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About Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1898-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1899)
n OREGON STATESMAN, FRIDAY, JANUAIV 099- 3 -l pFROM SUNDAY'S . DA I LY A REMARKABLE RACE FOR SIMPLE CHANGES ommm BUCK WA BRfK K ALViTRACk BE- CDBRESCY REF1URU DISCt'SSKDBY TUP I I Mill nrnnr hrnftHT' Llxor; andl Kittle Mar :andeis, W. A t UAKLi4Jr V : f CtiMfTROLLEB DAWES. S .lit ! LHiil) l) nut If IM EvHr-S&Ii: STATEMENT 1 To the State Board of Cotnnssiotera - t - , . "' t i ) ; Large Amount of Business Done . j by the Department., General "WV H. OdelL r f lerk of the state .hoard ;f commissioners for the -sale f school- lands, and; for the in- traent o tbe funds arising; there from,! last evening completed "bis port :o the board, containing, a de- tailed statement of the transactions of the office, from Jatry4 i. 1S07. to January 1. IStrt During ttw Iierlod covered "Ur the report ! tbe several tnw (funds have bad. credit; Dr amouat collected, and urhed overt to thefatate troastircr-- s ; follower "'" if" . Selwjl fund, principal ': ji -52791.51 enooi fowl, interest - University fund. prirpalLi, 5fi.l i nivemty runo erest CoIIge fund .mdpal. College fn nT'lnterest Tula fn m,-?- ! ; I Carrie Batlh witre;S. A. Ban ndrie . f faad Kate' llansbro, 55. C. Battey, i wit- CLEliK W. H. ODELlj SUBMITS HIS, . snmnt.'jl cT unaeritnes. '.'if ?' While Ban ning for the Athenian Club 1,007.91 i JUG AO 9.745.12 Total .. .. .. ..L-.$3.j1JW.0.s Tlie character and amount of Interest "bearing rust funds -iri tbe department are given in the following table: scbooi rand, principal (land notes). ". . . . .. .. . .$54."J7(ti College fond, principal, (land notes ....... . ... . .... :-. . 14,405.13 Cniversity fund, principal (lan, notes) . : .. . 1 . 5,172.00 Total .... . . . . ..... j .$5ti".ll.42 Following a rev the clashes of lands eold jby the 'department: chijl lands, including state. land, acces . .". .203,."1. 18 Agricultural - college!- lauds. ; !m;i.47 .075.01 934.51 . 11.41S.2S acres . Cniversity lands, acres ; Tide lands, acres . . . . , . Swamp laiMls.acres . ... .Totai .;. .. . i Tbe con veyance-fv issutl fartnienf are: s VrtinaJM. of sale. .'' -t. . Iwd3 .. .. ...... 4.1. 4.". ly tli? tle- ..; . ....... 5H Total .. .... .. ..... ....... 1.S71, Tfif. mortzases 'rti.chartil and ldanss approved lire as- followsi Astfreate value of inort- Kai'es disclyirgeil AKgresatev value of loans i, approval .. .. .. .... (KSp.t21.92 The rport nas x'ompletel ater fbe clos'e; of business last iwslit..aml shows the work of the tlepartiwnt in a. very favdralle .Ilsjbt. : I v, FEES RECEIVED. Xtoriey Turnetl Into theJOonnty Treas ury by the rierk and j Recorder , I " . during the Year. Tlie -amount !oT fees received nl turner!'. ;into ;tl 'Otm ty treasury by bounty- Clerk W-;W. Hall for Ih-i-enilx-rj! wli.$:ti;7.M5. !nrint; tln sanw'tinvc H4-rth-r '.I. II. Itohind, deposited f-'s frotu ' liis d I:rtment to the . mount tf $2:K.So in the county treasury aNo, Tle . fllwiiir i table j shows 'the amount fees" uirned. into ih oun-ty treasury from U orti'-s? of th' o.Tmfy erk aHl Anility ie ileri fVr" tW- past twelve mouthsj ; ( i. IeceinbeK 2U Michael Relmon-1 f Uil U(jcv .insott. II. M. Savage :wit th sh: K)mer E.. "Settlcm!er an I Ada Alice Webb, I. Ve!b! witness. U 'ilietrwmbefc- 27I- lVJValker aid Ijo- reta? PariiJ T. i i a 1 Ker wl Li:e s. Iieeniber 2s L. vl. IiOiia-wort &Ya Ouietta 'McKinncy. IK KoLind win-si W. T. HogRjiud lrosa Caldwell. Fied UoX witness. ! I lX-enaJ4r 23. John T. Welch and Ma.tlicl;Fliun(ord;-vQeM-ge H. iua- Hex-emlK- 31 J. B. . Sprinter i; an 1 JtrJa SbeiliJan, Peter Bach, "Viltpe a: 13. 1L; Jo. ard Bbiirfhe; Irene Soibl Ti V Uiitith tt4tneca - V- 'if LANDS CHANGE HAXT8. r flevenue Stamps to tbet Value lol5 Cau41td in Cennty ' leM'der'a Utfice. r- : " - t! of FRANCISCO. I?ec. ! StBnck- rj the bay gelding, by Buckwa-We-Wa. the, "property" of W. Purser, ran a remarkabie rat-e at Oakkiod to day, bifea,kSn - all , previous, records fiona a mile aid a "qaarjter jUp to anov Inclnarng . twt and a ' quarter mile Bwkwa. :toj?erher with Daisy F.'Velox ana vvneei or ortune, went- toe. poet.itt tne Atneoian ciud stake, vai ued at '$1,500, over f a distance of two miles . and . a quarter. ""; 'fi :', i From; tbe start 'Buck wa went to the lead, and; was never beaded. At a .mile, which was run in 1:413-4, be bad an advactaffe of ten' Jenstbs, land was mucin j under a strong pull. -, A mJ'le and a, half was made in 232J.4,. wbieb is": a quarter of a second less than r Dealing in reai-y for the- mouth of If-e ruber J tsys,. as ev!dieii-ed bsf the roLordina f eucb-tnfetruttientg ia ttm office of tbe Marloo coonty rexor-er, were inoiej ittur.cTous and commnwle l. hi the abrogate, -creater coBsldera- tions tJian for the correKpofhlfng uikMith ia 18f7. , The large nunler of nwrtgagres that have -been- batfefied luiinjr the bast year ami esiieclafly during th Inontb jwt closed, is-a pal nalwle evUence of general rrosnerl:y ibroo-rlmut .bla Mctiiou, Tbi oiimb r of, morr-faires ifllcd .has been 'consider afiy Ies, J-aJditional evidence in s p iwt of tfje preceding s.iatenient.' 'I bi new year promise to see a decidetl rt4vi al in the " real estate business. I Few pcM)le reaMze -the amount of revenue . aunps twed in re-ording deeds ajwj mortgages in the office of tlie Marko tcouuty retwder.- During tbe . roon h of Deeinfber revenue tP.n-.Tw tcjlthe value of $101.35 ivere csjii-elcd ib the hlln'g of deeds la: id other dodijiinents. Of that anio:mt waiuei on uet'4s..tne ?a a.nco 1S.40 bifci reuuareit in tbe filing of uwntsaaesb " i In -1 tie, filing of piortirases,; a j two cent revenue stamp is 'required ftr e:teh- flMllor fraction "thereof of 4ba note. , A. mortgage, -the face of whicli isj SlOfo Hr les. requires no ,stamt. Vleii tbe face of dmor)igage is $1001 an lejs than $1.Vi0; a twenty. five cent stamp nt esich add lrOt) flu stamp is eds to lie atHxed and tor (onal ."(00 ovir and alvve ialditionaV twenty-live cenlt necessary.- In the of ri etfc. wlleu tlie considenxtion Is less tihan . no- staHin i. required Whem the i deed amounts to .SUM) anii lpiss tbton?5x, a Pfty ent stauip is. needed,. anlf.for 'every additional f.V0 in the consideratioi!. a u additional fifty cent istamp is ess'ntial before It can be tjlexl. In the matter of deed! ni Ptaniri Is required wheri the Iiwtru- irient wal executed prior to, July 1, lSIts. . Mortgages require ti stamp be fore thejrf can be filed, rt matters, not when th4 documeiitwas g.rcn. Stake?, Valned at fifteen . uauarea voiinrs. th same dls three-quarters a half dozen distance in Lamplighter's record for tance. j At' the mile and Buckwa was leading iiy lengths, and made tbe 2:.S3-4, at lialf second under Ben Holiday's reconl. At twoj miles Ue old lMrse bad ! clipiied seconds off Ten Eyck's record, tagaiist -time) mak'.ng the distance in 3:23s flat! At the lat quarter Jockey;. Martin, who had the mount -on Bnekwa, 'began urging bis horse, 4 bough;' be still bad a lead of two lengths over Da isy F. ' Buck w a .never ' faltarel. -rervnd!n? (gamely, to Martinis,; anl tinTeI tbe two and a quarter miles in 3:51 flat, knocking 5 seconds off tlie t-st previous . record, which was . i35ni, made by! Spring Bok and Preakness in the dead beat at Saratoga on Jiiiv 29, 1875. Daisy p:. the second liorse. timed senaratelv. ran tbe distance in 3-54V4, whihs two seconds: below lmr previous record. jv . i OSEfBID SUBMITTED. Contract for Reform hol Supplies Awarded to John Hughes Its- ... .: terday. j v HORfnCDLTURAL REPORT. Henry 11 pcch Spe.iks Interestingly of Oregjins Future. January February . Iklarch April . . . .May-.. .'June . ; ... Augtm , . KepteniUr October . ovem'r;: lecetttler . . Total. , . 4 riei'k 2!r&i 247Si 195. i, 3H.S5 2T.7. 223.-1 ns;.j;i 34f5.5j '2IM.llii :uv:.fii Ke'ril r 277.91 225.79 J:t.Z, 19.". .35 , l a-. H2 . 1Kt.25 19115 225.15 2T.9.:5i 239. S5 ;3.i5S.iji MARRIAGE LICENSES. 2.5."52.52 M,3re T.vtHl for ! Ieeemler , th:iu for ,Any Other MdotU Iuring. isis. lecemlwr wn tli In tlte year jibsi-julose!. o far as isuni.-,j of tirarriasre lbrei'se. b con-rne! ' lurliMr ti e month County Clerk Hall w as caJteit tJlHUi hio issuu t hirty' nui c - rlace permits. the tirgjr nomlier is- nit ' Uiriug xauor nxmth of tbe .ear.! i For the rotTt-sfKlina month , In 1897 only ' tweuty-eigiit uianiage TriiMu-m-weie grsiatiMl, ) . Tbe rteejylng marrire licenses list month wert as foll.m-s:. -1 Iexnkliw- 2 ge" ltantpfon and Maude IIiU lHird, Ijou Davies wltne?. leeinl'r 5 ,Kerlinant Manffil and . Rrah - Hererly. rter rt-rig' witness; Frank W. N Fry and Nellie Dimick, -If. A. HinkTe. witness. . Di-eeiinher 7 Fank .Ma ban an.-if at tle Knkrht. Mrs. Joe Martin yitnes. Iecemher 13--Jani.s II. Mason and Marv-ltalr.-It H. Mason wit m ss; Freil ' 31. Johnson and Maixl T nl'rkis V V- l)u iP.ois witnt tvs. it'Tiy ti ciitv visit, le l& i A bv lw-re 1k nif t h o siat.e. where IfKMlIlht viitisiiint n giihir In, 1s9 h;inii'ier. Hwrd id rbred'Hr ton Iifi; w. H K. T)osch,. a member of tle ' of iHM'tifiilture. , was" in te steidav for. a Unef bc-sines villi for bis 1w!ih in Pon tile af terno- n train. Wbile HHike in terms of!i titlnok for boiti-nl!ure in t;.is alud citi d se eral insta- ce- jnil:clous ad-veiiislng regon fruits to the notil s. who were thereby- made insiuiers.' !' i . 'Mr. Doseh Jaif O. ifle n tiie owner of a finer apple of the IUjgtk River valley, se-oi-d r for 100' Ux9H of fCew n -aHt-s to le fenti to libis- otland.x Mr. Kle':1nhaner, bud eof Governor " W. P. Lordj Secretary Of State H. It. Kineaid and Superintend ent of Public Instructiou Q. M. Irwin, constituting the' ooard of trustees of the Oregon reform school, .yesterday assembled for tbe purpose of oi)en5ng tiids for supplies" to be furnished that institution for the first quarter of 1KR. The task was not a very arduous one. only one" bid having beep sulnnitud. Itwasvfrom John Hughes, and. then lieing no 'mmpetitlve Hid. the contract was awarded Mr. I Indies, whose bUl was for-$5S).4a v iSuiierintendent- Croisan reports an exceptional record at"""that-'institution of correction, respecting the commit ment -of incorngwiles." Foran intermis sion of six months not a new arrival was enrolled at the school prior to Wednesday, when the Lane comity slieriff there. provement ' In tbe morals of the juven ile population of the state. accompanied an incorrigible Sheh a record indicates an im- DEAP-MUTES 9F OREGON. Statistical Table from .the Records of the - State School,' ' Business Interests Demand System that Is Rational and Easily ; '.I :. Understood. ; i CPICAGO, De.: 31-lIon. - Chflrles G. pawes. cdmptrbller ! , of the j cur rency, was a gut4t of the Commercial Club this evening, and . delivered an address on currency treform. lie said: ' "I believe tlatpj tbe people audj the uiand that whatever changes are made tu one enrrenev system Dreas i ine endless chain and ilnsure the safety of the gold; standard J they should, jif i pos sible, be simple and easily nderstool. Tber are not. aor have they leen.. in ' favor of complicated or radio. changes. As tbejvj deired stability in the tariff -systemi. o they desire sta bility in tbe curfieney system. J While tbey want an ijuprorement in yboth. when neccessary.ftbeyi are not iifavor of an unnecessary tinkering with elih- I ' ' LARGE BECEIPTS. er.: TREASURY StUtEM BXT SIIOW& EXCELLENT CONDITION' The Heaviest Infome in Thirty Years Received IuHb the Last Six ; Months.. WA SHLNJTOj",! Dee. 31. Tbe forthcoming statement of -tbe govern ment retvipts ahd expenditures wilr show that dtirinjMbe bajf year ending today tbe receipts aggregated $245.- 901.899; against j$2i 7. 1 0u,574 for the same period last year, V - According to the treasury report the receipts are tbe largest since UStity when they reacbd T5.S..32.US for the entire fiscal yeaf. and $49U.34.01Q in 1857 With the ehcceptlon of these two years the recelpss never before In tbe history of the country exceeded 4!K),- 900.000, and only seven times have they ever reached 4O0,000,0UO. : THE ENGLISH HUD GlIMI EXPERT SPECIIS S. I i - 4 . . ! . ,- i (..-? f-. 7v' T,: -. : ; I 1 l : . J-J - ' t TEX TllOUS AXL DUOWNEl Apixillins i:evlta' of a Flood ChlnW Piipvinke. Pjickt d them refii.lly. aiwl placeI in e.V-b hok and addf aip:e U -l i- 8i.ii! . ..1.. ..I i, kU l,n4 . ss, a:lespl liaing where th' en- grown, -it tbe sa me j tint- i-esMnleiinH froirt tbe clBisttiuoh-s or deaK-rs Itiikilingf tlie ffnit.' ,s a .result of tint? ijnd-iou- iHlvert i,sinz. - t he . g, nt etna n ; nas tuts "ar stiilitpoirl 4x Iwes of appe to Ifbvsgowj IIe-oJo exhibited a letter received ftoni .a u erly "a ml that that no and has oid rs f.r mAre. ady", now in Chicago, but for- nsl ent t Oiesron. who stnt- OrHron; prunes were being re tailed iki sChk'ago at 15 cents,! and fruit in the market compared n flavor with the Oregon jH-nnes. fcl -r- i. . .at l ... m . . . -vr'riry .ioi'ii .limi'ir"! UHf-owttJ. t the renort to th legislature Wn's.nlxMit half conit)letel. that much of it 'b.ils been pbiced In the prtntec -. hairdo (Mr; Mintxi says that iu the future" -1 he main ftult crop cf ()regxn l anoloft. and prunes, and 1 1 licit tjiousan Is of acres of apple orchards Will be Ranted In tlie state during the THOMAS. DISCHARGED. District Attorney S. 1. Haykn Moved thie Dismissal of the Case. Evansj n. Thomas, tlie young ' man who wa arrestd Thursday -nisht for the lanVny ofFred MundeU's bicycle. Was yesterday discharge. Tbe pros- IhW'iu'ht 14.-i.Yilnwt tfS rnniwr in,t ecution IdJd not i have stifftcient eVi- lmj4'I Masey, II.Tl Hrue. .wit- ' dence to inbstantiafe tbe allegation In nens:-Wilbird M." Bernard and ll leu tb Vorn complaint, and upon motion M.. -Wheeler, twve "W. Whe br wit- o:f District Attorney S. L, Ilaydn. jmsc JIset.h Peters and FHzai-ib rial jtilie case was dismissed liefore any tes-loiiiJ-Dr. It. II. Bradsliaw wit ocas. tihny bad tettiniodHfedr- -f I ece?iii vr 1 ft R. W. Currv a ndjBeHMOlnat was released rfftm corody tha N. Mwltx. .1. It. UoIuiOitaess. Urt FrMay evening, bis friends hiving : k' . . i m - . r ; B S flv. . -IVwVmtuT 17-W. It. -Mill r and Ef- l I'.. Witzel. i Ruebeu Ie witness; . .Vndwff' M. Hansen and Nellie Pear " ..ue. 1 1, T- -IimIou wit ness. BWle "Tliotras, . Plt V. jTbomaa wit- -&4 " ';''"" I - . - "'1 5 December "2t M a rk Bloom al Ruby UK. Bloom. W. CJ Reynolds witness J. l ... Mr i iiirni aiiu - ' 3drs. F. E Uolmao wlines.-r- December . 24 T. J. Jackson and hernia Etter. Mrs. Alice; Etter V.-Jtucss; furnished the reoulred tvvrvJs. His pre- liminary examination was; to .have fteu- iM-Id at It a. m. ye-terday, but 'le case was dismissed. ' "! ':. j j ' ' : 'if- j Y: BUCKLEX'S ARNICA RALVR. ! i.Tbe best Salve In tbe world forjents, er sores, tetters chapped bands,! ehll brulsesL orcs. ulcers, plf rbenmi fer blcins. i corna. and allttu , eruptlouc. itlid positively cures piles, ior uct pay rcinlred. It Is a guarantee to perfect sctisf action or ntonev refanded. Priee: ;Hrge.Rt. C. Jet ha it an-1 Anaie E. J25cenfs per box. For sale by Dr. S. iUrUh. J. Il'.i. J?artch .wltnea; W. F. C Stone Ar statistical table, prepared from the records of the Oregon school for deaf-mutes, for the term "of years lv ginning with ISfKJ and ending Janu ary! 1, 1899. shows the following inter esting.rligures in 'tbe, matter of deaf mutes in this state: . " ; Xmniber . of deaf-mutes, eitlwr at school, or outside-., i. ..,....'.215 Of those able to bear and deprived of t ly sickness, principally fever . .1 . ...ino Number of those orn deaf, whose parents were consins. . 15 Xuniber Whose bearing was1 de stroyed by -falls or kick ...... 0 " umber of marriages of deaf-mute 35 Xunai1er of children, borrt to. deaf mute parents, able -to bear.-. u XumtuT removed from the state.'. 1t Xnmlx-r off deaths ' . ... .1.1 ..... i lt Killed by railroad trains 3 Victoria, B. C.t Dtc. 31.--The steam er victoria ; an-t lamauchi Mnru tae arrlvel :wiih! news frou the Or! ent up to Deceuiber i 15th. Another serious cw-lwiiity. writes the Hankow orrespondeut juf the North China Dailv Xevs. has befallen the people of llankow; alioiit :.10,M of the in habitants have met deatk Ty drown ing. ' I . : ' "; Alvurt noon -Dcx-e-iiber 2d b-ilf 4h storehouses extending along tne ctlge of the river Han suddenly broke away and tumbled into the water on top of mH the Winter- there. The houses add Ixiats, witii all the T-ople in tliem. disat-nenred in ia moiueut. , About jK'O buiblings and Ithe same numlier of brtuts are gone1. News comes of more murders (o.f rnis siot'ories. The Japanese Hera!d says an Engtflsli niistoiui ry .lis Iteen mur dered by natives and solditrs at lsing fliiff. A Freiu-h inlssiin-iry nas tweti wnrnl to death at Swatow and a icrnian missionary IwVlten, nirtallf' InjiiFtHl in Shan Tung. Tlie munbr of anjiiprfan ujissiouary, Mrs. Bntter nebf. in Central C.iina- Is r'porte;l. TO-NIGHT AND TO-MORROW ' NIGHT. .. ,' Ami each dayt and t ight tlria -eek you "can get at any iruggist' Kedip's Bafcam for the lliroat and Lubgs, acknowledgedto be tbejwosi suc cessful remedy ever sold for Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis. Asthma and t'on snmition. lolt a battle .. today And ke"ep it alwayn th bone, so you Five Phvsicians and Surcreons. all trrai j from the best Medical Colleges in the World CORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS 1 OF CALIFt TABLISHED TWE NTTFIVB TEARS. IFORXIAFOR 1230.000. I . A PART i OF TH E STAFF OF. TUB ENGLISH AND GERMAN EXPERT SPECIA and DR. MEYERS t CO monthly Salem, .L L - 1 Saturday, i will make their recrul visit to . eiin. check your Jei; 25c and 5fc. NEW CIIIEF OF IX)LICE.-At 10 o'clock laM night Chief of Police A. C. Dilley turBed the polic department over to tlie newly relected Chief of Police D. W, iilbson. and, with tbe best; of wislies for lbesneeAs of th' new. bead of the dpartmenf, retinal from the Salerrt. ixrfice force, after serv ing almost continually for -. alont ten years. Cbfef Ciibson remalneli on dnty "last ihight". tint will probaWy apjioint a special officer to assist Otrlcer Johnson at i Higbttweeu--tluAind the meet ing of the city council on Tuesday night, when officers Iwill lie selectel in aceorllaoe w4tb the- action vof the council's caucus. Chief jof t'oIIceNtV sou .lias erved on tlie Salem f.r.e a long terra of years, alii his ditties at the head 'pf the department, of whlcn be 'has so 'long been an efficient mem ber. "areVntt stranga to him. and ik will easily acquaint himself to tb new h4nrs. -y ACROSS. THE ATLANTIC. A let. t r re-vlved in Salem yestewbiy fipiu Mr. aud Mrs. Tbos. Ilolman tites that thw jtririvt'd ,at Liverpool. E"g laiKl. m iieeemliec 17thJ after a nioit lelight,ful k"oyage acrtMs the Atiintic, tlie, steamer n which tbfy ttaveltHl l4tg the . Ciinarder i ''tja.rjp'itil.L Tbev left iSalero atout the 3d of I De cember a il arrived at- Xew York in time; to lioftnl the jstoaJMer". which was ieheihilert lo depart 1 frjm ! the gTeat. Auierimn 'metropolis seven days later. There weje J3 i passgers. anwxi; whom vas: a tiM-atrkal cor.ip.iny, .wlik'b d greatly to the plf anrt of tfiei trip. Mr.: and Mrs. Ilolman exiieetfchd to leave Liverpool on tie 22d 6f j December, the intention h.-inij to arrive at Tnlon in tioe to enjoy tbeir lStjChrtsfmas atj the tune of Mr, Holman's ?rotber. tvihora be bail .not wen, fjor twenty-slxj1 rears. ' j -: Cbamhertaln's Colic. Icholera and rMarrhoea Remedy can klwan be de-' p ndl upon and Is safe and pleasant PRIVATE S lowing news latest forims tieer last even Hon of appoint Sample t once. Price free. U I3ir4 . DlTSjiftS. Sold by Lunn Sc Brooks. I 'i.M.MM. X"RETARY.--The Hebr was acllntally left outofyestkrday mornIng"s States man in the rush Incident ,to closing the tiovernor eiect, 'i. -1 . ng anniutikxl his inten- nsr as bis! brivate secret ta ry Wa Iter I.ton, of thH ci ty. M r. Lyon has for .some years tKn the cor- responcient of tne. tJregonian tor a lem." SAD XEv'Si-John I Inches, of this city, -yesterday eeeivedtefeeraphlc news of the death of bis mother, at lCSfOXvIlle, Tennessee., at the r:pe old ne of yeaff. - i jConsumpfiues) There ale three great re me- dies that ievery person with weak lungs, or with consump- X tion itself, s(hould understand. j These remedies Will cure about every ease in its first stages ; a id many of those I more advanced. It is only th6 most advanced that; are hopeless Even these J are wonderful ly relieved and life jitself greatly prolonged. L What a re tiese remedies ? frresn air, proper tood ana; Scbnm tmsision I of Cod'lA cr Oil with Hypo- f hasp kit cL Be' afraid of draughts put not of fresh air. Eat nutritious food and drink plenty of jmilk. Do not forget that Scott's Emulsion is the oldest, the: most thoroughly tested arid the, highest en- dorsed ol jf all.-, remedies ! for weak thrqats, weak luiigs and consumption in all its 'stages. SCOTT & BMVNE, OxfnHts. Nc'r York. TH EYi W! LL! BE AT TH E V WILLAMETTE 'HOTEL, CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FR&m G LISTS I WH KllMAX I1 'I" - -L " I . ! . 'I. AMONG THE AILMENTS CHRHtV HV THE KNtJI.lSH '. A N I EXPERT SPECIALISTSARE Xllt: FLI4fWIXtii .! ' . . - !;. , t - f - ' ."' ; "i- Iv. f Brigft a Disease a ltd all otlier DrsasH bf the K id iWs-f I !... ft lifcuKiep, t riiutry Organs Liter Spleen. Spine. Itowels.! HrtJ - HtotUtfi'li. Eye. li r. Skin and Nerves. J AW juinoveris-bed -Itbiod. 111mM PolsoUinir w jdiwu, vi4"ii ii. 4 uiriiiuf; v oiisum iuui,t JMTincniiis, .si iinui.i an!, ottjer lliroat and Lung troillth s; Taniors, Definiitl. iPonmlA. 'Melaocliolv. 1 " I'aralyMs. Rrpiure,- IJKnentary DysjMmla. Neitralgla,' ;IUieuniHtIsh, j jKilff M aiKi fswo k'n joints; remaie Comniaint.s. IrM-ludlua Ovarian trutiblosf P!le. rwma, viiMt-iij-.' umjr oini biw-mo uer: nooncco.. (loiiwn. iiwumm Hsn.i I Ait f. Gall, Stone, llcreuja, Freckles, ! Blackheads. Cnwer.' et)(t..'arjd ChrorJc ' iMsensts gei era My, ! Dili MEYERS &. TO. cure Nervo na IlKrlilllty rst Mnnl iTivate ltt-s. irx-hnlinx contagion bVxid poison, qukkly awl leLl "1 .'nently.' and" at rensonaNe rates. The English and ,Geranan Expert f I eciallsts and Dr. tre rot only oompetept aud: reliable, but are responsible. aiojMf inpnai ana amy managen. ? Diseases which iiave batflid the fill! of and oil lerma4 I tr Co. 4 Meyers M-IngjKU'ked by ti l! other physicians and ;stot. liorrly refuwd o viM to ordlnirv niedk'JneA method! iJiiid- l irJlanr t r re quickly suldued aiid mastered by tbee neeesful doctors. They j hare the largest ard best equipiel nuHliCal iirftlrutlon In Amerl'ti.' ' j IN - Call on th Doctors when tbev come. All ailing; peep? siiouVl see the English, and Gerinan Expert Specialists j or Db. Meyer and: k. If posille. A friendly talk, which costs absointely nothing. Is bound to jre--rule ii a great deal of good.; whether treatment Is tnkeuj.or not.! l: IM Home "Cures. Wh lie It lis nnferahle In tnary Insanrvs to see a natient. the Eplish and German Expert SpeelrUsts have, cured tliom.mdiii of per- j sons k-bom the liave never seen, i If you canpot we the dnetora write th K hjome j office for question list. AdvIeeJn regard, to- your ailment, book fi tor nijeh or women and treatise on ary,ldrtsease ALL FhEE. " -.Vrre-Ia sponojenee t arm other u aliuss witn pnUer.ta-1 or Mx.iKive itlents aa crcuiy connaiitiat. , i -!. . ; - , - i ; : . TERMS AND ..TRICKS WITHIN THE'BEACH OF ALT. THE ENGLISH AND GERMAN EXPERT SPECIALISTS, I 31 MARKET STSAN FRAN:iSCf. CA L. I t ' i i I I ! fl TJJ-- A ! Nai row Escape. L-rThaukfTrftonlK jwlritten bv Mia. Ada 1:1. llarw ocolpn. .SV 1.:" Was tiiiketil wrtu i a bad cold w bi;h sitke. on ;mr lungs: ii ttali et fit 3l ly tenmnatea in coiisumptK doetoifs ' cave -iiie up. pve' bjui a short time ui to; my Savior, i could not -Jtufy-y .wii h ear in. i woini meet alcove. My husband get lir. Kinc's New D'scNjivery for ConsiMiipt U tti Coush gave it a trial.; took il. It has cured God I ainra'wd anl healthy Wjoman at Dr: S. C. Stone s I final- Four taing, I c-ipH I gate mvet' tet mltifvl f I ' my fr!e;.is my abs'-nt owes was advised to and" Colds, i I In all eight hot- ne, ajirt thank Bnifa we.j anl ' I A ' KERiOfS NJlllKtj"l.1 , ma k. the ll-yeur-otd Moiif . I'rJ j oiif Injury one even ihg duflnr the ir m;ek?i 4"r.Ue in tiiejl; aMf-t: fjditi-1 wooil.- .; 1 11. ax -sliifpi-d. ' jmbwtiit ; ' 1 1 !' or mMMi.andrsti'iknig hi.. foot the Instert. Mtering breaking, the IsitifS. Smith I; iwasc iitrlikiv the isrtrh' k ,Dr ,w. can; sllmrtlneii v 14 size ." and $!. (u.iran teed or pri. refuel m: I WILL RE CLERfK. Miss : Jesie tpreisrhton, : sten.irau'ir ahd ty$ wrltist in the ornteJ Sins'tinteiident ii. : M as clerk la jlhe n.imt' the administration lf tendent-eleet J. II several iiionthis. It ! Is no 'yf-t kiwnvn Wlio will 1m apiMlut d to siMce-l to Miss, ICrr-ightoirs -preiK'iit pos'tMiu. lut t Is boliee.1 4hat Prif-ssor Acto-r- jnano dang h ter wijlP tUl tins temiNirarlly '. -ft' M botibs drug t-toie. e dr-sv.l tlie wiMuid.. wetHti,rig In ste ping the, flow of tod. , n tlie tf lowing da.v Khe wouihT-wh air.ilu on and tdeeding eoously. butt he! en"! Of tlie attetHling physician Wjre s ifitl4 i'n topiin ft.:- anjd J-he fyoitf Juan, while weak. Is now In n recover. -K ) j j, , of State . Slitol ;; Irwin, will lift lepartrneuf uu4'l- State1 rtupxrlu Ackerniami. for- way. to Pains tn the chest When n tier son h a cold indteite : a . tendecy tows piehnionta. A piTiof Han a 1 dm. end with Cliirnlferlaln'n Pain U ami lv;und-oa th ' hest ver the so of pain; wHi promptly relieve the ia mi revent the threatnd attack pneumonl.-i. Thii sariie 'tinee t v cure a lame back In n few hours. H by lain n & Brooks. pruggltM. , " MM IXR .NEW CARS. . . i ,. - (New York, Dee. 31. Tlie- place Pa-ifl5 ICailway Comjiony has pl.ui 4. ioMK-rs for tMi. im'w ftostal tars aitd I COURT. Alfre I for Wds, for twenty flret-clat cKu t NomIk" s - Down PR0BATE ai.l M. J.. Aujms, exeeutors of j Ithe estate of James Yesterday filed- their Ccixmnit In the rroha Ix niontlis; tlw rfci5 rev the d sborsetiu i-i...n... 1 4-r. Iown, deceavet. ?Mr. and Mrs. Jl A. Mills returmxl first Independence cm the; ateanter All A 'Mdlri I 'r.m V. . ..... I 4 1 ' . - m u- , niiii - -iiiij,, ikivim fl"Ol w:1ir ts were SI22L- af the fliome of 'Mr MUlH- pilref nts . aggregattn Cinpuih ami llrt; J. Hi. IMriM S. f ' i - V .New York Racket.; ! t It I -il -t - r Ard You Ton a Prune 1 IF YOU NEED ng Grader? ON T THIS FALL, DO f'OT BORROW YOUR NEIUHBOR'5. li PETERSON PERFEGTIO.N " T03K FifSl PfBSlLO CI MP SO I Cheap, dutaple Perfection" and; have hone other. , Write for catalogue. - Add ress : 1 ; 1 1 ' I i iiaZm' kuv lclii.. XVLKS. O. fvL ftiltiKSQN, Saltw, Small space and little power; anq sati-iactory, jjuy fa. .0