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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1949 PAGE TWO I he Gate City J o u rn a l Publisher KI.SSS V. POWELL A D V E R T IS IN G RATES SU BSCR IPTIO N RATES % 2 00 $1 25 05 Single Copies (Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United States the act Open rate, per Inch National, per Inch Classified», per word Minimum 40c 49c 2c 30c at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under ol March 3, 1478 NKW I.AW AFFECTS DRIVERS With produce trucks rolling through town at rapid intervals, school officials have called attention to the new Oregon law designed to control traffic in the vicin ity of school busses. A new law similar to the laws of Idaho and other states hearing on the subject became effective this fall. Adoption of these laws is part of a nation-wide program 20 PER CENT OFF On A ll Purchases And Service During ROUND-UP DAYS The reduction will be given to persons presenting to us the coupon printed in this advertisement. This coupon good for 20 per cent on all purchases and service between September 24 and October 22. 1949. Name Address Roy's 0. K. Rubber W elders of controlling traffic as it affects school busses. Under the new law, a motorist approaching a school bus from the rear or meeting it is required to stop his vehicle if the bus is stopped. This regulation gives the children an opportunity to leave or board a bus without danger of being struck by a motor vehicle. So far in this community motorists have done well to protect children riding school busses, but caution w ill forever be necessary. Parents should impress upon their children the importance of not placing too much de pendence on the certainty of drivers stopping when they are supposed to do so. Some drivers may not know a- bout the new law and if they do they might not be able to stop in time. Truck drivers with heavy loads should be partic ularly cautious about approaching school busses, because bad judgment regarding the effectiveness of brakes could cause a fatal accidert. A school bus signal with the word “ stop” on it means just that. Hospital Eligible For Federal Aid (Continued from Page 1) cost of the building would be main ly safety factors required in the project. Officials said the require ments follow the Pacific coast build ing code. Mr. Shiffer said It would not be practicable to use less than 31 beds for a chronic disease facility, leav ing only 11 beds, which would not be enough for a general hospital. The government could participate in constructing and equipping a chron ic disease sec on only, he said, as the Nyssa prli *.y, based on avail able hospital beds in proportion to population, Is too low to permit extension of federal aid for a gen eral hospital. On the basis of present plans for completing the building as originally Intended, the government grant would amount to approximately $55,000. I f a chronic facility were established, the government, accord ing to estimates, could participate up to $85,000 on building and equip ment. Converting the building into a chronic disease facility would in volve many changes and additions to make it confom to government regulations. This would reduce the value of the estimated government grant of $85,000. I f converted into a chronic disease hospital, the In stitution would be the first o f its kind in Oregon. I f a chronic disease section were established, It would Include a sol arium, storage room for wheel chairs and other equipment, therapy CAIRO JUNCTION LUMBER CO. -: L u m b e r a t W h o l e s a l e P r ic e s NO. 2 OR BETTER (75% NO. 1) DIMENSIONAL LUMBER INCLUDES: 2X4 2X6 2X8 2X10 2X12 $75.00 Per M $75.00 Per M S75.0C Per M $75.00 Per M $75.00 Per M — Johnson Cabinet Shop STOMACH ULCERS dueto EX C ES S ACID Smart new idea for nursery walls! Going To So. America— Irwin B. Allen will leave October 17 for Shamrock, Texas, where he will board a plane for Caracus, cap ital of Venezuela, where he will visit his son, Irwin, Jr., for two or three months. Mrs. Allen will ac company him to Shamrock. Mr. Allen will make the trip as a guest of his son, who Is manager of Pe troleum Industries Consultants. He will make side trips to Trinidad and Colombia and plans to stop at Kingston, Jamaica and Havanah, Cuba, en route to South America. COLORFUL, SANITARY CONGOWALL Bright, beautiful Congowall with its lustrous, easy-to- clean surface is simply ideal for youngsters rooms! A permanent baked enamel wall covering, it resists nicks and scratches . . . gives years of service . . . never needs refinishing. Come in and see the lovely pastel color com binations. In convenient 54-inch wain- scot height. Only 59c A Foot Locate In Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Muralo, who resided in Nyssa for several months last year following their arrival in this country from Italy, have locat ed in Portland, where Mr. Muralo Is director of art at the University of Portland. Mrs. Muralo, who is also on the faculty at the Univers ity of Portland, will return to On tario once a month to conduct her dancing classes there. — -------------------- -- Round-Up Special Visit In Vi Mrs. Wayne McPheeters and son. Milton, and Mrs Thomas Lile were Sunday visitors in Vale All Building Materials SALE CALENDAR Rugs * PETERSON FURNITURE COM PANY "Your Dependable Furniture Store" The Cate City Journal h Nyssa Ontario Vale Payette r» * IT HAPPENS EVERY _ DAY_________________________ _ By PLOTNER VA DOÑT iXPtCT M í 7 0 6 IV Í you AN íSf/MATí fOR REPAIR IN'yOUl? WAtCM Ü ífo R E lT A k t, I f APART AN S Í1 VlMAtlTNÍW VO foU^ ------------- , Ä W VA'MÍAN VA GOTTA T*AP TAZ 1 WMOLt MOroß APART ßEfOPi you c a n r m - t x A c n v what . its gonna cost m b - a i l i < - t CAN ó A Y/5 ’ iOU'Rt SOME., -^ — ^ 7 V ZXPÍRTMfCMNJC JOE'S I i f w V - A N V f N i V $AV CI VI LI ZI NG THE INDIANS W A6 T O U 6 A 1 ACTUALLY V/E CAN 6\\IE YOU AN APPROX IMATE {STIMATE s ifo n e REPAIR BEGINS JroE P T T o v a v M OTOR CO. b o x 137 A/ .h “ ' BIO FI GMT AT THE PURINA STORE ! and how little it :Vi SSiSSS R & S S & 30 $ 5 . 9 5 PUB LIC FARM SALE—Wednesday. October 19, four miles north on | John Day highway to railroad crossing, turn on crossing east 4 mile No lunch, sale starts at 1 | p m . dairy cattle, heifers and milking equipment. Terms: cash Owner. James W Origg. Anderson and Church. Aucts. C O N S U L T H A R R Y S M IT , Mgr. F O R A L L Y O U R L U M B E R P R O B L E M S In il u SS s S b 9 x 12 F e lt B a s e L in o le u m r a g Son Arrive»— Mr and Mrs. Frank Lawrence of Nyssa are the parents of a son born October 10 at the Holy Rosary hos pital. Tremendous Savings on f ig h t in g J m Returns Home— Mrs. Baker Chresst left Thursday for her home in Olennr. Ferry after spending the week-end with her daughter. Mrs. Jesse Huffman and family Mrs Chresst also visited other relatives here. $155.00 - M t f O 'S ü m m m m m m tl To Attend Conference- Henry H Hartley, superintendent of schools; Dennis Patch, high school principal, and Walter Mc- Parland, grade school principal, will attend a state school administrators conference in Salem Monday and Tuesday of next week. Boards. S4S. Shiplap Same Quotations FIR FLOORING KD, BDL. -------- - H M I S m General Contracting and Building Custom-Built Cabinets and Furniture Furniture Repairing and Refinishing 1 4 miles north of Nyssa-Parma Junction QUICK RELIEF FROM Returns To States— Loren Calvert, United States navy, lias returned to the states from the Pacific area, where he has been on a nine-month cruise of China, Jap an and the Philippines. The youth, serving on the U. S. S. Dixie, hopes to attend a naval engineering school. He Is a son o f Mr. and Mrs B F. Calvert of Nyssa. WEST COAST FIR: Here From Boise— Mrs. Lillian Newby and Mrs. Tom Newby of Boise were in Nyssa vis iting friends and relatives. They were visitors at the home of Mrs. George Poulson. room and other specialized diagnos tic facilities. Mr Shiffer said the decision on Highway 95 Phone 0E3J1 accepting the government grant is entirely within the province of the community. He and Mr. Martin said 'W e are not here to sell you a bill of goods. W e are only here Sym ptom s of D istress Arising from to help you. I f you want the money for a chronic disease hospital it will be availaable." Mr Planagan said the hospital FreeBookTellsofHomeTreatmentthat construction is the best he has seen Must Hslp or it Will Cost You Nothing for the money. He lauded the work Over three million bottles of the W i l l a r d T r e a t m e n t have been sold for relief o f manship found in the building. The visiting officials were told symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess Acid — that the hospital association anti Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach cipates conducting a supplemental Gassiness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc to Excess Acid. Sold on 15 days' tri;<' financial campaign to raise an ad due Ask for “ W illa rd ’s Message” which fulij ditional $100,000 for the hospital. explains this treatment— free — at The officials expressed hope that NYSSA PHARMACY the directors will be successful in whatever undertaking they decide upon in connection with the hos pital project. . Has Hong Recorded— Mrs. Jesse Huffman is the com poser of a new *sdhg entitled “ A Millionalr Heart". With the assist ance of Mrs Steffens and Mrs. D. O. Bybee, six recordings of the song were made Friday. It has one verse and chorus and may be played either in waltz tempo or fox trot. Arrangements are being made to have the record played over a radio station soon. LOCATED AT THE CAIRO JUNCTION Here From California— Return To Nyssa— Returns To Idaho— Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bates of Riv Mrs. Louise M cO avem has re- ( Mrs. H. 8. Wetherell. who has turned to the home of her daughter, 1 visiting at the home of her erside, California are visiting at the Mrs. Joe Maughan, after visiting in . „ _ h„ . „turned home of M r and Mrs. Robert Thompson. Mrs. Bates is Mrs. Hot POCateU° and ^ home in d 1 A lent Thompson’s mother. Idaho. ? MIKE&IKE in comparison with most ARE SQUARING AWAY AT OUR STO R E other things you buy, you realize that COME IN AND SEE 'EM is one of today’s biggest bargains. TOBLERS FEED AND FUEL V .V .V .V . telephone service Malheur Home Telephone Co.