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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1893)
aim WIL ' '"""MMVMni wSmsr.rm . - g i? fL." IM' - 1 "? L' -4 3 v1 ) HCK'H MA !Hf HbfWl, fn.rt 'K.jWift w ..f ':vf M Mt. (i fiif mhmtM lUtoKfjn m feftwiX ! hl k- f,iMMi 44 ft it (to Vf, MM fa trflf wiihTSwM tff ! WMJft 53K5E i & ff If . N Mr tor' to mom Mw mi fa m fa. vrhteh JtW mmmt RraM " v ...,, roiim, nfiti ' mm. n.. nm m mm w' w .h.. s,rf, tm i4tm h in, rttttk &Xm?r:VliY&EZ2'A miim mo uv miHtaiiwfim ';if rnwrw. w -hut I rw mnnvM v.. .il-i ,.,:.i .,.. u l,na .il.dlrM i.lilrt wtirtw min4 if . sr.i :";?; .iv:"rtr.i.i ;.ii ;.; Mm,, j..iii s.,., ..... . irrwif j.ji .iu ii'ft'ii' m-j i.,,,. Hi i-v i - - Uu,i "f J"T"" " ..TO7T,T,'fnwiiMfllrtilriBi for (fin Urtftt ,-.. ""iinnj iiiimiimjiii an" ...,... ... ., Ml.4 . hlKiliiNltflliH III Ml w tu-A il. i-Uili.- li.n wnuu rsniMy mnmimiij ...... dirf w Mfcd fill ty"Ul Ii" rt'-tdivifl Hlfii """" ,"?."v i.l svIk.ii uilf Ahffiil WIMHMitA cor chives r-fcw. J.IHMI MMI1 that H.rt MliRf cf ill" hi whf.l fsrtrtltv Wiiili L A 4. i f . ...J jJ i .... j. .1 i it 1. .j "7r"W'', ""T," lnl UlfilfldldlitllrMllfttlfltl. SETEm"1 JffV' i (H. ! !.. '.'M f- iit'iri nMi;u rr itt i"7 , i. ... i f,..-., Ff'I.lj Ij.1 bjfll 1. iJntiit HIlO nlMiiiJrtfirpfl ftl mo wfrd. no am mttiM munches, or tmi hmnini Urn, who ioiu with torn In tlml ctwclty, An vn toft It Ihst tfiHrKO liku L- -V " .: C" 'f'.ft. '-- P.K f" mn- vm MM yrm !A4Iy mmfowx u "mm ti i H ..- ii, i...i ..t " Mr Nwtar And lik fnnilJy wlioi v fco rfionkl wjUw l) of h kuiMou hit ,Mk old! multumi-t if liii'.j irliu1 L,f'Miriflb QfHfohi1 Ho Mftrt wi fdlo, i feflow. wJimii (liu miller ibrbwto ?ik lumM, but whom with 4m hiiiIaWh twrvvnity rHk hr r. only liked twr- .k ,L . . ' . j" Ml tm iwttw bccAiiwt otlioro him m; outintenaucd. Hlio was I to mm Win. hikI kIio toM liltn no. MM ftlthough In the inldt of work 4ib nut only uot him intf to wt ftt once, but ttlso Pttmtt io lt down with him hurt) a Komlv, whllo he tll- th food nhe set lx-fon) him, , however, lio let fall lib 1 "JWek tfit un, my lam." wild ho in 0M-$mug way to the girl. v ). 'UrtiMricli'' nhn ronltal. JWW Wk Hliould be moroNUpplu ',, JMMI Miiae, for you bavb lew work i-m ttako it stiff. I labor nil day 'T'ltflig; jhmI you do nothing. But Wnt mind; 'twould go linrd with jtm U I refused to do mora than DM for you, bad though you bo." i Vfcfci ww unokon half nnortlvcly MM half in good caruoHt, for, hhtt ltfrld m the girl was, and ttHMti m she liked the ucanogrnco, 6wtoo honest and industrlotu MMHttf toAsucourago or npproVo of JmjHtiia and a BtmplciouB counio of JUb la any one olo, howovpr dear to JMr.' 8he Htooied down uccording- i)r to pink up the knifo, Ah alio wiui in m at of rising, howuvcr, tho frwrtliarouH villain drew u daggur Bmuu(ler bin coat and caught hor ) Of- 13m nape of tho nock, gripping Mr titroat ilrnily with hiu llngora to wevwit hor screaming tho whilo. , flJH 0Wi hum," ho wild, awcaring out w4 otttli at tho Bumo limo, "whoro lilhjriaaiitw'Hinonoyl I'll hnvo that -MfJMnv life, so twko your choice" jHw torrilkKl girl would fain havo tmtand with the ruaian, but he tHMM MAr uothing bIio could nay. aUr'i inonoy or yoiu lifo. WM au tno answor nevoucli- r mr Diiuciuica aim imjura "Obooso at onco," wnn tho Bhmmtivo ho offorod hor, "tho or tlie gold I" aw that thoro wo no hc4)o of at ma nanus, and an eliu mv native rcwolution nwolco in hor ., like tho generality of her atBhe was timid at triflos! QQtteh was a HUbjeut of fear to uron or moou cauHotl lior to an unwonted sound filled hor foul with fear in tho night. But mom liw onergiea wore uroused by jpty adwiuatti chuho Bho proved, us iwr.iwx have ever dono, that in fMMWffe, in onduranco, in premmeo f-)td and in reourcoa for ovory awirfoncy ulio far Buriwuwed the wvi and coolest mon. , "Wrtl, wll, Hoiurloli," Bho wild jyHimmUy, "what in to bo must bo. Sttt If you take tho inonuylHhnll jiM o alonff with yo. This will lw Immmm for mo any more, Dtit i tit grip of my neck a little t aqwwiw ho hard ; I can't move, fOH bug fe m tight Ami if I can't ttryouean't gtit the money; that'H MU,' " you know. t Doeidoa time mmmmu mh1 if it be dono at all it gMMt IMflon quickly, na tho houno MM wfll uliorUy le lmek from lloiv -Wm Si ris 'tnjMaMi Hr7. mHPv InlBWr flm' ! ffiti OIX'II ftml tyiui soon wiKigrd in miiiiiiih illjf Ifrf I'OlltMltH. A ho wnfl tlitw wnploj ed, how evr. nbiorbid in tlio ointniplfiMoii tt hi proy mid Mgorly wmiplwl lit eccTiriiitf it tm lilx jipwiii, tho brAve henrb'd ,r Klolodowii tho n(iiiaon tlptoo, C'wjdng noftly nlo'ng the i)afwiKo m)io Btiwllly gflliifd the door of tho chamber tinwon by him mid IlkfiwiBO tinhcnrd. It wa Mil the work of n moment for her to turn tho key In tho wards and lock lilm in, Tlilfl dono ho rtmlicd forth to tho outer door of tho mill and gave the alarm. jfiyi nyr no nnnojcco to tno child, her mmdor't) little Uyy, nn in fant flvo ycurrt old, tho only being Within fifght or Bound of her, "Ily I ly to thy father! ily onyourllfol Toll him wo tihull all be lailidored an ho haslo not back I 'Fly t fly I" Tho child, who was at play beforo tho door, at onco obeyed tho oner gotlo command of tho bravo girl. and pcd as fUBt an bin tiny loga could entry him on the road by which ho know bin parents would rotuni from church. Hnnnchon cheered him onward and inspirited hiu littlo heart an ho ran. "Blcso thoo, boyl blew thcol"n1io exclaimed in tho gladness of hor heart, "an manter nrrivo in time I will offer up a taper on tho altar of our blessed lady of tho Kroute- borg, by Bonn." Sho aal down on tho stono bench by tho mill door to cmso her overox- cIUkI flpiril, and flho wept, aB Bho wit, nt iho thoughtnof hor happy deliver aiico. "Thank Qodl" flho ejaculated, "thank God for this cscapol Oh, the deadly villain, and I bo fond of him tool" A shrill whistle from tho grated window of tho chamber in Avl;ch Bho had nhut up tho ruffian Hclnrich caught hor car mid mntlo hor start at onco to hor foot. "Diother! Dlolherl" bIio heurd him bhout; "catch (ho child and come hither! I am faot. Come hither I Bring tho boy hero and kill tho glrll" Bho glanced hastily up nt tho cafic meut from which tho imprisoned villnht'ti hifnd beckoned to tiome ouo in tho distauce. nud then looked nnxiounly after her infant emissary. Tho little mcKsongor held on his way unbanned, however, nud sho thought to herself that tho alarm waa a falbe one, raised to oxelto hor fear and ovoreomo hor roaoluliou. .Tut, how- over, as tho child rpaclunl a hollow spot in tho next field tho channel or n natural drain then dry with tho boats of Hummersho Baw another rnfllun start up from tho bed of tho drain, and catching him in his arms hasten toward tho mill .iu..necord anco with tho directions of his ac complice. In a moment eho porcelved her danger, and in a moment moru sho formed her future plan of proceed ing, ltotrenting Into tho mill sho double locked and Iwltcd tho door, tho oldy apparent entrance to tho edlllco, ovory other moniiB of obvious awe) to the interior being barred by means of strong iron gratings fixed against the windows, and then took her post at nn upper ensomeut, determined to wait patiently either hor master's return and her comso mient delivery from that dangerous lwsltion, or her own death, if it were inevitable. "Nevor," uaid sho to herself, "never shall I lenvo my master' house n. prey to aueh villains, or per mit his probity to bo carried off lie- to i J! Ki tM c.M?M. A ififl , r mihiI mm iin. f will' tm uMiUum Tftthnw mnmrn "'"', " ' ' ,n: '.A T'A' H ill fill ! 'tnwMi'l 'iV-iifM ' d Kl '" K '"' '" '"' i ',", " MM Mil. m HM, M Wl l , HI I ; r rr v f .- r 111 ffplU"! hi wKrpaifriiiTiiiiiim.fiii hi "'"' i 'f IfJWI HIP nlirn "I 11'ut.ii n Ul nil llm frfiwnr N tit hnll Ui JiH nld, Mini HwiM not lipnr ii'ir hwl lilm, rwMan relaxed his grin and urmga im ifdl nrnt Htt uilA . ""T" j: - mmy. td giP'""'p without, holding tho hapless child in VtfN Vip tali-s gaylyna a one Hand and a long, bharp knifo in vim. nful Iff tifil Imit hiy lil, 'nt litAt'rf UirOftlf" toim lllrt fmfirlVffiHl fillTlitfi nWm "llml will iffjilK hit i" inimini rltoiit Ixiirlwl U fif UnnmUMi mn, hh tifllfwl t llfii 'rupl Mm' (fofi. I'tir fwifiiUMt linr ffwiliilioii wnvfriifilrtitltviftd-oiily lor a mi Huml Hlio wtw llml luif own iIniIIi WnsMirinlll If sfiO fclmllOd llion'iill snd mid nhn know Unit lier lymslor would Ik rolibwl. Who find no it fton lo Iiok that oven Mm lif of ilm Infiihl would bo Kpartd by bir com pllruiut, It wni to rlk rill iuiMl notlihig. lAUo n dlM-reet girl i,ho i;oiiHotmiilly held fnl In li'r renolvo to bldo as siio was wiuio lira ro mid mil or until tiMincti xhould rcneh lier, "An yo oticit not tho door," shouted tho villain from without, ac companying his words with III" vileiit abtmi and Iho fiercest imm-o callons, "I'll hack thin whelp's lltnbi to pieces with my knifo and then bum tho mill over your head. Twill bo a merry blaze, 1 trowl" "I put my trust In God," replied tho dauntless girl. 'Hover shuil yo sot foot within these walls whilo I havo life to prevent yo." Tho rufllun laid tho infant forn moment on tho sward as he sought alwut for combustibles wherewith to execute bis latter threat, In this search ho espied perhaps tho only lioBeible clatidentino entrance to tho building. It was a largo aporturo in tho wull, communicating with tho great wheel and tho other machinery of tho mill and was a point entirely unprotected, for tho reason that tho simple occupants had never sup posed it fcnsiblo for any one to seek admission through such a dangerous iulot. Elated with his discovery tho ruf fian returned to tho infant, and tying tho hands and feet of tho littlo iuno cent threw it on tho ground even as a butcher will fling a lamb destined for tho slaughter to await his time for slaying. lie then stolo back to tho aporturo by which he hoped to effect an entrance All this wbh un Boon of tho dauntless girl within. In tho meanwhile hor mind was busy with n thousuud cogitations. Bho clearly porcelved that no means would bo loft untried to effect nn en trance, and' sho know that on tho ex clusion of her foo depended her own exigence. A thought struck "hor. "It is Sunday," she said to herself ; "tho mill nover works on tho Sab bath; supposo I sot itit-gomgnow? It can bo scon afar off, and Imply my master, or Borne of his uoighbors, wondering nt tho Bight, may ha, to hither to know tho cause. A lucky thought," eho exclaimed; "'tis God sent it to mo I" No sooner haid than dono. Doing all hor lifo uecustoniccMo mill gear, it was but tho work of a moment for her to set tho machinery in mo tion. A brisk breeze which sprung up as it wore by special interposi tion of Providence at once bet tho aills flying. Tho amis of thohugo engine whirled round with fearful rapidity; tho great wheel slowly re volvedon itsaxloj tho smaller gear turned and creaked and groaned, nc coi ding as they came into action; tho mill wnu in full operation. It was at that very Instant that tho ruffian Diethor had succeeded in wiueoziug himself through tho apor turo in tho wall, and gotting safely lodged In tho interior or tho groat drum wheel. His dismay, however, was iudchcribablo when ho bogau to bo whirled nbotit with ila lotation anil found that all hia efforts to put a stop to tho powerful machinery which sot it in motion or to extri cate himself from his perilous situa tion wore fruitless. His cries were most appalling; his shrieks were truly fearful; his curses and impre cations were horriblo to hear. Hnnnchon hastened to tho spot and saw him caught, like n reptile as ho was, in his own trap. It need not Iw added that sho did not liber ate him. Sho know that bo woulil iituii. iimi lTuunna liini inv nvivt uv riinni umiiia i iit. .. . i . ... "-' w- . . -"J -J " J - Ullllll A UlLtU IUI fllimi 1 VHflrll IAIlit.1 1. ...!. IB 1 with hk cupidity. life and strength to defend it," Uei t witl mi U ro ta orv misou and 0d, "nulckl qulckl Bliohml barely tlmo to Mcuro her- S W a so Sat " lR a money UIu master's self within when tliohifflau from L.J "i ,."... V..."u.- .V.,al tempted to eKwpo thei-o waa no tinn er or liia falling out of it, oven though ho were insensible and innnt and imlipitnl pihI ufihwlwl of llifln llkifwl'. iiiuliefliiif I'tiMW, Jm w4 whirliil loiilid Klid fulfill Mu fotilid In thi tiiiilftntf wJicol tifilll nllflt tVtlfi(f aiijt ifirc(illon failed lilin find In mi mid Jiwinl mi fnoro Ha fell wnwIoM oil iho iKittom Of llm tfiglfi(, but oven then his liinnl iiiati Wly Fotilliiitiit to 1x wlilrlfHi fotiud mill round and round n before, tho bravo girl not daring to trust to appofiranecH in eonntellou Willi such a villain, and belntf tlieroforonfnild io suspend tho working of tho ma chinery, or slop tho mill gear and bieklo from running at tncir tuiicsi PlK'Cd, , . , A loud knocking at tho door was nhortly after healil, and sho hastened thither. It was hor master and his family, accompanied by sovornl of their iiclghbors. The unaccustomed apKtiraiico of the mill wills iu full swing on flunday hud, as she anticl-piit-d, attiaotcd their attention, and they had hastened homo from church for tho purioso of ascertaining tho cause of tho phenomenon. Tho fa ther boro his littlo boy in his arms; ho had cut tho cords wherewith tho child was tied, but ho was unable to obtain any account of tho extraor dinary circumstances that had oc curred from the affrighted Innocent. Hnnnchon in a fow words told all, and then tho spirit which had sus tained her ho long and so well whilo the emergency lasted forsook her at onco as It passed away. Sho fell senseless into tho arms of tho mil ler's oldest son, nnd was with great difficulty restored. Tho machinery of lljp mill was at onco stopped, and tho inanimate ruf fian drugged forth from tho great wheel. Tho other ruffian was brought down from hia prison. Both were then bound and sent off to Bonn un dor a strong escort, nnd in duo course camo under tho bunds of tho town executioner. It was not long till Hannchen be camo a bride. Tho bridegroom was tho miller's son, who had loved her long and well, but with a passion previously unrequited. They lived thenceforward happily together for many years, and died at a good old ago surrounded by n flourishing fam ily. To tho latest hour of her life this bravo hearted woman would shudder ns sho told tho tnlo of hor danger and her deliverauco. True Flag. A 'Trldtiy" Ship. A truo story is told of a skeptical Massachusetts captain who, way back in tho early years of tho republic, de termined to exhibit tho fallacy of tho Friday superstition. Ho contracted on a certain Friday for tho building of a ship, and it was arranged that tho keel of this vessol was laid on Friday, that sho was launched on a Friday, named Friday, commenced loading on a Friday and hnuled into tho stream on tho samo day of tho week. To nild to tho possibilities of disaster, a negro cook named Friday was ougaged ; and thus fully f reighted with tho sinister nnmo, tho Friday sailed on a Friday, bound to a port In tho West Indies. From that day to thid no tidings of tho ill conditioned craft hnvo been received. Harper's Young People. A fllrl with I'rricnro or Mlml. An oxebango speaks of a twelve-year-old girl, being struck by a pas senger train and knocked off tho right of way over a wire fence, and that sho picked horself up in timo to flirt with tho passencers in tho laRt coach, Some girls nover loso their presence of mind under tho most try. lug circumstances, rcmliiliiu Siiporalltlun In Germany. Young ladies of Germany havo a superstition that if they bury a drop of thoir blood under n rosobush it will over aftor insure tho oxperi mentor a iir of rosy cheeks. Springfield Union. Bald JDHKT WX-Xim2S YOX7 WEAK? EMI IrWW! LCLIKIi MD SUSPENSOftY FOR, 'AN DENS m mWLV ) M "" o :.a na Mmrn j . tWEApsS WFAKME MOW wtftUk U thmat (kit twwUlft. KHIMMO. Bfeettfc IfMi M)T 4 THD H i JJ AW IW Tli Trm.'lVr1. Tula. "Tnlklng about traveling in Toxna," 1(1 tilt) flit IllllU hn Im.l ,,r,.,..l tho oaaiwt armchair nearest tho stove; "talking alamt traveling in Texas" nobody hud muntiouoil Texas, bat no ouo had tho heart to stop hi,,, "travollng in Toxas, it isn't what io uo. or course an ocea Irani train is held up. but a man has at least tluvo chances out of flvo nowa days to iwy through tho stato with hU punso Intact. "Away Uick la 1SC0 a friend of mine, IIpnu.TUalden.toue, a fine, manly young fellow drumming for a Now York ens iwuler house, was riding along just out Mjlo of Dallas wheu ho was captured by a band of outlaws, who. not eontont with robbing him, tnmnd him to a troo and evidently meant to tako his life, "It was a dreadful sUuatioa. Homer was .1 twenty ntae, engaged to bo married to n Kewark girl and in a fair Way touiaLon forinn.. ti m. blue, as yon tuny imagine, and when h kw that the nucili wn jn earnest iw tgau to pray, ut which tm ....n.. WHO ARE DEBIUTATEQ ANDSUf FERING from Nervous Debility Seminal Vwk- NESS. Losses Drains MDrvTFMrv ro alHAN Rheumatism, Lame lSSS t0 SasusHasRultto ttlfotttorak!t.-lt-,i.- v wnuigviy uioywl nt fin.t. aad Ommi tkov u tir urw.. iRii i.t.-L' :;,i " 7..: : :s:t:zrzrr .. w " ."' Pnerea i0wiy around Mm. -T- t "- !- - Mftiiiit-ii (n inuunvi wm m. kiii m ninnnim hm mnii (.imimia.1 4.m , -- ZSSSS!t.L',x!untt yoayhv.ttadlr 0Ud yW yteor iMHV'ferc .i..iu..lj Ut ttiMt4t MfidN Inn m Wirt ftrf"i llliflfilil liw ' Hi" ' l" ,K1 ,,m,rf lilt by Th-M wM nfi lfiii"r M'"'"' II rrVNlM, ' RWhlfl'rt thn iwi of lh oil At !" til of ih fliinI'MW flfllfip, Pi.lti't.rf frnfH n Wli'K Hlft'lK " inlrli of fi-l" Wlllt'll IHIlM liPMIJ ntfiillhi'oti.imtli"lliiinHhoiilil lo will mid wrtfid Willi thn immii If fciit nt flfiy olhpf tlmo ihn "t'p fitiuf(ti((i for Mm eniiilln won tlm loK ww'lft 11 win iiimt" by l',Ml"lf "I' flirt reMiloitt Iohh 'if the lirUiiurn! flirt Hint nf found Imbwldi'd III thnlrtiKd They vmn loft to dry nt the fire nldo over the I'Mlfk or eluilfi thrtl held lip tho i"t nver iho Ami. Tho cnnillwlle'it. 1'iilMd fho jieprmmi, wnu n Atofiu with it hole In lid c enter. Into wlileh Was fixed it pillar of wood nbotit r..n fi.i.1 blili n nil HiiiH'd with n uluft plreoof Iron, Into which tho eandlo fltled, The nino of tho wtmllo was nlwn vs turned to tho door, -Dlitek-wooil'sMngnzlue. A ttrt " Srfpmtlmntl llmitnelffM. Ily a clntiso in his will M. Xavlor Mnrmlor, n member of tho French aendotny, leaves forty pounds to bo distributed among tho sellers of sec ondhand books who ply their trade on tho quays of Paris. Tho money Is to bo spent by tho legatees in a feast or dinner, during which they are to think of tho testator, who is grateful for tho happy moments which ho spent Wandering from ono bookstall to another on tho banks of tho Soino between tho Pont Royal and tho Pont St. Michel Loudon Tit-Bits, dn Hi lWiiIMI1'" .1 '' " -.... "" i fW jy." KA-'ftiL t iSbK?"'" j- Js3iSS99Kff9tf tor Infants find Ohlldran l'CHnflltlll'lUifp'UfllllMi,lltlil fWnffiinfhit UMIMipMWInf 1 M Olon wmillntn" II A Aiw-ttfn, If i.r ill So. tittmA Ut, l!fwln, M, T. "Thi un M 'ftWnrfii'M (WtlnlfffMl fitf Im itf H n irdl Hmwn iu It iMffl rtwort wlthliinwjfttnch" . ... , ,. uimr iiMjjTii. i', i'j,. Ofmreh, HON. Z. AVERY, Ohi or the LQtT Contractors aho Guilb- HEART DISEASE 30 YEARS. Obahd Islamd, Neb , April 8th, 1892. "Dr. mic JUcdleal Co., Elkhart, 2nd. Gzntliuex: I had been troubled with HtHT nmtionTHi laktoo ycars, unit although I OKCASC rORTHC LAKT30 YCARS, Unit although i was treated by able phlelaii3 and tried many remedies, I grew steadily worco until was com. ix nun or Rccovcnv, . ra oto c" I inr- E-kinc:frlh,vhen "CURE Duld stop beating iuT Y . "snd It wn with riCTriY FROSTRATtD N D CO N TIN CD TO MY BCD WITHOUT ANY hopc or RCCOVCnY, I wuuldhavo very puu siuk my pulso wo ftilmrAthat. tbo Kreatest difficulty that my circulation could STHOUSANDSSS ck to conjdonsness again. While In tnli ccrdl tlon I tried Your Ntw Hcart Cunt, nd bogna to Improve from the ilrst, und now 1 am able to do a enod day's work for a man CS years gf age. I clvo Dr, Miles1 New Heart Core all tho credit lor mT-wcoery It isocrsUmonthssInc8 1 have taken nnY. although I Veep a bottlo In tho bonne In case I should need It. I have also used your nerve and Liver Pills, and think b great deal of them. z. a vkey. 80LD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 CTS -old hv I). J. Kry, dnnndst, M.l.'iu Dr. Powell Reeves &Co. Tho Old Reliable Spoclallsts, Latw?f.tJi,w Y("kmIIn8Pltl. OrmluKte with High Honors. Twenty years' experience aa 1 rotesor, Lecturer, Author nud Specialist In chroulo Olseases. WjV mp Bing. It WM and althoBch i il i 1 - "'' "" "" "7 "l am, rfr, ' p rl4 ttsMMMsl V mWhUMi s4 4wr. ST ZlitT M r P r wtiWH tW Sfast. who vriM etSlH D, 8KND1N 1LECTRIC silt JUmmm Kfy "w t me. mt,.Ju M wTmSj liiTltW "" bW7 ftCW4, - - ' - vw vvuaiM man ii i iui 1 FMtU to M4 wytfaiiff.''..Ufa bti Th tmdowM oiVw, wlttt mm to Catarrh, Bronohiti3, Cough and Diliioulty'pf Breathing Sucoo3sfuJ ly treated withspecif io remedies thoroughly i tested nnd proved by tho OLD DOCTOR Who is onn of nntui-n'a nv.i. thoroughly devoted to his profession and ever ready to help the amioted. HERYOUSDEBILra.'ct1,-e.r middle aged men. The luleflcctsof early in. .ww,"oul Pfl,";1l"? ekuess, LOST MAS. 1IOOI). night emissions, exhausting dralus. basblulncw, osa ol etiergy, weakue." 0 both Hud marrlHKe, treats with un cr (hUIuk uccmjl ueictiuM hiki w a man. ?iSSLffi.bHSrs: Zri r v. . , ,u """ cmpiions, etc.. ol all kinds, blood pniton Iroin any cause wbateVer 52lRli.r.Ifmp,,r' U-Ylu ,he ',,'a Pure and" UDIBY'UD URINARY in.,L'.lJ.iU,"0' "e Wdder ol bithwx.i CATARRH "Y.l'uK.ltver diVpep.fTull. .k . . "". nd U disease aae'l?E the bowels, noumeb, etc.. dUi rbo.-. dMiiirr to, Twubles of thl'. cb.riVrct Stl? S1 ouw! curMoirectut as soon as possible. ","louc. PRIVATE il"1eiIwt."n'hoea, SYphllls. Iiilinio bdnle. larocvle, teWriiesV swellluir, orgsm, ami nil SiiuU imuw. qui. ky PUrr,i without aS)riiaaor,UUe' t -utlrtn Inuii buslueM. ' " ur u is in tu city. Thousands cured at home h :K!ll,;?deu,'f."",a wle wu secure fro,S aR.PnwELL REEVES & CO.. XiwUcilcd at 216 Coin'I St., Salrm. s-lVJ-XiiN'H Wl'Wfiu fytlo Vuinf WoomlngitAM jWotww fl,f H-wrtrb, lMffhrr4 fMIW . h4 WMUKi UM dlfl "! irtMWrfM d tV fimil injtill'iti' finlfrtHi" "tot Mfrl TV '.H" wmmmw ,. tn m A iiim IhtarUfi iiruluca liencficMl JSiilK," ynrtf fnwmP. I'lfltiSK, H, II.. "tlij Wlnlhfcii," ItHUi fllrnot Amlliti Af il i KutfTorkfJIl T (Wiuii CottMitf, W ilifiriAr fiiKtm, Ms fon, v.-mm-x wumummiMmtuHMMmmmmwm m.uwj;msmim)iiuiM.iiissiiiiimiiiiiini ! '"' '" si.jin-.iiMi.sup'yW H. F. BROBR, l'rejirlolor of the DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, All IIoiisc-lhilnliliiK Mntorlnl nmile In order nt I lit lowerit Portland prices. Hie u? before you buy. M1GIIIK MASON. A. II. SMITH General - Contractors, Htreet Worlt, Howe ring, Excavating, (,'oncrcto undj.Mnson Work, Tiling, &c. All vvetl: promptly done. SALEM, ORKCJON. C LEA N Ii you would be clean and haye your clothes done up in the neatest and drossiest manner, take them to tho SAL KM STEAM LAUKDItY wliere all work is done by white labor and in the most orompt manner, COLONEL .. OLMSTED T B I.ihprty Street EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA ROUTE of tho Southern Pacific Company. CALIFORNIA KXHKKSM TRAIN-HUN UA.IM BETWEEN TORTLAND AND B. r. aumii. Mp. in. h. 1'nnland 8:15 n.m. Ar. San Krnn. Ar. Lv. Lv. jorili,. 7f3J a. n 5:'Jil a, ii; :(X)p.n tlon, mirth or TuKebnw hi"t l"1,?.! St2 Tnnifcnt. riheddn, liallvr HlirrUtnir .llepii... KQrtKHPlUI MALI, DAILV7 I-v. 1'ortlaud Ar.l 4trpTrli. LiV bulem i.v I i.i.i :. ... Itoseburg L,v. 7.W a. n" rJu a. in. 11:17 a. m j:6j p. m. Ar. Albany Local, Q.uiy i;xct Sluulay Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r, WaimMeakat All Hours oitlieDa i tabn9shbrn,t7,",e tab""r'-rt m 1W. e!HiyieSUbM"ntlal mcal c' J am Twemy-nve cents per nital, Co- .t'een, Utma , A T tinted. Ralarv nn.i i-'iiii I'eniiaufnt ulafe A,,,?r"'f"' Ainerlcan nud?-nDadar.Lnicii.ou lol)l r1:,' r wtaityad,SSfi !y. X.a u-i.MiW Nurserymen. ;,Vr-V.u- Y IVIIU, 'i. i. in. 7:ii p. in. "O n. m. IjV. L.v: Ar. Portland Haiem Albany Ar. Lv. I.v. Wining Cars on tlen ICuutc- PDLIiMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AWD Second Class Sleeping Cars Attached to trains. (Vest Side OivisioiTBetffeen Portlan and Comllis! PAILV. (tSCElT 8UNDAY1. 7:JUa. in Ui IU p. m. !' " I ivi,orTud?T:: JLIhmdA'jM'lnwfliie IsJwFn TlIROUCIli TICKET" SFft! E.I. UOQEIIH na WsW-slClVv"." .....:'-.". "r,"i Nilfcin mnSm vte?tM&y,M m yesm ONLY LINE rRDiNSING . KOKHLKli, UllaBVraa4iVMA,' From Terminal or Interior Points th, T 11 n .n t v I nn in run m BE! ilitM. Mij W&v a HsHwssHfSslsK'BslsssKsssUK tl il n Jr.,' Mt mi row 1 the line to uke To all Points Eisi and S:uth. Ti!Dr,tffn.eth StPADL ASDCJM0 Nil VSna. n.r-MoXduT;:''aW,- luulac?S:.rnjs,,rPa4ed. TOURIST Sleeping Cars. KGAirr DAY u ACHES Acoaunnot aai trrt. fttll Hia.. .i. ff!tJ?n &&m "temipted SVWft airr THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 A.M. 'Ji. "n a -vt-o 3 CHICAGO 72 Hours Quicker to St. Paul Hguitofiand FKrE?Eae CHS"5 Jxa 3.".r,".s. . uare, 'orruatlon cnlj ""-Ho.Oiuv. THE YAOUINA ROUTE, lV U Ii A n -. TtFrur M" Kr"c!sw hrAltMnr UU',hlPHana.y.,. .vftWffii:-'.'.-.- .- H5H "atr.r ll;Ajf ssi...: iMS m urn; Kill iinin "uiuuviu 'VLV. . M mtul IPa.ll...- It fcJTT'.'' ifkiB, Tbtaw.,,.. All)nyftM HteoAVAQUs J wn"a VmBSLW" Un MVJ?Qir?iE.,!1v.tiw,i! II .- tb r. wiii .i--" SSSSa&gE T KISLSl tvST ....- SUSSK a "" -- , '; "Lyss. .""- s HVii .v? uVEtfrM rSts, ... -"i HViUt?rWannm.lC:i- Urn.. .. W mmmmJ I " I r""7M, HO CD SO CD CD O C5 O Hi I CO L- SBaj iiiu22 sTVSiT ?;i J" 2iiTox 'in wTT. "flUWv- 1, t, V'J ilVT1