Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
THE N Y SSA GATE CIT Y JOURNAL. N Y S SA . OREGON. TH U R SD AY. APRIL 13. 1950 PAGE FOUR of Mrs George Schweizer one day last week to make quilts for Earl Schwelzer and family, whose home was destroyed by fire a short time OWYHEE, April 13—Mr and Mrs ago. The women met again Tues Kaynous Todd and three children day to complete their project. arrived Thursday from Jersey City, Mr and Mrs. Neal Nicholson were New Jersey to spend some time with hosts at dinner Sunday for Mr and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W Mrs. Bob Morfitt of Nyssa and Mr Todd and Mrs. Werner Peutz and .Wanda Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty enter Mr and Mrs Jesse Ditty had tained with a pinochle party Friday breakfast in Nyssa Easter morning evening uk their home Prizes went with Mr and Mrs. John Reeves. Mrs George Schweizer and Mrs. E J Hobson attended the meeting of the A. N K and Caldwell garden clubs in Parma Monday. The pro gram was presented in the Otto Young home Then the group went to the Ray Wilson home, where re freshments were served. On Easter Sunday a picnic and Easter egg hunt was enjoyed in Brownley canyon by the following families: Bob Thompson. Chet Mills, Wayne Lewis, Albert McKinny and Lem Wilson. Mr. and Mrs Kenneth McDonald and children were Sunday dinner guests in the Ray Fletcher home In Homedale Mr and Mrs. Rex Walters of Boise were overnight guests In the Byrd Walters home Saturday night. Dur ing the evening the group played canasta. Nyssa. Oregon Mr. and Mrs. R. L Patton made a trip to Moses lake and Quincy. Washington last week from Sat urday until Thursday. They visit- . II HU I III II III HI II I'l III III M III II Him IIII HI 11 HI III HI 11111111 III 111 III III I HI III HI HI HI Mil HI 11111111111 I ed in the homes of their sons, Rus- 1 .ell. Jr., and Clayton Patton. I A relief society work meeting was I held Tuesday at the A. C Hawkins j home with 30 members present. [ Henrietta Maw is president and Allic Hartley and Carrie Garner, counsellors. Rhoda Howard is sec retary. Mr and Mrs. Rex Walters and Brenda of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walters of Nyssa. and Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters were Sunday dinner guests in the Ellis Walters home. The O K K club will meet Thursday, April 20 at the home of Mrs. Lynn Kygar. with Mrs. Keith Kygar assisting. A regular meeting of the Adrian P T. A will be held In the grade school building Thursday evening. April 20 at 8 o ’clock Mr Newman announced that films of the Rose Bowl football game will be shown Officers will be installed on that (Juilt.H Millie For Owyliee Family to Mrs. Werner Peutz and John Reeves for high and to Mrs Gert rude Atkeson and Werner Peutz for second high Mr and Mrs. Charlie Randolph and Chuck of Caldwell were callers in the Lee Householder home Sun day. Mr and Mrs. Fred Warren and Mr and Mrs. Anthony Ciofalo of Adrian were guests Friday evening in the Kenneth McDonald home Twelve women met at the home DEAD ANIMALS Free Pickup Phone Collect Ontario Grain Co. 53 Phone 98 Main Plant 1(30 Ontario Parma Nyssa Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. YOUR IRRIGATION WORRIES ARE OVER Here Is The New Type -IRRIGATOR- words can’t tell you K iS with and the PATENT APPLIED FOR S * w * 'R * * * * * SEE CARL OR BURT AND PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW With Whirlpool you rinae and wive hot mitUy water at the wune time! llae same antis again and again! ltiiiww extra thor oughly too. four (imea with pres sure spray . . ■ one deep agitated rinse and two more spray rinaea. See how much cleaner Whirl pool gets clot lie« . . . how fast! D on’ t fail to see Whirlpool to day . . . at . . . Carl & Burt’s Machine Shop NYSSA. OREGON N N M M M M tM M IIH IM IIH IM M IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII tilUIUIIUHIMMUMMIlHIMIIMIliUI HIP’ Wilson Bro's Dept. Store EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Propane Gas Prices Are Slashed 1 evening also. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Ray and fam- ily of Quincy. Washington are spending some time here visiting friends and relatives. They recent ly moved from this community. Mrs Martha Klingback and Fred left Thursday morning for Madras to visit Mr. and Mrs Jesse Gregg and children. They returned home Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pranklin and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin of Par ma were Sunday dinner guests in the Gerald Slippy home Callers at the T. H Brewer home over the week-end Included Mr. and Mrs. John Westfall of Hines, who were Friday evening visitors. Sat urday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Gene McConnell, Mr and Mrs. Her bert Webb and Mrs. Lotterette, all of Wilder, and Mrs. Mullins of Burns. On Monday. Lloyd Waldem- er of Wilder was a visitor at the Brewer home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Newman and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barnes attended a family gathering at the William Johnson home in Payette Sunday. Kx|M*rinu‘iitul Flot Started In Valiev SUNSET VALLEY. April 13—One- half acre in Sunset valley is being used this year us an agricult ural experimental plot for the test ing of various fertilizers on the growth of sugar beets The plot Is located on the Ed Mortensen farm that Homer Brewer is farming. Dr. Hunter of Oregon State col lege and two men from the county experimental station were here Sat urday to select the land for the testing plot. Using a small Allis-Chalmers trac tor and sldedresser, the men applied different kinds of firtilizer and in varying amounts to the sugar beets. The method used was to apply one type of ferttli.*r for 30 feet; to then leave the next 30 feet un treated and on the following 30 feet apply a different combination. By alternating the areas and leav ing some unfertilized, a truer test can be obtained. The fertilizers con sisted mainly of varying combin ations of nitrogen and phosphate. There are IS of these experimental plots extending as far north as Welser. This farm was selected as one of general location in this val- ley. Saturday evening the Ora Newgen home was the center of an Easter egg-coloring party for the young sters. Present were Bill. Jimmie. Bessie, Leona and Alfred Land, Letha, Shannon and Oary Wilson, Melvin and Darrel Wilson, and young Jimmie Niccum. Misses Mar garet and Frances Land assisted Mrs Ora Newgen in preparation of the Peter Rabbit sucker favors, and jvlth the children's games after the egg-coloring. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Dodson and Sharon Query visited Mrs. Leota Ditty in Ontario Sunday. Mrs. Ditty, who is at the home of her son. Leslie, has developed flibitis. The Worthwhile club will meet April 20 at the home of Mrs. Elver Nielsen, with Mrs. Fred Babcock assisting. Jess Asumendl of Sunset Valley, received athletic honors at the an nual athletic banquet Saturday evening at the Adrian gymnasium Besides receiving his letter for box ing and football. Jess was awarded the school award, a perpetual one presented by the Eder Hardware company and retained by the school. Being named the team's mast val uable football player, Jess, upon graduation this spring will receive I he golden football trophy presented by the Lions Club. Tom Stephan- sen of Adrian received the basket ball. Howard Hatch basketball a- ward and will receive the Lions club basketball trophy. Also attending the banquet from the valley were Jess’ father. Frank Asumendl. Mr and Mi-s. Wilbur Chapin. Mr. and Mrs. Petr Wilson. Dwayne Wilson and Charles Chapin. Reverend Will Webster of Cald well, retired minister, arrived last Thursday to visit at the E. J. Hob son home On Friday morning Rev Webster fell on the steps, breaking his right arm above the wrist. Web ster continued his vUit until Mon day when Mrs. Webster drove here for him. Mr and Mrs Robert Ditty and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hints, and Mr and Mrs. Hilmer Hintz were Sunday dinner guests at the Bernardt Beyle home. Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer Hintz are now living In a trailer house on the Henry Hints farm, and Hints is working out in the valley. Mr and Mrs Thomas Nlshitanl VK lIie WATT RY ROLAND A ROY Optometrist Bernard iLustman Eyes Examined Phone 720 Real Odati Insurance 718 Arthur S t Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon Caldwell, Idaho Weed Spraying FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Quality Furniture Used Only l'/s Years P U M P S— B O O M S Living room furniture Bedroom suite N O Z Z L E S —S P R A Y Dinette set Refrigerator and Phone 262-J FREE ADVICE ON YOUR SPRAYING PROBLEMS E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Pails “ The House of Oliver” and accessories NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. Phone 56-W M iss T hese V AT THE FOOD MART. NYSSA, APRIL 14-15 Vi P F A T H F ^v PLAGntD Hunt's in rich finest hea cling vy sy peaches rup 2 No. 2 Cans PINEAPPLE Can Chunk style in heavy syrup, use in salads APPLE JUICE A C « é No. 2 Not a cider, Unites like 46-oz. Can fresh apples, giant size 19? 29? 46-os. 39? BLENDED JUICE s‘an" Ä u i c . . Can pure STRAWBERRY PRESERVES Valamont 35? 1-lb. Jars plums No. 2 Vi PLUMS IN SYRUP Purple 17? in heavy syrup Cans GARDEN G«Uy decorated GLOVES l*dies aize. pair 3 5 ^ CASHMERE BOUQUET Finest 3-bars toilet soap ROSED ALE PEARS ,.E £#11®nt qiSllty, light syrup. No. 2 Va cans* 25c u 29? each 2-2° Tins 25? CAMPBELL'S TOMATO IUICE PILLSBURY'S HOT ROLL MIX - - PKG. 25? BLACKBERRIES glass . In f—* - t - p . 1 lb. 19? jars, each MAID O CLOVER ICE CREAM You will like it, Quart Carton once you try it. Assorted flavors 49? GRADE "A " LARGE EGGS ¿ ¡ ¡ 3 ,f t * * . 32? 4-lb PANCAKE FLOUR , „ y 43? bag OLD MANSE SYRUP and A S’1 maple ”“* syrups 12- oa. bottle 17? —\ ______ _____ _ CHILI CON CARNE the ,K E Intirely n aen ,ir# uin 1T different n «. i 25? e h om e-cook ed taste, can n genuine home-cooked V egetable 2 cans 25c 2 cans 27c Sunshine KRISFY CHINESE DINNERS noodles NEW POTATOES FRYERS AND ECONOMICAL PRO GAS with chop suey. and soy toy sauce Each 4 9 ? “ -'v " r"‘ ready for the pan S I R V I C I C A 11$ Ml W A Y JO P M O N ftiiM N o N t SSA T 4 -lb s lb. POUND FOOD MART COMPANY \ 25c Serve with fresh froaen peas CHUCK ROAST FULL POUND Box CR ACK IR S All Other Varieties. 2 cans 2 3 ? TO CLEAN, SAFE Appliance DR. G.W. GRAVES Easter Visitors— Mr and Mrs Albert Clay and son of Boise spent Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wernick. Tomato WITH OTHER FUELS GOING UP. N O W IS THE Ideal Gas I lived at Ontario and Nyssa. Here From Pendleton— Tom Morris, formerly of Nyssa, visited over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Powell. Morris, who is with the unemploy ment service at Pendleton formerly CAMPBELL'S SOUPS 1 0 PER GALLON WE DELIVER FOR AS LITTLE AS 16 c PER GALLON TIME TO CHANGE and David attended the Sunday eve ning Easter cantata at the Meth odist church, where Mrs. Nishitani j sang with the choir. Attending Easter services at the Assembly of God church Sunday morning the Frank Lands family, Harold Popkovs family and Clar ence Niccum family came laden with food. After the servicees and an Easter egg-hunt, all enjoyed dinner with Rev. and Mrs. Joe Dodson at the parsonage. The families and many young people remained for the afternoon, attending evening services, and all enjoying supper to gether late in the evening. Barbara Carter of Seattle is vis iting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Joe Dodson. Mr and Mrs Seth Kidman drove to Caldwell, taking their daughter. Shari Lee, to see ’Cinderella’. 25? 69? 45? North 3rd St. NYSSA Am ple Parking Space — Vi Block From Shopping Center Store Hours 1:00 to 1:00 week days 10.00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. Sundays