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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1900)
..ISSUED IN.. semi-weekly sEcncr: z ..EACH.' . - TUESDAY xk-D FRIDAY.1' i 000000C0000000CC-CC3 V".'. .' - , : . . - , '. -. ... . I; . : : T j ! . VOL., 49. NO. 18. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1900. SECOND SECTION EIGHT PAGES WE WANT TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO ; Men's Boys' Clothing You will be surprised to see the quality of goods we can sell you for the money. : The Etyle and fit is equal to any line of clothing in the country. Our extremely low prices apply to clothing as well as to all other lines, j (You'll get your money's worth if you deal with V ' ' - - . NEW YORK RACKET . - - - - t Our shoe trade is the pride of the store. We have any quality you want and any style. We sell more shoes thaa most shoe stores. You'll know why if you try a pair of the "Star 5 Star" brand. Shirts, hats, underwear, hosiery, and all kinds of ladies' and gents' furnishing goods. ' j . Salem's Cheapest One. Price Cash Store E. T. BARNES, Proprietor SHOE SALE 10 per cent discount on all shoes. One year ago we inaugur ated our annual shoo sale. Our customers will remember the wonderful success of our monster shoe sale. This month we will have the greatest shoe sale ever heard of. . Ten per cent, discount on all Shoes. All goods are marked in plain figures. SHOE STORE J V ! 94 STATE STREET $ belgia ii ares F. A. I WELCH, Salem, Or. Save expense and express by pur v chasing near home. Can1 supply the finest stock at very reasonable prices. ' Correspondence solicited. ALL BEST STRAINS. Rabbitry located near Marion Square. ' j ! inquire at Statesman Office. ALL IS Kire For the 't::ilr...: National Convention of the Rcpatllcens FEDERAL Of riCERS TIRNED DOWN Natfonal ComaalttM Diwldc Com test from LmUilaM-TM F1SM of tb Icl- wart Dlciloa StUt On. 'P ! I LL AD E LP II I A, Pa., Jan 14- With 11 the work preliminary to the entertainment of the National Kepabii- can Convention and :tts- attenaam throngs practically .accomplished, Phil- ade pliia is now contentedly awaiting her visitor. From the big Convention 1111 down to the smallest detail, those cltarft cd witfi the responsibility feel that they hae the situation well in hand," and the completeness ot the preparations teem to jtmily this beiitl. As yet, however, the hospitality of the city is by no means . a i, f . I . , f - - ,.i laxcu.ji incrc -uayt; uttu vcij in "ZA rivals !oday, and the lobby crowdsat the hoAtli are composed principally ! ihftse fjintereited in tlw contests with whichjhe National Committee is wrest- l'mar. .- I - ' ' . ' - Ihe preat mass of delegatcsare not expected to arrive until Saturday m Sunday. . The most intcresthK event in the National Committee, today, was the scattniR of the Warnimilh . delejtafes from 1 Louisiana, aker a very spirited contest occupying nearly all day. This is anljoverthrow for the federal ofiice holders of Louisiana, ten of whom were on the delcRation headed by Vimberly, collcctior of the pjrt of New Orleans, AUhaiijrh Winiberiy is a member of the National Committee, and made the strongest possible presentation of the case, ijhe committee by a vote ot 25 t 18 declared for his opponent. The man thus wteclared seated is Win: Pitt Kel- tinv a former Gov'ernor? and at on; a United States Senator Irotn Louisiana, who has been a delejiatc to iNationa! KepuWican -Convention iXfio. Warmoirtli and his friends. w ho iwere . successful today, represent the siagar planting interests of Iouis iana. nd the claim was made before the National. Committee that the recogni tion of this taction wmikl make it pos sible Bo elect three 'Republican membets in Conjrrcss from the state. "The; Delaware .ca ye Is ' lit ' " abCy SiYtr: while;!the subcommittee, appointed yes terday is endeavoring to have the fac tionsiagree. It is understood that the lJuioni-HiKcins delearates , insist upon absolute recognition of their entire dele gation!, while the -Addicks men have showin a disposition to make some con cessions. I'ayne, wno s cnatrman 01 the subcommittee, says the Dclawa'4. case Ihiay gvvcr until Sumlar before final settlement. ' Chairman Ilanna is the center of in- 4erest. and is much sought after for interviews, in the hopes tnat -tie will tj give some indication of He is still non-committal, and while he has been quoted in several paper h statements are of a general cliaractcr. ASjjto tue v ice l'resincncy, wnue 11 is the wjpermost topic of discussion, the meitibers of the committee and Vithe leadiirtg Republicans here seem to be s-lill jat sf a , Nearly every prominent kepnWican. who says any llun-g ahoct iU remarks that the "field isf still open axl jfhe be man will win,"Lwhich is takeii to indicate that no one has been accepted by those who are managing the affairs of the party. The avowed candidates are Lieutenant Governor Woodrufl, of New York, who has friends on the ground-hustling for himjj Secretary , Long.; who was launched today as a fullH edged cahdii dale by the general distribution ot his picture, on whklk"ae the labels. 'Por v'icit-President, John D. Long," and Represcrstativc Dolliver, of. Iowa, whose friends are urging him because of Ins reputation as an orator, and becanscof geoffraphicaf reasons. According vto the present :outSook, besides the three naraed there will be otes caat for a numbcr.of favorite son4. though in many, instances, it will 1 be purely . a mmpl 4 mentary votes Among these are Sena tor j Fairbanks o4"; Indiana; Ex-Senator Washbnrn, of lilinnesota; -Governor Schofield. ot Wisconsin; Judge Uartlett Inpp.tof South Dakota, and Colonel Jay" L. Torrey, of -Wyominsr.- while the held is opera for any others who may be entered for the race. CIA LI FOR N I A DEMOCRATS. They Endorse Cfyan and7 Are Proud of i j Hearst and His Papers. - . i-i i -: .j Saccareento, Cal.. June 14. The state Deinocratic tonyentkjn, in session here today, adopted resolutions re-afufming the Chicago . platform, and ' instructed inc -aiionai Hicrfgates lor JJryaia i ae uensocracy is the selection of; W. president, of of Democrat eongratuland on R. Hearst to be tue. National Association c:ios. ana cominerwiniz . u A c I. . ir 1 .1. New ; York Journal for their efforts in advocating the ; JJaroo'eraiic principles, and championing the, candidacy of Wil liam Bryan for President. fiOVERNOR T. T. OEER WEDS Oregon's Execatlve and r United- Miss THE CEREMOIVY WAS A SIMPLE ONE Tka Uapy CoopAo Will VUlt Vlctoriu IV fara Ketnratiic ti (Irrcoa-Wul Kesltle In fc'wltni.' balrtiiera' 'Bombarded and1 Cervera's fleet Sailed for Manila Two Years Ago Today. Are You Patron izing Our....: Wash Goods Sale? il not you are missing one 01 tnose rare opportunities "that conies to a per son only a few times in a lifetime. Dimkies. organdies piqies, per cale, white Roods and ginghams, at special prices. Summer Hose Ladies fast' black hose 10c a pair. hose, full Full seamless fashioned 15 5 and stainless pair. Fancy hose in high' colors 25c a pur. Drop stitch and plain imported hos iery, 25 cents. Hrmim.-' efiVcts. fancy c and lisle tbrcal !os 50 cents A pair olors Ml- Men's Apparel Duck Pants Crash Suits I Duck Suit Flannel Suits JWa Vests JGolf Shirts . fWash Ties iFancy Socks Crash Hats Straw Hats ilBicjcle goods etc. Summer Styles ft 1 all-; Our summer wrappers arc very dainty and effective, they are full of merit in every particular, ruffled braided, tucked, plaited etc at prices altogether fair. ; Mothers! Mothers! don't let your boys suffer with the heat. Ve have just what yoa want in summer r ; - h - - . -. ' apparcu , . .-.n -- Wash Suits . I , Fancy Waisrt i! f : White Waists jj - . - Straw Hat' Crali Hats etc. ' if ' : . ; (iDTtllNG, ASTORIA. Or!.-June 14 Tlicclure murston Oeer, taovcrnor of the Statci of Oregon, and Mi?s IsabellC'TrulIing cr, daughter of M1!- Mrs- J- C. Trul linger, of this city, were married at the First Prcs"byterJan church, at 4 o'clock M afternoon f bju.'Rev. Henry Mar cptte. -About joo hundred guests, re presenting immediate relatives and e:.r- i iiiicnua, were yiesciii, ineiuuiuK, several j 1 state ofltcers of Oregon and Washing- ahcI.Jf' AT TIEN TSIN China Is In a ferment and the Rebellion Is Spreading. MORE FOREIGN TROOPS LANDED KnaprcM Dowager Still Looked I'poa with " -Supirloa Kimorof the Awm iMtloa of SlinUter. LONDON", June J5--( Friday). Observer at Shanghai and Tien Tsin think there is a great deal more trouble cording, to a St. Petersburg dispatch of Wednesday, has divided to bring hep force at Tien Tsin up to xx- Tims the combined forces at T;cn Tsin will probably . soon be, about 10,000 imn. The explicit tatcmcnt made Yesterday afternoon in tlie House of .Commons." by Parliamentary Secretary of the For cin. OtVice Uroderkk. with reference to the identity -of. .opinion among the powers uion ihe question ot" applica tion of force, and the method of apply ing it. is avecpted by all the tuorning papers as quite sutlicicnt for the pres ent, and the hope is generally expressed that nothing will happen to .liminisli this harmony. THE LAST-STRAW, J ! London, June . 14. A "special dispatdi front hanghai says an uncnhrmeil repon has reached therefrom Tien Tsiit to the effect that a foreign legation has lecn burned, and that a minister haj been killed.' Tien RUSSIAN GUNS. Tsin, June I4.-Tlie Russians A. V GOV. THEODORE THURSTON GEER.I or the concert rA the powers. ton, and the Governor s staff. : Miss than merely raicliing l'ekin with aooo Iheodosia Downing; of Salem, attended men. jSenous ilisturbaiftres have taken the bride, while Mr. Grant Trullinger, ''place at Yung N4n Fu and Mcng Tse. of this city, brother of the bride, acted, as welj as at other points at a consider as best man. The church . had been'-ablc djistancc from the capital. The r . is ' ' - Q . . ' ' . -" . . - - s have, landed four 8-ctntitnttcr guns. There, with 1700 nun. will start on the march lor l'ekin tomorrow. EXPEDITION OPPOSED. Tien Tsin, June 14.A courier, who arrived this morning from TYk'in anl -Lang Fang, brought a letter from the American Lition taliHu: th.H (icneril Tung Full Siang intends to oppose il'c entrance of the foreign trojs into l'e kin. Thirty thousand troops are. guard ing the south gate, and the Chinese' have guns trained on the .American -mission and Ji.ritisli Legalnm. i- - The courier. reports that itis-said th.nt upwards of .2000 Iloxctsarc in the ini-. mediate neighborlutod of L'tng l''an. Railroad comntjnicati"fi . between this place and .Vlmiral iScynmur's inter. tiatton.1 force hun bcrrt ctH three iniles beyonT Yang Tae Suit. Two bridges have been detroved It is rumored that the Poxers arc- de l?Trnincd to burn. Tiert Tf.iu Station t niglnt. Jwing to the extensive datuage done. to -the railroad, it is frarcd the international force cannot reach Prkin b-flore Sunday.. The Ja'p-wce cruiser has arrived at liku. IN DANGER. London. June 14 A special fr Shanghai says the poitkn ot the Legs. t.-ons at IVkin is tno's critical. "Accord ir?g io this li-patcli .r,nor) Chinese trnops arc drawn up otifide gates of the city to oppose the relief force, and gun are trained on the American. Jap aflesc and iSritish Legations. The Amer ican, Russia) atiil Jata'iese imnUtcrs have sent couriers-to Tieri T-in asking for 2000 of each nationaliiy. The -Uirii-td btales guaboats Vorktown and Ca tine left ycte"rday for .Tonr? Ku. There are no foreign warships here. La pi i MRS. ISABELLE T RULLINGER-GEER. beautihnly -decorated,' -but the ceremony it a simple one.; A reception at the Trullinger resi dence oi lowed tie ceremony. -The Governor and his bride ' left on the even ingtrain for 'Portland in a private car. .They will Ispend a week or ten days' at Sotind and British Columbia points, and upon jthtir return will take up their residtntre . at, Salem.. The 'bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mri Trttll-nger. and a highly accomplished, wowan. She is especial ly wied fr 1ier .artistic tste. and her work in thrina painting has attracted wide Attention. '." -.; -. TO CO EUR D'ALENES. ; Spokane. Wash . June 14. Under the anipices ot ine ajQnc ' Commerce a large party of excursion ists left here this rmornirrg ior o journey to the Coeor d'Alencs. where the mines wid be in4specte4 and a general good time; will be bid. , The party returns tomorrow evening. whole Chinese empire -seems to be in a ferment. ... : TSe inUntions of the Empress Dow ager; are. still, equivocal, with the bal ances oi testimony on the 'side of a de termination to expel the appropriator of a; part ot her country r: or to lose her dyna-ty in'Jthe -attrrntjL If is related that on the Monday following the maofcr of the chancellor of the Japanese legation, he was arous-ed to a unsc oi rhe danger and went -personally to the ID ADVANCE; Tien Tsin. June 13 It ii expected Admiral Seymour Ii.i made Lang I-'atiij-a secondary base, and that he wi ad-vsirK-c the remaining furty miles -as ra pidly as possible. It is". reported that Prince Tuan, new head of Chinese for eign office, and " General Tung I'uh S4ar,g have resigned, j Tiirre more Ru sian warships Jiavc arrived at 1 aku. IV" r'- EVADED THE LAW. San Francisco, Cal.,. June 14. -The marriage licence clerk, oi this Sty, stated . tolay that he had refused li cences to over fx divorcel jeople within the past two! years, and of that numbfr ft were marrk-d in' Nevada in rder f evwde, the law of this state, whfch prrahibits (t'vorced people from marrying again within one year.. Over tyyt Calitomia 'couple have been mar ried at Keno since ihe enactment uf this law. - t Judge Belcher said totlay: "All of Yung Tins t-ate of Pektn. ihere she tr.oe couples, wno now suppose tnem- advised the "rioters to disperse. ioiw relations toward each stieltook no steps to aprly force, and the "appearance 04 things i more threat-J eniisf- than before.- While Admiral; Seysnour. -with tfie International relit! j colwron, it forcing his Way to Pekid.j several of the -powers -are arransringj iarjcly". to reinforce their details at Tien, Tsin- Germany propot sending xpn, mei. Orcat Untiin sjntjoo from llrtig Koiig1 yesterday, ana" 400 -will go Sun-j dar. ' Italy has ordered 1000 10 hold; lhtirt;clvej in readiness. Kusaia, ac- Signature of other."- 4 GASTGRIA Tot Infants and Children, TbKI:J Yea Vlmitezplizp. Bar tho ' ' X ' ' ' '