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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1888)
MWJfWllUUlMJAimiiUKBW i EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, 1SSS. LEBANON LI.NES. TKKSONAXS. from Win. Dugan is in Portland. Prof. M. V. Itork is back Michigan. Mrs. B. S. Wallace returned from Lebanon this morning. J. W. Robinson, from Monitor, nearMt. Angel, was in town to-day. Capt. J. T. Apperson, president of -tate agricultural society went below to-day. Mrs. Lydia McCully, left to-day for Washington, D. C. to visit her daughter. Mrs. Capt. D. C. Howard' is in town from Washington- Territory visiting her sons. Judge Strahan is again at his post tf duty, in the supreme court room at the state capitol. Mrs. Wm. Dugan is reported very bick in Portland. Her husband left to be with her to-day." Miss Nellie Edes and Miss Nellie Kiely have been visiting in Port land but are home again. Miss Bertha Forstner, who has lceu visiting her aunt, Mrs. S. Farrar, returned to her home In Portland yesterday. John jr. Peebles goes to-night to Jacksonville, where he has been en gaged to teach in the public schools during the coming year. C. J. Strong, a former resident of Danvers, 111., has arrived in the city with his family, and will make Ma rion county his future home. Rev. M. C Wire, presiding elder of the Portland district of the M. E. church, has taken up his residence in South Salem, in the Coffey house. Gov. Pennoyer goes to Roscburg to-night, and to-morrow will deliver the annual address before the Doug lascountyagrlcuitural society. Hon. li. W. Webb and J. K. N.Bell lelt last evening for the samo place, to attend the fair. At Last at Ket. At about 0 o'clock this morning, Mrs. John Brooks was cased of all her pains. She peacefully and pain lessly fell asleep after a long, and oftentimes severe, illness. She was eonsclous to the last, and her mind unusually bright during the closing hours. All the family have been with her, and unremitting in their , loving care during her illness, and all but her son Frank, who is at tending the Medical College at San Francisco, were presentat her death She had long been a consistent and eteemed member of the Baptist church, and death had no terrors for her, loath as she was to leave the very affectionate husband und chil dren. She was a native of Hart county, Kentucky, had lived many years in Oregon, and laid down life's mirdens at the age of llfty-four. The funeral will take place to morrow, from the residence In North Salem, at 2 p. m., conducted by the iwstor, Rev. A. II. Medberry, assist ed, by speciul request of the deceas ed and family, by Elder J. W. Webb. All friends invited to be present. Twe folunat. The Oregonian, (hat often pusses jHHjple with a single paragraph or a flight mention, devotes a couple of columns to Geo. W. Cable and his readings in the tabernacle in Port laud. He is described as no ordinary man. Besides giving ijs readings nearly every night he Js writing for two magazines and u paper, and when at home, In Boston, be teaches a Sunduy school claw of 1,600 to 2,000 each Sunday. Wit, pathos, Irish and negro dialect, tho drama tie and the Intcnsly realistic are woudcrfully blended in his readings ays that paper. One night only. He appears in Salem tomorrow, In the opera house. GtrTtlt raw. Wm Garnettand Albert Johnson, two healthy vatrrants, were- scoojicd i at Gcrvaia Tuesduy and after duo trial and strict examination they were safely housed last evening with Nlierifl'Crohwn. They will not find it so easy to kick a hole through the roof of this Institution as they did through tho Gervals Jail. But If Hiey are high kickers and want ex wvie they can try awhile. Town is steadily growing. The grist mill is finding plenty to do. The new Methodist church is Hear ing completion. The Lebanon Express, under the editorship of Mr. Kirkpatrick Jr., is doing well. Here is one more big fruit story. A two-year-old tree was set out last season, and this summer bore S3 pears, over fifty of them matur ing. Harvesting is about over, and far mers are hauling their grain from the fields, trying to decide whether to sell wheat now or to hold for 80 cents or more. Strong hopes of a second mill race to run through town, being con structed by capitalists from Cala., are entertained. This would surely be followed by a paper mill, costing fSO.OOO. A great advantage to the place. It Is but four miles to Sodavllle, and the writer drovo over, for the first time drinking of tho efferves cing, natural water, which is quite pleasant and said to be conducive to Health. It is mainly a summer resort, but has a good school house and a number of permanent Inhabi tants. The teacher is building him self u neat residence. Not far from Lebanon, W. R. Cheadle has a splendid dairy, of over fifty blooded cows, from the cream of which lie makes 200 lbs of cheese daily. Ho has 400 acres of pasture and 400 of arable land. Some thirty miles up the Sautiam good bituminous coal has been discovered lu large quantities, and it is hoped that the railroad from Albany to Lebanon will bo extended far enough to justify the development of the mines. A .NEW THKOI.Y OF ShEEP. How Sufferers From Insomnia Find lti'liof. Jlnv DISTRICT W. C T. D. CONVENTION. Off far Tie Korea. The third animal session of the second district convention met yes,terday afternoon ill the Presby terian church, Lebanon. There were present delegates from that town, Albany, Salem, Scio and Oakville. Revs. G. W. Glbney, pastor, J. R. Kirkpatrick, B. F. Moody of Scio, J. W. Webb of Salem, were also present. Mrs. R. S. Wallace, of Salem, conducted the devotional exercises. Mrs. L. E. Blaine, of Albany, president, declared the convention open, and called on Mrs. E. E. Pentland, secretary, to read the minutes of the last convention, held in Brownsville. Approved. Mcsdamcs Houck, of Lebanon, A. Trumbull, of Albany, were ap pointed a committee on credentials; on plan of work, Mrs. H. Brown, of Albany, Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. M. C. Smith of Scio; on resolutions, Mrs. E. F. Sox, of Albany, Mrs. R, A. Bamford, of Oakville, Mrs. Houck; on courtesies, Miss Libblc Ambler, of Lebanon, and Miss Rhoda Hale, of Albany. The earnest and encouraging address of the president was well received. The ministers present were in troduced and received by the con ention standing. Rev. Mr. Moody from Arkausas, wittily remarked that he had come from a state where there was a good deal less water, and not nearly so much whisky as in Oregon aa local option was doing much good In Arkansas, and the women rendered efficient help Jn carrying' and enforcing it. Adjourned. MKKTINn AT NIOIIT. A large audience filled the church at 8 p. in. to listen to music, and a very line essay on "Narcotics," written by Mrs. H. A. Newell, of Salem, read with emphasis by Mrs. Wallace. This was followed by an address by Elder J. W. Webb on the scope and need of the W. C. T. U. work., A good collection was taken up for expenses and temper ance work. Benediction by Rev. J. R. Kirkpatrick. Tho convention will continue Its sessions to-day, and at night Miss Collins, a Well known elocutionist, will render a number of plecm. It is now, I believe, generally ac cepted that our conscious, daylight thinking processes are carried on in the sinister half of our brain i. e., in tho lobe which controls the action of the right arm and leu. Ponder ing on the use of the dexter half of tho brain possibly in nil uncon scious cerebration, and whatsoever may lie genuine f the mysteries of planchette and spirit rapping I came to the conclusion (shared, no doubt, by many other better quali fied Inquirers) that we dream with this lobe, and that the fantastic, un moral, splrit-likecharacter of dreams is In some way traceable to that fact. The practical inference then struck me. To bring sleep when lost we must quiet the conscious, thinking, sinister side of our brains, and bring into activity only the dream side, the dexter lobe. To do this the only plan I could devise was to compel myself to put aside every waking thought, even soothing and pleas ant ones, and every cllbrt of day light memory, such as counting numbers or tho repetition of easy- flowing verses, tho latter having been my not wholly unsuccessful practice for many years. Instead of all this I saw I must think of a dream, tho more recent the better, and go over and over the scene It presented. Armed with this idea, the next time I found myself awakening at 2 or 3 o'clock in tho morning, instead of merely trying to banMi painful thought and repeating, as as my habit, that recconnnendable sopo ritlc "Paradise and the Perl," 1 re verted at once to the dream from which I had awakened and tried to go on with it. In a moment I was asleep! And from that time the experiment, often repeated, has scarcely ever failed. Not seldom the result is sudden as the fall of a curtain and seems like a charm. A friend to whom I lmvo confided my little discovery tells me that, without any preliminary theorizing about the lobes of tho brain, she had hit upon the same plan to produce sleep and had found it wonderfully elllcacioiw. NhUL) Hid n. ' A man named Jackson, aged about CO, unmarried and a resident of Washington county about six teen years, was found dead yester day morning under the saloon own ed by Mr. Mull, at Reedville. It was evident that dtuinir the nlulit before, the deceased gained entrance to the saloon through aside window, and after imbibing a quantity of liquor departed through the back door and went to sleep under the building, where he was found dead. The coroner, Dr. F. Crung, was noti fied and held an inquest, the ver dict of the jury being that the de ceased came to his death from ex cessive drink and exposure. It is no uncommon thing to see Jackson around tho town of Reed ville in a drunken condition, and halng obtained by his burglary an unlimited quantity of liquor, he simply dmnk himself to death. Nothing was found upon the body but a plug of tobacco and some matches. I.OCAl, NOTKS. The fair next Monday. Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith's, 92 State street. The sidewalks should be extended to the depot eroding. Wate paper ami exchanges for sale t this olllee. Let the city council onler the sewer on Marion street. Dr. RNdon came back from Long Beach to-day and reports it about doscrteil. Cable, the fascinating writer, reads from ills own writings to-morrow, Friday, night. Do not miss it. To-morrow the grand dedication ball of F. Co. 2d regiment O. N. G. takes place in the new armory, at Albany. Wheat is very firm at To cents. The common belief is that clirhtv could be obtained if the boats were running. George Hook was brought up last night from Multnomah county for one year's term in the penitentiary for larceny. Geo. W. Cable will address the students at the university at 12 o'clock sharp to-morrow. The public welcome. There will be one or more pieces of music among the leading features in connect Ion with tho lecture at tho opera house, to-morrow evening. Weller brothers are reclvlng now goods and dldjioxing of them as fast as received, which all comes from advertising In the Capital, Joi'it- NAl.. Do not forget to go and hear Geo. W. Cable to-morrow night tit the opera house. Heats at Pat ton's book store. Tho music and readings will be a treat. Calvert's millinery stor lse receiv ing new attractions every day. Miss Noon of Han Francisco has just ar rived to take charge ofthe trimming department. Another case of fire with no In surance is that of Frank Ranklne, photographer of Eugene. The los Is about ?1,000 and would have been more bad not the movables lieen mostly saved. The pi ice of hops has been climb ing up steadily but slowly ever slinjo the opening of the market. The latest engagements wo have heard of have been at IS cents per pound. This while much below the prices obtained some former years Insures good pay to those who ae- ai-auiujF imam ntinMiii'WMJai auuw STATE NEWS. All the tin-horn gambler have been driven out of Amoriii by the emet ot police. I Hey ttll llotiri in liieomii luulgivoSuuday iiiorul prmo ngius as a sine snow. MM "V .11 .. ... ine ..Nonnern laciue conmmiv nuwt bo expecting u great increase In business, as it made an order last week for eighty-two new locomotives and fifteen hundred freight ears. When the watchman on tho Mountain Queen woke up Sunday in Portland he found that his room had been entered and his pockets relieved of n $200 cheek and some small change. There, was no eluo to the tbier. Payment has been stopped on the check. From Mr. G. 1). Edwards, who has just completed his task of enumerating the able bodied men of that city, it is learned there are within the Incorporated limits of Baker City 4.M men subject to military duty. Mr. Edwards says the number may exceed this a very little, but the count Is about as close as it was possible to make it. ... She Spread Hmtir. Mr. J. 11. Stowell told us a few days since of the most extensive hatch we have heard of during the present season. A lien belonging to W. T. Eakln made her nest in a mow of new hay some weeks since and after a large number of eggs had been deposited by herself and others she proceeded to "set" in duo and ancient form. After the required time Mr. Eakln took from the nest 41 nice lively chicks and assures Mr. Sto well that the hen had no assistant unless tho warmth ofthe curing hay had acted as an Incubator. In tills country such stories can readily bo believed, hut In tho east they rank as Pacific coast lies. Eugene Register. EDUCATIONAL. "SELECT SCHOOL The supremo court meets, after the summer vacation, the first week in October. Oregon State Fair! Tho USIli Allium! Sliitn l'ulr will lie hold on tho l'ulr firnund. unir Hii1.mii commenclni; on thr 17th OF SEPTEMBER Anil ronttnulni; mm week. CASH PREMIUMS to the Amount of $15,000 Will be uwuidcd for AKrlnilliinil, Mechan ical nnd Stork ox hllilt, works of nrt ami fancy work, itntl for trials of upooil. Tho piomluniH ottered lmvo Loon In rrciiHoil In nmny oiinoh, mid new cIuhm'h lmvo licen mliU'tl. No entry feo clunked 111 UlYIMUU" .1, IV. J. 1111(1 W Miss Knox Will continue Her School for the en suing year at the LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and Marion Sts.. beginning SKrTKMHKK 10. f CONSERVAT011Y OF MUSIC! lruinmctto University. Mont KKvorul school orniiKlp nn tho northwcM count. About 150 SITDKNTS LAST YEAR. (Amrfce In Pinna. Orumi, Singing, Vlolli. llnrmuny, unci Countur- piilnt. PIplomnNon completion ot rotate. TraeliiTii: Z. M. 11irln. Kratiklo 1. .lotion, KmCo. AHKintunt.I.uniM.Hnilth. Mint term ln-clni Monday, Ncptcmorr .Id, 1S.V. Honil for cutatOKUo. Kor further p.irttculiiriiddrci Z.M.l'ARVIN, Mil si oil Director. Mulem, ur. s-i7.iiir.wit ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Hoys and Girls. Tho M'hool will own on tho 'JIU of Soptemlior. Thnroiinh Inst mo tion In tho primary Mini nnvnccd English Branches. LATIN AND KLKMENTS OK MUSIC -III COlllhe.- re trim Kaaut. While ninny persons come from various states Kansas upears to a little more than hold her own In the mutter of giving us new comers. Geo. P. Ilusncll, h young gentleman fully Mrs. Mary Moore, who keeps u boarding house in Urooklyu, re ceived a letter from New Orleans, on last .Monday, aniioiincinir the death of Henry C Wlllett, In that city, and informing her that ho had devised to her by his will $600,000. Sirs. Moore Is tho daughter of a fanner who lived during tho wnr near Morrisburg, Po. While the great bnttlo wrm raging the fanner's barn was used lis h hospital. On the third day of tho battle Lieut. Henry C. Wlllett, n confederate ottlcer, was sent to the burn-hospital with a shattered arm, mid Miss Miller, now Mrs. .Moore, dressed tils wound. After his recovery he proposed manlage to her, but she refused him. Then tliey parted, but not Iwfore the young lady had given him a lock of her hnlr. nine unit 1111111111: imcIi ilnv. Thoilirrep nt trun.poitutton -iiiiinliw will nniko IIImtiiI iriliutlont In fiiio 11111I nolchtN. HHvliilnttonllim In ciillcil lo tho pii'inl tmiw ollcri'd for county cxlillills ofxiiilnii, KiiixNi'itiinit Irnltx. i:ntiU'Hwlll ho rood Willi) llii!M'iotHr)V offlin In S11I0111, Ix'KlnnliiK lx iIii)n liolorn t lie liilr, nnil on tho fiilr kioiiiiiIx from Krl day lioforn tho lulr. I.oiih (IonIiIiik to eilillilt In iIIvIhIoiik .1, K. II, I'lind U aro rtfjiioi'loil to make their rnlrlon on I'll (lav unit Kuttinlny deform ho Culr If ihmMIiio. All rntrlct rloMi on Monday, Hoiilcinlx-r 17lh,nt7:.p. 111. I'itlL'KH OK AllMIHHIONl Coupon ticket for men (hIi ilnyn) fi IO Coupon ticket for women (hIz diiya) 1 Ul Day ticket for men U) Day ticket for women X TIckelR to the grand "Und nt nice track rorinulen over Vi yearn 'St I Julie lo thecriinil hIhikI lice, Thnxe dculrinc to pnrxhatc bootua will apniy lometcrrciMiy. -Heuil (4i tho cecretnr: premium lint. Hecretary. 11 ry at Hulini for a J.T. (IKICUII, cept it immf i.f iim..,i (i,,..i.... ! A imiKHlllii'iit Hold 01 horcoK rnlorcd, A great deal of political Hopping 1 nd there ulll hcHplondldoontostiior run on all sides Is taking place. Among the most recent Mrs. Helen Goiignr of Indiana, Lllllo Jlluke Devereux mid Kllziibcth Stanton duly, prmn- inentwoiiieii stitlraglsts, announce themselves for tho prohibition party, nntl aro doing campaign work 011 the stump or with the pen. An Incipient lire wits started by a spark from 11 passing engine In a Held near J. It. I'arrish's In North Snleni. The tire got under full headway and burned over con siderable ground, but was dually controlled. There was little or no damage committed except a big scare for some of the near neighbors. Look a leedle out, these dry times. Mr. Jnry returned last evening from White's station, Yamhill county, where ho has been during the past week putting up one of their uuequoled driers. Mr. Jury Informs this rejiorter that the west side narrow-gtiage rail road has several gangs of bridge carpenters und other workmen putting their Hue In llrst class order, repairing bridges, etc. Auumlerof the freighting team sters above Don Smith's on the O. P. railroad grading huve struck be cause the price lias been reduced from 40 toiW cents per 100 pound; and they are forbidden to pasu through Queeuer's laud to tliedcjsit except when he Is on bund to un lock the gate. It Is likely things will be arranged by telegraph from headquarters. 1 Mt.MH and further luforiuntlon um be had 011 application lo HKV. K. II. POUT, Cor. Chenioketit nnd Hlnlcsiu S-tf WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY (IrailuntoNHtudoiilN In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Iliisinoss, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It In thonldeiit, laruent nnd least oxrwo kIo Inntltutlou of learning In tho Norlfe it. Hchool oHnn nmt .Mondiiy In September. Head for ciitaloKiio to TIIOH. VAN H(XY, 1'rcNldt-nl. 17t Knlciu, Omcon. fOR SALE. STOCK FA11M FOR SALE or RENT! T M)E QUESTION Of THE DAY. PROTECTION OR FREE TRADE? An EumlaitlM ef thi Tariff Qvutlin with El fclil Htui to th lottrtiti of Libor. BY HENRY 0E0H0E. cijorn. iua papkh, as cknth. Till hi the cleiircat, Cilrext, mwl lnterot lnc and mul complete examination ofthe turln" quKtlon yet made, and will prove Invaluable to all who wUh lo undnrnland the nubjeet. The moat thnroiiKli ImotlrMlloa of Ilia nubjeet that huayet l)een put In type New York Newa. The aptx-firuno of tills Ixxik inurku a liewriiocn In thu world-wide, utrueiile for free trade. Henry Ueorico ho u power of line riiiiioiiilc trutlu In mich h cleMrand Impid lnnKuuro that any child run n rider. uttlneenoiiilctruth land hlln. while the inot learned limn G30 ACRES Well watered anil plenty ot timber. 'JV noil und two buriin. Oool orchard. Meadow nod LIU acre plow htQd. fttlr head ofenttle with the plare If wante1,an4 hnniea rnmi&h to nin It. Within rlvo mlUw ordettotoiithuO. AC. It. II. A Imrgillll A oinrlNxly, Enoulre at Office nf Caoittl Journal For Sale. A Korxl Iron frame Home I'ower. (load for nil nnil, from one to full capacity. All for the low prior 01 to. fall at (he l rlflo Cider, Vinegar A Krull I'rewrvlae Company'ionire. Hulcm, Ore f on, Take Note of ThU. MAIIltlKII. ivLiTUCK-HAINKH. At the reldenw of eaL Mn.. June Orumn nmr Halem. Heol. 12. lw, bylir. Itowland.Hnrah Ann lUln toJohnTuek. frniii IlllnniH. hut lutelv rceldlni? at AnunilwrofBaloniMiortlug mon T)iPhton. Kansas, arrived at Kalem wnttotho Portland race to-tiny. I oll Monday ewnlng'u train. lie 0. IV. Citle'i K4lir. George Washington Cuhle another liiterentlng rending from nit own wntiugH at tue 'iiiuornucle lust uvunlng, before a dellghtel audienee. Mr. Cable 1m a wonder- versatile gentleman, oh won uowK-ln North HaiMn, hn. 11. i. IIUItN. eun enjoy the am-uracy of hi ntnltimeuU and the U;ifoatlveuMt of lit" thoutlit. TliimH (I, Hnntrman In New York hUir. A btxik which etery worklmtinan lu the land can reud with Interest and ought to rend. New 1 ork Herald. Whoever wunU t mu the lroni(et ar Ifiiment not only ufaliut protection, but aralntt all lurllU - will find It litre, C'hrUtlan Union. TlielnularueHiof Sir OeorgeU that Unitarian itetltiw. he hua made political wimnny Iniereatlng. It Uwld that about thirty head of "ie trotUng stoek will be at the te fair mees that would not have Wit 1hv but for tho Portland trials "f sjieetl. Many sporting men with 'iMJtwy an? following the liorx-s ff'in tlw eattt, through Montana 81d Oregon. Mncli money will 'anreIutmK will probably future home. make Oregon his lUmuilml, the Hindoo lady lec turer, will not be here until after the fair, tut there will l w ninny at traction and dMraotkHui then. Her date is now definitely tixmi for J Wednewliiy, Oetober d. Bliown by tlie way lie iiulil IiIh mi dlence. To-night Mr. Cable will aimiM and delight the good ieople of Albany. New. to Itwr wlhtutrnak Howe, u girl. WACKiONKIt-lnCorvallU, Or., Hepl. 11,1 imt, 10 ii)ewiroriiaiirauwnmi-oar iio. A. Wancottw, boy. IHUU. Frank I'ixley, of San FranadMo, la nominated for eon, I ltoWyXVQ2d?tii Ameriean tarty. Humy Uieywilr u II. , a. nnd Kwlly CwuM, gd 11 iuWUljapartyiinerofa0f000iMt, wo",b- ' ..'....:. .1 :...' , I HOOKH.-At lwrVcte. North Hatoii. senu-WMKiy wh tue imiiiiwigit w, ThitruUr. . U. Urn. Umitlm IUbj. over. Tlte party lia ut out no. tu-ketln Oivk""- 1 wile of John tinxm; utierf Kesttu-kr. ooed M yeovn I moolh and II day "Fallen aleep la Jomm. ' Htwy Gmet'i Otatr Wcrki. I'rotcreM and Poverty, ekrth, Hi er, Mfita. Xuelal I'robUti.eViKli.ll; ir,J eontn. The IawI QuaatMHi, ftr, 10 eenti. rrolty In iMiui. iKiiX'r. Uewile. .iitdiMa MlK FfrANTlAlltl. It VhUh Ut, Xew Vifk. I. SCHNKIDKH, IIKAI.KH IN WATCIIHS, CLOCKS AND JKWKIJtV. Htavtux, Okhcjon. K(w(m 041 lutnda Ura RHorlHteot of Jaw riry, WuU'haa IttM-ka, etr, KapHlrlng urouifKly lou and warrantrd I will give lite limtlMncaliK lu watrliea of any dealer iu lite Willamette allty. l:Mut .-Vllt 'J.oOO WK Wll.l, HKIXeo inrnen mau. wi flood road Ui town 1 J1 well Improved inllea of Milrm. I jeur around, llulldlngt good, nrden Inad, wllliln 3 HI IOWI) to FINE YOUNG ORCHARD "ud eicalleiit itnuiii lultd, nron Wll.l. IM A CIIAMIIKIII.IN U a bargain, aud will be held only a anon, time at thetu flgurea. Call, ami wo will anow yon ine nroiteny, (Itxru llouae.Maloiii.Oc JUPKIIIWON. A. H. HUDELSON. DKAI.HIt IN HAKIMVAIIK, TIXWAUE, St-eve, and Farming lmilnintc. Am mtrtm a fall Utk ttf I'AIN'IV, OII-S CKJA1W and TOBACCO, (JI.AHH and PUTTY. jKKr-KHMiN, - - (JHKt.uN. M iA -T mJL ..aal.a. -- Ifc-l-t t