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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1900)
WEEKI OREGON STATHSMAn frIDA LEGAL. ADVERTISEMENTS SUMMONS. In tjic Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County ot Marion, Department No. 2; ! '-. - 0 Salem Building and : Loan Associa tion. Plaintiff, v. ; H. C Downing. Theodosia A. Downing, his wife, and Geo. W. Watt. Defendants. To II. C. Downing: i : 4 In the name of the State of Oreoon you are required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon. in the above entitled suit, on or before the Jast day of the time prescribed in the order for publication of summons, trade herein, to-wit: the twentieth day of April, 1900, and if you fail so to answer.' forwant thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment against H. C. Downing and Theodosia A. Downing, his wife, for the sum of $1,575 gold coin, of the United States of America, with interest on said claim ! in- like gold coin at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the date of said judg ment until paid, together with the" sum of $56.41 taxes paid by plaintiff, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent, per annum ..on $2.36 from the first day of May, ji8, and on $14.05 from the fourth day of December 1809, and for the further sum of $100 attorney's fees and the costs and dis bursements of this suit, and for a de cree of this Honorable Court, that TjlamtifFs mortgage be declared a first . ken upon the following described piennses. towit: . j j . Lot four (4) in block one ft) in W'att's addition to the city of Salem. Oregon, as shown and designated on the .plat of said addition now of record in the office ef the recorder of convey ances for Marion county, Oregon. And that plaintiff's mortgage lien he foreclosed and that the above de- scribed premises be sold by the sher iff of Marion county, Oregon, as by law provided and that the money aris ing from said sale be applied to the atisfaction of plaintiffs judgment, at torney s fees and . costs, and for such other and further relief as in equity tnay be just: and further that.vou be foreclosed of all right, estate or inter est in or to said above described pre mises and of all right to redeem the same, except as by law provided. This summons is served upon you by order of the Hon, Rj P. Boise, judge of the above entitled court, for de partment No. 2, ; said order bearine date 1 the seventh day of M arch: 1000. directing the same (published in" the Weekly Oregon ' Statesman, for six consecutive weeks, and the date of the first publication of this summons be ing on the Oth day of March. 1000. and the -date of ; the last publication thereof will be. and the same will ex pire on the twentieth day of, April. 1900. . F. A. TURNER. 3-9-7 i Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In hc Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion t County. Depart ment No. 1. A. S. Cone, plaintiff, vs. B. F. Cone, . defendant. ! ' . To 15 .1". Cone, the above named de- lenuant : ' - - - In the name of the! State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you 1 .in-the above entitled court and cause within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this jinmiwni, to wit: rhe sixth day of April. 1900. and ii you fail so to appear and anywer said complaint. of otherwise plead, plain tiff will take judgment against you for the sum oi I $79.1 with interest thereon nt tiie ra;t lid , 10 pef ceC per annum front the nineteenth jday of December. i9J. less the sum of $joo paid on ac count thereby on July 24. 1K04; for the sum of $75 pecial attorneys fee in sad action, and for hi costs and disburse ments incurred therein. Notice is hereby further given you, that this sttmnvoivs ti served njon you by publication thereof in the Oregon Sratf?man. a weekly inewspaper oi gen eral circulation ; in J Marion County. State of Oregon, printed and published a" the city of Siicm jln said county and sfate. by ortler f. the Honorable Geo. ll. Burma, judge of the alovc en tities nt'irt, made jor :be thirty-first day of March. 1000, and the date ofjhc first publication of -iritis summons in ths newspaper is April 6,'iono. II. J. BIGC.KR. Attorney for Plaintiff. 4:6-tw.- J . NOTICE OF A PPOI NTM ENTX)F A DM IN ST RATOR. Notice is hereby -'given that I have this first day of March, tX. 'bcen ap pointed by the county. court of Marion county. Oregon, administrator of the estate of Thomas Jj. White, deceased. Lite of said county. Ail persons hav ing claims against said estate are here by .notified to ircsent thesame to me at Whiteaker, in said county, duly cer tifiedo as by law provided, within six nfonths from the date of this notice This the eleventh day of March. '1000 ! ! J. T, HUNT. Administrator of said Estate. - -, . . : .w St. FINAL NOTICE joF EXECUTRIX Tir'all .whom : it Imay concern: No tice ' is hereby I given that the under M.srncd executrix of the estate of G. C. Aplin, deceased, has this day filed in the county court) for Marion county, H-egon,: her final account in said estate, and that the court; has fixed and ap pointed Saturday, j April jo, 1900, at 10 o'clock a. m.. (of said day, at the ci-tinty court roni in said county as the time and place: for hearing any ob jections to such final account and lor the icttlcmcm thereof. MARV APLIN. " j, Executrix of the estate of G. C Ap Ijliiu' deceased S ' N --vr.- :.-5t-w. v GOOD FARMSTORSALF - ' ; . ! - From Gto 25peraci These lands I art In Marion county. O.econ, and are offered on easy terms of payment. They , were taken under foreclosure 1 by non-residents, hence are offered for less than similar farms held by resident owners. Vot full par ticulars and I description call on or address ,Macmaster &.' BirrelL . 311 Worcester block, i Portland, Oregon, or H0Z0RTH I B BOTHERS RU.KM. ORKuO.V. ANTF.D.TO j BUY A FEW DUT fowa aJ;o comt yearlings and 2-year-cHs. for wbkh the highest market prtce will b paid. Thomas-Wati -J - I . , . . I . . ? - : i - 7 trow paying crop beeaaa they're fresh .and alwajY tk bs. For everyvbere. Refnae substUutM. SUck to Perry', ..da ad proepw. 1300 8eed Annual free. Writ fur It. a n. FERRY A CO.. Detroit, Mick. ONE ESTATE. The estate of the ate Chas. Keil Sr whose demise oc curred at Atirora rr-rfn tl v w n c vector- day probated. :and Jacob G. (Miller, of 'Aurora was aooointed administrator upon the petition of all the heirs. : The estate is valued at Sonnn of real and personal" property situated in Clarion county, ana tne admimstra tor's bond w as fixed at $12,000, which Will be filed in of the esta'te are : Frederick Keil. aged 60 years; Charles Becker JrL 46; Ferdi- nanaiveM, 25: A. Keila; Artirur W. Keil 19; Sarah Gooding. 39; Henry 40; I-ouisa Erbsland. 44; Etward Becke! is, vm. is-eu, 47; itenrr Ken, 43. 'COMING TO SALKM.i-Judge Wm Kamsrr and wif rf Af-l mnrilU .,n to Salem on last evening'sltrain. Judge Ramsey na entered mto a law partner ship with George G. Bingham and he will remove to Salem soon. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey's present visit is to look for a location to establish! their home here. ' . We would remind ottr' friend, the Oregoniaiuhat Senator M'Bride has the well earned reputation of Wing a very live corpse. He was reported almost a!t deaths dor a gwjd many times. while -he was Secretary wf State; . but hi got up frm his 'bed of sickness a Utvrted Stated 'Senator. The people of Oregon should be interested in at ka- one thing, m regard to the! case of Sen ator McBride. or . in reierencc t anv other man. They should interested in -seeing .that he is treated fairly, and not misrepresemed. Senaltor McBride has done exceedingly well in the upjier house of Congrcscs. , Hel "has secured n:enrtcrhip 041 some of the mot inport- aut and :nfluential committees in that body, where he is in position to do effective work tor his state. H has don and is doing -such work.J , The Amer ican people want to see fair play. The spirit that calls for this j is instinctive with them and with all ojfrer people. J. W. Bailey, who , was - rtoinit?ated yewttirikiy for State Food CommissTcvner, is the prescrJ? Micumbeistt b" apK:tK merra of, die Governor. He ha en lorcetl tihe law agamst adulterated kxxI's. and arhus earned' the enmity ri Ame of Hire tru.-ts. This i m one of ur.c g;d reasoTs why he sIkjuM 4e con 'trmteiil in that office. : - HOW TO LIVE LONG. Dr. Cyras Ed .-or a prominent phys s'sjtn of New York Cnyj in a lecture rtvenily before .h; Htmilred' Year Oim." told l:"m lxwrorsv what to do in order fo-live one hundreI ycaTs. His jweerritroiT for old age xmtairs these eight ingrcdinK1-: (1) "Ycu -should live in a frIihy iKMt-fe; (2) ct plan pure focnl; (3) drink p'tre water; (4) --deep r.rt nu-re cinati eift'n 4wir9: (5) take iTderasc exercise; (6 awid wnirry; (7) refuse ex- CLVscs; ami (X) use your bra'm." "s STC Tha Kind You HanKiwais BougT. What's worrying you now f Wife O. I was thinking about the lace 'curtain you said I knight buy for the -parlor. If I don"ti get them the neighbors will think I can't afford them, and if. I do they'll hide the view of o"r harrdrVimc new fbrraiture wich the neighlors might haie through the windows. Philadelphia f'ress. LOCAL and CLIMATIC Nothing but a loca) remedy or r.hmovl wilt cure CATARRH The ipccific U .1 Elfs Cream Balm It In qnicklr o oi bed, St ve relief a once. opn and cleanxea th nasal CATARRH COLD 'N HEAD paMRea. Allays Inflammation. Weals and pro trt th Membrane. Restores th Senu of Taste and Spell No Mer- cury. No lejvrlas c nig. IteRular Slse. W) cent. 5am'ljf iz. $ LOO at Drugiat or by mail. ELY BROTHKIIS, 14 New York. Warren StrMi. Flit FENCE POST, coated with ; -, . ..Carbolineum Avcnarius.. "'.Will out wear Odr It n alao a Radical Ramedy AKainst Chlckeni Lice. , ' . , IU appitcauos t the ial walls of pool- 1 . 1(1 ....... ...! 1 1 teV. - try DOMWB mill liriiii-i'""" . trrmloat' ail MCE. Rnilt: Healthy Chikfn-Plenty Write tor circular anil prices ana men tion this papr. . R. &L WAIB AKta.r , . SAUEit. ORKGO.V. SAIEM IRONWORKS ,Your Work Solicited- GEORGE E. SLY, Sup't FO R ': SA LF, Span of bay mares 6 years old. weign i-w P"onu- "w - , 4i9r(w; AWress Uan Keeder. Brooks, Orjcgon. 4:io-t-w I EUrOLYMENT Steady empJojs - went for lady or gejtientan, travel : i..,i .rtrV-i For narticulars address J. R. Towrtsend. Woorfburn Beantlia y? SOLD 240 BALES AS TUB SEASON ADVANCES SALES IX . s , CKK ASE IX KCMDEK. - . Oa Smleaa ttmyrr 1m Am latcrvlew (jai Moat th Effi-teB7 r tha Hop Growcf AHoctotiM. ' - L I (From Daily Statesman. Apri! 11th.) The Oregon Hopgrowers" Associa tion yesterday made the sale of-' several lots of hops, aggregating 240 bales. .As the season advances, the associations officers say rhe demand for hops in creases and the prospects are that all hops in the association pool can be dis posed of. i Squire Farrar. one of Salem' J mol conservalive and reliable hop, dealers, in an interview in response to :he qucs tion: "What, in your opinion, has the Oregon Hopgrowers Ass-K-uttjn ic complished in the interest of the grow ers?" made ithe following stiienicnt; "The Oregon Hopgrowers As; ora tion was organized when the hop deal ers jsaid that hops -were worth 8 to ;o cents, and the growers Sail hops were worrti 12 cents. The association was formed for the purpose of hoM'ng Ihc hop crop of Oregon out of the market and forcing prices uu to growers ilcjs. The crop was largely held above mar ket values, and now is selling at b ut half the value at "the time of the rg.m ization of the association sd that, at this time, it looks as if tjteaiosociation had neither played a trdTfipj card nor taken a trick in the whole game. "Some enterprising dealers. h . have made large purchases of late are patting the association on the back and enc nir agirg them to still hold hop4 for Keher prices, and they will all unload at a profit. , "Talk is cheap, but it take- tnouey to raise hops, and common sense- to sell them. ? "There is nothing else to do with hops but to sell them. Th'-y lie turned into beef or mutton, and .even the hogs woi.'t cat them,; "Thee is only one man to buy them "'he brewer and he can use them tor but one pur pose, and can onlyjise one jw.tnd to the Ibarrel of .beer. After he gets his supply bought in. any further redwr'.ioii of prices will fail to interest him or 'in duce him to buy more, I i.- I "No. I -ilo not think the association has been of any benefit ti) the -Oregon hop growers, bin think it has been n injury to! them, as it has induced many ot them '1 to .'hold hops that arc now anoMing and lamaged. hile. if jhey had had a free selling market in Octo ber. November and December, at prices that brewers and dealers were.thn will ing to pay. the bulk of the Oregjn trop would 'have been sold, land ive would 'have go"t Inore money for it than we shall do through the aid of any associ ation. 'Simply and deniand'will regu late prices in the hop inarkets as well as in other products." f ; A SENATOR WHO HAS SEEN BARBARA FRIETCHIE. I remember seeing Barbar- Viiet chie." said Senator McComas t Mary land yesterday. Mr. McComas 'ives -in Hagertown which is near Fredrick. "She was quite and fold woman '.vhen I saw her, continued ?the ieTijt3r, andi she was. as she always had been, an in-j tensely loyal woman. I have alwtys hail: some dotbt about the flag rory. ai-j though the window ffom wlrclv the ll.Tgi is said to have been displayed is stillj shown as evidence t6at the episode ec-j currcd. "As 1 heard) the story, when Ij was a 1oy. it was jthat Mrs. Fritc'hioj came out oi her house and fo'tn 1 .-mcj Confederate soldier on the por-'h. ;t out of here, you mk-l rascals." she -?.dj striking at them with the cane she al-j ways carried. Thisf-jTLay; or .nay' r. 1 1k the true story, but there Jss certainly r.o doubt that sie was' a loyal woman." . Canada is prepared to take a liberal slice of the British war loan. 'The doj minion is sending her sons :o Soutlj Africa, and ."he is also willing to exf change her godjfor the Aar lxnds of the British empire. ( An emu's egg omelette wai "'the treait provide! by a London, naturalist for hih friends." The contents of the egg. which was found in Australia some tine weighed two pounds. Crocodile's eggs were also served. . , SEE THE PRKTT TIip Pratt Klectric Aii'ttan:e Ox gon, have opened a permanent office) edge block. o'er postoffice, and invitcj gia, Paralysis,' anil K.'dney, Stomach,; weakness or lack of nerve force and orwixi . Thiv kre 1 an imnrovenient ovt irr.nHiint for the al)ove c6nnlaintft. rent. All examinations ana eonsunn We will make no charges fc calls ii rfvow you our grods.anl klkr.v wu to trom 9 a. nt. to 5 p. m. i. rK.- 1 11. W F; A LS()R r. l t K 1)1 A) HW.I f Walter Morley 1 . . - WE INVITE YOUR 1 r a priri g Arrivals S I An Elegant Assortment. AH ptfcc. Figured lawn waists 25?. 5C. 75--and $1 Black and -white striped percale witlt; plain white lace, lace striped itke, $1.25. Fink, blue- and lavender trTcalc. I FU-ur De Lse pattern, trimmed with inserting. $1.50. Our line of whie lawn waist expected wt. : UNDERSKIRTS iAH that you cwM wi4i for in thi? .line. . Saline in black and gray. 75c $1. $"5- -Metallic npH atine. $15 and J, Mercer ized Silk, all -colors, with knife pleated ruffle $2, $2.50. 5i 95- "'. Silk ' rocrccn"' with ''Tlr'tnch j ;aicco: -dfon pleaictl rufile $50:' HOUSE DRESSES AND AVftAPPERSr From so cent t $2.50, made of calico, lawns,, and percale, with separate waists aud skirts. Silks, Ribbons,, Chattielainel Bags; Corsets, Belts. Umbrellas. - liA Vf w-jr 13 c?-n tvV - No, 297 Commcr- YV. 17. nULJJKJd WANTS OREGON OAK IHirtKY.rK03K A MICHlGAX WXBJfM- . TIKE MAKCrACTVBEB 4 Begardtaar lUm Tiaabcr fllb, f Tkb Stat May Start a ractory Ilire ' ' ' nuaaatolyj '' : - 'ii' From Dailr- Stitesmart, ' April 1 1 th.) j M. L. Chaniberlin, chief clerk of the state land toard, is in eceipt of a let ter from C. H Kautneier, of Port If uron, Michigan, making inquiries re garding Oregon. oak .thnber, and indi cating that 1 he 'may, if conditions are f.tvorable, come to this state-to start a factory. , The text of the letter is. as follows-: ; p ' ". :.. . "I understand that Oregon lands car ry quke an amount of oak. ar.d I should Ijke to ascertain whether it is white or ifed oak, whether trees are perpetual growers that is, whether 4hey are -in Ipaf all the year; in what counties k is located, hiw near to a raiiroad, and whether rh, country is hilly and rocky. Do you know whether any ofjt has ever $een used for furniture making or bar- iel staves? -,t I am somewhat interesied fin the latter business, jand if (the oak could Itf used for such purposes, an'd it js not too far from the railroad. I might fo to Oregon and go into the business, n what counties arc your state.'lamls located?"' , The Michigan manufacturer has be?n answered in such terms as will doubt less induce him to visit Oregon and sec for himself the advantages and wonder ful rciO'.irees of this state. THREE NEW' COMPANIES. 'Articles of Incorporation" Filed in the j State Department--To Operate I ( in Reaf Estate. In the department of tate, at the icapjtol yeerday. three new corpora tions filed articles, as ; follows: The Alamo Townsitc Company will Inlat townsites and deal: in real proierty. 1 The capital stock is fixed at $10,000, di vided into shares valued at $100 each. Alamo. Gfant county, ;is the head.Uir ters of thej company. J. L. Warner, J. Hawley .and C. II. Ietmer are the in c.rporators. .-. The Island Irrigation Water Di?ch Company iwill operate kin irrigation sys. icm and will take its water from the lake fork of the Wallowa river, near Enterprises' where the hcadqiiarteis will be located.. The capital stock is $3000, divided frtto seven shares. V:on Homan. Li W. Riley, Wm. McCr;iick, P. Hoftian, W. Burleigh. W. Makrn and j. C. "Sha-ckleford arc fhe incorpor . Utors. f i : ' ' The I'ifst 'Methodist ch"rch of Co quille willconduct a cjiurch for religi ms worship, ' ; T. G. EctSes. Tlios. Krcw soo. A. P. Macey. P. L. Nichols and C. H. Butler are, the incorporators. ; at ; ' ' FROM TILLAMOOK. Judge Geo. H. Burnctt returned ion last evening's train from Tillamock.; He came all the Lway through yesterday, trom the toll .gate on the Irask nver, arout eighteen miles thi side of Tillamook City. He rfnle on 41forschackx wcr the mountain to North YamhHl, where he caught "the train, that was held for the Republican delegates. He found only a slight covering of snow on the mountain com ing back, though there was about three inches on Saturday, when he went over. The stage company had- already egu;i running buck-boards, previous to .the recent slorm. and they will, no doubt, resume this service in a few daya Judge Burnett1 held the regular term oi court rfcr -Tillamook county, on iMonday. There wert: only two cases on the dc'ckcH and the court was m session but about an, hour, cjne case being continued and the other fefcrred. fr written testimony. There has not been a jury trial in Tillamook county for two years. This peakis well for the non-litigious and lw-abidirig qualities of the Tillamook ers. '' - ' ' V D.I ED. I N ARIZO N A Joseph Fi sh burn, for -many year a grocer in this city, but lately in business, in PrCscott. Anzon4. died yesterday in that city, and friends of the deceased in--Salem were promptly notified of his demise. No particular are known. ELECTRIC BELT nt 5van Tirts. Cal.. And Portland. Ore- in Sahrti.: Oregon, in Rooin 2 FldH all sufferers from Rheumatism. Nerual and Back . troubles. Deafness and all vigc-r to Call and examine our app!i r all others. We also ive electric lwjth wirl ! Clalvanic ami Faradic cur- tions free.' Call before it is tfoo late. , the city, wit with call upon you and test i their: merits free. Office hour Inventcr; land Manager. Ii . . 1 ill ' . " . Dealer in all kinds of Woven Wire Fencing Send for; circulars. - GET DUB PRICES DM FOP WIflE NO. SO STATE STREET. J SXLF.M. OREGON. INSPECTION OF Olllt. V, dal Street. Salem FOKTHREE MONTHS BaCEIPTS AM DISBCRSEMENT8 AT i'r SatJESC roST-OFFICE. Volaasa mt BuIkh Waa aboat Amaft Matt Dcllvary CmUmm Exca tloaatly GftL ( From Daily Statesman, April 1.1th.) Postmaster Edward, Hirsch has com pleted his regular quarterly report and the same has been forwarded to Wash ington. .. '.. .' r- . ' ' ;,,- -, the report covers the busincsi 5;lhe office tor the months of January, Feb ruary and March. The amount of bus iness done in the stamp department was about average, the receipts for the quar ter comparing favorably with those i ir any other three months. The amount of mail matter received and distributed by fhe Salem office during the past three months has been in excels ot that for the corresponding season for ;ev"ral years. Usually there is a very material falling off in the volume of mail matter following the holidays, but the : Salem officials report that the amount f mail receipts has not decreased to any great extent and the huge armt'uls the Zalem carriers are seen to pack is other e t denccof an unusually heavy mail. The following is a summary- of the report: ;'. - -j Receipts. ' Amount of postage stamps, postage due stamps, special delivery stamps, newspaper . 'and periodical stamps and stanied envelopes, newspa per wrappers and postal cards on hand at close of last quar- . ter.. .. .. .. .. .. ...,..$45830.2 Amount of stamps, etc.. enum- erated above received from the department during- the Squarter.. .... .. .. .. .. . f 37 80 Total to be accounted for. . .$8453 8i Deduct amount of postage ' stamps and other supplies now on hand....' ;i $4 144 29 To amount of damaged stamps ' relurneel to the department during the quarter 1 66 To amount of postage stamps and other supplies sold dur ing the quarter 4307 87 To amount of postage collect ed -in money on second class matter mailed by publishers and news agents. 15 19 To box rents for the quarter.. 150 25 Total . . . ...$467o 31 By corrections of former ac counts as per auditor's state ment of account, dated on March 13. 1900.... ....$ By salary of postmaster...... By coirimissions oh 06 special delivery articles delivered at 8 cents each. .. i: .......... . B amount paid cli-rks in jmsj olrice ..... By amount paid for rent...... By miscellaneous expenses. Bv amount paid letter carriers 65 2SXJO 7 68 709 78 150 00 35 20 850 50 22x7 99 By. deposits at San Francisco.. Total . . .'. .$4610 31 THE SIGNS OF AN ITCHING NOSE. In many parts of England nose irri tation is regarded as a sign of coming vexation, or that ' you will be kissed by a fool, or. again, that you will- be kissed, crossed or vexed. An Irish woman will say. as she violently rubs th; offending member, "There's a storm coining." ' ; It is curiosu to find that an itching nose has its meaning, even among the negroes of Carolina. The darkies say that if. your nose irritates on the right side, a "genteel" ! man is coming: if on the left, a 'lady: 'If on the end. he or she will come riding. 'Here is the prescription for treating an itching nose: Rub-it on wood, sure to be good; Rub it on brass, sure to come to pass; Rub it on Jirick. ure- to be quick. The following are " items of eorres jKjndence from Heppner: Landing is now under good head way in 'Morrow county, and !ie in r --e is running away over 100 per The weather is very favorable, with better than ever. ! Sheepshearing --has begun, and by next week will be general. The price paid is 7 ecu's per head, as .1gain.1t 6 cent last year. Tlie yield of ool vtill be the biggest an1 best in the histt.ry of the great industry. Five sheepbuyers are in jleppner, Nlr. 1 f ervey, of Billings, comtrfg ye.f)er ttav till f nn Jiuvinff spmik In !! irrtin y J -' ' - - j - - -- ' - on. Some grower say they arc willing tof take J2.50 for: straight we(ti,icrs and $j for yearling ewes. Buyers avthat growers are too busy to talk! trade ar.d that asking priceji are too highi Market i Reports. The local market quotations yester day r?re as follows: Wheat 43 cents at the Salem Flour ing Mills Co.'s office. Qats 28 and 30 cents (buying). " jflay Cheat, buying $8; timothy, $8.50 to $10. j Flour 75 cents. per sack. Mill feed Bran. $13; shorts, $15. Butter I2J4 to I7c Egg oV and io ceotsj cash. . Poultry Chickens 8c per pound. Pork Fat, aVa 'gross, $ net. Beef Steers, 4f0.AxAt', cows. 3J l)c; good heifer, 4c Mutton Sheep' 4c on VeaJ 7c dressed - foot. ' Potatoes 2o32S cents HARNESS WI11P5, ROBES California Oak -tanned ILeathcr used. - JIarnes Oik jetc. -F. Ei-sMAFEk . 23 State Street- ' N Salem, Oregon STEIHER'S MARKET REPORT -Fat hens, oc per lb. Voting rrstet. 8tfibc per lb. Spring chicken, fsaoc per lb. Eggs, oc per dozenii FEED STORES. BREWSTER 8r WHITE No. 9 Court Street 'Ph on 1781 Dealers in Hay, Gran. Mill Feed. Flour, Sa!t. Land Plaster rtc. Special prices on Bran and Shorts in quantiiy. A complete stock of SEEDS in-stock, bulk and package at the lowes prices in the state. DEALERS fN GRAIN. WHEAT BOUGHT fir exhanged'! for flour and feetl t branch .office fof Aurora Roller Mills, warehouse on Trade street, near High, Salem, Oregon.. BICYCLE REPAIRING. G. A. ROBERTS Bicycle Repairing New and 5econd.f1snd Wheels 10s 5TATE STREET SALETI, OR TINNING AND; PLUMBING. T. S. BURROUGHS TINNINU AND PLUM BINO Ga'S and S ean fitting. Manufact urer of Hop and Fruit Pipe. 103 State 5'.. Tel. 151. .Salem, Or. BLACKSMITH 1 NG. R.iSTITH I HORSfSHOER ERAL BLACKSMITH Carriage ami Wajtonmaking, tccia! atientiofli paid to iiteTfering and lame ness of lwrses.- i 185 Commercial St., Opp. Brewery DENTISTS. EVERETT M. HURD M. P., D. M. D. DENTIST Rooms 6 and 7, ."opposite Postoffice, upstairs. . SALEM, -i OREGON PHYSICIANS. J. F. COOK, M. D. BOTANICAL DOCTOR Cures Otfisumptiotv.-' Cancer, Tumors, Gravel and K.:dne Troubles, Asthma, Skin, ahd 15ne Diseases, .without knife, plasters, iomsoivs or pain. Also Blind ness. I .1 Salem, Oregon. D. D. KEELER VETERINARY SURGEOS and STOCK INSPECTOR..., Corner Center and Front f Ifffets, Jtxt of. Steel Bridge. Salem Oregon., LIVERY STABLES. LOUIS MILLER & SON 1 Proprietor ot th ...CLUB STABLES... Best Singe and Dmible Rigs in the city. 'Besticare given to boarding and. transient stock. , j Telephone 241. Cor. LilK-rty and j Ferry St s , ' Salem. II. R. PAGE iV. A. STEPHENS - - PAGE a STEPHENS Horses we H fet g oo 1 ac com n w k1 i -tions. I'ine Iv:g... Gxtd Rigs fr conMiicTcial incn a Specia'ty. 'llor.e board?l by day, week or nioiKh. Red From Livery, feafond Boardino sicnie iC4 Commercial St;, Tel. 851.' Salem WILLAMETTE STABLES South Commercial St , Salt in, Oregon ilLaving bought V. J. Huff man's Feed and Livery business, we have re moved k :t the yillaniettc Stables, senfih 01 the bridge oil C-"mhiercial stfect, where we will Ik founl prepar ecl to serve the public, in the best p-i-rib!e mai.ner. Ve furniyli rig for driv ing. Gentle teams" for ladies and goo.! nccommokition for transient teams, Boarr-4iorse by day of week. A blacksmith shp will be rnn ii cfrtinec tion . wih the lvarn, w-bere you ran get your horets vhod ami all kimls of re pairing done. All work guaranteed satisfactory. - ' '. " MA HOLD c REYNOLDS HARNESS MAKERS. It You Want a first-class HARNESS. Call 011 W W. JOHNS .1 am , making the best ever turned our in Salem. Call and sec for ourse'f. .RESTAURANTS. 20c PER MEAL lilt HOUSE 'hMW : - lof" State-street; SaU ui. M KiLLOP & BUR KH ART. Prop.. CONTRACTS TO LET The Allen Evapfratmg and Cannery Co. is ready to contract for peas and toma toes for the coming season. For particulars call at their office at the cannery. 2fj-tf w 1 ........ . . NOTICE: The French Golden Wasliing Omroound, flic Itt washing preparat;m in dfhe world, is 1ing in tioduced,'fhrougiKut Marion county by G. Sommers, of Srlvertw, Oregon. Samples gladly furnished on ajlica tkm. .'. "J 4t3-witt. ... FOR SALE OR TRADIv For wnall brp yard, 14 acres of valley land 2 acre young apple orchard, balance .under cultivation, small dwelling, water, etc.." situated on public' high way. Vt miles from Bethel College. C. A. Gilmore, . McCoy, Orcon. 4:io-wjt (O Co., Salem.: W.rrr,n -. ! i W. , 1 I- . "i -.r -'