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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1900)
Cm A A izzzzzz .ISSUED 1NM 1f 'iirfiriimfrn ILVJ-WCTKLY SECTIONS ' ..EACH- V TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. CCCCCCOCOCOCCCCC VOL. 49. NO. 19. SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1900. FIRST SECTION EIGHT PAGES I r Gimp mm i n t worn Taku Forts Attached tjie fleets of the Powers on Sunday qnd Were Captured. ' first Conflict Between the Mongolians and the Allied Forces .Msfe Troops Are Harried to the flowery i ; Kingdom. LOWDON, yjpne 19. China declar- ing day, the united squadron would ed war against the world, when the destroy the forts.. .: , Taku forts opened fire upon the Inter- "Shortly after .'midnight the - feats national fleet. The account of what ?n Gefman Ff RuS . , . "... . ,r., s'an. Vjerman and Japanese -warships re took place are stul unsatisfactory. The phed. Two of the forts were blown up unofficial narratives, coming by way of and the rest wcre carried by assault! 5hanhai vary, and bear evidence of Two British, one AmenVan and five supplementing the mam facts with Chinese warships are in Che Foo hart guess-work. One dispatch says that dot.' ; - 7T the Yorktown participated in the bomb- The morning "papers consider that a ardment. 4 .Another asserts that the state of war practically' exists American marines formed a part of the f - , Morminx force of 200. 'The Associated HERD IN WitivrmM Press dispatch, from Che Foo. dated 1 - ,N Y" GTO N. yesterday afternoon, says: -Washington, June 18. The Navy - "The forts on both sffles of Taku Department : has acknowledge the are now occupied. The Chinese open- receipt f two cablegrams, received ea nrr unexpectedly. ine casualties to the mixed force were as -follows: '-"Killed British, one; German, three; 'Russian, one, and 'French, one. -Wounded 'British.- iour; German, seven; Russian, forty-five, and French one.-, . r.; ; : , v ' 'The Chinese ! torpedo boats were seized. The Shanghai' correspondent of the .Daily Mail, telegraphing yesterday, says: ne forts began firing in ob diantce to orders : from Pekin. con veyed in a perriral edict of the Em press Dowager, by, advice of -Kang Yi, (president of the miniatery of war). Several warships were struck by shell from the 12-inch guns ot the forts. Tfi ftr 3 w ' ttian 'urjr.i .!... h. htrnrantr nn nf ti- mxniin.i l ilandshur. i.. .-.! '"Four hundred Chinese are reported . killel. ; Tlie Chinese, who were re- ': treating fell info the hands of the Rus- -" lanI: force;."-. '' i - t ; The Daily News ha the following from Che. Foo. j"Two of theibrt were Mown u. Thef thirty-two warships at Taku aggregated aoaooo tons and car- ricd .nrc than 3oo guns. . - The Shanghai correspondent of the .T:"1?,; nndfr 'stc.rday date, gives '. uchiii'imih sio o oe from oflicial sources', of the action at Taku. ; j .. ; ; - ! "On the afternoon of June loth, in view of the ' large botlics of Chinese ; troops assembling at the forts, and of the Jact that torpedoes had been laid in the river and that all communica tions were interrupted, the naval com manders held a council, and decided to ;seid an ultimatum, calling for the dis bandment of the troops, and announ cing that, if this demand were not corfi I plied with before a a. m.. of the follow- ! TO RECEIVE-WHEAT SALEM IXOURIKU MILLS CO. ISSUES ', It'CH AK OBDBR. Action Constrncd to Be Am Evidence that , riat Will Re-oUbllahd i H. B. Holland, manager, of the local officer of tir Salem, Flouring Mill Company, yesterday received instru.c trons to isuc 'Sacks and prepare to re ceive' wlfcat during the harvest. This woyild jmpry ithat thJ ctampany pro poses to rrptace its phint in this city, or at least arranige for the- handling and shipment jof th j-ewr wheat crop. Accompaoinfr -tht? above order, was advice to advance tb5 price of wheat another rtcli otw! bw quotation now stands at 41 KtnU.M, - V ' Smj.a-'rrefrthrrrjf showers wd the grain and "ail i Vegetation -much good', btrt tho prccipitatkm was Irardly suf ficient to bo of any fasting bertefit. FaVnrs rrptlrt that grain is badly in neex! wf rain and express the hope that tWe preliminany, showet of yesterday x,ray be foTJowed by a more- copious downpour. Giasi also is In need of the rain to insure a good1 bay crop. CASTOR I A v Tor Infaats and Cbildrea. ltilldYeiBih'AfeiiiB. Bears Ui eignatura of HOW -THE FACTS WI LL : t t? n BE l'UT-1 iy There's Vlwhol lot tnore n takmg census than, the mere counting o noses. In fact, the enumerator, has by far the a?iet part of the work, even H he doesn't thmk so. . ... ., The men I whose- dnty it . is o -bxil down" tslie avalanche of facts and tig HT into tanciWe form, to rednee them jtrdnitf ttrnits. to cet the ma of inforation in slvap for the printer, to tiig ot ytatistics by the yard they are the worker on wbom the burden of the task faMs. and tliey must oe spe ciaH?ts. , .; . , ;.'t-:; . -, ... Whit, k ii exDccted. that the house- to-hmise eanvass will be completed within the required two weeks. Uktc isn't the slightest pmbabiLity thM St Louis will, know exactly where - she tamls in toinparison with ber- sister cities for nrorrths; perhaps not for more . than a year. But by July 1, 190. the lm -ormrai itcmey and- Commander Taussig.; The (first from Remey is as touows: . i "Cavite. June l8. Taussig cables that the Taku forces fired upon the for eign vessels, and then, surrendered to the . allied .forces on the morning of June 17th. - . - -. -. ; : , KempfT asks instructions about join- nK the other power who are taking united action tn demanding that the taku forces be turned over to them, to secure a favorable termination of the trouble. -WSIl the Department instruct KemptT through Che Foo, and give me the same information?" - The telegram of Taussig of the Yorktown is as follows: .-,: Uie t oo. June 17. The Taku forces nftQ UDOII the forcitrn urrr it X . m The British admiral is at j Tien Tsin." ' . ''. . . A GERMAN REPORT, j Berliit, June i8.A Scfmi-ofticial lis- patch from Clw Fti announcnl that the Taku forte had been captured after a combinetf attack by the foreign var -lwp. Tbrc?; men ion the German war- ship litis wire killed, and revert wound- Tiic dispatch added that the ot- igrt settlement t Tien Tsin was bemg fired mo by the' Chinese. When the fcinatc - left nothino- hat hrm lirl fro m the German detachment cnt to Pekai, or from the German : legation there. . . ? J . ALARM IS FELT.! Wahin$rton, Jnne ! 18- Great appre-h-onsik?!? exists at the' Navyt Depart jnent as to the fate of the United States marine guard of fifty-six men, which were tanded at Tien Tm, and dispatch ed by rati to Pckin before the railroad wa -repaired. "; " 4 . i.t. four principal items of the censtis will be ready for the public. Congress has .required of the direct or of -the census that lie, have printed by the above date, and, ready for distri bution, complete records of the popu lation, mortality, manufacturer and agriculture. In order that the work may be accomplish! m the sponeo tie, liberal aoppropriations were made for securing the services of prominent statisticians to . take charge of ; the four departments. v" ; ' Machines will play an Imoortant part in 'computing the facts of the present census They will l do, i automatically, rapidly, and accurately, a deal of work tha iiat hitherto been, tedious, slow. and i naccu rate. There ar se veral of -machines, each the invetrtion' of inM former member of the census bureau, and each the drift oj: 'that pro lific old motherNecessity. Each person ire ihe Unhed States-- which include AlasTta. t'orto kico ami Hawaii will be represented by a card on which the peTtinnt facts regarding him are recorded by bo4es punched in the ca rd.- One clerk can transfer the data on the enumerators' sheets to 700 of these cards day: and i,oorj clerks will be assigned to. the! work as soon a the sheets begin to pour into the mill at Washington. Making allow-;, nee for unexpected delays. t is esti-, thi th- ervtire census can be re- duced to tho "punch-card", basis within four-months. i , . After they have been assorted accord ing to ex. mvttvity anld age, we cards wiH go to smother machine. which wil .,1. th nfnrmatirjn indicated b th- Mles Eacb of these tabtriating ,,r,,rn-e tt-ill disoose of about 5.oro mr Kiv. so that k will lake 14 of them to keep up with the punchers) . The tabulators are' operated by elec tricrty and arc wonderful madunes- to t i i Tt.ii- .-rV is done with seem4 ii Limn tinderstandine, and is fat "...- that of the best men obtainable. Roughly described! the machine consists of a box of neet .rral nfmes. - These nee1' dle descend on each- card as (it is e into th machine, and feel their way across its face. Wherever here s Jj hoi- the needle plunges- through and dipi into a cup ojj0 pktes the cfectnc ctremt. and the re ZrA, annaratus is adjirsteI accordh ingly. The recording apparatus con .;rtZj m et tA ials somewhat similar zcneu - . , t ' If th pandrin machine hare made errors, or commissions, the imperfedt cards are thrown out of the machine and go back to the markers for correc- , : . -: i' : -t m The rfiird Mage of the work, the com l " tr th nrintr; has to be Oom . . ilMiitsaml 1 clerks -i!l hr rctiuired to accompli li rt. and there is T of estimating hxw long it will Uke tbem to complete me ia-sk. .- , . . ; ..; . . . The fourth and1 final stage is attend ed to by tlie government printer. It is the typesetting, printing and book binding. . , .' :- HEALTHFUL DET. ; The Japanese) Live Chiefly bn iRice and Have Great Vitality. 1 He who comprehends the ' true prin ciple of diet and keeps well under the tendency to overeat may feet tolerably safe in eating almost anything t be fore him, good, bad or indifferent -that is, for example, it hungry enough a breakfast to eat plain graham bread and fruit, he may make Ihe meal on buckwheat cakes and aple syrup, or on a chopl and fried potatoes, or waffles and hohey, says Health Cuhur. 1 Providing one cultivates a robust habit. 4akes plenty of sharp, all-round exercise. s4ecps in a profusely ventilated, cool rJom, wears, the least amount of clolfcic cortikterrt wkh comfort, his ?ystem. will make good1 Wood ont of al most any sort of mixed food provkling that k does not consist largely of wbi4e fkiur iproducts, wihich can 'hardly be classcU as food. , ' , Heavy feeders on anial food1, are-disposed to all kinds :o( inftammatory dis orders, and when any -such person finds hrmslf getting out ! of : coradition ' he htay safely hecrge 5n- the matter -of flesh food, cutting down he amount of such lood or omitting it a'kogether with per iiect safety. A strict vegetarian diet can inot be caHe"d an experient, since we (know that. millions 'of people thrive on St. and rr one could ever "starve on it With fruit, nuts, milk and eggs added. mo lack of variety need be felt. ? . s The Japanese rc a'- healthy, hand lioine race. They "are plump and hearty, ibut li-ttie beyond a simple vegetarian idiet is the rule there.. The iinrikifia iimn.Walk and trot forty miles a day with a seated passenger, and seem proor against fatigue, aiAi they thrive on a diet chiefly of rice. . ' Millions Given Away. " " 11 is cenainir eratiiying id mc piw Hie to know of one cencern in tlie landl who are not afraid to be generous to ithe needy and suffering. The proprie- lors of Dr.. King s New Discovery for Consumption, .Coughs and Colds, have Kivcn away over ten millian trial bot tles of cliis-great medicine; .and have the satisfaction of knowing it has abso lutely; cared . thousands . of. . hopeless cases. Asthma. - Bronchitis, Hoarse ness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by lit Call on -STONE, druggist and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. FIVE CASKS OK DIPHTHERIA At tlie Oregon Insane Asylam-fTfae Sufferers Iiolited and Their ' WaM Is Quarantined. At the Dregort Hospital for the In sane on Sunday, it was found that sev eral little girls, patients' in bc insti tution, were afflicted wk-h diphtheria, and the? management hastily isolated the patient frorn. tlie balance of the irmates, a building standing, nearly a quarter of a mite from the. main struc ture, am! formefy tfsed 3rs a pest-house bcins' utflizoJ for the purpose. In. tSe same ward several more childrtm were later found afflicted with the same- mal ady, and they wtme removed1 to the temporary dfphthctia hospital, ihe to tal number of cases at that place : up to 10 o'clock last evening. . bdng five. Of those, one wa's rcjxmtrd in a dan gerous comKtkmj .-two others wc sei iously iff, and two lad the diseastf in a mild form. -!,; ! The? fiv little sufferers alt came front the same ward, and wlh-fle tbe- ftral.idy raimr Im said to- be in makgnant form, the greatest care r being taken to prevent ts spread. anr tor tnw rear tan ths ward in aucstkm has been quar antined and thw dosest watch is being kept for symptoms among the patients still conftnod m the rooms where the fir casts of dinmheria appeaTeil. 'How the drsca'A wsgmatetf cannoi be said at this time, though it is bc-Kr-vr,! the earm of the malady were brought in by some patient recwytly reciivcd unJcr a commttmeflt. . The phy-siciants at the a-sylum oeiieve i.1w sorcad of the dis- .V " . 1- !. .r.i ease, as iney nave viwiij ""- control and are prepared tor any omer- gency. .- ; ; - ' A QUICK iRECOVERY Charhr Durbin was taken sutldenly ill with ap pcntwciMS oil juwwnj 01 . fr. rfett-Hin wa "nhoned for t Salem. RWnM shu arrived Llr. lxgan naw Charhry out of bott, and hejwai aWif to meet tris wite at tne train. c 4r fnid lha "ouicket trio ?ort recorti. Leaving- Sahrm at 7 o'clock Thf rsdaf mnrnimr. slid was in Shartikd at inst 6 o'ctock in the' evening, in ; time for Supper. This tnp used to rake up erw best part of four days- snaniko ueao- HOP SALES lames Winstanley. nftnager of tlie O. H. G. A., repoHs thm the later oart of last week of 200 bales' of hops, w!ch he says about, d'po-cs ot me ssockhoi nrihnrl Mr. Wintanky says there is an unusual demand for hops at the present time, ail buyer naving oraers. Tbo?pia1 meeting of the stocklaMJ of the Orearoo Hopgrowers Asso ciation will be heto in Woodburti oo Frirfav. thr 20th irtst.. instead of 4the joth. as previously stated. n'R LICENSE. E. Frank Browne and Mis May Freeman were vesterdar 1 gcartwd a maTnaife ncense hv County Oerk W. W. Hall, bpm, the application and affidavft of U. VV. GUI.. .' --'' " . i 1 " I : TP VOII WANT SHOES That wil wear, trade with the New York' Racket. Salem's cheapest one-price cash ore a mm boom Et&oseveirs rniliscy Tcck plsll ' cJtlphla by Stern TISE TOWN WAS ,W A DtllRIlM New TorkB Govcrr ITorklac Despeiwt - ' ly U 8tna thTll Hau Uppawi IhtBoathSldfrlltM. , J PHILADELPHIA. P. ne 18. Tomorrow, on the forty-fourth anni retsary of the "day; on winch General John C. Fremont was nomfitxited by the first Repubkcan Convention, hdd at the Music Fund Hall in, tb city, tlfc Nablonal -Rtpubucan Convecttion will assemble at the Exposition , Building: in Wtst JMrHaddptoia. ; Tl cymbals of a conqutrmg army never clashed with more vigor than they do here tonight. Amid tlie thots-f .TnU-f warriors "flwrre is but one choice hyr leader McKinley again will lead the gray beard's and the -young men in the November battle. When Sena tor Foraker cotcludes i bus peroration in the convention on Vednestlay, a stortni wiM and tuinulttwu whs hake the grea-t hall. - ' . -. ' ,; ' 1 j But that outburst of enthussasrit will only be the forerunner of a pandemonif uni that will reignj if Roosevelt slfoufd be named to stand beside hint an tlie coming batke. The afampede iia bis favor started yosterdtay, and" threw t? town ko delirium. It swept through ihe delegations, who had come with avoitte sons to present like a praute fire. The bbom for tire candidates of other men collapl like slie&s-, when t struck them. ; I lie secret was not hard to find. ; Piatt and. Quay, whose object is to humiliate Hanna, claim the victory. They might coigratirlate thenrselves on tlfdr. workJ Tlicy wicld od to's wand. Tlie secret lay oown in Mve iH-arts ot tlie Kcpubi cans of tlie country. - Roosevelt's name tniik that of other canldatcs, initairt- y struck a rcsjonsivc chord iir the pop ular breasts It capttmxP the heart ot the convention. It mattered not that eveni 'Roosevdt arid ls frionds; poured water upotl it Ibcir cflorf were as. futile -as hand grenades agaurst a con flagration- The people wouux near 01 no one else. They wore ibis pictures; they shouted hris name, and they con ridqred ham; today, a-s already nonwra ate4. The to-n was Rixwevelt md. t tZrn.-rtKTF Roosevelt was sincerely anxknrs to avoid the nomination, but human rrattrre ivx Us limits, so. at 4 o'clock ; thi afternoon," after a day of terrific pressure . tron- uotn siovs, Dwfi ;cisf a statement Though il thrasts aside the crown w words, it wai regarded as J virtually a surrender to the; will of the convention. .) I But "the opposition 4nv worked des peratcty attd the stampede for, Roose velt has betn chocked and' turned, ami thai which scomed 0 certain lasi cmn well m gh impos jble tomght Roosevdt himseW and mVdose per sonal friends aref working among the delegates and assuring them that tiic .-,miiKr was not tleslrcd by turn; and Senior Hnm and :rtfeants. aU working togtttrer. are for thi result. It has been a day ol diard work, of earnest endeavor, a tonight thenen most imertrs that tlw Roosevelt boom h btn fin ally faicD to; re.4. : ; ;i : ' f-'V STAND WITII TEDDY. Philadelphia, June l8.-The; delega tion , f rom treon went jo. Roosevelt's room tooay. at said: "We want to assure you while .e want t your name ticket we will respect your wishes in the matter.", -.!" OREGON MEMBERS. TfuiiiAmitite lnn iR. Following i A inimi. if.i . USl OI COiinniiV'-'v - Chairman ot delegation, m- McCammant. - , (National committee memucr, ; uc iPermanent r organization, A. ("J- . ... .. - y.i.m..!. vvi ir. ..-Mo.aniinitiri.. Rules and order of business, Kulus 3. ".Moore. - . , 1 To notify nominee ,tor rresiacm Henry E. Ankcny. " - V -T not if-rv nominee for vice-president, I nomas Mciiwen. i. . Resolutions. John u. Laiy. T X-.1t T xm-Ainrt ttv ,frft bin whih MSt, J " " " . hand'ing.some heavy boxes. The doctor I -called on said at first it was a slight ctraiat inn tdqiuvwjuii ncii. iwi ii . . ... c mnA lnrlir ihpn said I had rhemafism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. 1 went. to a orug store ana vne Hntirirut rrcmumeuded me to trv Cham beriain's PaintBalm. I tried it and one-4ialf of a SOent bottle cured me entirely.- I now recommend it to all It is for sale by F. G. Haas, druggist. daiem, vregon. ' ELECT R I C ELEVATO RS VS. H Y- N , UKAULIU .It may be asserted that electrical ele yators are more economical per se, that a further ; eat a is obtainable by operation in conjunction with -lighting woTk. and that, the generating plant re onired b the1. additional cot of a sin gle"geBerator-nit; the combination of S:l services under one character of tmer finally that the service can be operated by outside supply without the expense of installing a generating plant. These assumptions have been the cihw of mnch disputation, and in nnmber- of :caes where incompletely studied havt: IcdTo .decisions ini favor of the adootion ol electrical operation of elevator machinery. The resaits of the use of the dectrical high-speed n:a chines are now before us and can be briefly summarized as folio: Without the addition of a storage battery, the high-speed electric elevator is not so economical as the hydraulic The additional cost of a storage nat- tery.with interest and dcpreciaTion thereon, outwdchs any economic gain obtainable. Without a ua tenr. the service vr- not be cotnfciicd satisfactorily with ightin ; work. A higher class and greater extent ot abor is necessary with dectrical eleva tor machines. Th cost of maintenance and repairs is largely in excess of the. same items with . hydraulic machines. The cost ot outside electrical supply s too irreat to admit of economical consideration in this class of building. The reason for this disappointing re sult, to mv mind, is to be found in the basic fact that the service is a radically unsuitable application of electricity- inald iPelham Bolton, in The En gineering Magazine for June. - BE IS KOT A DEMOCRAT. ' Arthur 'Hodges, Clerk of Crook County, the Regular 'Republican , for Re-election. Editor Statesman: Mv attention has v been called to an item in The Statesman concerning mv recent candidacy for the clerkship of Crook cuunty, which is, in effect, absolute If. iiutrue. . I was not repudiated by the Demo cratic unty convention held in this county last- spring, and I dnl not tanl as a Gidd, Democratic candidate this year, but was the Repub lican county convention long before the meeting of the Democratic convention. The so-called Democracy never had a chance to repudiate me, for I left the party in 1830, when the Populist hen hatched Bryan and the Chicago plat form, and I have not since that time af filiated with the Democratic organiza tion. ARTHUR HODGES, i Prineville. Or., June 16, 1900. The Statesman is pleased io k . the actd in the case. Havitug received its wrong information from an exchange which is usually trustworthy and find ing this information to be erroneous. tins paper .gladly gives space to Mr. Hodges' letter, and expresses its 'regret at bis defeat, "lie was for many years a painstaking and competent officer of Crook county, and was deserving1 of re election. . IWsiW Itl iA Vm U Ulnars CflogW Slcustan- '.Si cfRVAis hill aue&ATr. Tlie Fourth of July to Be Duly Ob- served ty a 1 wo- Days 1'ro-: gram iMusic and ' St6rt5. ; . i TIki : Hrrivmg ' lit tic city of Gcrvais. 01,1 1-TcncU prairie, north of this citv, will celebrate the Fourth of July m splendid style tlrts year, cfPorts bang made to make the holiday program one of tJie best icver enjoyed in that live place-on a. similar occasion. Two days will be devoted to merry-making, and a number of iniercsftai-g cveiAs have btOi provided, beginning at 2 p. m-. on luesday, July 3d, and ending wr.n tne jrrani oan :n tne evening ot Wedtiesxlay, July 4th. Following is t-lie two days program: V FIRST DAY JULY j. 2f milc bicycle race First prize $7.50, secoiiid prize $i-5a ; iRoad race of carts, owners to drive Weighing- not less than 150 lbs., best m X half-111 lie Meats winner to take all. ( Ptrrse $10. ; j-rnmatc trot hir local horses Best 3 in 3. mile treats. 1'urse 50. Running One-fourtli mile "dash. Purse $50. ;:-' " '". iRnmwng Tlrrte-dghts mile - tlalw Purse ?3n- SECOND DAY JULY 4. :jo a. tru G ra-ml parade, under di BELGIAN'. 'HARES F. A. WELCH, Salem, Or. Save expense and express by. pur chasing near home. Can supply the finest stock at very reasonable prices. Correspondence solicited. ; " Alii EfEST STRAINS. J - ' . rfti'i'i Rabbitry located near Marion Square. Inquire at Statesman Office. Are I have a fine lot of Belgian Does, bred to excellent : Bucks. Pricc3 ranging from $0 to Don't fail to call and see them. 1 -,: Address .; C. D. MINTON, Statesman Office All first-clas3 strains obtainable on short notice. rection of Grand Marsha! Smith, "form ing -m front of the city-hall, thence to llrombury's ' grove. , . -r 10 a. m. Musk, by, St. Paul ' brai band at Thonibury's grove., Invocation by Rev. T. BroniMette. ? iSingmg, "Star Spangled Banirer," .by; choir. i Reading, DedaVationi ; of , , Indepen dence, W- H. Ei;an. " , ; Mpsic, by St. .Paul brass band, i Oration, Hon. D. Soli Cohen, Portland. ; -'Music by band. l u:3o p. m. Baseball on Gerval diamond; Salem vs. Gervars, : Pure fJU ,.,'.. ...... 2 p. ni. Racing at the track of tho Gcrvais Speed -:Assocbrkw, as ftl!ws: : j-minte trot, for locail horses,' best 2 in 3. mile hears. Iurse $50. . i Jlixeil trot and pace, 2 in 3. tm'le 3i!cars; records m bar. Purse $(. Ono-fotirtn mile slash, l'urse $50. One-half mjk? dash. Purse $50. In tlliee-eniing.a-grand ball at the city ball. Every care taken ro protect the public and to nalve. the visitors' stay pleasant. SlKK?ring of firtxTackers or shoulinK of Iwickstcrs wi!l not be allowed in the grow during the exercises. . HERE'S SOMETHING ODD. Hospitality Adtls One More Fancy to the List of Novelty "Parties. At a rcctrt ntcrlaurmcnt, wlvich was bfiii rKvel and original the guests were requested to present, in stmie manner, tlieir birth monUi, sjs What to Eat.- Most of them wore the- birth stone suitable to the month which, as old- le gend 4cl!s us. is sure to protect against misfortune, the jewel acting as a talis man. A few substituted flowers apjiropri ate to their birth 1 month. One young lady, w I ioe birthilay was 'in January, wore a string of tiny silver beads wirid tinkled imisically wflierevcr he went. Another, daiming January also as her birth month wore a' broodi shoeing an 11k! miin and an infciht, representing, tht old and ik year. 3 September was-adorncd with goldeti rod paper hearts, ' (dcrced 'with - arrows. Many puzzled thir brains over younff girl wearing a white apron, with several bar of music on the hem, un til oo diseovereil it to be a March. April was , rrjrccitcd by a paper food's cap, awl May by a pretty sprui-g gtw If, decorated -with violets and lifies of the valley. It was an easy matter to guess" July, with her triorlorcd streamers and nu merous flajfs. -August wore a' iwhFte. organdie and carried a palm-leaf faiK (September, was -adorned with goldcn rod anvl purple a-rtcrs. T . - lcttjpr'ii daughter wor a rich y-t-kw gown, ijearly covered with glori ous .autumn leaves, amlton her lirad perehed a Vap of the same - brilliant leaves. ' -. Novctnbcr's eostutne was most strik ing, being a jMstcr: design represent-" ing Thanksgiving. , . ' December's was a picturesque suit or white tider-lowri flannel, ornamented with holly berries aiid running iine. Eath gitcst was requested to furnish one dish appropriate to the month in whidi she was born, 'hi this way the suprK'r was quite out of the ordinary ari the only tax on the hostess, witll the exception of her one dish, was Jor coffee, pickles and cake. Trizes were awarded for the most ef fective costume, as well as the most striking one. , t.j A Card of Thanks. ' I wish to sy that I feel under lasting1 obligations for ' what Chamberlain's . . . e . tougn Kemetiy nas uone lor our ian ily. We hatt used it in so many cases of coug-hs, lung troubles and whooping; cougli, and it has always given the n wis. t perfect satisfaction, wc feel greatly in debted to flic , manufacturers of this remedy and ish them to plcasc.-accept our hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mrs. S. Doty, Des Moines,' Iowa, tor sale by F. G. Haas, Salem, Oregon.