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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1902)
THE DAILY JOURNAL. ' T0"'0-' coi)ler Tuesday, showers. Watch the Frfeht for Flat Salaries. VOL. XII. SALEM, OREGON, -MONDAY, JULY 14, 1902. r-r.- . r: - If jl III I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H U I 4-H-M--M; Straw Hats -AND- Our prlcoe nro dinner tliin i enr than ever bo'oro Tho 2o line of f crash hats looks well enough tor tlrcsa wear. Of coureo we 1ave them finer at EOc and 06c. Fancy braid drees straw hate at 05c, 05c, $1.10. TYCOONS 25c They're the coolest huta on earth. HARVEST HATS at 10c, 16c. 20c, 25c. SUMMER UNDERWEAR For men from 25c up. The 45c grado is extra good value. Shirts, Overalls, Gloves And all kinds of goods for harvest wear. Our $1.15 Horsehide Glove Is the beet on (he tnarkot. Thoy stand tho hard wear and etay I MOT a . t - .TwSfioit ana pnanie. Uur uuo norsi-lilue glove is good but it pays to buy tho best. The LORD SALISBURY HAS RESMGD Chancellor of the Exchecquer Lays Down His Portfolio Also tormlijed. They repaired their place of bUBlncsB, and woro promptly ar rested by tho city authorities for a violation of tho city's statutes In mak ing repairs within tho flro district In (.bo meantime tho occupants of tho building hold tho fort. An agree ment,? howovor, has boon reached, by which the building will bo vacated by Karrington & Farrnr on tho 23d Inst., whonltho rickety structure will bo re moved and Mr. Steuslolt will begin tho erection of his modem two-story brickbualness block. ', Tho? caso against Farrlngton & Far I rar, who aro charged with a violation of tlif city statutos In making repairs Dnccac Nim- Unnr n wltlilft tho lire district, was set for. vo'""3 MUi uu -"11 ruiu. " " -- ; . .. N0.4i37. TRACY THE TERROR Holds a Hill Since Last Saturday Arthur J, Balfour Succeeds As Prime Min ister of England New York Racket Is tho boat plnco in S the city tor buy ' Our prices are lower than at regular stores for the eatne quality. SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE PRICE CASH STORE. The King's Health Rapidly Improving and lie Leaves Lon don on the Royal Yacht trial Upon! a. in n tho police court this morning, 'motion It was contlnuod until 10 Wednesday. Him Out Details of His Movements Since Last Repoits E. T. BARNES, Prop'r. a-H-4-l---H--l-'M-l-l--t-H4--H- ! H-i H-M-1 IIIIHII ..IRoigaUig IRicfo.. IA HIt'S not alonn carrion a remarkable stock of low and medium pric d wotchoH, both men's and ladles'; but a vory choice assortment of magnificently High' tirade watchof tho royally rl h kind, with finest gold cases, beautifully en graved and some of them hc t with diamonds. And tho prices on them aro much lower tlnui you would sttrpose. Barr's Jewelry Store SLord Salisbury, premier of Great D.rltaln, has resigned, a Minister of Finance Sir Michael HIcks-Bcach, has also resigned. J Other cabinet changes arc re- y? ported pending. Q 9t)Haae(3 London, July 11. Today's ofllclal bulletin says King Edward continues to Di'ogiess satisfactorily. Sir Michael HIckB-Bcaeh. chancellor of tho ex- 1,ltn chequer, resigned today. His rctlio mont Is duo purely to personnl rea sons. King to Go Aboard Yacht. Tho progress of King Edward to ward recovery Is maintained, and It Is understood that ho will bo transferred to tho royal yacht Victoria ami Albort nt Portsmouth nt noon Tuesday. Fo ntul Liberty 8t., Salum. Leadors in Low Prices. SfPODfi Ptill Ourlpuro and choice wines. llquora, JIuUkio', heirs, plo and rorter Inr o with! the public vho appreciate lilxh g?fcup-'3tcollence in wet u ootid goneraliy. WVhave a superior stork of tho bent domestic and imported whiskey in the that have purity, age and low Ptlco;to rocotnmond them. HP. ROGERS, country 218-222 ComtnercUl Street. How About Your Eyes Get your eyes tested at C. T, Pom eroys so you can see perfectly. Gold filled spectae'es warranted 10 years, formerly 3-50 now 2.00. Watches, gold filled cases, Elp;in or Waltham movement from $10 to 520. ' C. T. Pomeroy Jowolerond Optician, 288 Com'l. St. be You Ever Tried Salem's Botanical Doctor? Hfll absolutely cures cancers, tu-i easea all without the uso of tho knife mojgaBravol, kldnoy and bladder trou- or poisonous minerals or mineral of JjesMbono diseases, asthma, skin dls- anv kind. Instructions. vlylDsar Frlend: S3 must bear In mind that this nedlcino is not a polsouous tonic, nor yatlmulant. nor a tomporary relief, vEIclfcyou get from poisonous drugs, vnenmho results aro suro death soon- ter. Tuoao poisona go In your ipneaiand destroy tho lifo of thorn nOKreato all kinds of diseases, can orous! tumors, consumption, dropsy, ipneidlaoaaos. etc. Do not blamo tho aedlclno when It takes an effect and Ugj the poisons or disease In tho ysTeBf Ybu must not expect to be uredjln a few days, for your sickness rTdlseaao has 'jeen a long Umo com- pl; and It will take a long Umo QTgeitU out of- your system. It will akolmonths or a year to build up a ewlbody from the bonoa up. This is .CatHtho people do not understand. Thoy are used to being humbugged. My medicines aro composed of na ture's herbs what tho human system roqulres. When tho animals get sick thoy will help themselves to thoso herbs, for they have tho Instinct, and the people have not, so wo have to make a study of it It has been a llfo study with mo. Do not get weary; this life Is too short and too sweet to worry out of this world. Lord Salisbury Resigns. London. July I. Tho fact of tho resignation of tho promlorshlp of Great Hrltuln by Lord Salisbury, as foroshndowed In tho dispatches, wn ofllclally glvou out last evening. Tho primo mlnlstoi' laid down the respon sibility of his oflleo July litli. Within 21 hours his majesty ele vated A. .1. Balfour, tho government's chief roprosontntlvos In tho Houso of Commons, to tho position of premier. Whllo It was expected In polltlcnl and commercial circles that Lord Salisbury's retirement would bo coin cident with tho coronation of King Edward, It was scarcoly looked for prior to that ovont. Consequently about tho only surprise expressed ns tho nows sprond through London con cerned tho dato rnthor than tho fact of tho resignation.. Tho real Intorost wns not bo much In roforonco to Loid Salisbury's withdrawal us It was In tho nppolnttnont of his successor. Other Changes Certain. Tho chango in tho propilorshlp will Involve othor ministerial changos. As no olllco Is vacant oxcopt that of the keopor of Uio privy seal, tho prosont cabinet can carry on work as long as necessary, and, as Mr. Ilalfour has nc coptod no now olllco, ho will not have to present himself to his constituents for ro-oloctlon. It may bo tnkon for grunted that tho Duko of Dovonshlru will lend In tho Houso of Lords. ' Glad It Was Not "Joe." At tho political clubs vmIoiih opin ions woro oxprossod regarding Lord Salisbury's rotlromont anil Mr. Hal-, four's accession. Tho Liberals Midi Nationalists generally oxprossod ro-' lief to find that Mr. Halfour, and not) Mr. Chnmborlaln, wns to bo promlor, I but n small section of both Consorva-' tower of St. Mark's church, about 320 feet high, collapsed this morning mid fell with a great crash Into the plana. It Is not believed there wns any Iosh of life. Tho cathedral proper and the Doges palace escaped Injury, but tho falling tower struck tho royal pal ace, damaging n comer. Tho accident Is considered tho greatest loss to me dieval art tho kingdom hns over suffered. The tower was built In tho century. o I Corn Takes a Tumble. Chicago, July 11. July corn took a heavV full this morning, going from ui ,..iom mi. ....... r ,1... ...... 1. 1 I rm . ... . . . ,. on urow-flt. ilia cuunu ui uiu milium ooaiUO, WOSM., JUIJ II. TmCJ' Was Is big receipts and ostlmntos. The soon this morning at Muckloshoot Hill, Ontos people made tacit offers to sot- Bx miles oast of Auburn, close to tlo with tho shorts today, but the whero ho was Saturday evening. Ho terms were not accoptod. . Is not Initio ns reported. The Steamer Jennie Arrived. Victoria, July II. Tho steamer Telegraphic Briefs. Thl) first ascent of Mt. Hood this season was made by a pnrty of July ill tit. Tho climb wns mndo In six hours. Juntos S. ncdmnn, nu old resident of Wclbr, Idaho, died Sundny, from the effects of drinking carbolic acid, which ho mistook for wlno. C. II. Wordnor, of Scnttle, I Movements Since Saturday. , till to Hllinlnv tilcrlit fnrlv.nli'lil hIv outlaw had boon sighted, mid this clr cumstnuco conflrmed tho bollof that ho was badly wounded, ntul nursing his wounds in the depths of some lin ponetrnblo forest. I Not bIuco ho landed at tho little Q9988ace0O89Gs3aee9eo9e9oecNi (I j Affairs of all 1 ilofno iiaiiuiioi! (I ' ! i Pariclans are today celebrating the fall of the Dastlle. Mt. Pelee Is reported still In an activo state of eruption. The government of Tien Tsln Is to be restored to China at once. Liang Chen Tung Is to be Chinese minister to the United 8tateo to succeed Wu. Blueflelds has not been taken by the Nlcaraguan revolutionists, .is was reported, Paris is buying gold In London, and the English stock markets are weak. The German bourse Is also stagnant. The coolness between Italy and Great Britain will give place to more cordial relations under Balfour's premiership. President Roosevelt has decided that the Friars shall be deprived of,, their extraordinary advantages In the Philippines. Victor Emanuel, king of Italy, Is visiting the Czar at St. Peters burg, and aa a result both nations may reduce their armaments. Agricultural societies In Po and are negotiating for the purchase of American farm machinery direct, without the Intervention of Ger man middlemen. e3ae009ee9e9S999C99999ea99e9eae99aee9999C09e Victims' of Gaming Table. I 1'nrlB, July 1 1, Lal'atrlo today Bays that twelve mined gamblers have WIIH ),ii,ilft IHirtll of lllllllll-ll llll Hill drowneu Sunday whllo bathing In nght of Ju)y 21 ,mB Trncy fftlIm, tQ Lnke Washington. IcHV0 Bomo I)oattvo clow to his trull. Absolutely nothing of n reliable na ture had been received by any deputy In tho field slnco tho trail was lost at tho l'rotaut homo on Friday after noon. For a tlmo tho several posses com forted thuniBolvoB with tho assurance that tho fugitive's physical condition would at least oporatu to prevent his leaving the vicinity, and that at last ovt'icotnc by the pangs of ltungor and Ills well-known yonring for tho society of some human being, he would rovonl his presence. Tho suspense, howovor, was broken, when, shortly artdr dark last night, Sheriff Ctullhoo received a niosHogo from Entimclaw, saylngthnt a boy on tho road three mlle from thnt place had mot a mnn carrying a ride, who Inquired tho dlstfinro to Huckloy. Tho Information was. telegraphed to ex-Sheriff Woolery, In charge of the s posso at Knumclaw, by Sheriff Hart- man, of Piorco county, and alBo Dopu ty McKlllon, at Iluckloy. Woolory and flvo guards procured a team as soon as posslblo and wont to Enumclaw with tho bloodhounds. They woro placed on tho trail and followed It for throo-qunrtors of a mile. It was very dark when tho blood hounds woro thrown off the scent at tho swamp, and, nftnr a consultation, tho posso duclded to covor nil tho pos- bidio avenues of sscapo and wait un til daylight before trying to follow the trail farther. Tho Instant tho bloodhounds struck tho scout thoy strained nt the leash and bayed In a manner Indicative of bolng on tho trnll of tho convict. Tho description given by young llurlto, without tho behavior of the hounds, shows plainly thnt Tracy has once again boon located. It is bolievod that ho Is directly working hnck towards Tncomn, In the hope of boarding a moving train. .The trail will bo taken up again ear ly this morning. The olllcors unlto In saying thnt for tho first tlmo slnco the convict was believed to bo In a death trap at tho Oreon river bridge, they ngaln havo him whero tho outlook for his capture Is excellent. Not only was tho cordon about tho outlaw Satuulay night regarded as vory strong, hut tho men nro deter mined to capture or kill him. Orders ltavo been sent out to search all trains nt points whore Tracy might attempt to board them. o- Minor Mention Local Import President Miller, of tho Salem branch of tho Amoilciiu Fodorntlon of Labor, this morning rocolvod from tho IlusuhiirK Union a tologram an nouncing a strike on the streot Im provement work at that placo, and requesting that frlonds of labor be ail vlttod not to go to rtoKobitrg. l'hll Metuchan, Jr., n well-known Snlem hoy, has purchased tho I'alnco Hotel at Heppner from Senator J. W. Morrow, and Inft todny to take rliargo of the hotel. Circuit Judge llolsu has adjourned his department of tho Marlon county circuit court until Monday, July 21h(. v ? AGAINST LAWS OF WAR Chaffee Comments on Major Waller's Acts Opposed to the Findings of the Court Martial Change of Division Com mander in the Philippines Washington, July 14. Tho flndlnes In the cases of .Major Walter and Lieut. Day, and Qonornl Chaffers comments thoroon, woro made public today. Chaffeo finds that tho ovldonco is op posed to tho findings of tho court-mar tial, which acqitltted tho omoera. Ho says tho oxcciitlon of tho natives by Waller Is opposed to all laws of war, but partially oxciisostho act on tho ground of the condition of Waller's men nt tho tlmo of the commission, o Tho Chicago freight handlers srlko Is no nonror sotltonumt today than It wnB Saturday. Tho big Oregon paper nils up pages about Alt. Hood, Alt. Adams, etc. If It would print some facts about tho moiiumontnl grafts In our otalo gov ernmont, fho mountains would bo Just as high, but siato taxes might bo lower. FRESH TODAY. Salted Almonds Salted Peanuts Zinn's 154 State St . Phone 2874. 9999e999e969999999999a09999e9999999t99999ft9999999999999 Jeanlo nrrlvod safo at Nome, accord lug to tho olllcors nt tho Molvlllo Do! lnr, which reached from Nome today. Ladysmlth. 11. V roIluttcd suicide at Monte Carlo tho l few days. IT WILL BE HELD ANYWAY 0. N. G Will Be Convened in Brigade Encampment Finances to Be Considered Later AN EX AMPLE OF - MANY )gO.JJi 1jMWUk&C7lbr) M W iMj tii tils', It is lenrncd that the annual en enmpment of tho Oregon National Tho following card from Mrs. Job Illchards, a lady well and favorably known -In Salem, speaks vohimim for the doctor, as well uh the one from Mr. Van Osdol. Mrs. Richard's Card, To the Kdlter: I am more than pluusod.wlth Dr. Dnrrin'H treatment, and wish you to publish this for out er's benefit. For about 30 years I havo luteu duof. 1 was cured by Dr.'Darrln GREATEST OF ALL SALES Our cm n tors are heanrd hitch with rare vnhiej in evury day needfuls at uncommon prices decidedly ndvnn- vtngoua for your puvIiik. We never lower tho quslity, it Is always I ho price, and every article we sell is weighed in l lie cli'B o justlre. i uvuh mill i.iuoraiH wore III HO way rftC- cinnnl will 1.., Iw.l.l nt. Allmnv. unvwnv oncllod to tho Idoa of tho "perpotua-lny controversy un' to the luck of"'' ,1,H l,ow """'"' of treatment, with tlon of the Hotel Cecil," ns tho change funjB ftmj 0tiier flnnnclnl troubles will out pain or Inconvenience, 1 reside at from Lord Salisbury to Mr. Balfour U J raetlve atibseqiient conslderatlcnt. All the corner of Shipping and Capital CT" """ "!' .-sionm. u.ui. .ui. arrangement are being mnile for Chamberlain had not been appointed. ' C0llV0nIl,g thtr atatB gUftr(, nt A,mny or a compromise found In the appoint mont of the Duko of Devonshire, lord president of the council. Conservatives met nt the foreign ofllce today, and Iialfmir. the newly appointed premier, was cheered. He made a short speech, nnd stated thnt he fully depended on the cordial sup port of ills followers. The announce ment of the resignation of Sir Hicks- Dr. Cook curea all kinds of diseases. Dr. J. F. COOK, 301 Liberty St., Sa- lem, Ore., Is the man you ought to consult. Ho Is a natural doctor. He Is henrli caused a sensation descended from a line of German herb-' allsts, the world. This Is his fourth year In Salem, and scores of patients and friends can tes tify to his skill In their cases. best physicians In tho lead the Above Remarkable Cure. W BYE. PECIALIST A. M BANCROFT. Mi r. of tbe fflKROFT OPTICAL CO. '1 St. I3ffi y 3$ Sslem, Orctoa Wc do our own (itodlafs Exmlatloa free. Concert in Willson Ayenue Venetian Tower Collapsed. Venice, July 14. The detached bell BHHIHDIEBlEBEBDaRIBBBBlEaia vel ngeade metbln? Good Drink at SODA FOUNTAIN 114 State Street. Ianw" Tho Salem Military band announces an open-air concert to be given this evening in WIIIsou avenue. It has been several weeks since Snlem peo ple have enjoyed a treat of this kind, and they will no doubt show an appre ciation of the band's efforts to enter tain by turning out tonight in large numbers. It Is botieU enough interest nay be taken in tills credit able musical OfMUtlsaUea that tbe 'utea for a weekly baud oeHcert. and possibly two or mow a week, may be Thursday. Company V. Fouith Itel in e nt, of this city, has been recruited to Its full strength, and Captain Kurt Is under orders to procoeil with his company to Albany via special train fiom Portland, that will reach Snlem about 10 o'clock Thursday morning. ' Qunrtermaster Sergeant Oantenbein and cort of ten men went through to Albany today cainpinent TROUBLE KAS BEEN SETTLED I ROW KG DAY HAS MO TEftROlS ibote whose kiuhta If culpf eJ with a lasrsatc. rtobcailecup of the whale bouse os a hot dr. Ift! I bolysp ttiei where Bttiti as s nstttr of dontttUfcoaomyscasrssfe ivl soea pay for Itttlf la mUt of furl. who compared with a 014 lle clor oo4 lite aol ou cssbsi ovtrtstlaule the coBfert sal toavc slccct of IbU cKaaly fuel la warm w eibr. SALEM GAS LIGHT CO. Phone S4X 4 Chemeketa 8L BaWH8KWWBHWIlHiM nt rests, aulum, and will answer all questions. I will add that my little Kir! is almost cured of discharging ears. Mill. .1011 ItlCHAIlDS. Another Salem Man's Testimonial. To the JCdlter: Seeing so much In your paper concerning Dr. Durrin's dues, I wns persuaded to try him on to prepare for the en-my daughter, who ha Ihmmi ullllctwl with a distressing discharge or the car and partial deafness for the past four years. Under the doctor's mode of treatment she Is healed. I reside at the corner of Commercial and Mission streotfl, Salem, and am engineer In the Capital H rower'. Itefer to me at either place. J. I). VAN 08UOL. - We hare seen numerous IsmUuioi-IhU uuarreisome aaitm uuiuierb ilwnHin- wll0 hav, hBm eHm ,,y hUn Sign Peace Protocol ,,w m various nu that nesh is heir to. All is peace and harmony once more, Dr. Darrln's Place of Business. In Salem's beefsteak elides. V. W. ' Dr. DarrlM gives fr consultstUm at Hteusloff aad Farrlngton & Farrar, l Willamette Hotel. Salem, mitil slept, who have been quarreling over the 1st. from 1 to I and 7 to dally All possession of a dilapidated building curable chronic, acute and private .lis at the corner of Court and Liberty eases confidentially aad successfully street, which neither of the onto- treated. Circular ami question blank taut could have wanted very badly. 'sent tre to any address, aad corre have signed tbe peace protocol. jspondence solicited. Most cases can The trouble originated from a mis- resolve home treatment after one visit understanding over the oeeuiwney of to the doetor-s oiHce. IJatlertes and tbe ntonertv bv FarriaatoH &. Farrar. belts funi'shed. with full directions that was subsequently pwicbased by for their use. Crows eyes, tumors, vari-au-mlolt On lbt about a week eoeele. hydroceie and sirioture cured bho, soiue liersoH. with an evtdeet de- The peer Ureatod trt. exeeot wwll sire to assist In vacating tbe preoilses, clues, from 1 to II daily. Those able removed a part of (be roof, and also to jny treated for S a we-b. or In damaged the side ot tbe building, but that proportion of tine, a the rase this pniy made tbe tenants more ds-.'may require. 1 I i I A Rlnzc nf UniMrnlellerl Values Very Stylish Shirt Waists Reduced One-Third Wu am doing it just to make thitin sell fait. S BO values red turd $ 31 $ 75 values reduced (0 f 85 valuus reduced $ 67 $1 00 values reduced,.! 07 $1 25valursreducud..$ HI $1 35 valuta reduced f ill) 11 M) values r'ducwl. U 00 12 00 values riducud..$l SI 'i W) voluog 07 111 00 values reduced .'l (0 ISM Waists Reduced per ceat. Korso The new combina tion corset cover and ?uat combined 42 cents MaJeto'ell for71e Lrarn its mt ritn. Salilln Waist The new enraet wsiit (or ladius. Juit received, $1,00 BoM in hII li'Ke utiles lit l ' r r-: "z ....... A hew ureezy unenngs The Early Buyers Get the Choice Wash Goods Reduced One-Third Tie prettiest patterns in town. IL'c values nilucod to. Vc Ific values 10o 18c VHltieb 12" Wt: values 14c Mo vnltiuH 17n :irc values Ulo tOo values t7e ftUr values .lie 00c values ."..40c 75c vulura fne 85o valors t7e Wfei lwm i 'V iVW 'ASH GOOD Wash Goods REDUCED 2B3 latitat Peerless Values in Hosiery The High Novelties of the Season arc Here. Wash Skirts REDUCED 60 vslilfa . I I 76 value . I W 1 00 values .... t It 26 value ? II 60 valuss l $'2 00 values 'i 60 vahus . ... I W 5 WMMikli , ! f3IW a il sji. i m 1 1 i i i 1 1 i i ' "' !! Gauze Drawers Juit tlta thiiiK for the a warm days. Knee lmiflh, Uoe liiinmwd Ladles' Oxfords The swell new itiui tnrr styles In (Jurea Qnalltlrs best kid. $2.50 Hee our Court lret Indow ilnplsy of LADIES' SUMMER VESTS J 25c, 50c In Our Men's Department KverylhinK the heart could de Mre in the wsy uf eating apparel it h're. Crash Panama Hats . . . The Isles' vuuiMier ile In al iened i ulern 50 cents Men's Underwear e'nesial values in Otis tailor made underwear and full KTP tian ribbed In blue, pink sod bN bllKgsn. Price $1.00 V 3 WEDNESDAY'S SURPRISE SALE KeitW duewlay we wi I sell a lae of Kirk's Hlnh tirade Toilet wp. end the fsweus Uuowberry loilet sml Unndry sosp at $e sake. ,. . wee our uourt siren wmoow. lue gie-ei m - M swa0)ftefts'M M$tNMMMIMWWM I