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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1902)
iAILYf JOURNAL. Tonight and tomorrow, fair and warmer. ' Waiol- tho Fight for Flat Salaries.. fOL. XII. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 10b2. THE D MJI I M-fr-f -f 4 l-HHU-H-H-H-l' HI irHH-M-fr-r-M-H- I Straw Hats f-H-t-H I 1 i t V m Ml M rash Hats Our prices aro cheaper this year than over beforo. Tho 2Gc line of rcrpeh hats looks well enough (or dress near. Of coureo we have them floor at CUc and 05c. Fancy braid droeB straw hatn atOGc, 95c, $1.10. TYCOONS 25c. They're the coolest hats on earth. HARVEST HATS nt 10c, 16c. 20c, 26c. SUMMER UNDERWEAR For men from 25c up. The 15c grado ii extra good value. Shirts, Overalls, Gloves And nil kinds of goods for harvest wear. Our $1.15 llorseliide Glove ?:''? Tr thn lipxt on llin mfirkfit. Tlinv Blnml tlm linrd upr nnd nlnv eoft and pliable. Our UUo liorsclildo glovo ia good but it paye to buy the best. SHOCKING I FATALITY UTAH Ml M STRIKERS SUFFER .Powder Magazines Blow Up With Terrific Force Entombing One Hundred Men, and Injuring Many Others Relief Parties Working Under Difficulties-Fear That Some Have Perished DEFEAT The New York Racket ff: Ii tho beat piaco hi the city to buy Our prices aro loner than at regular stores for the same quality. SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE PRICE CASn STORE. E. T. BARNES, Prop'r. Wh4-fr M-M-frH-frH-t-l-t-H 4- tHil III I l-H R F.I320 Salt Lake, July 1C A torrinc pow dor explosion occurred lu tho Holy- west nilno this morning, entombing about 100 miners, of whom 33 wore taken out dead at 8 o'clock. Many more bodies aro In tho mine, and It Is feared few miners cenped. Handsome is as Handsome Does A handsome watch is a perpatual pleasure to its ownor, piovldcd it la also a to id vratch. Wo pay no lees attention to the Interior worth of our wachea than to tho beinty of their caeos. Whatever priced watcli you buy hero, wo c.n assure you thorough reliability and accuracy. Seo "styles all prices, fO to $125. Salt Lake, July 1C. Tho initio are located near Park City. Noxious gases penetrated tho Ontnrlomlno, and It is foared many of tho 100 men exploring tliero lost tholr livos. Alrcnd threo bodies havo been takon out of that mine. Tho explosion occurred In tho 1200-foot levol, two powder magazines, containing about two cars of powder blowing up. Tho shock wns tremend ous, boing felt 10 mllos away. The jfotce was so groat that two horses a mllo ana a half away wore killed. As soon as tho uows of tho dlsaRlor reached Park City, evory physician and nurso In tho place was rushed to tho scono. Ilolatlvos of the miners flocked to tho mine long bofore day light. Tholr grlof is pitiable. Sovoral momhcrH of tho relief party havo not boon henrd from, and It is feared thev havo porishod. Many unconscious miners woro brought to tho surface. Tho Daly-West mlno Is a heavy sllvor producor. Barr's Jewelry Store Cor. State and Liberty Hts. Leaders in Low Prices. Shaking m OuKwlhes and Honors have with thn miblfoSUecaueo they are him crude and theLbesTf to bo procured f- r the lean monjyJJOur table inea nro of oxcol lontiifavor and of thn finest vintage, and ourtbranUieH, gins and whiskies of the beaiudlFtlllntloii, and are pure and ined-IrJiSinpiuality. ROGERS, jH 218-222 ComniercUl Street. fiw Battleship Illinois Disabled. Christiana, July 1C. Dlvors are tomporarlly repnlilng for uso tho bat tleship Illinois, tho breaking of whoso steering gear caused her to go ashoro Monday evening. Tho Illinois will shortly go to England, where full ro pairs will bo made. HARVEST" WILL SOON BEGIN on to tho raising of hay by tho larm iers, as the dairy Industry expands and takes a prominent placo In Uio agricul tural pursuits of the Willamette valley." Steamer Collision. Southampton, July 10. A Htory Is afloat to the effect that tho American liner, St. Louis, which left Saturday for Now York, has been In collision off Quoenstown. ENGLAND'S ROYAL PATIENT Enjoying a Cruise in the Eng lish Channel Freight HandsReturn Without gaining Their Ends Chicago, July 10. At a meeting or the members of tho freight handlers union this morning it was voted to re turn to work, and mako tho host terms possible with tho managers, providing tho Federation of Labor rofused to sup port tho strikors. As tho Federation did not sanction tho etrlko, It is not likely It will offer its support at this stage. The strike, therefore, virtual ly onded with defeat for tho freight handlers. Iloforo tho vote was taken sevoraL hundred strikors had returned to work In several of tho freight houses. GENERAL SMITH GUILTY i Minor Mention j Local Import Governor Oeer today honored tho requisition of tho governor of Wash ington for a warrant of arrest for Joe To Be Publicly Reprimanded By the President Washington, July 1C. (Ion. Jncob Smith, of "kill and burn" fame, Is to bo placed on tho retired list compul sory. It Is glvon out today that tho court-mnrtlul finding In his case was that ho was guilty of reprehensible conduct and violation of tho nrtlclos of war, and tho sontonco was that h bo publicly reprimanded by tho pros! dent. Tho president's reprimand has boon recolved by tho department, and will bo mado public at once. o Ltibor Looking Up In Portland. Portland, July 1C At union bond quartors It Is reported that thoro Is not an idlo carpontor In tho city, and that all othor trades In tho building lino woro fully employed. The labor situation Is In better shape than It has been slnco May 1st, when tho Amalgamated Woodworkers were locked out. A few of theso latter aro not at wot k yet, but they expect to got positions soon In union mills. --: ' NO. 139. . " -' . .l;j TRACY'S TREACH ERY CONFIRMED Body of His Dead Pal Positively : Outlaw Held Up the Garner Home and Secured a Clean Shaye Pokes Fun and Exhibits Bragadocio At the Expense of the Sheriffs Posse 1 . . ...... : Attasrs ot all Nations lost. A Russian steamer sank near St. Petersburn, and 30 lives were lost The Chinese training ship Kalchl blew up, and 140 live were Ji Fourteen vessels of the flrot-class are to be added to the navy of f&KJwO -7-5 ill4 How About Your Eyes Get your eyes tested at C. T, Pom eroys so you can see perfectly. Gold filled speclac'es warranted 10 years, formerly 3.50 now 2 00. watches, jrold filled cases. Elerin or Waltham movement from 10 to 20. C. T. Pomeroy Jeweler and Optician, Farmers Are Preparing Cut Their Grain to 288 Com'J. St. iaii iiSSm Qra?irgray IwMgODQj (ngpfi fa Ever Tried Salem's Botanical Doctor? olutely cures cancers, tu- el, kidney and bladder trou- diseases, asthma, skin dis insections. Frlend: Youriauat bear In mind that this ledlclnoilrnot a poisonous tonic, nor sUraulant, nor a temporary relief, hlch yc-Ui sot from poisonous drugs, here theresulta are sure death soon r oriKW. Those poisons go In your one'and destroy the life of them adjjofeall all kinds of diseases, can-irojua-Juniors, consumption, dropsy, oneLdiseases, etc. Do not blame the wiioiHBjfWaeu ii wiKoa an eueci ana poisons or disease In the Son must not expect to be few days, for your sickness "Tho harvesting of grain In Marion county will begin not lator than next week," remarked a local machinery dualor this morning. "Much of till) grain is maturing, and will hnvo to ho cut soon," While tha grain acreage lu these parts Is reduced from that of proceed ing yoars, thoro Is ovory Indication now for a good crop of good quality. A prosperous condition among farm ers generally is indicated from an In creased salo of harvesting machinery, and all kinds of farm Implements. Tho sale, of machinery this season Is much larger than last year. "The acreage of hay In Marion county is increasing annually," said another mnchino dealer, who has Just returned from a trip through the country. "Particularly Is this true of. clover, which a few years ago was not' raised at all. There Is a vast acreage of this hay crop this year, and, for the first time In years, we have sold a clover huller. Clover is a profitable crop to grow, either for hay or for , the seed, or for lioth. Many cut the Cowes, Isle of Wight, July 10. Tho following olllcial bulletin regarding tho king's condition wns Issued from the royal yacht l.ils merning: "Ills majesty boru the Journey from London to Cowoh oxtremoly well. Ho suffered no inconvenience. Ho had a good night and his goucral condition is excellent. Ho is much gratified by tho change of air and scene. He h.ul his couch wheoled upon tho dock for two hours yesterday afternoon." o Southern Oregon Fruit. i Tho Ashlnnd Fruit Association Ih now gottlng heavy consignments of cherries, rnspborrles and Logan ber ries. Thoro Is a sttong domand on tho association for chorry currants tit $1 per crate of If, pounds. Tho association Is billing out black ehorrloB at 7f cents por IB-pound box ' and Iloynl Anns nt $1.10 por box. Lo- LaU'1 reports from tho Htorm-Mtrlckon enn liei-rliMnml rnsnhnri-lnM miiit trio "ectltm of North Dakota Indicate no per crat. Tho quality of tho fruit te- 1()88 ()f ,lr0, celvml Is gonorally lino. Tho straw-j berry crop Is practically gone, for commercial purposes, o Largest Cotton Mill In the World. I The largest cotton mill In tha world ' is to bo built neur-Khnsas City, Mo. I foil million dollars is to bo invested, npan. , Japan Is getting ready to fight Russia for the occupation of Man churia. Joseph Chamberlain, who was cut In the head In a cab accident, in London, Is improving. Ex-President Iglesals, of Porto Rlcok has challenged an anony mous press correspondent to a duel. The King of England stood his transfer to the royal yacht and voyage to the Isle of Wight very well. Tremendous explosions have occurred at the Walmaugu geiser, of New Zealand, a height of 800 to 900 feet being reached. President Castro has reorganized the Venezuelan army at Barce lona, and expects to crush the revolution Inside of 15 days. Governor Taft hau presented to tho Vatican, at Rome, what Is supposed to be his final note regarding matters In the Philippines. f BLIND HORSE WINS. $3,100,000 of which lias already been subscribed by Eastern and WoHtorn men. Tho mill will havo MMi.OfiO spin dles and 12,000 looms. It will em ploy 4000 oporatlvos, and havo a pay roll of $2,lo0,d00 a year. SALEM PEOPLE TALK OF DR. DARRIN Hore Is a schemo o do away with damage suits: Tho electric railway company In Haltlmoru has decided to Insure the Uvea of Its 3000 conductors and motor men In substantial Insur ance companies. The object of this Is to prevent damage suits lu case of any death or Injury by accident. The men are at no expense for the Insurance Tho following card ftotn Mrs. Job ltlchurdH, a lady well nnd favorably known In Salem, speak volumoH for the doctor, as wtdl as the one from Mr. Van Osdol. Mrs. Richard's Card. To thu Kdlter: I am moro than pleased with Dr. Darrln's troatmont, and wish you to publish this for oth or's benefit. For about 20 years I havo been deuf. I was cured by Dr. Darrlu by his new method of treatment, with out imiii or Inconvenience. I reside at the comer of Shipping nnd CupltuI street. Salem, and will answer all questions. I will add that my little 99eeC4cfie0Ceeo9oeo9O0oe)8a99oe Moxloy, who is under arrest at Enter prise, nnd Is wanted In tho Hvcrgroon statMnr horse stealing. Jos, A. Croon Is designated as tho agent to return Moxloy to Washington. State Treasurer Mooro today re ceived f i om Master Klsh Warden Van Dusim $17ftK.ri0 for license collections for tin month of Juno. Rhymthlc Captures the M. and M. Stakes at Detroit. "Detiolt, JuTy"ui. flio Detroit Urlv lug Club's classic Murchants' nnd eases all without tho uso of the knife or poisonous mlnorals or mineral of any kind. Thoy aro used to being humbuggod. My medlclnos are composed of na ture's herbs what the human systom requires When the animals got alok, flrit cro for ,my, am, rMwve for ,1 the second crop, which Is usually not premium, ft being paid by the car ur nmot cured of discharging company, and no reduction In wages Is e,rH made to cover It, but It Is a stipula tion or contract at the time of accept ing the Insurance that this shall be ac cepted as full settlement between the MTtnufneturerH' $10,000 stake for 2:24 class trotters was won at (iiohso Point track tills af let noon in hollow fashion by Uythnik.', a blind horse, owned by Jesse Turnoy, of Paris, Ky that had uover before boon stalled lu a race. Khymthlc'ri host time was 2;1P,&, which Is 2V4 seconds slower than the record for this event, made lasi year by Hloatoa. J. C. McKlnnoy's mare, Kophyr, ruled favorite In the early bet ting, but went liiino while warming up for the race, and wits withdrawn after a votutinary had pronounced tho mare unfit to race. The track was good, and over 10,000 people wore present. O-' S. F. Officials Stirred Up. Sail Francisco, July It!. It Is re potted that a number of the employes of the city will meet tonight to form a nucleus for a municipal employe' union, embracing the police and fire depaitmonts. KfTorts are made to keep It a secret today. It Is said they pro pose to take In Inspectors and labor er also. Ofllclnls are stirred up over the repot L o peee8o8eMee)s98fleMe8s8tM (Seattle Star 8peclal to The Journal.) Seattle, Wash., July 16. The Inquest this morning determines the fact that the body Is that of Merrill. Additional details In the Garner hold-up Monday shows that Tracy had 200 rounds of ammunition and two revolvers. He had his gun on a box when the boy shaved him, and said: "I can shoot you before I die, If you try to cut my throat." He also said:: "Tell the deputies I am well, strong and cheerful; not wounded. Could have killed a hundred deputies since I left Salem, but did not want to; most of them were Innocent farmers or cheap guys. Have on many occasions talked with them on the roadside, and some of them are pretty good fellows. Whenever I have seen men who looked dangerous I have simply left them alone. The chase does not bother me In the least." When he got the trousers, he paid a dollar, saying! "You are a poor man, so I won't rob you, I wish I could pay more, If the depu ties had any money I might hold some of them up." Tracy alto said to tell the papers they would learn If they went below Chehalls that Merrill was dead. w9ceeoeeac(eeesoefiea9eostMj There was absohttoly nothing donei An Inquest Held, by tho posso searching for Tracy yes- j ciiohalls. Wash., July lG.-Doputy lo,'t'lvy i Coroner H. L. Mead Impanelled a Jury Sheriff Cudlhoo's ordor for all depu-. at noon, and went to the scono of tho ties In tho outlying districts to to re- Merrill tragedy, n mllo south of Che port to his olllco In Soattlo nro being nulls. After viewing tho surroundings slowly obeyed. Ctullhoo himself ro- the body was brought to Chchalis, mains at Itnvonsdalo with a small where It rosts In ntt undertaking es pouse, tabllshment. Tho Bitrmlso that Tracy is back-1 Tho Jury oxamlned tho body ami ad tracking was verified yostorday whon J'irnod until today. Tho face was news camo to tho effect that ho hail utirocognlinblo, nnd tho body Is In a dinner Sunday at tho darner farm,.1'"'! "nto. but a comparison of do threo and a half miles south of Etiutn-1 Hcrlpthm of tho scars on Merrill's (,(lw, hands, foot and knee, nnd tho color of anrnor's story has, up to tho pros-'1110 '"ilr chocked with thoso on tho out Unto, been kept quiet by hint, I ,)0(1'. Wnrdon Janes, of tho Salem through fear of the outlaw, who, ho' penitentiary, would not swear that tho says, threatened him when leaving. body was that ot Merrill, but oxpressed This will materially changetho tho-i1"0 ',,nlfm Uml ll Wft8- MI18. JOII HICIIAIID8. Another Salem Man's Testimonial. Tu the IMIler: Seeing so much lu your paper concerning Dr. Damns they will help themselves to those horba, for they have the Instinct, and tho people havo not, so we havo to make a study of IL It has been a life study with me. Do not get weary; this life is too short and too sweet to worry out of tblB world. threshed until September The In-1 creased acreage for hay is treepusslng upon the acreage heretofore devoted to grain. More attention will 'je gtv-l BBSNUBBBBDIBBeNBHBBBaWBaff ; Hthliafif WUMiMW iySBlicaSi awgjfija fcalMBgR T,'lAjil Dr. Cook cures all kinds of diseases. Dr. J. F. COOK, 301 Liberty St., 8a lem, Ore., Is the man you ought to consult He Is a natural doctor. He Is has een a long time com-, descended from a line of German herb- it will take a long Ume allsts, the best physicians In the t of your system. It will t world. a or a year to build up a , This Is his fourth year In Salem, and Irom tho bones up. This Is scores of patients and friends can tes- cople do not understand., tlfy to his skill In their cases. the Aboye Remarkable Cure. BYE CIALIST ? (M BANCROFT. Mir of the 5ANMFT OPTICAL CO. !59 Ct'l ft SaIcb, Ore i on We do our ows frtfljlar fcumlAiiies free. Navel Orangeade Somcthiae Good ' to Drink at H LU " 'THi wpyrthf ' '.: ti I ss -"- t"V '&' in company and tlje employe for any ' t.urw., j Wfu .Handed to try him on damage which may occur to them. The my ,m,BlU,r, who hu bean utlllcted man Is sure to be paid, and the em- wlu, uistreealng discharge of the ear pioyer iihs no suns w ronirau wim. ami i,ftrtftt ,lafiis for the nast four O ! Vi-tti-u. ITtiilMr Mii. ilfu.ffir'u tnrulu it treatmasit she Is healed. I reside at tlm (orner of Commercial and Mission street, Salem, and am engineer In the Capital llreweir'. Refer to me at either place. J. I). VAN 011)01 HAD A SIX MONTHS' VACATION! An Escaped Convict Patient Is Returned A. O. U. W. Convention. Portland, July 1C The annual con vention of the A. O. U. W. grand lodge Is lu session!" One hundred and thirty five lodges are represented, and about 330 delegates are prusenL The convention will be lu session three days at least, and If the volume of business demands It an additional day will be taken up. o Leave your orders for lee cream bricks for Sunday dinners, or special occasions. Free delivery. Flfttr de Lis. Ill State street. SODA FOUNTAIN 114 State Street. H M N M SU w M H ' AH a m I BONING DAY HAS NO TERRORS those wbote klicbta Is tiulc&el with a rssrsete. flobeatUf up of the whle bausc on a bot day. Heat Is oafy ap plied where seeded As s tauter of damtttlc tWDomy a i as risje will tooa pay for Itself la tnaz of fuel. wb'O ceMparei with aa old style cal or vwoi tkc and you caast over.itlmite ibe contort asd oavclf ate of tels clesaly fuel la warn weather. SALEM GAS LIGHT CO. m Phone 683. 4 Chemeketa 8L BBJHfSIl(SaMIIHWI14IWHri1 David (Jelwlt. an asylum attead ant. returned tills morning from Baker City, whttiire he went to return Oliver Marshall, an esraiwl patlewt. Marskall was received at the state penitentiary from Ha her cownty on July 14. 1998, under sentaee ef ten yeais fur larceny. He soon (fare sign of mental derangement, and on De cember SO. 180, he was regularly ex amined, adjudged Insane, aai) was com milted to the asylum. j l.ast January Maragall succeeded la wk aping by Might from tiie aaylMm. aad wa awceeatui in eladiHg the of fltere who we wathmg for hlw, hh til he Naally a-H-ar-i in Ok. rvwnty from wbkh ke was seataNeed Ui the peniteatiary. We seea iiHwerous UKttlatoMlals or other ttm of tha mmt reUaltla persoHg who hare been cured by him of the varlfws Ills that flesh la heir to. Dr. Darrln's Plate of Business. Dr. Darrlu gives tr consultation at Willamette Hotel, Salem, until Sept. 1st. from 10 to 5 and 7 to 8 daily. All curable chronic, ai-ute and private dis eases confidentially and siierenefully treaUxl SEASIDE VOTING CONTEST Ballot for the Young Ladies At Noon The ballet lu the voting oeHteet for a free utiUitg at Newport were ceunLed today, aad the followiag were found Circulars ami question blanks cast for tha youag ladies of this rtly sent free to nay address, aad their frJasda: siMindeace solicited. Most cases canj Namse. VuUs. receive heme Ueatment after one visit KeatrlM fheiten .................12 to the doctor's office. Ilatteries and Ira Smith i belts furnish wl. with tall directions ' Jennie Itooth $ tor their wee. 0rs ea. tawors, varl- Cora Hajasey 1 eeeeto. hydrocele and stHetwr eared, lierlha Hubbard 6 The poor treated frt -imgi medl- Ieoaa Kyan i fdaea, from M to H daily Thorn able Hdllh Sapplagfleld 36 te pajr bvatp) for li a v,k. or In Celesta Maton $ that proportfen of time, as the ease Cora MeAteo , Ii may require, 1 Nellie Derby 1 1 ' olios of Tracy's pursuers, as It has boon bulluved nil the tlino that ho camo to lCuiimcliiw fiotti Palmer by working along tho side of tho moun tains south of tha Northern Pacific railroad, anil wns first seen by Charles Hurko Just east of town. It soenis, though, that ho camo down thu line on thu north shlo of tho track until he came to or near tho Whito river, when ho worked his way south along the river, crossed the track near the White river bridge, and continued up tho stream to tho darner home. The ralltoad company keeps u watchman, at this bridge, and he says he saw a man come up the track nnd ct oes the grade Bluntly after the noon hour, who, he Is satisfied, carried a gun, as he could see It glisten In the sunlight. Last evening smoke was seen as cending f i )in a small gully lu the foot hills lust east of Hiuimolaw, As It had rained most or the day, and at times very hard, It Is believed by a great many of the cltlssus that the i-rlmlnal Is still lurking lu (he Imme diate vicinity. Looked at through a good glass it seemed as if one could detect a rise and fall or the Unities, as If the III were being replenished with new fuel, and at one time line or two watchers Insisted that they could see some one moving nhout. If this is true, it Is almost certain to he the criminal, as there Is nothing there to invite a camp for any u, but a person to keep shady. Traey Sesures a Shave. Mr. darner says that ih- near 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon a man en tered his house, without knocking, and announced himself ac Trary, saying' aentleinen. I i Tracy, and I want something to eat qutek." The tlaraera, father hm4 three sons. ud lust Mulshed dinner, so they told him to sit up aad help himself, which ' h uriM'ftteled to do, Ural ordertug the two eldest sons to go to ufte corner or tin. room, directly In rroot of unit, where he could keeu them tovered with his murderous rle. At the tlm" o. Tracy's totrani tl youngest loy was shavlug. but alter the nmvlit an nouueed blwtseir ho cd the opera Ilea, aad was unable U proceed vn when told by Tracy u g ahead and j natsh bis shavlug. After wuttiig his Unur. Trgry "aid , "Voting fttau. wwMi here aad shavi'j IH I'uoa tit youag aa "'" upon the ground of got being ao adeut with the nutnr, Tracy said. "That's all right, I am not uartli uuw. aan u i don't kick you doa't ed to," whre HjMm youag Oaraer lathsrwd his fw-e, UBd pnweeded to ruiov bis beard. They state that h bad at least a two waohs growth ot l-arl with whk-h be waa mneh Rivaawl t.. iart Afur wlHS had. Ttiu y liwiiwd hlauelf to a pair f trouaera that w.ic hagglag oh the wall, puttlag them uader his arm, and went out. ' Telegraphic Oriels. An ordlnnuae has been passed by the city council of Ilolscj, Idaho, ex cluding Clijuogc from that city. Three posses havo surrounded tho Marshall Pass train robbers, near Mid dle cieok, In SugaiiBcho county. It Is bollovod a Imttlo will bo fought today. Two severe storms passed over tho lied Hirer valley, In Minnesota nnd Northa' Dakota, last night, causing a heavy damage to cro;w. Alarming re ports wero current of loas of Ufa, hut none or these were confirmed by lata advices today. FRESH TODAY. Salted Almonds Salted Peanuts Zinn's 154 State St-, Phone 2874. IfflMSfc 1 1 .1 Today Is ..SALE DAY..! At the Big Store Our surprise tales are growing more and more pepular evuy week. Usiidmls are patronizing them, do youT II you don't you ousbt to. Today We Offer lino of high ursde Toilet, Bath and Laundry SOAP At 3c a cake Alios line of aborted Wash Fabrics j Worth 36e snd 40c a yard at 19c a yard Oet sb early br eakfstt bbjJ eeme dawn fer there will be a ruftji Wtf