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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1894)
'-, ' J 9- -1 .llA araifc Vii!5U5' V r" l" ,r "ft f 6 PAPERS A WEEK! 26cts. a month by Mall Prepaid in Advance. Ho Papers ' Sont When Time In Out. $3.00 a Year. '. r ADVERTISEBS The Journal hat a Larger Clr culntlon in Salem and Hartoa County than any Salem aewepa. per. Bee our llata. 1IOFKR BKO Fublliliers. CAPITAL VOL. 7. 8ALEM. OBEGON. TUESDAY, JAUSTtJARY 16, tb4. DAILY EDITION". DAILY EDITION. NO. XI. en JOUR "WriImr... ' ' I'll JIB ' 'TT.Ji' TTTi $15 -:-LAST RESORT -:- $15 Between bur expectations and realizations stand 500 faultless and fashionable SUITS AND OVERCOATS Unsold. Bright prospects have turned to disappoint ing realities. We had hoped to increase our business 1 st year fifty per cent. You know of the stumbling blocks that have been in the way. You have had your reasons for saving your money. Your neigh bor has had his and thus our hopes were blasted. But we'll untie those purse strings We have made a sacrifice that you must appreciate and offering that you must improve or you will forfeit all claim to be ing prudent and provident, any of our Suits or Overcoats 99 A ? Its our duty that has split these prices; it's your duty to GRAB 'EM. $15 -:-A.S.BRASFIELD.-:- $15 Ed. C. 'sinfe, tee Meats. CHURCHILL AND BURROUGHS TI1E NEW WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed aud ready to wait on customers. Horses boarded by day or week at reasonable prices. Wo keep a full Hue of Trucks Drays and Express to meet all demauds. Also keep the finest Stallions In this countv, for service. Barn and residence 2 block south of postoliice. RYAN & CO. , RUBINS! UN, FItOEBEL SCHOOLS 4th Toar. Infant, Connectlngand Primary classes every week day from 9 a. m. to lam. except Saturday. HISS 0. BALLOU, TRAINING CLASSES for tencheis' dully practice work from 0 a. nr. to 12 m. in Kindergarten. On Mnndav, Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p. ru. Classes meet for study of Frnebel system. Mrs. P. 8. Knight, Principal. MOTHER'S CLASS. Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. with training class, conducted by Mrs. Knight and Miss Ballou. For terms or Information apply at Kindergarten rooms, corner Court and Liberty M reels. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON". Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between Portland and Ban KraacUco. FlrsKlasi In all IU appointment. 1U taulos are uerveil with the Choicest Fruits Grown tn the Willamette Valley A, I, WAGNER. Prop. OLINGER & RIGDON, Undertakers and Einhlmcrs, Cabinet work and repairing. Court fctreet, Opposite Opera lluiue, Svu-KSi, - - Oregon BURTON BKOTIltSKS Manufacture Standard Proated Brick, Molded Brick In all Pattern for KronU and (apply the brlrk lor the NewHalemCltv Uall and urarlr all tae fine build, vf erected In lha li.piul C.iy. arta bw f aaltentlary, Balem, Or. Mdw Wholesale and Rcttiil Dealer in Fresh, Salt anil Smoked Meats of aj Kinds 95 Court and 110 State Streets. MERCHANT TAILOR. Suits Made to 0 rder E. M. WATTE TKINTING CO , BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Legal Blunlt Publishers. Bush's New Urlotc.over the bank.Cora'l street Burned in Bed. Mills, Ky., Jan. 10. The dwelling and store of F. A. Houston, burned this morning. Mrs. Houston and two grown daughters, perished lu their beds. Siiabpebs Abboad. It is reported that some smooth geutlemen from the East, are operating hi this county on the lightning rod and wind mill racket. Farmers and others should be on the look-out for them. Incorporated The C. P. Upsher company, for packing saimon, today filed articles of incorporation, to do business at Astoria, with a capital of $20,000. m Of Interest to Athletes. James Rminann, the athletic trainer at Princetou College, Pnnceiou, N. J., sa "I have found It imperative to have sure aud simple remedies on hand in case of cuts, bruises, strains, sprains, colds, rheumatism, etc. Shortly after entering upon my profession, I dls covered jueb a remedy in Allcock's Porous Plasters. I tried other plasters, but found them too har-h and irritat ing. Allcock's Porous Plasters give al most instantaneous relief, and their strengthening power is remarkuble. In case of weak back put two plasters on the small of tbe back and in a short time you will be capable of quite severe exercise. In 'sprint," and distance" races and Jumping, the muscles or leu duns In the legs and .ert sometimes weaken. This can Invariably ba n nVMii i.v Mittinir ibe nlaslrr iu narrow strips, fo as to give uw motion, uud npplyiug on the musculo affected." J V- Cross, TOE GOVERNOR OBJECTS. The Mitchell-CorMt Fifibt Will Bo Stopped. QUEEN L1LI0DKANI THREATENS. Anarchists Reported Fighting a Heavy Battle. Determined to Prevent the Fight. Tallahassee, Fla., Jan. ID. Gov ernor Mitchell today said, speaking of Corbett-Mltchell fight: "I am going to preveut this prize flght. Corbet t and Mitchell can not tight in this state." H. M. Flager.who owns nearly all of St. Augustine says the Corbett-Mit-chell fight will not comejofl in Bt. Johns county if he can prevent it. In tho House Washington, D. C, January 16. Tbe bouse resumed the consideration of the tariff bill. Wilson immediately began offering the committee amend ments. Tbe first was to reduco the duty on furs for batters' use from 20 lo 10 per cent. Next an amendment to place on tbe free list in addition to books, printed over twenty jears, bydrograpbic Charts also ngreed to the amendment changing tbe rate on sugar of milk from twenty.per cent ad valorem to 2 cents pr pound, which occasioned considerable debate, the Republicans declaring it was a uew industry Inaugurated In '90 and tbe proposed reduotlon would ruin it, and protesting against bringing up our children on imported articles. Breckenridge defended tho committee amendments. In the Senate. Washington, D. C, Jan. 10. The senate finance committee today had Secretary Carlisle's letter suggesting an lue of bonds under consideration, but adjourned without action. Washington, Tbe President's roes sane and correspondence On th Hawaiian matter was laid before tbe Senate. Hoar gnye notice that after tbe routine business was completed he would address the Senate on tho sub ject. Mauderson presented a petition against the passage of tbe Wilson tariff bill aud stated that a majority of tbe signers were Democrats and populists. An amendment to the sundry civil bill, providing for an appropriation of $25,000 to tho geo logical survey, for a careful examina tion of the go'd bearing sands of the rivers of California, Washington, and Oregon, was presented by Mitchell and referred to tho committee on ap proprlations. The Minority Talks. Washington, Jan. 10. Reed, Bur rows, Ddzell, Payne and Hopkins, Re publican members of tbe ways and means committee, held a hasty confer ence yesterday and agreed to make a demand for recognition qf Republican amendments to Ibe Wilson bill. This action is due to a report that Richard son of Tennessee, who will be in tho chair during the consideration of the amendments, would recognize only Wilson for tho committee amendments the plan agreed upon by tbe Republi can leadera was that immediately after Wilson's first amendments on tobacco were disponed, of, Burrows will Insist that Wilson his no mire rights than any other member of tho house. He will urgo that Wilson is not acting by Authority of tho full ways and means committee. aud the Ddm.icratio amend ments bad not been submitted to the Republican members of the commit tee. Standard Dollars Issued. Washington, Jan. 16. The Issue of standard silver dollars from the mints of the treasury offices for the week ended January 13 wai $232,950; for the orrenpindln period last year it was $210,849 Tbe shipment of fractional si ver coins from the 21 to the lilih Inst, aggregated $107,899. Queen Lil Threatens. Washington, Jan. 10. The rumor that ex-Queen Lllloukalanl is about to bring suit against tbe United States for a large turn of money, baaing her claim for damages upon the president's recent Hawaiian message and Secretary Grrsbam'a letter, has created a great deal of Interest In official circles. A suit cannot be brought by an individual against the government, and there is n mt-tbod of rooclure, throngb the cour x by which the ix-qut en could prea. nti.r calfu. The only oourae Llllunkanl can pursue Is to submit her claim against the Uulted States. This congress would have to approve before the claim could be adjusted by the couit of claims. In fact, the only re course of tho ex-queen Is to congress, where, in view of her present unpopu larity, she could scarcely expect to meet with satisfaction orsuccesa. Will Issue Bonds. " Washington. Jan. 10.- It is reported that Carlisle intends to issue February 1, enough bonds to restore tho gold re servo. It is Bald he will issue 5 per cent bonds, ns they are of a shorter term than 4s or 4Js. This issue will probably be about 40,000,000 dollars. Fifteen separate offers to take bonds, should the secretary issue tbem, have been received at tbe treasury depart ment. One ofler to take a block 'worth $25,000,000, was received from a New York firm, this morning. Pension Bonds. Washington, Jan. 10, Sibley, n Democrat of Pennsylvania, prepared a bill to pay pensions in tho new is3Ue two per cent bonds. The bill designed to give pensioners the benefits usuull. accruing from bonds and give the gov ernment ready means of meeting pen sion obligations. Tio plan is to make In denomina tions of twenty dollars to one hundred and to make them legal tender, whici would allow them to circulate at money. His plau contemplates the issue of such bonds until the amouui reaches $50 per capita of population. Anarchists Do Battle. Rome, Jan. 10 The most-sensational news has just been received from Carrara. Inhabitants are terrified b. the sound of heavy firing in the hill near Tirano, where u band of six hut d red to a thousand anarchists aren pnrted to bo fignting a pitched hnt'i with a force of nfantry and genderms sent against them. It is believed the loss of life will be great, as the Infantry, nccording to r port, has been firing volley after voile; at the anarchists. The latter are said to have taken a strong position behind the rocks in tbe hill, and are ready to make desperate resistance. It Is te pilled that they were finally defeated, aud fled, leaving the dead and wouudtd on the field. Olllolal advices state that eight an archists are 'killed, and forty to fiftj wounded. The peop'le of Massa, claln. that at least fifty quarrymeu were shot during tho engagement. Matrimony and Divorce. Wilkesbabbk, Pa., 10. Jo9ua Wil liamson, a wealthy farmer of Stumer vilie, was engaged to be married to Mls Emma Richards. All preparations wen beitig made when It was announced that be hud just married Aunle Walden Willlarasou now claims that friends of tbe Walden girl drugged bim aud thai he married her thinking It was Mis Richards. He has filed application for a divorce. Miss Richards says she wi 1 marry him when he gets a divorce. His Chinese Bride. New Yobk, Jan. 10. Uoinroauder William Henry Whltlng.of the Uulted States navy, and his Hawaiian bride are at tbe Fifth Aveuue hotel. Com mander Whiting and Miss Ah Fong were married In Houolulu. December 4th. Tho bride Is the daughter of a rich Chinese merchant. Commander Whiting refused yesterday to talk about Hawaiian matters. Cigarettes Prohibited. Emi'OBIA, Kh Jan. lG.-.The city couucll passed an ordiuunco placing such a liceuso tux on cigarette, that their sale was effectually stopped In this city. It prohibits thusilo to chil dren under sixteen jears. Recent In veitlgation showed that not only most of the boys, but a large number of girls were addicted to the habit. A Mrs. Parnell. Ol'Ei.iKA. Ala., Jan. "10. A woman who claims to be the wtd w of Charles Stewart Parnell Is living In this cliy, having come here, she says, to escape tbe persecution of her euem'es. She came bore several months aj;o, uud ap pears to be well supplied with money, but nobody seems to know where she came from. Ex-Governor Clear Iowa's Senator. Des Moines, Jan. 10 .fu a Republi cs caueus. tonight Representative Oear was nominate! fir Unite 1 States sen ator on the third ballot, receiving fifty seven ballots. The noiultie.tlou is equivalent to an election'. Snuff Mill Barns. BoiiTll AMU IV, N", J., Jtu. 10. A fire In the Uaorge W. Ilefiue o iuiptn 'h uuft mil's, at ILjImntit, N. J., last eenla cuud a lou of 1100,003. CAMPBELL'S CORPSE FOUND. Brought to Eugene By' a Rclitf Party. EIGHT MEN GO TO A WATERY GRAVE An Eugluo and 31 on Go Thro' a Bridge. Eugene Campbell Dead. Eugene, Or., Jan. 10. Au under taker arrived this evening with tho body foumrou the middle fork, Friday, with iudlcttlons of suicide. As wa9 supposed, the corpse proves tb be that of Eugene Campbell, brother of Ira Ciinpbell, of the Guard, who myste riously disappeared last week. Ddatb was the result of an incision in the vvrlst with a knife and from exposure. IN A WATERY GRAVE. An Engineer and Eight Men Go Through a Bridge. Santa Ro3A, Cal., Jau. 10 News reached this city lato last evening of a terrible railway acoident ou the narrow .rauge near C xz itlere. Tne locomotive -vas ddiached from the train iu the uorulngaud rau down tho track to In vestigate the dam ige which might have been dono to bridges by washouts t is supposed the loojimtive crossed tho bridge over Austin creek, golug lown in safety, ou its return the piling uvlns bean uudermlned theloomo tlvo crashed through tbe bridge seven of the eight man on bjard bjlng I rowned. Cmduot'ir Baker siVad himself by Jumping offthe pilot. The namas of he drowne 1 are, T tin G iuld, p mm is ter at O tzadaro who le we3 a wife and five children; John Rice, no family, Eu .rinaer Briggn, Fireman C Mister, Frank H irt, proprietor of t lie O iz idare h Jtel, Win. Brarner, clerk at che h itel, who leaves a wife aud children; .Mr. Sabine, station agent, leives a wife anil one child. Only two boJbs hive bjen re covered The rest are ;n'sslnK..Tho irl Ige was about tweuty feet above the vator when It fell. Sho Used a Revolver. Seattle, Jan. 10. Presumably with he lutontlon of frightening him, "Cad" fohnson, a woman with whom bo Is living, yesterday morning about 8 o'clock fired upon Jack Jolly, a well kuowu tportiui;ium, the ball, u41 eall bir, from a Colt'n revolver, pa-sing through tho window pnno in their ipartrnenls, room No. 33 Clancy Bros.' lodging house, south Third street. Both had been drinking the night pre vious iu celebration of tho woman's birthday. When they reached the room she began upbraiding Iter lover, and a war of words ensued and, with the threat that sho would put him out of the way, the irato female seized the revolver, wnlcli was lying on tho dress er, and shot, but tho bullet mUoil Jolly two ffot or more. With this little demonstration of "af fection" Jolly uud his mistress retlted, the police having heard nothing of the all ray. Defies tho Scandal Mongers. Tacoma, Jan. 10. Special. Anent tho many iilsparaglu remarks thut have been mutio by certain persons in this city with reference to the manage ment of the defunat Trader's bunk, Colonel Chutincey W. Griggs has writ ten an open letter for Information of depositors. In answering the attucks of tho scandal mongers, he says that 1,100,000 wortli of securities have been placed at the disposal of tho bank In an effort to reopen lu Hi also says that tho St. Paul & Tacoma lumber company will exchange anythtng thut it has to sell for properly ussigued claims against the punk. Oregon Poultry breeders Moat. PoiiTi.ANi, Jan. 10 Oregon's poultry breeders have orguu Z'd, About 25 of them assembled in the lioltoii house parlors yefcterday after noon, and the result of their conference wus (he forming of tho Oregon State Poultry Association, with E. J. Ladd of Portland, president; Elmer Dixon of Oregon City, vice-president; II. P. Hudson of Portland, secretary, and C. Coclierof Aurora, treasurer. A vice president will be ckcUd from each ciunty in (lie state to he'p the' associa tion in his (IkOrlct. Suicide. n.iiCKitOirv, Or., Jn. 10. An oil prtHpector,' namd John McOi utl, wn fgund deaifin bed la it nl-rht. Ho lift a letter, btutltif, that ufier turo.'ul de- Hrghcstof all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report irftfetl Baking 1 8 KwVm6F ABSOLUTELY PURE liberation, ho had decided to take his life, which tho press would call coward lce,'but that he had rather be called a dead coward thau a llviug hum. Heavy Snow Slide. Union, Or., Jan. 10. A snow slide occurred yesterday at the mining camp of Cornucopia. The slide started near Whitman mine, carrying away tram way station number one, und practical ly wrecking the terminal; also the side of the concentrating department of the mill waB crushed in and four fiue vannera were burled. Two stables, u bun it houso and a blacksmith shop were carried away. The damage is not great. The principal loser Is the Ore gon Gold Mining Co. Another slide sturted above Red Jacket mine, mlbt ingtho Davis mill by about ten feel. Snow is over eight feet deep in tLo oamp. Chinese Rogistor. Bakgb City, Jan. 10. The Clilnese have commeuced registering and about 05 names are now enrolled. BRAZIL'S REBELS SANGUINE, They Can Hold on Two Months Longer. Rio Jankbio, Jau. 10., via Mjuteyl deo, Jan. 10. In au interview with De Gama he says tbe policy of tho insur gents is to hold on until holp comes. They liaveu't men euough to hold the mainland. The Insurgents, he says, recaptured the government magazine, on Governor island, recently, aud se cured a large supply of ammunition. Thursday last they captured Iugenho Inland, aud made seventy-three prison ers. Much ammunition, together with two cannons, fell into their baud?. Many of those captured joined the In surgents. Ho thinks tho iusurgen's can hold their own for two months Dt luust. Gama says ho does not know where Mello is. Tho iusurgouts, he said, wore in accord with General Gotn ercludo, the commander of tho victo rious army at Curtyba, Iu the stato of Sao Paulo. Mello, ho says, may brlug baok with him a co-operating force. Ho added: "If wo not NIctheroy, wo will surely win. Wo will demand belligerent rights, based ou these three Hues our force comprlbes all tho Brazilian navy service except two ships, wo control the three southern states, the government having no orgaulzed force south 1 1 Sao Paulo, oud wo huvo mado war ft r nearly flvo months audhavc organized a government lu tho south." He reiterated thut tho insurgent lead ers were fighting for a plebiscite, In order that tho people muy say freely what form of government they want .Guma wus cmphatlo in his deliuncli tlnn of the government, s allowing tie insurgent hospital on Cobras Island to be fired upon. Elgut shells, he said, exploded among tbe wounded, and tho scenes which followed were pltlublo. Prisoners Bjheaded. New Yobk, Juii. 10.- The Herald's Montevideo bpeclal Bajs Gi'iHTal Lav ares, before leaving J lace, buheiided all the loyal prisoners ho had lukeu, Later reports from Bujjo give paitlcularsofiin Important government victory. After the rebels had c-xecuted I ho prisoners und were retreutlng from JJage, thoy were Intercepted by the government te lle! column, und a hot fight followed, Lavurea' forces wero quickly put to flight, but not until they hud left 400 tleud nn tho field. Tho loyal lt.tsea wero four oflicera and 80 killed and 00 wounded. Garrison Starving Montevideo, Jan. 10.-The garrison of liige, which Is being beselged by tho Insurgeuts of Rio Grand do 8ul, Brazil, have become sosevorely pinched for provisions that they bivo been con suming for the last fewdiys horses, cats and other aolmils. . There was a lively skirmish Salurday at Santo IWastatlou between the Joyal troops ami Ganoral Sunpalu, who is marching to the relief of Bage uud tho retol fonjM under ' O'Jneral Sllva TaVurtfB. Hjavy Indemnity. Pauih, Jan, 10, The tribunal of commerce today, in action brought by tho liquidator of the Sootete dee Depots at Courants against M. Gautler, managing director; Baron Polssan, dl reolor, M. Denon, chairman of the board of directors, and other directors, claiming 13,000,000 francs said to bava been lost by raal-admlulstratlon, which resulted in tho bankruptcy of the socl ty, awarded the liquidator a YMdMot for 0,000,000 francs. Train Wreck in Cuba. Havana, Jan. 10. A passenger train ou tho Tlmina Mutanzas railway was wrecked yesterday by a cow, at a point eight miles from Gumalayague, in the province of Ma tan z is. Sixteen people wero taken out dead and nke others wero badly wounded. Prussia's Deficiency. Beblin, Jan. 10. Emperor William opened Prussian diet today. In hU address ho said: "The growing deflo lonoy in tho estimates could only be re moved by a reorganization of the fi nances of tho empire and an adequate increase of its resources." Renewed Firing ani Loss ofLtfa Rio Janeiuo, Jan. 10. The United States.Crulser New York arrived to day. Tho renewed firing between the rebel ships and forts is. said to have re sulted in considerable loss of life on the Insurgent vessel which retired. Starvation m Winnipeg. Montbeal. Jan. 10. Rtporta of starvation in Manitoba aud the North west are being verified. Advices state that hundreds of destitute people walking the streets of Winnipeg aid, their distress Is terrible. Heavy Guns Go. London, Jan. 10. -The admiralty has decided to abaudon tbe use on the now battlo-shlps of 07-ton guns. Tbe main armament on tbe new vowel will be 50-ton guns. Valllant's Execution Pabis, Jan. 10. If tbe appeal of Vulllant be dismissed, It is expected he will be guillotined on Fobruary 6th. A R. R. Which Paid. Chicago, Jan. 10. During 1803 tbe Chicago City Railway company, on the South side, carried upward of 120,603, 000 paessngers. The rovenuea were (0,000,000, aud the not earnings $3,400, 000. Life is Misery To many people who bave tbe talut of scrofula in their blood. Tbe agonl caused by tho droadfulrunnlng sons and other manifestations of this disease are beyoud description. There is no other remedy equal to Hood's Sarsrpa rllla forscrofula, salt rheum and every form of blood disease. It Is reasonably euro to benefit all who give It a fair trial. "As old M tho hills" and never excell ed. "Tried and provon" is tho vordict of millions. Simmons Livor Bogu- lator is PT"r'Vony Liver AJOC'l'Of and Kidaay and Kidney mouicina to which jou can pin your -yy faith for & l lOUTl nVud 'laxa tivo, and puroly veg otablo, act- ' P on tho Liver JL l0 and Xid- noys. Try it. Bold by all Druggists in Liquid, orin Powdw to bu taken dry or mado into a Ua, Tha XJo sIUfH KuKtf . M I bave used yourUlmraoDiLirar Km laior ana can coacieooioui can cooicleuoloiMly aay It m Omi IHvermedlclDM, I conMUr l ma, WMfeiBffloa. klurorall mtJlrlna c mom, Tacoma, ) 4wxvxRr rAeKAr