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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
PAGE TWO THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 13. 1950 line Towne, who U attending East 11 a. m„ congregational and with Mr and Mrs Oeorge Paxton S c i M l i c I l S c i.tC M C C fi and family west of Vale and In the ern Oregon College of Education at special singing and sermon. nay schrom home near Vale T o H e a r O w n J o k e * La Orande, visited her parents over 7 p. m„ N. Y. P. and Junior serv _______ I Mr and Mrs. John Zittercob and the week-end. ices. M r. Anna Dali were dinner guests Mr and Mrs Tom Seppich were ARCADIA, April 13—Wilma and 8 p. m , evangelistic service. Sunday in the Otis Bullard home guest, of honor at a surprise party Betty Bullard and Jo an Matherly Elsie Brady is the census enum- given by the Nyssa volunteer fire Recovering i r o n Operation— • p. m , every Wednesday services. Mrs. Bob Wilder has received word attended Easter sunrise services at ator in the Arcadia district. department Friday, April 7 in the from Portland that her husband was Lincoln heights Mr and Mrs. Bob The Arcadia Sunday school gave new firemen’s club room. B IB L E BA PTIST CHURCH McKinney attended sunrise services a short program Sunday after clas. The main event of the party was feeling better after his operation. 213 Second St. South at Lizard butte near Murslng. Ida Vaughn Stringer moved most of u kangaroo court, in which the guest Sunday school. 10 a. m. ho. [ his sheep to the hills from Ids camp 1 of honor was convicted of various Miss Ilene Wilson returned to her here Morning Worship, H a m . _ crimes against the community. The home In Salm as California Satu r i defendant arrived in irons, escorted B. Y. P. M.. 7 p. m. \ ijy the local police lorce and wxs day after a week's visit with Mr and T u Attend triny S c I i i m i I Evening service, 8 p. m. Mrs. George Moeller and fuinlly. Corporal Ralph fc. Maze left Tues- j charged by the court with a king list 1 HE METHODIST COMMVNITY CHURCH Mrs. Otis Bullard and Wilma and day for Fort Riley, Kansas after j 0f crimes. The most serious crime CATHOLIC CHURCH Donald S. Campbell, Minister Betty were business Visitors In Boise visiting for eight days with his par- charged to him was insanity, based Park Avenue and Third Street 9:45 a. m„ church school. Thursday ents, Mr and Mrs W E Maze, on his plans to leave Nyssa. At the Rev. P. J . Galre, Pastor 11 a m . morning worship. Sub Mr. and Mrs Glenn Dower and Corporal Maze has served with the conclusion of the preliminary hear Mass on Sundays at 9:30. Cate family of Madras, visited friends 7th cavalry regiment in Tokyo as ¡n g. the defendant was released je c t: "T h e Church Faces Its Com here over the week-end. They were clerk to the regimental commander, under bond and refreshments, fu~- munity Responsibility", Anthem: chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. My Faith Looks Up to T hee" by dlnner guests Saturday evening In | Colonel Millener, for the past 10; nished by the women, were served ASSEMBLY OF GOD Protheroe. months The trip to the states from buffet style the Otis Bullard home 2nd and Reece 1 p. m , Fellowship dinner in the Mr*. Clyde Bowers met with her Japan was made by plane Maze The court was then conducted in Sterl D. S plena, Pastor 4-H club ¡Saturday. April 8 at the will go to Fort Riley to enroll In the the best, dictatorial form under the church honoring L. E. Robbins, who Sunday school, 10 a. m. home of Annettee Btradley. with army’s ground general school. He a bie direction of "Judge" Bill has given 10 years of service to the Morning worship. 11 a. m. six members present. The next has been In the army since 1848 Wahlert. with Hal Henlgson acting church as Sunday school superin meeting will be held April 22 at and was graduated last April from as prosecutor and Chuck Landrelh tendent. 7 p. m.. Youth Fellowship. the home of Mrs Bowers. the army basic administration as attorney for the defense. A 8 p. m„ the Campbells are inviting Mr and Mrs. George Moeller and school at Camp Lee, Virginia, where list of firemen then gave testimony family visited Sunday afternoon he rated fourth In a class of 125 against the defendant. Defense members and friends of the church testimony was not heard as the to their home to hear their record court ruled this would not be in the ing of "the Messiah ' by Handel. best interest of the fire department The chorus and soloists are from the and the defense attorney was not British Broadcasting chorus under permitted to speak because of the the direction of Sir Thomas Beech- danger it might disrupt the smooth am and accompanied by the London proceedings of the court. The prob Philharmonic orchestra. lem of a suitable sentence was solv SUNSET VALLEY ed by "Ju d g e " Wahlert sentencing ASSEM BLY OF GOD the defendant to be forced to listen Rev. Joe E. Dodson. Pastor to his own Jokes. Sunday ichool, 10 a. m. The department then presented Worship services, 11 a. m. Mr. Heppli^i with a beautiful scroll Young People, 7 p. m. designating him as a lifetime hon Evangelistic meeting. 8 p. m. orary member of the department Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. YOU CAN and an electric mantle clock to the couple. YOU CAN SPIU CHURCH O F CHRIST SMUDOI I T - Chief Frank Morris made a short Don R. Maxfleld, Pastor Ml RC UR OC BROMI SCUFT IT talk, thanking Seppich for his faith 10 a. m.. Bible school hour. ON IT ful services to the department and The Reds are forging ahead in the wishing him well In his new posit contest. ion with the Amalgamated Sugar 11 a. m . Morning worship. YOU CAN company at Ogden. The re 7:30 p. m , youth meeting and YOU CAN mainder of the evening was spent slngsplratlon. WASH IT HUNDRIDS playing cards. The entire depart 8 p. m„ evening worship. MARK IT WITH OF TIMIS ment of 24 members and their wives CRAYON and ull honorary members and their MISSIONARY BA PTIST CHURCH Let our Travel Experts W. M. Turner, Pastor wives were present. Sunday school, 10 a. m arrange for your transpor Group To Visit— Morning service, 11 a. m. tation, sightseeing, and At the regular meeting of the Song service, 7:30 p m Eagles auxiliary to be held at the hotel accommodations IN Evening service, 8 p m. Wherever you want beautiful Eagles hull Tuesday. April IB. a large Wednesday evening prayer ser ADVANCE. walla and woodwork that will number of Caldwell auxiliary m em vice. 8 p. m. clean aa easily aa your refriger bers will be visitors. Election of of ator, KKM -ULO with its plaatic- M til Coupon T O D A Y h r ficers will be held Following the ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH amooth finish is your nnawer. It Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector business meeting a fashion revue of cornea in 10 lovely colors and a FREE F O L D E R I Church school. 10 a. m. original creations of spring hats will white that really shivs while! KONOMKAI Church services, 7:30 p. m„ every j be held. Prizes will be offered for KKM -O LO ia ready to use— sai . »m Sunday evening. OaiYMOUNO TS A V ll SUStAU the outstanding hat fashions. iuat atir and apply with brush or 9th and Bannock Sts. Muper-Gushion H oller-K oater. L. D. S. 1st WARD j Here From Boise— Boise, Idaho One coat covers m<ait surfaces. Dean Fife, Bishop Mr and Mrs. Adolph Boe and Having time and money. Dries in Plaaaa sent/ G r e y h o u n d ' ■ A m a t in g Sunday. 9 a. in . Sunday school. A m e rica V acation F o ld e r, g iv in g lu ll, j daughter. Patty of Boise were Sun II to 4 hours. Try tliia new miracle d escriptive d e t a i l a a b o u t scorea o / day visitors at the home of Mr. and 10:30 a. m.. priesthood meeting. 6:30 liniah and you'll agree you've carelree tour*. Mrs. John Ostrom. m . sacrament meeting. never aeeu anything to e<|iial it. Thursday. 2 p. m.. relief society, N am e _ Visits Parents— p m . primary. 7:30 p. m , M. I. A. Mr and Mrs. Robert Berry and FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH daughter, Marilyn, of Mountain Rev. Sherwtn Schmidt, Pastor Home, Idaho spent the week-end it C ity an d S t a t e — the home of Mrs. Berry's parents, Sunday school, 10 a m. Mr and Mrs. Herman Towne. Eva- Morning service, 11 a m. Y o u r lo c a l G re y h o u n d A gent will Adult Instruction, 8 p. m , Sunday g la d ly assist y ou — evening. A rca d ia R e s i d e n t * , A tten d S e r v ic e * Young people's service, 7 p. in. Evangelistic. • p. m. Tuesday prayer and praise. 8 p. m. You are welcome at all services. Church Notes V A C A T IO N IT’S HARD TO BELIEVE...81/7 IT'S TRUE! K E M -G L O PLAN NOW TO GET THE BEST! Looks and washes /ike Baked Bnamei • BOISE TRAVEL BUREAU NOW OPEN H en n em an H a rd w a re Co. DEPOT AT THE CHURCH OP THE NAZARENE Rev. E. J. Wilson. Pastor 10 a. in . Sunday school. I use QUALITY CHICK SUPPLIES » s 9 POULTRY NETTING I FOR LIFE AND GROWTH FEED CHI CK FOUNTS High grad* i t » l wire. Galvanised. free, economical way East or West. In adjustable, reclining coach seats you save money and enjoy the comforts and conveniences of train travel. Or, if you desire, take your choice of Pullman accommodations — berths or rooms. , Delicious meals, room to r o a m , s p a c i o u s lounges. Signs of Spring Back East« Lot's Go I Let your nearest Union Pacific ticket agent assist you In plan ning your next trip. Ask him for suggestions on voration p'ons Foi Dependable Transportation - Be Specific UNION Nyssa, Oregon A ny way, and every way, you measure it — F IR S T ... and F in est... a t Lowest Cost! gû \ U n io n Pacific oilers the restiul, care- say PACIFIC NEW STYLE-STAR BODIES BY FISHER t e n Good c h i c k s , food, a n d s u p p l i e s p a y o i l i n 111* a n d g r o w t h . C o mo in a n d s oo our f i n * lino oi s p r i n g - t i m o s u p p l i e s . C a rl’s Doll House PHONE 112 Fcr that Next T rip . . . Coach T ravel Saves Money Many stylo« and §ii«s. Du r a b 1«. P u x ie tA Measure size, and you'll find Chev rolet's the longest, heaviest car in its field har none. Measure styling und beauty, and you'll find it's the only car in its field with the world-famous Body by Fisher. Measure driving-ease, and you'll find that only Chevrolet oilers you your choice of the finest n o-shifl driving or the finest standard driving-at lowest cost. Measure p er fo r m a n ce . rid in g -co m fo rt an d safety. and you'll find it's the only low-priced car combining the extra-efticient Valve- in-Head Engine, the extra-smooth Knee-Action Gliding Ride, and extra- d ep en d able C e r ti-S a fe H yd raulic Brakes! And remember — Chevrolet alone provides all these and many other fine-car advantages at the low est p rices and with such low operating and upkeep costs. Come in! See Chevrolet for 1950. And we know you'll agree that, any way and every way you measure it, it's first a n d finest at low est cost! ■ fin sparkling new color harmonies) No*' more than ever "the most beautiful bodies built"—inside and out—exclusive to Chev rolet and higher priced cars. NEW TW O -TO N E FISHER IN TE R IO R (extra-roomy . . . extra-luxurious) With 'new upholstery—new colors-new appoint ments—placing Chevrolet far ahead in both beauty and comfort. CENTER-POINT STEERING Assuring a remarkable degree of steering , ease, under all driving conditions-another vital feature found only in C hevrolet and more expensive cars. Introducing Chevrolet's Inclusive N e w PO W E R Y /^ AUTOMATIC T RA NS MI SS I ON* CURVE0 WINDSHIELD with PANORAM IC VISIBILITY (in Fisher Unistcel Bodies) Supplying ex tra vision ail around the car—extra body- strength and durability-extra safety-pro tection for you and your family. •< •mbtmairon » f P ew erglu it T r s m m u m n an d 10\ k g . tn gim optional «« D r L a x t made., at extra tea. BIGGEST OF A l l lO W -PBICED CABS _ N ew Lower Price» make Chevrolet more than ever America’s Best Seller . . . America’s Best Buy CHICK STARTENA PURINA Biggest in every way, for Chevrolet is the longest, heaviest car in its field, and has the widest tread, all of which contributes to maximum stability and safety. . C H IC * . CH EVRO LET MIW S99919 I t / # — 9 9 9 t t MOW! DISINFECT THE HOUSE O rd er P UL L P ittiti dt* TCatci Holp guard chicks against dieeaae. Us* thi* disinfectant with a pleasant odor. m id PURINA PURINA CNEn-R-FICT CHEK-R-TABS L I NK PROVEO CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES OF v m w Th« StyWIiM D » l . . . 4 Door J HEADQUARTERS WRIMOiUWS «RA SUPPLIES m Giving swifter, safer, straight- line stops and embodying new Dubl - Life rivetless brake linings that Iasi up to twice as long. C0M( AND SEE THEM Phone 26 v and traditionally bringing you m ore value -when you trade; for Chevrolet cars ate most w anted-new or used. B rood ers • L itts r F o u n ts • F s s d s r s Spray Guns • Thermo static Wafers -Poul try T herm om eters TOBLERS FEED & FUEL / A E X TIA -E C O N O M IC A L TO O W N - OPERATE AND M A IN TA IN — P OULTRY N f I D S mm, Nyssa & ^ Cables Chevrolet Co. ONTARIO, OREGON