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About Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1898-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1899)
V AM EN DM EMT IMM;Sg ISAVED FROtVl ' 1 EXFPAHStOM r -1 1 1 ; , , I i. i aq a mm mm A m IS OFFERED -TROUBLE IN HA WAIL" THE WRECK THE PUZZLE A m- h Old and New Authorities Clash ' Admission of Chinese. on I ' To the Alaska BillMn Congress Mr. Tongue Proposes a System r To Compel the Titadwell Mine and Whisky Dealers to Pay a r : License. WASHINGTON, Jan, 4, Represent ative TlW II. Tongue, of Orl has Trefared an amendment t the bill for the : coU-'flcation of the 3aw ka, now trending in the house, vjuins lor the Ui-t-m-iDir or tiie Ear.iin IntMioexrt rouivrnH in tlte ierri - ory." and; oeciallv the ILjtmr uusi- n-t Mir. "rtiijutf sa;ys tba.t the TV-adwipll mine jje not p;tv thlnsr fn the jrix of taxes to any thu support of -the terrhorial institutions, oI tiufL from the region surrdnnd Ingr Jttneau. about $H,tkKKiO in fgohl in prodoced annually, aud duieri not .contribute: one eent to the igofern fnent. , ' I Tne jrefnt arrangernents conl'ern Iiis li'juor. he decliresf A cornij'lns w;lety. " So ofticer can prosecute linos irno ure-feinnz llunor wltuout bens; ostracized !bv the reople In the) ter ritory. nhi the lio.uor that Ik i kld. Ia)'4 no re'enue It is iatroduck$l In tiie . territotv bv b?hif .hlppedi lit bond to Iake I fen not t. and smu'sfgl'd Ijrtek into Alaska. Sim h litjtior as t1at thero- i) ue'bf the 'very worst Mind, feitiff adnlteratefl. he ays, to are ex-' tent, unknown- ol--.vhere. . I Senator LPerklns- tried to hate a kiibilar ' inienduient liiebrp4raitr lo e ireiieral Alaskan . tall. li!vh p- u tne settate last, year, out it waa TOff eaten. . ALASKA MINERALS. Vashlnxton. Jan. 4-In' a perrlnaJ letter, retvived here tofciy.' Survwor inrtral- WSJUmn U Dn"t;n, of Ala: k:t. spcak.4.iif the mineral, outlook of tliat.terrHAry as follows: " "The N .gvmvrn 1 fontnsus f op I that Alaska will yet astonish w frl! . wftli! :ninfal wealth rrofirri-s. l.osisilkilitles The opportnjJltie will be jrrat''in thTs hmaih: the devt'iopwent, of -i (Me sho'ul 1 be r cil with LiitsHHow. oooopc opooooocoocoo oct it? OUR HEN'S of Ala's, ffi'OIl it he anl fast 'ttrse. ACKINTGSli ES P 1. .45 Are cheuperi t'ian THAT $3.65 ALL Wil-IJkebp vou: drv Onli x of those ALI-t'O04 COVERT CLOTH BOX COATS left.. Better get bnl at $5 BEFORE THEY'RE A iew kite ieSclT, THE ONE-PRICE I u 000000000 oxx3ooooooxxoo6oooc ooooooooooooooooooooocxoooopaooo WA RE AS H. I LB ABO r Manager, 88 State St,, next 6ohr Sam Francisco, Jn. 3-t-TIe steamer Australia,, from Honolulu, brings tbi? following' .fiJ vices to the. Associated PressT : -;-' : . - .' A ereat deal of trouble I expected litre over the, question of the admis sion "of Chinese. The supreme conct has orderd the landing of a. large cviMuer!', of Celestials, 'i and 'Sperial Aveut Brown ,1 ut a los to kflow what to do In' the premises. He has applied to the adnuoistratlonVor iu tiriK:ihm. V i I - - SWdRD FOR DEWEY, A Beaut ful BteVe Prepared' for the "Hero of Manila. ; New ork. Jan. 4. Tlw sword of Jo nor to be presented to Itear Adtnlfal Oeo. W. jlweri is a national reeoil- nition of his .victory at Manila, has been completed! br Tiffiny. &. Co..' ahd -wiU be shipped! to" AVashinsrton Stftur- day. .The sword .is of 22-karat - cold, the exception of the blade, and the J body of the acabbard. whlcb are made jof the finest steel. .Shark skin is' also . usiv ai iue grip, anu nainonas are ; used profusely tin it ornanlentation. . A FAST CRUISER. '.Built in jSnn FraUfix) for the Jajjun ': j "ee Goreiouient, ' f, c Santa iBsirt-ara, Cat.. Jan.1 3. The iinttHr ted cruiser ClUtoe. built by .the Uiiion Iron Workf , San "rancisco. fr tle Jaflame jroyemirent, mode a, s4x hours run over- tl course, in Sjinta Barltara chanewl today, creraj;-. ins -21.4S ktots :r iur. where -4xu are reamrwi. ani 5eyetoifngi; maximum speed of .'UiS ndF natur al dratbt.' ' ;aVT .-.., Pare- lea jx packages at rbcers' Sefaillm iOCOOOOOOOOOCCOCO cooooocooooo AT doctors: bills. - WOOL BOX COAT and comfortable. CASH STORE. OOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOQU TORE LATEST STYIiES BEST VALUES TCH THIS SPA CE. tiaoN:. .'. 1 HOE t tJ I - ' CJ 8 V1 )o Ladd 8i Bush Bank. - 8i A Schooner Abandoned ' Off the Coliimbia : Work" and Suffering of Jhe Crew. The Vessel, Coal Laden from Seattle., Went Down iu Terrific Storm -One Man Lost. '' ASTORIA, Or., Jan. 3. Tiie British bark Galgate, Captaih Grifflthi arriyed In today, bavins o& board Captain . Jgrkkson i and fourteen of the . ship wicekedl crew of the steam schooner- Protection, which ; foundered thirty miles off ', the mouth of the Columbia at 4 o'clock' on the)morning of January l$t. " y ' The Protection left Seattle Decemr ber J9th'with 300 tons of coal for San Francisco. The weather was fine until approaching the mouth of tb Colum bia, when a heavy soutlKWt- Bale sprang The Protection Was fteam- iua: uiljr a slow belh and the sea was ruitifning very beavjf , washing ithe ves sel fore and aft. 'On the' morning of Saturday. December 31st. Chief En gineer Moores reported the ship leak ing and the pump were immediately iha nned. The water -in five ; Tessel's hold, xya found to be paining on the pomps. which were becomlns choked with slack coal. Theale Increased in fury, and the stemf r roIlel - and pitched heavily. Iti wa determined tof jettison the carjro. and about tl v tons of coal was discharged fivin 'tween decks. 'I FJBKlinfir . that tne water steadily pained all hands were again ordered to the pumps. The men remained at them all-Saturday night and towards mora--i ng five feet ' of j witer-wai din-oetHt in the hold, and the steamer" appeared toj be sinking. The vessel was listing lrt starlioard, and lier a tern .was seen to lie fast iroing down. Huge, waves continually' swept over her. forward af t.,ad-CaptalBErickoa-a that her doom .was sealed. f "At 4 o'clock oq tle. morning hi Jan-ti.-iry lf, the lifeboats were prlerei iowerel. Second Assistant Engineer Carvy, while' enga?e-I hi the"1- -wotkl was trn"k by the w!n?inff of otie of. the. -tiots, and,knockel overboaUtl andj drowned. In , the darkns's no as-is.-th("e couljl le renderel tiie unfortu nate man. . After -aiueh difficulty the lifeboats weret laiiinvbed and the steam- wSyiiliandoned. FirstOtlloer .iif had charge of one and Captain l.rjr k.son i Commliiilrt ' the" Wher.;life- bit. s-v-ii men w ent into! rach .Itoat'. lae lKiats were; 'supplied Hvith water. ttHat and crackers. bj:t tlie tatter wyrt- urss. as xney soori cot wet. , . The Loats were 'able to keep cloe to gether during the lay. The'; fjAtni oflt- tiiUHii. aii'l tMtjt' mile ix'a.lwViy could t Ik m.Hle lowartli lu land. TlienreTr b offered, terribly f lorn the etihT, las tiiev hfHjl saved notion 3 ifiom the sinkiu steamer nut tne clothes tiy uad; on. A the Ikmis pulUMl -la way the Probe tioti . -yft.s Anlsoring In! a heavy ea. f-Slie still em.iined afloat, during the hilf hottry" before she wis lot to view. Captain Eriekson , and First. Officer Grlrnn agreed to steer on a certain eou: during the nlsht. but the two bdats .scon separated 'after : darkness setjiKand vere lost to view. : i The cold 1 was intense anY some of th men in Captain- Eriekstn' . tat wefe growing weak. I During the night the second', officer' fell overlxard from the boat. anl. leingexhauitel.; would have drowned had not Captain Erick- ' f-rn saved him. The! man laru'own 1n the boat,, lirtip and almost i lifeless. Shortly -after daylight" a , sail' "was sighted, which proved to be the bark Ga Sate, which picked them up. DEWEY IS BUSY. Hi Is in iXo Hurry to Return fo the United' States. i,, Cliicago. Jan. 4. General Merrltt Is autbority for 4he statement that ' .Vi nt to the United States.F "In fact, he distinctly tokl me as mneh when I .was inj .tbe Philippine3.' said General Merritjt today. "Upon ooei occasion when the administratiott intimated hat it w.okild findriiig"prei ence in this country, pgreeable, the ad miral s.i:d ifthe presidtnt would ex cuse blm-tie worikl iTke to be a!loweI to-reniain at bisj station. ' General Merritt denied the report J that tlK-re had been: a clash Ietween the army and naval officials In th Philippines . ... '!; ' ' v -'f A RECORD BREAKER. Kew York. Jan. 4-t-Today has leen a rifeosd breaker In the .-New oik f-clcsiriisg iho'jte. both jin the -ftmount of cTchlPfrps and the unssnittwle tnt the balances,.:.: The: holiest former ex-'-Vinsrr's Iwere brokeu iby about $JO,000,i having Iw-en 1 S513,U.i.tfe. ! ' n sga:!n !S;?a.O00.0O0. the h'ff:-ist l cxi -i5ct"E-: Heretofore plat-cd ou record. The balances ere 17.I.W. i ar Senator Perkins Wants Instructions From the California Law- makers As to His JFntnre Conrse-Onay' Has the Caucus Nomination for Sen ator Iu Pennsylvania. SACRAMEXTO; Cal., W 3.-1When the senato was called to order today a communication wfrs received, 'from United States" Senator Perkins, In which lie asked instructions from the senate on the pending question of ler ritorial expansion. He expressed him self as coufident .that this question is of more importance to the welfare of the country, than ,is any problem that has arisen during the present genera tion. " He stated that. , in t$e absence of instructton from the legislature of California, he will vote to amend por tion seven of the treaty I which pro vides for the payment of f20.(HWMM)0 for the relinquishment of Spain's1 sovf ereiguty or her Interests in the. Phil ippine islands. He Is of the opinion that the United States requires only a military station, and a naval and coal ing station In the Islands, j Further. It seems to him. that to acquire territory, in the island! or on the Asiatic Voast is- contrary to" the spirit ofj the jcousti-- tntion. QUAY NOMINATED. Ilarrisburg. Pa.. y,d- 3: Id" the re publican caacus forUnitel States sen ator tonight SeuatorQuay received the vos of lOi of tbeylW repuldicans of the legislature. One hundred and tw-ny-e;ght is a majority of the entire legislature, and the anti-Quay men claim, he Afinol be elected.1'' ' 'Senator Quay made this statement at midnight: i "I am entirely satistied, with-tlie resuit'of tonight's caucus. A number ofrrhejnemIers. of the leglsia ture. who rdBw-agree to enter t lie caucus tonight, .have Ssured, me of- their cordial sunrrt when ! thtrassein - nitetsiu Joint convention. These votes wilPFiiTnore than sntfieient to eieer me. lam absoiutety-eouUdent ; ot my success."- . 'j ; . tint failed .to oim;.vm.i:. D .v. r. ;Jan. 3. For thej time in the History or-itu pK't'e-organSza'tkHi of the. islatuw n as ct effeptti tnte ,i com-'111 '.'i....'L i..... .Lt.f. i-Cl but t he Ihoitse W'J.J senat organizHkat nn. t-onld iH't :i:'Kf. on acvounf j f tlie l'H lleans, and - the uhionxruimcans. or .'.rtlVRff liH ft l "I ..lllli.llii'li i-l thv house, was Jiostponed until tpmor, tw. ' : i - ' J The rtf1l sales. i.i : ' . Hosiery and Underwear ! At sreatly altered prleesj a line of all wool a ixi cotton Hosiery wrtb one-third mre 15 and 20c Unequalled boys heavy (TlU'd, 2 by 2 libs. i Qtuidrnplet knees l eels snd th -fest oes ; wearing bosei ev er. E3iaJe; special AMI - ' i ' r- 1 I rin s j ! i i MONEY BACK IF EVERY ARTICLE IS NOT AS . 71 ' t?i in Ratines t 8 l-Sc, 10c, Worth t:! the Jj MskesUiefoodh BR AN ON THE STUMP HE DISCUSSED THE AXXUXATD'y FliOJrtmUJJ And Opposes ; the Entrlish Colonial. System Independence for Cuba and the Philippines. : . 4 j.- r Brjan addressed an immense andl7j4udlus aQ mllelli ,n the case or Wrn, erne here tonicht. 'f l)iKhing pn the A. E. Moore,-who . I was eun-d t -question of annexation, Hryau ald: nineten j1-ara ituprisonmeut -.for M ine nartv wuwii as tnjinsio oppose the. gold standard because lit waawTon' oueuc w w great n ugu to oppoe the English .l nhil sys- ban bev&use it is , wrong. It IS astoii- inning mat any nan uvtng in itns ag of the workl, llvfng lo tlte jUtuteJ States, should uphold the duett lues of eurlnjr land bv endnest- I say, give independence to - t ue pw ple of Cubai not lecause we protn- 1m d it i them Iwtt tMeaii5et theyj roi't'ui lor nj auu nave a nsMi w ti whether' we immnised it or Dot Why -an not we apply the same principle to the rruliooines? vhy should we ptirctwise the title to thene Philippines tna Snai.nV i We djehwe that Sii.i.n did not have ahy title -to Cula. When I. bur tiie Phlliipkies 1 want to dear directiy whh tluttC aud 1 want to oav more than xzm apiece tor them. , . ' ' ' ; . . . - : j The democratk state wntral com-. TOittee tonight declared itself for the Chicasro Tviatfonn ,and for wm. J. Bryan. Bryan M present and thanked the coromitte for the person- al cou.pilDioiit atd emgra.uiatet the oiiranlzatton on its decii ration In fav or of free and unlitnlnd coinage. The 'adoption ot reHoiutions -n- dirndna silver and Bryao by a niun- trr-oiis vote was something o' '..or- nrlse. Tor It was exreet-d several D'inbRri of the corornltte with lea-n- iuM to the srokl standard would op-j we Htiy deilaratlonin favor of the; Platform of VpXi. : . :';. ilORMOXS OBJECT. i jJoseplrites Call J Conaressitiah-Elect. Roberts a Violator of Itw. , I ' I-ituonl. branch of la.i Jan. ..4. The Lamoni the ."Josephite" clnircli of the Lttler Day Saints. Jn Us regular .session. adoitel a 'retfutUuC wnsurlng "rSMijxsman-elect '.ftUiert, of Utah. -l.Mas ..avftrtaiot.iot-Jaifrr.and a" practical JH)lygamist," ad"tbihigd bis 1- st-an in eiuixe.. -j. ini.i"i" was earrietl bV a" vote of sven,rren to .' fottrtren. . regardless bf the. ad vice t-f- . .... L. c.. .... impost ie .w ign. w.tnejv.iaii ..r.: . v .- .itiie Tulitt4-mat no yniu'wr u iu n ; tfutKnitted Wgit iRoN-rts. is a violator j the law i ... i J Wm. Porter. ho t ville. ls,.rfTKtrtnl er eshlcN rear Ann eriotisly lil. ONE-THRDOFF. greatest and crrandest and tlio most - 7, Evervthinsr in our lirie of JACKETS, CAPES, COLLARETTES. MACKiaTOKHJfcS and SUITS redacetl nethird. AU marked' in. One price tb all. , , ; . M ' f. ;: : . ,i '. i ! I 1 I . R ' ' Inventory Price 'OV.TII EE ' LEl:VlAY AtlTICL : l . i . ' i ! E i ; . Read these important bargain Kiqt GLOVES. t W. B.tf50RSETSw SILKS. I-. LINENS ANP NAPKINS. i . -'.-at WRAPPERS. Etc. T1iee gx'd will gonultkly. it wm pav you to Investigate. Fascinators, Hoods and Shawlsj. . ' . ; At wJrt tiiat makes every purs chase; a saving of ,29 per cent.: i ... . 1 - I I S - t 1 - ' .- -!! i . V E - " : I t 'mjm k lUfJ.'f I'll g.HHl jut Is'.. I :f ..v eW ' ; ; TacU; A. - . .''' 1 m iVASA OF THE MOOHES iV rsuvsD 0?i "PET" 8TRAHAX fRIES FO h.v A Jl . A PP A L. Tba Woman Still in Jail, ,?Wsh a ' llntion for tier tfeleasA ot ..l 1 ' , Ball Was Made. applicaX! i ieryj extortion and iuultvin tiu tirst . degree!, was - -argued before Justtica Mt m the supreme court today, rlhi decision was reserved.i r I . Mr. Levy appeared before Recorder lion: ( today, and argued a motion for - . the . release of Mra. Moore' on lail. .The decision- was reserved, .;A; BIG CXXVTKAct. Beef CSItle for-4he UnltJ!i SfcatcV ; k 'Army;. in j iuoa. Fort W orth. Tex.. Jan. 14 .-Jnho Simpson, president o'f thC Fort Worth stock yards, today" closed a coot fact with the goverhuient to furnish mm beef cattle weekly: for the ! United stales army in Cuba, 1 3'- : '' ' ' I . -- 1 '- -1 j- it .:' '! -'! THK CENTRAL PACIFIC. , Reorganization" . Has ( .jUpon by Bond -' Chicasro. Jan, 4. A bureau soys todav: Been ' Decided HolJers. j local financial. it is learned front a prominent mem ler of Ue first mortgage committee, that : three ' couiiidttees luie upon the rcorgablzatiori of th ("-utrat IVtiiic. It la the inteiklon of tiie ln teretei parties to -sw about tou.oJO four. ier cent ((oud ' - ', TOO" MUCiriWHISKEY.-Tte co-i oner's Inquest; over the , remains of Tiwumaa ebter. who was f itnd d ad: near Champoeg a few- d;iys ago. de! vHotWMl the fct that dee. tMl, tn eom racyl with, a butcher named .. Fred Ssnith, liad ben on n qree atCham ne on the; night preceding, his h. atid i tJie way Iwme had fallen oil a narrpwi roadway lrt- n, ystr atui nhere le btN-ame; thoroushlv drent-l.e'P Ijinh-; hi fell Uo k Wire hwe. and finally uanaged to ross a fiel I, going; ii the ! direct ion ofj his home, j vherV after Ulitj'bins a pdt fen he ivll. It wts RiOMMise4; hejdJed here'fjK the effects ofll his spree iin l the exttosuro oc.4ot!ed by falling- ln'o the Ice-cola water. I TJr i -coin.ners I ttiry.- t f-f A ' J tie (foremanli, Vm. .VVlggin - in siMitn. v. AJJexcr a- Api'tt ct.d W; WeTigouroth.l decided that lid hs destth us. a result, of ex 1 ir..-nre ..IcjiiiiK'ti l.y to nu.h. v,hdt,ei'i Deyesiseil i has no! relatltCH. and very . blue proj rty. his Iioiikb standing on land wnd hv jlofen Ar .am. Discount Sale stypend LAW. plain ugurcs. ;. ..' i We Have Turned I Prices anPSY-TUI(VV IN out: MEN'S DEPAUTM-NT.. - i 1 iM'i srirs. L,. oo I. SUITS. j... .124 si Its. . . i. !.,..!.;... . .$kmcv JH2-VI suirs . .$ op.- : 1 PICK THE' PLTJMfL . j The values are tcuiptlpg. ' A !- i ' r ' . ' ! 'I.'. i - :-: -:i REPR USEN1 ED. for a sli'ov-windfiiriuU of liirts riju)nr $1.25 aib ' . 1 .: Tr , .. ,,, , ,, , ,, .. . . i.vcr nil- i L JI Jl li t. I J 1 1 : . : F ' A . L'JL .--.:' ': I " "I . J 4v,'.. :, : : "i "-Im'M ,.. ! - -' :! s. : M 1 .'.!-' t- !' f!3'nt the largest herttofore ot $17 - . . -- .-. rice. i ' -I ... -1: hOOOCOOOOOCXXXXXXXXX5CXXXXXXXXXXX3 OOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXX3 010.000. V ..... i v',,u? ..-'.:,V'-'.! ''-l'.; '-;- ''! , 'L f- : - ' i '-, ' 'j "" f' 1 - .' i I ! r - ! " iL ( r