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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1893)
EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL Mvft533fifigCSKWdHHGttMHMMtt vor , mmmwrnampnammmw nwmmm&mMimwnmmvmwvwM ifcLjjftfcWffis afewJWjiAhiid kMm0n,iHLk irunpw)vhm im i.wi HM,m, onmoMt mm ay, iIahvauy tio tm, muiiA tm xtnm 'rMjAt. WlttllMMMIMMilHIWMHH IMWiawMMMMIWMMpMuiWMMMMa YOU ARE MISSING BARGAINS t f youth not ynrohtm your IHMimiY, (NJJMttWMAH, WfffiONM, fA0f4f HH0H8, ulib, At Osburn ' s Racket Store. Tlio? Imvo WiK0M fv VA Ml$ 1i UIIV tflntf Mfwfirt at $'lf0 mu M. Tifoy aIaoJfkw A Una nl f M0 llitil U iUo bcMt Im tlia oily (or (lia tuomiy, 0o wlwUluy lirwo in OIUIjDIUM'H H10J48 boford MnUUiy your fiflrolinw, foul you will SAVff. MONIW, I 201 Corxrrrioi'oJal St, - Smlcsrn, 0.tfg&n. tnwwiwwwwwaiwiii wwitwm) Smwh and Door Jnctory Front! Sirt Sflforri Ofogort, wi Tho hiMt cltiwi of work In our wiwi uie lowest uniy yrawSFq m y'jiji aiS ggtjaSpi jB-IBuarc C, W, CMf'flCMILL f I, ftUnnOftoHs GnviwmfjTj k nvnnouauti, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHJCJW,1 MM'AL WOUKBItS. Agent for (lie colebraM vwiiouiUj force nmUUl Viittii, UK) Oliemekotft Hlft, ci m i p, n i mih lira i urn wi. cm f ron works, T)iyH and IruokM way be found throughout the dav nl the corner f BUUi arid Uonmorolaf street. r-qjjup'.yWtfUwfTr F. T. HART J 247 COMMKIUtfAj BTJtlWr. "I E THE liflg Capita ? -IT HAS- All the News And doe?' not porverfc, diuf 00 or cover up wlmt tlio public i interested to know. At the wfljne'tiiriu it docs not resort to ficnattona!iflrii, If you want A Live, Clean At tho time of day when oyoryono hft the moat lieauro to road, have tho JOURNAL loft at your door. t Only 2 Cents a Day. THE Will U found laboring earnestly for practical ralormtt in city, county, 4t, and national gowmmtnk It beliavwi ia making th burdn of taxation upon th H0pl9 a light m powibfe It do not bliv in ring, bo or political Machine nMMopoliMfif Um political jKrww tltat UioNf wfely to Um fl. TtwwiwUfWW and paid; lino Hi tirlcofl to tjoffljpoto uio ikm fMtonfti timu a, rtinimtmrnrMinn f J)HAYBANDTitUOKfJ Bell (did deliver wood) hy, cowl nnd lumber. Of flna Ml l ML.otnoflftflMfi g - Jht,- LiUDING MMJilANT TAJ LOR, Journa Newspaper CAPITAL v JOURNAL HBBBBBHBHOM HES98B9BES9BBS8SESBBS White 4t Tanner's Livery, ., .(. fiArk urtd frfd nfnMrf A nil !ifHlrmMeil lit ilnJ", W" of, ftionlli. Iim ln.doiitli of wiilnmfUe IiMm itiriiii mamniwwmiiMMapMii Jcv33. O. NE1U 180 BTA'rE BTItEJCT. TINWARE, ROOFING, -STOVES,- Crcmnery and Bairy Sap 1!1ch, Slccl lEangcs, Parlor tUuitavti la all Styles a Spe cialty. CLOTHES WIllllOEHS AND WASHERS -Tlio best on earth. Give us a cull. 10:Stf. For Rent. Now holme of 4 rooms. North Halem. on Mr lino, two block north of noliool, 17.00 ii tnontli ttl udviiHoe, (Jco, JCchlruth, Ui'UllU. White's No. 60, BALKM'S FINEBT TRUCK, Nnw TtmAv tnr tiuliiM. ('nrcfiil work a specialty. J. V. WHXTK. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South of WUIaiaastt Hot.l, BAbM ... OHBOOW WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, S200.000 Tranwot a gnrAl banking business In all Its btanotiea. OKO, Wll.MAMH. lesldent WM. KN OLANJJ Vloe i'rMlden UVUMtoNAUY Uosbler. l)HKOT01lB( Ota, Wllllams.Wm. Eng land.Mr. f . A. lllobardsou, J, W, llodou, , A llsker. , .. llatik In new Kxebaage bloek on Oorn Daerebil street. MM J. H. HAAS, TILK -vrATOILMAKEn, 2iK Commmlti it, tslim, 0rgs, (Next door to Kielo's.) NpMtalty ol Upteuttm. sBd repairing Uuiiut, Wattes aad Jmkti. Paper Hangerand Decorator. CHM at Ohmtt WYwt' M mUmft m. M. T. RINEMAN r J. i. Wifl'M yMif Iiomm ftfiil IhimIm nil hnnd Ulnco nt l(lile( Uoiiiiiiervlrtl hurt 'Jfndr UROSS, is, Wliolc.milo siuil Itotail Ilcnlur In Fresh, Suit ami tiinokcil Moats ol'itllSiliKls OH Court and 110 State Btvools, T. Teuftorcsof good Harden Innd near 8a loni. Apply at onca to HOKKltllRiw, JouitNAi- oince. Oood enrrtrn lnnd thrcci miles ft)ihpnt ofiliopenltonllnry on Mnclciiy ron J2SJ down ntl ba'nncu on 5 to lu jeiiriVtltne. Or trado for city property. 1). A. Ilnrrls, Haioin. 1!JU W. Taylorf. House Cleaner, Gardner and Grneral Jobber CARI'ET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY, Leave ordors at ThomtiH it Johnson's 26(1 Ooimncrclnl streot. MONEY TO LOAN On improved Uenl EHlal". In amounts and time to suit. Ho dolay In coiHlderlnc loans. FEAR & HAMILTON. lloom U, Ilush Hank block. G 12dw Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balom, Oregon. V. A. CUHICK, Pres. W. W, MA11TIN, Vlcol'res. J. II. A1.11KHT, Caslilor. Utate, County. and City Warrants bouuhl at far, dw THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OJRMQON. Hates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel bclweeu 1'ortluud and Hun Francisco. Flrat-cluM In all Its iitirxjlut ments. Its tables aro nerved with Vm Choicest ITrultti Orown In the Willamette Valley, A. I. WAGNER, Prop. Residence 882 Church St. J. J. MUTTON, SIGN AND HOUSE PAINTER, Decorator, KnlHOtnlner and Pa per Hanger. Leave orders at A. II, Iluren A Bon's Kur allure store or Broutdt Olle, (irocers. Notico Of DISHOlllliOM. rpUK grocery Arm of H. Karrar 4 !o. Is X tlil day dlHtol vpd by mutuui uinsept, Kqulru Kurrur lifllrlnir. from said bultn, and John A. Van ICa.on coiitlnulug tlm biuliiws at i he Mirne plac. All persons owing raid Ann can settle thdracooiinls Willi cither Hjwlre Kairar or J, A, Van liilon, balem. Oregon, Jan. 7, 1H0T. M04K H, KAUItAUACO. Mr I.lttle Mcm Had Woniei). KOR 1803 Is made MpreM-ly lor the younger boysi and Kirl. wbu read ttwlr Hioslue at home and In tettool Jirwy hHmbwwM osBtaln s4orles, sptr. IuhI pictures, putKs,vcr and Jial,und )4MM to p4Hk In aefcoo ." Hrlds all iM tbere utll i,e vu fahuvrlw erUit Three UUle (MAa-lHtutr. Hj Oilve w pr. AHabot(t.retuiriiubludr.iiurMi oS4MfteetilMra who Mlied afouodCape Hutu Ut California. The House We JJe la. Hy ITlnl H. ri4wlsi Ail aAout our ''heads, hands, mA 'the ri o us;" uA Use stuly)" f hrslui r. A UI'M UMMMiMa, urmi.s'ia, pr AVrymr. Teewr ' a tir wbonmmm Choice Moa 15 ACRES! fit f!inlnMAf. AHU fidMNM Attfj fW,WSwffiS BlrPWi i IT jnif di fitf, fwiin f, li MW . oiuum . ai imtfM.m, mu iMfAiM, wfffit. irfjjmi, (iitufjow irtdit ntiw IW((WI, (HtUfj ji'h r.r inf.(u si tt i iTffrT?, iffACf U. t. JULllFf, iiMllW rtf ftw. fifTIi 0f nfniHiNiimH(iiirttiit,itrti(!iti, m inipii. uicumt "tW. fIfnfh(i.Al lr otti rtnim1 ftwms of nt nnttif remi nun iwti JOHN A. JIAIWW..A mlllrtliijf, Bnliti,lifiii Attitf Hf, M . m. HUSH'S .trttllt 'ifiW?1 Ii, r. IKIIIAM. .W. M. lUlfiMfit, I IfttlJMM A HufjflM, in liusti'KiiItivN, betweAtt fltnlc I Alttlj lOMISfS ki mw. I. 011118 mn1 il ixuirfi mi Miti HI Ml. i wriTiRt iiMtNuiri(ityiwrijiitK yitirplitii tut, lit tiititoii. Urer JAtiil & I. Ill (It Hifm.t litsh'd MilH ItfUoltf II If. IIUAimHAH'.l'UYmfAK ANII 1. ptttgwiii nitictii, urnrurti tiirife in int'lt'llfff nmti blittt!, iitxtnlrs lll(iiiiofl MfiisrHlitlcnnilR H ctirittr Winter MfMii, It, W. Hi MUl'fi. il BOtin, Oftlro In Kli slfliitt rtiid sun liiso illOCRi Htt' oiil.ori'tf.m Oli w hours IU (o, JUHp, in. nlt,,r,t!.8MIM , l)etillsl,W8lalslfPcl J Hnlcm, Or, r inlAhPd ilsutnl oporrv ftons of every (lesvtlpthm. rrtiulpssoiicriv lltinsaspMlnlly (If 1), I'tlUll, Architect, IMans, Hpecl V . rienlliitm and stiperlniptidene lor til oiiiMri or imllilltiKs, Odlro iwo Uom niefclrtl Ht up stairs, 0A. UUIIMItr, Arohllect, room til, Mar , gtlitm Inillilhitf, fnrllniitl, Oregon. DW TtMVNHKNI), Civil iJiigin.cratid , Hiirveyiir, oillco with Oregon Land U,Biiloin,OreKOii P J, IjAIIHKN A CO,. Manufacture of all i , kltidsufvehlclon. KopalrluRuspeclah y. Hlmii 4ft Htntd street. nit TI7riONlAlI)OMN0.3.A.O U.W. L Meets In thoir hull In estate Insurance uuliclliijj, every WidiieKilay vvenluir, , H. A. Mot''Al)UB,N,Al. W. J. A HlifiWOOl), Recorder. tMI'HOVKI) Oltl)i:tt OK HKD'tMKN, I KamluKun Tribe No. H, Balom. Holds ooitnell every Tliursday ovoiilnir,at7:30. Wluwain In btato Insurance ball, K. (). ilAKKlt, Prophet. KU,NK O. WATKllH.UIilef of Ilotxirds Tho Pacific Detective and Collecting Bureau. 3A.L1CIVI, ... Oregon. C. B, CLEMENT, Mmager. Ofllce room 3, Gray lilock. Rates roasonablo. i'ubllo and prlvato work done. KDOOATIONAL. Go to the Best. The placo'.'lor; young; Indies nnd Rentlo tne1 to hocuro aiiUorouglioduoitlon is the old, but overiuew. W1LLAMLTTE UNIVERSITY. I amis and still tho loading Institution ot tho North Wont. Uotter than evcrl Now course of Instruction In Oratory, rbeolosy and I'osUUraduatcd. Kl'UUl lis. Normal, UuHluesa, Academy, Colleae, uud Ijiw courses grtnlly enlarged und iiupi'oved. Kuoultles Increased and improved. For t'atiilniiuo ot OoIU'ko of Law write Dean H T. HtebardNon. Ksq , Halem, Or. For CatnliiKite of Colleuo of Medical and Pharmacy write Deuu IllcbmondKolly.M. D.. Portland, Or. For cencrul UataloKUO write Ilev. Qeo. WhltuUcr, 1). D., President, Balem, Or. 7-'!5-m-dw FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUf Will be opened to Btudonls Sept. IS, 1602. OHors lh uioHt practical courses of study ol any kchool In the Btato, viz: Mccbantcal l?ngluccrlue, Civil Knglnterlng, Klcotrlcal KnglucerliiK, Academic ana Grammar soliool coumes Studenta pructlcodally In wood shop, machine shop, and lubora toilcs. Tuition and Hoard per Year, $1(10. Snf clal Inducements to a few vouna-sfen who wish to work for their board und tulM further information, address EDWIN MUItUIBON, M.B , Prosdent, Halem, Or, IvIiss Bailout's KINDERGARTEN. TIiritD YEAK Opens Monday, Beptemuer ISth, at Kin. dcrunrlen Hull, opposite opera house. Children received at three years of aee and over. A cennecting: class will bo t. tabllahed lor advanced Kindergarten pu 8 Us and those beginning primary work, nly the best modern Kindergarten meth ods employed. Prang's s stout ol drawing und color work Introduced, ENGINE AND BOILER fTtOK rale. The! holler is an K-horeeup L' rlglit iuiuiar.and the engine a tt-tire Uonuntil. Both are In good condition, and cn.t 1700 when new.1 Apply to A. II. K)lt-tTNKIta O0.,'oppc- slte First National liank. OAPANEJJB1D CURE A new and CimplUe Treatment, eosslst Ing (4 supimIUmTmi, ointment In eapsules, also a Un i.d pllUj a piMltlie eure for ternal, luternat, Mind or bleeding, Itcnlag. chroulr, reciiit or hereditary riles, mud Uiauy other dlMMes and fcinale weak in -.', Hltaluajsa araat lo4t to the gjii rI ti-lity lbs first Oiouv ery ol a u.iJ.l cure rtiufl.iiagaaopemUo with the mo in Uiiavs-.ry UimtUtr. This rnsMy lut uv. mai) kuuwu w Mil. l r.HR'IIAHJj iWifiWP'ft 11 Hnlnlll.UfMun. n..u m tew i ur tasii. wi HOf CD UttlHCM, - ' Cta nw'.aa" 'jwwnBi'jj"iijMsinje MfHMHI(r".IMIAflif Hm(Mi1. riffH ClplUI fiUfflnl fuMMllArf fiftlftf Mi llrtMifftrtralttift (HlrMi,nWtnrlnlrUfft,(lt ',. HHlMlM fettlrtt Al m Ml'inlce ht KUlfltMM MffntlrlMitflaKif. f IIM mm rlf.ROtOHAIr TiOKM. tlwiwl Ut WcHVpf vo( wliloh ifevn(f(l Mt, (JIveUiid rewlvlux ft olrjRf iiirtjuflly of (ho tmlhili c(. 'I'Wti.lhlftln of Ihrtt void Wnn utwl !y UdiiltiOfrtld who ihh(fillly lirefotfeil to wo (lie olcolorrtl VoIm of lliclf fMieeil vo Blnlfri go (o WettVef futlief tlinli (o llnffg(ili,-lct MoltteA Ijprttlcr, l)elii. Whitt (ho iifntlcf 8rtj8 to (rtio. To (ilttltil n rotitlllntN nil who voted for Wi'ftvor olfoltiM hi (ho htto elcolloil Is Abstlftl, Yet (hi la prvolsvly Wlmt (ho l'oiullst iiiunnKcra nrc ttoliiKi niitl Gun. Wcnvor hhnpfla guilty of biicIi iiitarciirceoiilittloii. Tho truth In dint hi noma nta(ofl I ho ntnJorKy of those who vo(l for Weaver electors were not Populists, but oppoButl lo tho Populists, They ho voted becniiso they cotild do more for Domoorntla huoucss liy voting fur Weaver electors than they could do by voting for straight Demoorutlo ele'itors, Tho DutuocrutH controlled tho national houaoof repreooutullvcR whtuh would oleot tho president in cnao no onndlduto shoultl scotiro u clean nmorlty of tho electors There Wcrouot a fuw states In which tho Democrats could not jwsHlbly win, but hoped to defeat Republican electors by voting with tho Popu- Jlats for Weaver electors enough of such states, In certain contingencies, to throw tho election of president Into tho house. This would have been equivalent, of course, to tho election of Mr. Clovoluud. The Democratic national commit tee accordingly urged the Democrats In such western states as wero abso lutely hopeless on party lines to unito with tho Populists on fusion electoral tiokets where mixed tlokets could be ttgreed upon or to support tho Populist electoral tickets whero fusion tickets could not he agreed upon. The ordors of tho national commlttou wero obeyed In many cases and tens of thousands of Dem ocrats thus voted for fusion or straight Populists electoral tickets. The Populist leaders do them solves no credit by ignoring or mis representing tho facts. They are perfectly well understood, and are to obvious to bo misunderstood. Exchange. MUNEYAND"l!IRCULAT10N." Sioux City, la., Jeurnal: Tho amount of money In circulation per capita Is now almost double the amount in 1800, being $24.32 now and having been till then. Wbon we rtlleot upon tho onhauoemant of actual circulation by moans of im proved communications, tho devel opmontof baukiugaud tho Increased use of commercial paper, the actual lncreaso Is enormous, A dollar now thus docs service equivalent to many dollars then, and thro aro ueurly twico as many dollars per capita. Tho function banking as a part of actual money circulation, or, what is tho same, as an agency to reduce tho need of cash In Individual pockets, can hardly bo overestimat ed, and Is not popularly fully appre ciated. In other words, tho bank Increases tho economic power of money. Instead of a thousand in dividuals carrying a wtlujiit of mon ey in their pockets or storing It lu private tills or safes, a fraction of tho amount of sheer cash which would bo so required Is held lu tho common deposit of tho bank, and tho same transactions easily eduoted. Tho real functions of a bank Is a matter of bookkcoplng,or, to bo more precise, tho balancl ig of debts. A owea JJ, U oves C, O owes D, etc., with every vurlety of relation bo tweeu tho various parties. Obvious ly if each carries tho cash to settle his balunccs much more cash In the aggregate and much moro trouble will be required than If a common agency to transact tho business. This Is what the baiiK does. The progress of banking, Its populariza tion during tho lust third of u cen tury has been wonderful, Even the average wago earner does not now think of hoarding his savings In a stocking, burylug It in a cellar or hiding It away In some nook or cranny, but he leaves It with the banker where, upon his check, his balances are settled. Innumerable exchanges uud the resulting bal ances are thiw dUqKwwl of, even In the wuall brauebtaof buluiM), with out a single palm being warmed with a coin. And the point k that it to all eooaomy, The eah yheu aygrepatwi suftio not only toetfeot the exchaHj but kUo to bwome, In turn aol lu addition, the bU of ottwr tnuMfttitioftf ,whkb would b lwpQwIbl If tlit moay wm U fflgfllBC6f Hfl ft iMmtiitfftf(M,1jfaitft Royal Axmumw mm jUMiim'Mi iiiimun imssissmsji mn iicri(fot, miMAMit. TI10 Into rJonnlnrrt (HlmoH Ami Kclillrt wofotiifthof exOillminl ftbll lly, Ioiik pxKfleiic In iiiUln Ufa, nikl honest devotion loths hnifii. Ififrtila of Hits cotiiilfy j nnd yet iiH(h cr of (hem left behind him any pt iimiioiit memorial of his nofvlee. 'J'lielf iinitJM nte frtinlllnr (o (ho of. dhmry howaimpef rentier simply by fraaoii of (heir Reiicritl relation (o (ho Work of legislation, and (hey will noon ho forgotten, They per formed their (tulles with industry und fldollty, and wero useful (n (heir coiifltlluoiits In many way; but they did not Identify thoinaelvc conspicuously with any great tntms tiro or movement, and so their fame will not survive. It Is no dlsparagf iiiotit of their substantial merlin to any that with all their apparent chances of distinction, they failed to make any lasting Impreaslou upon the pages of current history, AN UNFAIR" CRITICISM. Etmxm Oapita'i. Jeuunal: lu your Usuo of iho 17th Inst., un der tho heading, "The UU'rkshl) Nuisance," you (unintentionally nt doubt) do a largo number ofver, worthy and eminently competent and respcctublo ladles a very mani fest Injustice Except It can bo said to be a crime for a lady to seek holi est employment in tho pursuit of an honest livelihood, tho great majority oftholadicc who have been in at. tendance nt tho cupltol during a week or so have beon guilty of no olfence. I have beon In n position during tlio session, so fur, to observe closely tho deportment of the ladles who havo been applicants for po sitions, and havo Interested myBelf In assisting soverel In their quest Of plaoea, and have fouud such of the applicants as I have beon thrown In Immediate contact with, intelligent, dlsoreot and lady llfie. -""" Tho assumption that lady clerks are usurping tho places of the mon Is far fetched, though un objeotlon to their employment often heard. Women aro entitled to an equal show In tho road of Ufe'und who would arbitrarily impede her, will, and should, And himself left In that race himself. And, thon, women employed about tho capltol aro Imbibing pri mary lessons in statecraft, and this must provo a posit I vo galu to tho world, They aro to be as thoy ftavo been, the mothers of men. Perhaps I should huvo opposed the Introduction of lady dorks In the capltol originally, but now that tho thing has tieeu done, and thoy have proven themselves efllclent and trustworthy, it wero folly to hope that they will over bo excluded from the public service, and It Is not de sirable that they should be. Yours, J. H. Upton, HUaailSTKI) flOMSIKNT. Tho Chlneao baby at Washington, which Isso youug that It has not been through ono presidential term of four years, has already fulleu heir to the finest opal lu tho world. The opal belongs to tho Chinese minister. It Is as lurgo as a pigeon's egg autl is surrouuded by beautiful whlto dia monds. Tho minister wears it lu his cap on state occasion, and tho baby woro It upon tho riuy lu baby's Ilfo which corresponds to an Amerl can christening. Eugene Guard: T. T, Qcer, tho author of tho Oregon railroad com mission, Is In fuvor of amending tho luw in such a maimer us to compel tho railroad companies to maintain tho expense of the commission. This la douo In several of (hestates, and tho supreme court has rendered tho decision (hat such a provision I con stltutlouul. If tho Orvgon laws wero amended to that extent the stuto would bo relieved of an expense that amounted last year to (20,000. There is not a word being said about Cleveland's duty to do mime: thing for Gen. Weaver, and yet he Is more Indebted to (hut uuqlue per son for his eleetlou than tuy other one Individual lu the eouatry, &. Louis Glot Democrat. V UUHB The value of a Kan City man' noee hue been imut'snud by a jury at only a little over WOO. . A number of DemoentU lu tuwu feel eertaln of going to be tulatettr at Hawaali, Uouotulur aetue 4br mi 1 dWKSf I UWl MHMMSWMWMaMMSSMaMMI tr ourtse MH hmc5 A flfrWWiffi! Ttoti It t!ei ita t'h pretty, iiltlrrif, t WfHmtti Wi OfJcmiUt (1k At A tfrwwati Mm rootn Ntt m iw nwM routed Kw ehttok In hm 1 forehead rt M neiwork aHi Htid who !ih1 fi0ftptrdtttj me warm nnd imc bajm coiuo to iwiievo luneb m Without ono, Htid Uiy foHI hn1 not had (lioirdliWiHi raketl Hi tho omatt chmfrim wntierwi with a irriwnote ono cotild nco olie took no i hordtitlwi, It wag plain i APovoio hefldaoh turn i Itiif hut titilot ewetueion, i und an winy sofa. Men who 1 oxiwrlcnco with womn looked find folt Borry fn her, Ono such wag n waiter, who. bolug light at that hour, wmi ing nmong tlio cltnira and lettrtaf ; viBlblo trttco of lils THtMAge. b i tho in-otty cnsliior aitUng there ' hor fnco nitckorcd un. He went to hor nnd tried io cheer her with fow words mtltnlrie io the occaelon.f Sho morolv nodded a ronly. "Lot'u eeo what I've got ia y 1va;uui jui j", wmi uio nsiWTL,s adopting tho tono ono usee toward , child. Ho folt in tho deptha.of jacket pocket, and brought (forth small object. "There I You can fcavfeu thnt to play with,'1 said he. He 1 it down nnd wont about hie Valine Sho picked it up without the interest in tho world and looked at i It was only n common red 1 nnd sho had noUBofortt. ' Shl not ovon smilo at tho 'humor ol gift. Sho dually thrust W on tho wooden toothpicks that I a lingo bunch boforolier. Theyi tied about with a bright hued riM and tlio nrccrnckor among them l a certain decorativo effect that hor for a moment. Then, she 1 away again and nurstid her J A man with a twinkle is hie carao up and paid his real had a cood light 0H.haj touchcdllirTuso'-of tn witliit Tho cashier did no' look up at him as ho passed by. wont to a corner ami jtngiea Wm' chango in his iiockot wltilhe Wtn0 cu uovoiopmcntn. t','jr Thoy woro not long in OM&dL' Wlfl, n CT,lf,rnl HfllAKono-&- .I.U.4 M,'tWU MVWW MW, m 1 cracker exploded. Tlio to flow in all directions. The and fourteen othor girls Tlio proprietor rushed forth claimed, "I'd givo flfty',JWIeJi know who did thatl'' The-- heard him and got out of sight, things quieted down, and the ap tico girl in tho placo wa set to oriucr un tho toothpicks. . , But tho pretty cashier 'euftbthtt' J down hor hnlr, looked up with" vhy clouded faco and Bftid, with mm ) laugh: "Well, it cured my headache way l" Now YorkTimoa, Tlmurousiicss of Notable ! Tlio lato Lord Derby earned titlo of tho "Rupert of Debate" i hia doiihlng alacrity, but he "Wliou I am going to week throat and lips nro as dry m ttoeej a man who is Koing to be he Ho novor roso to speak without porioncing a peculiar anavwryj pleasant "nervous trotnor, '' nwi in Bald or Xjohi Xjynunww. eminent jurist and etet totally unablo to free hi boginning to ond of. he tropidntion and nervoiM, when ho got upon Ida lag fi oithor a court or parll ning, too, told hia friedjli know boforohnud, by h sot of symptoms, whetr win and liold the ear oil and oxtort tho ndrairatwa liia advorBarlea. He wa i 8:ioua of an ominous oWft It meant not failure, a dread, but n fiuo omOJi. Journal. Ait AffVetlnnate ) Mrs, Do Not (rirov cako of eoan on your wi threo month ao, and iV m aa it was tlicn. Small Son Y-s, keeniu it to remewher y News. Had NH FmM Vm Editor Yon tar yo want Rome jokes you left here twfl w ay, xjwae jk " Mr. CUwtnut-How loaf 'Oh, about fifty or al haafliw." Ufa. .. i rtl iiMMiaf t4 p4Nr rax joukkai. r i-f bw iutiu !