Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
TH E N Y S S A G A T E C I T Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . OREGON. T H U R S D A Y . A P R I L 13. 1950 PAG E TW O Adrian 4-H (¿iris S ervr íiliil» D inner The 4-H dub of Adrian high school held Its ninth meeting April 3 The members discussed the ar rangements made for the radio broadcast, which was held Saturday. April II Mis. Threlma Elliot, the 4-H lead er. made a survey of the member« to determine who has the must of the 4-H requirements finished The girls then prepared a dinner for the club members and guest», Mr and Mrs. Fred Warren and Mr and Mrs Moore. The menu was prepared by the following girls: Cocktail, prepared by Patricia An trim and Ethel Mecham; salad. Lor raine Van De Water and Beverly Pounds; rolls, Avadna Peterson und Dlures Eachus; vegetables. Jenefor Thompson; potatoes and meat, Agnes Houtman and Margaret Ben nett and dessert, Rarlene Jorgenson and Patricia Eachus. The dinner wus served by Jenefor Thompson, Ethel Mecham and Dor othy Furgenaon. The table was set and decorated by Rowena William son and Fay Maria Hopkins. Holmes. The chairman, Mrs Thelma Parr, asked for reports from the standing committees. Mrs Oarrett Siam re ported on the hospital auxiliary meeting. Mrs. Mildred Hill on the yearbook and Mrs. Coral Bosch on the scrapbook. CLUB HOLD8 M EETING Mrs. Mildred Sisson, display table The Home Economics club of the chairman, asked each member to Oregon Trail Orange met at the home of Mrs Loyd Adams with 10 furnish her baby picture for the members answering roll call with display table at the next meeting | their favorite spring flower. of the Grange April II. I The door prize was won by Alice i Refreshments were served by the Social "Xiites - 8 - CLUB HAB D IN N E R The Mr and Mrs. Wednesday evening bridge club met April 2 at the home of Mr and Mrs. Grant Lewis for a polluck dinner Follow ing the dinner, bridge was in play with high score going to Mrs Ed- ward Boydell and second high to Mrs. Glea Billings. - 8 - - 8 - filled with candy eggs was given to each guest Game., and contests were played, with Colleen By bee and Cleo and Carole Flinders in charge of the playing and also unwrapping the gifts. hostess, assisted by Orma Goodell and Mildred Hill. The May meeting of the club will be held at the home o f Mrs. Dale Garrison. All members are asked to be present for the group picture to be taken for the yearbook. E N T E R T A IN A T D INN ER Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Hoffm an en tertained at dinner Easter Sunday for the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day and family. Mr. and MrsipOolden Leavitt and fam- and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Maze and son. Ralph, and Ed Mor- tenson called in the afternoon. - 8 - O AR D E N CLUB MEETS Mrs. R. H. Young and Mrs. Ray Wilson of Parma entertained the members of the A. N. K Garden eral poems, including "L ila c s " by Amy Lowell. Mrs. Wilson was hos tess to the group at her home for I the tea and social hour. A large bouquet of spring flowers centered the tea table. The members of both garden clubs enjoyed seeing the gar- club and the Caldwell Oarden club at their homes In Parma Monday afternoon. The guests met at the Young home for a short business meeting. Following the business meeting, Mrs. Young introduced Mrs Elwood Gough, who read sev- dens at the Young and the Wilson homes. B IR T H D A Y D IN N E R G IVEN Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. D. R. Candaux Wednesday evening at a birthday dinner honor ing Mi CandAUX, were Mi and Mrs. Charles Stanley. Mr. arid Mrs. Ora Provoll and family. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dowie. and Mrs Dor othy Stanley and sons, all of Nampa ___________ HONORED ON B IR T H D A Y Gall Flinders was honored at a birthday party at the home of her parents. Mr and Mrs. J. El wood Flinders, last week. A large merry- go-round cake was a big attraction for the 20 little guests. A birthday cake bearing four candles was serv ed A little plastic Easter basket FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. APRIL 14 AND 15 Spring Promotional Sale -SQUARE DANCE- AT EAGLES HALL FREE FREE Boxes of Groceries Poltery Ware E A G L E S A N D F R IE N D S IN V IT E D litltl ifou're ludi/! A ticket given with each purchase entitles you to a chance on this merchandise to be given away Saturday. A rthu r G o d fr e y says TREAT HIM TO YOUR OWN HOMEMADE LEMON PIE *7, The /Modftuj automatic washer gets your clothes clean! ■ AST Q U IC K I Sunkist LEMONS Pillsbury PIE CRUST MIX 2 9 1 doz. 2 pkg. 3 5 0 Iv c k y you if f o u ’ v# WHÍt<HÍ for the wonderful M aytag A uto m « tic wum I i - er. For thi* automatic w a ih e a c lo t sich r e u l lv «•I c h » T h e y ’re ready for the lino in ju«d 25 min liten. Soo a driuoiiatni i l o » today ! SPINACH 430 3 for MTMINTI CORN O N T A R IO . O R E G O N 3 fo r SALAD DRESSING - - 390 - Pancake Flour 430 SYRUP 24 oz. bottle 330 ROYAL 33 0 - - 4» - DILL PICKLES \Xc stock and install precision-engineered inter national Thick parts — just like the originals in why they’re your best het—just as any service done Orange Juice 6 FLUID OZ. - HEINZ PROCESSED Qt. jar 19 0 2 13 oz. pkgs 350 (ai nation CORN '“**• mechanics use International-Approved equipment A pproved method» and practices. So bring your SiW COFFEE 0*R»> OH HEGWIA» GH'ND trucks to us for parts and scrvke that produce truck operating profits. Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. Nyssci, Oregon Plum* 24» Y a w In ln n a liM u l Met urmlck llqls. - - - 190 290 PORK STEAK LEAN MEATY 370 Lb. LINK SAUSAGE REIM S BESTEVER Lb. LARGE SOLID HEADS E a c h ............... 100 SUNKIST ORANGES RED NAVEL GOOD FOR JUICE 2 d o z ................. 350 CELERY HEARTS FIRM. CRISP P k g . ........... 2 3 0 CHOICE BAKERY GOODS CAKE ANGELFOOD CAKES MED. SIZE E a c h ........... 290 SWEET ROLLS FRESH DAILY in our shop is your best het. because our skilled for testing and service, and fo llow International- - LETTUCE FROZEN - 750 - - / w ji Fvuti w GELATINE DESSERT 3 pkgs. International Thicks. T b ty fit and stand up That's - 89c $ 1 .9 5 $ 3 .8 9 4 SHURFINE - - Lb. PILLSBURY SHORTENING 3 lb. Tin Lb. PICNIC STYLE LUMBER JACK CHAMPION - BACON SQUARES PORK ROASTS 10 lb. bag 25 lb. bag 290 ............................ Qt. size 'flc u r c y v , *Te* 4 lb. bag TASTY KERNEL 12 OZ. TIN "Y o u r Dependable Furniture Store" Get 9 Prize-Winning recipes in every bag of Pillsbury's BEST Flonr 50 lb. bag HUNTS NO. 2 TIN PETERSON FURNITURE CO. * ,;t i FREE Hams tv 9 P. M . To get better acquainted with some of our choice brands of merchandise we are happy to have as our guests to serve you all day Saturday representatives of S & W coffee. Sunfreze ice cream and frozen orange juice. Keim link sausage. Pillsbury pancakes and Lumberjack syrup. it* CXI Saturday Evening, April 15 The only Mellow'd Coffee D o z . ........... 4 9 0 SWIFT S PREM. FRENCH BREAD 12 oz. tin 4 3 0 2 Loaves - - - - 2 5 0 Canned Meat G ordon ’ s D rive -I n M arket “ The Home of Quality and Service”