Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 13. 1950 S o cia l N otes - 5 - DANCE RECITAL WELL ATTENDED The pupils ol Mrs. Lloyd Wilson were presented In a dance recital Saturday evening at the school gym nasium to a large and appreciated audience. The dances were |<er- iormed by groups ¿torn the pre- schnol age to high school students. * 2 8 9 95 It'» completely a u to m atic! Washed, ri nm-H, s p in -d r ie s w ith o u t y o u r e v e n b e in g there. Fam ous (iy ra - foam washing action gets cloth es s|M>tleaa- ly clean. ■See it todayt NYSSA FURNITURE CO. I Block West of R R. Depot Just Received L arge Shipm ent Of Irs Ladies' Nylon Hose 880 New S pring Shades, SI -15. 8'/z to 11 a Ladies' Two-Piece Shorly Pajamas $ 1 .4 9 Denim Special 3 9 c yd. Bedspread Special $ 3 .9 8 S P U N W E L L . 86 x 108 Reg. $5.95 FOXCROFT SHEETS 81x99 TYPE 128, TORN SIZE 81 x 108 $1.79 $1.98 Ladies'T Shirts, 9 8 £ to $ 1 . 9 8 White Bailarina Shoes, $ 2 . 9 8 to $ 3 .6 9 D ry Goods ___ - Clothing-1 ■ BRACKEN'S X-Ray F itting Nyssa, Oregon Telephone 105 NYSSA PROGRAM Te le p h o n e 1 0 8 THEATRE SATURDAY, APRIL 15 "City Across The River" with S tep h en M cN ally—P e te r F ern an d ez S ue E ngland CARTOON AND OTHER SHORTS Matinee Saturday 2 :30; Admission 30c-9c SUNDAY AND MONDAY, APRIL 16-17 "Thelma Jordan" with B arb ara S ta n w y c k —W endell C orey P a u l K elly —Jo an Titzell In one terrifying moment Thelma Jordan realized what she had done, but by then there was no escape. Matinee Sunday 2:30; Admission 30e-9c TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18-19 "Operations Hay Lift" Appliances On Display A nn R u th e rfo rd —Ja n e N igh—Tom B row n Norge Refrigerator "The Story Of Molly X" Norge Electric Range J u n e H avoc—Jo h n R ussell—D o ro th y —H a rt __________ F IR S T SHOW STA RTS AT 7:15___________ with Also with THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, APRIL 20-21 "Dakota Lil" with G eorge M ontgom ery—Rod C am eron M arie W in d so r—Jo h n E m ery Intermountain Furniture Co. G rey. Blue. Green. Brow n. Tan 36 inches w ide Red. G reen. Yellow. Hartley. Mrs Lynn Lawrence and ham and grandson of Salt Lake Coming Events— Friday, April 14—Junior high Mrs. Verne Chadwick A tap troupe City, Mr. and Mrs Russell Jordan did. "A, You're Adorable" with Joy of Nampa, Mr. and Mrs. Byron O. spring party at gymnasium. Saturday. April 15—County P. T. Oay Roth, Beverly Derrick. Dianne | Bybee of Ontario and Mr and Mrs. Maulding. Patty Lovejoy R - o se m a r y Frank J. Pike and two children ol A. at Lindbergh school in Ontario. Roth, Patty Michelson, Janie Walk Adrian. Job's Daughters cooked food sale at er and Tanya Burningham, dressed Idaho Power company. STYLE slfOW SET In costumes of rainbow colors. Final plans for the annual Nyssa Monday, April 17—Eastern Star. The tiny tots. Wanda Long. Judith Tuesday. April 18—Eagles auxil Wilson and Kathleen and Dick Mc- spring style show were announced Partland did two dance numbers, this week by the chairman. Mrs. iary. Wednesday. April 19—2 p m. Civic "Little Balerinas" and a tap num Ted Morgan. The Wiow, which is ber. "Ma. He's Making Eyes at Me \ sponsored each spring by the Nyssa club spring style show, Nyssa Civic club, will be held at the Nyssa theater. The national dance. "Hungarian Thursday. April 20—Dorcas circle Rhapsody”, danced by Kaye and theater Wedneesday. April Ik at 2 Olenda Hammon and Kathy Stod p. m. Spring styles from Bracken's of W. S. C. S. at the home of Mrs. dard, was a colorful and lively the Golden Rule, Wilson s Depart Robert Smith. Jr. St. Anne's Altar number, emphazi ed by the Balkan ment store and Betty's Dress shop society at church. 8 p. m. Legion will be modeled, as well as a show auxiliary. costumes. Friday. April 21—Junior-Senior The tap trio. Vela Dee Poulson, ing of new hair styles and jewlery Olenda Hammon and Janice Lewis, from tiie local beauty shops and prom at high school. who did two numbers, "Five Fo'k jewelers. The adult clothing classes Two, Eyes of Blue" and "So Tired", will model the garments made in Flan Box Social— The sophomore class of the Adrian showed skill and grace in the dances this winter’s classes. A program will be presented with high school will hold a box social that they performed. "Fiddle Dee Dee" was done by a the style show, consisting of two Friday. April 14 at 7:30 In the grade tap troupe composed of Dolores numbers from the Betty Wilson school basement. After the sale of Duus. Donna Mae Focht, Edna Lee School of Dancing and numbers by boxes, dancing will be held. The Linville, Lonna Chadwick, Kaye the L. D. S. choral group. Piano public is invited to attend the affair. music will be played by Mrs. K. E. Hammon and Peggy Lou Focht. Jolene 'Hunter did "Stormy Keveren. Favors for the show will Herr From Hermiston— Visitors last Friday at the home 1 Weather” as an acrobatic solo that be contributed by the Owyhee Drug showed her agility and grace as a company and the Nyssa Pharmacy of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner, were Mr. Buchner’s parents, Mr. i dancer. GIRL SCOUTS MEET and Mrs. E. A. Devin of Hermiston, Kathy Stoddard of Weiser was Girl Scout troop No. 3 met in Miss Oregon. ballet soloist, who did an interpre tive performance or "The Glow Nichols' room April 7. Nine girls Worm” and the ballet solo from attended the meeting The mem bers will complete their sewing | "The Swan Lake Ballet". "Coppelia", corps de ballet, was badges at the next meeting. danced by Glenda Hammon, Kathy - 5 - | TO BE MARRIED SUNDAY Stoddard, Joan McVay. Kaye Ham Miss Mary Elizabeth Ellison and mon and Caroline Smith. Assisting guest musicians includ Glenn Knottingham are to be mar- j The ed John Savage, who played two ried Sunday morning between 9 and [ saxophone solos "Miami Moon” and 10 o'clock at 1917 Arthur street in i i "Hungarian Dance Number" He Caldwell. Although no formal in- ! And was accompanied by Mrs. John vltations have been Issued, friends of the couple are Invited to attend ! | Schenk. Lynn Lawrence played two violin the ceremony Miss Ellison Ls the 1 solos, “ Jazz Pizzicato" and one if daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard his own compositions, "Romance" Ellison of Arena Valley, and Glenn "The Three Blends" sang, "Cin- Knottingham is the son of Mrs. O. j A d v ertiso d in th is n e w sp a p derella" and "Summertime”. P. Counsil of Nyssa. who is an em- ! e r w ill be on d isp lay in the The entire group Joined in the ploye of the Burroughs company Idaho P o w e r Co. w indow finale, "Hawaiian Island Dances" in Boise. from A p ril 15 lo M ay 1. which featured Lonna Chadwick and Jolene Hunter in solo performances. MARRIED IN NAMPA An Island atmosphere was created At a ceremony periormed Mon by the dancers in grass skirts, an day in Nampa. Denzil Lee Howell, Island moonlight background and daughter of Mr and Mrs. Russell "The Three Blends" singing Ha Howell became the bride of Charles waiian numbers. McCoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Pianists for the dances were Mrs. McCoy, formerly of Sunset valley. Carlo; Buchner. Mrs Robert Wilson. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Lloyd Lewis and Vela Dee Floyd Tennett. Poulson. The dunces were also ac The bride graduated from Nyssa companied by John Savage oil the high school in 1945, and the groom bass fiddle and Charles Steffens on In 1944. He served two years In the drums the air force during the war. The The lighting effects were arranged bride, a graduate of the Boise Bus by Harley Duus and Grant Rinehart. iness college, has been employed the IfembM ■ ol the Job's Daughters last two years at the First National were usherettes. Refreshments were bank of Caldwell. served during the intermission. The couple will reside in Sunset Decorations for the stage were valley, where Mr. McCoy operates done by the St. Paul’s Episcopal the grocery store at Ole's corner. guild under the direction of Mrs. -I- Bernard Eastman. The front up l.<-"ion Auxiliary per stage was lined with umbrellas j and raindrops, with flowering trees To Aid Children on either side of the stage. The proceeds from the show will be donated to the Malheur Hospital “ Spiritual cripples" among A- mertca's children will receive the m m **" auxiliary. attention of the American Legion auxiliary during April when the HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Friends and relatives called at the auxiliary gives special emphasis to | home of Mr and Mrs. D. O. Bybee its child welfare activities, accord | .Sunday to honor Mr. Bybee on his ing to Mrs. E. H. Fleshman, the | birthday. The guests enjoyed sel auxiliary’s local child welfare chair ections on the Hammond organ, a man. The importance of religious ballet solo dance by Celia Bybee, education to give children a sound musical numbers by Ilene Moss and spiritual foundation for life will be iaking pictures. A two-tier chocol stressed by the auxiliary's 13,500 ate birthday cake with colored Units, she said. "The auxiliary's many years of candles was served. Out-of-town relatives present for the occasion work for needy children of war vet were Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Burning- erans has shown us we must pay attention to all sides of a child's j development," explained Mrs. Flesh- | man. “ We have found that sup plying the physical needs of child ren—food, clothing, shelter and medical attention—Ls only part of our work". The American Legion auxiliary Is Joining with the legion in a divine guidance appeal, beginning April 18. during which “ Oo To Church” movements will be sponsored, with special attention being given to en rollment of children In church schools. Bringing every child into contact with opportunity for re ligious education will be one of the N o oihrr car in Ford's field offers s goals of the movement. and showed both skill and artistry of presentation. The costumes, which were designed by Mrs Wil son, were outstanding in design and detail Tne program opened with Tsrh- alkovsky's “ Andante Cantabils ' from his 5th symphony The open ing chorus, with all pupils partici pating. was “ I Know That You Know" and featured a tap solo by Peggy Lou iAicht, an acrobatic solo by Jolene Hunter and singing by "The Three Blends'*. Mrs Mark Rousing thrills and a roaring adventure saga of the west’s most savage days. T ir a to n e Pay As You Use It As little as Itt MISS AMERICA for beauty • Juil one look w ill fell you why the 'SO Foni n a tiylc show nil by ¿Hell . . . why il't (he only n r in NUlomnfii t hislury to tw ice receive the ! «stuoli Academy's ( 10 I 1 I Medal A ward as "Fashion ( nr o l the \ ear" (and tw o years in a row, at that!) Its MR.BIG for size mu(fi hip mul shoulder room. T he *51 Ford is h is and feels hig. th e minuta you take inis great car oul on the road you'll ieri ill luxurious hi car coin- fort, ils effortless "Finger- i n « l i p P steer- and ns solid roadability. A ten minute "Test D rive" w ill con vin ce you that the 'SO Ford is trulv Mr Big for ip aciou tn rts, for c o n ito n , for per form ance and lor value. Here's real evident* o f Ford'» extraordinary pas econom y. In the o itu ial AAA »upcrvitrd Mobilita* lìm n d < anvon K onom y Kun, a ’$ 0 f»»rd Nix equipped with Overdrive* w on in itx class — the three fulFstse ta rs in the low p rue held. Low first cost, low operating cost and high resale value mark Ford — V-M or •'Sip**—a s the Hi* I ton oniv I'ai k a g e‘‘ »nits field l e s t IVive** it at your Ford D ealer's unlay. TIST DRIVI" IT AT YOUR F O R D D E A L E R ’S Hernman Motor Co. Bright-eyed June graduates will soon be pounding the pavement on the prowl for the Job that will be the first step on the road to fame and fortune Labor Dept, experts are j advising college seniors to consider school teaching as a good possibility Teachers are needed like safety pins I in a nursery. Slimmest opportunities will be in chemistry Journalism, law. iiersonnel work, pharmacy and en gineering But no matter how tougn i a field may be the graduate with determination and will to work will still ring the bell You can believe in luck .. but don't count on it. ; Good luck to you. A London bride asked to have | - M y Hero" from "The Chocolate Soldier" played at her wedding Wonder how long it 11 be before she j changes her tune? Don't sing the blues about driving a shabby car this | summer See our first-class sel- I action of fine reconditioned Used : Oars We sell the best and Junk I the m l at HKRRIMAN MOTOR CO. Phone; 77. Hwrriman Motor Company 112so Tirestone LAW N $ i o o SEED AS LOW AS . . . Don't gamble with inferior seed! Firestone lawn seed la faat grow ing — contains sturdy varieties of grass. Designed to give you a beautiful green, velvety lawn. m Oft j __ Was 7.39 z | - O .Í U /iroefAM* f ir e t t o n e G A R D E N HOSE For Easier Cutting! 76e 7?eev Big Value For a Better Lawn, Buy BY LEW HERR1MAN FORD 4 y a Pow erful 1.1 H. P. • Adjustable Cutting Height Four Cycle Motor from Vt to 214-In. a Full 18 Inch Cutting • 10 Inch Wheels with W idth Punctureproof Tires • Timken Reel Bsciriuns . . . lo st a Lifetime NEWS VIEWS A nd C ham p io n of its Class for EC O N O M Y WEEK Firestone Z>e j£uxe POWER MOWER Visit At Hope— Mr and Mrs Oeorge N Bear vis ited Mrs Mable DeWolf near Hope Sunday. il; i GARDENEER cart i • L^l«'ir.liu ^ 4 5 l U W i T ira. W aa t T a« ile le w e fire s to n e LAWN MOWER PAY ONLY 1 00 1 5 « A WEEK e Full Size 16" Cutting Width e 10-in. Wheels, Rubber Tires The Complete Plant Food VIG0R0 10 lbs. 90c 25 lbs. 1.75 50 lbs. 3.00 Spaccai Kliff KlIIN ff IO. 1.2« G RASS SHEARS IR F .E -O ne all mrtal host' hanger with each |mn-ha««' o f .»0 furl garilen ho?»«* DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE DEALER STORE