml - M ?TgW an gnnnnnWi)r':"'. 9SM3tFlm3SKii.rA J V uJw '' is9zS?!i ' k 3EG4 tWWBnwngssgs. , nnnmnwHNKK-''HHHSKnV wSilSCmnggggmv gnnnnHnlltanl'iflgnnHF iuggmggnmglgggg9tfe? MugMuggnSr lamgglglglglglglgmfln J. CONNKIt, IMlOI'ItlBTOK WIIiMMCTTK IIOTKIi. stands today tho poor of all compan ies, having moro "surplus to policy holdors thnu any othor company do ing business In America." It was tho first company to deolnro for basis of nro tho facility with which It can bo applied. Thoro Is no delay In start ing. No wnltlng to thaw out tho frost lu tho pipes In winter. No uncer tainty In operation. No dnugor of ex- A. M. llaiiMm, Tbe Inrgn and upHe-daU pUaalg mill, owned aad nperated bf Mr. A. M. llanen. raaks among tne leaning Industrie ef Salem. Thie eonnern oecnple romwodlona quarters at the corner of Mill and Cheren atreet. and tbe eqalpaient of the plant, eonsleu of the moat im proved utaablnery used In this Mm of Induetry. Including a valuable and complete set of saws, plane, mould. teg BKtahtaeu and, other mecaaaleal aiitltasee. During the' past year. Mr. Hansen has lniUlbM many nw aad luab:a picctm of machinery all Iturcii mill llitinllioii. The large and attractive exhibit of goods shown In the establishment of Huron ami Hamilton presents to housekeeper of this community th best possible assortments in variety of style and qualities and nt figures that defy competition. The bouse deals In all kinds of house furnishing goods, embracing handsome and artistic parlor fur nishings, the choicest of hall require ments, a complete line of chamber and dining room suit. mmiM irame. carpets, wall paper, stove and range, and In fact everything tin- uousenoid equipment, from par lor to kitchen, from hail to llbrarv. basemnnt to roof, whether of a coty cottage or a more pretentious etme- tur. The stock comprise all that is nw In design, artletle la workmaMhin durable In character and honest la price rrom tne plain and oeiumon but useful furniture up through an almost endlee variety of .qualities Including th most elaborate and lm. posing creations of house furnishings in mi ostabllshmnot an uxaiiB biMtaaa has been built up by means of Integrity and iihurniitv ... wetbods employd In all trade ru. Uons and by the undeviatinir nnii.r of handling only such goods as are durabU In quality aad workmanship aad wbleh can be safely guarantee.) ibis nrm has won the confidant- aad est of the community by their Integrity, the accuracy of their method and the reliability of their representation, and as a result this etabHnhmnt stands pre-eminent, meriting fnlly the recognition it receive. 100 cents on tho dollar In the great plosions, nnd tho gront cheapness Is San Francisco conflagration lust one oi tne ininss io do mkuu mm spring; wns the flrst company to puy consideration, n loss, and tho flrst company to llnlsli Sine thls company bognn tholr pnylng Its losses In tho snme confln-j operations lu Salem thoy havo mndo gratlon. My offlco Is on tho ground many Improvement. Thoy hnvo bct lloor flrst door west of Jos. Myers & tered tho street car service They havo Improved tno ngnting service, nnd have spent many thousands or dollars In bringing the ontlro sorvlco up to the high standing which It now occupies. Their current Is on tho line twenty-four hours every day in the year nnd thus uvortlmo nnd ad ditional power service Is readily se cured, and the increase In curront consumption tends to reduce rnthor than Increase the price pur unit of power. The company enjoys nn ex cellent business In the wny of com mercial lighting, nnd the lnrgo num ber of outtomers on their list speaks well fo the quality of their light. Klectrlc llcht Is the magnet the, draws trade, nnd tho merchant thnt keepj hli windows well lighted Is the one who will always be prosperous In business. Tb- electric light sells your goods while you sleep. It attracts attention, make it easy for your dis play to be examined and show your goods to the best advantage. The Sons' White Corner storo on Court street. I nUo hnndlo rent ostnte nnd house renting nnd collecting rents for nnn-resldents n specialty. Itemom ber tho place; no stops for the old folks and the ladles to climb to And mo. Kveryhody welcome. Phone Main 1321, or call In porson nt No. 370 McCornnck blook, Salem, Oregon. W'.'A. USTON. o rOUTLAM) ()l'..Vi:it.Ii in.KCTitio coMiuxv An Oiuiiiiljitliiii Tlmt IImk Dime .Much TomiimI tin Upbuilding . uf SjiIciii. To prepare an Industrial edition, setting forth the resun'reos, progress and achievement of Salem, and re frain from giving proper credit to thnt great civilising agent, Bleetrlc- Ity, would seem most Indlvioui, more especially when the direct results Portland General Electric company Is through this eoitce have been to far reaching and so evident. The characteristic push whleh ha seamed to attend th entire develop ment program of th Portland Gen eral NWetrlu company In the un building of Salem since their estab lishment her ha been without check or limit. Ad the power furnished WIIK IXSUHAXCH 1 my business, I believe In in eiaace that Insures, and that is hat you get when you buy fire insurant e. I have been eetabhshD.! m Salem for six y. My patrous are my friends, n costs you no more to Insnre In a Reed comnanv than it dee in & jim orow company," "The Continental insurance Company of -w orv and four other old liners to CfcoOM from. The j mi company is tne most complete t uily :r:red to furnisli an abun and eoonomlcni that can be produced j dance of :owr at a very reasonable It is not m much the !ur:o of consideration. this article to set forth historical i The foundation for nn.i evenu regarding the Portland Oen-! growing development Is laid deep era Ulectrlc company, but rather to I and .trong. The experimental stage deal with present conditions a they h nuued. The Portland General . .u r, mh iu many no- Kieetrio company Is entitled to n vantage to be found in ulne that puce a the front rank of the suc marvelous power"-Klotrlelty. (cessful enterprises of the west Their The use of electricity as a motive .tm I. ever fo keep mc9 wUU the power I., still in Its Infancy, but It h commercial srowth of Salem and fast coming Into us. for the opera- their motto Is. "flood service at rea tlon of machinery. Its advantages sonablo j.rlces." Innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsgnnlunnnnnnn TIIK SALKSI PWVmSQ MILLS. In Doslgn-Modcni i Kiiilpniciit. No ono not In tho business can form nny correct Idea or estimate o the successful efforts of mechanical skill or Insounlty In dovlslug, Dlnn nlng or building tho modern flouring mill of tho present day. There is Biioh method, precision nnd regular ity in nil details of construction and operation that tho power of inventive genius seems without chock or limit. This observation proceeds nnturnl ly from a visit to tho Snlom Flouring Mills, which ranks among tho larg est Industrloa of Salem. Tho present plant dates Its incep tion from November C, 1001, tho original plnnt being destroyed by flro on tho raornlna of .Septombor 22, 1800. Tho buildings which composo this magnificent plnnt nro models of high class construction nnu nro equipped throughout with tho most imnrnvmi mnclilnory known to niod- orn milling, tho machinery being fur nished by Nordyko, Mnrmon 4c lo. of Indianapolis, Ind. Tho substantial structures, con veniens of nppolntmcnts und scru nninim r.lonnllncss ulnco this mill In thoso rcspocU in tho front rank of tho leading enterprises of its kind in tho stato of Oregon. Tho mill has n capacity of 3C0 barrols a day of twenty-four hours, nt which tho creator portion Is shipped to foreign countries, oa thoy control n lnrgo oxport trade, 'inoir local brand of flour Is "Wild Rose," which has becomo a household word throuchout this section, nnd hns an oxcollont reputation for IU quality nnd purity of flavor. Employment Is glvon to eight oxporlonced workmon, tho bond mlllor being Mr. II. W. Hntch. who Is n gentleman of much cxpcrlonco In this lino of business. Mr. W. I. Babcock, tho manager Is a caroful nnd consorvatlvo business mnn, with a thorough and practical mill experience, nnd it Is duo to his lirocrosslvcness nnd ability that tho production and sales aro so rapidly Increasing. Tho Snlom Flouring Mills com pany hamllos grain of all kind.. . lng a specialty of oats, and u, 'pays tho highest market pr(, . snine. Tho location of this great hj. I. . .a....ll . it.n.t.l t 111 OUT CUiUluuuii; miuum U(JiJ ' of much local prldo, for the dlstl Hon of Its cnoico production! J Salem's prestige ns a great mJ Hiring center. I mi.n i.lnni la nnninln.l .. I 1 llU JMilUb o viiviuivil )J powpr, nnd with true Anuria. tho Snlom Fourlng Mills cot will contlntio to keen the whu; tholr enterprlao humming for tt doflnito porlotl. o Star Hottllng Works, Minora! nnd carbonated wt,. tholr many flnvorn will nlwank 'demand becnuso of tlulr refrte and dollclous qunlitles when prcj sorveu. I At the Btnr bottling worki, lotl 'nt Drondwny and Market strKtil tho popular carbonated drlnb mnniuiiuiuiuu, luuiuuiiiy niga fl tnblo wntor, lino sodas, ginger J and root boor. This plant po tho vory best automatic mid nnd tho host auxiliary appoint! and in this respect, as well ai U J skill nnd oxporlcnco employed, tvl nnd nil advautnges known to business nro onjoyed. In the tl cess of manufneturo tho extracts cj Ingred louts usod nro of tho beittjl Ity In purity and strongth. lir, A. Pfoll, tho proprietor of thli dtistry, Is a contlomnn of mcci- porlenco in this lino of buslneuJ controls n lnrgo business throcjil this vicinity. o Hecclpe for n Good Tom. Qrlt. Vim. Push. Snap. Enorgy. Schools. Mornllty. Harmony. Advertising. Talk about it. Wrlto nbout it. . Speak woll of It. Advortlso In papers. Good country tributary. ESTABLISHED 1880. able to offer Inducements In the way of sign and window lighting that! should net be overlooked by the wideawake and progressive business man. The methods of the company nre all characterised by substantial thor oughness. The service is highly sat isfactory to natrons and their busi ness is steadllly Inoreaslne. Thev nro Wm. Brown & Co, Buyers of HOPS, WOOL and MOHAIR, and Dealers in HOP GROWERS' SUPPLIES LOCATED AT 129 COMMERCIAL ST. SALEM, OREGON 19 lliniiaia,. III-MH4M..1.. .! be IRobgers jfraper Co. WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS EVERYTHING IN PAPER 404-6 COURT ST. QAI ns LU"i - - nOFfiniki h t ) W . 'X "ESIDKXCE OP ,. c, GOODAXE. Jj -!,"i"iiiiinnmtltlllltMt)j V h