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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1949 PAGE THREE FOB SALE es to seM to prospective buyers. 1 dairy ranch, close to Nyssa. phone In the Matter of the Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ditty, Mr. and Three acres good land on Snake phone 179-J or see Mel Beck. Origg 179.J 8otfc LEWIS HENRY FINDLING, De Mrs. Prank Land, and Rev. and Mrs. I river, edge of town, new 24 x 34 Bros, and Butler. 6otfc ’______________________________ ceased Joe Dodson. Mr. and Mrs? Robert house, good pressure water system, ------ -------------------------------- FOR RENT—Three-room furnlsh- NOTICE TO CREDITORS »6,000, terms. 1 WANTED—To care for children. Ditty called at the home of Jay ed apartment. Phone 123-J. 29stfc NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Several good dwelling lots, well Mrs. Margaret Kreps, phone 63-J Howard, former residents of this that the undersigned, Amy E. Find- valley, while at Bates. located. 13o2xP . FOR RENT— 80 acres good row ling. has been appointed adminls- Robert Ditty, Joe Dodson, Clay 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high WANTED— To buy anything i n ' croP land. See Mel Beck, Grigg tratrix of the estate of Lewis Henry way. next to Polar Cold storage beef or veal. Also custom killed | Brothers and Butler. 22Stfc Findhng. deceased, by the County ton Barnes, and Frank Land re turned home Thursday with a load About 3 acres, unimproved, edge and delivered to Polar Cold 8 tor Court of Malheur County, Oregon, of posts from the Unity area. The RATE: Two cents per word for each Issue. Minimum, cash in of town on Adrian highway, good and has qualified. posts are for pasture fencing for soil. All or any part. advance, is 30c. * NOW THEREFORE, all persons B o x 375.1 ishlng equipment Easily handled having claims against the estate Clarence Dodson. FOR SALE—Corner lot, 55 X 119, WANTED—Housework. Mr and Mrs. Jim Oallegher of 29 s 4 x d I b y women. Nyssa Lumber company. of Lewis Henry Findling, deceased, paved street, »560. Parma. _________ JA tfc. Bellfield. North Dakota and Mr. and Residence lots priced from »100 up. are hereby notified and required to Mrs. Jake Linderman of Golden ED JAMISON AND KEN P O N D ------------------------------------------------------ BERNARD EASTMAN FOR RENT—Space for two offices present the same, with proper Valley. North Dakota spent the Real Estate TOR SALE—Two-bedroom house, Insurance FOR SALE Submit the following personally or an office and display room, vouchers, duly verified, within six week-end visiting at the home of Phone 64 ----------- new, F. H. A. financed, 10 per cent Inspected Ranches, Farms and Carl and Burt's Machine shop. (6) months from the date of this Henry Hintz and Robert Ditty. FOR SALE—1946 Moline tractor 1 down. C. K. Olson, phone 251-W. Homes— 18atfc notice, to the undersigned. Amy E. The two visiting women are sisters FARMS AND RANCHES Findling. at the law office of Har of Mrs. Hintz. and hang-on plows, or will trade for ' 8stfc 62 acres perfect row crop land on old Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, 80 acres of the finest soil, lays LOST dairy or beef stock Shoppers in Caldwell and Nampa Very g o o d , p q r SALE-Apples. all varieties. oiled road, 2 and 14 miles from which place the undersigned selects last week, included Mr. and Mrs. condition. Darwin Jensen, one 50c a bushel up, 1H miles south of Nyssa, 6-room new modern home very good, new spud cellar. This LOST—Strayed or stolen, black and as her place of business in all mat Wilbur Chapin, Mr. and Mrs. Ken place will gross $20,000 this year. nnle north, one west Nyssa. X3o2xp ^ u a ^ T Vdaho on U S 30. OUs with basement, chicken house, cow Five-room plastered house, close to white English setter, 8 years old, ters connected with said estate. neth Lorensen. Jim Wolcott, Floyd barn, paid-up water right, $26,250. answers to the name of Jlp. Re Dated and first published, Sep. Shaul, Mrs. Albert Nothels and Miss FOR SALE—International two-way 1 Smith. 22s6xp 80 acres, all land lays perfect, new town, price $25,000, % down, bal ward for return or for Information 29. 1949. trail plow, good condition, Jake I ~ ” ------- -------- . two-room home, deep well, » 10,000, ance can run 10 years. Clarice Nothels. that will lead to his return. Phone Last publication Oct. 27. 1949. Fischer, phone 05R-1. 13o5xc I SA^ f U*ed. wood and coal Tuesday and Wednesday house range, good condition, priced to sell. »6500.00 down. 150 acre island, fine soil, abund 013R-4, S. P. Bybee. 13olxc AMY E. FINDLING gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Orover 80 acres, 58 acres cultivated, five- ance of irrigation water, new ferry, FOR SALE—Two-piece living room Wilson Bros. Department store. Administratrix of the estate of Cc jer were Mr. and Mrs. Fred 15stfc room home with cement basement, at the amazing low price of $12,000. Lewis Henry Findlftig, deceased. set, excellent condition, phone 338-J MISCELLANEOUS Do. emus and two children of small dairy barn, garage, $5,000 Half down, easy terms on balance. after 5 p. m. 13olxc Ladies of FOR SALE—Outside white paint. down. Here is a chance to get a lot of MISCELLANEOUS — Custom plow STATEMENT OF THE OWNER Qlenns Ferry, Idaho. 80 acres, with 4-room home, barn good land at a bargain. FOR SALE—Small wood and coal National Titanium. 5 gallon lots, ing done after 4:30 dally and all-day SHIP AND MANAGEMENT RE the Chalk Butte Home Economics Saturday. Jasper Farles. Owyhee QUIRED BY THE ACT OF CON club met at the Cooper home Wed heater, price $8, phone 126-M 13olxp i Per gallon, Nyssa Lumber 24x40, perfect laying land. ,_________:________________________ _ | company. For rent, 160 acres row crop and 120 acres, 106 farmed, good lay Truck and Implement Co. 12m tfc 13o2xp GRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912 AND nesday making plans for the Po mona meeting In November. Also dairy ranch. Close to Nyssa. ing land, 4-room modern house. FOR RENT—Sleeping room, phone MARCH 3. 1933, OF FOR SALE—Milk cows, Guernsey, NYSSA FOR SALE 80 acres with five-room modern Water piped to barn, school bus, 140-R, Dwight Smith 398 South i GATE CITY JOURNAL, PUB- Mrs. Cooper demonstrated the lat Holstein and Jerseys. Milkers and 220 acres; 110 acres now under home, machine shed, barn and ga mail route, milk route, ample out est method of putting a zipper In a springers. Phone Noel Gwartney, 3rd. 13o2xp ; LISHED WEEKLY AT NYSSA. placket. Arriving Thursday, were side buildings, $20,000, good terms. Phone 306, Ontario. Across"" from i cultivation, alfalfa, beans and other rage, $25,000. OREGON FOR OCTOBER 1949. Jeannle and Cheryl PUne, to visit crops this year, 1000 six-year peach 440 acres of perfect laying row Nyssa Sales yard. MISCELLANEOUS—Highest prices 6otfc Before me, a notary public in their aunt, Mrs. Cooper, while their 80 acres, level as a floor, near paid for slaughter horses. Clyde trees. Hale and Alberta, »17,000, crop land in potatoes, beets and FOR SALE—One Jersey cow, milks terms. grain, plenty of cheap water, 6-room Ontario, good house and machine Smith, phone 306, Ontario. Across and for the state of Oregon and the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Pline, county of Malheur, personally ap 160 acres row crop and stock modern home, two other homes for , shed, for quick sale, only »20,000. from Ontario Sales yard. 5 gallons; 3, 2-year old Guernsey 6otfc peared Klass V. Powell, who having were moving from Melba, Idaho to Ontario, where they have purchased heifers, 1 whiteface heifer, 16 ranch, 83 acres irrigated, 60-70 acres laborers, machine shed $100,000, Vi 80 acres the heart of the f,ne been duly sworn according to law. months; 1 Holstein bull, 1 year, 3 ! hay, balance grain, 40 acres ideal down, easy terms on balance. wllder bench district. This is a MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need deposes and says that he is one of an auto court and will make their young calves. Arlan Haroldson, 1‘4 I beets, spuds, range permit, 175 cat- 6ou acres practica ly all top row farm iine large bulldings. , 36.- money to remodel your home or to the owners of the Nyssa Gate City home. build outbuildings or garage? We mile north Owyhee corner. 6otfc tie, large basement home and other crop land, close to beet dump and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder and terms. can arrange a loan for you and give Journal and that the following is, daughter, Helen Kay, who have buildings, ranch $17,500. W il sell packing shed, will sell any size of 1 to the best of his knowledge and FOR SAI^:—War surplus coal heat stock and equipment seperate, a farm, 29% down, 20 years on the 60 acres, sandy soil, level. Lake you up to three years to pay it. belief, a true statement of the own been farming with Ed Price, moved ers, ranges and circulators, also terms. 29stfc this week to farm the place In Mel balance. Lcwell water, very nice 6 room Nyssa Lumber Co. ership and management of the ba that Dwight PUne Is leaving. tents, 9x9 to 16x32, priced to sell. 37 acres, Kingman Kolony, % 37 acres perfect laying ranch lo- Ed Case's Furniture Bargain Cen mile highway, 5 room modern cated on the Ontario-Nyssa high house and many other buildings, all MISCELLANEOUS — We m a k e aforesaid publication for the date Mr. und Mrs. William Oregg and in good condition. Price $10,000, loans on ranches and city property. shown In the above caption, re ter, highway 20, north of the Y. house, 20x40 chicken house, good way, 4-room home, small bam. (Continued On Page 5) will carry Vi at 5% interest. Grigg Brothers and Butler. 15stfc quired by the act of August, 1912, lstfc cow barn, other buildings, now in 90 acres, good row crop land, lays beets, corn, hay and pasture, ex perfect, suitable for onions, po 80 acres also on the Wilder bench, MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar as amended by the act of March 3, 1933, embodied In Section 537. pos Gridnian VisitH FOR SALE—Pears and all varieties cellent land, fruit trees and plenty tatoes, beets, four-room home, small level sandy soil on part of farm, range loans for you to rebuild or tal laws and regulations to-wit: apples, 50c per bushel and up, bring shade, $11,000, good terms. large home, $26,000. easy terms on remodel your home, barn, garage, barn, $17,500, V 4 down. In Apple Valley 1. That the names of the pub containers, iv* mile east of Gay Business building with modern 140 acres level land, practically part. Let us show you this one. or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb lishers are Mildred B. and Klass Way, Ed Mess. 6o4xp apartment, on one acre grass past all good row crop land, 5-room er Co. 29stfc V. Powell. APPLE VALLEY. Oct. 6—Willard 48 acres all irrigated. The house FOR SALE—Olsen rotary beater, 4 ure at Owyhee corner, offers many home, $17.500, V4 down, easy terms on this farm is a good one with 5 2. That the editor and business Stethans of Portland, who plays on opportunities as a business venture. on the balance. MISCELLANEOUS—Available now. braided clippers, phone 013R13. the Lewis and Clark football team manager Is Klass V. Powell. FOR SALE—80 acres, 11 miles 40 acres, 22 acres level land suit nice rooms and basement, good ga Electrolux cleaners and air puri 6o3xp southwest Nyssa, 38 acres in culti 3. That the known bondholders, spent Saturday night with Mr. and fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. able for row cropping, one mile off rage, $10,000, terms. mortgages and other security hold Mrs. Forrest Reed after the game Anderson, route 3, Welser, Idaho, ers owning or holding one per cent at the college of Idaho. FOR SALE— Nice modern five- vation, now in pasture, alfalfa, oil, 4-room home, $9,500, terms. 2 dandy acres and about the beets, grain, family orchard, trad phone 0287J4. 14jtfc room home with two room up 180 acres perfect laying land, the Mrs. Conley Wilson, Mrs. Lloyd or more of total amount of bonds, all equipment, new 4- very best row crop land that can finest home you would ever see. stairs apartment and full base er, Four nice bedrooms, attached ga MISCELLANEOUS—-No muss, no mortgages or other securities in Caldwell and Mrs. Cedric Caldwell room house, $6900, % down, easy ment, has good barn and outsheds, be purchased, 6-room modern home, rage, fine cow barn, on pavement. tied quilts at u.e home of Mrs. Le- clude none. 40 acres of land, entire ranch may termsr $50.000, V4 down, easy terms on the This place is new, $10,000, some fuss, call us, rockwool insulation. 5. That the average number of yon Murry Thursday. We have our own Insulation blow ROBERT F. THOMPSON be purchased for $13,500 or the balance. Eight local women attended the terms. ing machine. Stunz Lumber comp copies of each Issue of this pub Frank T. Morgan Agency home and small acreage may be 80 acres, 60 acres irrigated row any. 26m tfc lication sold or distributed, through Westlnghouse demonstration Thurs Nyssa, Oregon purchased separately. This would crop and dairy for stock ranch, two- 80 acres, well suited for a good the mails or otherwise, to paid day at Parma. Mrs. Hill won an make an ideal location and set-up bedroom modern home with full dairy, old Owyhee water, fair set MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and subscribers during the 12 months electric mixer as a door prize. for cattle feeding operations. Lo FOR SALE;— Two-nedroom mod basement, $13,000, Vi down, easy of buildings, $12,000, half cash, bal free pick-up of your dead, crippled preceding the date shown above is Mrs. Ella Stethans and Mrs. For cated one mile north and 1/3 mile ern home, $3500 with easy terms. terms. ance on easy terms. rest Reed and Robert visited at the or sick livestock. Calls received be 1400. Two-bedroom home with base west of highway. See Lloyd W. 100 acres, 65 acres cultivated now, C. C. Meltvelt home In observance fore 9 o'clock are picked up by (Signed) Klass V. Powell 88 acres, 80 watered, good house Lewis or phone 011R-2. 29Stfc ment, like new, modern, insulated, 20 more acres could be put in, 30 Sworn and subscribed before me of Mrs. Stethan's birthday. extra large lot, set up with state acres excellent row crop land, 5- and machine shed. This is close to noon. Efficient drivers. Call col Mrs. Pauline Lanway of Boise and lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys this 30th day of October, 1949. FOR SALE—Hunters, labor camps; loan, easy payments. 441 Ennis. room modern home with full base oil road, $16,500. sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products Ralph O. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Garrett of Pay Tents 9 x 9 new; camp stoves, gas Two-bedroom modem home with ment, 13 cow barn, granary, brooder 6Jtfc. My commission expires 9-25-51 ette were guests of Mrs. Garold 40 acres in high state of culti Company. oline or wood; cots pads. Ed Vi city block just east of hospital, house, chicken house, tenant home, Horn Friday. vation. Nearly all seeded to past MISCELLANEOUS—For really per Case Furniture, Nyssa. 29tfc nice lawn, trees and garden plot. $16,800, terms. Mrs. Opal Horn of Nyssa spent ure, clover and alfalfa. This would sonalizing your gifts, try gold Sunset Couples New, modem 5 rooms, excellent 80 acres of perfect laying row crop really kick out the spuds, $11,025. the week-end with Mrs. Oarold FOR SALE—Hang-on plows for AC location, hardwood floors, laundry stamping. Beautiful lettering done land, top soil, new five-room mod while her husband was deer model B, good condition. Nyssa room, storage space, furnace, FHA- Attend M eeting Horn, ern home, Vi basement, a good ten hunting. 20 acres top row crop land, good on napkins, stationery, book match Implement Co. *9stfc built and financed. es, leather goods and special oc ant home, garage, machine shed, house, the price is only $7,875. Mrs. Henry Horn spent Wednes Apartment house with two large two granaries, $27,300. casion ribbon. Gate City Journal. SUNSET VALLEY, Oct. 13—House day with her daughter, Mrs. R. C. FOR SALE—John Deere tractor, guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rat- Hild, Jr., of Vale. apartments on ground floor, extra Appealing to some one with 50 acres close to Nyssa with a 23Jtfc. general purpose, »380. Nyssa Imple aezyk from Tuesday until Sunday lone Pitman was home from Boise ment Co. 29stfc large room upstairs, three-room four room semi-modern home, all pioneer blood in his veins. This apartment in basemen», $6,800. large basement home on large lot MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car evening were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew to spend the week-end with Mr. and level land, $9,500, terms. Oullottu of Wnpato, Washington. NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY 40 acres with 31 acres irrigable, at Owyhee corners at the low price a .id cylinder lock'keys made. Hen- FOR SALE!— Kiest lifter loaders, 1 Mrs. Charles Pitman. Ralph G. Lawrence I .e m a i l 's . 250tfc Mr. and Mrs. Gullotta are the par suitable for row cropping and dairy of $1,600. used one season, one used two sea Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pitman ents of Mrs. Frank Rataezyk of Nyssa, Oregon ranch, cow barn for 11 head, three- sons. Nyssa Implement Co. 29stfc went to Eagle to get her mother, 80 acres of fine laying land and this valley. Mrs. Frank Rataezyk MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? room home, deep well, close to Mrs. Maggie Cone, to stay lndefinet- very good soil, some small buildings, .'»arts on farms Tor refinancing, entertained at dinner Saturday eve ly with them. FOR SALE—Used Hotpoint electric FOR SALE—New and used pianos. Nyssa, $7,000, Vi down. priced for quick sale at $13,650, very ning for her parents. Quests in building. Improvements, b u y i n g . range, priced to sell, Wilson Bros. We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. 235 acres, 160 acres cultivated, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell stop 6mtfc cheap water set-up, close to Nyssa, easy terms. Long term, low interest, see Ber cluded Wallace Rataezyk and the ped at the Waldo Smalley home Department store. 15stfc GriT^ Eros, and Butler. families of Harry, M A. and Cas- Thursday evening to visit Mrs. John nard Eastman, phone 64. Nyssa. six-room modern home, small dairy 120 acres all irrigated and nearly 3Atfc. mler Rataezyk. On Sunday Mrs. Pooge. bam, tenant home, garage, machine all in tame pastures and hay, best shed, milk house and barn, $35,750, of water right, new ultra-modern Dead animals picked up free. M. A. Rataezyk had the entire Mr. and Mrs. Chesley FLsk were group for dinner at her home. Mr. terms. home and another 10 room house, For prompt service call collect. Oullotta is a truck farmer In Wash Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and 160 acres with 56 acres cultivated many other buildings, 75 head of Ontario—Ontario Ora'n Co. Mrs. Forrest Reed. 65 ington. and 7 more new acres ready to be cattle, 29 in milk, 36 head of mix Parma—Parma Seed Oo. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Reed and 28 Ed Mortensen and John Orottvlet, put in. Four room home, barn for ed steers and heifers, balance calves, Mrs. Ella Stethans went on a 10-day Nyssa—Main plant 104 both of Nyssa, are helping M. A. 12 cows, granary, good large chicken tractor and associate machinery and trip to Washington. They saw the Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. Rataezyk in the construction of a Orande Coulee dam and other house, two other barns, $15,000. full line of farm tools, 4,500 bales potato cellar on the Rataezyk home HOMES points of interest. They returned of hay, all go for $47,250. This is MISCELLANEOUS — Hemstitching last Wednesday. T w o-bedrooin modern h o m e , a real set-up, right on paved road. done In my home. Leave with Mrs. place. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Aiken of Pay double garage, fireplace. $7.350. Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa ette spent Saturday as guests of Four-bedroom home, one block off 10 acres with nice, nearly new Furniture store. Mrs. Irving Duf- Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner. Aiken Year in and year out Main street, suitable for business 2-bedroom home and at only $2,800, fin. 26mtfc is president of the Eastern Oregon location, $5500. V4 down. you’ ll do well with the LODGES PHYSICIANS 3 acres joining Nyssa, $2100. MISCELLANEOUS—Pour your In Hereford association, which has Very cozy 2-bedroom home, nice surance needs of any kind see been organized thLs year, and Tur 1 acre with basement home lo ner Is vice-president. Nyssa Post No. 79 cated close to Nyssa on oil road, lawn and shade, only $4,000, $1,400 Mel Beck, Grigg Bros, and Butler. SARAZIN CLINIC Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsll and down, balance $33 per month. good soil, $4000, easy terms. 8m tfc American Legion son, Paul, motored to Boise with We have several buyers wanting Dr. J. J. Sarazln New 2-bedroom home, excellent Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. homes in good residential areas. workmanship, near schools, In quiet M I 8 C EILANEOU8 —Insurance Is Olenn Knottlngham Sunday. Vera Dr. K E. Kerby not fire protection. Any minute Faye Counsll spent the day caring List with us if you want to sell. Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. part of town, $5,000. day or night you can have a fire. for the Stoker children so that Mr. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Dr. L. V/. Scott and Mrs. Les Stoker could attend All Veterans Welcome Two complete business blocks in 6-room home in Parma. This is Automatic fire control protects an L. D. 8 . meeting. Physician and Surgeons Nyssa lor sale, ideally located. a very nice place and can be bought millions In properly and life. All Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. exttngushens are approved by un Do you want to own Carl's Doll on easy terms, $5.750. Gate City Lodge Olaf Fyllingness Friday evening in House—See Mel Beck. Small, very cozy 1-bedroom cot derwriters. See your local dealer L. A. Maulding, M. D. No. 214 We make loans on ranches and tage, $2.500, terms can be arranged. for free estimate. Claud Willson, cluded Mrs. Andrew Titland and 650 No. Fourth street, phone 128-J children. Alan and Janice, and Mr. Physician and Surgeon homes. Insurance, real estate and I.O.O.F. 19mtfc and Mrs. John Orottvlet. The oc Phone 37 Large basement home, 2 bed Nyssa. service. casion was Mrs. Tltland's birth Meets every Monday rooms. modern, located in a nice Hours; 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 See Mel Beck at— MISCELLANEOUS—Oeneral truck day. part of town on large lot, $4,000. Daily except Saturday and GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER night, 8:30. ing. John Barnett and Kenneth The Worthwhile club will meet Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Bybee Bldg. Phone 179-J, , lJtfc. Thursday afternoon, October 20 at ______ _ _______________________ If you are looking for a nice Reece, phone 123-R. South First Street the home of Mrs. Leota Ditty, with FOR SALE—Single shot shotgun, home with large grounds, be sure LEGAL ADVERTISING Mrs. Clarence Dodson assisting. phone 52. 8stfc to see this, »4,935. DENTISTS C. J. Kopp, M. D. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brewer and NOTICE OF ELECTION Physician and Surgeon FOR SALE—Kindling, stove wood | Large 2-bedroom home on North daughters were dinner guests of Mr. DR. C.~M. TYLER STATE OF OREOON, County of length. 949 north Second street Third. We are offering this at the and Mrs. Howard Evans In Parma Fry Building Accident And Indemnity Co, ls8xp low price of $5.500, only $1,500 down, Malheur, Owyhee Irrigation Dis Sunday. Mrs. Evans Is a sister of Wilson Building Office hours Balance easy terms. trict. Mr Brewer. Phone 165-J, Nyaaa 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 FOR SALE—Have farms and homes NOW HEREBY IS OIVEN. That Mr. and Mrs E. J, Hobson, Mrs. Office hours from 9 to 5 except Daily except Saturday and Owner sacrifices this small home an election has been called and will for »ale. Need more, list with Ken Mary Jane Wilde of Ooldendale, Saturday», 9 to 12. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 on North 8th for $2,900. Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. be held in the Owyhee Irrigation Washington, and Mrs. James Lang SEE A home in Adrian with nice lawn District, Malheur County. Oregon, ley and two sons, Rex and Keith, FOR SALE—Unpatnted cabinets J. R. CUNDALL on Tuesday the 8th day of Novemb had dinner Sunday In Nampa at the JEWELRY STORES and chests of drawers. Cabinets and shade, $3.675. er 1949. for the purpose of electing Madison Urwin home. Mrs. Mary Dentist j are in section and can be bought; 2-bedroom home with stoker heat, one (1) Director in said District to I. Taylor of Vancouver, Washington Phone 56-J PAULUS very large rooms, close In. $6,000. serve for the term of three (3) arrived Friday In Nampa and ac Lumber company, phone H8-W .|ver£ eai>y £an ^ arranged years, and that said Director is to Sarazln Clinic companied her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Inaurane« Real Ritau 16Dtfc NYSSA OREGON JEW ELRY STORE be elected from the District at large Hobson, home for a visit. F.D JAMISON AND KEN POND Said election will be held between Union Pacific Time Inspector Attending a fellowship meeting Real Estate and Insurance W ANTED the hours of 8:00 o'clock a. m. and Monday In Bates were Clayton JEWELRY — DIAMONDS OPTOMETRISTS Phone 64 60 North 3rd Phone 276-W 5 00 o'clock p. m. of said 8th day Barnes, Margaret and Prances WANTED—To rent 80 acre grain W A T -H aS Nyssa, Oregon of November, 1949, when the polls Land. Sharon Query, Letha Ditty, Nyssa, Oregon and hay farm. Martin Hobbs, route DR. C. L. HERMANN must be closed. Main Street w. Second 2, Nyssa. 13o2xp The Board of Directors of the Visual Specialist For Rent Owyhee Irrigation District has de Room 4, Fry Building HELP WANTED — Available, the _____ W YCKOFF signed the residence of Frank Ca Nywa. Oregon Phone 171-J best one-man business in the towns t o r REN T-Potato storage, Jake hill at the southeast corner of the Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 9 JEW ELR Y STORE of Vale and Nyssa We provide cap- Fischer, phone 05R-1. 13o5xc southeast quarter of Section 27, ital. Car required. Write J. R. --------------- --------------- --------------------- — Official Time Inspector lor Watkins Co . 137 Dexter avenue. FOR RENT—40 or more acres row Township 19 South, Range 48 E. DR. J. A. MCFALL W M In Malheur County, Oregon Union Pacific Seattle, Washington. 13o6xc crop, also alfalfa and pasture hay within said District, as the place DR. JOHN EASLY ONTARIO OREGON for sale. Martha Wilcox, Moore WANTED—Holstein and Ouemsey hotel. Ontario, Oregon. 13olxp where said election shall be held Dated the 6th day of October. CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS springer cows C. Clyde Smith and ------------------------- ------- VETERINARIANS Noel Owartney Phone 306 Ontario POR RENT - Furnished two-room 1949 Last date November 3. 1949 Across from the Ontario sales yard. 1 cabin. Oil heat Laundry facilities. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES HAROLD HENIOSON, 29stfc 6otfc Phone 122-J. DR. HAL D. WHITE Secretary Owyhee Irrigation Dis SCREEN DOORS Veterinarian trict WANTED — Custom chopping of POR RENT Basement room for a corn for ensilage, phone 013R1J man. in quiet home. Phone 141-J. Phone 118J Free Estimate« Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore 6o3xp totfc IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OP OREOON POR THE COUNTY OP MALHEUR WANTED—Oood homes and ranch- i FOR RENT—160 acre row crop and Classified Advertising professional and Business Directory HARTFORD HARTFORD INSURANCE Bernard Eastman Ostrom Cabinet Shop