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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
PAGE THREE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 13. 1950 Classified Advertising RATE: Two cents per word for each issue. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. FOR FOR SALE Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o u s e , acre of ground, located FOR SALE—Special, closing out one present stock of fiber seat covers, 6 'a miles from Nyssa. Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o m o many sizes availaule. Coupes fir $7.95 set, coaches and sedans $12.95 east side location, small down set. Thompson Oil Co., phone 11, payment, balance on state loan. Nyssa, Oregon. 13alxc Small home with two good lots on sewer line, $1500, $300 down, very FOR SALE —Evinrude speed twin small payment. motor, 22 H. P. Original cost $415, I Unfinished two-bedroom home, used once, will sell for $315. Thomp IN. Second street, good location, son Oil Co , phone 11. 13alxc I large lot, can be completed with ■ FHA loan. Will make beautiful FOR SALE—1942 Dodge pick-up, I home with very small invest- don't miss this good buy for $285. j ment, cash $2500. Several small homes with small Owyhee Truck and Implement company. 13atfc | down payment. Two-bedroom modern home, $3500 FOR SALE—1946 Iron Age two row I with easy terms. potato planter with fertilizer attach NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY ment, used only 2 seasons, complete Ralph G. Lawrence ly overhauled, $375. Owyhee Truck Nyssa, Oregon and Implement company. 13atfc FOR SALE—Lovely, lasting linoleum FOR SALE—1936 Plymouth four- at home in any room, spirited pat door sedan, new motor, two new terns, priced at a savings, 49c a run tires and seat covers, $165. Earl ning foot. Nyssa Furniture comp Purvis, phone 158-R. 13alxp any, 1 block west of R. R. depot. 30m tfc FOR SALE—Registered Hereford bulls, full two years, ready for ser ; FOR SALE—New Mlnneapolls-Mo- vice. top quality and breeding, $275 line tractor, used very little. $400 up. C. Clyde Smith, across from less than a new one, phone 016J-4 Ontario salesyard, Ontario, Oregon. or see D. H. Christensen, R. 2 Nyssa, 23ftfc 13a2xc Oregon. SALE FOR SALE—100 bushel oats. $2.50 FOR SALE per cwt, C. H. McCormick, 3'4 miles Old sale yard site, 3V4 acres front south of Adrian. 13a3xp ing two blocks on King Ave., build ings and all for $10,500. FOR SALE—Bed, springs, $15; sev Stock ranch, 160 acres, 83 irri en-foot Qibson refrigerator, $125. gated, No. 1 range right, part good Oscar Pike, 1/4 mile east of Oarrlson row crop. $20,000, terms, will sell 6A2xp cattle and machinery. Very choice grade A dairy FOR SALE—Table model cream separator, in good condition, see at farm, 105 acres under Owyhee Nyssa creamery, First and Good. project. Two modern homes and 6a2xp good outbuildings, about 60 head of registered Jersey cattle. Owner has FOR SALE—Fruit and shade trees, quota agreement that pays $1.28 per grapes, berries, flowering shrubs and pound for butterfat. Will pay two evergreens. Lewis Nursery, three- operators good wages, plus 201 to eights mile north of Nyssa. 6Atfc 25% per year on the investment, Price $50,000. FOR SALE—White rose seed po Acreage, modern two-bedroom tatoes. James Stephen, Jr., Ole's home with some furniture, nice corner. 6alxc garage, lawn, shrubs and fruit trees. Large modern chicken house and FOR SALE- Washing machine. $10. pens, including all equipment and G & B Appliance store. 6atfc 110 hens. These buildings are near FOR SALE—Coal range, $10. G & ly new. on a 1 3/4 acre plot and on B Appliance store, 6atfc a paved road. A bargain for $6,200. 40 acres under Shoestring ditch, FOR SALE— Wnite Rose seed pota two-bedroom modern house, $12,000, toes grown from purple tag foun terms. Small home, very attractive, liv dation stock. Jake Fischer, phone 05R-1. 2Ftfc. ing room carpeted, modern, good neighborhood, nice garage. FOR SALE—I have a small house 40 acres, good soil, bam, house, to sell or rent, Ed Jamison, phone $7,000, terms. 298-J 30m tfc 80 acre dairy farm, 5 miles SW of FOR SALE—Dress shop, complete Nyssa, 5-room basement house. $11.- with stock and fixtures, write box 000; $6,000 down, terms on balance. 80 acres, 11 miles SW of Nyssa. 38 604 or phone 264-M. 2mtfc acres under cultivation, nearly new FOR SALE—Milk cows, Guernseys. 4-rooin house, tractor and all equip Holsteins and Jerseys, milkers and ment goes, $8,900. Phone 97 springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone Robert F. Thompson 306, Ontario, Oregon, across from FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY Ontario sale yard. 2mtfc corner. professional and Business Directory LODGES P H Y S IC IA N S Nyssa Post No. 79 S A R A Z IN CLINIC American Legion Dr. J. J. Sarazln Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Dr. R E. Kerby Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. Dr. L. W . Scott A ll Veterans W elcom e Surgeons Gate City Lodge L. A . Maulding, M. D. No. 214 Physician and Surgeon I.O .O .F. Pnone 37 Meets every Monday Hours; 10 to 11 and 2 to 5 Daily except Saturday and night, 8 :8 0 . Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 South First Street Physician and C. J. Kopp, M. D. Surgeon Building Physician and Fry Office hours DENTISTS DR. C. M. T Y L E R W ilson Building 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Dally except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 Phone 165-J. Nysss o n c e hours from 9 to 5 except Saturdays, 9 to 12. J E W E L R Y STO RES J. R. C U N D A L L Dentist PAULUS Phone 56-J Sarazln Clinic NYSSA ORBOON JEW ELR Y STO R E Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second O P T O M E TR ISTS DR. C. L. r t E R M A M Visual Specialist W YCKOFF JEW ELRY STO R E Room 4, Fry Building Nyssa. Oregon Phone 171-J Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5 Official Time Inspector lor Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON DR. J. A . M C F A L L DR. JO H N E A S L Y -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - r - = U = l '. V E T E R IN A R IA N S MAR1ANÍ D .^V DR. H A L D. W H IT E Veterinarian Phono Nyssa # 5 Phone 21, Ontario, Ore GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER Vale Nyssa Ontario 40 acres, well located, four-room home. 20 acres good row crop land, $9500, terms. 160 acres. 140 acres irrigated, 70 acres good row crop land. 1/4 mile off oil, 281 down with $2,000 per year on the balance. 140 acres. 90 acres irrigated. 57 acres in alfalfa, 5-room home, 2- room labor house, close to Nyssa. $9500. terms. 60 acres, 45 acres good row crop land, balance in pasture, paid-up water right, good home, close to Nyssa. 360 acres, top row crop land, lays perfect, 5-room modern home, terms. 758-head cattle ranch, has both high and low altitude range, lots of springs and streams over the range, can be rented for $5,000 per year for five years with the rent to apply on the purchase price. 75-head cattle ranch, new two- bedroom modern home, would be nice summer home, well located to an oiled highway. 140 acres of perfect laying top row crop land, five-room home with two-room tenant house, $29,900, w*$h 14 down. 80 acres good row crop land, three-bedroom semi-modern home, $14,000, with $7,000 down and $500 per year on the balance. 40 acres, row crop land with new two-bedroom modern home worth $3.000, $12,000, terms can be arrang ed. FOR RENT 80 acres for rent, mainly pasture, 3-room hoifse, $1.200 One-bedroom modern home, $35 per month. * HOMES Four-room semi-modern home lo cated on paved street. $4,200, with small down payment. Attractive three-bedroom modern home, spacious throughout, top lo cation in Nyssa. terms. Four-room modem home, spacious yard, all fenced, $4500. V4 down. One acre with two-bedroom mod em home, $4,000. One-bedroom modern home, full basement, located on payment, sewer, $7500, small down payment, will accept a late model auto as part payment. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Service station for sale. Business building and stock for sale, building 24 x 70 cinder block. $9,000, with $3,400 down and $500 per year on the balance. General merchandising, grocery store and service station in an ex clusive good Irrigated, farming area, busy highway comer, a good money maker, modern apartment, will ac cept farm or home as part payment. We make loans on the new Owy hee land, farms, homes and bus iness. GRIGG BROS. & BUTLER Nyssa, Oregon Real Estate Insurance Loans Phone 179-J MEL BECK FOR SALE—Maytag washer, like new. phone 179-J during the day or 262-R In the evening. 30m3xc FOR SALE—Springer Jersey cows, reasonable, phone 018-R3. 30m3xp FOR SALE—Two registered short horn bull calves. Henry Mitchell. 9 miles west on Klamath avenue. 6a2xp FOR SALE—Baby chicks. Now is the time to order Thompson's Chek-R-Chlx for delivery every I Wednesday and Saturday. For breeds and prices, inquire Thomp son's Ontario hatchery. 23fl2xc. FOR Sale—Two showcases, good as new. inquire at the Sweet shop, 30m3xc FOR SALE—Choice stack baled al falfa, Immediate delivery. W. F. Jahn, care of Powell Service station. Gatfc FARMS CLEAR $20,000 PER YEAR Grade A dairy set up. take over stock and all, a bargain. $50,000. MAKE GOOD ON THIS 80 Cheap-water and good soil, a fine general farm, $24.000 NEW LAND SPECIAL 80 acres, 40 cultivated, only $7.350, very easy terms. A GOOD 80 FOR ONLY $7.500, About 50 acres now cultivated, $3.- 000 down will move you on. EXTRA GOOD 60 58 acres of good row crop land. Modern home. $24,000, J4 down. TWO OOOD HOMES ON THIS 60 acres, deep sandy soil, $9.000. terms and low interest. 50 ACRES ON OILED ROAD Modern six-room home, best of soil, old water right. $16,000, $4 down. OVER 30 TON BEETS You can't find better soil. 50 acres. $10,500, terms. ALL IN HAY AND PASTURE Extra good 40, good buildings, see and buv it, $9,500, terms. A LEVEL 40 Deep sandy soil, move on this for $3,500 down, total $8,000. SEVEN-ROOM MODERN HOME Two acres, good barn, close In, $10.000, terms \ HOMES NEW 3-ROOM HOME Very neat and attractive, good garage. $4500. TWO-BEDROOM HOME i On sewer, large lot, $2550, $500 ! down. LAROE ROOMS ! Modem two-bedroom home. $6.- 800, easy terms. | ATTRACTIVE HOME Lawn and shade, large extra tot. $4535. easy terms, i EAST SIDE I/OCATION Buy a home for less, modern, three-bedroom, only $3.000 NEW TWO-BEDROOM HOME Modern, neat appearence. very | good buy at $4500. '4 down BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THREE FINE DEALS I All in Nyssa. See us about these I and get started for yourself. KEN POND AGENCY REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 16 North 3rd. Phone 21$ For evening appointments 1 Phone 54-M FOR SALE—A complete stock o f ' companies. See this special plan | NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S for W. S. C. S. Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans and wallpaper,. Set the scene for graci- before you buy. Nyssa Insurance | SALE ouus living, beautify your interiors j agency. Ralph O. Lawrence, agent. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Janice and Linda Ross went to with our fine wallpapers Come in 1 105 Main street. 2ftfc STATE OF OREGON FOR THE j Nampa Sunday to see Mrs. Rana Coward, who was in the Samaritan and see our selection as low as 36c COUNTY OF MALHEUR a roll Nyssa Furniture company, MISCELLANEOUS — Need money? ' In the Matter of the Estate of j hospital. Linda has bee spending a few days with her grandparents, one block west of railroad depot Loans on farms for refinancing.: Berkley B. Baker, Deceased. 2mtfc building, improvements, b u y i n g . ; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Mr. and Mrs. Evans. Long term, low interest, see Ber that pursuant to an Order of the Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denning of FOR S A L E — Bliss Triumph seed nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. above entitled Court dated March Buney were week-end guests of Mr. potatoes grown from blue tag seed, 3Atfc 15, 1950, In the above entitled estate, and Mrs. Frank Preston. rogued twice during growing sea Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Grasmick the undersigned Administrator of CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING son. $2 per cwt. sacked; also russet of Sand hollow, Mr. and Mrs. Ben said estate will sell at private sale seed potatoes grown from blue tag Stock received Monday. Tuesday, on or after the 17th day of April, Raymer of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. and rogued. $1.50 per cwt. sacked. Wednesday and Thursday. 8 a m. 1950, to the highest bidder for cash Prank Nedbalek enjoyed a picnic Sid Flanagan, route 2. Nyssa. Ore to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. or cash and credit the following near Silver City Sunday. No stock received on Sunday gon. 16mtfc Mrs. Ray Lobb and Ray, Jr., spent Beef, sheep and pork. Free de described real property of said De Friday in Caldwell on business. ceased, and the whole thereof in one FOR SALE—Bliss triumph and livery to Polar locker plant. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stam of Nyssa unit or in fractional parts, subject white rose seed from blue tag stock, One mile west on Alberta Ave. visited Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Smit to confirmation by the Court, the phone 897-J, Ontario l6mtfc Phone 05R-1 following described real property, last week. JAKE FISCHER Mrs. Ralph Baxter spent the past FOR SALE—194S John Deere auto situated in the City of Nyssa, Mal week in Salt Lake City, visiting matic wire tytngf hay baler used MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need heur County, State of Oregon, to- with her son, Max Walker, and wife, one season. Walter Cannon at money to remodel your home or to wit: she attended the L. D. S. church Lots Nos. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15 In conference Thursday and returned Desert Sheep Co. 9m6xp build outbuildings or garage? We Block No. 34 of Park Addition home Friday evening. can arrange a loan for you and give FOR SALE—All-steel box for 1935 you up to three years to pay It. to the City of Nyssa, County of Mrs. L. D. Cllmer and twin half ton pick-up. 913 north Second Nyssa Lumber Co. Malheur, State of Oregon, as the daughter spent the Easter vacation 29stfe street. 30m4xp same are shown on the Revised with Mrs. Climer's parents, Mr. and MISCELLANEOUS - Duplicate car General Plat of said City now Mrs. L. O. Hawley. FOR SALE and cylinder lock keys made Hen- on file in the Office of the Coun The F. C. Fry home was the scene Two houses: One has two bed neman's. 250trfc ty Clerk for Malheur County, of a 6 o'clock birthday dinner Fri rooms, bath, kitchen, living room Oregon day evening for Richard Jenkins and basement, gas furnace, hot MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar All bids must be in writing and and his wife of Frultland Richard water tank, range and refrigerator. range loans for you to rebuild or may be delivered to the undersigned and his twin brother. Roger, were Second one has two rooms and bath remodel your home, barn, garage, and gas stove, 50 x 117 lot, excellent or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb at the office of Clyde H. Snider, separated for the first time on this, Heldt Building. 18 North 3d, Nyssa. income property, both lor only er Co. 29stfc Oregon, Attorney for said Admin their 20th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Billings and $6.500.00. ¡on of Notus, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Good home on paved street, 3 MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and istrator. ROE FELTON DUNCAN Tayler and family of Wilder and blocks from town, two bedrooms, free pick-up of your dead, crippled Administrator of the Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denning of glassed-in porch, full basement, or sick livestock. Calls received be Burkiey B Baker. Deceased Burley were Sunday dinner guests stoker and furnace, garage, nice fore 9 o'clock are picked up by First publ. March 16. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston. Mr. yard and shade. $6150, good terms noon. Efficient drivers. Call col und Mrs. Bob Shaw called in the Last publ. April 13. Two-bedroom modern apartment, lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys Preston home later in the evening. over double garage, brick construct sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Smit, Sr., SJtfc. N E W S OF R ECOR D ion. excellent location, paved street, Company. and John visited Mr and Mrs. Olen nice lawn. MISCELLANEOUS—Available now. Oallant in Goodrich Sunday. Mrs. M A R R I A G E L I C E N S E S Income property, four apartments V. Elwell Bolenbuugh and Eliza Smit remained for a week's visit In new brick apartment house. Lo Electrolux cleaners and ah puri with her daughter and family. cated across from senool house. fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. beth Allison, both of Vale. Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idano, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Keck and Robert Eugene Fangen und Mable $16,500. Terms can be arranged. 14jtfc May Toombs, both of Nyssa. family visited Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Oood two-bedroom home on pav phone 0287J4. Edwin Leroy Bartholomew und Keck south of Nyssa last Sunday. ed street, close in. $4100, only $1,- LE G A L AD VERTISIN G Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Sager and Alice Marie Carpenter, both of On 800 down and $25 per month on family visited wltii Mr. and Mrs. tario. balance. Immediate possessl m. NOTICE OF MEETING T. E. Sager at Middleton Sunday. 27 x 116 lot on main street, well Big Bend Irrigation District COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT Mr. and Mrs. Prank Nedbalek located for only $2350. Notice is hereby given that the were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Cape vs. Fred Skaggs, dam 350-foot frontage on Ontario j board of directors of the Big Bend Frank Preston one day last week. highway across from Williams Food Irrigation district, sitting as a board ages. $1,500. Credit Bureaus Adjustment De Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Johnson had market. Will sell all or part. of equalization, will meet on the partment vs. Ontario Sand and Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. 10 acres with good house, semi- second day of May, 1950 at 8 o'clock, Oravel, recovery on account, $467.43. Leon Burt of New Plymouth. modern, excellent ground, 144 miles p. m. of said day at the home of Malheur Memorial Hospltul As Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hohstadt and from Nyssa, terms H. R. Hatch within said district, sociation vs. Mrs. M. Keech, re family spent Saturday night with Three acres, good ground, nearly for the purpose of reviewing and covery on pledge. $625. Rev. Frank Fields and family lit new house, one mile Nyssa, very correcting its assessment roll and ap Ernmert Moore vs. Lois Moore, Cove, Oregon. good terms. portionment of charges for oper divorce. Marjorie Sager, who Is teaching BERNARD EASTMAN ation and maintenance for the 1950- Ontario Grocery Company vs. in Apple valley, had supper with REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 51 season and assessment of 50 cents Middleton Shell service, recovery on the Harley Sager family Wednesday. Phone 64 per acre for operation and main account, $1,080.59. Mrs. Bradford Fine and boys of tenance of the Big Bend unit of Bert Akin vs. John Wells, et. al., Caldwell spent Thursday with Mrs. FOR SALE—Outside white paint, the district and 14 cents per acre Pat Hohstadt and family. National Titanium, 5 gallon lots, for operation and maintenance and damages, $1,200. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell and $3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber $2.50 per acre for construction Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. Buskirk and company. 12mtfc charges of the Park unit of said N u-Acres Easier Betty, Helen Wagner of Parmer. district during the 1950-51 period. FOR SALE—Have farms and houses Dinners Serve«! Mrs. E. M. Seuell and family, Dor The assessment roll and record othy Lobb. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow for sale. Need more, list with Ken may be inspected at the residence Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc of H. R. Hatch, secretary of said NU-ACRES, April 13—Mr. and Mrs. Seuell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoff and Terry of Nyssa plck- FOR SALE— Creto. the guaran district, by any interested person. Ira Tlsh, Mrs. Robert Mills and nlcked at Banks Easter Sunday. Larry of Greenleaf and Barbara By order of the board of direct The Hohstadt family attended a teed waterproof paint, Creto water Tlsh of Newberg, Oregon were din family gathering at the Cletus proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc ors. ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hohstadt home Sunday. Approxi H. R. Hatch, secretary co, plaster, mortar and terrazzo Big Bend Irrigation district. Evans and family. Afternoon guests mately 65 persons attended. Waterproofs by application and were Mrs. Rosa Latham and family First Pub April 13, 1950 permanently waterproofs walls and and Mrs. Fanny Latham of Caldwell. Last Pub. May 4, 1950. floors, inside or outside, wet or Mrs, O. O. Wherry of Payette is Relatives Allenii dry, new or 0 IB 7 painted or un- ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE spending a few days at the Ed palnted. Nyssa Lumber Co. 17Ntfc D in n er O n Easier TO CREDITORS Meroney home. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE The community has learned of W AN TE D STATE OF OREGON FOR THE the passing of Mrs. Bud Mootz at COLUMBIA A V E , April 13—Ontario COUNTY OF MALHEUR a hospital in Portland. She has visitors Friday afternoon were Mr. WANTED—Work by hour or week, In the Matter of the Estate of been sick for some time and was and Mrs. Dick Oroot. phone 330-R. 6a2xc Mr. and Mrs. Oerrit Oroot called EDGAR L. DITTY, Deceased. transferred from Ontario to Port WANTED—Male help wanted. Good NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN land a short time ago in the hope on relatives of this community route available In Nyssa and Vale, That the undersigned, Qertrude Z. that she would benefit from treat Thursday evening. no experience or capital necessary Atkeson. has been appointed admin ment In a larger hospital. The C. M. Tensen was an Ontario vis but car required. Write the J. R. istratrix of the Estate of Edgar L. body arrived in Payette Monday itor recently. Watkins company, 137 Dexter ave Ditty, deceased, by the County Court morning. Mrs. Mootz was active In Mr. and Mrs. Z Davidson of nue, Seattle 9, Washington. 6a6xc of Malheur County, Oregon, and lias club work here. Parma were hosts at a luncheon for qualified. Helen Lobb spent the Easter va the following friends Easter Sun WANTED—Highest prices paid for NOW THEREFORE, all persons cation with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh day; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. slaughter horses. Clyde Smith, having claims against the Estate of Smith of New Plymouth. and Mrs. Oerrit Oroot of Apple val phone 306, Ontario. Across from Edgar L. Ditty, deceased, are hereby Phyllis Evans was an overnight ley, Mrs. Kris Van Zelf and Mr. and Ontario Bales yard. 23mtfc notified and required to present the guest of Beverly Covington of Fruit- Mrs. Jake Oroot of Arcadia and Mr. WANTED— To buy anything in same, with proper vouchers, duly land. They attended the sunrise and Mrs. Dick Oroot. verified within six months from the service of the M Y. F. of Frultland. Mrs. Nora West of Rivervlew call beef or veal. Also custom killed date of this Notice, to the under Mr. and Mrs. Warren Schlllinger ed on Mrs. Florence Larson Wed and delivered to Polar Cold Stor signed, Gertrude Z. Atkeson, at the age. Phone 31-M or 011-Jl. lZFtfc. law office of Charles W Swan, U. of Payette and her sister and hus nesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Twlsk band of Weiser called Sunday on were In Ontario Sunday. WANTED TO RENT—Potato and S. National Bank Building, Vale. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Meroney. Cecil Riddle has been confined to beet ground. Phone 018-J3, On Oregon, which place the undersigned tario, Oregon 24ntfc selects as her place of business In the Holy Rosery hospital In On Returns To College— all matters connected with said tario. Howard Flanary left Tuesday to Estate. Mrs. Tom Nedbalek is still 111. return to Portland, where he will FOR RENT Dated and first published March Those visiting her the past week resume his studies at Lewis and FOR RENT—Room m home, man 30. 1950. Last publication April 27, were Mr. and Mrs Angele Maroatlca, Clark college after spending East preferred. Dwight Smith, phone 1950 Mrs. Frank Preston. Mrs Hatfield, er vacation visiting his mother, Mrs. 140-R. Satfc OERTRUDE Z ATKESON Duane Murrey of Mrs. Frank Sorenson. Mr and Mrs. W. Planary. Administratrix of the Estate of | Ray Rapp, Mr. and Mrs. Oordon White Salmon, who also attends FOR RENT—Two-room furnished Edgar L Ditty. Deceased. Bchmelzer. Mrs. D. L. Durrington Lewis and Clark college, visited house, with bath. Bernard East Charles W.Swan. and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Frank three days last week at the Flanary man. 6atfc U. S. Bank Building. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Raymer home. Vale. Oregon. and Mr and Mrs Opurge Orasmtck FOR RENT—One four-room un Attorney for Administratrix. Margaret Evans, Madge Thomson Visit In Ogden— furnished apartment In Bybee a- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Whitaker are and Emma Orcutt were co-hostesses purtments. Call at 302 S. 5th street. NOTICE TO CREDITORS at the home of Mrs M. C. Seuell spending this week In Ogden. Utah. 6ulfc In the Matter of the Estate of FOR RENT—Three-room furnished, Clyde L. Park. Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN modem house, garden space, phone 022R-1. 6a2xp That the undersigned has been duly and regularly appointed the Admin FOR RENT- Four-room house on istrator of the above entitled estate, north 2nd street, call at 901 north all persons having claims against 1st street. 6a2xp said estate are hereby notified to present the same, verified as by law FOR R E N T — Three-room apart required, to the undersigned at ment. heat and light furnished, fac Nyssa. Oregon, at the office of ilities for laundry, phone 288-W Clyde H Snider, his attorney, in Mrs. E. M. Bair. 6atfc the Heidt Building, within six months of the date of the first FOR RENT—Three-room modern publication hereof apartment. 601 north 1st street, Clyde L. Park, Jr.. phone 23-J. C. H Bennett. 6atfc Administrator of the Estate of Marahalltown spring- I. H. C. potato plantar, FOR RENT—Three-room apart Clyde L Park. Deceased Date of first publication March ment. modern, 22 N. 1st St. $41. Nyssa Insurance Agency. 30mtfc 23. 1950 tooth linger weeder. two-row. with Date of last publication April 20, FOR RENT— Pollan your own 1950 floors. Rent our hlgh-apeed pol ishing equipment. Easily handled NOTICE TO CREDITORS fertilizar attachment. by women. Nyssa Lumber company In the Matter of the Estate of tAtfc. Eva L. Park. Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN Closing out «pedal F O R R E N T — Two-room cabin. That the undersigned has been duly Chadwick’s camp. 20otfe and regularly appointed the Admin istrator of the above entitled estate; on MISCELLANEOUS all persons having claims against Oliver one-bottom two- said estate are hereby notified to MISCELLANEOUS—$10 reward for present the same, verified as by law \ recovery of hydraulic bumper Jack, required, to the undersigned at ! Acme Paint stolen from by car on Main street. Nyssa. Oregon, at the office of Clyde | way plow. O em l Stam. Clark boulevard. 13alxp H Snider, his attorney, in the Heldt Building, within six months of the POLIO INSURANCE date of the first publication hereof.. Whole family. $5 per year Clyde L Park, Jr., KEN POND AOENCY Administrator of the Estate of 16 North 3rd, Nyssa Eva L Park. Deceased MISCELLANEOUS- Announcing to Date of first publication March PHONE 142 fanners, new reduced rales in auto 23. 1950 Date of last publication April 20. mobile liability Insurance You can now insure for less in the best of 1950 HOLLINGSWORTHS' —Specials— HOLLINGSWORTHS', INC. NYSSA