Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1950)
THE HYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL 27, l95d Classified Advertising PAGE THREE GRIGG BROS. AND BL'TLER Return From Nebraska- Salonls, Marvin Bower, Dwayne Wil 320 acres. 160 irr'gated. 120 good , Mrs. A. L. Heidt and Albert Heldt JapaneM* Visits son. Delbert Nehouse, Bud Smith, row crop, eight-roo n modern home.! returned last Friday from Stam- Brother In Valley Charles Chapin, and Mr. and Mrs. You can have possession of any four-room tenent home. 17-head cow ford, Nebraska, where they had vis- | of these farms this spring if you barn, $21,000, terms, this is a steal. ited for a week with relatives and SUNSET VALLEY, April 27 —Rev. ¡ Worthwhile club met Thursday Akichika of Tokyo, Japan, was a | a,ternoon «**• Mrs. home Fred oí Mrs. El- 140 acres. 90 acres irrigated, 57 friends. buy right away. I , Y. ver Nielsen at with Babcock visitor and dinner ______ guest at _____ the home FARMS acres in alfalfa, five-room home, Leave For The Coast— as co-hostess. Guest visitor, Mrs. __________ ___ his brother, Thomas in Nishitani, two-room laoor house, close to Rev. and Mrs. Don Maxfield left of 1040 ACRE CATTLE RANCH St am. showed movies of her Monday. As a missionary Tokyo! Gerit trip to Holland. Refreshments were RATE: Two cents per word for each issue. Minimum, cash in Produces 2-year old steers for $35 Nyssa,, $9,500, ter ns, .this place is i Monday for the coast. Rev Max- Akichika s work includes giving a served, and the club's yearbooks I field will attend the pastors parlia - three months training course to were presented each, you can make real money wor^h the money. advance, is 30c. to the members. Two acres, attractive new seven- ment of the Christian church at missionaries sent to Japan, provid The here, complete with stock and room May meeting will be held at the modem home, full basement Eugene this week. machinery, $32.000, terms. ing them with fundamentals of the of Mrs. Robert Ditty, with insulated, new cow barn, on paved CLEAR $20.000 PER YEAR language, so they can go on with home Mrs. Clarence Dodson assisting. POLIO INSURANCE road, paid-up water right, $9.500, their work with the assistance of an 107-acre dairy farm, finest grade Dinner guests at the J. P. Brum- FOR SALE Whole family. $5 per year 1/3 down, easy terms on the bal interpreter . Akichika will tour the bach equipment- 60 registered cattle, ance. home in Parma last Sunday FOR SALE KEN POND AOENCY 4% interest. Two-bedroom mod er n house, A immediate United Staes unil October. He is possession, price com Included Mr. and Mrs. James Robb. 16 North 3rd, Nyssa 60 acres, four-room home, semi one acre oi ground, located interested in raising funds for the plete, $ 50 . 000 , terms. Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton and FOR SALE—Good used deluxe mod- 6l, miles from Nyssa. modern, shop, chicken coop, gran- building of a church in Tokyo. MAKE OOOD ON THIS 80 and Mrs. Homer Didericksen of el electric range. $39 Firestone store. I Two-bedroom m o d e r n home Cheap water and good soil, a fine ary. small barn. 45 acres, good row SUxT ^ " e d ^ o X ' ^ y , Joe Saito of Ontario was a din Mr. Caldwell. The young couples were 20atfc j east side location, small down general farm, $24.000. former students of Mrs. Brum- Nyssa Pa'd"UP W“ter rlght' Cl0Se l° Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a m! I Th°maS N“ h‘Un‘ all ---------------------------------------------- 1 payment, balance on state loan. WANT A CHEAP 80? bach. FOR SALE—1944 Studebaker. 6x6; .Small home with two good lots on Has 40 acres cultivated, fair build 80 acres, good dairy set-up with j t0 No ®,p stock received on * ' ^ Sunday j 1 were Prank SUpper Asumendl and his son, Jess, The lesson on better cotton g-uests of Mr. and Mrs. dresses last 32000 mileage, good tires, new bat- I sewer line, $1500, $300 down, very ing, $7.350, very easy terms. lots of pasture, good row crop land Beef, sheep and pork. Free de- Kenneth Lorensen was given by Mrs. Grover last Sunday tery. J. H. Teague, phone 018-J2. j small payment. semi-modern home, GOOD 80 FOR ONLY $7,500 seven-room Cooper at the meeting held Friday livery to Polar locker plant. evening. They were Just finishing cheap water, $24,000, terms. 20a3xp; Unfinished two-bedroom home, A About 50 acres now cultivated, 40 acres. 20 acres good row crop One mile west on Alberta Ave. their dessert, when a chorus of afternoon at the home of Mrs. N. Second street, good location, $3,000 down will move you on. land, four-room home, $9,500, terms, Robert Ditty. The women complet Phone 381-W FOR SALE—or trade on easy terms, ' large young voices were heard outside ing lot, can be completed with the work were Mrs. Magnus OOOD 60 JAKE FISCHER new and used auto parts, will sell FHA loan. Will make beautiful EXTRA singing ''Happy Birthday to Jess”. close to Nyssa. Ekanger, Mrs. Henry Hints, Mrs. row crop land, paid-up 10 acres, the very best top row business with 12 lots, or will sell home with very small invest Finest Arrangements for the surprise birth Frank Land. Mrs. Herbert Bergam, water, modern home. $24,000, H MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need day party had been made by, Mrs Mrs. Seth business and give long term lease. ment, cash $2500. crop land, seven-room modern home, money down. Kidman, Ditty. to remodel your home or to Meridian Auto Wrecking, on high Several small homes with small TWO W L. Chapin and Mrs K. Lorensen, Refreshments of c<[ke and ^ Mrs. ^ cream OOOD HOMES ON THIS 60 joining Nyssa. will consider trading build outbuildings or garage? We with the six young couples gather way 30, Meridian, Idaho, phone down payment. served. The group presented sandy soil, $9,000, terms and on 40, 60, or 80 acres. can arrange a loan for you and give ing at the Chapin home and com were 4561, Meridian. 20a2xp Two-bedroom modern home. $3,500 Deep 80 acres, 50 acres irrigated, mostly you a vase and skirt-marker to their low interest. up to three years to pay it. pleting a surprise for Jess Asumendi with easy terms. leader, Mrs. Cooper, for her kind in pasture and hay, five-room mod ACRES ON OILED ROAD FOR SALE—1942 Dodge pick-up, NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY 50 Modern 29stfc on his 19th birthday. Games were ness in giving the lessons. Tuesday 6-room home, best of soil ern home, grade A barn, new loafing Nyssa Lumber Co. don't miss this good buy for $285. played on the lawn, weiners roasted, the women will don their new dress Ralph G. Lawrence old water right, $16.000, % down, i shed, close to Nvssa. terms. MISCELLANEOUS -Duplicate car Owyhee Truck and Implement and a late buffet supper served. es and have their pictures taken at Nyssa. Oregon 80 acres, 60 irrigated, lays well, and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- Guests included Phyllis Curtis, Dar the 50 ACRES CLOSE IN company. 13atfc Cooper -home. good soil, three-bedroom semi-mod Four-room house, good dairy barn, neman’ s . 250i/c lene Smith, Eva Lou Haney, Vlrgi- SALE—A complete stock of cheap water, good soil, $8,500, ern home, 11-head cow barn, $14,- Supper guests evening at the lncluded Ira Oh add FOR SALE—Fruit and shade trees, FOR nia Cook, Marjorie Bower, Ceclla j hom(T£un*ay Mr. wallpaper,. Set the scene for gracl- terms. 000, u. down, easy terms. MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar grapes, berries, flowering shrubs and ouus living, beautify your interiors 160 acres. 135 acres irrigated, 90 range loans for you to rebuild or IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 1 and Gahan and Mr. and evergreens. Lewis Nursery, three- with our fine wallpapers. Come In OVER 30 TON BEETS Mrs. Bud Charland. You cant find better soil. 50 acres, acres good row crop land. 28% down. remodel your home, barn, garage, STATE OF OREGON FOR THE ** eights mile north of Nyssa. 6Atfc and see our selection as low as 36c $10.500, The Farmer's Daughters softball terms. i $2,000 year, ciose to Nyssa, $28.000. or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb COUNTY OF MALHEUR Furniture company, EXTRA GOOD BUILINGS team will hold regular practice FOR SALE—Washing machine, $10. a one roll. block Nyssa er Co. 1 100-head cattle deal, 160 acres 29stfc | In the Matter of the Estate of Monday and Thursday even west of railroad depot 48 acres, good soil, buildings alone ! with 105 irrigated, productive land, G & B Appliance store. 6atfc LEWIS HENRY FLINDLING. De every ings at 6:30 at title C. C. Camp 2mtfc MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and are worth more than the price ; lots of buildings, good correls, two ceased of Ole's corner. FOR SALE—Have rarms and houses FOR SALE—100 bushel oats, $2.50 of this farm. $10.000, easy terms. good homes. $17,000. free pick-up of your dead, crippled OF FINAL ACCOUNT west Jeff Parker was a week-end guest for sale. Need more, list with Ken per cwt, C. H. McCormick, 3^4 miles 7 ACRES WITH MODERN HOME 80 acres, this place lays perfect, or sick livestock. Calls received be NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oce Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29jtfc south of Adrian. fore 9 o'clock are picked up by that the undersigned. Amy E. Find- Soh weiser. Close in on paved road, ideal for all top row crop land, three-bed- noon. 13a3xp city Efficient drivers. Call col room semi-modern home, large cow worker, $7.350, 's down. ling. administratrix of the estate of FOR SALE—New Mlnneapolls-Mo- Lurelle Bergam attended the Jun lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys Lewis Henry Findling, deceased, has ior-senior barn. $16,000, small down payment, sa LOW COST ACREAGE SALE line tractor, used very little, $400 Cabin court, FOR prom in Nyssa Friday 102-W. Idaho Animal Products easy terms. 10 acres with four-room home, filed her Final Account as said ad on highway in Nyssa. less than a new one, phone 016J-4 $8,500. evening. Company. 5Jtfc. HOMES save on living costs. $1.900, terms. ministratrix in the County Court of The Owyhee L. D. S. Relief so or see D. H. Christensen, R. 2 Nyssa. Stock ranch. 160 acres, 83 irri 7-ROOM MODERN HOME New two-bedroom modern home, MISCELLANEOUS— Available now, Malheur County. Oregon, and that ciety met at the Sunset hall Tues Oregon. 23ftfc gated, No. 1 range right, part good Two acres, good barn, close in, garage, will accept old home on Electrolux cleaners and air puri said Court has appointed Tuesday, day afternoon. The lesson on lit down payment. $7,500, terms. May 23, 1950, at 10:00 o'clock in the row crop. $20,000, terms, will sell $9,500, terms.HOMES FOR SALE—Outside white paint'. cattle erature was presented by Mrs. fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. One-bedroom modern home. V 4 forenoon of said day for the hear Frank Pike. machinery. National Titanium, 5 gallon lots, Very and choice Anderson, route 3. Weiser, Idano, basement, on paved street, $3.800, NEW 3-ROOM HOME ing Of objections to said Final Ac A dairy Mrs. Vern Oarner and Mrs. Sam $3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber farm, n>5 acres grade 14jtfc count and the settlement thereof. Hartley under Owyhee Very neat and attractive, good very low down payment, as easy to phone 0287J4. attended the stake relief company. 12mtfc project. Two modern garage. $4,500. NOW, THEREFORE, all persons buy as rent. homes and LARGE society union meeting held in Vale ROOMS Attractive three-bedroom home, LEGAL ADVERTISING interested In the estate of Lewis Sunday. FOR SALE—Coal range, $10. G it good outbuildings, about 60 head of B Appliance store. 6atfc registered Jersey cattle. Owner has Modern two-bedroom home, $6600, spacious throughout, top location in ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Henry Findling, deceased, are noti- Sixteen members of the Sunset Nyssa, terms. Sealed bids will be received by the fled and required to appear at the agreement that pays $1.28 per easy terms. club met Saturday afternoon FOR SALE—1946 Iron Age two row quota Two small homes plus two apart Clerk of the State Land Board, at (County Court Room in the Court 4-H pound for butterfat. Will pay two EAST SIDE LOCATION at the Brent Hartley home. The potato planter with fertilizer attach operators wages, plus 20": to Buy a home for less, modern ments, rent for $145 month, $9,500, room 106, Capitol Building, Salem, House at Vale. Malheur County. group held regular meeting, ate ment, used only 2 seasons, complete 25% per good Oregon until 11 o'clock a. m. on May Oregon, at said time, to then and refreshments its and terms. year on the investment, three bedrooms, only $3,000. played baseball. ly overhauled, $375. Owyhee Truck Price $50.000. 23, 1950, for the lease of approxi there show cause, if any there be, The NEW 2-BEDROOM HOME Two-bedroom modern home, pav meeting will be at the and Implement company. 13atfc Acreage, modern two-bedroom Modern neat appearence. very ing and curbing paid, well located, mutely 92 acres of land, commonly why said Account should not be home next Babcock. $4.500, small down payment, easy known as Perrin Island, located on settled, allowed and approved and Mr. of a rib Fred with some furniture, nice good buy at $4.500, ‘A down. Mrs. William Gregg and FOR SALE—Bliss triumph and home the Oregon side of the Snake River, RESIDENCE LOTS said estate distributed and said ad terms. garage, lawn; shrubs and fruit trees. son, Phillip, and Taylor Sandy were white rose seed from blue tag stock, Large modern chicken house and BUILD YOUR HOME NOW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES directly east of Sections 4 and 9, ministratrix discharged. dinner guests at the Cliff phone 897-J, Ontario 16mtfc pens, including all equipment and Two good 66 x 150 lots in hospital We have several good business Township 19 S.. Range 47E. Dated and first published April Sunday Main home. $300 each, easy terms. This lease will be for the term of 20. 1950. locations in the City of Nyssa. Mrs. Mae Lytle of Parma spent FOR SALE—I have a small house 110 hens. These buildings are near- area, make loans on the New Owy 10 years. The consideration to be Date of Last publication. May 18, Saturday visiting at the home of her to sell or rent, Ed Jamison, phone ly new, on a 1 3/4 acre plot and on BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES hee We land, farms, homes and busin furnished by the lessee shall con 1950. daughter. Mrs. Wayne Robb. AND CABINS 298-J. 30mtfc a paved road. A bargain for $6200. HOTKL sist of the following: 17-room modern hotel, eight good esses. AMY E FINDLING Larry Culbertson was an over 40 acres under Shoestring ditch, cabins, four-room modern home, 1. All land now under cultivation Administratrix of the Estate of night guest of Earl Wilson FOR SALE:—Baby chicks. Now Is two-bedroom modern house, $12,000, Service station for sale. Satur all for $30,000, easy terms. shall be farmed in accordance with Lewis Henry Findling, Deceased Business buildings and stock for accepted farming practices. the time to order Thompson's j terms. day evening. PAY $25,000 DOWN Harold Henlgson sale, building 24 x 70 cinder block. Chek-R-Chix for delivery every, Phone 97 Miss Clarice Nothels and Mrs. Balance on easy terms. One of $9.000. with $3,400 down and $500 2. All other land adapted to culti Attorney for the Administratrix (Continued on Page 6) Wednesday and Saturday. For Robert F. Thompson vation shall be cleared and farmed the best deals in the valley. Will per year on the balance. breeds and prices, inquire Thomp- I FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY . i < i i;i 11 m m in in in hi m imii in m in nmn in in m m m m m m 11 m m mm in iiinn iii m iimnnninniiiiniinniinniinniinnii, net $25.000 per year. Ask us about General merchandising, grocery wherever practicable. son's Ontario hatchery. 23fl2xc. FOR SALE—Bliss T riu m p h __ this. store and service station in an ex 3. As determined by competitive FOR SALE—Lovely, lasting linoleum potatoes grown from blue tag seed, KEN POND AGENCY clusive good irrigated farming area, bidding, the State Land Board is to at home in any room, spirited pat- rogued twice during growing sea- REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE busy highway corner, a good money receive a specific share of the crops grown on the above mentioned land, terns, priced at a savings, 49c a run- son, $2 per cwt. sacked also russet maker. modern apartment, will ac during 3rd. Phone 218 cept said lease period. mng foot Nyssa Furniture comp- seed potatoes grown from blue tag 16 North farm or home as part payment. For evening appointments Tlie State Land Board reserves any, 1 block west of R. R. 30mtfc depot, and rogued. $1.50 per cwt. sacked GRIGG BROS. & BUTLER Phone 54-M the right to reject any and all bids Sid Flanagan, route 2. Nyssa, Ore Nyssa. Oregon waive all infornfHlltles. ____ 16 mtfe Real Estate Insurance Loans and All to hunting FOR SALE FOR SALE—Milk cows. Guernseys, gon-_____ MEL BECK ed in the State. rights shall be reserv Holsteins and Jerseys, milkers and FOR SALE- White Rose seed pota Two houses: One has two bed Phone 179-J springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone toes grown from purple tag foun rooms. bath, kitchen, living room Copy of the lease agreement doc FOR RENT 306, Ontario, Oregon, across from dation stock. Jake Fischer, phone and basement, gas furnace, hot may be obtained by request water tank, range and refrigerator. FO R REN T—'Three-room apart ument Ontario sale yard. 2mtfc Q6R-1. 2Ftfc. Second from the Clerk of the 8tate Land one has two rooms and bath ment, fully furnished, last occupant Board. Salem. Oregon. and gas stove, 50 x 117 lot, excellent rented this apartment for five year Oregon State Land Board Income property, both for only phone 53. By E T. Pierce. Clerk 27atfc First Pub. April $6.500 00 20. 1950 Two-bedroom modern apartment, RENT—Furnished house, 3 Last Pub. May 18, 1950 over double garage, brick construct FOR and bath. 107 Ennis avenue, ion, excellent location, paved street, rooms NOTICE OF MEETING Nyssa, phone 3035 Vale. Date Pam- nice lawn. Big Bend Irrigation District 20a2xp Income property, four apartments perien. Notice is hereby given that the in new brick apartment house. Lo FOR RENT- Sleeping room. No. 10 board of directors of the Big Bend cated across from school house, Green avenue; phone 7. 20a2xp Irrigation district, sitting as a board $16,500. Terms can be arranged. FOR RENT—Three-room apart of equalization, on the Good two-bedroom home on pav ment, with bath. See J. B. Mc second day of May. will 1950 meet at 8 o'clock, ed street, close In. $4100, only $1,- Kinney at Wilson’s super market p. m. of said day at the home of 800 down and $25 per month on H. R. Hatch within said district. ______________ 20a3xc j ¡or the purpose 0f reviewing and balance. Immediate possession. LODGES PHYSICIANS 27 x 116 lot on main street, well FOR RENT-Room In home, man c°r«*Ung Its assessment roll and ap- located for only $2350. Dwight Smith, phon‘ Portloninent of charges for for Nys»a Post No. 79 SARAZIN CLINIC 350-foot frontage on Ontario preferred. and maintenance the oper- 1950- 140-R. 6atfc i atlon American Legion highway across from Williams Food 51 season and assessment of 50 cents Dr. J. J. Sarazln market Will sell all or part. per acre for operation and main FOR RENT—One four-room un tenance of the Big Bend unit of 1st & 3rd Thure. 10 acres with good house, semi- furnished Dr. K E. Kerby Meets apartment in Bybee a- the district and 14 cents per acre Veteran’s Hall—8 P. M. modern. excellent ground, 1H miles partments. Call at 302 S. 5th street. for Dr. L. W. Scott and maintenance and from Nyssa, terms • 6atfc $2.50 operation per acre for construction Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome BERNARD EASTMAN FO R RE N T —Two-room cabin. charges of the Park unit of said REAL E8TATE INSURANCE Chadwick's Gate City Lodge camp. 20otfc district during the 1950-51 period. Phone 64 L. A. Physician Maulding, M. D. The assessment roil and record No. 214 FOR RENT Three-room modern may be inspected at the residence and Surgeon WANTED l.O.O.F. apartment. 601 north 1st street, of H. R. Hatch, secretary of said Phone T7 WANTED—To care for children, phone 23-J. C. H. Bennett. 6atfc district, by any Interested person. Hours: 10 to 1- and 2 to 5 Meets every Monday day or evening, phone 83-J. 27a2xp Daily except Saturday and night, 8:30. FOR R E N T — Three-room apart ors. By order of the board of direct Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 ment. heat and light furnished, fac WANTED—Some one to care for ilities H. R. Hatch, secretary South First Street laundry, phone 288-W. two children. 101 East Third street Mrs. E. for M. Bair. Big Bend Irrigation district. 6atfc 20a2xp First Pub April 13, 1950 C. J. Kopp, M. D. DENTISTS RENT -Three-room apart Last Pub. May 4, 1950. WANTED—Used bird cage. Phone FOR Physician and Surgeon ment, modern. 22 N. 1st St. $41. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE 126-R. 20a2xp DR. C. M. TYLER Nyssa Insurance Agency. 30mtfc Fry Building TO CREDITORS WANTED—Salesman far Frigidaire FOR RENT - Polish your owu IN THE COUNTY Wilson Building Office hours COURT OF THE appliances. Ed Case Furniture Cs. floors. Rent our high-speed pol STATE OF OREOON Phone 165-J, Nyiaa 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 FOR THE 13atfc ishing equipment. Easily handled Daily except Saturday and Office hour« from 9 to 5 except COUNTY OF MALHEUR Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Saturdays, 9 to 12. In the Matter of the Estate of WANTED—Male help «ranted. Good by women. Nyssa Lumber company L. DITTY, Deceased tAtfc. EDGAR route available in Nyssa and Vale, NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN JEWELRY STORES J. R. CUNDALL no experience or capital neceasarv That the undersigned. Oertrude Z. M ISCE LLA N EO U S but car required. Writ* the J. R. Atkeson. has been appointed admin Dentist Watkins company. 137 Dexter ave MISCELLANEOUS—You can nicely istratrix of the Estate of Edgar L. Phone 56-J PAULUS nue. Seattle 9. Washington. 6a6xc deceased, by the County Court thank your friends with a card Ditty, Sarazln Clinic of Malheur County. Oregon, and has ! WANTED—Highest price* paid for chosen from our Urge selection of qualified. JEWELRY STORE NYSSA ORBUON slaughter horses Clyde Smith. thank you notes. Your friend* will NOW THEREFORE, all persons Union Pacific Time Inspector | phone 306. Ontario. Across from really appreciate a party invitation having claims against the Estate of JEWELRY — DIAMONDS | Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc selected from our stocks. Stationery Edgar L. Ditty, deceased, are hereby OPTOMETRISTS WATCHES Department. Oate City Journal. notified and required to present the WANTED— To miy anything Main Street at Second 20atfc same, with proper vouchers, duly DR. C. L. HERMANN beef or veal. Also cuatbtn killed in PATENT APPLIED FOR and delivered to Polar Cold Stor MISCELLANEOUS—New classes In verified within six months from the Visual Specialist age Phone 11-M or 011-J1. I Wife. guitar starting Friday. May 12 at date of this Notice, to the under Room 4. Fry Building WYCKOFF Oregon Phone 171-J FOR SALE— CrKo. Uie guaran Nyssa I. O. O. F hall, enrolling signed. Oertrude Z. Atkeson. at the office of Charles W Swan. U. Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5 JEWELRY STORE Nyssa. teed waterproof paint, Crete water students now. phone 334-W 20a3xp law 8 National Bank Building. Vale. Officiel Time I rupee tor lor proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc MISCELLANEOUS—Will care for Oregon, place the undersigned DR. J. A. MCFALL co, plaster, mortar and terraxzo. children in my home, day*, prefer selects as which Union Pacific her place of business in I Waterproofs by application and ably between the age* of two months all matters connected with said ONTARIO ORBOOW DR. JOHN EASLY i permanently waterproofs walls and and four years. Mrs. Jim Turk. 54 Estate. floora. inside or outside, wet or Beech street. 27alxp Dated and first published March VETERINARIANS dry, new or old. painted or un- MISCELLANEOUS—Announcing to 30 1950 Last publication April 27. _____ ! painted. Nyssa Lumber Co lTNtfc farmers, new reduced rate* In auto 1950 OERTRUDE Z ATKESON DR. HAL D. WHITE mobile liability insurance You can Administratrix of the LOST now insure for less in the best of Edgar L. Ditty. Deceased Estate of Veterinarian LOST—Man’s three-diamond wed companies See this specUl pUn Charles WSwan. NYSSA, OREGON Phon« Nyua 27S Phone 21, Ontario, Ore ding band in vicinity of Adrian, re before you buy Nyssa Insurance U 8. Bank Building, ward. Robert Points, box 912. Nyssa agency. Ralph O Lawrence, agent. Vale. Oregon. 2ftfc > Attorney for Administratrix 27alxp 109 Main street i rmwrmtrmi mmaammmmammm tri emu n nitri mi n u n m m rtm rrmn 11 * BUY NOW YOUR IRRIGATION WORRIES ARE OVER Here Is The New Type —I R R I G A T O R — professional sad Business Directory ■ • at Inn n n /l m A m l a n n n /i a fn a i n n lOGi SEE CARL OR BURT AND PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Carl & Burt’s Machine Shop I