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About Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1898-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1899)
I' t 1- 1 : K ' , jOREGON -STATESMAN. FRIDAY, JANLjARY t 6,t 1899. FROM" TUESDAY S DAILY ! "... M K', 7V i. ft V nnwn'i ?tbtc miiitib uiiLuuii oiniu miLiiin Mrr.....-:,!.iMir:.-.r' -M:K-:. , - ,V- . if ' ,J I - - '"Si BKPOET OF ADJUTAST ; B. B. TUTOR. GE3EEAL Lessons Learned from the Recent War with SpsJii Reorganizing the : JCUitarj Arm. The f n port cf Ad j .tantJenral B B. Tuttle, of J the Oregon National Cuard. has-been filed, arid h sarte Is now in the "brad. of the stattpl inter. He rf couDts the Wl-klfewu I work of and ihe .eTort'of My Oregon- Kirvr- zency Corri ifilbebaif iOf the yoluaH teer. - lie suggests several changes mi n.-....'... .:... the law regulating' the; milifia.j ;iai sajrs of the future of? tin national 'guard: i ' .-- . ; i.v"Liiiu,''i,i''"fiWy the liitur exig-n- juitioft-.irf iu military f j-T. ? "Unin d ial iKm', we are now saDjct-f only-to , 'tlS ia-H'4r! wh'u-h arte V rom i-tlui 'tn- ! . M'tiCon bf f:n;i!e.r!'. i Tbise will, -'ailhtj4- t aft slian'r aud sharrr j . t1i y'.irs rolL on and cnii iarIIy I : fail to -briiitf- us in eoaflict vlth thor-; " oosiy ir.iin-t au-1; -iitppea f.n-in ; K?T' who aie sefeifi2 iihdermint? our Krowifii;" t-ommf-n-ial tii-op"i-rity-j Safety and prosXTity can only I. tis hurd ly a iihoroihth .-preparation to riK-it -i li-ir s'lti-h. machinations and to titistiu 1x font. of arm t'heftrndo rV- i l.Hii'ii.s of ur ffittW with world flt-iiirirr-. Bai li. state fbonid h:ve a 1hroii-r!ilj- traiiK-d. t'fiuipjM-d j and .-dU-cipll,rM-d state tnilitia to act aa reerve to-tW national fwjxi's and 'he ;ceady, in . any eiu"reucy. to answer wiTh uii lrkn rairk th; call, of th -national t omuieiul for -Oregon National (Juard 3f moneys un-expe-nded f .the military fund of TS!ik, and al.-. of such sums alioweil "the tat'ly the war deparlmeut fbr-ex-liendHnres from the Estates military fund I)i tnobiliziiifj and iuipipiii vol-untt-er troop-?.". ' . t -"The logins of tl war wfth Spain - have heMi aspphatie ih-steachinji; that ail ' rtMjVs must, know how to taklc care uf 1!imelcs in the: Held. to pre pare and cook'Tlie ration, h'ofy torrent i ...i . iJ u i ,I.LI7 mi ;hitji. wiii-'i llltlM HIllfW Il I i uf lane .-;irt- 01 i;i-ir men. sum men - j . . . . i. i - .. ! iiaiM ; ie tnii-i in iim i H-;r im tlM-En'lvew. The laro .i-r 'cent, of ti k nes. -and 'death in the voJunt:-er t:(p iV4-r that in the regujar army, .In flw1 .late war sliows' that isnorance ,i'd la-k f discipline nreUiti tlie tt ' trrt of tliis unnecessary lo of.elife; tlie hjcroie- nianilMMxl of tle i nation v should be frol,ected UiTainst I such ig iionane .and Inetlieh-ncy. Tlin knowl edge can otfly- 1h. aco,nir4il lv practi-al cxwwiiic iin. cu'iuiis r iB-struction nre.Hu ti!y unkbods by which itcrff ! lnipat tl. I . reeom nietil tliat an "ar!ie?!t erTrj I matte to . Biave frtate:'troops put in camp, with- regular i tro-ps in th vicinity.-that s4iJ;h kmwl- t.d;e may ! niorx-' readily a cpii red. t-igTiimg is tlie sauiju-st irt or a KW:ller s Ml-, nes; ( iS :T1 1 eil;g-llt :'.! iiiiuistfMu.u that pres-rves a'u army t't;l uvi- it fiwn s-ickfies-. U-a:h oil 1 depict iitj The motley ilid.vam e to the cten-'aiv'H jn thtvii rtional guard of 'mv tatc kis !'n" h.irily 4n',l,-n 1 i ly tic :r . arii!-ry rent, and llwy htvej lial tn re- I i Kiitir iilarv fractic''s.! i til' , - : 1, ;J 1 Mil II. 11.. A - K'iiH a. I ipspe -t lie- .-limiiiiiji ' allow i d acli iiini;i.iii.y i u:.iyf IncrMd frm to WM" ff yean and ;mj litm-i'" o the, military that effect. , i n t r. h. (iced . li It. is !,'! level that f!i i"e!i?ral tfVti'his s,rati sluxtwl idjnlbut- be "lTu-il ra-tik to ilrtvad jiu l!,'vad.ijuilllts-i;eii..i4l ,.f ,,th who wrt'j neistly ljn-iiraI;ii rs The a.lut.lut-Kenial ,. is r stales iecially jrr'tl"" tJ,,?i ejtet'a.tive , Hh'.hI of the national, gttirdj aiwl lias not only tin' duty' of aidjutajnt-cncrnl to perform, but.t-hjit of iiuarterin:.ter.. IftM'fnill. paytuatt-r-genera' Juwl chief of trxlinance. which a r' in oriher stat From Extreme Nervousiess. WIAT no one renjody can Co: tain thtj elements necessary to curej all diseas : es, '-'t & fict well knotn to everyone. Ir. Miles Sy4rm of Estoratlvti Reaiedie , consists, of seven ;ditmctiverjr diffn preparations, ach'for itf nvrn pajrpe.j . Ir. L. C BiamieV, 3T ilenry Sj Si. Cath erines, Ontario, writes: "Fcr ytars Isuf f ervd from estresaa nom-xiusnes. knd aaaoy jng con.tJpaUtjn,ieveloptnintpll)lation and wkne5sbf the heart, I was fenatil to hep, suffered much t r?m bcadavhe, pdin n jteT t-lcit sidcj pa.pitatioa scd a coast&nt- feeiles of Weakness and prostaaticn. I bcyan tislns Ir. Hills' .Nervine, Heart pure and ?fcrv a&d Liver PilLs aid thej ABU-raJs Pills to pciiev suddtfti paroxysms of pain nd headache. Isoonjfelt auci Improved and t be pa.1 ns and achcg and Keirtaess - left ana.; I ttea Vok pr. Miles' Ih-storaUre Tonic and m itiow resrored to jiiy forewsr ood health.- i - T?P! Dti. ililea Home 11 w "4Ta v Mm.' ri the ! - jaerves ire. Aadress, SR. MILES MEDICAL CO, aUaaart LuU. In many states paid of- iic:. 1 x mraend hat tbe rank of: adjntanjt-setieral e raised from colonel to brlsadietf-jreneral, and his compensa tion from f 13)0 to f 2.000 a year. 1 also' renew ie request that tbe -money taken from, the. appropriation lor. toe Oregon 'National ,iuard to pay the expenses incurred In settlement of She difficulties at Astoria between tbe nsherymen and cannery men. and to prevent bloodshed and .loss of fjroper ty, for which :Kbe state woUM bare teen I responsible, be rem mod to be military appropriationTbere was fno 'emergency fund In t bit stale, as In others, to meet such exigencies, and ia order to prevent a provoking delay in sntling the accounts, the money. was taken by tbe .jreraor from the'l national guard appropriation, and Usf jlIe t hollj an enftimpment that year. it is rejA.ctrnny suzuetcd that steiH ffM.tilir ije tak-n tto prorjdt :n emf- cncy fUnd of at ileist $:2UM. to li? otf y; it the d:s'rtkin of 'the of- raori in vases arlsiriz undtr sectI6n1J or i ta m fitary co!.." r i I:irl nr the re.'t:ranizatwn of tin ; : s 1 : j . . a. iti t i el pu :e-1 -1 ha t-1 1 le Kextnd Orezoni volunteers wmibi remain lu ilk rhMiiTiines quite a hnstu of -tinu', tV t'overtior 'klecKlcd t rcoramxe the ir-iard in state for an " emereny that ir.lzht la-ri. V A11 ofticer ami men In the United Stares s?rli?ir were discliarzed ; frtm the .tte;.erv1ce 'and notice siyen'jof-' tlx iinu.tion to reorsanize tine state militia., "lrjilcatkiw were receive1 for- tjie formation of ' companies jat Kakf j- Citk Pendleton. Thef Dallies, A-ahiand. Ku2cne. JIarrih5-.-ld and. Tori- iau'i. : 1110 miiitar- toari navinsr ap- pirv)i theie applications, one Infantry company at Kaker City was mustereil In June 22d. one a Ashland Jiily 12th, otic at IJuene .Inly 2t:l, one at Ore gon City November 2d, one at Portland November 44th. (Uiitervi and two at I'ortland neej'mber 7. lSftS. W kikfra tt-..n. T ........ 1 .1 ' w . T 1 . . nim ,i lir jLauvs, iniL uueir or::riiizers iaueu to pet itogether the minimum numlfer, estahiished . fry the hiilitary lociid. of florty ia:9tlnel eulistM men. aud their orga'nization is still in abey ance.! It d'cide"l (by Hie military iMard to donfcrt-'m tS' organization of national giard 'reg'iments to ihatj of regiments of she I 'uitrd States arnvy, mid iruaintj in in the xtat o regim nt of infantry of three naftalions. the battaliions tovbe asslgneij to different M'ctioh off the jtta-te. one tatierv of li.-Ul artillery, one trooi of caralr- hint One ljospitaD corps. -ITie staff f- j rt of regimental organisation? were; mad; the same as of rpxi-fiientis- of ihe I'nltrd Ktates arhty, (ex cept tiiar ejch latialion. in time of. ivat; r active ;ervice was given an' adjUr taut With tin grade of lirst licuen nnt. l5'pii ite. itmpa!iies to le. oran-' ized ia's ni:iy be -neelel." Tfhe' 3cdern Mother ! Ilr'f ; found tla.ts her little 'A ones are Improved Syrup of moro by the pleasant Figs, when-In need ;' of Ithe- Laxative ojffj cjptf "any ;t of . a gicntle remedy. thnn by other. Children., enjoy t and it benelhs t?:cm-. The ; true rc-.ieIy yitip tf hjgs. is maj,nifac- tuit d bv' the California Tig Co. edy. MRS. READKK ARRK8TED. The Woman Ierr.o'.i :h 1 Fninitnre falooo un- f Her lid band's d:iy. vf . ",'.'! ? o'clM-k Sunday evening Itead.r. VT Wife of 1'eter prpr:eiir u urt of "T!". Sl.iscotte-' .saioiin. km-ct. v.,-15 i!ai-iil under t tr re-t I iv t lief of I..!ic' IK Y. CibsJ.n women' apart meiits :;nd put n tlM at" thii fvinniy jail on the t-haie of driink-nn s and disorderly conlnct. Mrs.; Keailcr was -releaeil on lKtuls last ev4-n; ig to api-3r liefore City I corder-ek'itt X. .1. .ludai on Wedrefdav for - trial : on againf hir. tbe charge . preferred 1 Sborily iiefore G o'clock Irs. Reader -ntered her huban 1's saloon and pro-eei-5hl to create a l'.stiirbahct. atifj as- wrtcd bf-t right: to do so 9y demoilis!i-j ing a . tj'tantity of sLi. v.iiejf of! Police Jibson was ,su.minoned.' and npn! , reaching! the saloon.' endeavored j tdj iissua-iie;T leenrage-ti w.-iman tioni ;vm- tiquing hVr work of desvtroying projier-l ty. but ls pt'Tsnaslve power in Sfha'tj direction Voun ted for naught.. Chief ('ib.son. ,a-i a last resort, tlxm proceeded to esvrt lh fair risoner to ibe citv: jaii. j but and ran piie escaped from his gfap,; nto the bar-room of th4 MA lare-ttstd.- tlemoliglltVl' fb"! .lot n and. plate-ylasi wlntlows In the front doorj very ba hands. ly lacerating both of her The wohian was then taken to the city jail and thence to th cixintyj ja;j whereafter Indng plact-d in a celt she endtiavor(d to convert the beadatead and other! of her -U fixtures into kind ling wool. , " ,".v .''"'-, .-lira.. Reader wa supixvl to-lhave leen under the Indueiwe of intoxicants. and she was booked --on sSieh a charge at the potice station. The woman claim to have been In a ,'.er oonfli -tion; arKt -says-tnat she w as pronapUq in the work or destruction iy the ac tions of her j A PLUCKY WOM AN"r Saturdav at. tttfoon. r llrsj Frmader,. who liv-ii onhwest of Salt-m pn the river road became dissathhed with tlie headway ter Ikvs were making itt attempting to corral some fractiousf calves. m - ish thought she would1 take a hand In thi ob hersilf. but the mud was idee itRa tt- (nonaa wa-s si,pfery aatt in h-t agile movememts to bead off the vowrur I brines she siipjied andS fell ia wtch a rnanner as to Iweak one ofle arms. She thea walked into the) eltyi, td the broken member properly et aud dresetL her greatest chagrin be ing caustkl bv the announcement from the ThvgKim that sh". nuist not i tlie arm ,fV several day. - . J. llichard RleJy, for four years! past n emokive of the atate iVsane. apy lran,! leaves today for Denver, Otfora dtK whera he has accepted a p sltl u on the Henver &. Rio Grande railroad. W D. Carlisle, the young dentist, re-.1 imA Giin Arantnr fmm lATSLlTWt -i T (separate, a -i v THOMAS WEBBEfi, AT CHAMP0E6. Found Dead In a Field Monday Coro ner dough Will Hold An I : Inqneat Today. r 1 l At 'Z - oVloik; yeiterday afurnoon, Coroner A. M. Ooug:b received a tel epboue nH-cae from BntteTillv, In forming him of tpe flndinj of the life Uks form of a resident of OlmiiJpoejr In a-field adfcicent to that rlUae h few lours oriot- to the seeding of the inie- e. From the fa-t 4liat the - death f the man .waaj atflden, nnekpected unextclaiuedJ hi friends hd. re- ouVaTtd tliat jaii Inquest lie. held over theyeraains iliat the immediate cause of a lid the i-irvunita4.ces surrounding tbe Heath, rnightj Uf disclosed. t Col-oner Clougli left ibn the be!at-il overlsiud hist evetiiug- for OervuK whence he mtentletl to drive to Cham l ot auu cuiiauct an inquest, tt is fhsi'dlv tiiobablei fliiat the iwtve-iisittlou v hi i e mil l e p e t .d.iy. ; t oiot er Llouirh Is txpe ied 'Icf return tt hU jenr tn ! tomorrow uichr.s overjaiid. I ! l i'jui inquiry at Futtertllc. : th-i ntfai est telephone! sttticn to tjie n.' oC the nnding of the., dead lxlv. it :wjas ascertainKliast evuiing, tat jibe tVee.-.ed was Thmas Weblr, forthe oa t twenty rears a resident tf Cham ;ireg. The dead' inan was a' liacheter and lived alone. Ile Is not known to have any rekitlvos on the coast, but4t thought to h ire leen ixrfsessd of considerable property. , " . The cuvinnstaW-es 'surrounding Web !tr's thiath heinjij mjvtcrious. the r dirt of jthe-coroner's jurv will lie eag erly awaite-l. Itj is 1.011,1,, tjiaf" the V:r;ict jiiia.v dl c-e snuet .lug in the rvay orMa sensation. 1 i ASTORIA HEALTH OFFICER. Kcports on flier Vessels Kntj rjing thi Port n Three llonths.! I Cov. W. P .Ixrd yesterday receive I lh report of Health Ottler A Ful- ton. of the port of Astorja, f. tlie Quarter ending j Deoen ber 311 phowiug that - forty-els-h -vessel eutereij that tyirt .during the nvonths coveret by the report- saniiarv condith.n of each of the ves sels is reportetl as Ihiug gootl. Fol lowing is a list of the Vessels, the! date on which thi-v ieniered theporti, the natiorality. t.f ea h, the huinlr of th frew and tlie port from w hieii eaeii snilcl: j i i (ct. 2 r.ritish ship Inversmdd, 2: nen. from Jjos Anireles. j j Oct. SHritish sliip City of Atlrvus. 27. f rem Salt 1'ra heist o. j Oct. 9 Briti-U ship Oulf Stream. 22 from IsCAngeleS. - . ... t t. J2?iorwejt:iati steamers J Par titce., from ioJ--: - l;ritbj abip Cambrian Qien, M. fronfc. .Apa.j'jiileo: litfh ste.-tmer Athenian, ."U, from Vancouver. ; - xci ,7,. Itrilish':steaiufr Mtiiil. 4.V a'rouj Wong Kong. fJft. fe;2 llritbh hip I-'tden jp-ue. :.U Hritbh tship frmi TSan . ;lenlon. 23 FrafKi;is-.-tr. frrtn; Yokohama;;. i i t T--diritiih hip louitt.n. 27. ;ai.m Yok Uiraa:: .tap.nie e ship Feu- kio Mttm. Vi Vokoha;iia., )ct.' 1T i in s-hly ( hristine. 27. f.-om Kobe. h r. 27. ljritih Wpmpse'lb rg. is. fiv:n 1 1 i. d 1 iji 1 ; .'er.'snan siiTp-ja n. .. trrm 1 tfkol!t-atiMi ; !c. ma :i ' Vt-:ei. 2:. fitifii Vt-ko'iaiua. 1 l Met. ..'Si; Kiiiildi leaner MLk-Iioa,' A.i, from Mirga.: j : ? S. 1 i:riti-ih ship ClacfctjfeanUfcire. 21. Neu castle. '! ' ' ' Nov . 4 - l'.riii-(h ship Cape Clear, ;iu I-rantasi-o. 'Nov. ". HntiMi NeW'castle. " f ship I'asad. na, 2o, Nov. Vi. Jjriiiifh shin Itreswiiig. 22, Sia!ii.hai; lliltsh- stiip frown o. St?ilaul 22. san Fraiiciwo.-f. jr Nov. S.ltritisb ship Wiliiam av,s. 21. shaiigluu. No.: to I'.ritiish ship Sirus.i. 28. Kobe. . f . '!';':" ;Xtv. ll.-l?ritsh sl ip Australl tnl 2.5 .Sill Fr.lliciMC . ' I I Nov. iX-'-jPritish. hii . tJalera, iH, N;in I'rarv i. o. f Nov, t:t.--Norwt g an ship Sfxtys 13 S;lu l ranclstco. .. Nov. H. -iBriti h ship limiu pasha. 2f. IiO-1 Ail: jrele. I .: Nov. hd.- An erica u ship Tillie E. n New Vork. - i' I Statbuck. 2i - Nov. 17 - H' itl-h ship K il s of Aftoa. 2S, Sn FiancMe : , Nov. ls.-jFrehvh fhlp tJcn.j D. Cho rette, 2.".. Nantes. 11 Nov, V.l Hiitish rhlp Perse veratJO?, 27. Shanghai; Itritish ship llariret EJ.'ie, li.. Yokobam.1. -Nv. 2ti.-tiriiji.-h ship Matterhorn. o. San FraiK Hco. j Nov. 22.-Urttish ship Satnouar, 26, Niras?ki. - I ' S 1 Ir ! ' Nov. 24. p.rltisn steamer Monmouth sWie. :.U. Jlon Kong. . ij Nov. 25. I'rillsh steamer 1 Joanna. 21. San l-'r:kneieo. ; ! I! - Nov. 27.-4BrMtb , stcau er Bortlen Castl 2.. shanghai. ; j Nov. 2v Norwegian steamer ffttfr of Uuisia. otij San '.Fraucisco;: British stesiiiierU'.uleshire; 2H. Honolulu, j Dte. I. British ship Ealesare' 30, San Francisco. :. - ' ' I! 1 Dt-c. ti-f-Anstriau steatotr Burma, San Franciset,; Norwegian jship skerhantt, 2t. Ilioge. I'LL' Tioc. to. (-American steamer Colum bia. 4.", Yokohama. ! !i ! ' lee. 15. Hritb10 go5 Albrb-n; 20. San Fran, bco. j - - i ' j Oe. 22-iKritlsh -hio Marian, 2S, Sin "ttranciFCOj; ; 1 Iet. 24 Ger.ran Honolulu. I 11 II. F. CI id t. : Dec. 2" P.rlti b tb p BothwelL CO. Both, welt &:ii Francisco. 1 i I ! lWi 2S.-j-Germpn ship NaJ.tka, 23, Yr.kchama.- 1!' . ' ';.''.-.'." h il ' , wJi of there vesaeLs we eloadel Itn a gefATal cargo; ttrn carri-d, foitl, an t o'ue. the only ft) ptneve vessel, bronglrt h -t rare of viuptwr. ... r. n ' ! ' ! lierr. E. Har.ey, a student at irom . ' M hv?t at LiFaveUej where te spent' :, the bo.Wlavs. IIA l,U1aK ; r - I i . w SUBROUXLS DEATH OP have HI ree i The rrui c&use, become languid &nd ' despondent in thce&Tly dAys of tneiT 'om&nhood . They . dri along iwjLys itiTed; nevrt- huiigTy, bre&thtes and With!; & pM pitoLti n & heai after sHoht exercise so tnat mereiv Iv up stairs is exhaust 1 nd. I Sometime a ihoTt.dty cough leads to the Fear are going into 1 nev ore tors that tell them, Vfhich means ; they have blood. Are ou More janasmic people have been m&de strong, "hungry, enerdetic men and women bv the use oF Dt: Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People than by any fare the best tonic in the world i Caution: Most dealer tells you ht Too&TifitT at4 MAKINtr G01 PROiiRI-; Jjegi Vocatiou of it ion AfTectiii i. TloHS!kilils 11a v as. Ix-al tonsor.ialj artists ami incut if t!i "K'l.-iy ill the CB.1: gishii i.iii r'-sp s of' a knight of ular , ssimi f Tlu '!':l! to be drawn, up and. i. 'is 1 ciiiN his. j?' fCas 1 b: o.ii.'ii-nit ei!'ti hi the rt.llg tile lie rizot.". at i'ire . st.-at"'? li' in'tr-shi - l n i-otiipau sl -in let ally sigiwtj be st ft!. lil ini-v li.v 1 1 ,it i.MVIS. replCSJ-h tallV't- Mom oirtlv. t . (bar)'.'.. :;. L. ii'Im r of r!-M in it tee. wen 1 t. : tIfer with Ills U-nson. of till nca-I legiiat' 'on 1 1 ltd yesf. lleaglM-ss J"(Hils; pera) to tlk i' l in having a !i -I. r le linl sii.-ces The last niimlit r tf t w il P.atlier." tlevt-it tl to tbe tonsoi ialists thr4jiu?lioiit, t lie state, con- tains an extvllen vllert wh i I likeness t.f lIon. I-.i- has con.sented to 1 with a "farlver to tin bfll. tOgetlMl1 short sketch of bis life. iiiijyrop-EXf INES I'OK GI tDES. V Old Time Meth fls in CMitliint When Kailrtdiug W as In lis l.-iry Uay. A in tile ptTu'exIng iroblem v i th Amerl trtilroid but skit is In the kt.'ys of ejuly" tlev -puent of tb- rail re.-ltt n melius ot; transrHortaflon w: s the dbfieul V cf 'fgetting a uraiu ep bill,"' says ft he w Ycrk Sun. 1 in l.-vt I ro;nls the f re of the en- frine,'Wtak .as It was then compare! with tile stln ti l V wii' tivt j, of to- f!a v. was snifc. ii ut to pull unf r two a i s, fin l.- ;noe starttd Ui4 train rould Ik keit, ir motion wltlfreif" any lint tlie ta of o eiious. 'ITiere were. crcfat ditricoilty. in uphill wsh no hrakts. antolnint' or otherwise. t- prevent th" eaJ froiil- slidinir dwn- Ifill. and if bv nny inisctiaiM-e; or mis-. cslcnlation a tA tin was -lopped ..10 v- when?" short f the tet of the hill it 5"ld jlifu-kwjird ith- sur h v 1 'ilr, t;?t I aftly for bkiiie In s to jump off. rbe euly assure, charge c-f It w j Therefore, a alopte! whhh (Hn of of ration wis ud. at that tlaie, tl.e nerit t.f -ervici abk'ncjss. At the toi of each hid th -re was etat. Is iittl a pnnjanent ,ena Inc. 4B" queans of ropes and chains tbe engine punetl tip the train, and kvhci te crest 'of thj lull had l-eei rvaoheu therrf was a lelay for ltteatii Ui4n the same en- gire gTadtiaHy eh.iin. letting tm wound a rore or down, the train alpng !l idrcllrity on th other ahle. Such nrirritye n e.isaites. however, ivere not of long duration, and after many ex prlmenta a. TormaJI applleatkm of Ui ! new: method of dispensing vUh LiBtp enginesf had its first puMic trt-U m Jnlr iff. tl&ir-. on the ITiIl-t-fel-'- nhia and Cobwn'la larrtdJ It wat deiJionat rated Air the. nrs. ttm-? - that ascents cti"d tie made by lwiOtlvea without the anl cf stit'ot r t'J,II! he sav- . as Tf r ti I Hint's. Tbl reii'rpt tn lrir i of great. ekp'nse. t the J period of 4 . u ! rlt rn if Itf.. aj Isttc-l rci CTI tlcS, J lay .'.'V 1 iite ri.v. P' :!.;r.-a. slattiiln , t., t..lli - : J .1 riuici-r- 1V t I f - iL tf a . . II! m i 1 .llll'll. II city., a r'"'1 e eo n- . .. 1 ... . 11 n HI.1I in rib it city, to ! lari-'- " Profession- ) intt rests of Si to that they consumption? anamic. doc mmm mmm , r too little like Have you Miss XJola Stevens, of Gasport, Niagara Co.. N. Y., had been a very bealthy gitl until about a year ago, when sbe grew weak and pale. She lost her appetite, was as tired in the morning ,&s on retiring, and lost flesh until sbe became so i . emaciated that her friends hardly knew her. Tbe doctors declared tbe disease antenna, and gave her up to die. A physician who was, visiting in Gasport pre-' -vailed upoa her to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills "for Pale Peopled She did so, and was benefited at once. She is now well and strong ths very picture of health Buffale (AT. K.) Couritr I ; . : J : A'f ' - I ). ' : diuggists are reliable, ome has something ust as good as Ot.VfiUiams Pink Pills is unreliable. Insist on having xnc genuine apia omy in packages like this. ( : ! At all from the DtWilliam Medicine CC Schenectady ,Myj Price SOfprr boii.' trvtTonAt , Kt'trfie b Iil.ast .isd autotnatl aiili :lllf-et. u pid it 'is ntit, jin Hi'u.-uil thing, t - 'tii - in to yen ..on a .'! vel. fir a run off the" track. A foil ex -s. howeier. e-fall ht: : he y f the! lieVv ire.hod of hill a nd it lias 1m t n bi use! ever At prefect. ati.'ng r.ii'i"!-a 1 tite milauni gratl js de l y th - ro liog "oid 1 th't uniitnl f!-sii (vi.tnblig si : . ' Millers. tree line I l:is-i ..i . . ver it. ;nd there is t.ti s lej' UediiSi' tlesii-n d 'c htv ti e ri'Mlii er f feth of as en litig stad wbi-'h t in l e lfal s y a M tnno:lv. cert. 11. i power, Hi t a i etltlol: d "t o-ii r-rad hi h .Iris I a grade in Pennsyl- M Mlia V of Is. fen 1 lo tte trl 1 1 ! is tnt j it 1I.O lorn d that a ii'nstruc- 1 i.i tivt Sof wt 'mug tr.t ntv the tni; t an sn (tl if ten! m'le ati tornO lninl : l.'xiti -urns up a pride of; live feet 10 tlK Kill. : ..,o limn. feet to he mile: tons. b f,H-t tti the 1U fin-1, l.f. f,ft to the nuleh Kxeet I t iiAii't.i lari tlHti let-." stt i r ire. te are av oidd by railroad Milidrs. Uillioi engines i lwive Koiie ii or date Hit tlly. ! A PU )MO riOK.-tJf. ;. Cans Jr.. i n ho l'e.4 srvetl sis tletk at the IMiyal- lup lint ' ilrOUfhS; ! ship at an agency for the past four I ban been nnonioted to a clerk.- I i lie vaj-m pnugs geiuy. ; inrea0 cf fSnt jnr jetiir hi . Mr. Cans arrh ed in Sale n i l wit-u an sai.irv last night .from the IVyalltrp aeaw-y. for a brief all lat his home, an I he i lea vies lalior. totLiy for hla new field of f S., Fried man- vjent to rortland yes- teitbvi" for a brie? business vblt. Second Annual Clearance Sale Now 'Jftsi ' : '' 1 . -4 ' .' !" J :' Vi, ii '. "'f ' -'' r '" ' - ' i'; )' '" Wethatik the ieople for their patronage during the naiit vear: and commphffl lhe.1 new lit-fVivintr nel7ontl every ciastomer a genuine barcajii'; Cfhereforadur DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. A larCe line of Ribbon Remnants, 10 cents bhildrea'a Union Sulfa, worth LadiesTUaiow Suits, worth 75 fljirze lines of heavy Outiu liftVK ilroro 1(1 cotitM iiu i il c- stt ji inn upj Jfio;Icerc!nVfsfrm i cent up.' Ladies :i iri t i d e worth pair for $1.25 a pair. All at- il Friedman's New i Corner Commercial and !.- I --I I -t:. 1 'Ih-M too little btooar other means. They i l l V are n6tt Uj a for Pale People, he dTudoists1 ot diteet r: i ' ! A STORMINU'SKA ireaA-yvWb. Informs ..on Mill 1 ore I ir 1 hlugsriltMiwraltyi l'iiing th4 I -a t le .v la y Sa It i ti a orig -..est. SltoW -of t h ciH-it't w till e balau'e...tif1the! Ncii1i-l t'XptM neM a win I. nbi at d storn tint UsiimT )n this StMlOf I ; Willi luetic yal :ey. ait:l the d, rt I lti cut to .'"this has :lieen n ebinue tt the weather on Sit fl.j v evelung a rl. l iit snilnviit :ll' s titli u mi i this t by, its r -ret TK-lnr W-nt. In tfl!: plilOt Wo ilnn-ilU't f i ! a- tear down tn-es and: llnitix. ,,r",1 iiv,'t ' Pfw d" trlti-. I-ci'jr w-l H la- ibe oU'skirlJt of th ci y; H the nhUl i:w n -outJe of construction at hs ntrt--l-t near tbe Walkiie rtinnery. wbit-1; tell ere j pariiallv eieetel Iat ';. wekj wpnv blown down nnd ! work. ' bleu, were b Kil cncagctl -j i-nttjay In wgaitt ratstng! tre wflis. These: sredi m ttinlt ofj 11m niaierUiI: taken' from the .wreek- of the .Jd Fashion ;rwlleM. A ncvrejcpow. stOru: aretp for a ftfw hours y-tertlay aftrnooii. Nit itj atatVt toward . evening j andj ; n bile It;, niatje traveling- un oeif.ort.il4e. tliert";. was no stn-fous tonsAittetKi-ai. '-:!! I Just What Kite, llornid , "My Uitle girl had a very iad eero tna troulae. ,; -.j ires ap'arel In h.?f ears, anil lr! eye wc relso affeetetl. I tkdtnl to luive hr litrln ) laklmr H,! SanuuwirilLi. Itefhie iie hrst ttr! was cvtne the soiiia wit 1 4 raltifiil and after the se if a r rrore; ilottlii I they were- Crtre.1,7 lira. Howard F'ipe. Alpha. Ort gou. I I fjnii'a Pills are the on!y pllla to-tat- with flood's Sstxtspardl i. i 'cl I opoooooopoooocooooc OOQOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOO eacliJ Besure and see them 50 Cent's, for 25 cents a suit. cenU, for 50 cent "uit'. Flannels and Table Cf jlens lmhroHieriea anri ljue Racket ! State Streets, SalemJ iii'i! Hi. 'fli I Do not a to, Visit