Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
. t ,'yÆ ba*^ / 4< íl . *^ .v - 77>eNYSSA VOLUME XXXXVNO. 14 Nyssa, Ontario To Help Fight Conflagrations Mutual Agreement Plan- ® ned; Council Does Other Business JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 13. 1950' Neighbors Do Work For Cecil Kiddle On Nu-Aeres Farm For effectiveness, national offici als who are interested in promoting the goodwill of the United States j among the nations of the world do weU 10 emulate the ac- uvities o f the Nu-Acres neighbors of Cecil Riddle, who is recoverii^ from a m ajor operation in the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario. Thirty-eight men, equipped with plenty of machinery, did the spring work on the Riddle farm in the Nu- Acres section Tuesday. The farm ers plowed 17 acres of ground, planted row crops, corrugaed hay land, cleaned ditches, burned weeds and did other work on the 120-acre farm. The grocers in Nyssa donated the food for dinner for the workers and the Nu-Acres women prepared the meal. Service station operators in Nyssa donated gasoline for the tractors used in the work. Riddle’s condition of health is only part of the bad luck that has befallen him during the last year. His mother died in Missouri during the winter and while he was in Missouri his house and all contents were destroyed by fire. His daught er, Mrs. Bud Mootz, became ill and was taken to a hospital in Portland. She died there Saturday night. Riddle's brother, Hujh, who farms with him, has been in bed ever since Mrs. Mootz became ill about a month and a half ago. Information On Steer Feeding Given Farmers Hoffman Ami Bo«art B Talk At Annual Feed ers Day Catherine Open House Hehl In New (Quarters O f City Library A good-sized crowd of local resi dents attended the ’ open house" held Tuesday afternoon in the new quarters o f the city library In the city hall addition. The library was epen so that Nyssa residents might inspect the new arrangements. Placed about the rooms were several bouquets. The lace-covered tea table was cent ered with a bouquet of snapdragons. Hostesses for the afternoon were the members of the library board. Mrs. H. R. Sherwood. Mrs. Bernard Eastman, Mrs. Carolos Buchner, Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper and the librarian, Mrs. LuRay Trabert. Out-of-town guests who attended the open house were Mrs. C. C. Hunt of Twin Falls, for many years a member of the library board, and Miss Lillian Nisbet, county librar ian. Miss Nisbet has placed several new books, both for children and adults, in the Nyssa library. Park At Owyhee Reservoir Believed To Be Assured TWO SECTIONS— TEN PAGES (bounty-Wille Organiza L. D. S. Conference Firemen Desire tion W ill Promote Set For 'Lilis Week Farmers’ Kia|»orts Project Arvel L. Child, president o f the | Questionnaires sent out by the | ________ The city council voted at its reg Information on the results of cat ular meeting Tuesday night to enter Nyssa stake of the Church of Jesus Nyssa Rural Fire Protection dis- With establishment of a state park tle feeding at the Malheur experi into an agreement with the city of Christ of Latter Day Saints, an- trict to farmers to secure informa- , at the Owyhee reservoir believed to ment station during the past year Ontario for mutual protection of the nounced this week that the quart quart- tion to help firemen respond to be virtually assured, the Nyssa Boat and also at Oregon State college two cities in case either is attacked erly stake conference will be held I f . ___ . . . . . i by a large fire. was given by speakers at the eighth April 15 and 16. The conference flre alarms are being returned at | club and the Malheur Game league annual feeders day gathering held at Under the plan, a fire truck fully will be conducted under the direction a satisfactory rate, but a few farm- are developing plans for a county the Malheur station last Friday a f equipped would be sent to the town of Elder Joseph Fielding Smith of ers have still not responded, accord wide organization to promote the ternoon. in which the fire is burning. Sev ing to the district secretary, Frank project. the council of 12 apostles. eral such agreements are in exist Following a lunch served at noon The first two sessions of the con Parr. The county-wide committee will ence in Oregon, city officials said. through the courtesy of the Ontario "T h e department can’t work e f consist of representatives o f civic ference will be held in the Ontario An agreement will be drafted end chamber of commerce, D. Ralph ward chapel. The welfare session ficiently unless it has a complete clubs, granges, lodges and other or signed by representatives of the two Bogart of the department of animal starting at 6:30 p. m. Saturday, report on all homes in the area", ganizations. husbandry of Oregon State college, cities. April 15, will be followed by the Mr. Parr said. "T hose who have Local representatives will meet and Neil Hoffman, superintendent Gilbert Lopez asked approval of priesthood leadership session at J failed to return their reports are with federal park bureau and bureau of the Malheur station, talked on the council for establishment of a just as liable for a fire loss as the o'clock. of reclamation men in Boise within the tests. beer parlor on East Main street. Tw o general sessions will be held 95 percent who have returned their the next four weeks. This plan will Hoffm an said one of the main Lopez, who proposes to erect a new No one will lose at 10 a. m. and at 2 p. m. Sunday, questionnaries. give federal officials time to con purposes of the experiment with building for the business, would have April 16 in the new Vale ward chapel more than the people who have duct a survey to determine the cost Hereford steers at the station was to secure the council’s approval be failed to co-operate". at Vale. of the project. The federal repre to determine the amount of bloat fore the state liquor commission Sunday noon-day lunches will be sentatives are also expected to tell as well as to gather data on feed would grant a license. The council available through the stake Sunday the group the amount of money the ing methods. took the matter under advisement. school board. government will appropriate for the W ith Charles Custer as feeder Tom Evans, local photographer, work. Funeral services for Mrs. Mervin during the experiment, lot 1 of the asked the council for greater pro Officials o f the two local clubs P. Mootz o f Nu-Acres were con Cunning Company steers was fed chopped alfalfa hay, tection against itinerant photo said " I t Ls our understanding that ground barley and steamed bone- ducted today at 10 a. m. in the graphers. The council authorized Seeking Acreage The Oregon Trail Grange heard the value of this recreational area meal. Five of the 10 steers suffered Catholic church at New Plymouth. City Attorney Harold Henigson to several discussions by members rel will be credited to the Owyhee pro Father Walsh officiated. Interment from 14 mild cases of bloat. draw up an ordinance regulating I #*»». f a 'I'll I'lW u l For ’50 Campaign ative to subsidy payments at its ject so that the ultimate cost to the In lot 2 three steers had four bloat was in the New Plymouth cemetery, the licensing of itinerant merchants. ! " M * 11' ' 1 fanners for water will be reduced” . meeting held April 11. cases, one severe. They were fed with the Shaffer Memory chapel in Bernard Eastman, representing Fred Moss of the Idaho Canning With the sanction of the federal Master Frank 8herwood pointed chopped alfalfa hay and steamed charge. the square dance club, asked the city Helen lou ise Riddle was born at company stated this week that his out the numerous groups that government, the local group is ask rolled barley. to furnish material for a tennis The steers in lot 3 were fed chop WaKeeney, Kansas Juno 13, 1929. concern is soliciting additional acre are reaching for government motl ing the state of Oregon to sponsor Water was turned into the north court that could be used as a square the park project. dance pavilion as well as for tennis canal of the Owyhee project Sunday ped alfalfa hay. steamed rolled bar The fam ily moved to this section age of sweet corn. In order to op ey. These groups, he said, are gett The proposed campsite Is three playing. His group would furnish afternoon at 4 o'clock for the 1950 ley and s-teained bonemeal and only In 1939 and located on a home erate the plant at an economical ing more money than the farmers, one case of bloat resulted. In ad stead in the Nu-Acres section. Mrs. capacity, Moss said his firm will but receive very little publicity, miles above the dam so that con the labor. The council took no act irrigation season. The water was turned in slowly at dition to improvement in bloat con Riddle was graduated from the need an additional 600 or 700 acres. whereas the farmers’ subsidies are struction of a road through the ion on the proposal. rocky terrain would be necessary. The company plans to organize a pointed out on every front. After a discussion with Bernard first to allow the big ditch to soak dition, this lot was also the best Fruitland high school with the class picking crew to assist farmers In Frank Parr stated the position of The road now ends at the boat- Frost of the Idaho Power company, up some of the water before a full from the standpoint of gains per of 1946. She was united in marriage to Mervin P. (Bud) Mootz in Oct cases in which such a plan is neces the National Grange on the farm lift a short distance from the dam. pound of cost. the council voted for the appoint flow was turned into it. which, briefly stated, The park will include 20 acres of sary. Experimental operation o f a program, Bloat was also fairly low in the ober, 1947. Storage in the Owyhee reservoir ment of a committee to make a more Mrs. Riddle died Saturday, April 6 picking crew in the Payette district would place the farmer out of the ground on the east side of the res extensive study of a proposed street the first of this week was 583,740 lot 4 steers, which were fed chopped ervoir and other tracts of land. On lighting system. Members o f the acre feet, as compared to 414,710 alfalfa hay, ground shelled com and In the Providence hospital in Port last year proved successful. In ad realm of government subsidies ex cept when all Measures of self-help the 20-acre campsite Ls located a committe are Harry Miner and acre feet this time last year. Paul steamed bonemeal. Three o f the land, where she was taken a month dition, a new type mechanical pick spring that will run four Inches of had failed to hold down surpluses er has been secured to operate in ago for treatment, following an ill Gordon Ray. Probably some addit House, irrigation manager of the steers had four cases of bloat. water, which would be ample for of commodities. The average daily gain in pounds ness of several months. Her hus this district. ional lighting will be installed this Owyhee project, said he is not cer Mr. Moss pointed out that the Mrs. Gerrit Stam explained the all needs. At the water’s edge ls summer on Main street and along tain that the reservoir will fill, al in lot 3 was 2.06 and the average band, her mother, two sisters and a feed cost per pound gain was .188; brother were at her bedside at the company affords employment for work of the state Grange on help a nice slope for launching boats. the highways on both sides of the though prospects are promising. many workers during the 30-day ing the general public to understand In a cove out of a strong wind, the Water was turned into the main cents, or approximately $18.80 per time oi death. “ Y ". The deceased is survived by her campaign and steady year-around the position of the Grange insofar site provides a good sandy beach. The Malheur Memorial Hospital canal of the Vale-Oregon project hundred. Immediately after the Boise meet Mr. Hoffman pointed out that husband and two children. Jack work for a crew that is maintained as this organization deplores the association asked for recommend last Thursday. Walter White, man Anthony, 2 years old, and a daugh for shipping and maintenance. The present program of government ing, representatives of the local ation of the council for extension ager of the project, said farmers much valuable information was se company employed a crew of 250 spending. She also pointed out that groups will go to Salem to meet with of Emison avenue to the hospital. had been delayed by the late spring cured from the experiments, but ter, Mary Louise, six months old. persons In the plant last year during if the nation is to be solvent, it the state highway commission and The association .eked for a 73- so much they were not ready for that no definite conclusions could her mother, M rs Ava Fknute of he> father,Lthe campaign, la, addition 75 per- cannot go on continually spending the park commission. be reached until more experiments Somerton, ArJ 3 L foot right-of-way, the present width water as early as usual. T he.fed eral nifn who have been sons worked in the fields picking more than it is receiving. are analyzed. The figures were Cecil Riddle: two brothers, Bill and o f Emison avenue. The petitioners Dr. and Mrs. Hal D; White wero on the Owyhee «r e much impressed given as facts and not as recom Alvin of Nu-Acres, and four sisters, the corn. proposed jogging the street to miss Dairymen To Hold In addition to providing consider given the obligation of the fourth with the scenic beauty o f the area. Melva and Naomi Riddle of Nu- mendations. the Dorlty Welding service building, with two hogs placed Acres, Mrs. Bob G. Newgen of Mad able employment, the company serv degree, thus becoming members of They do not believe that local resi but the council believes the street Heeling In Adrian in Experiments dents appreciate the beauty. Rep each lot of 10 steers were also ras and Mrs. Bud Eaton of W a es as an outlet for considerable a- the order. should be extended in a straight The Home Economics club women resentatives of the bureau of rec Keeney, Kansas, all of whom were mount of corn. line. However, no action was taken j i The April gathering of the M al made at the station. The hogs pick were notified of the meeting to be lamation and park bureau were ln present for the funeral. by the council. heur Dairy Breeders association ed up half of their usual ration held at the home of Mrs. Dale Qar- Boise last Friday for a conference The Thompson Oil company was board of directors will be an open after the steers and were fed the rison Thursday, May 4. A large on the project. Four of them came granted a permit to erect a tempor meeting in the Adrian grade school other half in the normal manner. group is expected to attend as a to Nyssa Saturday to talk to local Hoffman said it would normally ary sign pole about two feet inside building Wednesday, April 19. Mem photographer will take pictures. The men. They were Neil Butterfield of the curbing at Third and Main bers of the Malheur Dairy Breeders take 646 pounds of feed to fatten pictures will be used In the year Portland, head o f the federal parks a hog, but he pointed out that each streets. association and ocher interested book to be displayed at the state in Oregon; Mr. Collins of San Fran The Nyssa Bulldogs won the an Grange meeting. The council passed a resolution dairy men are invited to attend this hog involved in the experiment was cisco, head of the federal park The Nyssa Bulldogs shut out the nual Malheur county relay carnival adopting plans and specifications for meeting, which will be opened at fed only 323 pounds of supplemental Due to the absence of Loyd Adams, bureau in this area, and two other feed, showing a saving of 50 per Parma high school baseball team in Ontario Wednesday afternoon by improvement of Park and King 8:30 p. m. a discussion of the Urannan plan San Francisco men. 2 to 0 Tuesday afternoon on the a margin of five points over their was postponed until the next meet avenues, which is to be done under Rosal Hunter, president o f the cent. With a fairly good sized crowd Nyssa field in their first conference nearest rival. a state aid program. The council association, announced that the ing. Nyssa scored 42 points, Ontario also ordered the advertising of bids, board of directors at their last meet in attendance. Dr. Bogart explained game of the season. Lunch was served by Mr. and Mrs. Except for one hit, Cleaver would 37, Vale 19, Welser 16, Emmett 15, Alvin Bosh, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn but no date was set. ing adopted a policy to hold their experiments with feeding bullx at regular monthly meetings in the the Corvallis farm. The Hereford have pitched a no-hlt, no-run game. Parma 2, Fruitland 1 and New Hoffm an and Jess Hunting. Nyssa scored its two runs in the Plymouth none. various communities now being serv and Angus bulls in the experiment The results of the individual ed by the association. He stated were weaned at 500 pounds and then fifth frame when Pounds hit a home A conference given by the Natton- FiigHtrom Extends that the meetings would be open fed until they weighed 800 pounds, run and scored Hale ahead of him. events were as follows: at Association of Industries under Low hurdle Shuttle relay—On Tunning, pitcher for Parma, al to the public and that special efforts regardless o f the time required for Dairy B iihîiiohn the auspices of the Nampa chamber would be made to encourage dairy them to reach the required weight. lowed three hits in addition to tario, 52.6. The best gains of the bulls was Pounds’ four-bagger. of commerce last month ln Nampa 440 relay—Ontario 47.1 seconds. Athletic letters and other awards men to attend these meetings. The 3.41 pounds per day on 163 pounds P a r m a Distance relay— Nyssa, 7 minutes, A milk license has been issued by served as the basis for a talk given .............. 000 000 0—0 1 3 were presented to athletes last Sat purpose of these open meetings, he of grain and 385 pounds of hay per the Oregon milk marketing admin by Oeorge Vaughn at the weekly N yssa .................... 000 020 x—2 2 2 14.5 seconds. urday night at the annual athletic said, is to give members a better hundred pounds of grain, and the Sprint Medley—Vale. 2 minutes, istration to Don Engstrom o f the commerce Wednesday noon. In a practice game last Thursday banquet o f the Adrian high school. understanding of the operation of poorest gain was 1.84 pounds a day Speaking on taxation and pres afternoon on the Nyssa diamond, 17 seconds. Clover Lawn dairy of Nyssa for op The most valuable play award for the association. ent governmental trends, Vaughn 880 relay—Ontario, one minute, erations in Ontario. A special program has been ar on 269 pounds of grain and 741 the Bulldogs whipped the Boise high football went to Jesse Asumendi. pounds of hay per hundred pounds school 7 to 3 40.1 seconds. With extension of his license to said if we are to maintain the who also received the Adrian Lions ranged for the Adrian meeting. In of gain. Mile relay— Vale 8 minutes, 48 7 include Ontario. Engstrom will serve things we love most in tills country Dick Pounds’ hitting was again a club award for outstanding athletic addition to the regular business, The best gain made by heifers in big factor in the Nyssa victory. seconds. customers of the former Star dairy we must do something about the ability, citizenship and scholarship. motion pictures will be shown and the same test was 2.32 pounds a day Pounds collected two singles, a High jump relay—Ontario, Nyssa of Ontario. For the present he will problem” . The speaker listed “ the Jesse Stoker was voted honorary refreshments will be served. on 285 pounds o f grain and 573 double and a triple. He scored two tie, 16 feet, 8 inches. serve all customers from the Nyssn things we love m ost" as freedom captain of last year’s football team. pounds of hay for each one hundred tallies and drove in two runs with Shot put relay—Nyssa, 125 feet, plant, which will be enlarged to In of speech, freedom o f religion, ed Tracy Stephenson was named the J. K. Child Buys pounds o f grain. The lowest heifer his double in the fourth frame 1/4 inch. crease facilities to handle the in ucation for our people, freedom of most valuable player on the basket research and free enterprise. He gain was 1.33 pounds per day on Boise ........... Javelin relay—Nyssa, 459 feet. creased business. 100 001 1— 3 4 2 ball squad. He also received the Accounting Firm 439 pounds o f grain and 773 pounds Nyssa Broad Jump relay—Nyssa, 55 feet, 120 400 x—7 10 4 Engstrom also bought the Owytee also pointed out that “ There are too Lions club trophy. Verne Mecham J. R. Child o f Utah has purchased o f hay. Ice Cream company and building. many loose thinkers and not enough Osburne, Weber and A. Hoch- 10 Inches. was elected captain of the basket The Accounting Service company of Pole vault relay— Nyssa, 25 feet, l i e will change the name to Clover thinkers loose” . strausser; Cleaver and Knowles. ball team. Nyssa from Tom Seppich and R. O. "T h e best kept secret ln America Luwn Dairy und Ice Cream comp The Boise sophomores defeated three inches. In the presence o f 85 persons, Whitaker, Scout (ireen Bar today ls the size o f the hidden taxes Discus relay—Nyssa, 365 feet, 4 any. the Nyssa sophs 16 to 13. letters were also presented to the the average American pays every Mr. Whitaker and the personnel Cam porre Is Hrlil The Bulldog will play Ontario inches. band members. who handled tax work will main day” , Vaughn said. As a result we Nyssa participants were as fol ____ Friday at 3 p m. on the Nyssa G. E. Bright, principal o f the tain their associations with the ac R id in g ( J i i I ih To pay more taxes on things we use A Boy Scout Green Bar camoo- i field ln their second conference con- lows: Hurdles. Andrews, Bair. Hunt school, gave a short talk. Earl Saari counting service as they have In the every day than we pay Income taxes. ree was held at Vale last Friday and lesl of the *ea''on Ontario lost its er and Lowe; 440 relay. Fischer, Make First Trip of the high school faculty was toast past. For example, we pay 114 cents tax Mr Seppich will move to Saturday, with seven troops retire -1 flret conference tilt of the season Lowe, Pecka and Hale; distance, master. Ogden Friday. on a pack of cigarettes and $300 to Pruyn, Hartley, Dlven and Bush; sented. \ to Vale 9 to 1. The Parent-Teacher association Weather permitting, the members $500 on a $2000 car. About half the Mr. Child was graduated from sprint medley, Fischer, Andrews, The prize for the best Green Bar ------------------------ and the home economics department Brigham Young university In 1946 Bergam and Ward; 880 relay, H art of both the Junior and Senior Owy cost of a loaf of bread ls consumed unit went to Ontario troop No. 64. O f f i c e r « N a m e d of the school served the dinner. and took post graduate work in which received a Coleman outdoor v , , , c e r s ley, Pecka, Pruyn and Hale, and hee Riding clubs and their friends, in taxes and if this drives you to L iu illt ? u will make their first trip o f the drink remember a tax of $2.06 is southern California. He spent three lantern. The second prize was re Bv Riflp f lul) m lle relay' Tucker, Ricks, Winchell year Hold Looked Food Sale— to the hills April 16. paid on a $3.75 bottle o f whisky” . years in the accounting business In ceived by Nyssa troop No. 45, which • and Day. The members o f Job's Daughters California. Those trucking their horses will After discussing at length federal He will operate the was awarded an axe. .. . The annual Malheur county track A chrome will hold a cooked food sale at the business in its present location. meet and unload at Snively's swim Officers of taxes and venture savings, the fut ^newly-organized will ^e jn Ontario April flashlight was presented to Owyhee Idaho Power company office Sat ming pool at 10 a. m. From there, Nyssa Rifle and Pistol club were ure need for capital, sources of Mr. Child and family, his wife troop No. 38 for third place. 19 with Vale. Ontario, Nyssa and urday. April 15 at 9:30 a. m. the group will make the horseback savings fo r capital and the defic and one child, will move to Nyssa The decision of the Judges was elected at a meeting held April 7 Adrian participating. ride to M ary’s Nipple, then down iency in capital formation. Vaughn this week-end based on neatness, handicraft and I in„ £ ar' '\ P ° 11 Visitors Here— Curran Creek to the river and Snlv- said “ There ls no substitute for ----------------------- I over-all camping knowledge. , The officers are Vernon Robert- ely’s for dinner. Visitors over the week-end at the Banquet Planned— more tax reduction of the right The boys hiked into the foothills I s00- President, Lament Fife, vice Adrian Defeat« home of Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Dinner Is planned for two o'clock. kind, the kind that will insure con Committees are at work at he Friday and that night attended a prsklent; C liff Coleman, treasurer, Eaglt* High Nine Those not making the ride can tinuation and expansion of the ec Thompson were Mr. and Mrs. Buck Nyssa high school on the annual campfire program. They learned and **enry Storm, secretary motor to Snlveley's, joining the rld- onomic strength which accounts for Clemens of Burns and Mrs. Verna j Untor-senior prom, which will be the fundamentals of ramperaft and! The site for the rifle range to be ers for the feed The menu will I this nation’s position of world lead- Beutler of Twin Falls held in the high school building played softie 1! Saturday. ' established by the club has not been The Adrian baseball team defeat ------------------------ Friday evening, April 21. A buffet A district Boy Scout camp will be selected. ed the Eagle high school baseball consLst o f ham, eggs, potatoes, and | er ship and world responsibility to To Boise— ..upper will be served In the new held for all scouts April 20 and 2» Anyone Interested In Joining the team 5 to 3 Tuesday afternoon at all the extras, with everyone fur- day and It Is our responsibility to M r and Mrs C liff Main and fam- building followed by dancing in the at a special 20-acre campground club is invited to contact one of Adrian in a southwest conference nishlng his own service and sliver. | see that this ls done baseball game ily were Boise visitors Monday. old gymnasium. Music will be fur- one mile north of Ontario. Scout i the officers Duane Wilson contributed two Agent Appointed— Dance Instruction Given— mshed by the Miramar dance or- , officiala, planning an extensive pro- I -------- -------------- | hits to the Adrian attack Benny ; Ed Ostrom has been appointed Here From Nampa— The Nyssa Square Dance club has chestra gram, expect at least 200 scouts to Social Postponed— __________________ attend The social that was to have been Keller and Don Newblll each battel as agent for the Arrowhead Freight ' announced that beginning April 20 M r and Mrs Ken Renstrom had | l held Friday evening at the Catholic in two runs with doubles ln a fourth Lines in Nyssa. Any freight to be a series o f square dance lessons will as their guests Sunday Mr Rep- Dance Round-I'p Held— Don Newblll also | hauled by the line will be picked be given by Mel Day These classes | church has been postponed because Inning uprising A dance round-up for all square VMts la Utah— strom’s parents Mr and Mrs t i Mrs J. El wood Flinders spent [o f the death of Bishop McOrath of starred on the mound by striking up by Ostrom in time to make the will be for some of the present mem mer Renstrom and Mr and Mr< dancers will be held at Welser Sat out 15 Eagle batters and allowing daily contact All Incoming freight bers who have been unable to attend Doug O'Neal, all of Nampa, f urday. April 22 A local caller will eight days in Salt Lake City, where Baker only two hits. ! will be delivered to the Nyssa lumb regularly or for new members who participate ln this event. she attended the annual p r i m a r y ------------------------ er company office. desire Instruction T h e classes will conference and took a course ln con- Sale Cancelled— Fagles Plan Square Danre— / Here From Caldwell— The Eddie Miller farm sale, ad be held the first and third Thurs ducting summer primary. She was A square dance will be held Sat- visit In Nyssa— Mr and Mrs. Douglas McDonald V. F. W. Install— vertised ln this issue of the Gate days of each month at the school urday evening. April 15 at 9 ,o’clock Mr and Mrs C. C. W yckoff of the house guest of her aunt. Mrs. of Caldwell and Mr and Mrs Bert The Veterans o f Foreign W art will gymnasium from 7:30 until 8:30. City Journal, has been cancelled. I t Venice Child Mingus She also vis at the Eagles hall Eagle members Baker visited during the week-end 11 hold Installation of officers tonight The regular square dance clast will and their friends are Invited ’ to tho at the home of Mr and Mrs R H ited her sister. Mrs Hugo Olsen. In will not be held Monday. April 17 I Petet of Nampa spent Sunday with 1 Mr and Mrs J C Smith meet from 8 30 until 11:30 I at 8 o’clock In the veterans hall. as planned Peterson. Utah dance Cochrum. Funeral Is Hehl For Mrs.M. Mootz Grange Reviews Farm Subsidies Iii Owyhee (lunnl Nyssa (Heading Up In Baseball Adrian Athletes Receive Awards $ Bulldogs Take Belay Carnival Vaughn Talks At C Of C Meeting