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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 27. 1950 PAGE TWO The Gate Citv Journal KLASS V. PO W M .I Editor and M BS( H IPT IO N HATES $2.00 One Year Blx months $125 Single Coplea 05 i Strictly In Advance i Published every Thursday Entered at the poe to ff Ice through the United States the act We An* Publisher AD V E R T IS IN G RATES Open rate, per Inch National, per Inch Classified.',, per word Minimum 40c 49c 2c 30c at Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon. at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Mails, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1879 (»«•Um;» Servici* So you want service? Well, just have patience and you w ill receive the best possible service from those who serve you as merch ants, transportation experts and the catering public generally. I f you go on a trip, even a short one, the porters and conductors are bending both frontward and back ward in an effort to please Salesmen in the retail and wholesale establishments are really administering the pressure to make sales and offering a type of service that has been unfamiliar since the war. However, practically everyone in business is in the same position and is offering the same good service because he realizes the country is now "en joyin g” a seller’s market, as contrasted to the buyer’s market the R. F. Johnson and Assoc. Ryan Bums and Fmitland at Wilder: Navion, which was here (or a shore June 4 and July 23. Nyssa at Home- dale, Burns at New Plymouth, Em- time on business. Dunn« IMS the hours flown by mett at Fruitland and Wilder at U. 8. aircraft was 10 times what i t : Vale. was in 1938. More people are real July 11 and July 30. Homedale at izing the a d v a n c e s o f air travel. | Wilder. New Plymouth at Emmett, Bums at Nyssa and Vale at Frui- that has existed for several years. As competition becomes keener, as it is daily, the service and other concessions made by persons who sell merchandise and service w ill become greater. Normally, such conditions would result in a drop in prices, but so far the fluctuations have been very nominal. As a result, we probably can look forward to a long period of pleasant relations with the people from whom we buy. Even if prices drop, we w ill receive the court esy that we have learned to expect in the highly com petitive business fields. Support Price« For Bean« (»¡ven 8unport pri-e* for the 1950 crop of dry edible beans In Malheur county were announced today by Glen L. Hutchinson, chairman of the county P M A. committee. Growers who plant within their dry edible bean allotment will be eligible for support as follows: For U 8. No. 1 and U. S. No. 2 • per 100 pounds net weight) —pin to class, $6 78 and *6.53: .{Teat nor thern, $6.26 and $6 01; small red. *6 62 and *6 37. and baby lima. $7 02 and *6 77. Mr Hutchinson explained that support operations will be through loans and purchase agreements, which will be available through January 31. 1961. Farmers have until April 30 to notify the county production and marketing administration committ ee that they want to take part in the rescaling program for 1949 small grains, according to Hutch inson This date applies to wheat and barley now covered by farm storage loans. Grain must be re sealed by June 30. Maturity dates for loans under the resealing pro- Now Open For Business HEATING-AIR CONDITIONING FURNACE CLEANING AND GENERAL REPAIR WORK All Kinds Of Sheel Metal Work FREE ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN ON ALL YOUR HEATING. AIR CONDITIONING AND SHEET METAL WORK The 1950 schedule o f the Border league, of which Nyssa is a member, gram are April 30. 1961 for wheat was announced this week. The eight teams in the league and barley. Mr. Hutchinson explained that. i will open play Sunday. May 7 and ; upon extension o f a loan, a storage will continue to contest with each payment of seven cents per bushel I other every Sunday until August 6. The opening day schedule is as | will be made to the producer for 1 the period durii^ which the wheat 1 follows: Emmett at Homedale. Nys sa at Wilder. New Plymouth at was under loan. I f the crop is not eventually delivered to the Com Fruitland and Burns at Vale. The modity Credit corporation, the stor schedule will be divided into two age payments must be repaid to series, beginning May 7 and July 2. T h e first and second rounds will the government. In the case of barley no storage I be played as follows: May 14 and payments will be made for the time 1 July 2, Homedale at New Plymouth. before reseating. During the reseal 1 Fruitland at Nyssa, W ilder at Burns ing period, storage payments for I and Vale at Emmett; M ay 21 and all commodities delivered to the July 9. Vale at Homedale. Qnm ett OCC upon maturity of the loans at Wilder. Bums at Fruitland and will be as follows: Wheat. 10 and New Plymouth at Nyssa; May 28 11S cents per bushel, depending and July 16. New Plymouth at Vale. upon the area, and barley. 10 cents Nyssa at Emmet. Homedale at per bushel. The program seeks to slow down the movement o f grains o ff farms in excess of marketing require ments, thus stabilizing marketing and prices. Only 1949 crop grains in eligible farm storage are eligible for the resealing program. As of February 28. farm storage loans and purchase agreements under the 1949 price support pro gram covered about 122 million Transportation, hotel bushels of wheat. 20 million bush commodations and special els o f barley, 36 million bushels of oats. 267 million bushels of com. sightseeing— all included 900,000 bushels o f rye. 5.5 million for one low cost! bushels o f flaxseed, and 18.5 m il lion bushels of grain sorghums. V A CA TIO N ^ TOURS ac California Yellowstone Historic East Pacific Coast Chicago New York City Pacific Northwest Nyssa Will Have \-ray Unit 6 Days Nyssa will be the center o f the | mobile x-ray unit campaign when the unit is brought to Malheur county next fall. Tills plan was recently completed by the M al heur Tuberculosis and Health as sociation. In view of the fact that the type o f survey used In past year* has not made it possible to de termine the extent of the county tuberculosis problem or reach the goal o f 80 per cent coverage of the adults of the county, a new intensified local plan has been devised. This year the mobile unit will remain in Nyssa fo r six days to cover an estimated 2400 adults In this area: and one day will be spent each In Vale and Ontario. In 1951, six days will be spent at Vale, one day at Nyssa and one at Ontario. In 1952, 10 days will be spent at Ontario to cover an estimated 4000 fcdulLs with one day at Vale and Nyssa, and In 1953, seven days will be spent In the outlying districts of Harper. Juntura, Ironside and Brogan The time of the survey to be held in September will be announced later. Wing EDER HARDWARE CO. Border League Schedule Given Tips N YSSA M U N IC IP A L A IR P O R T Gordon Schmelzer. Mgr. Flying activity the past week has been quite intermittent, due mostly to the weather, the good part also being intermittent. A number of croas-country flights were successfully completed the past week Gene Stoker of the Stoker Construction company flew to Oro- ville, Washington on business and returned with his Dad as a pass enger. Gene received his private license with Oordon Air service about a month ago. James Jewell, the N ew Plymouth theater manager who hangars his private plane here at Nyssa, flew to Lebanon and return on business over last Saturday and Sunday. James Langley flew to Madras Sunday and returned the same day. He was accompanied by Charles Peterson, who wae giving Jim the benefit of some o f his army navi gation experience. Chuck Land re th and a friend were aleo passengers an this trip. Ron Whitaker and Henry Zobell made a short local flight this past ^ Other enjoyable Tours also available. FREE FOLDER) Get your copy or Greyhound’s Amazing America Vacation Fold er, giving day-by-day descrip tions o f scores o f carefree tours. Call your Greyhound Agent Depot At Carl's Doll House Phone 112 Nyssa. Oregon •R WRITS land: June 18 and August 6. Em- mett at Bums. W ilder at New Ply- mout, Nyssa at Vale and Fruit land at Homedale. Attends To Busine Joe Maughan was a business vis- | itor in Boise Saturday. _______ For Less money F R ID A Y A N D S A TU R D A Y , A P R IL 28 A N D 29 SHORTENING Shurfine 3 Pounds 77 TUNA FISH %'s Halfhills 25* DILL PICKLES 25 Heinz * * S & W Pound 75 * ORANGES Small, Juicy 2 Dozen 35 * CABBAGE Pound 7 * New SPARERIBS Pound 39 * LUNCH MEAT Pound 43 * Assorted FRENCH BREAD 2 For 25 * CAKE BOLL Each 25 * m FFFF G REYH O U N D TRAVEL BUREAU 9th and Bannock Sts. Boise. Idaho V y CORDON’S DRIVE-IN 'Home of Quality and Service' pAe*e»&*f ..the FIRST successful method of P R E C I S I O N C U L T I V A T I O N with the amazing new m. ¡J3*W Visiting aircraft this week were The Original "Short Hoe Bite MACHINERY CONDITIONED For Spring PLOW ING and PLANTING Work Don* B y Factory Trained Mechaak SATISFACTION G U A R A N TE E D . . . moves a half-inch bifa of soil »hr«« inches . . . up-ends weeds to positively prevent re-rooting . . . transforms perched, cracked and fissured soil into fine moisture holding mulch! Powered, precision cultivation close to plants without shearing or bruising young tendar crop roots! Instantaneous, positive adjustment to any row width (16" to 42"). Unsurpassed for flat-bed cross-blocking or chopping (leaves eny sise blocks to any desired spacing). Speed Growth and Cash AdaptabilityI — Flexibility! Qoichly lift all tractor» with front-M 4 colti vato» ba n (oaoihr adaptable to ALL maker of trattori I . No ether toota aro nocoaaory. Lot rotori or specialty detuned hi alao ao that soy ceeveatieael tool» alto may bo oaod, aoch at diaci, In on the Early Market! Telephone 270-W B & M Equipment Co. Let ut demonstrate how C U L T IO earn ~ trials yields, ear eo*r* and save from on« fo fhroo irrigation« So# for yoortclf iti (woven benefit* Nyssa, Oregon HOLLINGSWORTHS', Inc.-Nyssa