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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1889)
THE OAPITAIi EVENING JOXTBNAI. I m i a . TEE CAPITAL JOURNAL. FOBLISHED DAILY, EXCEPTSUNDAY, BT T1IK jjCaoital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Knlored nt the poNtoJIlco nt Balem,Or.,os second-clahs matter. JACOB L MITCtfEU Maniger See fourth page for terms of subscrip tion. Advertisements to Insure Insertion (for he same day) should bo handed In by 1 O'clock. . , , , Correspondence containing news of In terest and Importance Is desired from all part of the state. No attention will be paid to anonymous communications. . Persons ueslrins the Cai-ital Jouiinai, served at their houses can secure it by pos jal card request, or by word left at this offlce. , Specimen numbers seul free on applica tion. Office, corner Court and Liberty 8trect. WEDNESDAY. DECEMIIKK J8 The beau outers of tho New Eng land hub, uow cnllJohn Lawrence Sullivan the "Boston alhlek-." We flhallsuy liois.Uiosiinio brute that he over was. It seems our erring friends In the Montana legislature have finally come to their senses. The snnatu Is organised and two rcnuiillcim United States senators will bo tho result. The death of Robert Browning Is the greatest blow to tho Illnrary world flluec that great muster, Victor Hugo, was laid In the tomb. No greater men have lived in the cen tury thau these two giants of litera ture, and their names will bo hand ed down for centuries along with those of .fliNcliylus and Shakespeare. . The Mormons have issued a man ifesto to tho American press asking not to bo condemed unheard. To this tho Tacoma News says: Tho average editor, whooxperlcncesgreat dlfllcultyln kooping the wolf from ono door, Is not likely to deal harshly with a man who Is supporting a dozen or so households. His senti ment is ono rather of surpriso and pity rather than envy. Hekhaftek nono of tho Pacific steamship companies will carry Chl neso lepers back to their native lund. Tho authorities of San Francisco it scorns will now bo compelled to pro vldo some place for theso patients near that city, as they alwayB have several on hand. This government has no right to send lepers whether mongolian or white to a foreign country, no moro than such coun tries have a right to Bend thsm hero. John Gkeenlea1''"Vhittiek, the Quaker bard of Now England, cele brated tho 82d anniversary of his birth yesterday, at his quiet homo In Amcsbury, Mass. Ho perhaps comes closer to tho hearts of tho common people to tho ranks of which ho bolongs, thau any other American poet, and tho knell that tolls his death will cause sorrow to thousands who have known him only through tho simplo beauty of his thoughts expressed in his poems. The death of Searlo, tho champion oarsman of tho world, at tho early ago of 2.'1 is another lustauco furnish ed to thoao who nrgtio that tho ex cessive strain to which athlotes are subjected shortens life. Thero arc 110 particulars of the cntiso of this young glant'a death,. but it was prob ubly duo to some gross violation of tho lawH of nature. Tho question of tho aquatic championship Is oueo again open. Tho honor probably reverts to Kemp, who defeated Hait ian mid was himself vanquished by Rearlo. Thuro will now be a loud call for O'Connor to pit himself iigatimt Kemp, but It Is doubtful whether tho Canadians would again rally to their man, after their losses In tho recent match. Canadian annexation continues to bo discussed pro titul con by tho press of this country, with a largo IKircontagtt of the papers In favor of annexation. It would bo no special upeclully big feather In Uncle Hum's cap lo secure tho dominion within our border. If Canada wants a re public let her tet up 0110 of her own. Tho Culled Stoles has enough problems to solve without taking In iinuiuitlgaiiiutlou of foreigners al In 11 lump. Wo also huvo Indians and ImlMmeiU enough to iu..le our HtutoHiiit'ii for a time, The Jouiinai, would hIho llko to m'o this country pay Its oivn dcbU before It awuinc any mint'. i . j H.N KlUNt'lH(X) lit having miiiio Mem Imtllr to light with tho Chi iiemv The u'tiveriiineiit ollUvrs there 1110 iiml.lng a Mrong cllort to keep out nil lliu alien celextliiU polhlo under the provision of I ho Built ex elusion net, but find It liiipotMlblo to give nil their Jtlt ilcseiN, They will html ttlllilitvlls of nil klmU tthowlng Unit they urn engaged In limine of wtitio Non, mill they (rust tn lliclrdeur brethren In dilute town In verify their ntviiru tute liiellU. TlionltlflnU luiwi tlt'Wted tiioiigli of t(il lilinl of uurk li)ii Vllicu thelil tliiit,lllolnuletvitllleto nyslelll U iiol Kllllleli'llt, Hiltl are now cliiiiiorliiK for KoitietliliiK moro H foe live III lite wny of h law, The Old Saloni and tho Now. A Matter of Justico to tho Oregon Land Company. Salem, Oregon, Dec. 10, 1889. Editok Jouiinal I have beon a resident of Salem continuously for 25 years, and most of tho time from the day when what Is now the business and residence portion was an unoccupied prairie, and for this reason am sup posed to know something of her early history and growth to this time. Tho old Salem, after It had secured tho capital, state houso and asylum in a prolongued and determined contest, quietly awaited its growth and ad vancement to a town of commercial importance, on tho assurance alone that tho state capital and public build ings, together with the State fair, was all that was needed for further and fu ture success. No effort towards pro gress was made by her citizens for many years, nor was any effort seemiugly de sired. For a long time we hod no con nection with tho Atlantic States ex cent bv the Isthmus, and until a very few years ago, no routo wus offered, to immigrants but tho Central lJaclnc,ond tho tedious and dangerous ono from San Francisco by steamer to Portland. Days and years came and went, and Salem quietly and peacefully seemed to enjoy her fancied prestige. On each annua! return of the State Fair, a spas modic dibit was made by some of her cltlzt tin to secure u few dollars as ah of ficer or employe of the Fair, or in tho sale of candy, watermelons and beer durhi; its continuance, but at its close the peanut tent was folded, tho booth doors closed, the gates were shut, tho crowds of people lpft the city, and In BodiKsa for the loss of their temporary business our people waited contentedly for another twelvemonth only to re new the same feeble ellort tor Hs paltry gain. Jhi! the new Salem has taken on now life and vigor, and is no longer waiting or dependent on the success of tho Fair, nor I Jie longer willing to bo content with the advautagq pftltq publio,bulldr ings which have been erected here by the people of the State, or the patron age their location hero may bring. By 11 hearty mujority vote of her citizens, a free bridge, costing fifty thousand dollars, has been built across the Wil amette at this place ; new capital has improved her system of water works with iron mains and tho most approved machinery second only toPortlaud.and contemplates in the coming season an expenditure of thousands of dollars In tho further improvement and extension of tho plant ; bIio has raised a twenty thousand dollar subsidy for a woolen mill which Is now completed and Into which new and tho most approved ma chinery Is now belmr placed ; sho has raised and expended thousands of dol lars In advertislnir her resources In the East, uiul every train brings new com ers in scarcnot lands ami nomes among us ; her capitalists have already builded a largo fruit-drying establishment, and are now consider! nir pluns for a vegeta ble and fruit-canning manufactory here : sho has builded within tho last year, and has in operation six miles of street car line, anil tno grauers are now nt work on an electric, motor lino two miles In lenuth. for wnlcli tno rails aro being delivered, the cars being now en routo for Salem ; sho Has en couratrcd and assisted in the arrange ment of plans, and in tho procuring of money to complete a belt motor line around tho city, which In tho near fu turo will stretch away to Silverton, ami untto the interests of that prosperous section of our county with thoso of Sa lem, wnllo all along its lino win come new life and blood, wealth and pros perlty, increasing Its traffic and adding materially 10 tno mtsincss una commer cial Importance of our city : her citizens and capitalists, with commendablo fore thought and enterprise, and Imbued with tho life and vigor of tho New Sa lem, have erected many beautiful and expensive brick buildings, to replace the old wooden moss-covered structures which had becomo a stain on tho pro gress and advancement of our city; additions to Salem havo been platted, and new residences and public and pri vate improvements are seen In all di rections in and around tho city, and tho New Salem.with all her Increase in wealth and population during tho last two years, la still using .every com nientiablo ellort for further progress and advancement. At this time, all attention Is directed to the efforts belnt; made for a railroad connection with Astoria, either by tho way or lilllsnoro, to wiiicn point lrom Astoria a road Is now belntr construct ed, or bv the wav of Tillamook, and a committee to solicit funds for tho com mencement of tho same has been select ed. As one of that committee. I find the objection urged,that tho movement in question is a Plan, or "scueme." as some term it. of tno Omron Land Com pany of this city to advance their tem porary Interests In Astoria, and that the lilioral subscription they havo al ready made. (Ki.OOO) and the further ef forts they are making for the success of tills enterprise, are all mercenary, anil expected to accrue to their advantage only, ami for this reason some havo so far refused (o enlist in tho enterprlho or 10 nun ineir supscripiiouH. m HTAT1CM HNT, WITH hKSH OK 'KIMlrnil Ml) ItlU'lHKI.' HMU I.UM.'D UTTKHKI) I TwMhlrds of tho mem- hers of (hat company are old residents of Huli'in ; all their property Is here,nutl titey navo tins year inmvinuaiiy ex itciidcd thousands of dollars In HUbstaii tlal public Improvements, with a view only to H'rniiiiient rcsldenco In Salem. Tho Oregon Land Company was organ l.ed ttUiitt two yearn ago, and at a time when titilein was but little known and when her property had a deprecia ted mill uncertain value, mid they be gun tit oueo to itiaku known (ho advan tages of our city and county fur Invest ment, anil they have earnestly labored with that end In view ever since, and havo ixcudcd. tot 1 havo It from their hoolix, ot'ir llilrlicn Autumn itollttrt in tiilvertUlnii untl )ttiii)ilU in (he In tmt if,S'nlnii mul Murhm vaunty mi mid their I'liternrloo and their Industry hiiviuillkocont 1 United to the Increased uiul Increasing value of land In and around our city uiul county, by bring. Imr limuluniutM hero or M runner Mvk. lug iiivroimcut, mid all around Hitlciti mul within tho llmlu of tho city can U found the iitiuu mm rimciuvN or new coiners liroiiulil hero by llio publica tion and cliort of the Oregon ltnd Company! nor low any public enter, prlso for tlie benefit of rwilein Uvii pro iMwd. hut that with an liiMlUlt liuud iltey have cheerfully mul generously contributed to lUkUcvM.. 'Iltey unt all men of enterprise and will subscribe as liberally as any company for tho build ing of a railroad from Newport via King's valley to Salem, on which line they havo not a dollar's interest, and labor as earnestly for Us success and completion as they arc now doing for tho road In question, and I am free to say that, In the face of all theso facte; to charco that they aro actuated only by a desire to sell a few acres In Asto riu, which can be disposed of without material effort on their part, is unjust and ungenerous, to put it in tno very mildest terms. If we wish to succeed In this enterprise, or any other for the growth and upbuilding of Salem, we must icavo envy anu jcaiousy ior oiners, and united labor for tho success we all doilre. E. M. WAITE, Of Railroad Soliciting Committee. She could swing 11 six-pound dumbbell, Hho could fence, and she could box; Sho could row up tho river, She could clamber 'mong the rocks; Sbo could do toniiS heavy bowling, And p'ay tennis nil day long; But sho couldn't help her mother, 'Cause sho wasn't very strong." Puck. XT WAS KONG EJfOCGIT. Colonel Well, what's tho matter nowT Private I've got liver trouble and dyspep sia, and ought to get leavo for thirty days. Colonel I'll giro you ten, and if you tako Joy's Vegetable Barsaparilla that will bo long enough. Fred It. Blocker, of tho Baldwin Hotel, Ban Francisco, writes: I havo spent many a dol lar for medicines, but tho only thing that ever stopped my liver troublo and dyspepsia was Joy's Vcgctablo Barsaparilla. Gustav Solomon, of 223 Valencia street, Ban Francisco, writes that ft has entirely freed him of Ms Indigestion and sick headaches. The town of Slaughter, up in Washington, wants Its namo changed, on the ground that it is not a pleasing namo. Why not leavo off the flr$t letter and call it Laughter? A waif Is astray, and a stray is a widf from homo. The crowbar Is a pry-mover In u great many enterprises. Mr. Silcott is not a sailor, but he Is the skipper of the house just the same. A short acquaintance tho man who Is always wanting to borrow raonoy. Cured in Ouo Day. Dr. Helden: A few nights .since I was taken with a sore throat, cough and stilt' neck. I used your Ethe real Cough Syrup, and by morning I was nearly well, and by night cured. JAMES PATTERSON. Supt. Woolen Mills, Stockton. Large size $1.00, small 50 cents. For sale by Daniel J. Fry, Druggist. Wolf Schafer, a pioneer on the Sound, died at his home In Stella coom, at tho advanced ago of 71 years, last week. Last week a quarter million bushels of wheat was sold at Walla Wall for exportation, going both to Portland andTacoma. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. Tho best salvo In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovcr sores, tetter chapped lunula, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sutlsfuctiou, or money refunded. Prico 25 cents per box. For salo by Daniel .T. Fry, drug gist. Tho prospect of tho opening of the Umatilla reservation is causing many strangers to visit Pendleton for the purpose of Investment. Tho estimated wheat crop of Ore gon this year Is 11,000,000 bushels, worth ?8,500,000. Tho total acreage of tho Btato Is estimate! at 1,500,000. In Consumption Incurable? Read tho follewing: Mr C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abccss of Lungs, and friends and physlcaus pronounced mean Incurable Consumptive Be gan taking Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to overseo tho work on my farm. It Is the llnestniedlenoover made." Jecho Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, Bays: "Had It not been for Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now lu bettt or health." Try It. Sample bottles free at Daniel J. Fry'aDrug storo. Win. llussell, who Bitot mid killed young Canty, is In danger ot being lynched by tho citizens of Colfux, where ho In Jail. ' Tlio.Durlmin initio coal bunkers near Palmer dtatlon, aro reported to havo burned December lOJh, Tho estimated om U (10,000. Illrctrlr Hitters. ThU remedy lu becoming do well known and popular a (0 need no special mention, All who have used I'.lectrlo Hitter Mug tho wtmo song of praise, A purer medicine does not exist mid ti U guaranteed to do nil that I claimed. Electric Hitters will euro ull ilUeuNot of tho Liver and Kidney, will remove I'lmplw, Hollit, Halt Hliciim and other vflkv tloim caused by linpuro blood. Will ilrlvu Malaria from tho ttystein anil prvvent n wej tut euro nil Malarial fevern. For euro of Jlivulache, Con. tlpatlou mul IndlKwtlou try Elec tric lUllcm-Kullrti Mtltfuetlon Kuarmitwd, or inomiy reftiiultNl. PrkHi 60 cU. ml fl.00 er bottle at IHutel J. Fry' DmipUnv, Tho man who, 'thinks, dliih w.qrld owes him avljvlng audi 'will call around and payjt, gets left; The Chief Benson for WO great SU cess of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is found In th article Itself. It is merit tliar wins, and thi tact that Hood's Barsaparilla actually ac complishes what Is claimed for It, is whai bas given to this medlclno a popularity and lale greater than that of any other sarsapa- Merit Wine rI1,a or blood purt IVI e 1 1 1 V V I Fl 5 fier before the public, flood's Barsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength sns the Nerves, builds up the "Whole System Ilood'a Nnrnpnrilln Is SOldbyalldrUf tlsts. ?t;slxfor$5. Prepared by C. I. Hoo t (Jo., Apothecaries. Lowell, Mass. Something New! NEW STORE 1 NEW GOODS ! ! NEW PRICES ! ! ! r The variety store lately opened up In Dr. .Ilnwlanil's brick on I'ourt street, has Just received a largo invoice of Variety, goods. Including CHRISTMAS GOODS, HOLIDAY GOODS AND 5 AND 10 CENT GOODS. Wo have an endless vnrlety of Fancy Iloiibc.cecplni' Goods and Novelties. Home great bargains are offered In these goods. Everybody Is Invited to call and see how much you can buy for a nickel or a dollar. 3-C!heapest placo In town to buy your Holiday Goods. ilHS. N. J. BU RFORD. FOK EXCHANGE. T wish to exchange lov; acres of good land lora House anu 101m orneur eaiera k This Is a bargain for some one. For par ticulars see 10. F. Slgworth, 301 Chemeketa street. WANTED. TXTANTED. At once. Two or three V rooms for light housekeeping. Kur nUhcd or unfurnished. Euqulro Journal otllce. ion SALE. ITOIt SALE. A GOOD HARDWARE business In .Marlon county. Address UAViTAi. Journal JIOAREING. T)RI VATE HOARDING. A few ladles or X gentlemen can ouinin, ac reasonauio rates, eood board with nicely furnished rooms In the finest part of tho city, right by tho street cars, by calling nt 367 Winter blreet, corner of Center street. . SOCIETY NOTICES. T7-NIGHT8 OF PYTHIAS. Recular meet IV I ng on Tuesday night of each week at 7.-JUP. III. L. R. STINHON, O. C. W. II. H. WATERS, K. of R. and H. 01 JVETOWE No. 18, I. O. O. J-., meets i;i Odd Fellows' Hall upbtalrs. Cornei Commercial and'Ferry streets, overy Sat urday at 7:30 p.m. J . T. GREGG. WM. CLARKE, Secretary. N. G. SATKSedgwlck Post, No. 10, Depart- ment of Oregon, meets every Monday evening at the hull over the Oregon Lund company's olllce. Visiting comrades on cordially Invited tonttend. A. W. Dkayqeu, Post Commader. II. F, soutiiwick, Adjutant. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J J. SHAW, attorney nt law, Salem, Ore- gon. Otllco up-stnlrs In the Patton block. I)HYSlUl.YN.-MUS.DR. M. K. MCCOY 1 phyBlclun and surgeon, has locatod uiul taken rooms over Squire Farrar's f:riH-evy store. Clironlo diseases a spec alty. Cousultatluu tvee. 12-Zldw T 1. WILLIAMS, STENOGRAPHER 11 , nuil Typewriter Copyist. Wlllmalce reports of trials, etc.; copying pa typo- over A. T. Vtatou's furniture store, Com- merciiii sircci, gniem. GlfAKLI-a U. UURTIS, M. I)., Surgeon and HnmnMiiMithtu nhyslclan. Oftleo mul rt'nldcnce, NoiVIIank Illoek, 307 Com iiiotclal f U i-et, Brtloiu, Or. OlIU'o liours S to U a. 111. mul f linn 2 to 3 uiul 7 to 8 p. 111. DIh- ciutciu 1110 rt'oiuiu 111111 iiiruiuo umcase spe.liitty. Kllti'eityearsex)erlouco. dw A NDllKW II. DIVKN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Halcm, Oregon, ortlce lioiim:0 to 11 n. 111., 3 to 6 fund 7 to H l. 111. Urnre; Court street, next door east of Dr. Itowlaud, Kesidi'tuv, Ull I'liuuifketa tt. C. SMITH, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURQE0N j-OiiIihj with Dr. J. N. Hiultli, OrUwold block, H4lyiit,Urrgoii, w H.H.WATEJhfACO., LAW V 15 K H, The Best Residence Localities In the city of Portland and other prosperous towns aro those, pwncd by men or corporatloas who haTC tho disposition and ability to improvo them. HIGHLAND ADDITION j- IS OWNED BY- 1 1 And this Corporation is.determincd to KS 1 ib lull a j II y is Attack' Mil To the city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have scarcely begun. It is .intended to ,make the drive leading from Commercial street through Riverside and High land additions and around Highnd,Park THE TFINESf DI4WE IN THE fSAJVp; ' 1 Of Oregon. The line of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no ota will be more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will in the near luture be THE MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITX OF SALEM. " ; f. Lots in Highland Additon are High and Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainag6 k The soil is black, and rich. From all points a fine view is obtained of the public buildings and our highest mountain peaks. , Arrangements are already being made for the location of two churches in this addition, and a number of residences are soon to be built. Buildings only of; the best class will be permitted. ' Residence Jots within the limits of the city of Salem are worth on an average oyer $1000. We cdn sell you better lots in High land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on the lino of tho street railway they are practi cally not half so far from the public buildings and the business part of the town as the majority of the so called "inside lots." S Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And let some other fellow pay $1000 for anjnferior lot.not bo well located. With the difference of 1700 jqu can build a beautiful cottage,-or, put it' out at V rate of interest that will buy you nearly two thousand stret"car tickets every year. , . t . ' GRAND 4 PRIZE OF AN mm WMii V HU' Hfll SET ! ,- X' -CONSISTING OF- a 5 S ? ,M One.Hundred and'Thirty Pieces to -be.Given jwky by ,:::::COX .& GROCERS, 249. COMMERCIAL, STREET, SALEM, OREGON. -O- , J8-.Tickot wth chance ,on prize presented to every purchaser of one pound of our "Reliance Can Tea,' Call and S - T. J. CRONISE. Salem's1 Popular Job Printer, A T HIS NEW QUARTERS IN THE x. oune insurance uuiiaing, uor, merciul and Cbemokete itreets Com- MU DORRANCE BROS. Dealers In every variety of OREGON LUMBER. DRESSED AND UNDRESSED! Lumber Delivered oa Short Nolice. Yard nt the Agricultural works. Salem. Oregon. Mill located four and a Uulf miles northeast from Bulem. on the John Martin donation land claim. Slab Wood 50c Per Cord, Call and see us before purchasing else where. . d.w Kansas House, Corner ot Court and High Sts. E,, M, LAW, Proprietor. .' We have taken ,a new name but will continue to serve ourpatrons with the best the market aflords, give them a cordial .welcome to Qur, Home. Terms reasonable. Give us s. call and we will do you jood. No Chinese employed. Conservatory of Music lUxmis 1 mul 3 Krlnr's IIIm-U, .V. K. cor HwHtitlK and t'oiilliivri'lkl rwiH, talent Dniiuii, NO'lllCK. fV) WHOM IT MAY (UNUKIIN-Nullro I. U tifriby ghin llmt til it lililtUKiir the ttouklioiilMsof lliei'ai'Hol Advnitire Cumimnv, lild In Huli'in, l)rvtiibr II. Iw. ly iiminliMoiu wnmhii lliu wiilt suh'k tir tint ixiiiiu iiy wm lurmuvu ikihi Klllrtn ThuUHtUil toTlilrty Tlimik4Utt lol Mnt. . kikiiumk W ihwim ,'JI.I.IH. mvrwury. Of the Willamette Unlver-lty Salem, Ore iiou. theiiict succskiful Muslo School on the Northwest CoosU' Courses In muslo are ivjuiil to Eastern muslo schools. Yearly at trndunco of jiforly one hundred and fifty. The able corn orteachers for the ronilni tieona Willis, Mlu 'Uvu Cex: oulsunt irucurn, auu L.UIU m, omul, hiss Jlullr l'livldll U II tt LllkiJ LI A 11 I A Unculn ? i " -"T rw? r ' " Dlnlomas clven on oouiDleUun of eouru Wend forattaloinieaBdclrauJar, IN. T-KdSm-wlm. LOANS. Loans negotiated, and closed without de lay when seeurlty lieatlsfactory and Title Good! I'rlnrlnnl mil ini.a.i . Iemo&cJ.-tnsr;nade''onfa?m"p l. s. ;vyijn!ters,. THB PEOPIVBS.-QROOBR Carries a'select line of family grocerlM aid provision-! that are sold at reasonable rstes. Country produce; aueU'ar apple; IttlU oX aU.klnds, potatoes.-vegetables, etc.,'alwayi on band. Call at 100 Court- street, Salem. -r- 1 P. H. BASIN'S Salem .Music -Store Iquarlera fpr Chlckerlns; 4 '! ay. Olaxleton"' Colby -and Emerson , WJlcox AWJilte Organs. .Cash or mpnta " f . Headquarters oieinwa I'lanoa Installments. , S 94 State Street. Patton's Block. -12dw Money Ready When Papers Completed ,T.h!? wUb-lD" 1 na for Improvements SLS Bre "-equested tocallon usoFcor fmfnd'i.u T1I & HAMILTON. "SafenTWnr0 Doth' W8"- llraBchesUUKhtarevoealCulture.riano, Orsnn, Violin, I'lpe Orcan. Harmony Couuteriolut, and UaMTeaehlnr. Iitoina nd for K. M 1'AUV New Express Wagon. WILLIAM H0LC0MB Ilssstarte4a new espr wsn and is now rimdy U dllvr bui to and (rota the dyl, and to ay t ut in etty, ! of any kind 4tlTr4 on sbeH Bailee. New Fish Market. Allen Rhodes has established a new Klsh Market on ntateatrMt. nH i, bZ.. f., J unpiy of nsh, poultry and BaHiV.' " uirenimacait and your order will be promptly attended to. ' r im m i BRANCH STORE OF CxfoisMjfo. For success si th capital business mllege, A. P, Ai wtTowo,MPKr. g. L.Vitr, IMn. BmlEess, SkorthaBd, T;,.vHU, Immii) M u,, p,futMU D?-,Jh y';SI'. Sludsoti sJmltud say tun.. Cj , o,, Cll, idJriss ANDREW KAN & CO., 2W Commercial street, opposite, rottofloe, Balem, Or., direct importers of Japancso and fhinese Curiosities, And novelties aa well as fine porcelain Chi nawure, clossonle, SaUuma, Bronte, Ivory, all, PRINTING. ahipiiliwiiv rmnLVT HUTARLIStf Umeuts n the HUte. Lower raw tba" lTortlmid, lriMt stwjk Lfl MifiLViS ffi?uWaVH. if aft'