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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1892)
HHntihaMaBMHHnaEaatanMaM0MCMaMMMiMnamMSMaaMMiaHMwiKaamHKawMVMaGt?if mRMons m ." m P i TCiRIBLE RIOT At iho Homestead Mills Near Pifsbnrg A Number on - Both Sides Killed A BLOObY RIOT. Between Detectives and Lockout 1 Employees. Pirrsnuiio,Pa.,July 0. A bloody battle between I'inkerton detectives ftud tho locked out employees at the Homestead works is in progress here. Fifteen or twenty are ulready killed jiud wounded and the buttle Is still In IiunrrLs. Prrrsntma. Penti.. July 0. Ear ly this morning 300 Pinkertou de tectives arrived at Pittsburg from tho East, andjmarched quietly to the Minongaliela and boarded barges and started for the Homestead Works towed by the steamer tug Tide. At U:15 this morning tin locked out employees wiro notlli ' of tills move aud when Iho lmrtt arrived ut the Uomesti ad 6000 pi -pie, including men women und chliii reu were wulthig to meet them. As soon as tho Piukertons attempt d to land they were wi.rind oil bj men und a battle followed. Tin Piukertons were armed with Win Chester rifles utiri tlio opposing crowd chloily with revolvers, Piukertons opened lire and at the first volley two workmen fell. This enraged tin crowd and thoy boro down on tin Piukertons with Irresistible force. Tho Piukertons fell back but con tinued tho firing and finally the crowd on tho bank retreated and climbed over a heap of rubbish to ward tho big trestle of tho leading railroad bridge. Threo hundred armed workmen, however, stood ground and a d- ultory firing was kept up. Finullj tlley, too, wero compelled to fall back from tho withering fire of Winchesters, Thcflrst shot cume from the burgo. Tho first man t f.tll was Marliu Merry, u heater In ono of tho mills, A big Hungarian standing beside him stooped ovii him und was in tho act of rulsing the prostrate body when he, too, was struck with a bullet and fell licelilo his comrade; others rushed ti the spot, picked up the bodies and curled them behind the trestle. Day was Just breaking when the lights of tho steamer .with its barges on either sldo Hushed in sight of tin lienplo on tho bank. The crowd run poll mull toward tho works, coming to u high fence which surrounds the works. They used tlielr shoulders u battering rams und in a twinkling threw down the Imrrlor. Men wo men and children rushed toward the point on tho shore of the river for which tho flotilla was headed and gathered In a mass tit the waters edge, Slowly tho bout edged toward tho landing and whon invaders were within n few feet of their opponents on tho shore, there was an Instant of awful silence then a bright Hash, and a sharp report announced the com- ihencemontof tho dreadful work, tho firing became general on both sides, tho strikers retreated for a moment but quickly rallied a short distance from the bout and held their own by sheer welghtof numbers and com pelled tho deputies to proceed can tiously. Suddenly forty or fifty de tectives utlomptcd to Jump ashore, tho strikers responded with a sharp volley driving tho Invaders hack to the semi shelter of tho lower deck. Tholr captain wascarried to the pilot house of the steamer. A number of other detectives are more or less seri ously wounded. Then thero was a lull In tho battle Tho fighting renowed shortly after 7 a. m., and tho battle continued for a half hour. The second conflict was p rod pa ted by another effort of the I'inkerton men to laud. A number of workmen wero Injured iu the sccoud encounter. Thousands of ""tfarkmon from all surrounding places tiro supposed to be marching to reinforce the strikers. Workmen havo built a fortification of steel barn ou tho river bank, over a thousand men aro behind it. 11 is supposed soveral Plnkerton's aro killed on thu boat. At 8:30 firing was resumed in desultory manner. Oiowil on shore is constantly increasing. All trains watched and all means of enlrnuco to tho works guarded by men. Before tho second attempt was made to land, au officer In charge gave notice to the workmen ou the bunk that his men would land if lie had to mow down everybody in Hlght.thun he ordered his men to ad. Yiince. They wero met by a shower of lead from rllWs and pistols of tho scattered workman, (lie unicorn fell buck for an Instant, but rallied and marching cl(ht abreast, endeavored to get ashore but wero driven buck again. 'Jiiu louowiug worumen wrw killed: John Muirlw, Henry Btilegel, Marco "Wlsky, Andrew Btiiogel and Marliu Foy. Strikers tired ti car of oil standing ueur thu works for tho purpose of burning the bout in the river, They expect to tet tho river on fire. Men plaewl a cannon on thu hill ou thu ' north sldo of tho river ami aru tiring luto thu bout. At 11:45 n. in, Iho steamer Llltlo Bill came down the river to take oil' th Piukertons liuprltoiittd on their Urflt, there were a largo number of jww men on tho bout, thu moment H readied thu shore a regular fusil lade occurred, Workmen nay It had ftMlrtftiiOtf for thu Plukertoiif, Iutke fight with (ho ttrlkera, - WlfrWWm toid person, on the Lit- ft JHU taA putt. Ukuouumm ncroat the river fired three eliota ut the Ltttlo Bill. Tlielr aim was bad, ono ball entering the hearth department oftho mill and took off a man's head. The number killed In now tcn,and 11 wounded. Strlkera claim besides the captain and lieutenant, four other men" were shot and fell from tho barge. Ono of tho I'inkerton men lumped oil the barge and wns drowned. The pilot of Little Bill was killed. Tho boat was driven oil and proceeded down the river, work men have telegraphed to have it held at tho Locks. Hherlfl has ask ed tho governor for assistance. Captain F. II. Ileen, who had cuargo of tho Pinkcrlou men at the homestead mill, has been brought to the hospllul here with five wounded companions. Captain said: "I guvostrict orders not to shoot until tired on. Whon wo proceeded to land tho whistle blew and the strik ers Immediately commenced to shoot, to protect ourselves we had It- ri'tiirn the lire. Seven or eight of ur men me hurt. PiTTHmnia, July 0. At 1 p. in. A (lag of truce displayed by the Plnkcr tous and was lioM od a second and a third time wltl ilip Riuiie reMilt. Every moving l Jei't on the barges as tired on. At 1 10 his afternoon 18 men were taken from the yard of the mill. Three lead, two of whom are Plnkeitois. Fl.tmes are now spreading alone tho river front and tho mills ur 'hreatened, Several explosions win heard and tho people aro lleelng n the hills to escape the fire. At 2 n. in. ono of the Pinkoitom raided his heudnbovo theedgo of the barge, was Immediately shot and fell backward. 1 p. m. The situation at Hoine 4 1 owl In ono of increasing gravity. Die Piukertons aro in a dreadful position exposed to a perilous (he, itillets, cannon and dynamite. Workmen are now preparing to at tach a liose to the oil tank, and spur1 oil on tho boat and set it on fire. The gonerul expedition that troopi will bo called very soon. Till: liATIOT. Homiistlwd, Pa., July 0. At 1:110 p. in., two thousand workmen from the south sldo mills of Pitts burg, have just marched Into Home stead with Hags and banners to as slst the strikers. Tho excitement Is Increasing. Supplies of arms and ammunition are being furnished the strikers by tho citizens of llonie ste.ul and arriving from Pittsburg and MeKeesport. It Is feaied the carnage Is only begun. Tho Governor Answors. IlAiyusnuno, Pa., July C Iu response to tho call for aid by tho sherlir of Allegheny county on ac count of tho Homestead riot, thu governor font the following "Local authorities must exhaust every means at command." AN INDIGNATION MEETING Milw.uiUo Scores Sheriff Kelly and Sampson. Tho indignation caused by thu action of tho officers Iu taking Wil son from Oregon City and tho devel opments that subsequently occurred, Is on tho Increase In tho vicinity of Mllwaukie. Last night a iiuetiug was held on tho main street of that town and there weie fully 600 people thero from Sellwood, WIHsburg, Clackamas and Mllwaukie. A gen tleman named Itccd presided and bitter speeches wero inude, receiving enthusiastic applause. Tho following resolutions were of fered and adopted withuutu dissent ing veice: Wheieas, Churles WIIfoii, by his own confession and oilier evidence, is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of tho rape and murder of Mamie Wa'sh, and Whereas, Hherlfl Sampson did, knowing these facts, without suf ficient Justification, remove mild Wil son out of tho county of Clackamas and out of his custody, into the cus tody of tho sherlll of Multnomah county, and Where Hherlll'JCelly, suflerlng ov en greater cowardice and stupidity than that of HhuriirSauipsou, In at tempting to remove said Wilson from Multnomah county, carelessly, If not willfully, permitted said Wil son to escape from li tin; therefore lie It Itesolved. By the citizens of Mll waukie, Wlllsburg and Clackamas, In Indignation meeting assembled at Mllwaukie, dial Kberllls Kamsou ami Kelly aro absolutely unlit and unquMllled In courage, discretion and intelligence to hold anv position of trust or responsibility, and that botli of said sherlfis should be com pelled by the ilghteous indignation of an outraged anil Injured people to resign the positions they now hold, and retire to tho woll-eurued oh sourlty or iirivatn life, whero thoy may possibly earn an honest living, breaking rock, or In some other occupation fitted to thu absence of tho Intellect, discretion and courage they have so conspicuously display ed in dealing with wild Wilsen: and bo It Hesolved. That It Is tho seiwo of this meeting that It Is tho duty of tlio proper olllcer to Initiate legal proceedings to oust Sheriff Kelly I'roni his present iMihltlon and leave It In capable hands, and also. If tint thing bo jKicslble, to punish Sheriff Damson lor muiteasaucu in oiucc. A. I,UKI.1.1M, T. II.UIKNIIUWIKU w.e.JJ'iujN. After Wilson. 1)UTI.ani, July 0.-A nmn Jut returned (mm Mllwaukie, says Wil son has not been caught but Wills Insists that ho saw him lu't night. Constable Lslker got out n search warrant lust night and attempted to search tho house of Kimk Wilson, brother of tho murder r, but met with resistance" und was finally pre vented from searching the house. All styltw ladles' vvtti at thu Xew York Bucket, NATIONAL COMMITTEE. W. J. Campbell Will Reslga tho Chairmanship. Washington, July 0. Hon. W. J. Campbell, chairman of the Rep ublican committee, was in confer ence yesterday with the president, Secretaries Rusk and Elklus. Com missioner Carter and oxSenalor Bpooner, nearly four hours. At the conclusion of the conference Camp bell made tho following statement, suylughehad nothing further to say regarding tho question at issue. The statement Is us follews: "When elected chairman of the Republican national committee, it was with the distinct understanding that my business engagements then pending might render it impossible for mo to act In that capacity. The contingency was fully understood by I lie committee and others di rectly interested. Since tlio adjourn ment of the commitU e I have been unable to ad lust my affairs so us to render it practicable for mo to act as chuirnmii, and I therefore, as I re served the right to do, have announ ced t hut I wilt not so act. Under he authority vested in me by the .latlouul commiuee, I will probably mnounco the executive committee Within the next few daje, and tin commlttie will oitet at au earlj date. At the meeting I will form ally tender my resignation, and no -uccess r will then be elected. My Mieee-fcor will bo chosen by election by the i xecutlvo committee as au thorized by a resolution adopted by the ii itluiiitl committee." Tho names most promiuentI. mentioned In connection with the chairmanship are those of Commis sioner Cirter, J. II. Mauley, Maine; Samuel Fesenden,Now Hampshire; ind Mr. Hoburt, New Jersey. Au Indian Pow-Wow. Ciikyknnk, Aoknoy, 8. D., July 0. Tho big Cnthollo pow-wow has closed. High muss ami confirm ation scenes wero yery Impressive. It wus also un Interesting sight when over 12,000 warriors, who but eigh teen months ago wero arrayed in war dress, Bat around n big wigwam and listened to talks by tlfflr head man uboiit tho benefits of religion. Well might Bishop Marti count his life's work worthy ofconmi'Midution when he could hero see 0,000 con verts, who hud been added to his church during his ministry of six teen yenrs among them. Chief Charger was president of tlio day, and among tho orators were John Clrass, Swift Bird, and Four Bears. Special Indian Agent Thompson made a speech, in which ho reflered to the high death rate among the Sioux, und attributed it to the prac tice of eiillng the fifth quarter, or entrails of beeves. Charger replied spiritedly that this Is not the cause; that those who died were students from government schools. Bishop Marti discreetly arranged the exer cises to prevent the sculp dunce. The feature of the celebration was the rendition of u number of patriotic songs in Hnglish by Indian school girls. The young men wanted to give a war dunce, but were "headed oil," and contented themselves with many pony ruces. Killed a Tramp. St. Paul, Minn., July 0. Mrs. A. M. Smith, colored, shot and killed an unknown man at Lake Oswosso yesterday. Mrs. Smith is a house keeper for Charles lleulge, a market garden, on whoso place the stranger trespassed. She claims thu man threatened to shoot her. Rawnrd For Wilson Dead or Alive. Pouti.and, Or., July (!. Sherllls Kelly and Samson yestcrd'iy author ized a n ward of MOO for the body of Wilson dead or alive. L'.out. Ool. Dram Dead. Sr, Paul, July 6.-Llout, Col. Win- F. Drum, lilili Infantry, died suddenly at Fort Yates, I. U., lust night. Tammany's Indorsement. Ni:v Yomc, July (I. Tammany yesterday Indorsed the Chicago plat form and pledged earnest support to the nominees. The Silver Bill. Washington, July 0. Tho Iioufo has refused to refer tho silver bill to tho Silver Hill committee on bank ing and currency by u voteof yeas 43, nays 15H. Tho English Election. London, July 0. Up to three thl afternoon the returns show the elec tion of 01 Conservatives, (Ui Liberals 0 Liberal ualoulsts, and "J Antl-Par- nellltcs. MARKKTS. P o it T l, A n D, July U Wheat valley, 1 a (U) $ 1 85 Walla Walla. Jl.'JS bAN 1'IIANCISCX) Ctil., July II Wheat, seller f 1.403 CllU'AUO 77 Ills., July .-Wheat How a Ih'autirul Flower was .Named. An old legund tells of two lovers, walking by the river Hliltie. The lady begged her suitor to pluck a little pale-blno flower, growing- on tho bank. Iu doing so, ho fell into tlio water, and wan drowned; but, while, sinking, he threw thu (lower to her, and cried:, "Forget me not!" Thousand of women will never for get what Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription has done for them. It Is prouiiYd specially to cure thoo dl eeases from which they alone sufler, and often In silence, rather than consult a physician as periodical ulus, weak bach, proluiwux, and all uterine troubles. Purely vegetable, und guaranteed to glvo mtlsfactloa In every case, or uiouey refunded, Iff r hist. Following aie letters remaining uncalled for In the postolllceat 8a-1 letn, July 0, 1802. Persons calling1 for same please say "advertised:" Allln Miss Klrx Bu-iett.TM Boknll Joh utiy Briggs A F Baker Wm Baker Miss M C D Collins Roy A 2 Corner EL ColeSD DrolliugnrMaryA Diiscnbury L B Drake 1' E Evlus Johnny Erlckson F Fryer F Finney Jas Fondrich Kurtz Funcan Mrs E J Fny Mattle Famos Mrs M M Geln Mr Hogt K Hopp G Hoover Stephen Hunt W A Heart Patrick Hcllron Fanny Harris V II Harris W L Hayes Jos Hnnua Hugh Jackson Jus ' Johnson Thos Klger Frank Kroner J M Kern E A Lush C W Lenora Frank 3 LaldlawJas Lawlead Miss Moore Bill Murry A Moore Frank Moses Mrs Wm Moore F M Moses W II Meyer J C Med lev Joo Milam Jnn Mays W C McBren CE2 McCormlck Jus J McDiniel E P Norton Theo Nelon Al Nuckales Hulda Putnam J P Rickard R A Hiker David Smith Fred Smith Fred Smith Ernest Snyder C C Sheets Hpnry Simons Isabel Sanburn Geo Tucker Em mi Wilson G G Warren A G Whv Chun Wollthen A Wallace Wm A N. GILBERT P. M. tatr of Okio, City op Toledo, )u i.ucxs county, ' Prank J.Cbensiy innkooilh Hint hf Is tliRsonlor partner of the llrm of V. J. I h ney Co., dolus huslnt'ss In the eltv of I'oIpcIo, county and state nforesalcl. and tlmt Kilil llrm will pay tho mnn of Ono Hundred Dollars for each and every enso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the uuo of Hall s Catirrh Cure. KHANK J. CIIKNKY. Sworn to before mo and Hiilmcrlbpd In y presence, this Cth diir of December. A. i. lav). .-..!.... ' . .-.. .....' A. W. GLKAHON 8EAL.1 Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken tcrnally and nets directly ou the blood und mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for testimonials free F. J. Chkniiy & Co., Toledo, OJ C&TSold by druggists, 75c. Estkay. A light red Jersey cow, strap around horns. Information leading to lior recovery will be great ly appreciated at Blue Front grocery.. Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in tlio drug busines-i at Edttou, Ky., for the past twelve years, say.; "Cliamberluiii's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than nnj other cough medicine I have eve1 sold." There is good reaou for this. No other will cure a cold so quickly; no other is so certain a preventative and cure for croup; no other afford so much relief in cases of whooplnu cough. For sale by Geo. K. Good Druggist. To Tin: Ladies. "Viavi" stands, alone, the greatest medical discovery of tho nineteenth century. (From an M. B., In the Ladies' Health Journal, Newark, Ohio.) You are cordially invited to call and Invest) gato for yourselves. Office over 4 and 9 cent" store, Cot tie-Park hurst block, Commercial street, B-ilem, Oregon". lm Bids Wanthd. On Its G& 0 Block 21 North 8alem und the buildings thereon. This property must besold Any reasonable bid entertained. $G0(). can remain on mortgage pu. able In installments if desired. Spald ing it Rogers, Bush-Breynian Block 7-2-tf Dyspepsia In ItH worat tonus will wield to tho uo of Carter's I.lttlo Nerxo Pllli, aided bv Carter's Little l.tvir PUN 'lhey not only relieve present dlstiess but Htrenghteu the blouinch nnd illgotlvo ni pa ratlin. There aro many forms of noivnua debil ity In mm that yield to the uso of Carter's Ilou l'llls. Those w bo are troubled with nervous weakness), night swtats, etc., should try ihuin, Unckaehols almost Immediately relieved by wealing ono of Carter's Mimit Wild and; llelludona llackaeho Plasters. Tij ouo and bo free from pain. Pi lee Vj cents. linemen's Ariilt'iiiil-o, Tho lest 8 live la the Wi rid for Cutf, llruises. -.jits, Ulceis, Salt ltluum, i'ovor Sores, Tetter, i r.npped Hands, ClulblalUH, orns aud all Sliiu Kruptlons, und ixisl lively cures I'llen, or no 1 ay nqulred, it Isguiirauteetl to give per eet niMnmctlon or monoy lefunded, l'rlee, ej, cents per box, lor sale by Dun'1 .1. Kry, '.'li Com at. saiii:m m auk bis. Wheat- OCjpor bushel. Out8-as4l)o 1 er IiusIipI. Pot n toes 12oc per bmlicl. Flour ?5 per bbl. Unin (ducked) ?1S por ton Shorts (Sucked) Si'O rcr ton. Egirsi 15o per doen. ChlcuuiM Roosteis, 7o per Ui.j hens, 10(.i12c por lb.; broiler nnd fryer, iro per lb. TurkeyH 1012c per lb. l)uekB-l'Jloc per lb. Geet-o 7o per lb. Lartl 7f)C?l per pull. Hut tor li"i(-rt8(Ki per pound. Hecf 7(j'lli;iodrcnsc(l, L'lo on foot Venl tic, dnsed. Pork-(ljo drescd;5U on foot. Wool 1520owr lii. "Thick and Olossy," TIIK 1-KOnuCTION of an nbumlant Brow in 01 iintr, v-f n Mlk-llUo texture ami of tlio original color, often results from the uso, by those who lmvo becoma tmlil or gray, of Aycr's llnlr Visor : "I was rapiilly bocomlnu Bray ami Iwlil i but after ustiij; tv,o or threo liottlcs of Ayer'a Hair Vir my balr (row thick mul flosy ami tlio orlgl. nal color was restored." M. Alitrlcli. Canaan Centre, N, II. "A trial of Ayer's ITalr Vlcor )m con. inced mo of Its merits. Its use )un not only eaused the balr of my wifo ami daiieliter to bo abundant ami (.-lossy, but It has given my rather stuntnl mus aclio a rMjiectablo lennth ami appear, auco." It. llrittou, Oaklaml, Ohio' "I lmvo useil Ayer's Hair Vigor for tlio pan four or Ave years niut ilml It a most satisfactory ilreslng for thu balr It Is all that I coubl Ueslro, beinu harm less, eauslnu tho balr to retain Its natural color, ami mpilrlns: but a small quantity to render tho balr easy to ar- Ayer's Hair Vigor, rnirimu ar Dr. J. O, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt. Bald ty PnujiUu aaJ ISrfuwtrt. Hood's Sarsaparille. H nrcfully prr-raml from S.irsap.irllla, D.iml. lion, JIuadraKc, Dock, "IH -scwa, .hu.ll r lien les, and otlicr ei'-known nnii ValiuUoicgcUulo icmullcs I y a pcrtih.r coinbin itlmi, l roportlun, ml process, filv ingto Hood's Sars.ipari'U curatlvo power not posscs-cd by of . medicines. It effects remarkablu cures liero others fail. Hoc'd's SarsapariHa IMhp best blood purifier. It cures Scrotals, : t l!!.cuiii, hoils, I'hnples, aH Humors, j :i'pla, C,iloiisticss, Kick Headache, Im,lfcC'tloii, General Debility, Catarrh, l; pumatlsm, Kidney nnd I.her com jl. hits; overcomes That Tired Feeling, truattsannppitlle, builds up the system. Hood's SarsapariHa Has met uiiparallcd success at homo. Such Is IU popularity In Jewell, Mass., whero It Is made, that Lowell druggists sell moro of Hoou's S .rsaparllla than all other sarsapa, rll!..s or Mood ptaMcrs. Tho samo success is eMC'xllng all oct the country. I-Sood's SarsapariHa Is peculiar in Us Ftrcnslh and economy It is tho only preparation of which caL ttuly bu said "100 Doses Ono Dollar." A botlloof Hoo'fsS rsa-.'iilll.i taken accord ing to dhecl.ons, v i.l 1 .st a mouth. Hood'u Uarsaparilla Is peculiar In the confidence It gains among all classes of people. Whero It Is onco used It becomes a f.norlto family lemedy. Do not bo Induced to buy oth-r preparations, 'to suro to get tho Peculiar Medicine, Hood's SarsapariHa Silrtbyilriigchti. flislxforgi. lToraredbj O-1. IIOOI) A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, JIaea lOO Doses Ono Dollar All Aboitltlt Jttko baste, Your baggiiRe Is alt right, but haveyongotaboi.lleullloleier'.-.tom. ich MtU'is? oI Theu jo' nave made .isud oiiiIskIoii, and If you aro troubled with stomach qualms en rou'e If 3011 are -e.islrk, in' dear Mr, or niadini, you will hnvo deserved mtrfute. How dreadfully the waves or the Jarring ol lb' fiiijno 01 ncrew Hhakcs you up I Now thero Is b niuto butawlul enll to thowhlii'ssldc. Now It ou bad the lllttcrNnluuj; with ou 1 1 11 k couldn't bnppeu. T lvolersand tourIslr talio our advice, and oeloie you ctnrt on ' our yntohlng or oeenn voynge, your coaMt. wise trip or Inland ou lug, obtain tho Hit ters, and thus fortify uuielvp ngalnt slomneh dilllcultleu, iti.ilaria, dyspepsia, und UieellcctsoftxpoMiie In rnuglnventh er or bid diet or water. Tako It, too, fot 'dllousniss, kidney trouble and rheuma tism. A New Kind of Iinmranco. For twenty-livo cents you can in sure yourself and family against nuj bad results from an attack of bowel complaint during the summer. Om or two doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und Diuirhoea Remedy will cure any ordinary case. It nevei falls ami is pleasant 11 ml safe to take. No fuuiily can aflord to be without It. ivor sale at 1:0 uuu ou cents pel imltle by Geo. E. Good, druggist. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor proscribed : Castoria From Terminal or Inferior Points the Northern Pacific Railroad In t ho line to take To all Points East and South. It Is thudlntug car ronte. Itrnns through vestibule trains every duy In the year 10 ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No chnnue of cars.) 'ompofced of cllnlugrnrs unsurpassed, i'ullmun drawing room s'eepera Ol latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. liest that can be constructed nnd In which accommodations aro both tree and lur nlnlicd for holders of llrtt nnd second-class tickets, audi ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A contlnuoi ium. nltordlu en lco. I'ullnian sl "iired In ndvi , tlio rond. Sue eonnestlng with all 'ireet and uninterrupted v'va.t ions can beso t. o u uny ogent ol Through tickets to and from all points in America, Kngland and Europe can be pm chased at any ticket oltlce of this com nam. Kull Information concerning rates, tlmi of iralns.ioutcN anil other details furnlshei on application to any agent or A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General l'nfxenger Agent, Nt 121 Klnst street, cor. Washington; Port land npvnu SHAW A DOWNING, Agents. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CALIIOUNIA EXntKhH TKAIN IIUN DAIM llirrWKKN l"OKTIoAND ANUB. Y, tjouUi. I 7,-a'p. iu7fi.v. :lh . in. J.v. b:15 a.m. I Ar. orth l'ortland Ar. Salem l.v, San Kran. L.v. 7:: a. in 5: 'tin. ni I 7:U)p. ni Above tr.ilimktoponly al lollowlng sta lions north of Uo-euurg, Knit l'ortland Or-gou Oily, Woodburn, baleiii, Albany nuigent. HhcdiU, llaUey, Ilnrrlsburs hi notion ( ty, Irving and Kuirene. lUVjKllUUll MALt. DAILY, 8:S0 a. 111. 11:17 a. 111 5.50 p. 111. I.V. I.v Ar. l'ortland Salem Hose burg Ar.l J.v. Lv.'l i:JU p. 111. 1:10 p. m 7SJU a. i Albany Local, Dully Kxrept SuiiiIh.v. 6:10 p. 111, 7:M p. 111. wsi n. n. rULLMAN BUFFBT SLEBFSHS. Second Class Sleeping Cars Kor accommodation ol pasuuger? holding tecoud cuss tickets attached tu exprtb trains, lYcst Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: rUTLY (ESCt.IT hi NDAY). 7tX fc. 1.4, CUU . 11 U. ! Ar. IMrtlttiiu" tMrvallls "St. L.v. G..M p. in, ISM P. iu. At All' uj and I'orvallu e.'ir.tct wltn Irains .i ure,s.m l'acillc ItallriMd. BM'KISBTKAIN (jlAILY KC ITHUKIIAY" T7' ,;':u. rnTKflE5JXr, I iEsnCTu - . 1 i.. I Ar.JtrMlnnvllle 1 1'. ! i5 aiu Through Tickets To all point EAST and SOUTH tor ticket aud lull lninrmmmn ...,. iLv. I'oribnd Ar. li0n.m. l.: siilem l.v. 1 7:Sd n. m r tlltnnv l.v. 1 K'-illn. ni. PACIFIC FOR TOWN $2.00 Pcrdozen for the finest finished I'ilOTOailAl'llts iutheclty. MONTBE BROS., 18lCommcrclal Street, F. B. S0UTHW1CK, Contractor ami Builder. Salem, - - Oregon. T. J. KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 20th and Chemeketa Street JOHN M. PAYNE k CO., Real Estate and Insurance. First stairway north offBush bank. JOHN IRWIN, Pomnnfnp nn1 lUIIIllllLl UUU IJIIUlltl) Shop 05 State street. Store Fittings a Specialty THE Palace FOR RESIDENCE "OR INVESTMENT This property is unequalled by any now on the market in the Capital city of Oregon BUY AN ACRE LOT For a home or as an investment that must double in a few years.. Acre lots on tho fir&t north of the Palace fruit lots cannot now be bought for less than 8G00 to $1000 each. NEAR THE CITY. The Palace acre lots are within five minutes' drive from the Electric car line and the residence portion of the city. These lots are now line, sightty, suburban residence property, located on "D" street, the finest graded driving avenue about tlio city. First class residences are already built and occupied half a mile out beyond this property on the adjacent streets. PLANTED TO FRUIT AND CULTIVATED. These lots are covered w ith a tln-ifby two year old orchard of French, Italian and Silver Prunes, Bartlett and Winter Mollis Pears. Some of the lots also have a vineyard set out, besides the other fruit. Each lot has good street frontage and is equal in size to eight city lots. PRICE AND TERMS. These acre lots are now offered at the low price of 400 to $500 each, half cash, and two years time ou balance. For purchasers who do not wish to occupy the lots at once they will bo cultivated for two years without extra cost, when all the fruit will bo in fine bearing condition. THE METROPOLIS OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY Is not an overburdened city liable to collapse, but maintains a steady growth, when other places lag or go back. It is THE ONE city on the Pacific coast possessing such great natural, commercial and political advantages that by no possibility can it ever "o backwards an iota. Ren ember this when investing. & Of the Palace Fruit Acre Lots are satisfied from actual knowledge that this is tho richest fruit region -in A nu rica. They are themselves engaged in fruit growing ana cultivation ot small irmts and will give all information asked for by intending pure ers. For particulars and a map of the city showing exact location, address: THE YA0UINA ROUTE, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company' steamship line. 2S miles Bliorter, w liourt lesx time Hum by uu otuei lout. Kirn cmss through paskeueer und utiKlit lint Irom t'ortlaud nnd nil points In Hi Wil lamctte vullev to and Irom fcnu ! nuieifor TIME SCHEDULE, (KxceptHundays). LenveAioanr 1:00 l'ii Leave Corvallis 1:10 I'M Arrive Yuqulna StlOPi! Leave Vanutna ..... e;V A ii Leave Corvallis HfctfAlt Arrive Albany ij;jo A ii ,t9' j.,.& tralns connect nt Albany and Corvallis. The above trulnn iN-tniw.1 ut vnwnvt with the Orecon I)eeloument urs Lie jfamaiiisliiiw b,Hwr'ti Vunulim nn t,fl branelsoo umii l,--sf npers Irom l'ortland nnd ul Ulllumette Valley points can make cIom eonneotlou with tho twins of tin .YniSFii?ft "yK"' Albany iVeovallU snd If destined to Snn Kmnehni, bv ! lllIl.MtV -v. Atenu aw and 'M 1-S-ont s o Krelitht and TlckK: t., l'ortland, Or. C.C, HOQlui Ae't aen'l vn. l'as. AgU, Oregon I'hclflo K. It. Cto., O H UAilWhLL, Jr. OeniW 0f ". Ast. Oron Development Oft, SW MoatgoBiwy t.;l Kii2. 3 . "ri,vV?' fttl"'ua tho eenli.i brnre date of sallln;. l'itns,r sad Krelest Ktn tj ui LOTS, FRUIT TRACTS AND FARMS. A. H. FORSTNER &. CO, Machine Shop, Guns, Sporting (loods, Etc., BOS Coinmeicliil Street. J. J. IIARKINS, Scientific Horseshoeingi Ol'I'OSlTll rtlUNDHY On State Street. RADABAUGII & LTLEY, Livory Feed and Boarding Stable, EJCJi & ItOSS, Horseshoers, Oonernl IJlticliBniltlilng, A7 State Street. -II State BttcU. STEEVES BROS., Catiforn fa Bakery. TPIK L3BST, 101 Court Street. THE Salem Ilackman. Is Rest Line In the City. Court Struct. MRS, M. E. WILSON, Leading Salem Modiste, 'Mi Commercial St. L ii. -CLOUGfl, Uiidcrtukiii and Cabinet Work, 107 State Street. J. JO. JUMMMLY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NOIU'U 8ALLM. Baths for Ladies, JIAIll DHKSSINQ 1'AJlI.OItS, 124 Court Street. jiimuj5ttiimr3Jielim..xrmMMiiiwrBdtaittijaawaj -EVER OFFERED. F ADDITION TO SALEM, OREGON. SPALDING & ROGERS, Si.ishiT3reyma.ri Block:. NEW AUVICIiTISKJUrNTS. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries. Puinls.ftili. and lVindow Glass, "Wall Pa per and Horder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails ami Shingles, Uny, Feed and Fence Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc Notice. persons Know log theinsolves Iu T.5.1iu M.T. RINEMAN DKAI.EH IN Staple and Fancy Groceries. u.9TOV.rr' t'l'ware, Lnmph. Wi-edeu and How van. ah i.(.,h. .,.' . j .Viii " , c . .." '""auairuiik in their "Highest l'rlee paid for couutrv m .. n, " . ", . -.-.-.... uu i, 11 .,, itru . n 1 ' . -- vuuuiii 1'HHlUCti. iiu ' Bsl,Breofyouriatwmuge. iMil.l tiy wini.i ... . t tt-11 isolate street State Treasurer's Third XnUce STATroKonEKV101 TUKAHUM UcrAHTMG.Vr. N01fM' 'k lltre'y B'ven that (.ufilclent il lilt di.nrenn ImnH innm.ii 7.i ? "'- endorsed 'prjiente" SS uot iili for uut of fund.,' aud that the S'f?'vlV,.e,,".,,iereon tea'lng with tiw daleof this notice, I'UIU il K h&IlA jj, btuteTieaturer, J. L. DENNETT k SON. CANDIES, Fruit nnd Cigar?, P. O. Bloolc. R. T. IIUMl'HKKV Cigars and Tobacco BlLIilAIU) ARL0i:, 213 Com'l Street BOSTON Coffee Housi 5c LUNCH Open all NlRht T. jr. JiLUJVDISZl,. Meat, Poultry and Sisli Market, Insurance Block. T. W, THORNBURC, The Upholsterer, ItcinoilcN, re-covers unit rep'it iipliolHlticil nirnlliiie. PI cluKSWoik. Clieniolcetn kIii "'lull' Inpiiruice Lil iclc. tC21 TA rract chas- 25c WantColumn. Notices Inserted for ON 13 OKNT 1 ' It VOHU EACH INBEUIION. A'ouuw tisemeut Inserted Iu this ooluinn for less than twenty-five cents. WAJTLU.-KocruIlN for the Artillery Hriyiiool iholiiiited States Army. 1 uu conditions ol enlMiiitntinthe army are now nuu.uallv faorablo, and .1 bp... lalreauliinKrendf;,ous hug been eMnb 1 -h. il In tuu city lor tb. purpose of alK.rd. ns 1 he young men t 11, ' beetion i.u op. ix.itunit loreulMiiHU Applicants mut be between thelites ..I 21 in, I ;ai vL.tJ r lace.i.ble lolled, pli,sicailv ounil. a,i uoietoroad and wmo Hih i-'n,.iii, 1,.,,. one inicretted a full jpi ,. Horded by the rtcru'.tlug r-. oltn una lilnnlr L' t " olllcer, room 6. Kichi (Irfln, a , V,V." r."t"i.'."iV 5-"ei. C-aMtw-tf 2d Llenie'nnnt, 5Ui Artillery. fllOLCT.-Xewly furnished room to Int. X inquire at !M Court street. 7.1.3 WATlTi1V7T.ll"'e nr fo"r apartments !r light hoiue tmnlnif. Anniv in LM, wl,','811,1 Iwu1.elte4.plng r.. 1). ix)(lanl ,t (; , .. 7-1-JI V -TTTw' rejWenceB soven miles nnrt hn Alc'"' ;,1,h Mrten, orohnrd .NAl.otllie. 1'lenty of work. 7.1.1m fJAUl'KT WEAVINO.-Mre t one block wt of tnd ol 1 ew l'ark. All work warrant' Harrison. car trnrk in arranted. 6-27-i Taken Up. itothn.,ii?r,Spo,,f,,Jcow WIUl ' iioin ears sill, and branded ou right hip. ZSteJ can Bet ' by fcettlloc with Mw CHAH iIKIH,Aj,keny, 2nM"fy StbWf