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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1900)
7EEKLY: OREGON' STATESMAN, .FRIDAY APRIL-13,-1900. mmmm PARING PRE wIsoFev pi thaTiiny felling; arrangeme has peat made whereby 'armrf -plates arad Structural material wiTl be supplied the Oampi by'the Carnegie Company. I THE NAVY'S NEEDS. Washington. 'April it. Tire secre- fiTy .of the Navy hay written ft letter to th Scnaye Cotnnr:d:c or? Naval A flam, trgrrrg s?'ch a change 4rt tte Jaw re- TO CfCZr thC CCIintfV SCUth Of Academy, as will fill the vacancies in ine; Fine or uic vay wins aiav ciuim Eloccifcstela of Eoers. THE SUDDEN REMOVAL Of GATACRE ? arjcraiori 'to. the setcseity fox immedfi ajely enacting such. legislation a will srbvCanfcvtlly inctvise the ertthorized quota. The Secretary says the depart n?en; find it w afosolura'y unable to commission? arfothcir warship, "without reducing trr some otlar particular our already meagre ccratr defence." At pnecnt forr new battJcshSps are about HM Created Groat Sarprtecv la London- I ready for active gcevicc. Red CroM People Experience Trouble - la Going to Pretoria. .1 A FIGHT PROMISED. Democrat Ignore the - White Metal in Their Gatherings. LONDON, April 12. (Thursday, 5:2 a. ra.) There is little fresh intcl- 1 Sarerrce from the scat of "war in South s though Lord Rob n .r17Uy. erts may be preparing to take a strong l?1-" uc.ei. OJiio ! iColunibusi, O., April 11. -The semta' tricm of the e:ae convWi"jOT' of 15 League of Democratic Club, which Africa. It looks as though Lord Rob Mtv t'?' ? ?r. .-Bryan,- ; , ,t.. .,- ajuwwgn iTtswrnc uucnjei, n im an- 11. ion. . hwihi. , - , . . ... ., lorce to clear the Boers from behind P1 Q.are7' "Mrreootwy iiMrrcctiy 10 him. A Cape Town dispatch says, he ma igwroi -silver cn- will not move for another week, owinjr 1'?: . " .,s expected there w:H be a to the necessity of gathering stores an i V1 ngbtJ.jn the bommrttw on rcsolu- SUppIlCS. r I I w "ti iw Mivvsr question, Sir. VVfllunn Gatacre s sudden remov al is the theme of much speculation The I i TO AID AMERICANS. curt manner in which at is announced causes much comment. The general I Their Interests in Central America Pro 1 ... t- .Zi I i , . ... I 1... t.' XT " jiuji oTiiij-ii is iiiai 11 is conneeiciK wmi I - uy ic Titvy. the Keddcrsburg affairs, although there are many who consider that there must i 'Washington, April 11. VVord was lc something much more serious, as received at the navy department today, other generals 'n South Africa iiave of the arrival of the cruiser PhUadlphia cer retained m commaml. after blund-1 at San Juan del Sur, where she was ers more formidable than Gatacre s,' I I Ordered from an rrancisco for the STILL OX THIS-WING ELLTOIT 8HAWS OC8CKIPTION , r COSDITIOXS IX Coal Mines oa the Tetiowatone Kirer Ft Boada, aad nieycUns . Is a Very - Popular Sport, as strenuous for say an. ?army in his own authority leclcji 'were Presbytermhs,Tcofronied h an- army at mce upected and sus picious, whose most afctive lcadefs Were independent. : - - ;f --;-- ,.' He saw the city of London.! which had been the main-stay of the parliament in th war now just a good peace. . He whicti he knew that. stood high but where events were to soon show that he tfcid not yrt know all the fierce undercurrents' and dark and pent-up forces. Finally,, he saw a king nti 1 tvrc t a-:i . x?A-.t DOTcn in uic nciasn nnooMine m ae- ;ttV. t JrrXtTi-U, VrTml U- fcnse -f religioiu his crown and Wj statesman: 1 wrote you last irom L.iv- r;-ja 1 ,jt - l.ctt .l ingston. mere was about six inches !r,er,ds- nd confident that no h. ot snow and slush when we left for codd prevemt h.Jn from stdl hold Laurel, the junction where the braach tbc calc . toweten tne two rival lies leave for Red Lodge and Bridges, band of his tnampHant imes. "We iWe left Billings at 5 o'clock in the are fml Jc.n andj worse, Cromwen evemng, and reached Laurel between wroie to Fairfax 4 (August 10, 1646), m 10 and it, covering a distance of about science of dark omen. ; :. 100 miles. . We made . the jonrney , . So stood things n England Out- aboard No. ; 542, Northern . Pacific Slde the ",8dora he ne combative freight train, and considering the cir- ailt KKt- ocs, n,m nau jusi wen cumstanccs, we made very good time: PeTsvadcd to return 10 their oyii-cotin- There ane coal mines all through this try, still hharply wa clung English af- section of the country, but I have not fairs over the border, and still capable wsited them and, - consequently, can I of drawing the sword for king or for say little about rhem. I parliament,, as 4est flight suit ;the play Soon after leaving Livincrston. and I of their own ini'uriajtcd factions. Fin- contining all the afternoon, the road ally, there was Irelaild, distracted, dan tollows the Yellowstone river. It is a I gerous, sullen, and a mainspring of verr pretty stream. Reaching Laurel I difficulty and confusiion, now i used bv we made o'tr way to the hotel. The the parliament in one way against the next moruincr broke bright and fair, army, and now by' the king in another with only a light snowfall We boar 1- wy against both the army and parlia-l cd a mixed train, composed of about mem. the cause, in short, whether forty freight cars and one passenger Cromwell looked so far in front or not. coach, for Red Lodge. AVe left Laurel was faoe to face with the gloomy al- at 8 a. m... and reached Red Lodge at ternative of a pcrfidiaus rstoration of 12:30 p. m., covering a distance of about a new campaign and war at all hazards fortyiouf- miles, so you see , we had I here no other cause in history plenty of time to look at the country, where the victors of a great civil war There was nothing to see, and it was were left so entirely! without the power rather a tiresome trip. The railroad j of making there own settlcmertt, and the extends up the- Ked Lodge creek, a I vanquished so plainly umpires in their small stream, the water ot wnien is own ouarrel. ihc beaten king was to used to a good advantage for irrigating have another chance his best and his p-.Trposes. Inst. Even now if we could read old At VVilsey, just a station, the ranch history like a tale of which we do not The -war office has received no news I protection of American interests, said I leaves for Bridges, a coal mining. camp know the end. whether it "should be of the death of Colonel Baden-Powell, ami utterly dtscrelits the rumor. The corre;pondent of the Daily Mail, tH f-otirenco Marones. teleffraohinc Wednesday, says: "The.-departure of tne Chicago ambulance corp-. fer Pre toria, was delayed on a suspicion pf tilrbustenng. the members left by fa to be endangered by the political up risings 111 (Nicaragua and Costa Kica. A DEMONSTRATION. Berlin, April n. The Berliner Tage- blatt learns rfrom Kiel that an interna tional naval demonstration will ' take When we, reached Red Lodge we found eicht or nine inches of snow. It .special tram this afternoon, after many I place at .Taku. The German squadron, I is a place of 1 soo or 2000 people, many iuriiiy liucrviews witn Tne jt onugucse I consisting 01 xne cruisers rierwia, 1 ci wnom are f inianaers. inc piace is authorities, ihe members have no I tjehon, Irene, and Kaiscnn Augusta and j kept up by the coal mines. There are passports, and no credentials' beyond, a I the gumxats Jaguar and Itlis, under Vcrv larue and nayinp: mines here. The letter "from i.Jiss Clara, Barton, to the Admiral Bandctnann, is at present sta-I miners went out on a strike March 15th effect that she knows some of them I tioned conveniently so that within aland not a stroke has been made with a personally, and believes them to be 1 few days the ships can be concentrated l pick since that time. The mines have . -: . t a I - . t . r r r . f 1 I . . ... -. . in ine uuu 01 re-Liii-u. off" to the southeast. At Carbonado we that sentiment has idrawn Hi- r..-ir' left nearly all our freight cars, going sympathies to the side of the king's up, and coming back, picked up about adversaries, it mighlt quickeii the pulse thirty ears of coal at .'this place. At when he comes to tjhc exciting and in- Johet there is a saloon, a store and two tricate events of 1647. and Ses hisi fav- or..t.i?ree sacks-'. . -r. . . nrite cause, whichever it migh-t be, trcm- bling in the scales. gmuine. but many have openly ex'nrrss ed thctr intention of fihtinsr. The Boer are paymg from 30 to40 per 18 YEARS TO CARVE THE BOWL. month tor such rccuits. Thirty-five- thousand Boers, with ninety guni. are concentrated on the range of hills between Kroonstad an! Witvburg;,' The whole line is fortified arnl is almost -impregnable. Tlie British government, the Asso- TheiColumbui Pipe Made by the Rev. E-UCI. now passed to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, and the people think they will soon be operated again. Fuel is cheap in this place, coal being $2 per ton. Just a week before we. reached here the best business block in the town was destroyed by fire, burning three stores. In a celiar under a large grocery wercj several tanks of oil. and when these ex- FOR ONE (QUARTER UCSIXESS PASSING THROUGH TUK LOCKS AT OREGON CITY. As Shown by the Beport of the Lettcea to Oor. T. T. Oeeri-IIeavy Freight Truffle Shown. The Rev. Adolph Ebel of St. Mich ael's Roman Catholic church, who died in this city last week, was the maker ciated Press is ofticially informed, stands I of the famous Columbus pipe, one ex- nloded it caused brick walls to fall :n 4c,ijr w.ww pun oj i nugai, m 1 i ure :nuims ir. i juring tour men iauiy. une man was case the Boers attempt reprisals, but rrom -arly childhood he displayed a I pinned down and burned to death, md so iar j oriugai nas not appnea tor genius ior sculpture, ana while pur- t on v a nor? on of h s bodv was re "iiusii rt'M. iiur u;s yue rrraica io ino I ms mikkcs in lonie .or me priest-I covprecl ivkiv wi'inoKMH. .'vvi;it urrnt Hrvttitil noou ne availed nimselt ot Mie manv on-I The ; t mlur nn th kni .or at her back, it is said, she will not give ! portunities presented to cultivate his town. We spent one day in this town. wve ior sculpture. tie was sent to f leaving at 2:V) n America m 1X75. wnerc he came in con-1 at f-n Thi tf- f w'u ny merman priests wno pic. is built on ground as flat as a floor, ort which toll was b had brough' over with them a great but it is only a short distance on either O0em ing the Tock? ""'" ui ,iQc 10 tne nign, stony -nnis. wnicn rise 1 The amount i- tniii. luve 01 scuip in, in the sligliifest, in maintaining thai tlml itTaTvaarriotB? of Beira are fullr ins- tified by the long standing treaties be twecnGrcat 'Britian ami Portugal. While situation is admitted tobe grave. tne lorcignt othce is not -mchned ito t'P:iQm Daily Sis tfcnnan, A pril z'Av) . The Portland General Electric Com pany, yesterday, filed its statement, for the quarter ending Mardi 31st, with Gov: T. T. Geer, showing the river craft passing through the locks at Orcjron City, together with, the number ai trips niaac oy eacti ol the steamers operating nri lh Wil1amflt tw mmiKpr rS 1. m., reaching Billings ehgers carried by iadi, and the amuont Kti, a place of 2500 peo- 0f; freight, in tons, (transported by cadi, round as flat as a floor, ort which toll was paid to the company blieve the Boers will take .aggressive I ture still remained with him and he con nMUiomi. The ernvevt of ooinion f is. I ceived the idea of orodticintr a nin- that, should the Boers attempt repri- j 'hich should be among pipes what St sa!, H would react to the advantaee c I Peter's in Rome is among churches. Crea!t BrrtiaTi. esitrfdrng Ixt o use Del-: H took him eighteen years to com- agoa. is ay treety. f.i ifraffi- nr. t-ti riuor abruptly above the villey land. ;Ttiere dsjshowtfby this statement,! is afincent is a great deal ot alkali throughout tnis 10 warrant the colmention -of the Sa section.; In many places the eround is trn. rhmW ( Jrm, .,a 1.;.. all as white as snow, the alkali is found dred of ganizationslin favor of the nu'-- in sttch abundance. This is a railroad town, the1' western terminus of the B. & 1 . 1 . . . . 1 pnic task-, averaging ten hours, or. M. railroad. Both lines use the same as he computes it. 6.S70 davs. or 78.S FIGHTING IN NATAL. hours. The principal part of the work- dermis and vards ThrPP varH -noW i reioria. pni 11. ine atcst new ",s twipicr ceii. out tne are renuired to t o the switrti no- here the B. & M. yard. They have r i . r . . 1 . 4 . 1 11mA . -f l - . . ,. .. 1 1 jrom me iron is, mat nignting is con-I "-'-"j"''" "f" "n nis travels 1 two in tintiing at Elands Laagte (Natal), 4nd ! 1 c many localitits he visited afford- one in iewci s-aorp. i ; irpponunities ior la irttie B . r eiaooraiing a nuirubcr ot the figures. A SHARP SKIRMISH (London. Oprsl it. Tlte war fiTie has received the following dispatch -ioTu 'Koiicns: 1 uiocmiontein. pnt il.-.Methucn reports that a party of 'Boers, defeated on April 5th. made a goo! resistance for four hours, and only gave in when our trcpi. with An idea mav be trained hv the infin-rtn zeal and patience it required to com pete the pipe by a description of it. The length of the bowl, including ihe cover, is six inches, the circumfrrenrr tn-n inches and the length of the stem is twenty-one inches. Tin sttrf.-n- r.1 ii- bowl is eighteen souare inrhp. tin r . - diase by the United States government, of the locks at Oregon City, and there by make the rivcij pen to navigation without the neccss ty of paving a heavy toll for every passenger and every ton lie ,No"hSTn Pacific yards and I passengefs travclidg through the locks 0. 0c ai. yaras. incy navel during thei quartet was 4181: and the & M. engine in the yard. Ih'teiierht: went into a coach to see how it looked. 7938.5 tons. Following are the steam-. Not much like the accommodat lolls OH I ?rX .ftoecprl cfjrv-wiri It ; !- tmm1Dr f 4 -i rva the Northern Pacific line. They have each made ithrough the locks duriniz rcchning chair cars from here east, but the quarter, and the passengers trans not so on the Northern Pacific line. I ported bv each- I t Trips : iPassengcrs ENDING 1 pnrr r-. STRUGGLE Puerto Rlcan Tariff Measure comes a Law Today. SENATE AMENDMENTS ADO Be- wctx! tlw-pride of the farm. ; A iij;tv; ar twd ago a couple, of vicious' dog's h. vacfctl tlie ewkitrc! where the sheep were kept, aivj, attacked tlc flock, koll fetg forty oiulialf ithe Ircrd, Mr. Hall ficx.-1-i Vbh loss jkewn-ly, ; and. should he tiiccirtaini wlwse dog did the damage, will doiAtk's- ekmaml reparation for. flic loss sustained.: . I TED By the Mouse After a txna; and IV arm De- liate A Safe Majority forThM, Now Famous, ItllU- t LETTER OF INQUIRY. The Sa lem Cliamber of Ccmmerce is Sin re ceipt of a letter of inquiry-from JDr. W. aK. L. Dwyer, of .New Pctcrsbrug, Ohio, concerning- the growth of cascara Sagrada and inquiring alxmt 3 -suitable location for a factory. Secretary Thicl sen will answer the connuiunkation and recommend the Capital City a$ a de sirable field for uch an enterprise as that contemplated by Dr. .Dwyeir Cas cara sagrada. commonly known as chit- tim bark, abounds in limitless quantities throughout the Coast Range nionmains. It is horvested and many carloads arc sent cast anualiy lor medicinal pur poses. . . v . DIED AT JEFFERSON. Wm. Sutton a Willamette valley pioneer of WASHINGTON, April n.-r-Tlw considerable prominence, iico, at nis long a-red bitter struggle over the Pucr-iiol a . ahft 7Q vears ,Xhe funerai ant. Ricaii tariff bill eimled 4oday, wbcjn the burial took place on Tuesday. The de- Loui-e!, by 3 vctc of i6t to 153, concur-ceased was -a very prominent figure iri- :rd in all the Senate amendmertt The' I the history ot tne . iiiameuc vauey. bill how retiuirtis Orriy Ahz tr.gnattire of and was tor tne greater pari on nis uc Sptaktir of -Ots Housieand the Prcs-jf r iicirJ; of the Scraie lorc going to tlitol" "VM,"J' President far Ins approval. The sig- v.ea" nas vc recemng ueainiem at titttgiu- will be attached fomoorow, and line regw 4iuua. .c .anc, Uor itigatfall ihie ball will probably I mun rtrvrrc - At - I niiHi'oer i cuangcs uu in - local board ot ! Scott Bozonh j gomg ,nto Puerto Wicofmm the Unitel ,w hv Miss ZaiAe P.lJ 1!"a;Vi n?Cifc1, imposig 5 per cir,;crvice examiners, Sec rPmlc?'..m?$ o1 j??4 has resigned as secretary of Stii.ts and coming fironr Pttartoj Rico mer. Mrs. Mollie CreightonlDahcey ' in-to the Unfed State, 'as amenacd by has WnderedW resignaff v Jh-a Scinmc und tiaday agreed to by the ber of thc ioard of exami on as ;a nieni- ltOU;e. AH 1TfiJriCtlOns or good COm-1 V,, J, ,rrnfl- ami Alice T etU ; ing into the United Stattes irom.P-ueftolxi-tcirfor-r -has -been named to!" fill th.-1 vacancy. Rjico are eliminated, and cxirtaim food stuff si And ol.'h'.ir artickts. which hercto- icire have gone in'.'o Putirtk Rico fret TO GO TO THE DALLES i-A. E. oy cxecuiwe oroer, are cxc,iuaea from Crosby, for many years the efficient the operc.l.i'p of the 1$ per cemt duty im- pharonacist in the employ of D; J. Fry. poted on goovi enfiaring thfc- -hfend' f rom Salem's pioneer druggist, has accepted iic United States. A complete scheme a 1Msition with Btakely' & Ilu;jhton, dt o.vil goreirmmwtt for the island i uiii.. oml fPtaH durcririst of Th. afc'V ra Lacked lo the meaisime. UiKJiK the final vote Uflne Rcpublicaw vdtd agal'tes . l2a bill JMcwrss' Heath wole of Mhmesota. Crumpackcr of In diana, ;.-Lar.'e of Iowa. Littlcifield of Ma'nve, McCsdl of 'Masachiiictiis. H. Ci Snvth of Michiga'n, WamKir of Illm-!i; Fictchcr ot Mirmcso'ta. and Loriirier of lUiifc-?. Two D e'nirycrralii iMewrsi. tiavcy nl 'Meyer 01 Louisiana' Dalles. iM r. . CTosby expects to leave . fnr Thp Dulles about 'Mav loth! and will . shortly thereafter be followed by his family.- TO BE TREATED. Mr. ami -Mrs TInw.. Kay, accoinpaiKied 1y Major C P. BislKiip, . wccit to Portland j cster-lay aficrnoon, wkere :Mr. K'ay will rivx-ivtf treatment. Since retumitiK frOni i a;ir f.-lili'l t! now 'bi? treated by Portland physicians. "' ' were pn'ircd wiittt tibc Democrats in favor of I fornia Mr. Kav's health hit i'lvc bill, and one Democrat, Sibley of improe. and "his case will r-cnnsy3,vairic.- votert tar oifinght. Ie"res, ainrAhor Deriiocraf w1:V vVJ'Jcd ir v: amginaf bill, today voifcd against FOR LARCENY. 'Sheriff J. U. conctarrcnce. Stalling, a Democrat off Luckey and guard arrived in S;t!ein .la-4: Alabama, was th? only absen!.ce on !;icWt from Morrow count v.' Scn-ing 'in eiNhfir sdde. abslur? itnd unpaired. j ctt.-tody Henry Long, com-ictid of tl:v 1 he? vote came at 5 o crock, after a cr:-:rrc of larceny and tciniietioe to tlm: very inserost'inc. and -at time exciting:. I ytsars rmprr-omment. ijimg turn- ckSwi-i? of five hourj, which covered not led over to tl? penenftiarv airtltoricici. rmly bil, buti.tlie.tpecial ordur ' un- nn 1 t. 1 . . ....... , fixed bayonets, were within fifteen vard L,nKn ,s carvf(I ovcr 3o figures, and of tJicm. Seven of the enemy were killed, eleven wounded ami fiky-one made prisoner. (Besides. Lio'Uenan'is Jloylc and Wihiams. Sergeant Patrick Canbell was killed, and wo of our men were wounded. Williams was killed k-liberatcly. after a white flag had been held up. The perpetrator of the crime was at once shot. From here out to Huntley Junction. a distance oi twelve miles, both corn-I Ruth. panies use tlie same track I Etmore. There are a few crood buil.-linsz;. The I Vt rwi ' f f 1 ti .1 1 . " . 1 I- It.. .1 ...,1 - . .1.. I ri there are nearlv ceventv fi,T..r., t i r .1 . 1 , . I V' c ' ' "--'J a . nit 1 icamug nousc 01 tne piacc. there is all ti ' r .... rrne stone aweiiing nere. owned and oc 'l he .figures are divided min Ant.rf.t I ,,;, i. - .1, -.u:u ..t Classes, flowers, lilies, rosebud trrane I vrraWhiet men f tl.. tJ t....i. . : leaves, grapes, violets, palms. Arcbi- miureis represented by the following figures, Imic. Doric. Moorish and Ro- nran. Also windows, lattice work, cu polas. arches and others. In the .tni- kiig;om he has dragons, hyenas, ards. alligators, sharks, turtles and tne house himself. It took him three years to build it. I have seen a great many cowboys here. They come in here from the, east and south. I havi had tae pleaasure of hearing the Geor gia Minstrels bands several times ir omona. . . . . .. A It on a. City of Eugene. Salem. Bsnc ...72 0X3 ..7 3'5 -74 32 . ... 8 2 i . . .76 12fX . . . 70 1 207 .... 7 10 . . . 4 ...388 : 41S1 dep which "the house acted. One of trA mot'C- diamdifc fmttKlcs! of t'hi? da-v was tJws inead;njf by Ridiardyon. ?Jhc minor'- rty leader, of tb;' onginai opinion? of Chris, E. Ma goon.' legal advisor of hhe war department.- Jm favcr of 'the view -ihzt the Cortel'jiiftioTr ex!imdcd ovei Pfierio Rico, cx TJroprio rigoire. De liver, of Iowa, i-n reply, formed Macoon -ck-rk. who ifricd to over-rule tike great lawyer at itj-ja . ka4. of th- war drpxr't mcn'fc . WamiKir. ,V)f Illinois: Cruni-. packer, of Indiai.i ; McCall. of Ma?n- rhu TttvA Lorimor. of 1 11 inn is. all Republican!?.' made speeches against the rr.otl'-im to cor.crr. - Keplreistini'a'tivc! Tbniw nnd iMoodv. of Orcgvm-. an.1 JtwHes and Cubmaru of Va..-ihmgton, voted for the Puerto Rtca-n bill. Wilson, of Idaho, vo-ted agai'int it. - THE MARQUIS OF SALISBURY. Ird Salisbury is a very stout man. weighing fuljy 250 jxiunds. but. curi ously, enough, he was of stisflit plij- siquc in his youth. Lord llRoscbcrptv in a speech a short time agoj. narrated how when he was a Ixiy he f isited tiic library at Hatfield, and was pointed out a tall, slight, stooped -yung niin who was' immersed in stttdyf and toll in a halt-frightened whiixsr by tlie housekeeper -that this was Lord Robert Cecil, the younger son of the' house hold.; Present members of the -house of commons who were there in the days of Lord Robert Cecil'4 member ship confirm thc same talc! that they remember Ltrd. with something of the samel ami My Salisbury ngtirc as different towns in We 'have been hang- i hey are ahead Elmore. Modoc. mat eopa S.mnny.iKvrr. An,:i i,rwL !.t. I . . 'i ry. v.nri5topner Co- ing along together. V i'"r.n, nit ninni! 6 man IVr. ;t T..i. -.r-t n . V , 1 .uuuvv. . n f Wi..i. t'"'"'1v "u; x'aJ lau'Mtrs ncrc. receive ottier Cypsy. . . ,1 ' LKth' m,Is.!i,na"ts an1 IPdi- wa8" tha"n Oregon, but are at more Pomana - bum a il i Ldt 1 1 1 4 1 1 v (11 nrrt - Itlr I m-r e. j A 11, a. - a I in .r v'... r.': ;"- i-. "y get .5o per aay, but A tona.;,. -- . jvia, snuiu. JiasoniC cm- I nav rnni H. t , rn ,t... r.l, 7 , ems. . If I -r.j pav iy ior 1 cay ot cugenc Fmm iu e,r iu:. . . . r.1'1 ?P me long run .... .ii.viiiiiiii ine n Df 1 icy are not sin wi -nt i-.-i h. .... . . . . 1 . - ..... .uiiiii l (mil ismnn .n. i. . 1 TO ST. HELENA. town. Anril ti fw nnfavorable conditions for keeping Boer prisoners-here, the authorities have de cided to Mup them all to St. Helena with the least possible delay. strong I'osmow;. - - - 1 m 1 3 r- intT'inr -frtt 4 I 1 I A Elands Laagte JApril u.-Last nht fiottrnevrrf wi.h h!m 7 . . Ll man was inquiring Bocps set fire to. the crass" on two hilli to the Pnrifi, nU L " 1 caIC f "e conaition of things almost on their extreme win vi Tl Itr. the ,! Vr0,!,!,r ,K "lamette valley. u- -j:.t . .t. .t.: ' iij - n nas raa us i was ii.iMm uisiivmii uc idii iiiai -.iirir I auicmures. aiso n iririw. Total .... Ine freight earned by these steamers is given in the table below: Ruth..... ... as in Oregon. Total. . -2593-25 ..,925 25 . . 196.25 827.ZS 607.50 144 75 .7938.50 the garden spot I told him it oi the United KILLED THE PEACIIES.- 1M4,' the States; and gave old Webfoot the heu scnd-olf J could. He was well nlpa'l I ,-, tj.r vorv k-.i Mr C. U. Alinton. oti the Statcsman. wlio is in Southern Oregon,- writes, after vis iting Ashland and; Grants 1'ass, that the position extends over fully fifteen milesf misisonarr was on a .eer.e, k.,.....J .! r . -,t II. . " . 'J"" "' in a. crniiniifiii mur t it miic 1 .oni.-miitf. 1 .... . . , . 1 . . -- - - . - - -' , . ... II V ' 1 1 1 V '1 1 1, L' I I M . . . K 1 I nntl B'.nl. . , . . . T . .. I" . - - . - - o'clock in die morning tbe.ZT:'""'" 10 nv?', 1 by the frost whicir occurred on bunday ,14 w.vK.,ui oiiiiiu. raneti. in car. the latttmeVtrt ih him. to tro bv all mM- TV f.-' ii is. v vv London. .April I2.-Thc BloemfonL rai J did not leave " U,e-rSTXV Je The Norhern Sfic ComW;; River valley are teiu correspondent of the Times, tele- consumed the entire train. . Notwitff erecting : freirtV drrT?ryi rtu th?y ? L hW?u- d'e7 irP Kraphing Wednesday, says: "It is an- landing this the precious ppc was a ne Morehouse itr (teXt Other fruit, thet think, has not-been nounced in general orxlers that General On another occasion, a Sun Ly They have be , kS C i injured much , Mr. 'M.ntoft the Sir Herbert Shernshide has been lap- ! November of 1891, he was conduct- day today (Sunday 1 Z i Sn.l country ou there looks beautiful in Us pointeti to commaml the third division. services in a St. Paul. 1.. church mi.1 The Sabbath dav U JnreU u?-a vcrd.?nt v.estufc' a,d th?re ,s cIod Vice Gonial Sir Gaciv. orkcvi home Dmng thc ceremony a chandtliir wi n this 1 conntr? It i T not as LfM, &kJ otPrrpcl:,lty nK the to England. General Brabant's force twelve oil lamps fell and exploded. In as backhrough the m?mit ;iei f ?efctm tlie ( peach growers. Chas. is contidrnt of being able to hokl out!' -hort time the entire church was in Idaho 8 the mining section of L. Dailey, the Salem fruit grower an i IIFKT. MVS L1ICIC clIC A 1UW lijiaiiiie? district the Jiioenuontem corresoondent of I 3". ana at tlie risk of hi . lif. t. . . . A . . ... . . . . . . 1 j 1 tne l-Jariy lclegrapn. in a dispatch dated t wne pipe. . Tuesday, says: The permanent ide-l netollowing year while on a train lenses are ncanng completion, so that I :'" t,,c way m vnicago, trom bt. Lmis '" a . D"V--vWa M. rn I - the town -cart be held by a relatively I "ci had a still more remarkable experi- t, who j c"cc ywmg to the sultriness ot the jim.ilf rarritrn. , . -A' rtrr!iheruit . ... . .............. ...... .. . a . ' " " V 1 1 1 1 I M 1 1 V fias visited the B'oemfontein water j J un night he requested that the porter I well woncs, reports tnat tne maenmery ana wina dams are intact Only a few Boers re- j Hi grip conta money and ot the bed. main in tlie eig1dorJoodl" WILL SELL OUT. II. C. FirSck to Dispose of Hh Interest in tins Carnegie Works: getlier wkh the New irk.f April i r. A special to tlie TrSnine from Pilucg. sa-s: ?H. " Ka-ii-lr vLiTfi vt:rw.. f -.11 Mi svmrt.rMn V nwr trt mn rn I found in a cornfield. rM-iirm ruUtnv . ..' k. A number of vears a jn he ..emm can.", said a big stockholder of tire Ca- J rnuchttadicd to one of his pupils, hegie Company." He won wh!t be coi- ?tto Vogelsang. The master and pupil tomled for ami will nxit to km- cane very intimate, so that fen years per iMr. Carnegie or hi partners." I aP, J0"?..;0 the finlshmir of the it Maia Tissir air. t-nck artd Pre.- I i ? j"!Lru; vAJl votea yun3 oeni -sciiwab are not on pleasant ienmf a,'! t his Iwh doie much toviiapd keeping !Mes"r3. Frkk Carnegie a iart.. Officials of the taracg-ie Gomparry deny hnS- 1rU ij- V . 1. :. - 1.1 j 'C-see a ffrcat manv 1,.-t-l t... it .. c...t . jtv r.l.:. 7 " ... , - 1 v. . v , iiviL. I I I Jjir -rMiiniirrir KViruun i 1 E1 1 1 I He roads are iVne Inr lVi.m T I u .J, i.:n: f . . i. . .. . -, . ........ a. nvi u i iiiai MtuiHii csidiic uic KiuriiK lliniuui tni morning that thev wer tn ,hav. . 1 :.. ,.,i,! it.. . race here this afternoon fortv I nndsnt rrnn are the brifrhtpst ' rci T u iirtcen-mue road race, year-was an excitptioi to this rule j "v kuuu lace iracic nere. as agent the A... , , i LisrncT tnwonii ieasrue convention drowsy slumber to awake shortly and ridu mcnV aldle 'Know I hT? af Albany, orr Sunday, He reports all find the grip had been stolen. A re- pleasure ol seeing onej dressed in rt l.tnenrs of e Methodist denenni ward was offered, the mwniLnc Mci. :,t. J" u in riaiog aaUon wherevcrlhe goes as enthusiastic . a . - - -- -f vg m hi w m i cu siik water & m 1 1 amv- i - . .. . - ootn t. Coins and Ch!ca?rf wr --.-f. I Hiv.M.vl .vs. j . " avail. -i wo weeks later he re-I Ited. fine looking hors ",,iy tuti ii,eiic supennienu-1 iy oy my window. Some of them ... i.uitiHwi w uuunsniu- em.of police stating that his grip to- experts ami can o!d Sown S f.rH t'onto thelef school. They see in -.ntmtA - v. . ,j i I . . ) i i i. ...... ...v i rnta 'an ssisi irtr.n-a i nviervn nr ih. ..n.t . iiut T " I. ' K aauon wnerevcr-ipe goes as enthusiasti; nrf! . ,t J1 over the closing of Portland University "r CVTV icf wcurs onj .May 31st. and the IT transfer of the business of that institu- ELLTON SHAW. fricnd.-4Chicago Chronicre. BR VAN GOES EAST. - a " . ax?s Angeles. April n. W. J. Bryan CROMWELL'S HEAVY TASK ' ifr. 'Morelv in fhe .A nn'1 ar an... shows bow heavy a task Cromwell hid to assume the crisis of 1647. - - in no contest in our history has the grt that the company wilt take in, ti left for the Easlby wa? of foSS -ramr ccincmr. either in port or ki I Arizona, ioday. . - i toorni. this an additional reason for the united i support of thef entire membership of wuiameiic . university, wrucn now seems assured.) Mr; Grannis went to Lebanon yesterday to attend the minis terial association; for the Eugene dis tricL M-i f . l'---H r- d!IS MOTHER DEAD. Taeeb D. Lei'dinger received a telegraphic mess age yesterday announcing; the death of old ng- twenty come dlsrvmilM-w sf ti .t. .... f l 7 me pouti- his mother, aged jz years. at their 1 WhtLZJL1 home in Daytcmj 'ohio. ,M r. Leidi fZ'"u ' T ' i 'kA w f . sca"ne w had "hot -seen Ihis mother in i . Vt- , . ;"?rironton. yearrs, ,tnt Ictt home nd ...... jai tiuitiii. ui wuicu tne active 1 tQ thc West. THE CONSTITUTION. ) April-' 11. The war ki ixirtnient -today complied with lie r-c:-trt reoIrltcn of tlie Houiec of Reprie--entativct. calling for the opinion by Mr. Ma goon, the law officer of Ithe ln nlar Divl'5?on. rela'tive to the exiciwion of the Co nt:'ttu km f-er Puerto Riw. The opinion was givxM an- May. 1K99. After tTetcrring to paigi cession 01 t'il, the opiwkxn. says: 'TixTcuiwrl the ticrritkn-y co'nvcj-td became a pajrir of the United States, .l:ii.t aw fsuch. snbjccti to the Const Htii- d?on. w iiu . soiirti.uiiK u 111c naiiiei HKiirc s . Arthur Balfour and Arthur fBalfour U 'nieof tlie slightest of men. New York Tribune. WOOD rOH THE SCHOOLS. Bid.-' Ojc-rtid by tlie ComnvhUe of the Board aim Contracts i - Awarded. I ! '('Front . D;i)iiy Slate.ijian. April The -w.ood .committee, appointed by the board- of directors of tl'jc Salojii ei fx j-I L;irict. held st medtilng in thu oftice of Justice of the Peace II. A. jonnson yesterday aiternooni. to oiieii Lt furtv.fcr action by GriTgress ' 'bids lor wood, rollowiiig arc the w neccr'siary or possible. Ihe Ctnt-1 uit:er wno secured the contracts, to- Jiirt.7fflil doe1- not dcpen-1 u pom Con- gcrher with schools to be furr.i.iluKi. ffPcss for nui'l-Ajri'ty in ridry iart of the a nl the price per cord, ot the wox! io United S!rvte. The reverse of -the pre- D! Itrnihed:- . -. I pwiitlsotii- w t3Te fctct. Frem Nhis t'im'e on 'James Scott; 6b cordi fir. Park school. CongrcsB mu?t kk to Vhe Contstiittion $2 JO 60 cords fir, Lincoln. $2.20. - I f-r authority to legislate for Puerto K M. LafFore. 125 cord fir. East. Rreo." - $-2-40: 60 cords fir. North. 52. jo. J. S. L. Smith. 10 cords fir. Central. T. C. Davidson. 5 cords oak. Lincoln. ?3.2o; 5 cords oak. Central. ($3.21. j Abmit twenty bidders nfade prottovajU, th'o prices' in most cases being cjUaidir ab!e above those accepted.' I . i TOBACCO SEIZED. Insufficient -Stamps on Packages CauScs Trouble for Dealers. -. San Francisco.. April 11. Five hun dred pounds of plug-cut tobacco have been seized in various local stores by Internal Revenue agents, because the packages' were Brtniftick-mly -stamped. This tobacco, manufactured by a St. Iouis firm, has been .put tin in nack- ages weighing from an ounce and three quarters to two ounces, and the iajbk ing had been uniformly stamped; as mciKiiiiig an ounce ami two-thirds.: Corrector Thomas, who made the A'- covery of this 'revenue law violation, MADE A FORTUNE TN ORANGES Sail Francisco Clergyman Has Beaut i a fil and Valuable Groves. Rev. Robert Mackenzie, D. D.r pas tor of the t First Prcsbytcriaii church in Sau Franci.sco ami professor In the eni inary at San lAnselmo, while attending " to tlie arduous duties of his ecclesiasti cal charge, has found time to make a says that the fraud has evidently been fortune, says the Bulletin. ! He is a . carried on vcrv extnstvefv. atwl i.-M'ian 01 great wealth, not inherited, but. estimated that the cost to the govern- tnc rcslJlf f h'3 own foresight and wis. ment has been fully $50,000 a yeari PA investments. general search for under-stamoed rai-L-. About five nines from the leatitmil ages has been begun, and all tobacco I town of Riverside, in the choicest part ounI' to exceed the wciglit indicated 4,1 a regjan; where land is' marketable py tne stamps will be confiscated. ; TO MANILA. Saii Francisco, Lpril 11. fudge W. H. Tafk, ptKident of She Philipprne '5 000 1 he rocom CommiasBon, acompariel. by bos fam- P' for prange gro ily. arrived fi'om ancinnati today The Profit on the capital 1 at prices ranging from. $1000 to !i8oo per acre, .Or.: Mackenzie, owns 90 acre, all in i earin Oranges, r Thc . land is covered with trcecs in, full bearing and is worth in it3 present condition about $15000. The income must be very groves pay a large invested. ! conmrjs5kwi i scheduled to leave next 1 UT: A,ackemsic started the orchard Mcsday, on Ue Hancock. 1 a sman way a numtier ot years ago. . 1 - tie iiaa a tew acres, whicn werecareiui- A NEW CHANCELLOR. ly planted. He tended his place with -mm , great zeal, and it is said that Mrs. Omaha. Neb.. April ir. The board Mackenzie herself went. over the first of regents of the Ncbras-ka University. cw. crops and sorted and boxed them. this evening, elected Superintendent E. a labor -she'-, would not truiat to less enjanvm Andrews, of Chicago. chancciT careful hands than her own. this pru- lcr d the University of Nebraska, by dence gave the crop a superior quality a vote of 4 to 2. and a reputation. , Wrth his annual prol- its IJr. 'AlacKenzie extended his acreage VICIOUS DOGS. Edward Hall, a uutil he became owner of his present brother of County. Clerk W. W. Hail, large .and extremely valuable groves. jifew mile mr.Ciof thiscy, is the own-j Of course 'he has made a fortune out' r of a "fins! frock of-&hicp. JuiWil re-I of his oranges.. He has taken care 01 dimly lie hard eighty . magnrfictlnt ewcihis wealth and is now perhaps the rich- arr-l weXbor, of a fine raoV, and fbtey j est clergyman in California. . -