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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1893)
Wqp5 ',JSJ 14 O iA Vi..h r sftr - . .- J4V.J1N1H0 UAl'ItfAL OVJtNAli MOKDAV , Al'ML J 800 WU VOVUhAH VWKtiTH UHfATJB, n. jjjj.JjhflHHl,as1iall fiilitssstlssallsstssSsM""''1'11 , ,. t ' 1 HtB i W Cam - SAVE YOT7 MOXTEY Our Spring Stock of DRY GOODS Im tiw ouplvU. W kIiow FRENCH CHALLIES Ever shown in Salora, Our JIYoncli tfJantiolfl arc now and attractive. Wo flliow an ologant lino of Cotton ClmllieH and Wash Goods from 10 to 20 cents por yard. W Can SAVE Y00 MONEY On Shoos, thoy aro all (?oing ,AM? OOdJE jTThat watch will bo givon away tho 15th. The Palace, 307iCommep;iaI St. Money to Loan. OBlmprored city or farm properly. B. T. RICHARDSON, Attorney ut law. Cor. Court and Commercial. SPRAY YOUR TREES, Brr k. Pe(iH)l have the 'bent pumps la the market for the purpose. BARR A PETZELL, 214 Commercial Htrect. - IF - You are golne to build or mako any Und of Improvement, call on tlio undersigned (or material. We bavo a complete stock, and are ready to supply any prepared oontraot, lower work, grading, etc. Salem Improvement Co, DAILY WEATHER FORECAST. PORTLANP, April, liowara, stationary, 17. Monday, Tut-Hday fair, lightly warmer. U. 8. Wkathbii Skuviok, Thoab MlNBTHKLfl.Prltwoso fc Witt wlta their brilliant company of HtlBtire) merry-makera, aro announced for tonight, ut tho opera bowe. Thin will bo tho one minstrel vent of the season. Primrose & West re the acknowledged world's leaders In tbla style of entertainment. Other minstrel organization's havo risen, fought out their life, and dropped ex bauatad and defeated by tho wayside. But year after year Primrose & Wont have not only held their own, but havo triumphantly advanced, capturing stronghold and citadel of publlo favor. To mlnstrelsy;tboythavo devoted their lives. Their art la their creed. Its, furtherance Is their ambition; Its proud destiny the realized Mecca of their hopes aud aspirations. They havo advanced with It; they are bouud up in It; they have devoted every energy. They have spared tio expeiiee In keep ing Ibis moat genuine form of American amusement In tho very front rnnk of popular entertainment. This year U tn epitome of their career. Tlielr Mtortolnmeut Is now from overture to tbs lual fall of tho curtnln. Thoy have the best minstrel organisation vr put together In America, aud their appearance hero should nrovo one of tba happiest oveuts of tho amusumeut year. 1 Divoroh OliANTKD. Thero died In Kfaedd, Linn county 011 Friday ulght, April 14th, 1803, ot consumption, Mrs, BenJ, Luouey, aged about 40 years. Mrs. Loooey was a daughter of Mr. R. H. Wright, who Is also aerloualy III, and was a woman of estimable cliarao tw. Mr, Looney resides In Etuturii Oregon, and proceedings for a divorce were peudlng. The deceased leaves six hlldreu and itiauy friends to mourn bar death. 1 IlAl'l'Y H0MK6. They are made by Mm hundreds by Johnson & Bon. If yM do not believe It cut out their ad. M SATURDAY'S JOURNAL atld go to tbslr store and you will Kit u boy's suit far 980 that others charge $5.00 for, Do YouLovk Youu IlirauANi? Than bve a nice sliced oraugo for lila Waakhat and use Prloes Extract In IMwparlBg table delicacies. Only to bo bad at Van Katon's grocery. Om Piuom A nl04 assortment In avtkuid China just received at tho BLUK FRONT. Mm Hew portter at Keller & Coralee pole and trimmings 1 la with every jwlr get prlee ait w goods. Basin aw eorrwspoHdeiiee ami manual f dUaUUaa, Just la, at Dearborn's. Sat awaia Wk, tuatU fnwn pure ejajaaa, M aa iapa Bead fck Haw Uwn go at owe to XaBMIJaMad lk lathe corner Tfeajr have a speelal sale ' iay . alht'tlll 940. t VishsBski aaA auasuataa nAiaa m t tiat 1 A Bsraardl. aaaHrjr JlavkWa markt. W QaaiHl Mb tafia whbutpa)a. th largo'l and bet selection of Ouu NKloiinortfl. The Democrat says: "The Journal chuckles over the rumor that tho Oregonlan Is to run an parly mornlcg train to Bnlem. How fond wo are of our neighbors. The newspaper situation In Bulcm Is quite Interesting." There Is nothing small about Tiik Journal. It Is willing to live and let live. Its success enables it to smile good-naturedly at all who en ter tho field hero. Bo long as the Oregonlan gives Balem no more space In Its columns than any crotwroada vll luge, It mutters little to Balem people whether It comos hero by rail or rlyer, The Sunday Ihbuo put Bulem at tho bot tom of its column of northwest news, with exactly soven lines of space. ' m HoIFoiitjim World's Faib. No world's fair ticket, no pianos, no gold watches, no houses and lots, nor auy othor presents given away at Osburn's Racket store, but good shoes are sold enough cheaper to glvo you tho hard coin to buy these thluga with. Bee our wonderful list of bargains before buy ing Si'BiNO Burrs. It suits everybody to havo spring, and makes everybody feel llko gottlng right Into that new spring suit. F. T. Hart, tho leading tailor, hus a full lino of now spring suitings and Is making tho latest stylo suits at reasonable prlcos. Foit Sale. Ten acres on D street, three year old prune and pear orchard; ten aero tract, Bunnyaido; choice reel denco half block with eight year old fruit trees, In Lincoln Park, South Ba lem. Enquire at Journal office, dwtf Fob Balk. Wet of falls, good blocks aud ropes, swinging stago complete. Inquire Hawks & Levar, 07Stato St. 4-17 Gt Unitarian Bociahlh. Tho gentle men of Unity church will give an oys ter supper In Chauulng Hall on Tues day night from 5 to 8 p. m. A literary aud musical program from 8 to 8:15. Social amusement to 11 p, in. admission 25 cents. 417-21 Eoforo Judgo Edoa. "Flvo days," quoth the Judge, "For filling with budge, Shall be your sentence this time." His flag was a rug Hung out at tho stem, For ho was u vug, A foul scalawag, . As over those stairs did climb. INCOHI'OHATIU). Tho Pcasloe Bros Co., of Portland, today tiled articles. ul stouk $25,000; object, printing aud publishing. Tho Eastoru Invest ment Co., of Portland, also filed articles with stock at f 20,000. Foil C01.T BTKAMNO. 0. Raines and J. Murray were brought up from Condon, Cllllniu county, to serve 18 months each for stealing a colt. 801110 murderers In that country go Scott free, but never a homo thief. A Nkw Mkwginb, Directiens: Place (50 In your pocket aud waits down to the special sale In Keller A Sous corner window. Their snap short prices euro tho blues aud all other ailments flesh Is heir to. Fob Bai.k -Cheap, good upright piano, almost now, first class parlor suit, heating aud oue cook stove, good as new, sewing machluo aud other furniture, etc Call at 301 Chemcketa Bt. cor. 12th Bt, 4-15-tf Rkoikianickd, The Oregon Elec tric Light Co,, owning the plant that lights the state Institutions, has been reorganised aud 011 Saturday ulght elected olllcera from among the stock holders, Messrs. Pax ton and Mitchell of Portland, McCoruack aud Auson of Salem. Pineapple water lcv-15 cubta dlh, at The Spa today, Halibut -Davison's market, Harrltt A Mel m tyro will continue their etadug out sU ofereokery aud gUMwareforahorttlmtloHgr, Many iWiraWl uieeM and U still remain. aad will Im aoM at a gnat awll. More Of LoM, "filli, li U futlhef my will (Iml my stld It trnam mid executors siinll pay out f the moneys arising from said oontraot hctweeii Henry li, 1'lttook hikI J, h, i'drrlsli, m soon ns praotlo ablo after my (lecetto, lo my son iJotig las J'ickett, tho sum of two hundred dollars; and I mnko It discretionary with my said trustee nnd executors lo nav him more out of tho proceeds of my estate, or not, as thoy mny choose." Tho above quoted paraKraph from the will of tho Into Jeiiulo L, i'arrlsh, deceased, wot found In the record of wills at the office of recorder of wills of Marlon county, It la tho only evidence that anything was ever left to ono Douglas Pickett. The contract referred to Is ono as signed to Mrs. Purrlsh, and was for circulating the Oreitonlar, In part of tho city of Portland. Tho trustees referred fo aro George W. and David V. Llchtonthaler. AMARRIAOE BUREAU. ALadyofSomo Means Wants a Life Partner. Tiik Journal Is In receipt of the following letter: SALKM. April 10. 1803. Ed, Jeurnal: Is there any single man of good habits amongst your renders who wants a nurttior ror lire My object Is to correspond with him, aud muvbo wo can net up an agree ment. Huvo some little property. He enn send you u scaled letter to any ad dress you fix, but do not glvo out my name us I am un old reader of your paper. Titu Journal sees nothing wrong In the above and does not see why two suitable Intelligent people who want to marry should not get acquainted In this manner as well as any other, and tho result bo mutually beneficial. Let tors for this party will bo transmitted In confidence If addressed in caro of this office to "Llttlo Property." A FLORAL PROGRAM Wednesday Evening at tho Y. M. A. Hall a County Meeting. Tho county Fruit Growers Hold a two days' session In tho city, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, as an nounced Suturday. Below Is the pro gram to bo rendered by the members of tho floral society at the Y. M. O, A. ball Wednesday evenlng,at 7:30 o'clock. The publlo are invited to attend. No admission fee will be nharged: Music . Lustsplel Overture 1,011a JUrevman a nil jima weller. Address ..Pres. J. M. Blosn Vocul Solo An Old Oardeu Mr. Harris. Paper Tho Children Mrs. A. F. Hofer. Recitation .Klpslug Cups, Race AIlss Mario vauuersol. Vocal Solo Bho Woro a Wreath ..... . of Roses Will. LUI1U. Balem people should attend all the meetings of tho Fruit Growers' asso tlon. Tho day meetings aro held at tho State Insurance Hall. The even lug meetings at tho Y. M. C. A. hall riRBT GRAND DISTRIBUTION. Tho Coupon Premium a Oreat Succoss All Rocetved their Books. Beverul hundred families were made happy Baturduy evening and this morn ing by getting their first premium cou pon book at tho Capital Journal of fice. Coupon No. 6 was Issued on Sat urday and there was a big run made on tlio otllco to redeem, l'relty sooti a stack ot a thousand coupons were piled upon tho counter, representing two hundred volumes of standard literature given away as a premium. Of course a great many people do not save their con pon, ns they have libraries or do not read fiction, sketches, aud travel. Before the week Is up a first thousaud will probably bo exhausted, but an other thousand will bo ou the way and wo aro prepared tocoutluuo our coupon otior to all regular subscribers or pur chasers of the Saturday issue. Tho books seem to give uulversal satisfac tion aud havo dono not u llttlo to popu larise the already popular eveulug pa per, Masonic Do Molay Commandry of Knight's Templar will have some spec ial work tonight, aud the following named brethren from abroad will as sist: Past Grand Cammander I), P, Mason, Grand Prelate Geo, E. Cham berlalu, Grand Warder L. C, Marshall, J. P. Galbralth, "W. K, Baker, Geo, Humphrey, aud E. 1). Culck, of Al bany; Grand Commauder B. M, Yornti, Grand Recorder J. F, Robinson, J, L. Page, N. L. Rouey, J, O. Goodale, A. C Woodcock, Dr. Paine, B. D. Paine. l)r, Loomls, B. W. Henderson, M, Piestou,of Eugeue;0, P. Hotl, of Irv ing. After the meeting at the Com maudry hall It Is understood there will be a flue banquet At the Hotel Willam ette, Nonk Dkny It, That Jones A Rer uardl's Freneh lee eream scnla com pared with other aiakse, le like Kreaeh eream eaitdlee eompared with stale atlek candy. It U the tly geautse. Tfi Molr to Twenty tiiomnA PtiMOMAh AND LOfJAL, lio tut tlis world's fair, Def.uty 1'fowutlfig Allofliey Is ftl tlef vsl lliU afternoon, Mm, U, t), OnbfleUoii N visiting friend at Portland for a few days, Tho vernal equinox I over and wild geese flying northward the past It hours portend clearing weather, OldBtolzlsAt Portland, The court there still holds his contempt enso un der advisement, A, itoogoii started back for Waterloo, Iowa, this niomlna, Ho takes hln family for a visit, Herman Uarr started lodny for Kan sasClty whoro ho goes to take a position In a manufacturing Jewelry house. Tho minstrels tonight carry one hun dred and forty-two trunks. Tho party Isorty-ono strong and arrived ou the overland this morning. They go from here to Seattle. Thoro was a largoly increased attend ance at ail tho Sunday schools yester day. The floral mooting at the Hotel Wil lamette this evening will bo hold in tho upper parlors. Miss Agnes Earhart, who has been the guest of Miss Mae Boise, returned to Portland today. Dr. Powell Reeves wont up to his stocit farm In Lane county today, and will not return until Wednesday. Genuine French Ice cream soda the best made Jones A Bernardl. Our citizens will do well to encourage small Industries and manufactures. There are many bright young follows with limited means, who, with proper encouragement would enter the field aud make money, too, for himself und his neighbors, If ho only were given the proper chance. uuaranteca uui gloves at i.oo per pair. Every pair tried ou at the count er. The latest shades in drabs and tans. Monkeys. Did we descend from them? Hear Graut lecturo on "Evolu tion." Rememlier Rolaud D. Grant, D. D., will deliver his famous lecture on Evo lution at the Y. M. C. A. at 8 p. in Jvery tmnklug man and woman should hear him. Admission 25 cts. FROM OHEMAWA. Mrs. D. E. Brewer has a brau new baby. The officers of the school tire lament Ing over the small appropriations. The number of pupils allowed, has been greatly reduced also. J. W. Beaty's Incubators aro hatch ing now, oue of 600 egg capacity and one of 125. E. M. Whittle has rented T. F.Good rich's place nnd is engaged in raising hens. Ho Is going to work on a large scale. Look for a drop in eggs soon. Dr. Mlnthorn and another man were wrecked in a buohboard hero Saturday evening. The Dr. was driving a pair of bunchgrass animuls, when oue of them got frightened at something at the slough of Despond north of the school aud started to run. In trying to hold them ono of tho lines broke short oil aud the team ran over a big Blump aud then straddled a telegraph pole. One horse went through his harness and wob caught a few rods away. Dr. Mlnthorn had bis legs wrapped up In the robo and the wreck was complete before he had tlmo to Jump, Tho other man Jumped as soon as the line broke. Fortunately neither men nor team wore hurt but tho buck- board, tongue, neck, yoke and double trees were smashed. After gettiuga harness und wogou tonguo from the uelghbors, they patched things up and went on their way rejoicing. The road supervisor in Haysvlllo was wallowing In the mud oue to two aud a half feet deep yesterday with the road scraper and mired down a few teams trying to sorapo mud ou the road so that it would run off like water. Flue prospect for a April 10. road, is it not??? To Qet at the Facts Regarding Hood's Rarsaparilla, ask the people who take this medicine, or read the testimonials often published In this paper. They vs m certainly convince you that Hood's Barsaparllla possesses unequalled merit, and that liuuua CURES, Hood's Pills cure constipation by re storing the perlstalla action of the ali mentary canal. They aro the beat fam ily cathartic. Eastern oysters Davlsou's market. DPRICE'S oatsa The oaly Pure Cteaai of Tartar Pewder.-No Auuoaia; No Alaa. VmA is Um f HoaBM 40 Ymh tlic Steodaii Down MOVl wlmt n cofiiM it l to lmvo foiitly fit linii'l rotnody llml haver fails lo roTiovo CoiiBliaHoii, and Mint, witliotit win or discomfort; nnd tmmi immediately euros licnd nclic?, mid disnols every eymjitoin of J)yapoiBla. Bueh ft remedy is found in Simmons Liver Begu lator not a sweetened compound to nnti?cnto,or an intoxicating beVoruKO to cnltivato an alcoholic appetite, but a medicine pleasant to tlio taste, and perfectly harmless when given to tho smallest child. S. L. R: never disappoints. It i)bssesses tho virtues and perfec tions of a roliablo remedy of tho kind endorsed by eminent physicians. "Itaffordi nioptpaiiirotoiuldmyteiitl mony to tliooe you rtcolje iinnunlly 111 roferenco to your nluuble inedlclno. 1 consider Hlmmotu Liver Bigulator tho bent family medicine on tlii "'urket. 1 hnve prescribed It with excellent results. --W. F. l'AHK, M. I) , Tracy Cltv, Tmiti. Got the Pbizk. Miss Llla Ollnger, of Salem, Is the fortunate possessor of the beautiful gold watch, presented last week by the Palace Dry Goods & Shoe Co. to their most successful patron. The number of her certificate was 372. Mahel Jenness. The ouly lecture this lady can glvo at Salem on physical culture and artistic dress, will be at the opera house Tuesday eveulng, at 7:30 o'clock. Tickets 25 cents, on Bale at Patton's. Not Afraid. In the face of all competition, J, A. Van Eaton continues to bo the leader for choice family gro ceries. He is headquarters for teas, coflees and everything nice, Bome Say- -Wo came from animals. Hear Grant's lecture on Evolution to night In tho Y, M. C. A. w. 0. t. u. There will be a called meeting of tho W. C. T. U. Tuesday the 18th at 2:30. important business to be arrangrd. New fluts, plaques, sunflowers, and flue laces. Newest things in chip and leghorn, just arrived at Mrs. D. L. Fos ter's opposite opera house. In the Carter case In Missouri, Carter has been given until May 12th to get a new trial. Chinook salmon Davison's market. Seems incredible but true neverthe less A man jumped ten feet in the air this morning ut 0:15 in front of Keller & Sons special sale corner win dow. The low price on a sideboard did it. Tho best values in furniture can be found at Keller & Sons. Everybody knows the location; firm and quality Now get tho price. It will dellghtyou. Dr. Contrls fills teeth without pain, From Mrs. Henry WardBeecher. '40 Orauge St., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1 Ft-b. 11, 1800. "I have used Allcnck's Plasters for some years for myself and family, aud, as far us able, torthe many suflerers who coino to us fornHslatatice.und have louno them a genuine relief for most of tho aches and pains which flesh Is heir to. I have used Allcock's plasters ur 1111 Kimisoi lameness nnd acute pain, and, by frequent experiments, And that they can control many cases not uotlct-d In your circulars. "1 he above is tho only testimonial I have ever given In favor of any plaster, auu 11 my uame hub neen used lo rec ommend nny other It Is without my uuuitiriiy vt KHiicilon " Mrs. Henry Ward Beechkb. Full of Peril Are those disorders which, beginning with an apparently trivia! Inactivity orthe kidneys or oiaaaer, termiuaien lu Bright' disease, dl8' bete and cystitis The first two notonlj-tu Urrupt thefuuctlousof the renal orguns, but uieir structure with an muchccrtalnty as tubular consumption does that orthe lungs, iiosieiters Bioma h Hitters Is an excellent diuretic, promoUng the activity ol these or gns without ovr exciting them, thus avert ing ineauaaiy maladies In Which their man uon 1 to prune to ulmlnale. The removal iiuuiiumnuu u, iuiHiruie winch the kld ney. thou d, lut da not, when lnaaue. e crete. Is another beneficent t!fct of this In. cmiparable medicated ttlmu nit andd.pu 11. .. " " " "" cases, . o, an je reatorath e ot vigor aud aid to digestion, rem edlea malarial dlse e, and banishes Iher ..r. ! vuta ixf MJt IUU HE TUS. BTILES.-Sunday, April IGth 1S03 at the home on south Dralrlt nf ....: sumption, Virgil Stlh?s, aged 25 years. ILL IT IS VIOOU SALEM MARKETS. Wheat- 67c per bushel. Oats 3540clper bushel. Potatoes 6000o per bushel. ' Flour 13.60 per bbl. Brau (Backed) $18.00 per ton Bhorts-(Sacked) $20.00 per ton. Beans, white, 3c per lb. Eags 10c per dozen. Chlckens-8 to 10c per lb. Chopped feed -(Sacked) $20.00. Ducks 12Jo per lb. Geese 7c per lb. Turkeys 10c per lb. Lard 1215c perlb. Rut tor oRSitROa ner nonnd Beef 712jc dressed, Veal 10 to 12Jc, dressed. Pork 712c dressed . Wool 1518c per lb. Hops 1415c perlb. Odd Pieces. A nice assortment In Havlland China just received at the BLUE FRONT. NEW ADVERTIHES1ENT8. Strayed or Stolen. One big bay gelding with two white hind feet, also one dark blown gelding, with one white hind fool, each weishine about 1300. A liberal rewnrd will be given (or the return of Bumeio u. w. in mao, 4 17 Ol dw Aylum Avenue, Salem, Oregon, ARTISTIC DRESS, PHYSICAL CULTURE, GRACEFUL CARRIAGE. Tuesday Evening, April 18th. Miss Mabel Jenness will lecture tothepeo plenf Halem, ladles especially, the gentlemen too are welcome, on the Beautlm , Healthful, nd ArtUtlo In Drens and Carriage. 'Ibeko lure will be Illustrated with rlh cost u Ties. Remember the Male. Sure to be an event of your Wo to eel M'ss Jenness's ideas, as she herself lUesand denionstral-s ihem before her audiences. Physl al perfection without patent medicines or drugs. Mothers, young ladies, fashlonahln women, all attend. rrlceS wll beauu'wnced, .v p ALL AND MKTTLE.-A11 parties knowing j themselves Indebtea to J. J. Uarkln,,thH horseshoer, will pteae call and settle wlih CftB,8.K -"'"'y-ttl Small's clothing store. 4-14 lw' MILK COWa.KIve grade Devons. youne nloic r!M cotnd,Vlon' so2.d mllkersi-Your' E!?m S.PiJ,..Denyer Turner poslofflce firm one-half mile east. 2-&d-lm. DISSOLUTION. NTiItrHn1khurebJ!K,ven ,httt te Arm ol Jlertin A Hark ns, U acksmlths hoTrti.' solvl iwrtnershlp by mutual TOnienL -if.. 0U,MaeH.W'alhSnbeu bUyUJ.bhn hk ?.r,lS at 5nie ,lace. ana all accounts Thankmg our past POWER HOUSE Meat Market. Fresh and Bait meats of the best .. - -a , Poultry and stock. Free delivery. DAVIS & WAYMIRE Proprietors, SPECIAL DRIVE THIS WEEK. "We offer this Palmer Seersuckers u "ireme-y ,,. ,, , n REED'S OPEM HOP Miss Mate wss beet value, oirtred twlli5 J price "D . a the Willis; vir lUB,tOM,eet ill OP TO BE! Tlmt'fl Afliat our Home Mrulo Clothing la alway found to bo. So ay wo, but our cuetmora eny "Moro than its cracked up to bo," Thoy not only any this about tho suporior quality of our goods, but tho low pr'cofl wo ask for them, ii ST0WE. WE ARE CARRYING We aro carrying a "b'e loid' orCIo't Bound bocks and anxious to unload a soon as pojs ble. we hive tken a meiu od to do It quickly. We have decided tc inaugurate a BIG BOOK SALE I Our price" will more than pstonlsu you tNow is tne lime wnuup your uorurj' h thpBA hnnlrn white thev are cheat). Patton Bros., IBooltsolloro and Stationers 08 BTATE BIKEliT. Monday, April 17ib. PRIMROSE & WEST'S Direct from their successful engagement at the Ban Francisco thfater, with the giaudest and elaiora e Y lrst iart ever given lu the annals of minstrelsy. Look out for Street Parade. Beats on sale at Patton's. FOR BALE-At a bargain. The Btreet car ham In Nnrth Halatti aa ,Kn ..... will build a car house In Moralugslde. Kn- 4 ll-tf BALEM MOTOR RAILWAY CO. WORK WANTED-By a competent gard nilr Prnmnl nt4nln ?.s a . . sonablc. Apply to L. R. Bhanley, at 100 nurt Btreet, upstairs. ' 4 7-2w mlllaPATOItl.b.nln.lll... I., f, .. I- A. Advertising gi-ncy. 61 and OS Merchants .??n.Ee;8anJKraucl8 . California, where contract for adertlblne can ha made for H. AThM?Ti0'7S!? i"-.n.ey Paid or rags, . s. 1,1 j. '...." Illlu "" ' meiais, f?tide ' at om Coun House, Hulem. 1. 'iULf OLAK. r,UKIirlAN fClENCE-Llterature of all -.v,wun;, j, HUCCU 1-JtJ IIP. M. CARS. 11 D. 111. OaVd livn 1TWa1 a ii.l Postoffice daily for Asylum, Penitentiary and Cemetery on Capital City Railway. Car IcavpR it n. m knnw. Ingwith Overland train, and cars leave lintoi x-v 9A minutes from 6:20 a m. toll p. m, for alliwiii.ta on tun lisiAa OxcentineCfiiiotdfi'r.. -i uir.u 'off to meet Passcnitcr Tralus. week all of our , and Dress Gingh ams attractive price of OPERA HOUSE CORNE A" & CO. Wf teOM la tba alauaH iartat.