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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1950)
»LVv-. »--ir; . * . , Æ * à ^ y ; , »> > ^ r r ^ r r r r r - r p r Ä / r f . • y /:^ - ä . ■ X v .v JOURNAL 77?eNYSSA THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 4. 1950 District Can’t Afford Now To Oil Local Roads Federal Group Plans To Visit Owyhee Section Various Proposals Dis- cusited At Lhuinhcr Meeting Further Development In Creation O f State Park Announeetl TWO SECTIONS— TEN PAGES Music Week Will Be Celebrated At Tuesday Concert National music week will be ob served in Nyssa with a concert to be presented in the school gym nasium Tuesday. May 9. This pro gram makes the first time in sev eral years ihut Nyssa has observed National Music week with a public concert. Members of the committee are hopeful that this interest In the observance of National Music week will continue to grow in the future. This year's concert includes numb ers by Mrs. Dwight Wyckoff, soprano solist: “The Lamplighters," male quartet. The Three Blends," ladles trio: a choral group from the L. D. S. church; the Methodist church choir; piano duet by Mrs. K. E. Keveren and Mrs. Carlos Buchner and violin duet by Mrs. Herbert Fisher and Lynn Lawrence, and the Nyssa city band. The public is invited to attend this free concert. The concert Is spon sored by the Nyssa Civic club, with Mrs. Bernard Eastman as chairman. Dale Garrison, president of the Neil Butterfield of Portland, head Nyssa Road Assessment district, an of the federal parks in Oregon, noti nounced at the weekly luncheon of fied Murle Marcum of Nyssa Tues day by telephone that a party of the Nyssa chamber of commerce federal officials will be here May Wednesday noon that the district Workers are shown at the Mai- i falfa roots to help make the ground 14 and 15 for an inspection of the will not do any oiling this year be heur Memorial hospital grounds as ready for planting of a lawn Many Owyhee reservoir area, which has cause of the low percentage of tax they neared completion of a pro- of the workers had left by the time been proposed as a state park. collections of the county. Garrison ject involving the collection of al- ! the picture was taken. (Evans photo) The park, if approved, will be said only 74 per cent of the taxes created through the Joint efforts of have been paid. The collections in the federal and slate governments. clude the special assessment Issued However, it will be maintained by for the road district. the state. However, the district is doing con Mr. Butterfield will be accomp siderable graveling. Oraveling of anied by Mr. and Mrs. Klrkum, who the first mile on Enterprise avenue will write a story about the area: and the first mile on Gem avenue Mr. Hilton. Mr. Hill and Mr. Crowl has been completed. A crew is now ey. all of the federal park bureau working or will be working on Col Opening Mav Be In Sept- been secured with headquarters In San Francisco. umbia. Klamath and Alberta aven . 1 Mr. OToole said he is very favor- The visitors will make a trip by ues. The district has also been re ember; (»rounds (.lear- ably impressed with the community boat to the upper reaches of the pairing and smoothing the roads. O f A l f n l f - i R o o ts spirit that is exemplified in the hos- reservoir and will travel by car to Mr. Garrison also reported on the Ml 4JI A l i a i l d Hoots pital project. He stated that he hud the craters and the lava flows. The meeting held by the state legislative never seen such a fine spirit of co A series of unusual accidents itory of the trips will include cov- John F. OToole. who has ar operation. highway interim committee in Vale caused four outages of electric ser :rage of the Jordan Valley area. last Thursday. The hearing was rived here to assume his duties as Dozens of men and women gath vice in the Nyssa-Adrian section If time will permit, a dinner will also attended by City Manager E. administrator of the new Malheur ered at the hospital grounds last probably be given for the visitors. between last Thursday afternoon K. Burton and School Superintend Friday night to pick up alfalfa roots The county park committee, now and Wednesday morning. May 3, ent Henry Hartley. Garrison said hospital, stated Wednesday that the preparatory to the planting of a in the process of being organized, Idaho Power Manager Bernard Frost rebuilding of the highway from opening of the hospital will prob lawn. They met at the hospital at will meet within the next few days reported. Nyssa to Adrian is under consider ably be In September 6:15 and part of them worked until In addition to the troubles of the to discuss further plans for the ation. but has not yet been approved. Mr. OToole and Jake Fischer, 8 o'clock. Late in the evening John isiwer company, the Malheur Home project. Work of eliminating two curves at president of the hospital association, Palmer appeared with a side deliv Telephone company also had one the Garrison corner, however, has agreed Wednesday that construction ery rake, which windrowed the al outage. been started by contractors. of the building will probably be falfa roots and other debris into An electric power pole burned off Mr. Garrison said one of the main completed within six weeks, but that windrows, and from these rows men last Thursday afternoon, putting the discussions at the highway meeting purchase and Installation of equip with pitchforks threw the material Adrian and Owyhee sections out of centered about truck overloading. ment will require another three into trucks. Two large trucks were service. The fire was caused by a The legislators said a two-ton over months. The fixed equipment, that furnished by Jake Fischer and the bad insulator. load on 100 trucks a day would re which is installed at the time of Nyssa Sanitation service. Several While the Nyssa Bulldogs were An airplane used In dusting oper duce the life of the road from 30 construction, has been purchased, pick-up trucks were also furnished winning the Snake River valley ations tore down telephone lines and years to three years. but the other equipment has not by local residents. track championship for the third threw them onto power lines near O'Toole The officials, Henry Hartley said, consecutive year at Welser last Sat the Lynn Hurst farm in Kingman gave the impression that Malheur urday afternoon. Leo Long of Nyssa Kolony Saturday evening. Earl county is taking care of its road was setting a record In the Javelin Miller, reported to have been pilot event. problems better than any other sec ing the plane for the Ontario Flying tion of the state, without asking Long tossed the Javelin 179 feet, 1 service, apparently did not know the for so much outside help. The Inch, to best the Snake River valley landing gear of his plane had broken special levies existing here are al old record of 173 feet, 11 inches, set the lines. most unprecedented in Oregon, he Three criminal cases, including Funeral services for Mrs. James A Snake River valley F.F.A. fat by Shoning of Welser in 1939. An automobile driven by Ivan 8. said. Chadwick of Emmett bettered his Hart, a railroad laborer, struck a two for alleged assault and battery, J. Williams of Nyssa were held in stock show »no , sale will be held The chambei members voted to were heard in Judge Don M. Gra the Blessed Sacrament Catholic, at the county fid own iiighju np record of 6 feet, 1 power pole at the railroad cross rgT fairgrounds In On bt.;’ 1000 deeds itor »avertising Nyssa inch by three-quarters of an inch. ing north of Adrian Sunday evening. church in Ontario this morning at 10 tarlo Friday. May 12. The affair this summer. The decals, about 3'i ham’s justice court Wednesday. Nyssa took six first places and tied The pole was sheared off, putting Pedro Salazar of Nyssa was ar o'clock, with Rev. P J. Galre of will be the third annual event held for one first place. Chadwick was the Newell Heights section out of by 5H inches, will be placed on by the Future Farmers of America. automobile windows. The decal prop raigned on a charge of threatening ficiating. Interment was in St. A total o f 20 steers, 40 or 50 hogs high point man with 17 poinG fol electric service. The automobile was osition was explained by Edison to do bodily injury to his wife. John's cemetery at Ontario. The and 30 to 40 lambs are expected lowed by Hale of Nyssa with 15 3/4. demolished, but Hart, the only oc The team points were as follows; cupant of the car, was not Injured. Child, chairman of the committee. Beatrice. Officers said Mrs. Sal rosary was recited in the Beechler to be exhibited. They will Include The chamber voted to temporarily azar locked her husband from her chapel in Ontario Wednesday night six steers, 12 fat hogs and 10 fat Nyssa 47. Emmett 29, Ontario 28, In the final accident, occurring table a proposal to sponsor a city house and he broke down the door at 8 o'clock. lambs exhibited by "Nyssa members Weiser 26, Vale 23, Parma 5, New Wednesday morning, a road district Plymouth 5, and Fruitland 1. basketball team next winter. with a pick handle. The case was Mrs. Williams, who had been ill of the F.F.A. bulldozer pushed a large tree onto Nyssa placers were as follows; a power line and put the northwest The members gave approval to the continued on motion of the defense for many months, died in the Holy Grading of the animals Into mar expenditure of $40 for two 4-H sum attorney, Harold Henigson. Rosary hospital in Ontario Tues ket classes will be started at 2:30 p. 100 yard dash—Hale first, time 10.5: Nyssa rural district out of service mer school scholarships, to be a- The case of Myron Osborn, charg day. She was born in New Plym m. The fitting and showmanship 220-yard dash -H ale of Nyssa first, for about 50 minutes. The tree did warded to youths of this section. ed with assault and battery in con outh May 3. 1915. She resided at contest for individal classes will be time 23.4: 440-yard dash—Hartley not strike the 66.000 volt line car nection with the alleged beating of Nyssa for the past three years and held following the market grading. third; 880-yard dash—Diven third; rying current to Vale and John Day, his wife, Helen, on May 2, was con prior to that time lived in Ontario The grand championship show mile run—Bush second; 880-yard re but tore down the 11,000 volt line High Cow Sells tinued to await the convenience of for 29 years. Mrs. Williams was a manship contest in the evening will lay— Nyssa second; discus—Long under the higher voltage line. be followed by the sale, beginning first, 138 feet, 5 inches; javelin— For # 1 0 0 0 At Sale the district attorney. Osborn posted member of the Catholic church. Long first and Keck second; shot $200 bond for his release. Mrs. Survivors include the husband: about 8 o ’clock. The animals will be sold to the put—Keek third; pole vault—Lowe Nyssa Lumber Lo. O9born was reported by officers to a son, Jimmy: a daughter, Sharon, A young cow owned by Mr. and highest bidders at the auction. The of Nyssa. Hetrick of Weiser and Mrs. H. E. Hight o f Nyssa sold for have suffered a black eye in the all of Nyssa, and a brother, Loren auctioneers will be furnished by Farley of Ontario, tied for first; Wins In Bowling Russell of Gresham. $1000 at an Idaho invitational reg alleged assault the Ontario Livestock Commission broad Jump—Hale first, 19 feet, 8 'i Cecil Eugene Swarm, charged with istered Guernsey sale conducted at The Nyssa Lumber company bowl company. inches; high hurdles— Lowe third, the western Idaho state fairgrounds assault and battery on S. W. Smiley Musical Program Set ing team won first place In the com The boys of the Nyssa F.F.A. and low hurdles—Lowe third. April 30. was bound over to the at Boise Monday. For Meeting Of P. T. A. chapter would welcome all parents mercial league during season’s play grand Jury under $400 bond. He The cow. Monarch's Trixie of and friends in the community to at the Nyssa Bowling center. League was placed in the county Jail in lieu Sugar City, gave 6 4 tons of milk as of bond money. During the fight. An outstanding musical enter participate in the sale, the Nyssa Election Issues play started last fall and ended April a Junior two-year-old. and 513 Swarm is alleged to have chewed tainer will be presented at the P. vocational agriculture Instructor, 28. Will Be Discusseli T. A. meeting Thursday, May 11 Richard V. Wilson, said. pounds of butterfat on twice-a-day one of Smiley's ears. The bowling center operators pre at 6 p. m. in the high school build milking. The cow. starting her sented the team with a beautiful An open forum for the discussion ing. The program committee has three-year-old record, gave 58 Church To Have Services— trophy In recognition of Its victory. Deadline Is Set For of Issues and candidates to be voted been fortunate In securing Otto pounds of milk the day before she Softball Team Entry upon at the May 19 primary will be Members of the team were George Special services will be held Sun Weijel of LaGrande, who has won was taken into the sale. Harteloo. George Oxman, Dr. E. W. day morning, May 8, at the Com held in the Methodist church Sun Oldham and A Wohlcke They won Mr. and Mrs. Burton Todd of munity United Presbyterian church acclaim as an oustanding musical Managers of the Nyssa softball | Fresno paid the top price of $1550 at Adrian, when Rev. John C. Nevin entertainer. Mr. Weigel, who is a teams entered in the city league, day. May 7 at 8 p. m. 77 and lost 35 games during the member of the LaGrande high Among the speakers will be Clyde season. for Westlynn Norma, consigned by of Portland will deliver the m om - j gchool music department, has con meeting Tuesday night in Carl's Snider. Walter McPartland, Melvin Joel Prltzl of Payette. The runner-up team, Brownie's Doll House, set next Wednesday Spitze and Mrs. Josephine Rlgney. ing sermon. Following the service siderable experience in the show Robert S. Davis of Kuna, sale a basket dinner will be served In business. night as the deadline for entrance ; Henry H. Hartley will be chairman cafe, won 73 and lost 39 games. Dorlty Welding Service split even, manager, said 25 females sold for an honor of Rev. and Mrs. Nevin. Rev The program committee, with of teams into the league. So far, 56 to 56, to take third place. average of $802. and seven for $1000 Nevin was the firat pastor of the Mrs. George Sallee as chairman, five teams have entered, as com of the meeting. The audience will also be given an or more. The prices for the seven church at Adrian, when plans were has arranged that the last meeting pared to six last year. opportunity to enter the discussions. S. S. A. Man Coming— ranged from $150 to $1550. The teams will probamly start The public Is invited to attend begun for the present new church of the year should be one for en Vernon Welo, manager of the La building. The members of the con tertainment such as Mr. Weigel playing In about three weeks. The | Orand office of the social secrulty Eagles Hold Zone Meeting— gregation have been meeting this will present in his variety of mus league has not decided whether to School Festival Planned— administration will be at the Oregon Approximately 30 men and worn spring for landscaping and plant ical performances. As an added at play twilight ball or play under Plans have been completed for state employment office in Ontario en, representing the Nyssa Eagles ing around the church. During the traction at this final meeting of the lights. the spring festival to be held by the from 10 a. m. until noon and from lodge and auxiliary, went to John past two weeks the members have the year, there will be an arts and first four grades of the Nyssa school 1 to 4 p. m.. May 9 to take claims Day last Saturday to attend a none been erecting a stone wall and out crafts exhibit in three rooms of New Record Made— system on the school lawn In Nyssa meeting of the organization. Bus Kenneth Elliott, son of M rs.1 Friday. May 5 at 2 p m. The theme for benefits under the federal old- door fire place on the church the high school to be viewed foll iness meetings were held Saturday owing the meeting. This exhibit, Threlma Elliott of Adrian and , of the festival will be “Spring's age and survivors Insurance program grounds. The young people of the afternoon. The women initiated and to supply information on the featuring the art and craft work a senior at Oregon State college, seven candidates and the men in church collected the stones used for of both the elementary and high set a new highjump record at a Magic Carpet Ride". Pupils in the system. these projects. Nyssa, Arcadia and Oregon Trail itiated 21. Following a lunch In school students, is being arranged track meet last Saturday at Pull the evening, a dance and program ! by Miss Margery Nlhart and Mrs man. Although the Washington ! schools will participate. The first Candidate Visit*— Style Show Planned— half of the spring festival was were held. E. E Mary of Jordan Valley, can The evening State college team defeated the j The members of the Future Charles Schweizer Nyssa h ig h 1 will close with refreshments and Oregon 8tate track team, the Ore- | given by the upper four grades April didate for county school superin Homemakers of the 26 Cancer Drive Coatini tendent In the May primary, was a gon Staters established four dual 1 a social hour. Individuals and organizations of school will present a spring style visitor In Nyssa Wednesday. He meet records. Elliot won the high- show a the school gym Friday, May Nyssa may still contribute to the spoke briefly at the weekly chamber jump with a 6-foot, 4 7 8 inch I-and Transferred— Demonstration Ret— 1960 cancer crusade, according to 12, beginning at 8/15. The mem A septic tank construction demon- leap, which bettered the old meet j School Superintendent H e n r y of commerce luncheon. bers of the sewing classes of th e , ___ Mrs. E. H. Flaahman. Nyssa chair high school under the supervision: stration will be conducted on the record of 6 feet, 1 7/8 lnchs, set I Hartley attended a hearing held by | man for this year's drive. Cann- of Mrs. Charles Steffens will m odel; T. R. Bowers farm Tuesday. May 9 In 1936 by a Washington State the boundary board in Vale Wednes Here From Tacoma— isters placed in local business those garments made during th e ! by M O Huber, extension agricult- college man. day In connection with the transfer Mr and Mrs. Prank Crammey and houses were collected Tuesday na»t rear. Members o f the adult ural engineer at Oregon State col- of land from Ontario school district son. Cam, of Tacoma visited over and approximately $15 was received No. 8c to Nyssa school district 26c the week-end at the home of Mrs. classes will also model their lege The demonstration will start Return From Spokane— Mr and Mrs Fred Williams re The land, owned by Shef and Joe Crammy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. garments made this last winter , t 9 a. m. and last until the con- White and A. A Bratton, comprises turned recently from Spokane, Ron Campbell. 5 " “ ’E * ? 1 T f She in the adult sewing classes M i» ,-m r tank is completed The Bow- month th(h* was Phyllis Oalloway will be narrator er* farm Is located 4*4 mile* north- where they attended the funeral of a half section of land lying north of King avenue and west of Clark Visitors Leave— Mrs Williams brother. Walter 8 ™ na?' *t° ? Q» . ” W L 1g > 1 I T S s show and M l» Annette Lynch Mr Lynch had been an boulevard. After the hearing the Mr and Mrs. J. D Hughes left A tf contribuicHVi Should be m l £ d Campbell >111 f u m i* p,«no music Game League To Meet— employ of the Great Northern Rall- board ordered transfer o f the land. for their home In San Diego last tO( Mra. Fleshman as soon a, po**- ^ . . . ^ week after visiting for the past two _______ ____ The semi-annual meeting of the j way company for 27 years. He was weeks at the home of their daughter. _________________ Tom Seppich. who was recently ' Malheur Oame league will be held weil acquainted In Nyssa. having To Play In R e cita l- Dick Herriman. piano pupil of Mrs Bud Wilson and family. transferred to Ogden by the Amal- Tuesday. May. 9 at $ p. m. In the visited his stster here frequently U r ? A m o T i ,rdn*r .nd children ft*mated Sugar company, spent last Boulevard Orange hall. Discussion: John Lynch of Boise, former Nyssa Miss Wllhelmla Hoffman of Cald well. will take part In an all-day Returns From Colorado— .nd chUdU week-end with his family In Nyssa 1 will be held on big game laws resident. aLso . tended the funeral, recital to be given by a group of , E H Fleshman returned Sun- airived Mrs Mary Osmer. mother of Mrs pheasant and duck laws and the Miss Hoffman s pupils Tuesday eve- , day from Denver, where he com- l?N vIsaA^ w s d s i 1«irtming to vtsU Seppich. came from Ogden with Mr proposed Owyhee state park The Co-op Manager Named— Ben Fields has been appointed as nlng. May, 9. The program w ill! pleted a two-weeks refresher course hr ^ m ^ ^ V r m " O r X Seppich and will remain with her women of the Orange will serve re- the women s slater. Mrs onrtiie ^ u * end treatments manager of the Nyssa branch of the be given In the Boone Memorial in the air corps reserve at Lorry Farmer* Supply co-operative by the Presbyterian church in Caldwell, be- Field of the school term. board of directors. Mr Pields wvs ginning at 8 o'clock It will be open ---------- To Spvak At Grange Meeting— I-eavr For Loo Angeles— Visitors Hi L. E. Puller, agricultural agent for with the Vale Consumers co-oper to the public Mr and Mr* William Shireman Visitar« Leave— Visitors last week at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. D Hughes left the Union Pacific, will discuss rall- ative for three years and with the let early Wednesday morning for Mr and Mrs Oeorge Mitchell were in 8an Diego la st, way rate* at a meeting of the King Farmers Supply co-operative in On Leave For California— Dr and Mrs J R. Cundall left Mr. and Mrs Charles Rom of Coun t M r ^ i l i h t e r lM ^ Fred Tiinther week after visiting for the past tw o 1 man Kolony Orange Monday esren- tario for the past five years. Mr weeks at the home of their daugh ing. May 8. at 8 o'clock In the Pields and hi* wife and son plan last week-end for a vacation trip to ell and Mr and Mrs Ward Howell a a i fmnlly. They expect to be gone ^ ^ Rud Wilson and family | Adrian Orade school building to make their home In Nyssa soon Sacramento ' of Boise O’Toole Assumes New Duties As Malheur Hospital Administrator Power Firm Has Outage Troubles Track Title Is Won By Bulldogs Assault Cases Mrs. J. Williams Slock Sale And Heard In Court Dies In Ontario Show Scheduled President Will Stop In Ontario On Oregon Visit Liberty Bell Will Be Shown In County Same Day The visit of President Harry 8. Truman to Malheur ounty Wed nesday, May 10 will coincide with the arrival of a replica of the fam ous Liberty bell that hangs in Independence hall In Philadelphia. The visit ol the president and most of the ceremony centering about the opening o f the United States savings bonds “independence drive” will be confined to Ontario, but the Liberty bell replica will also be shown In Nyssa and Vale. Joe Dyer, chairman of the Mal heur county bond drive, was out of town Wednesday and no one else seined to know when the bell will be brought to Nyssa. School offic ials calculated that it would be here about 2 o'clock or 2:30. Other plans, if any, for the Nyssa visit could not be learned. The liberty bell replica Is one of 52 contributed by the copper In dustry of America. The steel Indus try has given the supports and the Ford Motor company supplied the trucks. The bells are being cast at the foundry of Les Fils de Geor ges Paccard at Annecy-le-Vleux, Haute Savoie, France. Each one weighs slightly over a ton, stands six feet tall and has a diameter of six feet. The purpose of the bells Is to symbolize for millions of Americans the Ideal of thrift, which is essen tial to Independence, and partic u la r to symbolize the Objectives of the savings bonds drive. President Truman will arrive at Ontario by train at about 12:40 p. m., according to Horace Beal of Ontario, chairman of the Malheur county democratic central commit tee. The bell will cross the state line toy truck about 11:30 a. m. It will be met by the Ontario band, color guard and national guard. It wlH tot paraded through the main part o f town before it Is taken to the depot. Committeemen expect the bell program at the depot to be finish ed about the time the president ar rives. The president, Who will be expected to say a few words, will be Introduced by Tony Yturrl. Official Suggests Construction O f New Airport Road A representative of the civil aero nautics administration was In Nyssa Tuesday and Wednesday conferring with city officials relative to the construction of a new road to the airport, located on the bench on the east side of Snake river. The road would be built from Apple valley highway along the south edge of the airport. The tentative estimate of the cost made by Allison Froman of the C. A. A. was $3,800. The city would contribute 44 per cent and the fed eral government 56 per cent of the cost. Dr. John 01a«n Will Opan Pantlalry Office Dr. John Olsen of Portland, who will be graduated from the Uni versity of Ogden Dental college in June, was in Nyssa last week mak ing preparations for the construction of a dental office, which he plans to open after he returns to Nyssa in July. Dr. and Mrs. Olsen and two daughters visited last week at the home of Mrs. Olsen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oarrison. Mr. Olsen will erect a building at Seventh street and Bower avenue In time to open an office there in the fall. Ewes, Lambs Missing— Vaughn Stringer Is advertising in the Oate City Journal for 500 ewes and lambs that disappeared some time last week near Hoodoo creak in the Preezeout mountain section. The animals either wandered away or were stolen. Herr From Salem— Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stacy of 8alem visited over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murl Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Stacy, who operate a mink and fox farm at Salem, were en route home from Chicago. Visits From Salem— Mrs. Douglas Lee and two child ren of Salem are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Maze. Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Maze are cousin*. To Hear National President- Several persons from Nyssa are planning to attend the P T. A. din ner meeting in Weiser Friday even ing, at which time Mrs. John Hay*, president of the National Congress of Parents and Teacher*, will speak. Go Ta Pilot Rock— Thomas Lite and cousin. Plea* Uie. went to Pilot Rock Sunday.