Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 13. I9S0 j Brogan-Jamieson extension unit, Planning M eeting j Mrs. H. F. Noyes of Hyline, Mrs. Dance Festival O f Units Is Hehl Martha Klingback of Sunset valley. Set For W eiser I and Mrs. Frank Parr of Oregon The annual program planning session (or the Malheur county Trail. home extension units was held Fri Mrs. Miriam Colford presented day, April 7 from 10:30 to 3:30 in certificates of achievement to three the women's club house in Ontario extension units. Foothill Drive, a with a potluck luncheon being serv Kings Heights and Hyline. Gold seals were presented to the exten ed at noon. Mrs. Frank Parr, chairman of the sion units of Ontario, Sunset vallev, county committee, opened the meet H. O. A Boulevard, Ontario Heights, ing followed by roll call of the units Vale, Jamieson-Grogan. White Set by Mrs. Wendell Richmond, secre tlement Progressive, White Settle tary of the county committee. Mrs. ment Improvement, Bend and Miriam Colford of Burns, former Adrian, Hyline, and Arcadia Sun home demonstration agent of Mal shine. Voting on the projects to be car heur county, gave a report on the past year’s activities. Miss Frances ried next year, resulted in the sel ection of a program centering main Clinton, state extension agent of Oregon state college, spoke on sug ly around furnishing. The 14 extension units represent gested topics for the coming year's program. She discussed the septic ed at the program planning day tank demonstration, which will be meeting were Arcadia Sunshine, H. held May, 8. 9. and 10 with two O. A. Boulevard, Adrian and Bend, agents to be here from Oregon state A. Kings Heights. White Settlement college, James Campbell and M. O. Progressive. White Settlement Im provement. Harper, Brogan-Jamie Huber. The topic of the unit meetings son. Sunset Valley, Ontario Good for next month will be "Family Neighbors, Ontario Heights, Vale, Business and the Law”, for which Willowcreek and Hyline. Miss Clinton said Mrs. June Burke, a home agent-at-large of the col Here From Orofino— Mrs Merl Norris of Orofino, Idaho lege, would be here to assist them. Elections were held to fill four is visiting this week with her two vacancies of out-going members in daughters, Jean and Judy Estes, at the county committee These elect the home of Rev. and Mrs. Sterl ed were Mrs. James Shaw of the D. Spiesz. ‘WART”, The Speed Cop H£v. w/w>r, cotte on no. eur/Jusr sofir WITH M e TV PHHYCK a m e e t in g ** - «< r PfttiVEQ h e f t i n g O ’ E F F I ¿/re FON F O L K S , By Bingham N I L F O L K S WH O BUTT HNVÍ THEM C /tN S . 3 F N V /C FO Ö Y Ä 5 » i I 1 B mia M S juu A ci W H O LESA LE-RETA IL PHONE //7 WASHING. POLISHING. LUBRICATING — t u f C / P f i s J C L t k j PAGE W E E Reports To Air i an appendectomy at the Holy Ros- Pvt. Jerry Duane Gorrell, son of - ary hospital last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gorrell of Nyssa, has reported to Lackland AFB, “ The Sunday Visitors— To Council— Gateway to the Air Force", to begin Mr. and Mrs. Leland Reimers and Mr. and Mrs.Robert Thompson the AF basic airmens' indoctrin- family of Payette were Sunday vis- and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Wil nation course. 1 itors at the home of Mr and Mrs. son, Jr., and family, Mr. and Mrs. I Wayne Morris. Wayne Lewis and family, Mr and Guests At Dinner— Mrs. Chet Mills and family and M r.' Mr. ’and Mrs. O. E. Dorman were BUILDING PERMITS and Mrs. Albert McKimmy picnick Sunday guests at dinner at the Tor- V W Duus, enlargement, Reece ed Sunday near Council. , vald Olson home. avenue, lots 13 and 14. block 15, original townsite. $700, 104 by 16, In Hospital— Go On Picnic— frame. Mrs. Campbell Ba'-r is confined Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coleman and Marion Chard, removal of house td the Holy Rosary hospital, where son, Rodney, Bud Osburn, Billy from Good avenue to Park avenue, she underwent major surgery last Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Norman and alterations, $2000, 24 by 24, week. Visiting at the 3aer home is and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Vertree frame. Mrs. Earl Deimer of Nampa, daugh went to Idaho City Sunday on a ter of Mrs. Baer, and Mrs. S. H. picnic. Pond of Lewiston. Utah, sister of Mrs. Baer. Returns To Home— Mrs. Neva Caurfield of Pocatello, Visiting Here— who has been visiting for the last Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newgen and 10 days with her sister, Mrs. Mc- family of Madras and Mrs. Ava Gaven, and her niece, Mrs. Joe Schute of Somerton, Arizona are vis Maughan. left Monday for her home. iting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Newgen They will Visit In Boise— return to their homes this week Mr and Mrs. Joe Maughan spent end. Sunday in Boise on business. Local News The second annual Weiser spring square dance festival, the event which last year attracted dancers from nearly every cKy and town of southwest Idaho and eastern Ore gon will be held Saturday evening April 22. Sponsored by the city recreation commission, the festival will be staged with the cooperation of ail square dance clubs and civic groups of the community. On the dance program will be 25 selections popular in square dance circles of the region, with some of the best callers of Lower Snake river valley scheduled to handle the "mike". One of the few outstand ing women square dance callers of the nation, Mrs. Anne Livingston, New York, of the National Recre ation association staff, will direct dancers through one routine. Unique this year will be a half- hour vaudeville type program to be presented from 8 to 8:30 p. m. This Is particularly for the benefit of spectators and will feature a variety Returns From Hospital— of specialty acts. The grand march Visit* At Vale— Mrs Pearlee Klnsor visited rel Miss Joanne Garrison returned to will start at 8:30. atives at Vale Sunday. her home Sunday after undergoing Blustering winds continue to ham per flying activity to some extent the past week. Farna Mitchell flew solo croas country to Prosser. Washington and return Sunday. Johnny Claybaugti left Sunday for a business trip to San Francisco and Merced, Cali fornia. Jim Jewell and Joe Driscoll flew to Price, Utah to pick up the Cessna 170 that was left there awhile back due to bad weather. They flew down and back the same day. Visitors using the facilities of the Nyssa municipal airport this week were Mark Purcell of Parma, and Ross Hurtt, also of Parma, flying the Parma Cruiser club’s Piper Cruiser. Mr. Jacobsen of Boise, flying his Ercotipe, was a visitor this week, also J. E. Phillips of Boise flying his Luscombe. Charles Dowell of Prairie, Idaho dropped in for a tank of gas in his Piper. He is associ ated with the Downer Mill of Prairie and uses his air airplane in con nection with his business. PRIVATE SALE—Sunday, April 16. 1295 stock cattle, includes 165 head J of cows with 90 calves by side, bal ance heavy springers, 6 registered bulls. One of best herds in the lower Snake River valley. Sale starts 1:30 p. m. 4 miles west. 2 miles north on Weiser flat. E. T. Waters ranch. Rock Creek Livestock Co., Weiser. — FARMERS ATTENTION — SOIL AID—GYPSUM AND SULPHUR FERTILIZER Wing Tips NYSSA MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Gordon Schmelxer, Mgr. SALE CALENDAR PUBLIC DAIRY SALE—Tuesday. April 11, 1:30 p. m., 1/4 mile east of Sunnyside school, 20 dairy cows. Terms Cash. E. T. Waters, owner. Cols. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, aucts. L. H. Fritts, clerk. Meuller Furnaces- $25.00 Per Ton Link Belt Stokers Estim ates G ladly G iven P lace Your O rder Now GEORGE J. KINZER HEATING NYSSA ELEVATOR Phone 134L2 P arm a, Id ah o NYSSA, OREGON Intermountain Furniture Company and NORGE End This Messy Job for You! * Come and See This Sensational New NORGE With the Exclusive SELF D FROSTING System ...D e fro s ts While You Sleep! | | P la n n e d in Just imagine! All the mess and bother o f defrost ing gone forever! The new Norge Self-D-Froster saves you work, time and money . . . is the only defrosting system that defrosts automatically . . . without fa il. .. every twenty-four hours. And the new Norge brings you a safety-sealed freezer, finger-tip ice trays, big meat storage Cold- pack, large Crisper Drawer, extra convenient shelf arrangements, Tiltabin for handy storage of packaged and canned goods. See the new Norge and you won’t be "’content until you own one. ADVtRNStD IN l Come See the New NORGE Electric Range with BLENDED-HEAT OVEN Of course you may change your mind about what you want to eat that day, but it really doesn't make any dif ference, if you own a home freezer. Just reach in and choose any one of a dozen different foods put away for just such an occasion. W ith a home freezer, you store away the foods you buy when they're in the peak of season and at lowest cost You eliminate shopping trips during bad weather— you're always prepared when unexpected guests arrive— and you can be sure that your freezer keeps foods as safe and wholesome as the day they were put away. A freezer is a real economy on the farm, where prod uce and meats can be quickly frozen and stored for future use. Your dealer has a fine selec tion of home freezers to choose from— chest, upright, or walk-in models— in many sizes. Enjoy the fine eating and economy that low cost E L E C T R IC IT Y can bring you. You banish baking failure«, once and for all. Two heat ing element«, top and bottom, blend the beat to make one perfect cooking temperature . . . and, front and back, high and low, the same even temperature through out the oven bake* to perfection. And this is only one wonderful feature of the new fully automatic Norge Electric Range. Sea it today. G INTERMOUNTAIN ^ Á !uu'* ^ u t€ c P ntP a H H E V ER YTH IN G Electrical A ppliance FOR YOUR HOMI } I D ££*& A k4C H iÛ e O O<*\ V > O W E R So MUCH-Costa So UTTLE! if e wm PHONE 178 W SEE THE FEATURES OF AMERICAS FINEST HOME APPLIANCES