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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1900)
1.1 it jfF ft fill (dJlhif ;.;- ';, .LlSSUCO IN.. 5n.'.lI.WIXXLY SECTIONS ..EACH.. TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. I i . n i hi' i I - 1 w " V . N " - ""J ... -r V -V "V T VOL.d49.NdlcV . ." ..... :...'"'..'.'..'...V.!,.. " V . ' " SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1000. : : FIRST SECTION EIGHT PAGES I ' i 1 i - . . WAR CIMA Trouble Is Expected In the topi, tclof the Empire. MORE MARINES ARE ON THE WAY . To Protect tke Foreign. BnMi to of Pen. laf-Biula ami England to Jala " tbetr I Freen. . . - 1- ' j -; :'; "' LONDON. June U. The last mes sage out of Peking, to reach London, left there yesterday morning at 1 1 a. m. going by way of the j Russian telegraph through Manchuria, "the Tien Tsin line being cut. It is as follows: "General Tung.a Mohammendan, ex tremely hostile to foreigners, arrived here this morning and had a longaudi ence with Prince Tuan, father of the heir apparent, who is seemingly friend ly to the Boxers. Prince Tuan has been appointed chief of the foreign "office over Prince Ching who is more friend ly toward the foreigners.'; , "A dispatch of more marines was in response to a telegram from the minis ters to the consuls at Tien; Tsin for additional troops. Conveyances have left Peking to meet the troops coming by the first train, i . --The arrival of the Empress Dowager lias rendered the city somewhat more quiet than it had .-jbecn recently. The Protestants have erected a barricade be fore the building ! in which they have taken refuge, and I they have a small guard. The Catholics are concentrated north of the Cathedral under" the pro tection of the French guard of twenty five men. who will hold out to the end. I am convinced that Peking, especially the Tartar city, is safe. "At Tien Tsin the viceroy finally con sented to furnish transport ior.the re lief force of 400 under an American commander. A partial restoration of the railway is expected to be effected tomorrow. More massacres of Chris tians are reported. i; "Shanghai, under today's date, e ' ports that there has been street fight ing in Peking since early Sunday af ternoon", j The 'Russians are. i- making large purchases of canned provisions at Shanghai, and everything points to an outbreak of hostilities. A1I British mis sionaries wilt probably be ordered to reHirn ouickly to the treaty ports." The Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Telegraph,! says: ''Report from thc Unnan Fit district say that the French minister has tele graphed that a crisis is knnvincnUand that he i advising all foreigners to evacuate Yung Nan." ; Lv AH telegrams indicate "that the situi tion has not in the least improved. On the contrary, the' disorders have spread from the neighborhood of Peking to the capitol Useli. which is growing turbulent in anti-foreign demonstrations. Two thousand internationar troops are approaching thel city and the advance guard is due to arrive today (Tuesday). The Russian minister at Peking, who also acts as envoy of Denmark, is cred ited with having sen! a dispatch to the Dani-Ji foreign office to the effect, that a demonstration has been planned un der the leadership f England and Rus sia, in -which all the great powers and several of the smaller will take part SENDING MORE TROOPS. I Tien Tsin. June 11 The captain in charge of the ''British defenses here commandercd a third special train yes terday, and a fourth today, for the transport oi at J Russians and two guns, and sixty-two French umarines. with stores and one gun for the British. The Intornttinntt fir near Fong. forty mile from Peking, but it is doubtful if they reach the capitol be fore Tuesday. 4 V; ; ; ...j--- WANTS A rTECTORATE. lndon. June it. The Shanghai cor TesnorKfent of Te Daily Express says: "Weng Ilo, Enipcron Kwong ' If - ftfr and confidante, who was dismissed by the Dowager Empresl in S. scn3s. with the special sanction ot the Emperor and his party, including three Viceroys.! a message to the peo ple of the West.! It says: His Majesty is convinced through ample trustworthy sources, that the loyal support of many scores of millions of Chinese will be accorded to his proposals for putting an end to the state of anarchy brought about by the action of Empress ,Hst The Government of China hng vir tually non-existent, the Emperor pro poses that thejlmperial powers, whose trwps dominate the capitol. shall re mnre his Imperial person front the palace in which .His Majesty is confined a prisoner, shall declare the Empress 4Isi Tsi and her present ministers to be usurpers, and 1iall bring the Emperor Kwang Usu to Nanking. Wtt Chang; or Shanghai, whichever tin: foreign powers deem to 3e the most suitable situation ior ine ncw. capuoi oi mc aauikji. j pirr under now conditions. . . J "It is proposed by -His Majesty and his t risers -that the foreign power should declare a joint protectorate jand undertake tne tas- 01 govermns country through His Majesty. , OI IIO DEMOCRAT?. Columbus. O . June u.-The state Uemocratic convention win oe neia i mormw. -The hotels have , large por traits of Dewey displayed, and none 01 the Democratic heroes-except jBryan. There is much talk about dryan and Dewey being nominated at Kansas City Those who propose a combination 01 Bryan and -Dewey believe there is "a doubt of the Admiral accepting. NOT TAXABLE. r Denver. Colo., June U. The stale cuun 01 appeals today decided " that membership or contract with the Asso-r- k" ?rM'-nof "property" which fh ,Uxff A suit was brought by the Rocky Mountain iNews, on behalf of papers in tne city using the serviee to prevent th A .t. - - ciated Press, franchise at f 25 00a I ho . - .p. ... uvvisum 01 ine tower court that was not taxable property is affirmed TIIE ORDER 'ENLARGED. ' m San Francisco, CaL, June t I. This atternoon Judge Morrow, in the United Mates Circuit court. n1arrt v. straining order now in force against . U - I . C f ! - t ... " c iwim 01 neaun. oy adding a pro hibition against excluding nhvinnn employed "by the Chinese frcm attend ing the autopsies held after death, on the bodies of their patients. IN MICHIGAN. Grand Rapids. Mich.. Tune it. Ad. miral and Mrs. Dewey were entertain ed nere today. 1 Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin F.rtint"K-m mK life ni inv i Riirlrln' Afnira t J - . ... ua.. .1 1 V cures them; also Old Running and v ever aores,; t Ulcers, JJoits, Felons, Corns. Warts. Cuts. Tt Scalds. Chapped Hands. Chilblains! Best Pile cure, on earth. Drives out Pains and 'Aches.. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Soldby Dr. STONE, druggist., , ' : ' ; ; GYPSY IS WRECEJlD RIVKR STEAMER STRUCK ED SNAG - NEAR INDEPENDENCE. 8ook In Tea Foet of Wter Wrnt Dewi in Three Hlnntea Pnuengers nnd Crew Snved. I The steamer Gypsy, one of the Wil lamette river fleet , of the O, R. ,&;N. Co., running on the - river above this city and doing a general carrying "busi ness, met with a dire disaster at I o'clock, yesterday afternoon, when corn, ing down stream on -her regular trip, by running onto a submerged snag two miles below Independence, and within three minutes : from the time the boat struck the obstruction she sank in ten feet of water. The snag had torn an ugly hole in the Ixrat through- which the water rushed at a fearful rate caus ing -her to sink swiftly and surely; f The crew of the steamer, together with the passengers, made their escape from the sinking vessel, without injury, but the cargo about forty to fifty tons of freight is in rhe bold of the ; Gypsy and is, of course, under water. ; ; The cargo contained 100 barrels of flour from the Sidney mills consigned to the Sidney Flouring Mills Co.. in this city; there was also a quantity of oats from 'Corvallis. and probablv some flour from Fisher's Corvallis iMflls and from the Benton- County Flouring Mills at the same place. ' ? Master Shipbuilder Carson, of the O R. & N. Co. came up from Portland on last evening's tArbany local. . and. boarding the company's stframer jModoc here, proceeded to the scene of the wreck to prepare fof raising the Gypsy. Tlie Modoc will proceed to Corvallis. and return down to the wreck this eve ning, when she wilt be, temporarily, taken off her schedule, it is reported, and remain at the scene of the mishap, and assist in raising her wrecked sister boat. It could not be ascertained last night, just how extensive the damages sustained were, but it is believed 'that the cost of making repairs, after the boat is raised will not be very large, and that, in the course of a few weeks, the Gypsy will again run on ther . regular schedule. : ! . ' ; r l . . ' T H ; ' Would Not Suffer So Again for Fifty Times Its Price. ! : . I awoke Jast night with severe pains in my stomach. I never felt so badly in all my. life. W?ien I came down to work this morning I lelt so weak ;I could hardly work.. I went to Miller xtfCnrtiv'i drtii? store and they rec- ommended ChamberMin s Colic. Chol era and Diarrhoea Kemedy. it wornw like -magic and one dose fixed me arll rigl. It certainly is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. I sliall not be without it in ry liome hereafter, for I sliould not care to en dure the sufferings of last night again for fifty times its price. G. H. Wilson, Liveryman. Burgettstown, Washington Co., Pa. Tliis remedy is for sale by F. G. Haas. Salem, Oregon.. HOW THE QUEEN LIVES LONG. Queen Victoria was 81 years old last month. She looks decrepit, but. in fact, her general health is excellent, her vital ity is extraordinary, and her mind is keen and vigorous. Among insurance experts her life is regarded even now as a safer risk than that of her son, the Prince of Wales, j , She has horn and reared many chil dren. She has suffered many sorrows. . t . i-.t -'-rtfA haft fovernea Sne lias noi whij m."-. c as far as any modern ;BriUh monarch mar. tor wen om nnj jw- more than lourscorc c -w... out. How has she done 5t? ' ; Largely by following er natural in stincts and doing, within reason, as she cleaned, ui t"'i- -.- . the best medical advice procurable, but he has suDjecteu jisiv tinarv regimen. J . j - ----has Ihed according to . few smip e rles laid down ior ner vj " " idiu ' it.. ...1.. turn rnimrrd a liam lenner. ucr ---- i inTple and careful diet, regular tours . 1 ... .nn ur 1 nese are as les not novel in juj. . ----- Ksicians discovered no secret for her trancis Lak- 'SS won; Vo sa'y: Do anything fot bkr but do nothing to excels ' STr Samuel Wilks. another roy al tihvsician. said: Every h a nitural tfn,PtriffitnL I ... I "i.i . - " . . i hollow that and : avoid excesses. 'A quacle may tell you you must eat7..' an ounce of albumen, so much starch, so much water, and so on. and. vhi s-hould you do? Go and have a nice cnop. ; 1 ne instincts ot people are right. We have done better intellect ual work than eyer fcefore, and these have been tte times of tea coffee, to- "oci-Ui ana aiconoi. vv nat can you make of that? Again, I iay, follow your instincts. ; - 1 Queen Victoria's robust health and great age are facts that those who con stantly seek to put restraints upon fou mart desires and natural instincts should endeavor to explain. Tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages are denounced by "iaoy lanaucs as latau yueen Victoria nas always used, and still uses, all three in moderation, because she likes them. It is not known that she ever used to bacco, but she does not discouraee ks use laraong those who like it. She eats meat Decause he likes it. drinks -whisky when she thinks she needs it, and consumes wine and malt liquors regu larlyi She uses coffee and tea because she Ifinds theni stimulating and refresh ing. ,otie never worries about microbes, and is in some ways the, most Capable statesman of her reahn. Which of the confloctcrs of "health foods." advocates of vegetarian diet,1, tremblers before germs, and devotees of sterilized water and milk can equal her record? The examples of Queen Victoria and other persons who - have attained to great age"in spite of lives crowded with work simply prove that length of life depends not' on the ascetic or scientific regulation ' of natural desires and lik ings. The old saying. "One , man's meat is another s poison, -contains a solid truth. Experience and reason teach the average man what he anay use and from what he must abstain. But the essential secret of longevity given a good con stitution as a foundation is that what ever manner of life may be found. ra tional; and pleasing shall be lived for the; joy and there is in it. His Life Was Saved. : Mr. J. E. 'Lilly, a prominent citizen of jHaunrbal, Mo., latelr had a won derful deliverance front a frightful death. In telling of it. he says: "I was taken with -Typhoid Fever, that ran in to j Pneumonia. My lungs became har dened. I was so weak 1 couldn't even sit! up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery- One bottle gave great relief, I continued to use it, and now am well and strong. I can't say too much in its praise." This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure ift" the world for all' Throat and Lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $t.oa Trial bottles free Dr. STONE'S drug storei; every "bottle guaranteed. . : : T WO MEN TO PRISON' TIICKMAN AND WRIGHT PLEAD GUILTY IN CO CRT ' And Were Sentenced to Two Tears Kch Taken to Penltentlnry by the Sberiff. Judge George It. Burnett convened the first department of the .state circuit court for Marion county yesterday, and several cases were disposed of during the day. No grand jury was empanel led. as District Attorney a. t tiayaen decided on bringing in informations in stead of indictments. . 1 An information was brought m against Harry 'Wright, the' notorious re form school boy, charging him with burglar-. , The young man was - ar raigned, and he promptly plead guilty, waived time, and was sentenced to , the penitentiary for two years. ; An information was also filed against Wm. Thurrrran. who ", stole a quantity of old ccHns from the postofhee at Jef ferson. Thurman was arraigned, plead guilt-, waived time and1 was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. , i Both of these men were promptly taken to the penitentiary by Sheriff F. Y. iDurbin. and given striped suits in the state's big prison. These were .the kist inmates of the county prison, and the jail is now- empty, forlhe first time in a long while. " At the afternoon session of the court, an information was filed against. P. D. MpCarty, charging him with selling liquor to a minor McCarty wn ar raigned, and given time until today to plead. -;--'- ' The cases of 'Bertha Maguire, vs.-F. W. Durbin. and C M. ElspasV vs. F. W. Durbin. replevin, were settled t in court, plaintiffs securing judgment with out costs and damages. " The case of Simonds & Son, ts. F. T. Wrightman is set for hearing for this morning. ONE FEATURE OF THE LOOK. OUT- "When." shouted the orator, "when will come that blessed day when every man shall get all he earns?, ; "It'll .tome along about the time." fiercely 'back-answered the man in the crowd, who was there for that purpoe. "it will come when every man earns ail he gets!" . -;":- .. Last lall I spraineil my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on kaid at first it was a slight strain and would soon be welL but it grew worse and rhe doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could iiardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Cham berlain s Fain liaim. .1 nca 11 ana one-half of a 50-cent bottle cored me entirely. I now recommend it to all It o for sale by F.-G. Haas, druggist, Salem,.; Oregon, j "I -'... ' , -Here's a new suit for you." said the deputy sheriff on the morning of the excciuon. , H'mr' grunted the condemned; "for once in my life 111 be dressed to kilL" Pbiladeiphia North American. -Fine printing.. Statesman Job Office. ALL. IS QUIET St. Lccls Strikers Rested After : Oaltrcckcf Scnday. MAYOR IROES TEACt AND ORDER Governor Stephen Make Cauutic Remark Agmkwt the City's ISzecntlvo-Koadjr j j' toCaUJtUltla. ST. LOUIS, 'Mo., June 11. -The Sabbath's scenes of disorder and blood shed werertollowed today by compara tive quiet throughout, the city. Cars were operated until midnight on six line. Up to a late hour no reports of disorders-, had 1 been received. Mayor IZiegenheinf this evening is sued a proclamation 'directing that all persons'refrain from gathering in num bers on ptiblijc streets ' or . j in public places; that air persons, particularly women and children,: remain indoors as nmih as possible until the present situ ation is relieved,; that jeering or abus ive ; language,; or language calculated to provoke a breach of the peace, be tioV indulged in. "And all persons arc .especially warned against the discharge. within the city limits, of firearms." All! minors are warned to keep within doors during the next three day si THE GOVERNOR INTERVIEWED Jefferson Citr. Mo.. Tune 11Gov- ernor Stephens today gave out the fol lowing statement, which he had wired to. the New York World, regarding the St. Louis strike: ; p ; . "Replying to your' telegram, just re ceived, will say, vigorous action has been taken by the State Government and the St. Louis police department, to enforce a respect for; law in St. Louis to' p'ndteCt life and property. -The Re publican 'mayor, however, who is a can didate for rej-rtomination, not desiring to offend. positively refuses to co-operate with us. which lends encourage ment to the lawless elcMrrent and tn- pedes out progress toward restoration of normal conditions. The stripping Ht"woron to -which you refer, was done I ? .1 . 1 . . 1 . . :t . oyinree gins,-' ociwccn itc agti ui 14 and 16. The girls have been tried and sentenced- tot terms in the industrial home for- girls. ' Most of the newspa pers in St. Louis endeavor to stand in with the lawless element, and' con stantly criticize any act of the police authorities.' r. r-'.-- ..:-'.-; - 'Camping sites have been selected in tne city ana tne; -details are arrang ed, and as soon asn am informed by the proper authorities that a -tumult ex its in the city and. tnat a conaition 01 awlessness and disorder prevails with which the authorities are unable to cope, the National Guard, will ue called out to enforce the law." CASTOR I A i Tor Infauti and CMldreo.- Tli8 Kind Yea Win Always BssgM Bearsth SiK&atur of THE TRANSYAAL WAR. LITTLE NEWS i FROM THE OP ERATIONS OF ROBERTS. . Troops; .Hurried Northward, and Second Kaid 1 txpectea Many ' Boers Surrender. LONDON. June 12 Fifty thousand British trooos are within half a hun dred miles 1 of the marauding Boers, north of Kroonstad, and they are ex pected, of course, i to. make short work of them. Nevertheless, outside of the war office telegrams, no one knows what 'is going oiui - . . -C T i South of : Kroonstad there js a wide gap. The railway is only partially de tended: and as General Kelly-Kenny has hurried all available troops north- aard 'the assumption 1 that there it danger of a second raid. The loss of the Derbyshire is estimated at from 600 to wo men. - ; A Rtrter di snatch from- Maseru, dated June nth. says: "Fifteen hun dred ' Boers surrendered to General Brabant today in the FScksburg dis trict, r -'.: - - - - 'Machadorp : has been officially- pro- clained the capital ot the iransvaai. Oer i7oo trees have been planted in New Yotlcity during the past year by "the NrwUYork Tree Planting Associa tion, of which former Mayor William L. Strong is president. Nearly all the planting was done along the river front and m residence streets, iiut it . now intended to extend the work to the tenement feoue district, both for sanitary and esthetic reasons. ; - - ' MBnnMMMOnnnMMOnMn Season ticket to the. Paris' expos? tton must bear the photograph of the fx-rsniis to whom they are issued. The Algerian. Tunisian and other Moham medan exhibitors, however, refuse to have their jrictnres taken, as it is con trary to the Koran. . ".,', THE"iIONTANA FEUD. - Batte. MonL. June 11. The old Democratic feud resulted today in split between the Daly and Clark people and two county conventions, each of which will send deleKations to the state convention. The Daly people had the party organization and a majority t the regularly 1 returned delegates. The Clark people contested in a number of precincts. The Daly people contested but one precinct. In this the Clark delegation was seated. Upon the an nouncement of the result the Clark delegates and contestants left the con vention hall and organized a separate convention. The Daly people contin ued in session, elected delegates and in their platform; condemned the meth ods alleged to have been pursued by the Clark people. The Clark conven tion made, a temporary organization and adjourned until tomorrow. A Card of Thanks. I wish to sy that I feel under lasting obligations ior what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has done for our fam ily. We have used it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cougli, and it has always given the most periect satisfaction, we feel jgrcatly in debted to tlie t manufacturers of this remedy and wish them to please accept our hearty thanks. ttespecttuily, IMrs. S. Doty, Dcs Moines, Iowa. For sale by F. G. Haas; Salem, Oregon.' ' GIME BIRDS WILM. PUXTIfll- Season Is Promising for Chinese Pheasants, Grouse and Quail '. ---v.. Will Be Good Hunting. ;'' W Native ' pheasants. Chinese pheas ants." grouse and quail, will be plenti ful' this season, and the sportsmen of this section are looking forward to big times m th 'fait, when the - season opens, says tne Albany -Herald. Mild weather during the winter and warm spring rains were boons to the upland birds. Few of the young ones died as a result of cold rains late in rhjc season. 'Besides this, they had the pro tection of the brush and grass. Here in the valley all kinds of vegetation is several weeks in advance thft year, and the. grafss was tall enough when it was most needed to afford protection to the young birds. "The young birds are now between a quarter and three-quarters grown. If the weather continues as it has been since the first of the month, the second brood will be reared in good shape Quail and native birds will be more numerous this season than they have been for several years past." REMAIN FOR LIFE TWO GRAirr COtJHTT MCBUEBEHI BECEIVEO AT FEHITRNTtABT. A History of the ColMIJxMled Crime A Desperate Ilorae-Thlef Hecrtves Fire Yars. - Sheriff Newt. Livingstone and three guards arrived in the city last evening From Grant county with three men for the state penitentiary. Two of the trio, are under liic sentence, having been convicied of murder, while the third -will serve five years for horse stealing. . The lile-twners arc Uie lurner ana Al. Keeton, who murdered lorn Eagleton at Granite on iMarch 22a On the first ballot, seven of the jurors were for conviction as indicted, for murder in the first degree. Alter six hours the jury reported a compromise verdict of life imprisonment. , . .1 William Wallace was the horscthef. For the stealing of five head of horses,; Wallace received a sentence of five On a recent trip 10 aaicm, ohuh t ii'infrtnni was unfortunate. one of! his prisoners effecting tis escape and has since tvaica capture. '-"f".1 county s sheriff . nowever, guarucu against a repetition ot nis ionmi perience on tnis . occasion w -j"k his men very-securely ironed. Lach of. the murderers; earned a 20-pound Oregon boot; an adornment they did not seem to appreciate. Wallace, who is considered a , desperate character, was well chained, the arrangement of the manacles about 1tis ankles permit ting of les than a six incn taken. , . . ifThe following the story of the crime,' as tola in a shicihuu forty-three representatives ciun Granite soor alter the muraer . - "Eagleton came to this district eight years ago, and was engaged during all that time in prospecting ani iwn ng, except during the six mourns prcceuiirj his -death. w4ien he was a partner of Mr. Paul Wilson in "the livery ousineii.- "The deceased owned a number 01 good prospects in this district, as we.l as one-rhird interest tr 80 acres ot land immediately adjoining the new and growing town of Lawton. and on the day of the fatal affray -he had just pur chaed ground a Alaimo. with the in tention of engaging in the livery busi ress at that point. ' "Tom Eagleton was a man who was esteemed and beloved by all with whom he came in contact, a typical i!g-heart- A vtiwnr. who always scorned a dirty deed or low action, atvl whose gcnfTOsity was proverbiaL ' "Onlv mm tlav before his death he picked tip a yotmjr fellow who had strayed into camp looking for a brother, Tom found he was broke, and in rag. Eagletow bought him a new -suit of clothes. Wlien the brother' whereabouts was ascertained, Tom bought me yourm fellow a traveling ticket and sent fcim away, with $S in his pocket. "The trouble which ended in ICaglc ton's death Iegan on the day Eagleton sold hit interest in the livery business, when with a few friends he dropped into the place where Keeton and Turn er were employed, and a few sharp wcds were exchanged over a bet. Nothing further was thought or the nafter urrtil later in the evening, when meeting 'Eagleton in another place. Turner applied to Eagleton an oppro hrtous name, at the same time kicking Ton in the face. A Cight ensued in which Eagleton bested lurner andj made him retract ms words. . r "The men were then separated by friends, and nothing serions was appre hended by Eagleton' s ' friends unlit tie stepped out on the porch, where he -was h:t over the head by a gun in the hands of Turner... Eagleton pushed his as sailant off the porch and ran into the house, where he was among friends. "Next day word as irought to Eagleton that Turner and Keeton, who for seme reason' had taken up Turner' quarrel, were looking for him with in tent to kill iiimi '"Eagleton remained near the house until the morning of tlx 224, when he. stepped across he street o irreet his brother tMikc, who had just come in on the stage. - ' "Evidence gix-en beforer the Coroner's jury proved that Turner and Keeton walked across the street and deliberate' ly siiot the unarmred man to death. , , "Eagleton had scorned to "heel' him self, ahhough a number f his friends had begged hint to do so. "Thns died bitt-hearted and fearless Tom Eagleton. regretted and mourned Jy every one who knew him, and who will ever respect and honor his name and memory." j , '.'.-, .-.,.Jt JOSEPH SIZED UP. The Sabbath jschool teacher had been telling the clasps about Joseph, partic ularly with reference to his coat of many colors, and how his father re warded, him fori being a good boy, for Joseph -said, told his father whenever he caught any j of his 'brothers in the act of doing wrong. : "Can any little boy or girl tell me what Joseph was?" the teacher asked, hoping that .some -of them had c aught the idea that h was Jacob's favorite. "I know"," one of the iittle girls said, holding up herl hand.' "What was he?" "A tattlc-tale," was the rcpl. ' No Right to Ugliness. The woman j who is lovely in face,' form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attrac- tivc must keep her health. . If she is weak, sickly aifcd all run down, she will -be ncrmus and irritable. If she has" constipation or kidney trouble, lier impure blood will cause -pimples, blotches skin eruptions ami a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine n the world to rrgulnte stomach , liver ami kidneys and to pur ify the Wood. I It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It wiH" make a good-- looking charming woman of a run down invalid, j Only 50 cents at Dr. STONE'S drug stores. 11 - 1 1 I- - THE USE It Should Be Laved Tigl OF, THE CORSET. Minnie, - N ot i 1 it . a tut t Only at the Wil. Stiff corsets are unknown in France. French corsets are always supple and bcndable, andj this inucli accounts for the ease of J'jrench figures, which are never tightened excepting at the waist, leaving the bust and 4vips anile free. In England the figure is usually tightened in too much at the bust nnd hips, which gives too straight: a look to the figure' and makes it stiff and uncomfortable,, movement being rendered .ungraceful by this stiffness. . -Let any girl tryto lace her stays only at the waist, and let her select her stays, as soft fcml light as possible, and then see if hefr figure -be not as grace ful in shape ind as' elastic as the -most graceful and clastic French figure. No tight straight-down even lacing will ever make a pretty figure: . If the. corset cannot be made cx-j pressly to suit the figure, then let it be laced only in the middle at Ahc waist. lEvcn jthcn no real corset sifould be worn by girls until they arc well in their teens- 'Remember, the softer the corset is will be, and the tighter it may be laced at the 'waist without feeling uncomfortable. This is the only way to mould the figure, it is said, without injuring the health. . It JVVlll jSurprlse You Try it. It is the jmedicine above all others for catarr4 and is worth its weight in gold. Ely's Cream Balm docs all that i claimed for it.-B. W. Sperry, Hart ford. Conn, j - NIy son was afflicted with catarrh. He used Ely's Cream Balm and the disagreeable catarrh all left him. J. C. Olmstead. Areola, 111. , . The Bahni does not irritate or cause snccjiSng. Sold by druggists at 50 cts. or mailed by. Ely Brothers, 5O Warren St., New York. .. . RECENT INVENTIONS. Horseshoes which wear unevenly can be repaired, by an Autralian' patent nail, which pas a head much larger than the common nail, the four nails cover ing the worn surface. of the shoe and raising it to the right height again. A combined cuff button and holder ha been patented liaving two parallel metallic jaws, controlled by a sliding wedge, with a shrank on the inner jaw being similar in design to an ordinary cuff button. An improved tobacco pipe has a re movable diaphragm stretched across the interior of the bowl to strain the" smoke before it enters the mouth, a spring frame engaging the edge of the bowl to hold a ring t in place inside, with a strainer stretcned across the ring. ' .''.!" , '' - Two Indiana men have designed a sound-locating device, comprising a double-faced drum, with opening lead in or from the center of the droni to tubes fitted with ear-pieces,' which indi cate by the Increased vibration on either side" which face is receiving the sound. There, ha been designed a handy pocket tirescription scale having a flat case, in one end of which is hinged a leaf carrying at its upper end the pivots on which the balanced rod is mounted, with a sliding weight to counter-balance Jthe contents of the tray. Chicago. News.. J ; - . .. ," ' ; FRACTIONS REDUCED. p'.d Gentleman And have you any brothers or tistersrny little man? Bobby Yes. sir. I've got one sister an one-an a-ha'f brothers. Old Cemieman Wat? BolAy Yes, sir. Two ' half-sisters and three haff-brothcrs.