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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1902)
"W ")nprT'"TV,"l THE JOURNAL. Tonight and tomdfroty, rain probably fair. Watch the Fight for Flat Salaries. 8ALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY, 15, 1902. rrex M VOL. XII. NO. 138. ILjlaJLjX -, v K3en hi I I I I I I I 14-M-M-frM-H-H 1 1 H t I 1 I I t traw Hats AND- Orsisii osxs Our prices nro rheapor this yoar than over before Tho 25o line of I crash lints looks woll enough (or dress wear. Of course we have them finer at 50c and 05c. Fancy braid droBB Btraw hats at 05c, 95c, $1.10. TYCOON8 25c They're the coolest bats on earth. HARVEST HATS at 10c, 16c. 20c, 25c. SUMMER UNDERWEAR For mon from 25c up. Tho 45o grade is extra good value. Shirts, Overalls, Gloves And all kinds of goods for haiveet wear. Our $1.15 Horseliide Glove MERRILL'S BODY HAS BEEN Ml Is tins best on (he tnarkot. They stand tho hard wear and stay soft and pliable. Our 00c horschlde glovo is good but it pays to buy tho best. The New York Racket Is the beet place in the city to buy S3:es:o:e8.3 Our pi ices are lowor than at legular stores for tho tamo quality. SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE PRICE CASH STORE. Lw T. BARNES, Prop'r. Rtcb.. Where He Was Murdered Fiendish Tracy By the j SKovallv -H--H--H- H4tH4 Ce DARK'S not alnno rarrioa a remarltablo itock of low and medium priced watcho", both nien'rf and ladies'; but a very choice aieortmont of maguillcently (trade watches tho royally ri h kind, with finost gold cases, beautifully en gtnved and Borne of them si t with diamonds. And tho prices on them are much lower tli.ui you would suppose. Barr's Jewelry Store Has Been Identified By Warden Janes of the Oregon Prison Dressed As He Was When Last Seen With the King of All Living Outlaws ' ae9e$eea94eeee2OBae6&e&a90seeaG9ss6t9 s (Dally Star Special to Capital Journal) , Seattle, July 15. Merrill's body was found by a small boy named Roberts, yesterday near the main road, below Chehalls, the place de scribed by Tracy. The boy saw a hand and foot projecting from be tween two Ions. He called the superintendent of the reform school, Westcndorf. Deputy Sheriff B -Inker and a newspaper man watched q the body all night. Coroncr'Grcen, of Lewis county, has gone to bring 9 the body into Chehalls. Everything confirms the Tracy story, as the m body Is dressed as last seen when he and Merrill were together. Found by a Woman. J Portland, July 15. Merrill's body was found yesterday. The dls- tp covery was kept secret until tho arrival of Warden Janes, of Salem, m It was found by a woman who was blackberrylng. 8 cje9cea3eees33o osaeeaseeascioaescoaeocsik j ! Statu and Liberty Sis., Saleir. Leaders in Low I'ricoi. A Taking Way i Ui Our wines and liquors have with tho public, hicAtiru tlu-v uru him grade uinl the loit to bo j r cured ( r tho lean money Our table mure are of excel lent llnvor and of the lliioit vintage, ami our brandies, gitis and whiskies of the I et distillation, and are pure and med icinal in quality. J. P. ROGERS, 1 zmz imir sB-r--- Body Undoubtedly Merrill's. tClichalls Hoc-Nugget Special to Cnpl tnl Journal.) Ohehulls. July 1G. A body, un doubtedly Merrill's, lies behind n log on a back country' road four miles southeast of Chohnlls. It was thrown over tho log, and Is douhjed up. Tho body hud on tho clothes In which Mer rill was last booh alive. There Is a bullot wound In tho wrist. The coro ner Joft half un hour ago, and it can not bo disturbed until ho arrives. Mrs. Mary Wngonor and nor son, George, who witro huntliiK borrlea, found tho body by tho Hiuoll. Cannot get nny further particulars before II or I o'clock. Another Explosion at Johnstown. Johnstown, Pa., July 15. An explo sion of mine No. 31, of tho Uurwin White Company, at Flnborr, ton miles south. Id leportcd. Olllclals rofiiae to give details. It is believed to bo well ous. Ono roport says only four men were Injured. o Portsmouth. July IB. Tho king was taken aboard his yacht today. Ho will go direct to Cowe, whero ho will an-' chor. RAILWAY TRAIN HOLD UP Masked Men Line Up Tourists Secure Several Thousand Dol lars Booty Blew Up Safe of Express Car With Dynamite Gunnison, Colo., July 15. Masked men held up tho wostbound passenger ttaln on tho Denvor & Itlo Grande narrow gnugo at Mill Switch, a point two miles east of Chestor, at 8:30 o'clock yesterday. Tho two safoa In tho express car wore blown open with dynamite, and the car was almost com pletely wrecked. Tho contonts of tho safes wero taken, but tho amount of money secured Is believed to have boon small. Tho passengers woro rob bed, soveial thousand dollars bolng oh tallied. lo Because of Love. Dallas, Or., July 15. John Reming ton, an omployo on P. Hanson's farm, near here, took carbolic acid with sui cidal Intont yestordny. Ho loft Han sen's houso boforo breakfast, went to tho pasture, and thoro took a largo doso of tho deadly drug. Whon found ho was In groat agony. Medical as sistance was immodlatoly summoned, nnil Romlngton wns lomoved to the homo 'of his father. Ho Is still nllvo, hut llttlo hopo Is ontortnlned of his re covery Ho loft a noto stntlng that tho reason for his rash act was bocauso ho had boon disappointed In a love af fair. Remington Is about 30 yearn of age. and the oldest son of Ilouhou Remington, a well-known Polk coun ty pioneer. cee8osoas9o9ee9eocea9eee90ae A mr io i b n r . b How About Your Eyes Get your eyes tested at C. T, Pom eroys so you can see perfectly. Gold filled spectae'es warranted 10 years, formerly 3.50 now 2.00. Watches, jrold filled cases, Elgin or Waltham movement from 10 to 20. C. T. Pomeroy ..." Joweler and Optician, 288 Com'!. St. Have You Ever Tried Salem's Botanical Doctor? Ho absolutely euros cancers, tu mors, gravel, kldnoy and bladder trou bles, bono diseases, asthma, skin dis insections. My Dear Friend: You must bear In mind that this medlcluo la not a poisonous tonic, nor a stimulant, nor a temporary rollof, which ypu get from poisonous drugs, whore the results aro euro death soon er or later. Thoso poisons go In your bones and dostroy tho 11 fo of them and creato all klnda of diseases, can corous tumors, consumption, dropsy, bono diseases, etc. Do not blamo tho medicine whon It takes an effect and stirs up tho poisons or disease In tho Bystom. You must not expoct to bo cured In a fow days, for your sickness or disease has ';een a long Umo com ing on, and it will tako a long Umo to get It out of your system. It will tako months or a yoar to build up a new body from the bones up. This Is cases all without tho uso of tho knife or poisonous minerals or mineral of any kind. They aro used to being liumbuggod. My medicines aro composed of na ture's herbs what tho human system requires. "Whon tho animals got sick thoy will help themselves to thoso herbs, for thoy havo tho Instinct, and tho pooplo havo not, so wo havo to make a study of It. It has been a llfo study with me. Da not get weary; tills life Is too short and too sweet to worry out of this world. Dr. Cook cures all kinds of dlsoaaoe. The Victim of Tracy. The finding of Merrill's body oxnetly coriesponds with tho story of his kill ing as given out by Tracy himself. Tho men hnd soino words, and Tiacy killed' him with as Uttlu-compunatlou as ho would a mosquito that had becomo uounieHomo, wniio Merrill, tlio moro Intolllxent man of tho two, rolled upon Trncy's fairness and bolng a fellow prlsonor who had suffered hardships with him. These foldings would not find a nlnco In Tracy's breast any moro thnn in n panther's. Merrill had not killed any ono, and only shot In gram by n'qcldont, and by turning stnto's ovldonco against Trncy inlght havo saved hlmsolf from hanging. The theory Is that tho escapes had some words, and nt tho first opportuntly Tracy killed Merrill, and, consistent with all his nets, avo out tho Informa tion at tho (list opportunity. Supt. Lee Notified. On Monday aftoruoon Superintend ent Loo recolvod tho following mos- sago from Shorlff Edward Doggolor, of Chohalls, Lowls county, Washingten: "In caso Merrill's body is found doad, will roward bo paid?" In reply, Mr. Loo sent tho follewing: "The lan guage of tho reward will govern mat tor. In nny ovont wo will pay well for return of body." A fow hours lator Superintendent Loo recolvod a tele phone moaengo from Sheriff Doggeler, Informing him that a body supposed to bo that of Merrill's had boon found by a young boy nenr Chehalls, and noar the point designated by Tracy as tho scene of Merrill's murder and bur ial. This conflrmaUon, in part, at leant, of Tracy's story leads to the belief that the dead man Is Merrill, but his identity cannot bo positively estab lished until Warden J, T. Janes reach en Chehalls. Mr. Janes has been at Seattle, and was wired lest night by Superintendent Lee Instructing him to hasten to Chohalls. The message waa fi j Altai rs o a ations Nice, France, has suffered a great fire. Cholera prevails In certain districts of Japan. a Queen Hcnrlette, of Belgium, Is In critical health. q Sir Joseph Little, chief Justice of Newfoundland, is dead. JJ Cholera is spreading throughout Manila and the Islands. m Sir Thomas Llpton Is preparing to challenge again for the Amer- oj lean cup. fThe United States battleship Illinois Is aground In the Christiana harbor of Norway. In the English rifle meet, at Bisley Commons, Carruthers, Cana- 2 dlan, made the highest possible score. 3 Samoan chfefs have been arrested for refusing to comply witli the 0 law for serving out their national drink, kava. S) -,--... ....t.1. ... ...In.. In m. Mnl. I!.-. lt-.nnl - -. COn. Jt. UCIIHUII ytlblllt, MIC Itlblliy Ml hill IIWIIII WUU WII41IIMI.I U M WWW- m o guinea prize, with three American-built boats In the race. eeeoaeaaa6ceecesa0ea9c99Oas69So90 WHAT BEECHER SAID This Eminent Divine Upholds the Advertising Doctor Whose Work B' comes Known. This Is his fourth year In Salem, and ftrnFit nt natfnntii and irlnii enn ts. what the pooplo do not understand. Jtlfy to his skill In their cases. Dr. J. P. COOK. 301 Llhertv St.. E.i.1 lem, Ore., Is the man you ought to i not "vrl last night, and Superln consult. He Is a natural doctor. He Is )wi,lant tliliHw Mr. Jane, has descended from a line of German herb-,Jo,nel s,wiff Cudlhee. at Auburn, and allsts, tho best physicians In the U,U wl" slon a longer delay be world. ' fore Chehalls can be reached, and the Identity of the dead man learned. Read the Above Remarkable Cure. MHSSHM EYE SPECIALIST 2 A, M BANCROFT. Mir. of tbe BANCROFT OPTICAL CO. 259 Com' I St, SJcm. Orcfoa We do our own fiiaJloft Eiiiala.iloa free. DIG FIRE AT GRANTS PASS. Two Hotels, S. P. Round Houte I Many Stores Burned, i and tNavel Orangeade Something Goad to Driak at SODA FOUNTAIN 114 State Street. RoelMirg, JhIj- 18. About noon yes tertlay Are started In the City Hotel, in GranU Paw, burning that structure and three stores on Front street A heavy wind carried the fire acroee to the S. P. R. R. round bowe and ma chine shops, destroying them, and the large piles of wood near. Moving on arroee the street the fire sweit away Hve dweitlBg. Ue Jumped to and oowMimed the now Ootenial afwnnent 'hone. Jwt back of the Hotel Joee phiH. Another J of two block took tne BapUat chureb. which en ej-t 'soaie r-stden-i left nothing further in that dlroxtioB BBBBaUaBBBBIBBBHBaBlBBEBMiaH ?! r ul A - i rrr f SwuMK M a IBOMNCOAYHA& r0 TEMHOfS tbotc whose kitchen Is cjuleeed wltb s cat rsc- No beatiEc up of tbe wbele bouve on a bof day. Heat la oalyap pttti where needed a a matter of dome tic etesoay s (as ttntt will seas pty for Itself la savtae of fuel, wbea catare4 wlibMoid style tiot wood life aal you canset overcsttaute tb cemfsrt sad coaveaUscc ef ibis (Jeuly fuel la waia y,ttltr. SALEM GAS LIGHT CO. S Phone 653. 4 ChemckeU 8t m BBaUUBBHBBBaBBKflBflBUBWUl The most eminent divine, tho late Rev. Henry Ward Dewher, publloly aihocated the adveitlsliig diHtor, a he said once In the following werds: 'I am glad that the doctor cured him. I am glad that the doctor put It Into the paper that he could ur him. And If any doctor Is certaJn he can cure alien uises, ami mm i put u Into the paper, I am worry. What a pity It would have, been If the doctor had come to town with his whhIUi of science and experience, ami gone away leaving him uncured! What a pity it would have been If he had been so prejudiced against advertising as to read the reeponelhle ceitlflcates ot the doctor and gave 111 in the go-by aa a quack! What are newaiHtpera for, If not to circulate Information? What iroie valuable information (an a new e, apt . give than to tell a sick man where he can be cured? If a man has d vctul bis life and labor to tbe study of a special elaae of dlMMUMtf. the He--idlty ol bis aaylRg no becomes all the wore preeelng. Hit duty to ad-v.-rtise beoowee Imtwrious. A really able man. whatever hie gifu. makeji a great mistake If he fails to use tioe gift through want of advertising." Tbe above extract from an able ar tide or the lUv. Mr. Heechr em bodies a sou ml view of tbe aubjei t of advertising. Suppoee Ur. Darrln had (uu to thU city and not advertieed who would know of hie preeeuee? SUme Ur. UarriH has Utm In Salera he ba relieved Hiore agony and anf ttrtiHH then tottgne ean tell. Hie to Umonlftl Isgvs) ebtai)tlaUd hie cure. The fact that hie offleee. at the Willamette Hotel, are crowded the greater part of the time and that few go away dlaealleJIed, la pretty good vu!ti-e of M SHOreee. Ti.e Miltur of thU paper Is person au siitJnted with many of the peo pi, named a cured by Ur Darrin, S. Slaullohl, Tiii Mill streot. leufuetw and dlHclminIng oars. I nun, 110 Statu street, Saloiu, deaf- Myr, Lake Creeh, Or., deaf Pteeley, Oi-anta Pnea, Or., Names Who Can be Referred To. J. W. Pnto, Jefferson, Or., rhoiima- tium. A. (1. Hyora, Iudopundeiico, Or,, total dunfnoMi. CIiiih. Ramp, .178 Marlon Shoot, Sa lorn, won I; Iiiiikh and bronchitis, Mrs. T. Jainue, Halem, fomnlo trou blea, tumor, boa it troublo and boad iichee. I). (3. Dove, ihiughtor, Sitloin, din- botun'. MIsh Salem, V. II. (intnrih. Henry Voegell, Meilfonl, Or iieaa. I. ICweuaon, Urownehom, Or., deaf neea. I. P. Glemmeiit, S. P., cnnceroim growth. II. a. uetta. C. C. deafueaa. Wm. Seuor, Medfonl, Or.. deufueK SA yen nt. C. W. lJCarlow, Trail, Or., dis charging eara. Mra. Win. Dniachel, Omby, Or, to tal deufnetM, Charles Carney, JuekaVnivllle. Or., cut a rili for yearn. John Martin. Cove, On, hydrocele. O. K. McCrary. Jacksjonvtlle, Or. deafueaa 7 yeara. .frs. Mnrtha Wocwliutf, Cleveland. Or., partial iiaralyata. 10x-Judge a. Crockett, Meilln. Or. deafneaa 1 yeara. Wm. Hunter. Itugene City, Or ra tarrb V yeara. Or. Oarrln'c Plase ef Business. Dr. Darrin gives free examination o all, and when aacessary give" wed 'due In connectlwi witn electricity The poor trtxUed free from lu to II tally, eweid wedlclHea. Those will ing to pay. 10 to I; evealwgs, 7 to K. Sundaya, 10 to 3. ICrrors of youth, blood taints, lt miMtteticy, vark-oxele. deafness, ca urrh and stricture a specialty. All hroHlc wale and feaaal private dle- mmtt treated at it a week, or In that roiHrtioH of time, aa the ease way rennlre. No cases published except 4y itermbMdoN or the patient. All bus iness reiatioae with Dr. Oarrin atrk-t- ly ooaideelbtt Letters of Inquiry an wssres). Clrtelani and question blanks seat free. Ilyes teeted and glaeees Htted. Or. iMtrrln's offices are at the Willamette Hotel. Halem, unlit September 1st INDIAN WAR VETERANS Can Now Call for Their . Pensions Blanks Have Been Issued With Necessary Requirements Must Be Filed With Member of Oregon Delegation Washington, July 15. Tho ponslon ofllco today Issued a lnrgo numbor of blank forms on which Indian War Vet oraiiR may lllo applications for pon 8lons, untlor tho law rocontly passed. Coplos will bo furnished to nil wlio may malio leanest at tho pension of flco, whllo a lurgo numbor havo beon sent to Roprosontntlvo Tonguo for ills trlbutlon. Ono sot of tho blanks Is Is sued for BtirvlvoiH and anothor for widow h. Survivors aro required to furnish tholr rank, conipnny ami rogl ment, show honorablo dlHchargo, Uh gethor with at least 30 days' sorvico, and othor military sorvlco boforo or after tho Indian war. Personnl doscrlp lion of tho soldloi nt tho tlmo of on llfltmont, sub80(pteiit plnces of resl donco and proof that ho Is an actual resident or tho United Stntos Is also callod for. All of this ovldonco must ho sworn to boforo a notary public, and must bo corroborated by at least ono, but Bonornlly two, witnesses, whoso personal knowledge of facts rognrd lug tho clnlmnnt must be Hied with tho application, lllank applications for wldowH call for substantially the samo ovldonco with rogard to tho sol dier with additional data to fully es tablish hor rolatlon to 'tho deceased votoran. Tho poiihIoii ofllco hns omit ted powor-of-attornoy forms fiom tlit'Ho blanks, as tho questions aro so explicit aH to ho readily understood. Applications, whon mndo out accord Iiik to tho queHtloiiH nsked, miiHt he llled wllh tho department, and It In preferred through n member of tho Or egon dologntlon, boforo oxninlnntlons can ho made of iho appllcanlH. After the appllcatloiiH nro reached and found satisfactory, nppllcnntH will he advised direct of the fuither steps rwpilred or them. D 1U AYIE HIS OLD RUSE Tracy Doubled On His Tracks and Had a Clear Field to Seattle Sheriff Cudiliee Has Called in the Posses and Is Preparing a New Moye Merrill Said to Be in the Streets of Seattle His Body In Chehalls Tho convict outlaw did not show hlmsoir Monday. Ho wns soon by a faromr nonr Hnuiuelaw Sunday night, but tils ap penranco was not ropoited until yes terday. Ho Is playing IiIh old trick of doubling on his tinek, and attain his piirsuora woro foiled. Ills old ruso worked so Hiiccossfully, that whllo the bloodhound brlgado was on a stampedo to P.ilmor Junction, Trncy wns stealing by old roads and trails back to Knuniclnw. Tho outlaw hnd an opon Hold bororo him. Tho fow gunrds which woro loft In tho vicinity or Auburn could not covor all tho Intrlcato approaches from Knumcl&w. If Trncy's strength had lastod ho i could practically havo walKod toward Seattle without opposition. He wns noar Knumclaw Sunday at "9:30, In the ovonlng ho was soon by Horry O'Noll, tho ranchor on the res ervation hill. The dlstanco by tho shortest road Is about olght and a half mllos, but by tho rotito tho nortorlous criminal un doubtedly wont It Is much longer. Tho territory which ho covered waH phenomenal, ami whon ho ronchod the rldgo of Mtickloshoot ho was undoubt edly too fallguod to contlmio further. Otherwise nothing Iny In his way. At 5 o'clock Monday Sheriff Cudl hee, who has hoeiidlrcctlng his posses anil lleutennuts from Kavmisdiile since Friday last, sent out a general order dlrettliig IiIh assistants to congrogato nt Auburn for tho night, to tho ond that a goneral conforonco anil redis tribution of tlio forcos might bo had. Tho movo was mado for tho reason that tho shorlff was tired of a form of eampnlgn which kept his men chas ing rumors, somo plausible, others al most Intangible, and also because a largo numbor of members of tho sev eral poflsos aro almost Incapacitated for duty from loss of sleep and travel, Horenrtor tho mnln Idea of tho sher iff will be a quiet search, and prompt Investigation of all reports from overy Bourco, rather than a beating of tho brush, arid Its attondant accomponi montH, Seen by a Rancher. Auburn. July lG.Trncy's appear anco at O'NolU's farm was not report wd until Monday morning, although ho was Heen early 8undny night It was dusk. O'Noll and his wife had Just reached home, after a short drive Mrs. (Continued on Fourth Page.) FRESH TODAY. Salted Almonds Salted Peanuts Zinn's 154. Statist. Phone 2074. gc$sgc(Mettee8g9S8aeeie(M?gtao88a8eccgge8etgeg9tcg8itgggt Si Ob. JJMWU Swiir 11 Viw GREATEST OF ALL SALES Onr counters nro Ifiiid lit k ' with rare vnluej In every day neutl'ols at iincoiumon prices deoidodly silvan laroiis for your Hiving. Wu nrvor lowsr Iho tpmllty, it is always ll.o price, and every article ws sell Is nolRhed lu the icales of Justice. I A Blaze of Unparalelled Values Very Stylish Shirt Waists Reduced One-Third We are doing it Just to inako them sell fait. CO values reduced $ i 75 values reduced 85 vIiib reduced $1 00 values reduced, f 34 Ml lu U7 HI DO l 36 values redncsd f l 36 vsluts reiliiccil ft bO values r'ducod $1 00 (2 00 values wliiued 1 .HI t'i 60 values reduoinl . $1 1)7 :i 00 rallies reduced. I'l (0 Waists Reduced 33 Jptrttat. Korso The new combina tion corset cover and veal combined. 42 cents Made to ull for 75c l.earn Us mrrlts. Sahlin Waist The new waUtfor ldl reeelvsd' $1,00 Held In sll uilitfHHt (t.Kn cortot Just large A Few Breezy Offerings The Early Buyers Get the Choice Wash Goods Reduced One-Third The prettiest patterns town. l'io values rrduued to. . Iffc values I8u value). S0: VMluea Wo values :tfo vhIiiui IOo values hJc VSltlfl IKIc values 7c valuii. HSo values. in . c ,10o .13s Ho 17s .2(o .tt a 3lo -tOe .60o ,17c i vqoovJ X Wash Goods KKDUCKU j percent Peerless Values in Hosiery The High Novelties of the Season arc Here. Wash Skirts REDUCED $ Ml vahn-H f 7ft values M $1 UO value I 8 fl ?( values J (I &( vloee jj g ti 00 values ' fM valu ! Wee our Court slrot indov dlply ol LADIES' SUMMER VESTS Gauze Drawers Just the Ihuie for the a warm days. Knee length, ) trimmed. 25c, 50c T Ladies' Oxfords The swell new sum mer styles In Quicn Qnalltles best kid. $2.50 In Our Men's Department J'.vrrvihiiig the heart cenld de el u iii t)t way o( wesrliiK apparel l lirir, Crash Panama Hats . . . Thalstftstsuminsr ntyle in -MHtetl sotors 50 cents Men's Underwear gpeejsl vslues In Otis Ullor- ,.) iimlnrorAdr Mil J full l',IVI- tian ribbed In blue, pink and Gal biJKgsu. Price $1.00 . r WEDNESDAY'S SURPRISE SALE Nest Wedueidsy we wl'l svll a I . el K.rk's lli. OisJs) Tellet P. J '" I Huowlierry lilet end Isumlry sosp at He a eke. u.tam J Bee our Uourt ttreel winuow, me gioveti vv ' '" """ - ' WIMMtWlr8WW m iiiiMiiimfJ tii