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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1892)
rre?S 5"W'W43SPS VOTjOJP'i'SSs? ftV$ FWWWWPiJl 'SPPSFWTOWWWQ . - w EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. a SALEM. OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. J 57 jlW1 JII'jIIIJ I 'W; .4i,iwwWjPff THE COLUMBIAN WORLD'S FAIR, 1893. A Valuable Guide and Atias Free to Customers. Tlii is a new and Artistic Publication, showing the plauaof the WORLD'S PAIR GROUNDS, ILLUS TRATION 8 of BUILDINGS, with full explanations of each one. A brief description of tho origin and .plan i ot tli.rRFAT ' VPPROAOHING EXPOSITION, VIEWS of the PROMINENT PUBLIC BUILDINGS, I&TH? SCENERY, MONUMENTS STREET SCENES eta.togett, or with HISTORIC VIEWS of CHICAGO, at the time of the old Fort Dearborn Massacre Wolf s Point, etc. THE COLUMBIAN WORLD'S PAIR ATLAS is a beautifully printed volume of nearly 200 pages, bound in Extra English Cloth, with title stamped in gold. Sixe 12x14 when closed and 14x24 when open It is tronir and durable and will last for years. U he price is $4 50, but we present a copy free to all customers. It costs you absolutely nothing to possees one of these excellent Atlases, and to post yourself fully in regard to the gieat- e?t exposition the World has ever seen. Come in and let us have an opprtumty of presenting you one. ts? imb:o :e". fattot. GET THE J.dtM. LAWNMOWER In Three Sixes. ALSO AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS AT GRAY BROTHERS, N. V. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY STS., SALEM, OREGON. VKOFKSSIONAI. OAUDS. -PLEASANT- Home You can buy property in this most popular Addition on any terms. It is high and dry and has the advantage of street cars and city water. Remember it is within ten minutes walk of the PostolTice or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this spring. Call on Wm One-half block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. Harritt SfsLilSlli tJi -SUCCESSORS TO- WELLER BROS. HEAD QUARTERS FOR, RED STAR M o 1MI AND FANCY G1IIK At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. w JJJT H. GLASSPORD. nminnn ivn ni .ti urn. v t n u vn i,i uuiJluuiii i;uiijuijiii xuiu vuwiiiiii mimuiii BANKS, STORES AND OFHCES FITTED UP IN. Georgia Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Etc, MANTELS, BUTCHERS' AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, WIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO. Renrof 200 Commercinl Street, Salem, OregoD. NAILS! LOCKS! HINGES BUILDER'S FIARDWARE i AT eizei Plumbers and Tinners, Burr & P 214 & 21G Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and I'lumbiug Furnished. PAPER HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. MmX&r&Jm All are invited to call at 14,1 Court street and look at all Hie late patterns In Wall Paper and get prices for same on the wall. E. C. SNOW, Decorator, with 13. E, SNOW, lloube, Sign and Car riage PAINTING IN ALL ITS LRANOHES. Paper Hauging, Kulsomlnlng, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing and Natural Wood Finish. Ouly Ftrutr-cluw Work. E. E. SNOW. Remember the plane, 143 Court Street FOUND The place to get a Sttddlo horse, Livery rig, Express, Dray or Truck, Wood, Hay, Mill feed or good well rotted Manure, load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. 11YAN & CO. Salem Truck & Dray Co. 11 V lice Sta DRAYS AND TRUCKS "j ready for ordois, anil deliver wood, , coal tuid lumber. Of- i State St.. onnosite Sa lem Iron works. Drays and trnutw may bo found throughout tiialvn the nornr of State and Cwumnr.-'iil Htreow. B, F, DRAKE, Proprietor, T. C PERKINS, General Superintendent. SALEM IRON WORKS, SALEM, ........ OREGON. Manufactures STEAM ENCUNK3. Mill Outfits, Vatcr Wheel Governor, Fruit Drying Outfits, Tract 1cm Engines, Cresting, etc. Farm machinery made and repaired, General ugenU an J manufacturers of tlio celebrated Wublstroin 1'atcnt Mlddllm, IurIBer aud Reels. Fnrm machinery mudt aj.d icp-ilrcd. C, N, CHURCHILL. T S. BURROUGHS, CHURCHILL & BURROUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitter SHEET METAL WORKERS. 100 Chemeketsi Street. Sash and. Door Factory Front'j Street, Salem, Oregon The best class of work in our lino at prices to compote With the lowest. Only the best material used. lYitdlbi Ed. C. Cross, Wholesale ami ISetuil Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Warn. Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpt delivery to all parts of the city. .9 Court and 110 State Streets. xjl ulSiili Si! -SUCCESSOR TO- J. C. BROWN & CO. Have Re-opened at the Old Stand with the most complete stock in balem ot HARDWARE, STOVE NWARE, ROAD CARTS. -BUILDER'S HARDWARE Ia SPECIALTY.- Contractors and builders can find here every article they need, in the most approyed and modem patterns. UPERIOH STOVES AND RANGES. All the former customers of this House and the general trade are invited to call. We will treat you well. (1V 248 Commercial Street. iniiimMTrTgiiTwi mm D.C.SHERMAN, O, H. l'ermlon nud Claim n;ent. P. O iios. 281. tMl.m, L-r.gun, Deputy Countj CAerir Vrlte for blank. ' v DUGAN BROS IY1 1 I KiiiinlutiA' nwii 1-lAfii i milium aim ilu n i n in i? a (ILlim lU u ' Wholesale and ieti'11 d"nli'r" In STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS. (9Co minerclal utreet Telephone No XI, For Sale. Three IoIh in North Kilem on street car Ilnr, uUuSl acres Irult land ubutit aJ miles eiihi ui raiem, uiu on C. U.tMBRIBLKOX, HUto Insurance Olllco Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. BRENTS, Maimer. Lock Box 1210, Seattle, Vath llroeders oil'liorouglibrrd I'oult'y of fol. lowliii; varieties: a, C. WhltoIfe'liorcB.H. O. liroftti I-et,'-hornn, White Plymouth Ilockn, Unrrc.1 1'lyinouth llocks, 1'lt Ottme, II luck lAtntr ibuini. I.lclit; llralinmae, Hull' Coclilns, 1'artrldKeCochlna, UroureTurkey. Kond lr C'lii-'ular and I'rluA List. White's No. 60, SALEM'B FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for business Cartful work a pecUlty. J, V, WH1TK. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact u general banking business In all Its brauclios. GEO. WILLIAMH Frenlilen Wm. KNGIjANJ) Vice President HUGH MuNAHY Uuohler DIHKCTOU8: Geo. Wllllunw.Wm. r;ne land, Dr. J. A. Ulchardson, J. W. Ilodsun. J. A. Ilalcer. liank In now Kzchanga .block on Com mercial street. 8:11-11 ' Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Halem, Oregon. W. A. CU-UCK, Pick. W. W. MAIIT1N, Vice frcB. J. 11. Al.IlMtl', Cashier. State, County and City WarrantB bought at 1'ar. dw MONEY TO LOAN. Spoolal tnducem"nts for the ucxt S iliij'H on good farm loiuii. FEAR & HAMILTON, Jtoorn 1). block, fi 1C1 Jerries Wanted! THE SALEM CANNING CO. Will Receive CHERRIE3 AND STRAWBER RIES AND GOOSEBERRIES ou and after Wednesday, June 8, 1602. J J. 8HAW, M. W. HUNT. Bit AW . HUNT, attorney at law. Otllco over capital National bunk, Halem, Oregon, GEO. 11. 11UKNKTT, Attorney nt law, Halem, Oregon. Olllco over Ladd A liush'8 bank. ri T. niOHAUOSON, Attorney at law, O. otUce up stairs In front rooms of new Jiush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Kaleni, Oregon, JOHN A. CAHON, Attorney at law. Itooms 3 and 4, Ladn V iiUNh's bank building, Haiem, ureccn Biiyr B.K.VONUAM. W. II. HULMKS. Bonham A Hot.MES. Attorneys at law, Olllco In Hush's block, between State and Court, on (Jum'lfcSt. mlLMON 1 block. ''OHD, attornoy at law, Salem, i. Oltice uiflUlrs In l'attou's BH. mi.YD!3HAV, 111YSIC1AN AND . Surgeon, .alcm, Oiegon. olllco In Kldrldgo block, ujxUilrH over WllMnnm A Kneland's bank IteRldence corner State and a. B corner Inter street. WH. YOUNG, M. D.. Olllco formerly . occupied by Ur. Howlnnd, corner Court and Liberty streets. I'elephoue No. 15, Olllco heurs: 8 a. in. to 12; 'I to 4 p. m., and 7 toD p.m. Ilcsldenre lutli fctieet ou elcctrlo cur Hue. Telephouo No. I). TVIOAFKK A linoOICB. I'hyslclans JJX. ud Burgeons, Jlurphy bleK, up stairs, Commercial street, Halem, Or. TvU. W. S. MOrT, physician and sur J geon. Olllco lu Eldrldge lllock, bn lem, Oregon, Olllce hours 10 to 18 a. m, iOi. 1(1. fa Ii. PII1L11UOOK, M. U.,HomeopathNt. J2J, Olllce 155 Court bticct; llesldeuco !!17 High street. General practice. Hpoclal attention given to diseases of Women nud children. "Tv U. illNl'A 8. A. UAVI9. Ofllce hours, L Bu. in. to 11 a. in.; '2 p. in. to 5 p. ni, bay or night calls promptly attended to. Special attention given todiseisesof wom en and children. Oflleo In Aew Bauk Hlk., 305 Commercial stieet. ltcvldenee same. SECONDHAND BARRELS. DK. T, C. SMITH. Dentist, 02 Male street, H.ilem, Or, Finished dental opera tions of every description, l' opera tions a specialty. tjtr 1). l'UGIl, Architect, Plann, Sped VV . HcatlouH and superintendence lor all elasoes of buildings, Orlica 2IX) Com mercial St , up stairs, c, A. HOllKKT, Architect, room 121, Mar quam building, I'oithmcl, Oregon. UCHINUsb OAlI(i. HOEYE& MILLS, Proprietors the l'orce lain Hath and i-havlng Parlors. Have tue ouly Porcelain Bath Tubs In the city. 20!) Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. AH. SMITH .t CO., Contractors, Sewer , lng, Cement Hldewalks, Excavating, Etc: All wort promptly done, Salem, Or, Leave orders with Duzan llros. 4:15-lm p J. LAHSKN & CO,, Manabrture of all L . kinds of vehicles. Rop'ilrlugaspei'lul ty. Shop 45 State street. riAKPET-LAYING.-I make u specialty ot V; cai pet-sewlug and laying; caipets taken up and lelaid with great caie, hhndo and curtain polo hanging. Leave ordeis with J. H. Lunn, liuiea A Sou or Whlto Corner. J. G.LUHUHAM. IOHN KNIGHT, HlRCkbinlib. Horso t) shoeing and repairing a specialty. Shop at the foot of Llbeity street, Salem, Oregon. iintf Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. WannMeak at All Hours ot (lie Day Nono but white labor emp.oyc A In this establishment. A good substantial meal a i ked in lliht plass style. Twenty-live conts per meal, r a r f i o n t (!onrt street,! between Oreri .House and Mlnto'fl Li ur THE WILLAMETTE SALEM, OUJ5GOX. Hales, $2.50 io5.00 por uy. Tho best hotel botwtenl'ortlaud aadKan Kraucibco. Flist-rlaKS In all Us api.olut. ments. IU tables are served with the Choicest Fruits Grown In the Wlllaiuotto Valley. A. I, WAGNER, Prop. TAPANIS SR SJ A now and C"mplete Trenlmcnl, consist ing of suppobltorles, olnt nent In cafsu os, also a box and pills; u pnsitlt e euro or ex ternal, internal, blind or bleeding, lulling, chronic, recent or htrodltary 1'IM, and tiiuuj i uiriiifvo t tn iviuiiin it run- ucsses; ltlsalwiiysa great bcnellt to the general health. J he tlrdt discovery oi n ineuieiu cure rencerm,' an operation wiui tho knife unnws,-ary herfufler. This remedy has never bieu known to full. 21 per uox.uiors.'); vvl by man, wnysuirer from this terrible dli-,ise when a written guaiautee Is given with a boxes, to refund the money It not cured Pond stump for free sample, Uuurrniei issued by Wooiuui), Claukk A: Co., Mho esale and rotall drug gists, solo agents, Portland, Or. 5 i-ly-dw Hids M'nntPil. Illds will bo received until July 7ih, 'or 15,000 ties, xH, and 6ft tin long. Tho iltflit Isro.crvtd to I el id any au 1 all bids. U-tf.dw-td H tLKM Aioroil ItY CO. J. H. HAAS, THE WATOnIAKER, 2155-i Ccmmercbl St,, ialem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Hpeclalty ol Spectacles, and repilrlrg Cocks, wainliAN mid Jewelry. E. C. OKOSS, Butcher and Packer State HUautf Court Htr-Thf httl meat delivered to all parts of tliecltv, Paper Hangerand Deccator, , Office at oiuw, cul ert'i Mlllloneiy etorc, Halem, Oreaou Gravo Dangers Lurk In tho Use of Those Common Itcccptnrlcs. Secondhand ban'els play a mora important part in tljp storago of tho food products used in tho city and its environs in Brooklyn, on Long Ialand and throughout no inconsider ablo portion of tho stato of Now Jer Boy than most housekeepers, or for that matter, most pcoplo,-tro awaro. But iow if any now barrels are miulo in this locality. New barrels aro mado and exclusively used in tho west. It is vesterri mado barrols ro coopered that aro used hereabout. Thcso rccoopercd ban-cLs aro used for pacLiug biscuits, sugar, fruit, eggs, butler and other kinds of food products. Tho nowly mado barrels como hitlier from tho west filled with flour and other food btufTa, from tho fish ing centers crammed with captuitxl denizens of tho deep, and from other places laden with delicacies intended to tempt tho appetites of citizens of tho Erapiro Stato. When thoy aro emptied tho retail provision dealers who purchaso their contents sell them indiscriminately to all comers willing to pay tho price, which is generally from ten to fifteon cents or upward for each barrel. Tho inhabitants of tho tenement houses in tho eastern district of tho city aro among tho largest pur chasers. The peoplo living in tho poorer districts on the west sido aro also largo purchasers. It is from tho epidemic localities, particularly thoso on tho east sido, owners of cooperages in this city and Brooklyn buy a largo proportion of tho second hand barrols thoy rojuvenato. But it is not only tho proprietors of coop erages who do so. Biscuit manufac turers and representatives of sugar housos do likewise. Tho cast off barrels sold to tho in habitants of tenement' houses aro used for holding dirt, ashes, dead rats and other lands of vermin, cast off clothing and underclothing that often contain germs of malignant disease, and would not havo been parted with by their impecunious owners except through necessity. Recooporago of theso secondhand barrels is earned on to a largo extent in this vicinity. Fivo firms alono ro coopor over 22,000 barrols daily, and in Bugar houses and biscuit bakeries probably 0,000 more aro daily ro- coopored. Over twenty-two years ago a Brook' lyn assemblyman Samuel Madd ox introduced a bill into tho stato legis lature to prohibit tho packing of food products in secondhand barrels. Tho bill was withdrawn owing to circum stances. Tradition says tnat ovor $30,000 was put up to defeat it. The price paid journeymen for re coopering is 3 J cents a barrel. Ex ports say that careful washing and cleaning would bo suihcient to purify secondhand barrols for tho uso of food products. Now York Adver tiser. Tlio Host Protection. The marked and sudden changes of tomporaturo to which our climato is subjected during tho wintor months aro not to bo combated by changes of clothing, for this would bo obvi ouely impossible Tho thing to bo dono is to keep tho body in a condition to resist tho changes. This condition is best main tained by having tho skin and all tho organs activo. Tlio dogreo of sensi tiveness of tho sldn in regulating heat loss is tho largest factor hero concerned, and a sound condition of tho skin is to bo expected from a proper systom of exorcise and bath ing. Youth's Companion. (living Orders to a Pope. Mr. George LTealy, an American portrait painter, tolls an interesting nnecdoto regarding Popo Pius IX. His holiness was sitting for his por trait, and becoming tired suddenly stood up and camo over to seo what Mr. Hoaly was about. Mr. Healy was annoyed at this, and exclaimed somewhat sharply: ''I beg your holiness to sit down. Tho popo laughed and said : "I am accustomed to givo orders, not to ro coivo them. But you heo, Mr. Iloaly, that I also laiow how to oboy." With this ho submissively went back to bus chair. Tho Puunlcst Sight In Paris. Tho funniest sight in Paris is to seo tho bears in tho pits at tho Jar din dc3 Plants seat thomsolves com fortably, hold up thoir forelegs in a position of supplication and, with wido open mouths, bog for buns, their oyes rapidly blinking in tho fetrong light from above. Thoy eas ily catch in their mouths anything that they can reach without moving off thoir bases. Now York Sun. War lu Washington, Tlio citizens of Oakcsdalo, "Wash., annoyed by a largo mudholo in tho inainstrcotof tho town, planted throo or four old hats and a pair of boots in tho center of it and labeled them with tho names of tho city council. But tho council retaliated by posting up a cord with tho notico, "Pay your taxes and wo will fill this holo." Philadelphia Lodger. Unexpected. Professor (to studontmakingacall) How could you think of disturbing mo tit suclinn unseasonable momontf Studont (abashed) L'xcuso mo, pro fessor, I didn't oxpoet to find you in. Excliango. Everybody luiowa what It in, and tuut la tho reason thoy go to Hoi lenbraud's for tlmt puro ice cream Boda, Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S Gov't Report Poy&I Baking ABSOLUTELY PURE VANISHING OF A CONTINENT. Tlicio Was a Real Atlnntls, Abort Which tho Geologists Tell Stories. "Atlantis, the supposititious con tinent in tho midst of tho Atlantic ocean, of which bo many remarkable stories aro told, is undoubtedly a myth, but it is ontirely certain that there was a real Atlantis," said Pro fessor Magco, of tho geological sur voy. "During that ancient epoch which wo call tho paleozoic, nobody knows how many millions of years ago, thoro was a great and lofty conti nent in tlio middle of what is now known as tho Noiih Atlantic ocean. It was about 1,000 miles long from north to south, and nobody knows how wido it was. All wo can tell is that its mountains woro very high, and that on its western slope it had long and largo rivers. It was a mighty land mass, and wo havo rea son for being sure that it endured ages before, at tho closo of tho paleo zoic, it had sunk to tho lovel of tho sea. Subsequently, though further sinking, it became a part of what is now the lovel plain of tho Atlantic "How do wo know all this, you asked? By the traces of its former existenco which this geological At lantis had left behind in tho shape of sediments deposited by its rivors. Whero aro theso sediments found? Well, tho Appalachian mountains aro entirely composed of thorn. In that distant ago of which wo aro speaking tho eastern part of the United States had not yet been uplifted above tlio ocean. When this portion of tho continent did emergo from tho sea tho sediments I have spokon of camo up with it, forming tho Appalachian range among other features of what is now tlio land. Wo know that tho rivers of tho vanished continent must havo been long and large, be causo no small Btreams could have transported such sediment. "You may well imagine how in teresting it must bo to tho geologist to explore, hammer in hand, tho Ap palachian hills for fossil forms of lifo which oxisted unon this ancient and mysterious land mass so many thou sands of centuries ago. Of the climato of tho geological Atlantis this much may bo said: It was very warm and moist, tho air probably so laden with carbonic acid gas that mammals, had there boon any, could hardly havo breathed it with comfort. Malaria and other miasmatic diseases wero afloat in tho atmosphere. Conditions woro mora unfavorablo for human lifo than thoy aro now in that dread ful region known as tho Delta of tho Ganges, whero Europeans are imablo to survive. "Tho land of tho vanished conti nent was covered with rank and gigantic growths, notably with hugo imies and giant mosses tho coal plants destined to furnish fuel event ually to mankind. Thcso plants grow more luxuriantly near tho sea. It was a great time for insects, es pecially cockroaches. Tho paleozoic, you will remomber, is called tlio ago of cockroaches, uccauso of the enor mous numbers of them found in fossil shape in tlio strata laid down during tho qpoch. Ages wero yet to pass by boforo mammals could appear upon tho sccno. "In tho seas around about tho con tinent gigantic sharks and armored fishes disported thomselves, togothcr with m anno reptiles, great and small, Tlio timo which has elapsed sinco then is so vast that BCionco does not attempt to mako any cstimato re specting its duration. So many mil lions of years havo gono by sinco tlio real Atlantis sank out of eight be neath tho ocean that tho period is an eternity compared with tho brief bpau of a singlo human life." Wash ington Star. Wltli Mr., Curlylo. I drovo with her and hod a very pleasant talk, Sho is frankly proud of tho lord rectorship intended for Carlylo and declares that ho must de liver an address. Sho told with ad mirable humor a story of her going to inquiro for a lost dog to tho shop of ono of tho gontry Avlioso business it is to find and loso dogs. Wlion sho entered sho meant to ask him if ho sold dogs, but her mind was so pos sessed by tho actual facts of tho case that Bho blurted out, "Pray, sir, do you steal dogs?" Sir C. Gavan Duffy in Contemporary Roviow. Munificent Hunker. Armollini, tho banker, a notorious misor, entered tho offico and vory carefully went through all tho work dono by his youngost clork. Ho was perfectly satisfied aud fcaid to tho young man: "What salary do you got from my firm?" "Up to tho prcsont nothing, signor," "Vory good. From tho firat of next month I will seo that it is doubled." Populi Romano. AVvurlnff the Hue with m inference. Mrs. Goodheart Well, there's no uso in asking Charlio Nichlowell to 6ing at our charity concert. Ho'b in doop mourning for his motlior and I fool certain that ho won't Bing. Miss MalaportNot even for char ity's eako? Ho might Bing a dirge, you know 1 Koto Field's WjujU Eof'oro Starting on a Journey j A person usually- desires to train some b ' formation as to the most desirable route to . tako, and will purchase tickets via the on that will afford him tho quickest and beet service, licforo starting on a trip to Chi cago or any point Kast, you should provide yourself with a map and time table of the Wisconsin Central Line. Tbo trains ran on this route are vestibule andaro equipped with Pullman's latest Drawing 1 loom Sleep ers, elegant Day Coaches and Dining cam of latest design, built expressly for this ser vice, huh a ru exquisite in iurnismngs ana convenient, and comfortable In arrange ment nnd en complete In every detail that they have no superior In corn fort and ele gance. The dlnine cur service Is pronoun ced by all the most elegant over lnaugur. fl aiea, ana is operated in ine mini csj or iw puirons. & Fast trains via tho Wisconsin Central Lines leavo Minneapolis dally at 12: 15 p.m. and U-:zb n. m.. and tit. Paul nth.tOD. m. and 7:15 p.m.. making favornblo connec tion with all trains from the West and A ooumwesi. For tickets, maps, pamphlets, nnd fall Information apply to O. F. McNeill, O. P. , and T. A., Minneapolis, Minn., and to Jae.'S U. Pond, General jt'assenger aud Ticket i Agent, dhlcago. 111, 1-16-ly Citation. In tho County Court, for thcCounty of Ma- , nun, nuuu oi uregon In the matter of estate ofl ,.,, EvollneUox. deceased uulllon' To nil (he heirs of said decedent, known" or unknown. UREKTIMU: in me name oi me mate or Oregon, tou m are hereby cited and required to appear in 1 me couuiy counoi me oirne oi ureeon. ior the County of Marlon on Monday, toe 18th; day ot July, 1802, at 10 o'clock, in the lore noon of that day, then and there to show, cause, If any there be why an order should not do ipmio numorizing ana empowering the admlnlstralorof said estate to sell the real property belonging to said estate, which Is described as follows to-wlt: Lota 8, II, IU und 11 in block No. 8 as shown on tlie amended plat of Capital Vnrk addition to the City ol Salem In Marlon County ureiron, of for suld court utnx, this 15th day of June,169. 'J Atieii: u.yj. Miir,nJiAii, uierK, f Hit PlfAir W WM'WHJI Tlannlv p. heat.. V itness, the Hon. T, L. DavIdbOn, judge ' j ' the county court, or the tatoof Oreeon.' J rtho County of Murlnu with the seal of 4 Notice to Teachers. " The Counly Superintendent of SchoJte will bold the regular monthly county 'A teacners institute, us required uy law, at tho Salem school building, eommene lug July 11th and continue two weeks. Bneclal Instructor have been cngaircd for the various brnuches and all teacners In ,3 the ciunty aro expected to attend ana m slct lu the work of the Institute. ?' Ilrl.-i? tnxt hni4kH nn alt sutilenffi. -' ; J. H. UKAHAM.' B.tiom, Oregon, Juno 25, issh. . , . ia Bids Wanted For COO poles 30 leet long and 0 inches 'fttJj top.otueuar, uniu jury 7iu. wgmij is reserved to reject any nndall bids. . i ,M l-UT-aW-ia faALUAl MIHUK Hernia and Chronic Diseases Dli'S. SHIMP & HOUSEE Devote special attention to Ncrvons, Cat- ; urrmii, ABiumuuo unu inroai. irouoiea. Hernia (ruuturo) cured without oatn or doieutlomrcm business and Guaranteed In iv?r Cd Kvery variety of Female and Cbronia diseases tre.iled by tho most advanced methods known to Electrical and Medical science. Twenty years experience In sur Scry and tho application of electricity. illlco2jl) Commercial street., Busb-Urey- XUUU U1WCK, OU1UJI1. Notico to llridgo Builders. In persuance of an order of the Hon. -County Court of Marlon county, bids wilt ' bo received at tho olllce of the county clerk ' until t'uesday, July S, 1MU. at 1 o'clock p.,1 m , for tho construction of a bridge, con- ; Blstlngof usnan of 100 feet and twoar- proaoues of 60 feet In the aggregate, ucroea S iue nine uoriu iurum vuo eanuam river. Tho court reserves tho right to reject any unu an uius, u. u. biiuuii.ajx. r 0-i3-dw-td County Clerk TMl'ItOVED OKDER OF IlED MENr 1 Kamiakun Tribe No. 8, Salem. Uold council every TliuMday evening, at 7.W, ti fgw.uii iu duiiu insurance nan, ,, F. (1. llAKElt-Pronhetf FUiVNK O. WATEIUJ, chief of Recorded TO BUILD IS A PLEASURJ When you see these new"J891 j It designs in Books 4 and 5, Houses and Cottages," wize. h x 10 inpncs. contains new desigjUnj now styles, latest Ideas In planning. No.5 4 has S3 designs classified from S1W up fw 1500, about half under $1000. No. 5 con.1 talus 6'J deilgns of dwellings costing over'! S1600, inauyfiomSlsoo up to .SU)0. Man new Southern or resort styles of houses Hra 1'rlco, SI each, or tho two for Jl0. D. S. HOPKINS Architect, Grand Rapids, Mich. T I A m ' -rtl i nose Annexe With t!ioliablt;o! using tocxcoM, 1 , LIQUOR, OPIUM OH TOBAC Can obtain u COMPLETE, PERMANENT A'THE6 KEELEY INSTITUTE I'"!rcst..a.roV0 r CaU. write, Bti confidential ' ' token Up. "A red and white spotted cowwlUj Ilolh enrs tilt, nnd branded on rtahil inner uwi kvi suiiiii uy ketiiiDX wtL utc-nv (.iio jvalH,Ani Burton Bn STATE BTBKBT BRICK YARI Lnrge utech: of oiinram Hrlekj iiiudo to order. Iaveordew at O.Hnia.1 rimifihiii, r-i,v,ifi acUILLPZ yard, oppo.teAU V rWtm. .-j . ,