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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1894)
Kit- f-I" ftr THE CAPITAL JODRKAL PUBLISHED DAILY, KXCKPT SUNDAY, BTTRX CipiUl Journal Publishing Company 1'mlofflca Block. 'Commercial Street. ROfER BROTHERS, - - Editors. Oally, by carrier, per months Dally, by mall, per year, Weely,8 pages, per year J0.60 . 3.00 LOj TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1804. BUSINESS IS BUSINESS. Oar Circulation We Ohallenge Comparison With Any Newspaper Outside of Portland. CIIIOULATION EACH WEEK. WKKKLT CAl'iTAI. JoUKMAL - 3,000 Daily, seven city atid suburban carrmr routes. 3.JW Daily, mail circulation,!! prepaid 1UU, ,i Total weekly circulation 10.G0O ADVERTISING BATES. Want ad. 3 lines 3 Insertion, 24 cts. Thrw to five lines one week, 60 CL. Ten lines on weeMocUi. Tills rate is eltber DAILY oi tojal reading notices 15 cti. per line eacb Inwtion Daily or W.kkly. HuHlne locW6cW. per lino in Daily or Wkkkly. longer aavertlneroenu or ontracls b month or year, payable won lily, special co 3 tract rUs mado known at bUklneM oillc politllco block. . . , TKKM4. All transient adcrtlslng, excepi under contracU wltu Arm or biisluess men strictly ah In advance wben ordored. The above rates will not be deviated from oroept i h it ft half-rate will bo elveu t noiltei lor religious or charitable entertainments All public, moral and religious service an aounced WtjAlj JoptWAt pQB. (;o, i LITTLE LOCALS. E. W. Adams, the cancer patient m tho poorfarm who was sent to the Sol dier's Home recently but wua not re ceived, died Monday, aged 75 years Q. W- Epler sold to E. P. Oiborn yes terday a 40 foot lot lu Salem for $1000 . Hot clear weather continues. City council tneoia today. Wild blackberries are ripe and plenty The board of trade could not muster a quorum last night. The State vs. Nathan Klnsey, charged with burning a barn on tho Bantlam, Jus. Anderson proeeoutlng witness, adjourned over to next Monday. It is announced thai the Southern Pacific, unless the strike Is speedily adjusted, will put on their old emigrant sleepers and run trains without Pullmans. About fifty of these o irs are now being fitted up In Califor nia. A great many Salem people will attend tho colourations at Stay ton, PERSONAL. linn. T. T. Gcer was In tho city to day. Postmaster Gilbert Is at Portlaud to remain for n spoil. Senator 1. 1. Patterson wont to Port laud this afternoon. Hon. G. M. Irwin started this after noon for Portland, whence he hopes to get to Union county. Miss Marguorito Coll'oy has been re tained as typewriter and stenographer in tho county clerk's office J. G. Wrltrht wont to Portland this afternoon, hoping to get to MoMinn vlllo to spend the Fourth with his fam ily. Judge Wolvorton, who took tho oath of office as one of tho justices of tho Supreme Court yesterday, is strike bound at Hnloni. Attornpy S. T, Illohardson started to day for Idaho City, where ho hasau important land case lu court. Ho ex pects to get up the Columbia by steamer to his destination. Editor H, G. Guild, tho humorist of the Sherldun Sun and joint representative-elect from tho Yamhill-Tillamook district, was u visitor in Salem yester day, Mr. Guild Is one of tho nine newspaper men who woro elected to state and legislative ollloes lu Oregon this year. W. T. Bennett, who has tho past year been city solicitor on tho Daily Jouknaij route, has purchased Mr. Davison's Interest in tho Court street market, and will hereafter devoto his eutlre attention to that busluess. Mr. Bounutt Is a cleau-handed, deserving young business man, who will treat his rmtrouB right ut all times. Ho is a credit to Salem's business circles. The Freight Situation. Agent Skluuer at Halem got uotlce this morning to rocelve no freight for fthlptaent In any direction, No freight trains are running unit theio is danger ofasouclty of supplies lu luerohautlle )ltw. Tho river steamers are doing a big business with little dauger of a tte-up. Beyond the Stevedoer's union 0. 8a Francisco, t ha labor organUa tfcM pauuot Involvu tho river Hues In ib strike. The uio rohauta are anxious ly wawuiug iu river, is is sun at a fowl Btafr), warm weather bringing iwtowout of the mountains. Tho kte are carrying full cargoes which Is IMttMMl Rt this season. The river rose i ta)it last night and will atlord a lug atage for all of July. No freight to possible at Salem. - . To Wao. A license was Issued to- to Mary K. Katte and W.1I. Cook; Mr, Cook kaa employe at the luttute asylum. -TfceM will he coffee for 1.4a ejMtHtlwi t mt, on the fair i Jul 4th. Frtoe reasonable. It TDE RAILROAD EMBARGO. Complete in Oregon ami NofPro tectioi Gives. NATIONAL ARBITRATION THE REMEDY ray Itolls on English and Ameri can Itailronds. THE EMBARGO COMPLETE. July 3rd completes the traffic em bargo growing out of the strike. The last local trains have passed Salem and the river and county roads alone are free to the public to travel over. Tnere Is no striko against tho use of tho dirt highway, but the steel high way Is closed. Fortunately the dirt rodds are better than they were in 1872. Bicycles are still allowed to be used. AKMTIIATION. There should be some high court of arbitration to which great contesis betweeu capital and labor could be re ferred for settlement. The public should not be made the foot ball of t ieso contentions betweeu uulons aud managers. The railroads are common jurrlers to which the people have the right of use ou equal terms. The Yiinchise of a railroad should not be annulled by a quarrel over wages, and tne people be made to suffer Incalcula ble loss by a quarrel in which they hive nothing to say. WHO SHOULD DECIDE? As this effects inter-state trafllc, the decision of such great Btrlkes must be referred to the Inter-stato commerce commissioner or some one created by national autbority and backed Ly nutlonal law, where all tho facta and arguments of both sides could be sub mitted aud the public in tho mean time not bo deprived of malls, means of lutereourso or facilities for transpora tlou to Home such tribunal the railroads and the men should be forced to sub mit their respective grievances for peaceful arbitration. WHAT ABE TJIEIB KIOIITB ? Have the railway employes any rights In tho present greatstrlke? Have they a right to contend for good wages under any circumstances? On the other hand It intent be asked what right have railway presidents to receive a salary of four times as much as a member of the cabluet, and fat places for ull their sous, cousins aud nephews? Tho plain facts aro that lu Great Britain twenty meu are employed on each mile of road, against five men per mllo In this country. In Great Britain $0000 a mile of road Is paid In wages, as against 2100 In our country. The men got less but more have permanont em ployment. As long as tho ofllolal man agers pay themselves what they pleate tho men havo a right to good wages. STATE AUTHORITIES. Tho Oregon Ilallroad commission has taken uo ofllolal action on the situation, only one member, Presldeut Macrum being prcsout at tho regular mouthly meeting at Salem Monday. Tho board may meet lu Portlaud this week. Sev eral overland traiuloads of passengers are held at Ashlaud aud Govornor Peunoyer having received a telegram from them Monday ho sent tho follow ing letter to the railroad commissieners: "Enclosed flud a telogrum from Ash laud. I trust your board will do ull that cau bo douo In tho premises. I deem It most reprehensible lu tho Southern Paclflo Ilallroad compauy by Htopping other oars than Pullmans to seriously dlsoommode the travoliug and business publlofortheBolo purpose, It would seem, of nettling a dispute be tweeu uu exacting monopolist aud his employes, by u full strength of its power to bo reinforced by tho power of tho federal government, which dispute Hhoud be sottled by arbitration," I( would seem that for all the money paid by tho people toward a railroad commission uu executive authority afford them no protection. HOW I.ONU WIM4 IT LAST? That Is the great question of tho day. If tho state or national governments possessed the statesmanship to propose nil acceptable arbitration, or meditation of the Bltuatlou, tho embargo upon tralllo might bo raised. Hut this Is uot likely. Tho uececsary wUdotn Is not IvIdk around Ioo. If It were, the strikers might not accept any, form of arbitration. Tho federal government might compel the strikers to haul the malls, but cannot force them to haul or haadle th Pullman can, WILLAMETTE MOTES. Dean Uansee and mother left on Tuesday last for Portland, where they will spend a few days visiting, after which they will go to the coast at Sea' land, to spend the summer. Prof. Cochran Is seen quite often, go ing to ana from nts pleasant noine in South Salem and the University busy with bis work, notwithstanding school is closed. He expects to take his vaca tlon later in the summer, to Mt. Hood, minellm: pleasure with scientific re search. President Hawley has his time very much taken up uow in lecturing and visiting communities, in the Interest of the school. He went to McMinnville on Thursday, where be lectures before the Teachers' Institute, in session there, and from there he will spend Sunday at Canby. He delivers the Fourth of July oration at Drain, and the last of tho week be goes to Oakland, where be will give four lectures before the S. C L. 8. C, on "Nicaragua, India, and Egypt, Polar Expeditions and tbe 8outh Seas." He reports a number of men studenta declaring their intention to enter Willamette in the fall. Plans have been drafted for tbe new gymnasium, and work will begin on it soon. It will be an imposing structure 60x80, with lockers and baths in tbe lower story and tbe whole upper floors in the clear. It is expected to have this In order in time to begin work in tho fall. It will be quite an acquisition to Willamette's already good facilities for the development and education of the youth which come to her balls. It Is expected that many new students will avail themselves of these added advantages this coming year. The jubilee year Indeed, murks a new epoch lu the history of Willamette. A HABEAS CORPUS CASE. Efforts to Release an Inmate from the Asylum. Early this morning Attorney J. A. Carson began habeas corpus proceed lngs to secure the release of one J. B Smith, of Lane county, from tho state insane asylum, where he has been con fined since May 30th. He is a man of fine appearance, with a strong face.but an unfortunate nervous affection of tbe neok. The case was heard before Judge Hubbard, the officials of the asylum appearing with Supt. Rowland aa witnesses.Tilmon Ford assisting Deputy District Attorney A. O. Condlt who appeared for the state. After argument by counsel the case was adjourned to 2 p. m. for further hearing. One Day's Scalps- Were colleoted Saturday as follews: Henry Ebrlich received $25 for 6 coyote scalps, and $0 for 2 wild cat scalps. Uhas. McGulre, squirrel and gopher, $2.80. Wra. H. Livingston, ditto, 3.35. J. D. Parker, same, S2.90. N.J. Shanks, $2 60. T. H. Klyver, f 1 00. It. P. Phillips, $4.70. O. B. Robinson, 40 cts. W. D. Wheeler, ?3 75. J. A. Itidlnger, $5 02. 8. T. Hobart, $8.30. Total, $01.27. Tho Butter Bids. For supplying the State liisaue asy lum were as follews: Walker Bros. 100 pounds per week 25o, Mrs.L Savage 100 pounds per week 25o, J. Fishburu 275 pounds per week 30o, George E. Allen 100 pound per week 25c, D.H. Looney, 275 per week 25a for the first three months aud 27 for the second three mouths, Dexter Field 25 pounds per week 1M3-10, D. J. Hayes 80 pounds per weok 80o, Fred Yeuoko 15 pounds per week 25o, F. W. Durblu 70 pounds per week 25o, J. V. Witzoll 100 30o. The Supreme Com t. The highest court of appeals in Ore gon cannot deliver its oplulous because two of the Justices aro strike-bound in Portlaud. They aro expected to arrive at four p. in. on tho steamer Modes. If they do, court will hold u brief ses sion aud adjouru to Thursday. Prison Celebration. At 2 p. m. the State Prison inmates will conduct a Fourth of July celebration at the chapel of that lustltuthn. Bey. Shulse will officiate as cbapluln, aud there will be other appropriate exercises, No Firkobakeks. None uf the stands at the States' Pieulo at the fair grounds tomorrow will be allowed to sell fireworks, and ull flrlug of the same la prohibited on th grounds Com. California Fruits. The cliulcoat peaches, apricots, tomatoes, eto, direct from Sau FruuoUo). Also the best Vegetables ou tbe market, every day at J. A. Van Eaton's. Fine Wobic The beautiful States plculo badges to be woru bythePouu syivauia ueiegauou were prmteu uy the Capitol Pilntlug Co., 320 Comtuer clal street. nM t)l.ta fMu, Aalflm DAivdu I W M's rk HfebMt Award. Wasted. Any and all persons hav ing any claims against me will please present their bills for -payment, 100 cents on the dollar, as I expect to re move from Salem on or after July 7th, 1894. L. A. Davison. The Wheat Aphis. This pest Is now almost ulnversally spretfd over tie wheat fields and some oats in this valley. There is as yet no positive damage done, but the farmers are br ooming greatly alarmed. No Tbainb. Little prospect of any overland trains at Salem. There is no strike against the people using the country roads. There are no trains east on the Union Pacific from Port land except tbe Canadian Pacific and Great Northern. The local trains are crowded with business. ! ZZ Excursion Bates. For Fourth of July as has been its custom, the South ern Pacific, will sell Independence day special rate tickets at one fare for round trip, commencing today and selling up to and inclusive of July 4th up to noou of that day. Void after July 6th. Business Chancie. Mr. W. T.Ben nett has purchased an interest in the F'sb, Game & Poultry market hereto fore known as Davison's market, Mr. Davison retiring from the business, tbe market in tbe future will be known as Davison's Market, Doty & Bennett, Proprietors. i i Bobbery. The residence of Mrs. E. N. Cooke was entered through a base ment window Saturday night. The Sunday chicken, a fishing reel, some old clothes and food articles were taken. Materials scattered on tbe floor were of tbe same brand as those found In the Keller house after It was robbed. Tbo residence of Mr. Morgan of South Sa lem was robbed of eatables while they were at church Sunday. There are liable to be more residences robbed, Gold Medal Contest. A Demorest gold medal contest will bo held at tbe First M. E. church Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. The contestants are as follews: Miss Maggie Hodgkins. Miss Llziie Bwartz. Mies Atbalia'Shulse. Miss Emma Elgin. Miss Grace Davis, Misi Huttle Shriver. There wilt bo good music. All are invited. Admission 5 cents. Messrs. At wood, Copeland"' and Fletcher are to be tho judges. The Murphy Residence. Bids were opened yesterday morning at Architect Knighton's office for the new residence to be bulllt by Judge J. J. Murphy. The bids were as fol fel fol eows: H. N. Eley, $4095; Z Craven, $4745; A. J. Hazel, $5100; Wlokstrom & Chedey, $5305: Harrild & Ollnger, $0126; E. A. Stanton, $0723. Card of Thanks. The family of tbe late Mrs. Frank Cooper desire to thank all the friends ror their many Kiuanesses aunng her illness and death. Mrs. M. J. Blair, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Biggs, Got Your License. License to run stands at tbe States Picnic must be taken out at Governor Cbadwlck's ofllco before noou, July 3d, Tuesday. Hay for Sale. Chemaw;a, Or., July 1, 1891. On account pf lack of sbed room, I want to sell about 150 tons of hay in tbe field as soon as it is cured. Will commence cutting in about two or three weeks. This is A 1 timothy hay and large users of bay will do well to examine Into this chance to lay in a stock of hay cheap. F. J. Beattv. 7-uu t w Cure for Crippled Children. The National Surgical Institute, No. 319 Bush street, SanFranclsco, success fully treats all cases of orthopaedlo sur gery. Oue or more surgeons of this In stitute will be at the Hotel Willamette, Wednesday, July 4th, oue day ouly, to examine cases. The success of the In stitute in treating all oases of curvature of the splue, diseases of the hip and knee Joints, club feet, crooked limbs and bodily deformities, as well as piles, fistula, nasal catarrh, and all chronic diseases, has made for the Institute a natinual reputatiou. Write for circular. References may be bad to; Governor E P. Ferry, Olympla. Judge Thos. L, Davidson, Salem. Rev. E. N. Coudet, Albany. Supreme Judge J. P. Hoyt, Olympla, and hundreds of others. Awarded Highest Honors World'5 Fair. F1 f iikay BAKING P0WDR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Ctspe Cttim of Tartxr Powdtr. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any othradu!Urwt 40 YEARS THI STANDARD. HINK THINKS IN CHOOSINO. DRINKS AND H I RES' iRootbeer WILL LINK YOUR THINKS. Deliciously Exhilarating, Spark ling, Effervescent. Wholesome as well. Purifies the blood, tick lea the palate. Ask your store keeper for it. Get the Genuine. Sni J Mat tttop for Waotlfol pleturt cirJ. ad took. THE CHAS. E. HIRES CO., rUlalelphla. Removal. On and after July 1st, Dr. E. B. Phil brook will have his office in room 1, Hughes block, State street. Office hours as usual. His residence will be In the Golden house, No. 308 Liberty street. o a " Lost. A ten dollar bill, by a person who cannot afford to lose it. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at Joub nal ofllce. Our Grandmother's Way. Was to steep root and herbs and use it everv nicht. We can do tbe same by using Park's Tea. Nothing acts as nromntlv aud without discomfort. .Not a pill nor a cathartic but moves tbe bowels every day. Sold by Capital Drugstore. JOHN HUGHES. Dealer in Groceries, Iaints, Oils, Window Glass, Varnbhcs and the most complete stock ol Ili'iishcs of all Kinds in the State. Artists' Materials, Mine, Hair, Cement and Shingles and lincst quality otCRASS SKEDS New Advertisements between Catbollc church una Yew f ark. em blems of three orders. Biturn to till.- ofllce. m i uiAN. Flfieeu hundred doiluraoa lliht I inortgnze security lor one or two yenrs. r,o Box an, Baiem, ur. o-nsi 1l iB BALK Several choice lots on Asylum 'avenue. Also a uood phaeton. Inquire ut residence south side at junction of electric cur line, Asyinm avtnus. u- ii rnHK most perfect httlnetruRS made. Will I hold a rupture where all othtrs have fulled. For sale by J. L. Farrish, 401 Capital street. 12-lb-tf IJAPnite. Portland. Sacramento, Ofallle, Titcoma and ian Francisco papers on sale m oenneu's, rrsiomce nioci. CHRISTIAN BClENOE-Llterature or all lindgousplo at 326 Liberty street. 4-5-ly 31UIB PAPER Is kepton tile at K. C. Date's . Advertising Agency, 61 and 65 Merchants zchange, San Francisco, California, where contraCa for advertising can be made ior it Fi est II a'fli Resort on the Coast. On North Bench, Newport and Yaqutna Biy, Bee nd season. EvervthltiL' new. ieabatha. Hacks free to and from all boits and trains. Coitage and cimplng privileges. Bates per day, S3 Special terms to families or by the ween, JIB9. MABY FiTZ PATRICK, Proprietor, Fostofllce address : Newport, Or. E. M. WATTE PRINTING CO,, BOOK AND JOB AND Legal Blank Publishers. Bush's New Hrlek.over the bank. Com'l strre K. II. WESTACOTT, LIVERY, BOARDING AND FEED STABLE HAY, OATS and STRAW SOLD and DELIVERED. 62 Ferry street, west of Post Ofllce. BAl-EM, - - - - . OBEOON NOTICE. From this date, tbe undersigned woodsawers of Salem will charge the following prices for sawing woed: Fir, one cut 40o Fir, two cuts 60o Fir, three cuts 750 Body oak, ash and maple one cut 50c. two cuts 00c, three cuts 00c. Pole oak, one cut, 50c, two cuts, 7ic, three cuts, ?1. Sawing single cord 76c. Sawing by tbe hour $1.50. MCKILLOPBR03., JAS. ROBERsOM, BAKER i DUNN CHAS. A. SMITH JAS. SHANTZ. Terms cash. 7 20 dim MONEY TO LOAN On farm larje loans, land security. Hpcclal rates on Ixuins cohsldered without delay. Hamilton & Moir, MBdwtf BoomS, Bush Bank Building. Building Material AND WOOD, SAND, GRAVEL Lime, Cement, Platter. Uordwood A 4e. 0QolWUk&mt. HOTEL MONTEREY REEVES M YOUR CHOICE FOR $2. We will hell nny Spring Jacket In our store fur $2 00. Do you need one? Jl so, come and see us. They are worth from $3 00 to $7 50 eacb, but we will let them go for $2 00 eacb. They must be sold. ENTIRE STOCK AT COST. Dress v Goods, Clothing, Thanking our many friends for their past patronage, we solicit a continue ance of of the same while we wind up the business. Respectfully, Willis Bros. & Co.. GRAND CELEBRATION OF STATES AND NATIONS JULY 4, 1894 AT THE FAIR GROUNDS, . SALEM, - OREGON. 3fCeremonies Commence at 10 a. m'. sharp. FORENOON Five minutes states and -LUNCH Assemble at 1 :30 p. m in the than on the 2TCojsey's Army, led by Mossback Band. RACES Bicycle, fast and slow; Boy Bicycle; Sack; Potato; and Three-Legged; Tug of War, etc. The passenger steamer Altona will ply between Inde pendence and Salem continually during the day, thus affording those who wish an opportunity to attend this yjicnic. Everybody invited. All bring baskets aiUi have a Ken tucky treat, and the best time generally. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. Walling & Hickey, Props. ' A Full Supply of Horses and Buggies on Hand. Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month. Corner Commercial and State streets, - - SALEM, OR. Ed. C. j&S&h Choice Meats. S. W. THOMPSON & Co., Always Keep on hand a large stock of loose and unmounted Diamonds, Rubies, S tpphires and imported Opals. 21 Commercial Street. Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices. N. W. Cor. State and Liberty St. SALEM, OREGON See? rectly lit the Eyo. There is no charge for my ser vices. I carry a large line of Optical Goods and can fit your Eyes at one sitting. W. W. MARTIN, Optician THE NEW WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed and ready to wait on customers UruvH and Exnreiu to mwi nil rimm..u Rarn and residence 2 block south of PERRY & CO., Engines repaired. All kinds of Job Work neatly don j Near Depot, Salem, Oregon, Shoes, Etc, OPERA HOUSE CORNER. talk from representatives of nations. 12 M.- Grand Stand, Bristol." More "Fua Whelesale: ail1 Retail Dealer in Fresh, Suit and Smoked Mcatsolta lKind& OS Court and UO State Streets Cross, I make a Specialty of fitting the Eye with Glasses I have bad tuirty.flve years' experience, whlcht with my French Trial Case, enables me to cor We keep a full line of Truck, postofllce. RYAN &. CO. M ANUFACTURERS of Hop aud Cooking Stoves, Hollow Ware, all sizes, and Chilled Plow Points. Full line of Stove Extras, Corrwpondnc goliciUd. " t., mtitlkLiJkiuaAM iixzsssspmm wwi' I r""""T"""-M-"'-'