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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1894)
6 PAPERS A WEEK ! SScts. a month by Mail Prepaid In Advance. No Papers Sont Whon Time is Ou. $3.00 a Year. r ir " NjP- UBYJERTISERS Tim Journal has a Larger Cir culation In Satntn nntl MarlOB County thnn nny Patent newspn per. Boo our lists. HOKEH UROS Publishers. XxjlJLj VOL. 7. DAILY EDITION". SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, ii4. DAILY EDITION. NO. 12. JOURNAL. CAP! Great Re auction On all kjuds of UNDERWEAR at the If W RiCKET! Our Stock i i i Consists of all wool, and mixed underwear, for Ladies, Geuts and Children, of all styles, and with us a reduction brings the price very low, of thoso things that are already marked low at full price. We have a fine line of all wool scarlet underwear, for rheumatics,. Call and save money while you can. A.11 other kinds of goods in our line at velry'low prices. E. I Barnes, State Insurance Block:. Ed. C. CHURCHILL AND BURROUGHS THE iXEW WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed aud ready to wait on customers. Horses hoarded by day or week at reasonable prices. We keep a full line of Trucks, Dras and Express to meet all demands. Also keep the finest Stallions in this count v. for service. Barn and residence 2 block south of postofUce. RYAN & CO. . KUBINMhlN, FR0EBEL SCH00LS-4tli Year. m. Infant, Connecting and Primary classes every week day from 0 a. m. to i2 in. except Saturday. MISS 0. BALLOU, - - Principal. TRAINING CLASSES for teacheis' dally practice work from 0 a. m. to 12 m. in Kindergarten. Ou Monday, Wednesday aud Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. Clashes meet for study of Froebel system. Mrs. P. S. Knight, Principal. MOTHER'S CLASS. Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. with training class, conducted by Mrs. Knight and Miss Ballnu. For terms or Information apply at Kindergarten rooms, corner Court and Liberty M reels. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between Portland ad Bad FrunoUoo. Klrat-cliiss In all Ita appointments. 1U tables rd served with the Choicest Fruits Cirtwn In the Willamette Valley'. A. 1. WAGNER. Prop OLINGER & RIGDON, Undertakers and Einhlmcrs. Cabinet work and repairing. Court fctrcet. Opposite Opera House, PAI.KM, - - OltfcQON BURTON ItieOTIltilig JtanuIictU'e Standard Pressed 11 rick, Molded Brick In all Patterns for KronU and tnppljr the brick lor the New Xxlem Cit Hall and urarlyall thenno bulld'og trecltd in the Capital City, M4nr.r,enlUnUarr,BjUeBi,Or. 8-3 dw Cross, c 5. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt ami Smoked Heats of a lliiiids 95 Court and 110 State Streets. MERCHANT TAILOR. Suits Made to 0 rder Home Again. At 11 o'clock thN morning the steamer Altoua returned with the pnrtv from Albany. B RRH IN CHILDREN For over two years my little girl's life was made miserable by a case of Catarrh. The discharge from the nose was large, constant and very offensive. Her eyes became inflamed, the lids swollen and very painfuL After trving various reme dies, I gave her F5ff5?2H The first bot tle seemed to Hygy?ll aggravate the disease, but the symptoms soon abated, ana in a short time she was cured. Du. L. JJ. Ritchey, Mackey, Ind i Our book on Blood and Skin DIeases malleC free. Swot SrEcmo Co., Atlanta, Ga. E. M. WAITE HUNTING CO , BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Lcrjal Blanh 1'ublixJicrs. Bush's New llrlck.over 1 he bank Com'l street Steamer fllfona FOR PORTLAND. Leave Bolt' dock Mondays. Wednesdays arrt Krfda)s79a m., arriving In Portland at 1 30 p. m. RETURNING, leaves Portland Tue'dayi, Thursdays and haturday at 6 a. m. Kat t'me for passenger service; no way landing frtlxhl handled. KOUND TKIP (unlimited) 1200 Oneway, ttA). MBALS 36 CENTS Vor frelijht rate and Melds apply lo M't b . Wrlk-ht Co., Ilitlinan b'ook 11-S-lra S. 0. V. MARKET, 365 Summer Street. LEWIS & PIlAI'HiSR, Props. TIih Wert un-ain of all kinds cold at tho lowest prices. Reliable goods aud quicK delivery. ia SlimO SIXTY-FOUR MILLION Ten Year Five Percent Securi ties. THE BANKERS HAVE THEIR WAY. Carlisle Acts Without An Act of Congress. Washington, Jan. 17 ThoBecrc tary of the treasury will probably this evening oiler to the public enough bonds to replenish the gold reserve lu the United States treasury to the ex tent to which it will be depleted on February first, when It probably will be reduced to from $60,000,000 to $64 -000,000. The bonds -will be ten-year five per cent bonds,' but must be sold for enough to make them really three per cent bonds. An oQvr has been re ceived from one person to take all bonds issued, but the secretary prefers the general public to have an opportunity to bid for them. The House. Washington, Jan. 17. The speaker announced a committee appointment and the house went iuto a committee of the whole or the consideration of the tariff bill, pending amendments of those fixing the date of which the free wool sohedlues should go Into effect. The Payne uraendment to make free wool go Into effect, Oct., 1st, '93 "vbb lost and one by Johnson, making the free wool clause effective Immediately upon the passage of cbe bill carried, 112 to 102. This ia the first defeat for the Committee. Carlisle and the Bonds. Washington, Jan. 17.-H Is believed that Secretary Carlisle contemplates taking piompt action on the bond ques tion In view of what appears to be the impracticability of securing early relief by congress.- Guarded statements are made by treasury officials today to gether with other significant facts form the basis for this belief. Official state ments are unobtainable. American Schooner Lost. Nkw Yomc, Jan. 17, The Dutch Steamer Amsterdam from Rotterdam arrived this morning aud reports a stormy voyage. Last Sunday she sighted the American fishing schooner Maggie E. Wells In a sinking condi tion. A boat containing seven persons went to rescue the orew numbering about 14. When the bo it neared the unfortunate vessel it capsized in tho squall and all perished except one. 1 he nt'fimerlost siL'ht of the schooner and It Is believed she foundered with all on board. Train Ran Into. Chester, S. C, Jan. 17. About one o'clock this mornng the New York ind Florida express going Routh on the Richmond and Danville road was run Into at a crossing -by a Georgia, Caro lina and Northern train. No one was killed. Five were Injured. Another account says twontyfive people are either killed or Injured. Construction Train Wrecked. ISew York, Jan. 17. A construction train on the temporary road connected with building the tunnel at Fairvlew, X. J., fell through the trestle this morning, and killed one man and In jured 8 others. A number are so badly hurt that they will die. All are Ital ians. Lynched. Manchester, Mo., Jan. 17. John Buchanan, a colored ex-convict, who wasuccused of rape, was lynched this morning. SCHOOL BEFOBM AT PORTLAND. Report of Committee of 100 on Sal aries, etc. Following are extracts from the re port of the Portland Committee of 100 Taxpayers read Saturday: THE TEACnER8'k8ALARIE8. "Tho general average of salaries paid teachers in Multnomah county Is JiOi 03; in Portland district, (770.05. The general average of salaries paid teachers n uine cities is 1099 00, as follew: ' "Milwaukee, 1072 02; Minneapolis $087.68; Omaha, $732 22; Brooklyn, $078.00, Cincinnati, $335 08; St. Luls, $00130; Chicago, $701.44; Clei eland, 4033 12; Jersey City, $601 0i. 'Portland's general average Is $89 03 ilgher than the general average of the UI1JU l intra uniu'-u, nuu u uuu iiihi prior to the beginning of the present f chool year teachers' Mlarles were re duced 10 per cent. If a further reduc tion of 10 percent from tho teachers' salaries were maile, It would still leave the general average for Portland $2 09 higher than the general average of the atove named cltlns. Owlug to the gen eral business depression nttd also the decreased earning ability of out whole peop'e, your committee feel justi fied in recommending at least a tem porary reduction of 10 per cent from the present teachers' salaries. We fiud that there are nine prln clpals in the city schools with salaries of $1020 each who do not teach departments. We would recommend that they ba required to teach, thereby dispensing with nine teachers with salaries of $000 each, making a saving of $8100. We fiud that there Is a super intendent of repairs, with a salary of $1200 per year, that yonr committee think should be dispensed with. The school clerk receives a salary of $2000 per year. Your committe owing to the necessity of retrenchment and the fact that under this present law in regard lo the collection of taxes, the labors of the clerk will be materially lessened, would recommend that his 'salary be reduced to $1500 per year, und we would further recommend that the salary of the city superintendent be re duced from $2250 to $2000 per year. We fiud that two olerks are furnished the city superintendent, one at a salary of $60 aud oue ut $60 pernioiitb. We would recommend that but oue clerk be allowed the superintendent, aud ut u salary not to exoeaJ $73 pir mouth We find that the siiary of the High school principal is now $2000 per year. We would recommend that the special writing teacher bo dispensed with, thereby saviug $1080 per year. Your committee would recommend that the special drawing teaoher be dispensed with, thereby saving $1080 per yeut RECCOMMENDATIONS. ."Your committee would earnestly reccommend that the law be eo amend ed as to allow all districts haying 10, 000 Inhabitants to select their own text books. We regard the present system of selecting text books as corrupt, un just and an outrage upon the rights and iutelligence of the people; a system that any officer of integrity would Imi tate to take part in. "Your committee would reccommend that the law be so amended as to pro vide for tho election of ouuty school superintendents by tho various boards of school directors, thereby removing this Important ufilje beyond the in fluence of politic, aud placing the sal ectlon of that tjffljr in the hinds of the parties most Interested and best qualified to make a proper seleotlon. "We desire to call the attention of the Taxpayers' committee of One Hun dred, as well as all citizens who h ive an interest in the public schools, to an eviltbtt exists in nearly all cities. There is a well-orginlzod institution among teachers, ostensibly for the pur pose of increasing their efficiency as Instructors, and vj admit thn the re sults in this dlrectinu have been good, but they have put fjrth efforts to shape legislation in the interest of teachers, and to enable them to control the schools, the dang-rof which no person' who has not served a a echool director cau fully appreciate. Wo believe thit If Ibis iufluence Is not so.m checked, the control of the schools will pass be yond tho reach of the people who sup port them. LATIN AND HERMAN. "Your commit lee would earnestly In sist that the teaching of tho German andLaliu languages be discontinued, thereby saving $210), the salaries of two teachers. Your committee, with thousands of other taxpayers, think that it Is impolitic, unjust aud incon sistent with the piinclples that under lie our free-school system to impose a tax to furnish free tuition beyoud a common English eduoitiou, enabling children to become law-abiding and self-supporting citizens. Tho limit must b fixed somewhere, and we rec ommend that urtlo'es 1 1, of section 87, on page 28 of I lie Fehoo I laws, relating to teaching of German, be repealed. RECAPITULATION. 'Amount paved by reduction of 10 per cent teachers' salaries, $1720; by nine pnuclpals of schools, teaching, $8100; by dispensing with superintend ent of repairs, $1200; by reduction of clerk's salary, $500; by dlstnla-lng one of the ruperluteiideiii's clerks, $780; by dispensing writing specialist, $1039; by dispensing with drawing specialist, $1080; by dispensing with LUIn und German.$21C0; total.$IO,629; add water bill, $20u0; total, $18,029. "We fiud that the wages paid jani tors in the city district are quite us low as the average paid In other cl ilea; but we think that a readjustment might be made, as some app-ar to be paid do much and otbeia not cn tub. TOE STATE KNIFE DESCENDS Cpts tho Levy Nearly in tho Middle. TAXES HBD0CB9 BY TUB B3ARD Reduction of Expauws lu of tho State Institu tions. nil The sta'o oflrt :ers to m tke the aunit il levy of taxes fir state purposes com pleted Its lab ra tod xy. Q tvernnr Pen r.oyer, Secretary of State MoBride und State Treasu'er Metschan have been engaged as a board for three days. The preliminary work oooupled the time of the secretary of state and his force and of the state treasury department for the past week. The board considered all tho items of the Oregon Budget very carefully with a view of mukiug the levy no larger than was actually necessary aud have as a matter of fact squeezed the num ber of mills to tho lowest limit for pay ment of expenses authorized by law. THE LEW MADE. The total umouut of estimated ex penses for the year 1891 was $730,230.01. After deducting surplus lu the state treasury, saved out of the levy of 1893, amounting to $13,448 32, there is a re mainder of $722,7S2 29 which must be raised by taxation under the law ot 1893. This total includes the sums appropriated ($30,000 each) for the sup port of thn state university and O -egon NutloutU Guard, which were formerly raised by special tax. The resulting rate of taxation is four and threo-tenths mills ou the dollar. The levy f.r the same purposes last yiar was seveu mills on the dollar. The total amount raised by taxation lust year was $1,003,897.09 for stale purposes. There was u surplus In tho treasury lust year at tho time tho levy was made of $117,078 88. Otherwise tho levy would have boen for the total estimated espouse of that year,$l, 184, 570.87. THECOT3 MADE. Why is tho lovy so much leas this year? In tho principal state Institu tions there were sums left over from the levy last year for current expenses. It was also estlm itod th tt t hero would bja like Hivlu' In expauses of these institutions during 1894. For the two years il Is estimated that there will be u saving on peuiliniiary expenses of $4U0J, und of the usyluiu of about $10, 0J0. Tho economy with which those sever u! public institutions were muuuged eu ubled tho board to levy actually less than the appropriations made by the lust iegislatuie. The state officers made no further levy for the new wing and Improve ments at the penitentiary, nor for the jute mill nor for the Eastern Oregon lusuuo asylum, believing that thosutns levied last year for tmso purposas ure all that cm profitably be expended before bd weather lu the fall will in terfere with budding operations. In this viow of the uise the statu o Moors thought It would be wrong during the preseut (lutncial stringency to make levies for those improvement that would only lie Idle In the treasury for possibly a year. The Boud expects to go forward with ull stute Institutions as fast us t lie niyment of luxea will justify, tho nren- out policy being not to run the stute into debt. IN ABBREVIATED SKIRTS. Salem Ladles lng Short Succeed in Introduc Skirts and Knee Gaiters Thero was a gro it g ithering at, the resl ddnca of Mrs. Dr. Plt'lbriok today at 2 p. m. More put In an uppearuueo than anyone expected. The dress re form club proved a success. With short skirts and giltors that covered tho uuklea and extended to the knee nearly a score of Salem society women sallied forth by twos on the public streets. Tho reporter w.m surprised at two things: the ladles did not appear differ ent from their ordinary uppeuranco on dry days; seo mil they looked so much better than was expected of tho new fashioned gowns. All who wore them, long Udloi or short ladles, fleshy ladles or spare ladles, had the appeuruuee of being ten yeira younger,. Tugay a crowd or people wra out on i ho big bridge awaiting their up peartuotf. Tout was the day set for the first pubdo jutaJo on It were, to set Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Wfcfcal k J" ABSOLUTELY PURE dell nice to fashion und make a bold strike for liberty and freedom of worn au'tlnd from ollnglug, draggled skirts, wet reel and ankles. But there was a hitch. Not one appeared. The crow 1 was disappointed. Tue plau had beou to march by various routes aud rendez vous at tue Dig bridge. The secret got out aud the olub had to change Its plan. But it appeared todiy. The loe is broken. The ladles, whjse names will be given later, comprise soma of tho most substantial, souslblo nud In telligent women of tho capital city. HOW SHORT HIEV WEItE. The drosses did not appear so short after all. very Tho usual length of a nlny day cos tume is only eight inches from the grouud. Tho tailor-made knee-length gaiters are always worn with these dresses, and give tho elegant, dresfy appearance of the foot and aukle. The dresses do not appear high at all, al though sorao of them wore easily ten or twelve inches nbovo the sidewalk, ac cording to the taste or fancy of tho wearer. No one who has not seen them can describe the charm of the whole figure. Tiie feet appear much moro graceful. Woman loses that ball room appearance, which a II no dress alwuys gives her on the street. The ladles can now carry an extra package or buudle, as both hands are free and disengaged. Husbands will uppreclate this, as it adds materially to woman's commercial value, as a "beast of burden," if they will pardon the expression. If tho ladles would go a step further, and discard tho fur-trimmed cloak, aud double shoulder cape, which is uothlng but a pneumonia trap, or grip-breeder, the result would bo a perfect reform from u sanitary standpoint. Hacking coughs, colds, sore throits pneuinonlu, and grip would go, with wet feet nnd draggled skirts. "UHKAK RANKS." After appearing ou tho principal streets and pluces of business, Including the Journal office, '.the fulr reformers broke ranks und went home very much satisfied with the result of tho experi ment. Tho ladles will now nppeuras it "regular thing," and the reform will Hpread elsewhere. Each wcmuti car ries home tho new experionto of buy ing done utid dured something for tho emancipation of her sex nnd herself. Thero was nothing mannish or strong minded ubout It, It was a pleasing sight to tho most critical. A uumLcr of the young ladles of the cily are tuk IUg Hup. THE COSTUME consists of tho abbreviated skirt, plain, 11 tuueed or ornamental, slashed or princess, trimmed or braided, navy blue, brown, gray, wool or silk It all looks pretty. A double brensted sacque coat, of same cloth trimmed to mutch, a hat, cap or toque, and knee guiters to matsh, buttoned neatly und closely over the stocking, constitute t no reform ult. It Is not expensive to mu!e, the work costing not over $5 to $10 ut the dressmukers, is far more durublc, Utter fitting and clcuner than the old rklrt dress. And, oh my, jo but l.elorn, hok nut for yourselves. Woman with this added attractiveness ef uppeuranco and manner Is simply Irresistible, Militia Ordered to Jackson villo, Jacksonville, Fla., Juti. 17. Word comes here this ufteruo m that several oomiianles of militia from tho a ititborn socti m of th't state had received orders from the governor to assemble In Jack sonville on the 2)t,li, tho d ite of tho Mitobell-Corbett fight. They will obey orderv. Striking Employes. Kokomo, Ind,, Jan, 17. All tho em ployes of the Diamond Plate GIum Co, here and ut Eliwood, numbering 1400, were ou a strike this morning, to sup port tho strike in tho polishing room here. Chinese Register Slowly. Portland, Jan, 17. Returns re ceived by Collector of Internal Revenue Weid lerhliow thatiu Wurhltigtonoiily llyu hundred Chinese have thus fur registered. Of this numLur about forty aro from (his city. Baking l4lJFf AW Ill JEFFERSON BURNING. Sm oho and Steam Seen ing Forth. Burst- A LIVING VOLCANO IN OREGON. Tho Cascade Range Suffers aa Eruption. Half nn hour before sunrise Mt. Jef fer on appenro 1 clearly outlined against a dull red rosy sky. A few minutes later a blnolc buuner of smoke was seen extending from tho peak, forty miles east of Salem. It drifted north. It was Inky, immense, unmistakable. Just before tho sun burst over the hori zon and for an hour after, tho eruption could bo plainly seen, A volume of steam arose a mile high In white sheets. All this was seen by the city editor of The Journal, by a gontlemau recent ly from Dakota, Louis Mslcher, who lives In East Salem, and a Ecoro of oth ers. It Uun undeniable eruption. Mt, Jeflerson was soon observed by the mists driving up,'from Jthe south. A high wind arose from tho southwest that was almost u tornudoJundoubt edly influenced by tho groat; burning mountain. the crater of Mt. Jefferson la nn Inaccessible volcanic Irook, that rlsesl'wlth) rbeer walls, nearly a hundred feet high, that has never been scaled, but has a crater fissure ou tho 'southwest Uide. The sunrise tomorrow will bs watched with Interest. Many Sa'lom pcoplo declare that this was only an optical delus'.on that has taken plaoa many llin-s in tho past. They say tho emnko and Ftcam seen was only a cloud, J.ordaJIcloud effect. OthersreTrquully positive that the mountain wus, to all appearances, posi tively In actual eruption. Coal Strikers. PiTTsiiURO, Jun. 17. Reports from the different districts by la.lroad aud rltor coul miners indicate that the miners did not obey tho order Issued by ajt'nt moating of thoso bodies last night, ordering a strike in oil mines not paying tho 05 rent rate. Most if tho pits ure still working. Life is MiBory To many people who have the taint of scrofula in their blood. The agonies caused by the dreadful running sores aud other manifestations of this dlseaso are beyond description. Thero is no other remedy equal to Hood's Sarsrpa rllla for scrofula, salt rheum and every form of blood disease It Is reasonably sure to benefit all who glvo ita fair trial. "Aa old a tho hills" and novor excoll cd. "Triod nnd proven" is tho vordict of millions. Simmons Livor Eogu- TP lator ia tno JDGi'f'Of and Kidnoy modicino to whioh you can pin your faith for a euro. A mild laxa tivo, and puroly vog otablo, act ing directly on tho Livor and Kid Th an Pills sSBSB3jfrsHi BBt neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggiata in Liquid, or in Powder to bo taken dry or made into a tea. Tie Klaff of Ufr Medicines. " I have used yourHluimons Liver Kf- Istor and can cousclencloutly say It Hftt liiKofullllvormedlelnes. Ioonlsrt medicine chest In lUelr.-tlsw, W. JM ON, Tacomn, WUblngtoa. I M-XVXKV PACKAGE'S Vm tb gt U r4 v i (