Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
raeNYSSA JOURNAL ' — —.... THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 13. 1950 for Judy Attebury, who was five years old. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webster were called to Kansas Monday to see Mr. I Webster’s sister, who was seriously I injured in an auto wreck. Mr Weo , ster'i. irents. of Apple valley, ac companied them Barbara Hatch, Don Hatt, Don De Haven and Lorraine Hite spent j Easter Sunday in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Carr and family of Boise visited Sunday at the Cecil Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashcraft. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Dierking. and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown attended .i ADRIAN, April 13—Mrs. Gertrude pinochle club meeting at the Herb Jackson and Buck Ramsey of Nam- Thomas home in Big Bend. Mrs. pa visited in the Cecil Smith home Brown won high prize. Monday. Mrs. August Girard's mother of Mrs. Glenn Brown and Kristine Rupert, Idaho, spent the week-end Kurman accompanied Mrs. Verner visiting here. Hopkins of Big Bend to Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Chet Foster ‘ and Thursday to attend a birthday party boys and Gary, Jimmie and Bobby Jo Wester enjoyed a picnic at Swiv- ely’s spring Sunday. Miss Betty Hansen was a dinner guest In the Threlma Elliot home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Parker and DRAGLINE WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS family motored to Vale to view the operaUons of a farm planning to AVAILABLE FOR drill for oil. DRAINAGE CANAL CLEANING Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sarri and daughter spent Easter Sunday in Boise. BASEMENTS EXCAVATING Mrs. John Jarvis returned to her home Monday evening. She has TANK HOLES greatly improved in health. Mrs. Pete Timmerman of Nyssa Phone 216-R or 293NW Nyssa, Oregon visited In the Gayle Martin home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashcraft were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hamilton of Arock. Shirley Smith and Alvin Cleaver were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Highland at the Owyhee dam Thursday. 319 So. 1st Street Mrs. Dave Matthews and Edith and Mrs. Junior Matthews were ir. Nyssa on business Tuesday. PILLSBURY'S BEST FEEDS Cecil Smith has been ill with In fluenza this past week Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Franklin arc CUSTOM GRINDING, CHOPPING the parents of an 8 pound baby girl, born Saturday afternoon. The AND little girl was named Jackie Jo. Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson vis STEAM GRAIN ROLLING ited in Nyssa Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Norris. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown and Lynette visited in Boise Sunday at the F. F. Cummings home. Phone 361-W Mrs. Jess Norris and Mrs. Bill Looney were Nampa visitors Thurs day. Mrs. Elmer Sparks and Mrs. A. C. ¿i m h iii h 11 iii n 1 1 hum m hi m m m m m hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi i i hi hi hi hi m hi hi hi him hi hi hi hum hi hi ks Henderson went to Caldwell Sat urday on business. Adrian Couple Culled To Kansas Here From Seattle— Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Davis of Se attle arrived Friday for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs William Sch liman. Visit Krlalives— Mi and Mrs. Paul Johnston and family and Mrs. Lucille Johnston of Springfield, Oregon are visiting this week at the home of Mrs. Ella Smith and with other relatives in Nyssa and vicinity. Mr. Johnston is attending the northweest regional L A N K F O R D BROS I STURDY NURSERY STOCK FOR | Undergoes Surgery— J. L. Church underwent a major 1 YOUR SPRING LANDSCAPING f operation at the Holy Rosary hos pital Monday. SHADE TREES: Weeping White Birch Maidenhair Linden Weeping Willow Chinese Elm Norway Maple Schwedder Maple BERRIES: Strawberries (Single Crop and Everbearing) Raspberries Thornless Boysenberries EVERGREENS: Pyramidal Arborvitae Woodwardi Pfitzer Pyramidal Junipers Norway Spruce Savin Tamariscadoria FLOWERING TREES: Flowering Hawthorn Flowering Crab Flowering Peach Flowering Cherry LEWIS FLOWERING SHRUBS: Snowball Quince Butterfly Bush Beauty Bush Forsythita Weigelia Mock Orange Spirea Barberry Deutzia ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Nyssa Group Meeting Sunday evenings, 8 p. m 407 Main Street Phone Z-M = = | INSURANCE = = E NURSERY E Va mile north on Ontario highway. Leave For South Dakota— Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Lawson of Spearfish, South Dakota left last week for their home after visiting for several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gonyer. with THE STOCKW ELL HYDRAULIC SIDE DUMP KIT Make a dump Truck Out Of Your Beet Truck BERNHARDT BEYL 1 14 miles off of oil west on Enterprise Ave. Nyssa Route *1 Oregon For Easy and Belter Housekeeping Donald "BEST IN BRUSHES" Pvt. James White, left, son of Dr. and Mrs. Harold White of Nyssa, is shown being congratulated by Major General Joseph I. Marlin, eom- mandant, medical field service school. Brooke Army Medical center, Fort Sam Houston. Trxas, on having completed the surgieal technician procedure course as honor graduate. Pvt. James White Mrs. Frank Byers and family. Mrs. R. G. Chandler and Donnie of Caldwell visited Oregon Trail Sunday school Sunday morning. Mrs. Chandler gave the Easter mes sage on the flannelboard. Delbert Smith and Larry Gardner gave an Easter recitation. W in s School Honor Pvt. James E. White of Nyssa, assigned to Co. B, first battalion, medical field service school, Brooks army medical center. Fort Sam Houston, Texas, has been selected from the members of class 152, surg- | iccal technicians course, as the out- | standing student for the seven weeks of training. For this performance, Pvt. White has selected to be presented to the commandant of the medical field service school Officers said White’s attitude, co operation, and military bearing have been exemplary. 25 Years of Scientific Research PERSONAL AND HOUSEHOLD CLOTHES BRUSHES MANICURE BRUSHES COMPLEXION BRUSHES BATH BRUSHES, ETC. WALL BRUSHES DUST MOPS DUSTERS WET MOPS AND WAXERS BOWL BRUSHES AND FLOOR BRUSHES CELLULOSE SPONGE MOPS GET YOUR BRUSHES NOWI Donald Brushes are Fully GUARANTEED Also Garage and Heavy Duty Brushes Mr. and Mrs. R. C. TAYLOR, Repr. Anniversary Of (Jiili (,Vlel>rate<l Fruit Trees Of All Kinds E Most Of Them Well E Branched PERENNIALS: Peonies Phlox health and physical education con ference held in Boise this week. I ------------------------- Resident Visits— IFormer Mrs. Grayce Thompson of Port land arrived in Nyssa Monday for a visit with friends and relatives. PROTECTION" § Phone 011-R2 2 S M M l« HI 1111M H11 HI 11 III 11Hill 1,1 HI 11 HI M HI HI ffW IMI HI HI II11 HI 111111 till HI UliHIIHMIMHUM? OREOON TRAIL. April 13—The Merry Matrons club met at the home of'V tnbr Adams Wednesday KEN P O N D afternoon, April 5. Ten members answered roll call with un Easter poem As this meeting was de voted to celebration of the club’s AGENCY anniversary. A social afternoon was enjoyed. Parlor games were played, with prizes being awarded to Jessie Real Estate and Insurance Chard. Bernice Scuell. Vinnie Smith and Alberta Bowen. The door prize 1 was won by Peggy Brown. Refresh 16 North 3rd ments were served by the hostess, assisted by Alice Holmes and Al- | berta Bowen. The next meeting will Phone 218 be held April 19 with Opal Holmes as hostess. Roll call will be ans For evening appointments wered by a shortcut in sewing Mr. and Mrs. Holland Holmes were hosts at dinner Easter Sunday. The Phone 54-M | table was attractively decorated with flowers and candles. Favors land decorations carried out the Easter theme Covers were laid for the following guests: Mr and Mrs. Austin Ooodson and family of Par ma. Miss Della Shuster of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs Roy Holmes and Bon nie Kressly, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmees and daughter and Mr and POWER DRIVE ROTATING CULTIVATOR AND MULCHER 730 universities, educational institut ant 21» charcha», organizsi.«.» MAKES CLEAN. LEVEL ROW S SAVES WATER IN ANY SOIL 147 hospitals and other medical groups 3.500 Standard of» am pia,»» 1,125 small and larga butinaaaaa 01.000 hm .ric.ns .h a Invested their saving Who shares Standard of California Profits? SOME BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CULTIVATION: •The plant gets its food from the soil thru water. •Weeds rob the water and the plant food. •A poor soil condition often means dry topsoil and a slow start for emerg ing plants, hence low yields. •Standard duckfoot cultivation leaves a coarse bed which will not hold the moisture; it is injurious to plants in the early stages so must be delayed, often too long. N o college football stadium in the country c ould seat all t h e o w n e r s o f S t a n d a r d o f California. W ith 97,000 individual stockholders, it’s one o f the most widely o w n e d companies in the W e s t. . . and m ore than 70% o f these people are small stockholders w ith less than 100 shares. WHY IS CULTRO THE ANSWER? Cultro is a down-the-row mulching machine. It takes a half-inch bite of soil, moving it 3 inches It tears out the weeds, levels the ground and leaves a fine moisture-holding mulch to bring the water into the top inches of soil, right up to the young plants. With small bites and accurate depth adjustment, Cultro can be worked without damage to seedlings. This means an early start, rapid growth, longer actual growing season and bigger, more profitable yields. Ask your dealer for a demonstration! Hollingsworths', Inc. - ■■ UNLOAD THE EASY W AY NYSSA FEED MILL Wayne L. Barrett 'I SECOND SECTION C. F. MINK. Manager Phone IS Nyaaa Among the large stockholders, you'll find literally hundreds o f com panies and o r g a n izations which w ork for you or benefit you every day—hospitals, universities, museums, c h u r c h e s , in s u r a n c e c o m p a n i e s , Y M C A g ro u p s, research la b o ra to rie s. A nd, o f course, thousands o f o u r em ployees are also o w n e r s . S t a n d a r d o f C a l i f o r n i a profits, (herelore, are divided am ong a trem endous num ber o f people. You share, too. Just since the war we've invested more than $500,000,000 in oil wells, refinery units, pipelines, tankers, distribu tion plants and marketing outlets...facilities to help us meet our responsibilities to serve the grow ing West.