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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
PAGE FOUR THE N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APR IL 13. 1950 Extrusion I'laiis For W ar l)raft«*<l SUNSET VALLE Y. April 13— Mrs. Grover Cooper and Miss Mertrude K in* drove to Ontario Friday to a t tend the planning meeting for the county extension lessons for next year The women were delighted with next year's program, which In cludes lessons on window treatment, making of drape«, home lighting, making a lamp shade, new finishes for iloors, making of a toot-stool, home I lower arrangements, and i broiled dinner. Also the group will make either a silk or wool dress and the old-tim e swing and square dances will be offered Mrs Grover Cooper, Sunset ex tension oemonstrator. assisted the Fairbanks Morse-Pomona ‘ IRRIGATION PUMPS ‘ DOMESTIC PUMPS ‘ WATER SYSTEMS J ELECTRIC MOTORS W H O LE SALE A N D R E T A IL WE IN S T A L L AND S E R V IC E ....... Call or Write* Intermountain Equipment Co. BOISE. ID AH O Myrtle at Broadway ÆA _ Phone 9000 KAISER-FRAZER APPROVED Sales & Service S ervice If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best of condition. BRING Y O U R T R O U B LE S T O US free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway .‘10— East of Tov/n Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 NOTICE TO VOTERS To Vole You Must Be Registered As provided by Chapter 204, 1927 Laws, no person shall be qualified to vote at a Primary, General or Special Election unless he or she shall be registered. Electors cannot he sworn in to vote on election day. Registration books are now open and w ill la* open until the night of A pril 18th, 1950. If you were registered and did not vote at either the Primary or General Election in 1948, or have chang ed your residence or if you desire to change your political affiliations, you must re-register. You may register at the office of the County Clerk, for any precinct in the County, or with the official reg istrars in the following precincts: PRECINCTS ladle, with the sewing and fitting of their better cotton dresses, when | the group met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs Robert Ditty. Members of the Chalk Butte Home Economics club met Wednesday a f ternoon at the home of the hostess, Mrs Robert Olp Visiting guests from Kingman Kolony were Mrs. Wesley Piercy and Mrs William Tooinbs Refreshments were served. The next hostess for the group will be Mrs Grover Cooper Again seven Sunset families went | on their annual picnic on Easter Sunday south of Mitchell butte as they have for years. Picnicking above the siphon, were 26 persons j including the families of Hudson. ! James and Wayne Robb, both Pete and Claude Wilson, Wilbur Chap in, Kenneth Iyjrensen and Bill Ham- ! ilton families and their friends. Word has been received that Mrs. j Louie Davis and Pattle and Dickie are now In Seattle, leaving soon to Miss Janice Campbell of Nysaa join Mr Davis in Yokohoma; Japan. has been chosen as a princess for He has been stationed there the past the blossom festival U> be held in year. Mrs Davis and children vis ited several months last year at the Payette May 6. She will also be in the iiuern's court st the queen's Wilbur Chapin home Mr. Davis Is ball to be hrld the night of April a brother of Mrs. Chapin. Eight members of the Sunset aux 29 at Payette. iliary inet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Edwin Bergain as hostess. Snyder, Miss Mertrude King, and Plans were made for a fall bazaar Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Pline and Lunch of salad sandwiches and pie family of Ontario picnicked at the was served Mrs. Julia Brown of Ontario, cen Owyhee dam. sus crew leader, was a dinner guest Mrs. James Langley arrived home at the Kenneth Lorensen home Monday from the Nampa Samaritan Monday and Mrs. Brown checks hospital. Her son Is still in the with the progress of the census tak Boise hospital, but doing well. ing. ..... ...... __ Mrs. Ira Price and Mrs. Don Fox, Mr ...... and ...... Mr Ellis .......... Stokes _ and two sons of Bluckloot, Idaho were ! room mothers for the fifth grade, week-end guests at the home of >®rved refreshments Friday after- Mr and Mrrs Chester Bowns. I noon at the fifth graders' Easter Mrs. Vern Garner, was appoint party. Jim Wolcott, nephew of Mrs. W. ed Sunday as first counselor of the Owyhee Ward Relief society. The L. Chapin, is now with the regular •society will meet Tuesday at the 1 squadron at Lowry air force base home of Mrs. Arthur Hawkins for at Denver. Mr and Mrs. Clifford W olfe and an all-day meeting. Charles Chapin and Mr and Mrs. daughters motored to Baker Sunday Kenneth Lorensen were Sunday din to have Easter dinner with Mrs. ner guests at the Herman Lorensen Wolfe's relatives. Sunday visitors at the William house at Owyhee Junction. The men pulled Lorensen's pump, which was Gregg home were Mr. and Mrs. Ed T op liff and family causing trouble. Harold Fyllingness and Larry Many families attended the bene fit dance Monday evening in Adrian Dimmick bought a horse-drawn road grader from Sam Shaw of Jamelson for Glen Salter, who Is in 111 health. The Lion's club auctioned pies last week. The Sunset Valley 4-H group met during the evening. Mr and Mrs Homer Brewer and Saturday afternoon at the Ira Price daughters were guests Sunday at a home for their regular meeting. family dinner at the home of Mr. Dwayne Wilson, their leader, also and Mrs Keith Tollman Fifty- took pictures o f the group.. James three relatives were present for the Niccum Is a new member T h e 16 members present played a baseball occasion. Visiting from Thursday to Sunday game after the meeting The next at the home o f Mrs Marie C. Black meeting will be held at Brent H art in Nyssa, was Miss Doris Ransom ley's home. Ed Mortensen visited Friday even of Boise Miss Ransom n sLster of Linda Ransom, who is living with ing at the Lyman Pomeroy home. Mrs. Black At present, she is a Ed has recently moved his little house from the former Malmberg receptionist at the university. Harold Peterson, son-in-law of farm to his own ranch, which is Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Fyllingness, who rented to Homer Brewer again. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Fyllingness left here last Tuesday for his home in Idaho Falls, had to undergo surg were dinner guests at the home of ery Wednesday evening after his ar Mr. and Mrs. H. Crutchfield Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes and rival home. Mr. and Mrs Robert Albritton of Bonnie Kressley were among the 28 dinner guests at the Rolland Holmes' Elgin were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price. home for a fam ily Easter dinner Suniluy dinner guests also included 1 Mr and Mrs. Harold Fyllingness Miss Marian Price of Nampa, M ar and family dined at the Alvin Ek- ion Carey of Boise. Mr. and Mrs. anger home Sunday. Kenneth Price und Miss Boneta ' Both Neil and Larry Dimmick at tended the field program at the Lang lots. Saturday visitors at the Grover agricultural station. Cattle feeding Cooper home were Mr. and Mrs. was the main topic of Interest. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell were E II. Tolman and children of Boise. Tolman returned to Idaho that eve guests at the William Orr home for dinner Sunday. ning while Mrs. Tolman and child Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ford of ren are remaining lor a six-duy visit. The Coopers. Tulmans, Don Grandview. Washington spent a week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Price. The two wo men are sisters. FOR YO U R PL U M B IN G Dinner and supper guests at the Neil Dimmick home Sunday Includ NEEDS ed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbert son. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Bath Sets, Water Heaters Mr and Mrs Larry Dimmick, and Mr and Mrs L. W. Pomeroy The and Pressure Systems men worked de-horning cattle on both the Patton and Dimmick farms Call Pete Wilson. Jim Robb and W il bur Chapin worked cattle prepara J. C . S M I T H tory to taking ihem to the hills Monday 13 Years In Nyssa Lew McCoy Is moving his cattle to his Ironside ranch this week. Phone 78-J Fern Price was an overnight guest of Boneta Longlols Saturday even ing Both accompanied Mr and Mrs Versal Sessions to Boise to visit Mr Session's mother. REGISTRARS Ap p le«« It* Mrs. M D Clough Adrian and Big Bend D T Holly Harper and Bully O Y Chester Brogan Myrtle I Ironside H. C. Elms Jamieson J A Coleman Jordan Valley and Juniper Gabriel Elordl* Jones Geo L Baker Malheur Mrs Horten Worsham McDermttt Mary H Myers Nyssa No. 1, No. 3, No 3. Arcadia and Owyhee Hilda I. Tensen Ontario No. I, No. 3. No 3. No 4, No 5, Fair and F C McSham* Rldgevlew Pauline Eachua Riverside Mrs. Donald E Libby Rockville Maude Greeley Ellen Wilev Corta Bnake River Fannie Chandler Official Registrars have lists of those who are NOW registered Custom Hay Chopping and N«»w U rgr njuipm m t will handle baled or loose hay Glenn I. Short County Clerk Owvhee Corner Phone 010R-1 -SEED POTATOES- TAG BLISS TRIUMPS, WHITE ROSE AND NETTED GEMS Y E A R OUT W H ITE ROSE AND HIGH A L T IT U D E GEMS FREE FROM LEAF ROLL IF YOU HAVE THE GROUND, WE HAVE THE SEED. CONTACT US FOR GROW ING DEALS L. J. JOSEPHSON AND SON (F O R M E R LY M ALH EU R PRODUCE) Phono Pay otic 992-J Cattle To Range Hauling H. S. SA C K E TT blu e Cattlemen luke Phono Ontario 897-J, evenings UPPER 8UN 8ET. April 13—Mr I and Mrs. John E. Cox o f Mountain Home spent Easter Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Callahan's home and attended the Easter program of the L. D. 8. church at the Oregon Trail schoolhouse Mr and Mrs Callahan's children of Caldwell. Irvin J. Callahan and family, Clarence Herrtid and family. Everett and Harold Callahan and family spent Easter at their par ents home In this vicinity. Some o f the cattlemen took their 1 cattle to the range last week Water will be turned Into the high canal this week, as reported. Most farmers have their grain and beets In. A benefit dance was given last week at the Oregon T ra il school- I house by the L. D. 8. church for 1 Glen Salters, who has been con- | fined to his bed since last June Harold Callahan has purchased a | farm near Caktwell In the Black j | canyon project. He will move this For Screwn Door« and Ra pairing of Scroona. R o m Trellises. O l h t r Repair Work. Cabinet Work and Construction Call Johnson Cabinet Shop 1 ', M ile« N«r4h Nyss June Use O e Highway Pheae «S3-J1 week and put the laad in cultiva and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and children. little grandchildren who enjoyed an tion. Six dozen eggs were colored for the Easter egg hunt. Charles Durfee and family and Irvin and Delone Durfee spent Easter Sunday at New Plymoutn with Mr. and Mrs. Uay Porter. Mr. Durfee will move to the farm he purchased recently in the Black Canyon district. Ray Callahan has gone to T a coma, where he is employed by the real estate and building and con struction company Nathan Orr of the air force at Cheyenne. Wyoming visited his par ents last Sunday in the Owyhee district. PUBLIC FARM SALE Having sold my farm, I will sell the follow ing property MONDAY, APRIL 17 Girl Cuts Head When She Falls BUENA V ISTA, April 13—Dowona Brooks fell and cut her head Sun day. Those who enjoyed an outing at the Owyhee dam from this district Sunday were M r and Mrs. Qlen H offm an and Olendia, Mr and Mrs Mancll Bishop and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brooks and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Edwards and family. Mrs. Lillian Scheller, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ooodell and Alva Goodell. Jr. Mrs 8. B Hoffman. Mrs. Jim Ritchie and Robert and Oarnet Belle and Mrs. Claude Day were In Cald well Wednesday. Mrs. Willis Bertram and baby daughter returned home last week from the Holy Rosary hospital. Mrs. Lillian Scheller, Mrs Loyd Adams. Mrs Thurman Hill and Mrs. Alva Ooodell were in Boise M on day. Mr. and Mrs. W illis Bertram were Sunday dinner guests at the Glen Hurshey home In Ontario. Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Cleaver en tertained at a fam ily dinner Sun day Ouests were M r and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and family. Mr. and Mrs Eugene Cleaver and Cheryl and Harriett, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and Gary and Brian. Mr SAW S FILED A ll typM o f ia w i filed quickly on our p r e c i s i o n Foley A u to m a tic F i 1 e r. You r saws will cut faster, c l e a n e r , truer. Old saws re toothed. Lawnmowers SHARPENED You’ ll save time and effort when y o u r mower is sharpened on our Foley Lawn Mower Sharpener. A ll work guaran teed. Beginning at 1 o'clock Located Va mile west of Apple V alley schoolhouse, or from Nyssa, Oregon across river bridge to first oiled road to the right, three miles south and Vz mile west. FARM MACHINERY FERGUSON EQUIPMENT 1 Ferguson tractor, new last year. 1 Ferguson Farm Hand, used six months. 1 Ferguson six-foot mowing machine, pulls from behind. 1 Ferguson 16-inch plow. 1 Four-row corrugator. 1 Four-section spring-tooth harrow. 1 Ferguson 14-foot dump rake. 1 Moline beet drill. 1 Grain drill. 1 Moline two-bottom tumblebug plow. Lots of tools and miscellaneous items. 100 bales of first cutting alfalfa hay. CATTLE 2 Holstein springer heifers, coming with second calf. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1 Four-piece bedroom suite. 2 Beds and dressers. 1 Davenport and chair. 1 Bendix combination radio and phono graph. 1 Record cabinet. 2 Spring rocking chairs. 1 New M aytag washing machine. Neighbors are welcome to bring in any thing they have to sell TERMS: CASH PATTERSON S A W SHOP No. First St. EDDIE MILLER, Owner Bill Lane, Auctioneer Phone 169, Nyssa, Oregon for farm sale dates Mr. Farmer THE IDAHO CANNING COMPANY Offers You A GOOD CLEAN CONTRACT FOR Growing Sweet Corn A CASH CROP Phone Nyssa 175-R or Payette 117 or drop a postcard; a field man will see you promptly Planting will begin approximately April 25 and extend to June 10 Harvesting Crews Will Be Organized Where Necessary In Addition To Mechanical Picking Idaho Canning Co.