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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1893)
4 53rT'W " T'ors EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL , VOL, i immmmmmnmmmmvzniyjL'fitmT!'i ; mi!! i ' " YOU ARE MISSING BARGAINS it you do mi piiroliAM your UQMVAW, IWOMflWMA ft, llMJIflfra. MM, Sf NJMMlft, fft Osburn's Racket Stored TlioyJmve Hi'MOAT VAMJM0 In UllfV ?m flhmtmi, 2,00 fid $0, 'fkyrtk lumtillMtii, $145 Clint 1m Uki Ijoh( (n Uio oily Air lli immay. Sou wliaUlwy Imvo In OlffDRKN'fcJ BfJOMJ Ijoforo mklf yoiif Wfel.M, uul yoii will &AV.I3 MONJW. 261 Commercial St, - S&l&m, Ofsgon, SawhL and Door Kwotory Fronti Street) Solorti; Oregon, Tho bent chisfl of work in our lino at rkw to aofnjioto with tho lowoufc. Only tho bout ruuiorfal tiwufl C, N, CHURCHILL T 8, flUfUIOUOIIS CHURCHILL & JlUItllO (JGH8, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fittors; SHEET METAL WORKEHS. Agent for tho celebrated economic force mid lift Pump. . ,, 100 Chomokotn Street. Salem Truck k Dray em Iron works. Drays and trucks tua corner er state anu uommerciai F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. THE wening dap IT All th.e Anddoeanot porvcrfc, disguise or cover up what tho public is interested to know. At tho same timo it does not resort to sensationalism. If you want A Live, CI At the time of day when oyeryone has the most liesuro to read, have 'the JOUKNAL loft at your door. Only 2 Cents a Day. w found. laboring earnestly for practical reform in 'city, county, state, and national government. It believes in making the burdens of taxation upon the people as light M.poeeibl. It doe not believe in rings, bosses or politic maokinee monopolizing tfte political powers that .beloAg olly to the people. ?h disiatweeted and patii- 'WW1UJiiurHt J0EyA1' m m mm "WW ntOPMIW lA I'M," Co. DRAYB AND TRUCKS ulways ready for order, Bell und deliver wood, buy, coal und lumber, Of- nco winto fit., opposite Mo- may bo found throughout the dAV u streets. LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. a HAS - News nJWsnJpnin j w" Journa Newspaper CAPITAL -:- JOURNAL Atm, (mmotit mimiM, tnuvAUY m, mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiimmmtmmmmnim s ttWION 'l'MWKU, White k Tanner's Livery, (daeeeawfi Ui ,. Mw liittff .ijd feed fM A jhl lffKirf(i(llir,Hy, ffttn or uiomiii M.el,Ulllli Of Wllblffieil Hotel WWMWWMMMW Ed. C. mm ft BLOSSER 130 STATE STREET. TINWARE, ROOFING, -8TOVEB,- rcniucry and Dairy 8up jH!8, biccl UitnCH, Parlor Ilcatcrn in all StyJcH aHpc dally. CLOTHES WRINGERS AND WAfllERS SrThc btfit on earth. Glvo m a cnii. mm. For Rent. New hotiKO of 4 room. Nortli Hdlun, on ear Itiir, Ivrn UUickt uuriU ofchol. t7XiO a mouth hi Mrtvunce. (Joo, Ktcliirtitli, UW-lm, ite's No, 60, HALEM'8 FINEST TltUOK, Wor rwdy tor builacM. C'riful worJr a ptlIty, J. If. Wlll'tIC ELLIS k WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. Mouth ot WiUanaatt Motl, HALKM ... OHKOOM WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAP1TJIL STOCK, ill SobKfiled, 1200,000 TranAt n iMstn bunking btinln In Mil IU Umucltat, (IVJ. WHA.IAMH ....I'ffldonl WM. KN (ifANI. .......Vlco J'relda UUOIlMcNAltY .......Oxlilcr. j) HKrroK8i ao, wnni,Wrn. kbk. Und.l'r, I. A. ltlctirdMu, J, W, Jiodnou, 4, A Hkr, . , , ItitriK In nvwKtehkow hUxsk on (lorn raoreUI tt. fcla-ll J. H. HAAS, THIS WATOU3IAKEH, 2lXCinrt(llt thn,8iiHr (Nzt dxr to KI1b'.) HpotUttr of tHeUetm. tmd rfIJiBf Chfc. WnUiW s4 Jmrilr, B. K. HALL, Papw Hangftrand Decorator, OfltM t Cfc, CWvtrt'f'MHlWMfy (M. M.T, RIKEMAN frnVcwJEt&HnlKsL arm men Mum iniiri isii j, ft mum MUn A Whlffe ) jMppif t( htitft ul fmtfjtlf onco at stable jOiOfneroiid tid fiitffeiM ti lifted and 'Irade Cross IS. a WliolcMnlo mtil It oinl I Dottier In Fresh, S'nlt ami Hiuokoil MaixiH oI'mIIKIjhIb Off Court mid 110 Mate Streets. FOR RENT. T.I1 crf of Kfwxl Kitf deti Intnl ntnrBfi. lorn, Ajiply nt onea to UOKUitlUHH, Jouumai. ofilco. 15 JO Unod kt1mi Innil tliren rnllcn oullift oftlio H'til(entlry on Miicicny nmil t26() do ii Hurt ba'nn. o on ft lo ) ypum time. ortMdoforcliy paporty. U. A. Jlnrrl. Httlem, lz-13 tr W. Taylor," House Cleaner, Gardner and General Jobber CAM'ET LAYING AND CI.EANIflO, WllirE- WASHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY, Lorir ordera at Tliomnfi A Johnson' 0 Coriiiiierciul street. MONEY TO LOAN On improved Ittal IlnK In Hfrtotiulx nnd 1 1 trio to suit. Sso delay lu conldorlng lOtttl. FEAR & HAMILTON. lloorn U, llQih Ilnuk block, A 12d Authorized Capital (fiOO.OOO. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Hufcm, Orrgon. W. A. CUHIOK. I'll. W. W. MAIITIN, Vlco i'rwt. J. 11, AM1KUT, Cnihler. Malt, Oountyjond City W fir run In butielil at l'ur. dw THE WILLAMETTE, &AZEM, OltlSQON. Hates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The bet liolol blwen 1'ortlntid andHuD VraucMX. KlrUlnM In nil IU unpulut menu. IU tible uro nerved Willi th Choicest Jfrultu Otaytn lo the Wlllatnelte Vulley, A. I. WAGNER, Prop. RcMtdeiico 382 Cburcli St. J. J. MUTTON, SIGN AND HOUSE MISTER, Decorator, Knlw)tnlner and I'a ixjr IIuii;er, fv nrdm at A. II. Hnrtn A Hon' Yuf. nilureUre(jr DriHtt AUUe, (Joccrn. Notice of DIhioIiiUoii. f 11 11 Kr-ry firm ot H. Karrnr AlVi, l J. tiifdy j(,ived by inuluulixnHiit, Kjulre Ylt1 iHlrlnif roii ald biiplueM, and J.ilui A. Vim Ii on eontliiulritf tu buttuem at I be iwrn i1ho-. All K'"" owing id firm Mrifolfle lbtlrayuuti. wliti dibor Manure Karrar wIii(0hh Jua.1, iwi. r0-H M. fAKHAK&CO, Mr Utile Men and Women, i'ok iaoo . U Made npr4ly tor tb yoHnjfr 1071 and khU, who imuI i4i4r gzlne at boiu and lnbit Krwy nirrlH fl(lfi (irlt,iir- 114 fHM(lra,fMt,Vr aud JlMKlf,i4tid 'tilca t Mk In mm, ," Kr.lM.ll IMH MM wH) f WW MlWlB WUI'I 7kftAUl (UM-JHuhh. H(llIUr. mr AMtrtMttbrmri(aita4i uiM .MblMrH who ll4 aM4id Crtv Mwa Ut OtMufnUi. , . YlHiMwWeUir la. Wy Uvlala H, (kMMiwlfl AH atrfMil or "hand, Iihd4, ih rt M Hf wH Ilk TfUrt'Oirfutn Orau'tfAps. H Ofte Vr, Tkauj ai buy wm f44 ' uf mm mvw Vk. My Miw Clioice Moa mm sew1 ".-ami flWffiUffWAfc Al ll(t((, AM Jll'WrlWffi A ftpy At ft fooiff 7 rrt,umi KrJtmnHioiHiK,iMidii(, Offjofi, AffMftAl rt Ut. ("root fotun4 of.ntiw lUininofMi ini nna 1 I fJdtiff JH. turn a OAIU'IM, AlliifM. lit Mt 'HllliilrtH, ?rtl(tli,(irinpn. vmnt 1 nun i, Man Ijiltjd A IHKU-R.b: null's Im(ih stlyf HftntlNHAM. . , ,W. H. KOliMKH, IJU.IIAM tf ll(lf,Mrfl, AlUI ifnr4 (it l 1. JJIIIIOIII l!(lh ,l una Cuiirf, oiil'oin iHt, (Jiitte itf Hind i,(k, btweu 8mtf MB. I'OtJUMy (siAiibjjfrfptifr mid Tytm 1 tfrlllM ilMlntulppcd typflflfrljiiitf Hntli'i Hiiip, "in one, in urrrfon uvor iitiaa A I'rf butiR, Mi4im, Oregon, U It. mtrttt VW, I'HYSlWAfc ANlJ J aurgfotif niein dregoti. Oltlco til iiii'li'lOfyiilitri tiiock. iipiiiilfn , Itwiltlpnee wifiisr ti(4ilrind8. M corner Winter ulrcoti D It, tV, H MOW.piifnlolun and tt Kcoii, Ullliio In Kldrldtts DIook, Biv 0fltJhmirH 10 la JOB. Hill, iclitfOrtff.m in. 1 Ml ip, Jtl. rSt(7'r. U. HMtlt, ienUl,WU(oi!(rft, JL Hfiitfiri, Of. Kinlnhcd denui operiv (TTmik of every rionurlutlou. ralnleirt opera. lloiiftniclnlty, t lh 1'UOll Architect, I'lnni, Speob W , floHtlotiD nno tuperintendciice lor all olnaKcs of buildings, OIlct 'juo Oom. merclAl Ht., tipUill OA HOflHItr, Architect, room 421, Mar , qurtm building, r'ortlaud, UrcKon. DW.TOWNSKNI), Civil Kuglneerand , Htiryeyor, Ollco with Oregon Laud to , Salem, Oregon, n Ji liAKHENACO,, Mnnnrnctureornll I , klndoof volilulcd. Itepalrlug a ipeclab y, hliop 4SMIstlreel. pit I'fKtrnON UiUQKli0 1. A,0 u.w- Mcels In their bull In Htuta Inmmino uubdloi. every vV dnM(lv evenlnir. H, A. MoKAbUttM, M. W. J, A HKfjWOOD, Ueooider. fMI'UOVKI) OltllKlt OP IlKn:MKN. 1 Kiilnliikliu TriboNo. 8, Halein. tloldr ixiiiucU every TbilMdny evening, at 7:80. Wigwam In btuto Iiimiruiico ball, V. O. UAKKlt. I'rophet. KIlNK (1. WATHIW. filler of lleoord Tho Pacific Detective and Collecting Bureau. SALftMi ... Oregon. C. B, CLEMENT, Minjg.r, Oniue r(M)in 11, Gray lllock. ltnttw roasonablu. l'ubllo and private work done. EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. Tho plaee'Jlor; yonngj ladles nnd gentle men toMecuroniihorougb'duoatlou Is the old, but uvonnow, WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. lxmg nnd Mtlll tho lending Institution 01 tho North Went. Hotter than ever I Niw course of Innlructlou lu Oratory, I heolnuy and I'oHt-Urnduated. KrullllS-Noriiiu .lluBlnerui, Academy. College, and ltw courne greutly enlarged und Improved. KneultloH IncrcaKod nnd Improved. For Catalogue of College of Law write Dean H T. Illpliurdson, Kr( ,Hulem,Or. KorCutuloeiioor Collego of Medical and 1'inirmiKiy write Ooau Hlchuiund JCelly.M. O., I'ortbind.Or. Kor general Catalogue wrlto Itev. Geo. Whltttkcr, I). D., I'resldt-nt, Halem, Or. I'&llllKlW FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will be opened tn ntudonU Bept. IS, 18U2. (liter Ui. mom practical coursrof ntudy nluny kchoul in Him Htnte, vlr: Mnchanlail Knglneerlng, Civil Knclntertng, ICIoctrlcal Ktiglueorlng, Arudemla and Mrammar roUo'.i courtefi HtudeuU practice dully In wood hIioji, muchloe shop, and labora torles. Tuition and Hoard per Year, ISO. Special Inducement ton few young men who wIhIi lo work for their hourd and tul. Hon during vatiitlonn, Kor pros pectu und further Information, add reus KDWIN MUIUtlHON.M H, l're8dent,riulem, Or. Ivliss Ballou's KINDERGARTEN. THIRD YEAR Opoim Monday, Hoptemuer 19th. at Kin dergarlen Hall, opiONlte opera house. Children reeelvrd at three yenni of age and over. A connecting oUim will bo tH lal'll.hed for advanced Kindergarten pu pun and lboe beginning primary work. Only the best modern Kindergarten meth od employed, i'raug'i. tiyntem ol drawing and color work Introduced. ENGINE AND BOILER rXK 1e, The; boiler U an K-bome up L right tubular, land the engine a 0-h .rue borir Jiittl, lioih are In good condition, and ct 1700 when new,' Apply to A. II, r-OIMT.VKilA WL.'oppO luVlr.tNutloimUtaiik, APANEJ 13 IILE JL. HBMMMBl CURB AftwandChmpleteTratiAeat, eosiUt lug of kiippodt'irMNi, ointment In eafwulM, ahM a box abft 1.IIU; a )xlt4e euie or e. lariat, ltrMf, blind or bUHxlliur. Iteblur. ebronle. fteeol or beredlUiry rlK, as4 tuy WUr IImnumm and moale weak. hmwm; It U I warn a grt bflt to the KMiefttI iMwitl. The nrtv tftaeovary o a wiwihmi pr rwioef mg m uytmwe rim to anna auuxotwwry unmmt. tkw piy baa U4vr ko kbown to I k MrrlMk 4immh wfcaa a ML n fl f. tUhitAHMHU. Oi . AfflHTM H ti it ipialt. uioe, eftf fief ( mwiftftttiptti.iiffwm. m!Ss '"fO-Mt'S - nit! mm, mmi MfimttUM, ti'diti PUAUMMltfAM.Ml'r.Pt&VtltiW, Kr KM tipk ioiltM r'uljllsfilrt fJomny, (ffieofpfjfAil.l fifftfJtifnmcUl Hlf eel, If) 1. 0. Itttlidlng At ikfi pOftlOfrlM At Mtniit)ti MbM-tiHUMUt. A ftkl'CllLUJAN liDTY, ilk llidddly oMlio fciircscnln (IVH 111 this legislature) (0 stAtuI by llitl fodoftl 61 tllfJ imftyia tiin(iitnlli Inj? nit cnloloiit rflllrofldoonltrilsflloil. The llflilibllcAn rmrly created tlie coiiiiiiImIoii, In the Inst legislature Ilia law Was of footed by giving the commission tidwer to ui tko freight rates nnd otiforco lis dcofslons In the courts, Tho law has been sustained In tho courts of tho state nnd tiolh frig remntlis but to give the people nnd the commission to understand that the party In power upholds the good work so far done. The record of tho Republican party In Oregon Is good upon this question. It has given tho people an efilcleut com mission and Its record must not be Imperilled by turning It over now to tho corporations. The railroad commission has beon stronuously nildat times very unfair ly opposed ly tho Democratic parly. In its platforms by its governor and representatives in both houses it has never fulled to try to weaken the in fluence und abolish the existence of that body. Tho present governor has fought It with all his executive power.polltlcul influence and carried on litigation lu tho courts, In his inessagejmge 18, he credits the com mission with "securing a reduotion often per cout. from tho former rates," but says: "The ruto as es tablished by It Is over 100 per cent, greater than Is charged on Iowa roads." The governor to be fair should have stated that the rates of freight in Iowa, which ho says are very low, are secured by the com mlsslou system. He pould go farth er und say that Iowa has a hundred tons of grain to ship where Oregon hue one; that in Iowa labor Is cheap er, construction of roads almost nothing compared to Oregon; grades ure light over level prairie state with out a mountain; and that it would bo absolutely unfair for anyone to claim that Oregon should have as low a rate as Iowa, or Illinois, with river und lako competition. Gover nor Pennoyer should uphold the Oregon railway commission, when it Is doing Its duty and doing It under the Iowa law,the operation of which he quotes and virtually approves. Tho Democrats of Oregon as u party are not favorable to the com mission system and it Is not to bo presumed that If they bad tho selec tion of a number of that body they would pick a man who would seek to mako tho commission a success and useful to tho people. THAT RKPOIIT of the State Board of Charities not only shows that body to bo unjust to public ofilclals nnd to have used its powers to wrongfully brand and distress private citizen, but It blem ishes tho fair nume of Oregon by sending forth a publlo document full of misrepresentations and un authorized statements. All tbrouuh their book Is shown a partisan spirit that is certainly un becoming on tho part of u merely advisory board for ostensibly chur Itablo purposes. It assumes func tions of u Judicial character and as sumes to iass Judgment upon mat ters prior to Its oreutlon for which there is no warrant by the utmost stretch of Its authority under tho law. Members of tho Board have con fessed tho fact thut much matter has been Injected Into their report without their knowledge or consent. The secretary und clerical forco seems to huve been In tho Huddle and the direction of uffulrs seems to havo como from a power outside of tho Board. All this contributes to create an urgent necessity for tho abolition of such 11 olmrgo upon the stale. The bills ol Mr, deer in tho House und Mr. McGinn In theBenato pro bably express the uverage public opinion of the work of the Board that it is a malodorous luxury. ADIP.U UAIlENSIiYISM. It was a great day for Archbishop Ireland, of Bt. Paul, when the Pope put bis foot on Gabenilylsm and the conspiracy of Archbishop Corrigau, of Naw York, by appointing Italian Archbishop Batolll permanent apos tolic delegate in America. Every true American, whether Catholic or Protestant, mut rejoice at the vic tory of fikhop Ireland, for It Is the vkitory of the American, patrlotlo party la the Roman Cat hollo ehurch. Cardinal Glbbowi, Arehbkbof Ire land aad Kmb, with Father Me Olyun, repfttwoi the Aiuerlean par ty In tb Rowan Cat hollo church In ttw United HUla. while Arob bfabop Oorrifko, of Vw Yeft; HMWH 'L'(Ui)A.1?,ii m.Tlli .,,.,, ,, ,.. ilkhasibffitt Ui UmilHnift6ftuUMiiiti CM!! Rgfcra ABSOLUTELY PUR! lllljUllJl.iJJ.ILIWIUIJll'l,UI(JllLlLllilill,.i'khitL,.ijtllJLUUjltlTt nry, Uoilfbtin bnrly wlllilu the church. The ff-al fane Involved Is Whether tlie Rbtrinti Catholic cliiircli lu America shall be American or alien. The liberal patty, led by Cardinal Gibbons nnd Archbishop Ireland, are In favor of compromis ing with the Atiicrlonit public school system, and thus abating a great cause of American prejtldlco against tho church; they believe loo In mak ing the Catholic ohuroh American rather than European In spirit, and In teaching Roman Catholic immi grants as swiftly as possible lo speak, write and think In the English Ian guago, since otherwise they cannot becomo truly assimilated into the American patriotic body politic Baker Democrat. M0NBY AND "CIRCULATION." Editoii Jeitmnal: Tho artlclo under tho abovo heading reprinted In tho Sioux City Journal yestorduy lsono of tho current series sent out from tho literary bureau of the Banker's League of tho northwest, with principal headquarters at Chicago. It Is tho most natural thing In tho world for the bankers In this country to seek to mystify the public mind and debauch the publlo conscience on tho ques tion of money and "circulation." It Is lu line with tho bankers best interest for money to bo scarce, for then it Is the more easily cornered and controlled. It is also to tho in terest of the bondholder, and the whole creditor olas, supplemented by the considerable army of people lu the enjoyment of fixed incomes; such' as assistants, ofilclals and tho like, that the circulating medium be kept down to ebb tide, sinco scarcer money means dear money, and dear money means choap labor aud cheap products of labor. But scarce money and dear money rneuns poverty and distress to the farming and labor interests at large. And tbo assertion is false and the sophls try in excusable which goes to the point that tho por capita circulation in the United States Is" greutor now than at any former period. It is demonstrated that tho uctual money In circulation in this country is not htilf the sum per capita stated by the Rankers' Leaguo, viz: $24.32. Senator Plumb, of Kansas, In about his last speech in the United States senate, mado tbo assertion and 'fortified it by data whloh woro unassailable, that our actual cir culation did not exceed (7 por capltu, The banker's profits consist in the tolls he takes upon all money han dled, In tbo shapo of Interest and discounts. His gains practically correspond to tbo losses of produc tion and toll ut largo since, tn tho final analysis, all Interest, nil tuxes and alt of the gains of tho non producing classes settle down upon the shoulders of toll and production aud Is so much subtracted by arbi trary and unequal laws therefrom. Aud Interest la essentially some thing for nothlug, and u perpetuul clog to progressive Industry. Tbon the lower tho rute, the bettor for the mass?B of raunklnd who toll und produce, In the very nuturo of things, banking and "business" can only bo temporarily a dec tod or In convenienced by the burdens that weigh so heavily upon production and toll; bunkers und merchants und landlords and speculators may aud do recoup theuibelves for ull ex penses Incident to tholr several call ings. Yours fur straight methods, J. II, Uitq:. 'SUtiUKSTKD COMMENT, Corvullls Times: There Is under stood to be a petition sent to the legislature from some of tbo Yaqul nu bay country precincts for a dl vision of tho county at the geograph leal dividing line between eastern and western Benton aud to create a now "Yaquina" county west of the Summit, Tho reasons understood to bo urged for such a division are ub follews: 1st. The expense at tendant on criminal litigation and other county business and land bust iiess requiring the presence of par ties at the county seat. 2d. That In the event of such adlvllonthe eastern half of the county would have to pay as much money as Is represented by their proportion of the cost of county buildings, etc Senator Butler has intnHlueeu a bill for an additional or trann-renar- (u circuit Judge in the Third (this) Judlolal dletrlqt, who shall beetocted at the venerat ewotwu to be held In June, 1W4, though within ten W aftr the psnf of thl net Um fov morabnll npaoint nji ,. . . ,. LITTLE COU9IN JASPfiA I .1.11,1, .J.A.W Llltlo Cotln Jatiiwr h Don't lite In thl tmrrt ltkM lie llvM 'way to ftamelM, Ah 'let coma to vMl here, , Me ya 'at our eenf I hwm Ain't nigh big as tbeirn H He mrs their town 'a MgMfpm Er flvo t6wn like f tile, an umpk ltd Mrs ef bfa folka morwt Ho'd err to leave ftetMelMM tlccauao titer's Pralrlee Hum. An wit' duoks an ratllttkt. Yea. an little Joxner'e ba , Bhools most things yDuerntmm. wunai no shot a deer eee dhf. 'At swammed off an got atra. Little Cousin Jwper west An (tamped out wnnet Is a May VTlv bis pa, an holt lil gtta While bo kilt a turrapun. , An when hla1 ma heenl o' I An tnord things Ida pa' liniwua. Hhn anvil. "Yes. an he'll alt aha 'Fore he's man growu, Ilka aMrJ An they'a muasrata there, an 1 An dl-dlpticrs an chowtnke Yea, nn cal'inua root you chew All up, an 'twon't plcen yos. An In town's a flagpolo there Highest ono 'al'a anywhere In Ihla world wlto lu the street Whoro tho big maaa lnectlna Yes, nn Joaper ho niya they . Got a brass baud there, an play On It, an march up an down, An all oyer round tho town. Wlsht our town ain't like It let Wlsht it'n '1st us blir as bis: WUht 'at bb folks they'd more kew, ; An wo'u movo to ucnsaoi&eri , .fi James Whltcomb Iltley In Ceotwry. M Why Ho Vu reeling: Badly. A reporter was tho only rsmvutae in a Btrcot car. Midway of a Mode ' another man got in. His Iiat crushed and his clothing daubed with ; thud. For a timo he sat silent. ho hitched up toward the and began. "I guess I'm the fool running Iooro in ink tows. "So?" answered tho n man. "Yos, sir. I haven't got enough to bo lot go without n doon. Sco that car on abend i The cor was half a down blocks away. "Waal, sir, I ran like moro'n a block to ketch t! "Couldn't catch it, oh? I IV,,(1 r nMil.l Tliiil'a UhmU T flirt krt1i tr nn I 1H11 t ha nonAaflJMI v'! V-O. . lV .a.4V0 .WW HwVMMni'i S; a dimo on tho hind plutforaf nt bt ' gin mo a nickel chaugo. Then how 1 up an dropped tho nickel board. I hollered to thocondwn to stop, but ho wouldn't. Sol Ml and jumps off backwards. , Look St iny clo'cal When I got up tnM ow was out o' roach, so I had to watt lot this ono." l "Did you find your nickelt" "Oh, yes: found that right Lost my car, sp'ilt my clo'eo skinned ray back lest for tho tnivn nt inlrin t.n 1-Knt Itrck MH Mfea IU5U ui jniioju uj 441. ui. wm mw an an giviu it to this conductor, M--niR York Herald. A Dog with a I'a.ilou for rayaa. A friend whoso factory is not few j from Loudon bridgo hod afiae rv triovor which suddenly coutrotoidr habit of bringing in all tho papers and latcbt pcriodicak. owner was much exorcised in 1 as to whoro tho dog obtained thfe bV oraturo and had a watch set npOB him. It was soon discovered that tho anV( mal wont to London bridge bukiob l meet tho pooplo on their way, to I ness, selected on unsuspecting tim. suutclicd tho paper .or frnm liln linnd or unfit nockaL : hiod off to his master in hh glotv' Swift punislimont soon cured ntnioi his thiovish propensities, sad ho win -not allowed oven to carry anjr pwH or stick nu accomplishment W&tob had ovidently incited hira to robbory witli violeuco,. London TeMtxnpo, rractlcal Charity, -' A ciosor aiimnco uoiwm nrwl nrivntn (linritioa mUat . in 1. .... 'i. cured. If tho public authoJWn oon1 tinuo to aumiutstor outooor 1 thoy ought to bo in ooootnttt ' inunication with tho nnvi m enircd in tho Bamo work.' 110 roabou wliv there should hearty co-operation betweon ovqrsoors 01 tho poor anu, w 1 anrF visitors of the cietiee. Tlio lack of such lion is 0110 of tho cawthi mendicancy creejia in. Mof ington Uladdon in conturjr., . . . . . 11 A Watted JiaH. Trother You look sad. Barlow I am. I took wf eiil to ohurch and out InWO) eroignon tho tilato te anftl proaa her, and she novor nW ayutgo. a NottMnoivrtit "I nave ba laalHj tar fevaHwla, w ". vna vm ftt. Tutl'sPi i. v-j IP t,JCSJsih